J! 1- r MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1822. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO loc-amiew's flulll I lUIMIIi.VH piiiy George V. Snyder v.cs a business 1 1 I St Ttiree Friendly Gentlemen TT TUHKISM j BURJLEY VnCOOA i visiter in Omaha today for a few .hour.-, locking alter Eorae matter3 of importance. ; Theodora Starkjohn was a business visitor ir. Chualia today going to that ciiy on the early Burlington train this morning. Mrs. W. J. Vallsry and daughter, ; of Ilnveiock, came down this morn- ItiS to Bcnd a few clays here as .the ! truest cf relatives and friends. ' Bert Philpot of Weeping Water ; was here today for a few hours look ! ir.g after some business matters and i v. siting wit "a his many friends. Miss Florence L-alser was a passen ' ?-,''r tin?-, morning tor Omaha where :.i wrs '..Tiled to cpsnd the day look . Ir.g after some matters of business, j i;har'.tj kiist, of v Bellevue, who I been here vkitinsr at the homes t.f William lleil and C. A. Gauer, in I t'i.il ir Croe'K neighborhood, re j turned this afternoon to his home. L. D. Hiatt, wife and daughter, motored up this morning from their ! heme at Murray, Mrs. Hiatt spend j ing the day here with Mrs. E. P. Lutz and Mr. Hiatt going on to Om- uln to spend a few hours. Mrs. A. J. Doerr and little son. Charles and Mrs. J. L. King o Beards-town, Illinois, wlio have been visiting Tiere at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cook, parents of Mrs. ! Doerr, returned this morning to their iic me. rn:ty Daily W. A. CIsghcrn of Louisville was 1 ere today tor a fev hours looking sfier come matters of business. FIFTEEN In a new package that, fits the pocket At a price that fits the pocket-book The same unmatched blend of Turkish, Virginia and Burley Tobaccos Earnest Horn came down this af lornoon from Omaha to spend a short time here looking after eorne matters tt business. Attorney V. L. Graves. W. C. Car raher and Mrs. Clara Davis of Union j vhere here today looking after gome J mr.tters in the county court. ! Victor Wallick of Weeping Water j v-Ts here yesterday afternoon for a I few hours looking after some mat ters of importance in the city. William Starkjohn was among hoe going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours there visiting v.ith friends and looking after some matters of business. Mrs. R. E. Foster and little daugh ter, Edith, of Union, are visiting here at the L. R. Larson home and will be joined this afternoon by Louise and Dorothy Foster for an over Sun cay visit. AnCy Schmnuer and wife drove o or this morning from their home zt Louisville to spend a few hours I. ere. with their relatives and friends. Andy is preparing to open up new training quarters at Louisville and T.'ill have them ready in a short time. Which means that if yoa don't lik 111' Cigarettes. you - cmn gets your, money mck from trie dealer. to FIFTH AVE NEW YORK CITY FOR SALE Four and six-eevenths acres. Sub. Jot nine (9) of original lot nine (9) In Porter Place addition to Platts mouth. Will take Ford or Dodge car as part payment. F. G. BOBBETT, Weeping Water, Neb. LUNGARDIA is "without a rival" in ordinary or deep-seated Coughs and Colds, difficult breathing, and for the relief of whooping cough. The wonderful results following Its use will astonish you and make you Its life-long friend. Your money back, if you have ever used Its equal. Danger lurks where there is a cough or cold. Safe for all ages. 60c and $1.20 per bottle. Manufactured by Lungardia Co., Dallas, Texas. For sale by Weyrich & Hadraba PLAY AT LOUISVILLE From Friday'" Dally. This afternoon the high school baseball team journeyed out to Lou isville where they engaged the team of the high school there in the open ing game of the season and one that showed the metal of the young fol lowers of the great national pastime. "Spug" Renner was scheduled to do ithe tossing for the locals while Al fred Calvert was to do the receiving of 'the game. BLACK RASPBERRY PLANTS We (have some line folack raspber ry plants on sale, $5.00 per hundred. H. C. LONG, al7-2sw Murray, Neb. FINE HORSE WAS CHOKED TO DEATH IN QUEER WAY Call at the Journal office for fine gift stationery, in both large and small boxes. argain Wednesday Roast Beef, per pound $ .11 Cracker-Jack Candy, package 05 Strip Bacon, per pound 20 Whole or Sliced Peaches and Apricots, per can . . .18 Coco Oil Soap, per bar 05 Bulk Cocoa, per pound 10 40c Jiffiecake Flour 25 Red River Early Ohio seed potatoes, per bushel, 1 75 Gallon Peaches 75 Gallon Apricots 90 Gallon Logan Berries 1 .00 Gallon Tomatoes 75 Gallon Pineapple 1.25 Gallon Blackberries . . . . 1 .00 Gallon Pumpkin .40 Gallon Tomatoe Catsup 1.10 Gallon Apples .90 !5-lbsSugar . ... ........... 1.00 Jersey Corn Flakes, per package 10 Bulk Cocoanut, per pound . . . i .... 40 Shelled Pop Corn, per pound y .05 On last Sunday the man who is working for George Mikel rode a fine brown mare belonging to the latter over to Perry Colbert's farm where he bad purchased a riding horse. He had made the trip and got the horse and was near the Emil Bornemeier farm, when the horse he had pur chased fell down. The rope that held this horse was In seine way tied around the nose of the brown mare and then to the sad dle horn. When the horse fell it seems the rope was drawn so tightly around the nose of the large horse that it's wind was shut off and be fore the rope could be untied the horse was dead. Thi3 is a queer and unfortunate accident and caused the loss of a very valuable horse. Those who saw the accident are at a loss to know how it all happened so quickly. Elmwood Leader-Echo. A Farmer Cured of Rheumatism 3afc f Bon "A man living on a farm naar here came in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I hand ed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and told him to use K free ly," gays C. P. Rayder, Patten Mills, N. Y. "A few days later he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying, "Give me another bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment; I want it in the house all the time for it cured me." Weyrich & Hadraba. CHANGE IN REAL ESTATE Everett Noble bas disposed of his residence property at the corner of Eleventh and Vine streets, to Hon. W. II. Newell and the property will be occupied by Robert Newell and family of Casper, Wyoming, who are returning here to make their home in the future. Mr. Noble is expecting to purchase a new home in a short time and get settled before the open ing of the summer. A. J. Livingston, living near Ash land City, Tennessee, says: "I feel liKc feOlng from house to house and telling the people about Tanlac." F. G. Fricko & Co. WILL PUT IN RADIO The Elks lodge here at their ses sion this week decided that the club house should be as modern and com plete as possible and accordingly they will have installed a fine up-to-the-minute radio receiving station so that the members of the lodge can enjoy hearing the messages that are flashed across space from one sec tion of the country to the other. Th radio 6tatioa will be found the source of a great deal of interest and filled with the utmost pleasure to the mem bers of the order. BECKER PLACE FOR SALE The John H. Becker residence on 10th and Pearl streets is offered for .-ale; also 160 acres of land seven miles west and one mile south of Plattsmouth. For particulars inquire of II. E. BECKER, li31 tfdaw Administrator. FOR SALE Six room modern cottage, three blocks from business; six room cot tage, city water, electric lights, tel ephone, eight blocks from business, and two fine residence lots. m28-3eod,3sw R. B. WINDHAM. 1 f" m 1 fife ltW5st J JUS Ipr It's lucky. we had Lee Puncture-proof tires" i "piCKTNG tip a noeseghoe fa taduchr where ordl-I- nary pneumatic tires are concerned. The same applies to nails, tacka spikes, pharp metal and splinters of stone or glass. But Lee Punctura-proof tires are different They carry our cash refund guarantee against pttnetutm. ' The air in the tire carries the load. Lee PuTJCtnre-oroofs hold the air. That's why Lee Puncture-proof pneumatics have grown in favor every day for the past ten years for passenger, business and delivery cars for trucks. We stand ready to prove that Left Puncture-proof tires will solve your tire-trouble problems. A ? f Tr.re lcvet a cf ccse- ' hardened gttl discs Idbflddsd tn oart rabfcer are , trail? Into every Lea ; Panctore-proof lire. 23, (LB. a: d. bakke Dealer PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA SECURES INCREASE IN PENSION Announcement has been received from Congressman C. F. Reavis that the pension department has acted favorably ,on the matter of an In crease in the pension of D.- N. An tony, ine of the old residents of this city who will now receive $72 per mo ruth. Tanlac can brins health to you as it has to thousands of others. F. G. Fricke & Co. Farm for Rent! My improved 100-acre farm, ad joining Plattsmouth Water Co. Pumping Station. Good -room house, large barn and granery. Cash or Grain Rent T. El. POLLOCK, Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb LUNSAR CHURCH EQUIPPED WITH PICTURE MACHINE The First Presbyterian church of Dunbar is carrying its message to the people in a practical way. A pro fessional motion picture equipment has recently been .added to the church's furniture and fixtures and pictures are shown in connection with Sunday evening service. Large crowds have been attending these picture services. It is about the first instance, it is claimed in rural Nebraska, that a church in southeastern Nebraska has taken this progressive view of the situation. Don't let that sour ftomacii tour your disposition' and make your life miserable, while Tanlac is ready to give you relief. Get it now. F. G. Fricke & Co. FOR SALE Poland China boars, September farrow, weight 250 pounds. R. W. PORTER, al0-tfw Weeping Water, Neb. ALFALFA EAt FOR SALE On farm twd miles east of Mur ray. T. II. Pollock, Plattsmouth. 2tw Blank Books at the Journal Office. Wall Paper PAINT Oil, Varnish, Window Glass, Windshield Glass! Picture Framing, &c. Painting and Paper Hanging at F. R. GQBELLIAfi'S -PAINT STORE "GET THE HABIT" Q EXTRAORDINARY Wectaescia -Value AT DRESS GINGHAMS Fast colors, neat, new patterns. Regular 25c values. For Bargain day only, special price -1 A per yard Unbleached Wednesday, toweling, ! yards for. Bargain .15 Fancy batistes, dandy patterns. or Ideal" for summer dresses. Yd. Ou Ladies' cotton hose, black brown, at, per pair and .19 Ladies' muslin gowns, hand em broidered. Special at .98 Ladies' oxfords. The famous Star brand. Black and brown. QC Latest styles at pDUU Two Unusual Values for Bargain Wednesday! Men's work s4iirtsv blue and 7C gray. Each 11 I O Men's overalls, best quality, on 1 AQ sale at lfx Cotton flannel gloves. A very -t v special price, per pair 1U Lion brand work shoes. Special o nr price for Bargain 4ay J )) Men's dress oxfords on sale at I nr the special low price of XVO Men's- rubber boots reduced, o QC Goodrich, first quality at 0UO NEW SPRING CAPS Men's and Boys' sizes. 50 dozen to choose from. Values to $2.50. Our special price for the one IQ day only ; Boys' Lion brand shoes. Sturdy o 4Q long wearing quality ttrxXj Blue Rose rice, 4 lbs. Bargain or Wednesday for Peaches, pears, apricots and pine- OQ apple. Heavy syrup pack, per can Iteu's crackers. We sell this well 1 p known brand at, per lb xi) Wilson and Carnation. brand milk o Tall size cans at, each Lit 0 Gallon apples and peaches, very good quality at, per gallon .69 Faong We Sell for Cash and Sell for Less! ir5s S0)epartinnieuiit FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor tore 0 n Phone 206 3 C 3 C Plattsmouth, Neb. DO 5 A i 1