THURSDAY. MARCH 30, 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL Murray Depa rtment Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and 8urrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers 1 1 my of th readers of tbe Journal knar of any aortal nt or Item of Interest in tfaU Ticinlty. and will mail lime to this ofiice, it will ap pear under this heading. w wajit all newa 1 tenon Editob MRS. BARBARA TAYLOR PASSES TO HER REWARD Here to Serve You! A bank is one of the elements of safety in a com munity as well as one which renders service to all of the members of the community. .We are glad to solve your problems when it is possible. Make this bank your office when in town. We are pleased to give you the best service possible. If you are puzzled about some financial proposi tion, come in and we will talk it over and endeavor to find a solution. orroy I Mq tad The Bank of Service MURRAY NEBRASKA after some business matters for the day. Jasper Queen has proved himself an artist of no mean character in the line of landscape gardner, when the beautified the grounds at the home of Mr. Font T. Wilson. Sir. C. N. Barrows and wife who hare been making their home at Milford for the past six months ar rived home last week and are making their home here for the present. Charles Kennedy who has been so ill at his home for some time is now making good progress towards recov ery and is feeling much better which is good news to his many friends. H. C. Long was a visitor in Platts mouth for every day during the week where he is looking after some business matters and also taking treatments from Dr. H. C. Leopold. A. H. Engelkemier has been hav ing a round with the mumps but while they were very inconvenient he has come out of the light victor, and is feeling ftratly well, thank Dies at Home at Union Wednesday Afternoon of Attack of Heart Trouble of Some Length.. Another of the old and well be- where they were called some time since on account of the serious ill- j Mrs. R. L. Johnson, who has been Jved pioneer residents of Cass coun troubled with dropsey and heart dis- !y nas1 bee? summoned to the great ease. Last Monday Mrs. Johnson beynd ad laid aside the trials and passed away at the age of some sev enty years, airs, jonnson leaves a sufferings of this earthly life for the glories of the life triumphant. Mrs. ,ckt,h nnrf fm iht ,-,n,i,D tn Barbara Taylor passing away Wed- mourn her departure. Mrs. Johnsen ! nesday afternoon af her home at lived in the neighborhood in which she died for over sixty years, being about seven j-ears of age when her parents moved there. Your Logs Sawed Take your native logs to the Shel don Manufacturing Company's saw piil and have them sawed in de men tions at $14.00 per thousand feet. Ladies Aid Will Meet The ladies aid of" the Christian church will meet at the home of Mrs. C. T. Leyda on Thursday, April 6, at which time they are expecting to tT; . . . . , i lo a good deal of work for their so- Messrs. Ray Schiappacasse and Al-' r. -ht, t bert Cotner of Plattsmouth repre senting the Lincoln Telegraph and Telephone company, were in Murray last Tuesday looking after some work on the lines. W alker Gilmore, who is attending I the state university medical depart ment arrived at home on Wednesday Will Give "Jitney' Supper Bring your nickles to the Petersen ' at the home of his parents for the hall on this coming Saturday eve- mug. it is Avi ii a. un it juaey sup per which will surprise you and af- or tnls week and will be the guest : remainder of the week. Frank Vallery was looking after Messrs. Morton Bartlett and Chas. some matters in Murray last Tues-j Green were looking after some bus! day. V. H. Puis was looking after some matters of business at the county .seat last Monday. Mrs. Asche was looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth last Monday afternoon. Joe and Frank Mrasek were look ing after some business matters in Omaha last Thursday. Frank Dill was shelling and deliv ering hi scorn at the D. J. Pitman elevator last Tuesday. E. P. Lutz was a visitor in Mur ray last Tuesday a guest with Mr. L. D. Hiatt for the day. J. W. Edmunds was looking after 'some business matters in PlattB mouth last Monday, afternoon. Messrs. L. K. Kniss and T. J. Brendel were looking after some bus iness matters in Omaha last Monday. Mrs. J. F. Bates of Rising City, ! who was visiting at the home of her parents at Lincoln came down for a visit of a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. F. Brendel and returned home last Tuesday afternoon. Julius Engelkemier who returned from the hospital at Omaha a short time since is progressing as well as under the circumstances it is looked for. He still has to remain in a dark ened room and is caring for his eyes as best he can. W. R. Young wa a visitor at Ash land last Tuesday where he was look ing after some matters of business,; and Mrs. Young accompanied the aaIaticI n o r- act T .nil i c vi 1 1 a vhflrfi I ness matters in Weeping Water last week. John Fitch and son, Eugene, from near Nehawka were looking after some business matters in Murraj Tuesday. Robert Good was a visitor in Om aha last Tuesdav takin ea load of s she visited for the day at the home Union. The deceased lady was one of the earliest settlers in Liberty precinct coming there when a child of some nine years of age in 1857 and has resided there almost continuously since that time. Barbara A. Lynn, daughter of Jo shua and Sarah Lynn, was born Au gust 24, 1849, in the state of Penn sylvania, and when a babe of one year, the parents removed to south ern Illinois, where they resided for five years, going from there to Fre mont Co. Ia., where they made their home until 1857 when the family came to Nebraska and settled in Cass county, near where the present town of Union is located. It was at the home in that portion of Cass county that Barbara Lynn was mar ried on October 23. 1864, to Henry F. Taylor. To .this union a large family came to bless the household, j nine of whom, Mrs. Emma Morton, Mrs. A. L. Becker. Mts. Mary Pell. Mrs. Minnie Banning, Mrs. Hattie Keedy. Miss Elsie Taylor, all of Un ion. Mrs. Luella Woodruff of Cali fornia. William L. and C. H. Taylor of Omaha, are left to mourn -the pass- terwards there will be games and ing of the kind and loving mother. : ning. The supper will begin serving ; preceded Mrs. Taylor in death. Mrs. at 5: 30 and will be continued until j Taylor was also a sister of John all have been served. Do not forget Lynn of Union ciety and the church. Mesdames Ley da, E. W. Milburn and Ben Dill will act as the hostesses for the occasion. Mrs. J. F. Brendel will be the leader in the excellent program which will be had. Spring Arrivals Here! We have our spring goods here and are ready for your demands. It is ever our aim to satisfy the trade, and in our purchases of new Spring Ginghams, we have endeavored to select the patterns and styles which the customers are desiring. In the Millinery line we also have made very choice selections and have a line of very fine ladies hats. In the line of gentlemen's head wear, we have a wonderful array to select from. Come and see us, we will endeavor to please you, and do not forget the excellent line of leather gloves as well. Wilson & Puis, The Service Store Murray, Nebraska the date and the hour and come to help the library for there will be an excellent time. - sheep and on his return bringing a load of barbed wire. Fred Campbell who haa been down with the grippe is reported as doing nicely now and hopes .soon to be en tirely over the trouble. M. G. Churchill has been build ing a hot bed with other of his in dustries in his efforts to supply Mur ray with .what the people want. of her brother Harry Hinton, and family. The board of directors cf the Far mers elevator company met at the elevator office last Tuesday and look ed after some o. the matters re garding the business and found the elevator had done an excellent bus iness thus far uncle- the efficient managment of A. Gansemer. Mrs. B. F. Brendel, Mr. and Mrs SilEts! Silk ISoso! Organdies! Hamming Bird hose, pure thread silk, extra foil length, 84 inch lisle top, donble heel and toe, lots of wear. Colors black and brown, pair $1.50 Ladies' tjutsize pure thread silk hose, elastic top, pair . 1.85 Iron Clad silk hose one of the season's best values, in a medium priced silk hose; brown or black, pair 95 36-in Heavy Taffeta, Corticello Silk Mill's finest quality, black, brown or navy, per yard 2.95 Silk Messaline, nice quality 36-in, highly lnstrons and a special value, all colors, per yard 1.75 Organdies for dresses and trimmings, imported and do mestic qualities; white and colors, yard 60 and .85 We Pay the Top Price for Produce! Fred Nutzman from south of Ne- J- fu ?r- a"u t,nwva ac a vicitnr in Mnrrav last ' Seybcldt were visiting at Avoca last Tuesday afternoon and was looking j Sunday being guests at a dinner del of that place in honor of the 42 anniversary of the birth of Dr. J. W. Brendel of Avoca and at which all enjoyed a most excellent time. Parr Young is having a very sub stantial hog house constructed which is in tbe most part being made from hollow tile and which is to be some 22 feet in width and 62 feet in length. Mr. J. A. Scotten is having the matter in charge of he building. The lumber company of Banning and Nickles is furnishing the materials. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel enter tained at a six o'clock dinner last Monday evening in honor of Mrs. J. V. Bates of Rising City, who was in Murray for the past few days the guest of her eister. Mrs. J. F. Bren del. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel and their son Richard were also guests at tha dinner at which all enjoyed a most pleasant evening. Marland. the twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoback of south of Nehawka was taken to the hospital at Omaha where he under went an operation for the removal of a mastoid process which had grown one side of his head. The op eration was one of much pain and delicacy but the young man is get ting along nicely since the operation. Dr. J. F. and Mrs. Brendel and their little son Richard, were visi tors at Lincoln last Sunday being called there by the illness of Mrs. Jamison, the mother of Mrs. Bren del. H'hom they found very sick but since has shown some improvement. Mr. J. -H. Hatcher and daughter. Laurene. accompanied them as far lias Havelock where they visited for the clay at the home at Mrs. Vera Saturday Specials! Make out your list of the things you need from our speci!" Saturday bargains. No matter if it is small or large it will re ceive good service, and co-operation in helping yon to save, in quality and price. 100-lb. sack pure granulated sngar $6.75 5-1 b. sack oatmeal -25 10-lb. best chick feed 35 4-lb. sack Gooch best pancake flour 35 2- lb. Iten's pure sugar cookies 35 3 cans No. sliced pineapple 1 00 2 packages fresh dates, large tize 25 3- lb. fancy blend Monarch coffee 1.00 Genuine Santos Peaberry, per lb, 25 Bulk macaroni, per lb - 10 Fancy, white dried apples, per lb .25 Seedless raisins, large clean stock, per lb 25 3 bars Palm Olive soap .25 3 bars Creme Oil toilet soap '. . . .25 20 bars Palm, Olive Co. Galvanic soap 1 CO Gallon cans solid pack loganberries 90 Gallon cans apricots 25 SPECIAL NOTICE Mrs. Gapen's Fresh Baked Bread and Cakes Wednesday and Saturday! L 1 Soennichscn & Oi Telephone No. 12. Murray, Nebraska. For Sale Single comb Rhode Island Red. large type dark red. $1.50 each. Call phono 1C. tf-w MRS. S. OLDHAM, Murray, Neb. Murrey Library Doing, Nicely Seme time since the Murray li brary association was organized and since that time the members of the The deceased lady has been in roor health since rast August and for the last week had been in very serious condition, due to heart trou ble and gradually sank gently to rest to awaken no more upon this earth. There have been no definite fun eral arrangements made as yet un til word is received from all cf the family but it is thought that it will be held Saturday. In the loss of the kind and loving mother the family wil have the sym pathy of a host of friends over Cass county and with whom the Journal joins in the condolences over the loss that has been visited on the family circle. GEEEN BUSS SERVICE . Our Green Bus leaves your town three times daily to Nebraska City and Omaha. If you want us to main tain thU service, patronize it. We will appreciate vour patronage. H P TRANSFER CO. FOR SALE OR TRADE Reo speed wuiron, see or telephone Rav G. McMaktn. tf-d If you wart good printing let nt j do your work. Best equipped job "shop in southeastern Nebrask Advertising is printed salesman ship generalized sufficiently to carry appeal to the varied class of readers. Does your ad come within these requirements? REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MURRAY STATE BANK of Murray, Nebr. Charter No. 578 in the Staff of Ne braska at the close of business March 2ith. 1922. organization have been working for. the best interests of the library as-1 RESOURCES sociation and the community of Loan. ami iiisi-uunts. i8.l9.2o which Murray is the center. They fVf1rafls 1,469.97 have given plays and suppers and .TiaimV inciidinK aii have realized a considerable of pro-i eovprtimmt bonds fit on this entertainment besides the Baniro? house, furniture and sale of the sale of the building which ' oSwi'.'tai;;" ami they have at "this time they owed interest paid about ninety dollars for the rent of Cash items the building w-hich they had been aVeanks'ls r.2.0s2.u u; iuk ana paia lor me ounaing sume checks and items $800. They have been whittling the of exchange ... j. . indettedness until at this time they lTTtn owe only $303. 40 on the 'building. sViver." nkkVts' "ami Here is appended a state of the re- cent ceipts and disbursements during the' fi , calendar year of 1921. The original , total, 7,5S1.10 4.S7S.00 1.775.42 :M7.61 r.t7k.7." l.OfMJ.OO 843.29 C1.S41.15 note .given at the time of the pur-1 LIABILITIES the interest there -was paid $300.00 simin fund s.'ooo.'oo and which now leaves at the first t-ndivided profits 2.960.89 of January $303.46. I InLdAia,o T'enuttii 1-1 11 RECEIPTS FROM ALL SOURCRs' xVeVueii 11M"i n Ballance Jan. 1. 1921 $328.00 deposit 126.29.T72 Sold 4 shares, at $5 20.00 . CaKiiJer'i. chec k . . . , 0 r- . I outstanding 2.SR6.22 40,S1.U. itec U rrom suppers 010. tt ,,. . vt;onl and State banks none Notes and bills redisi-ounted none Kills payable none 1 t th - i t rt-'2 erii ; r:i ntv fi!Til IHOTil 101.07 1 10.00, TOTAL S266.442.4i 25.17i lYJany Peploare Building! More are contemplat;ng building. Don't wait to long. Have us put in an estimate on the building -which you want done. We will be pleased to serve yon. PHONE 45 J. A. SQOTTEH, Contractor MURRAY NEBRASKA From Com. Club From fines Dep. at bank (by unknown) From bazaar Donated '. From Heme Guards 8.00 4.S9 9.10 State of Nebraska 1 $819.9'; Total DISBURSEMENTS Puis &. Gansemer 2.84 V.. H. Puis 5.20 Alfred Gansemer 10.50 W. E. Jen kii(s on note Hiatt & Tutt 2.4 6 IV. K. Jenkins, not Mar. 27 100.00 VT. E. Jenkins, note Apr. 20 100.00 Insurance on building 10.70 R. Kennedv for labor 6.00 Wiring building Mrs. W. Marsh, labor Librarian Apr. 27 County of Cass J ). ss. I, W. ltoi ilfkc r, I'resident of the above named bank do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copv of the report made to tOO 00 the State Bureau of Banking. . V. 1 W I. 1.. V I .1 1 I , Attest: I'resident. PRKI) L. NT'TZMAN. Iirector. LKOXA BOKDEKEli. 'Director. Give tbe Hens a Chance! Ktll the mites and other vermin. We have the solution. iCARBOLAg The Disinfectant, the White Wash and the Lice Killer. We would like to tell all about it ' Banning & InSickles, Murray, Nebraska 20.00 1.75 , 12.00 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Sth day of March. 1922. W. A. ROBKItTSON. (Stal) Notary Public. Librarian June 29 12.00 (My commission expires Aug. 10, 1S2T) j Wassin. Are Decorating the Church The Ladies Aid society of the Christian church are having both the interior and exterior of the edi fices refinished. The interior is be ing painted ""and varnished and the floor refinished which will make the church house a place of beauty and a most pleasant place in which to hold services. The outside will also be painted in pure whdte which will add much to the locality in which the house stands. Mr. Jesse Cham bers is 'doing the work. Fencing for Sale 120 rods of four foot woven wire fencing, also one iron pump. 25 feet of pipe. All in good condition. One mile east and one mile north of Mur ray. Guy Murray. m9-2w. Librarian Sept 1 5.00 Hiatt & Tutt 5.33 W. E. Jenkins on note 100.00 Librarian Dec. 15 9.00 Paid for books IS. 4 0 Bill at Drugstore 1-75 Bill at hardware store 5.65 .. LOCATED AT MURRAY 4. Total paid out $768.83 f Am't in bank. Jan. 1, 1922- 52.14 f Total $819.97 Call at the Journal ofiice for finely gift stationery, in both large and S. small boxes. . Specialist on Swine and Cattle Diseases DR. C. L. TAYLOR Veterinarian YilI receive calls at resi dence. Murray. Phone No. 50 We have a large 2-ton G. M. C. truck which is equipped for hauling Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Grain, Household Goods, and in fact anything that can be hauled by Truck. WE CAN HAUL IT Our prices are reasonable One trial viil prove it! CALL MURRAY PHONE JaeEs West MURRAY 0 NEBRASKA Ship Four Loads of Hogs Messrs. A. F. Boedeker and E. J. Boedeker shipped two car loads of. hogs to the South Omaha market J last Tuesday afternoon. Messrs. Geo. ; Shields and Geo. Edmisten shipped a car load -also, while another load' was made up by shipments of J. B. ! Seyboldt and son Wm. and Guy: stotes. Mrs. . L. Johnson Answers Call For some time Mrs. G. W. Mc cracken and little daughter, Eliza- i beth, have been at Orient, Iowa, We Are Needing the Money! When the times were close I trusted a number of my friends for supplies from the store. Since then the firm lias changed and the accounts should be settled. - Please call at the store of Wilson & Puis where I will be found with the books for settlement. r Do not neglect to settle these accounts as I want to close the books. FONT T. WILSON, MURRAY -:- -:- NEBRASKA Specials Next Week! We arc offering some very interesting prices on our farm machinery, household equipment and other things, which are needed in the home. Pressure of business prevented us from publishing a list of what we are offering at some very special rates. Watch this space in the next issue and see some prices which will be money savers to you all. Peterson Hardware Co. E. L. PETERSON, Manager MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA