The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    JOTMY, KA3CH 27, 32.
Silk Stockings that Wear!
"Humming Bird"
Regular Size and Outsize.
Running a knife-point, or a nail-file,
up the inside of a silk stocking does
not mean much for it is a trick.
Making hosiery that will stand up
under the friction of feet and shoes
in a continuous state of activity
that is no trick, but the result of a
serious study, a meticulous care and
a genuine sincerity.
One of the important reasons for
the success of Humming 'Bird Silk
Hosiery has been its ability to last .
long under the most strenuous conditions.
Every Pair
13. f,1. SQEUGHSEN,
Phone 53, 54 and 144
Plattsmouth, , , . . - , - Nebraska
Lincoln. March 24. The Tan
Hellenic university council, composed
of representatives of all Greek let
ter sororities, met today and protest
ed vehemently against a university
publication known as "The Shun."
published occasionally by Sigma 'Del
ta Chi. a college fraternity. Protests
against articles in the publication
were made recently in circulars is
Bray Man and Every Woman
should have a
'i ' ' : '
Iji UIHllltlH l'iTm rrrkTrwTtrrrwrrrwM- rtf ill liniiriiinnwrv
7Pe Invite
your 3 anking Business
It is next to IMPOSSIBLE to keep money in the
house and at the same time economize on your expenses.
When you put your money in our Bank, it is safe
safe from fire and burglars and from your own tempta
tions to lend or spend it foolishly.
We solicit the JOINT ACCOUNTS of husbands
and wives, also their separate accounts and the accounts
of children.
We will Welcome you.
Farmers State Bank
sued by Chi Delta Phi. literary so-t
rority; Thcta Sigma Phi, journalis
tic society, and the Valkyries.
At the meeting today "The Shun"
was branded as more offensive than
the Cornhusker published last year,
which caused temporary suspension
of certain students. Such publica
tions. It was declared, heap unmerit
ed criticism on the university.
We believe in Tanlac and so will
you if you try it. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Banlt Account
Four More than the Necessary Two
Thirds Majority Stubborn
Fight by Irreconcilables.
Washington, March 24. The four
power Facific treaty, the center of
controversy over the accomplish
ments of the Washington arms con
ference, was ratified by the senate
today with no reservation except the
"no alliance" proposal proposed by
the senate foreign relations commit
tee and accepted by President Hard
ing. The vote of 67 to. 27, represent
ing a margin of four over the neces
sary two-thirds, was recorded after
the opponents of ratification had
made more than twenty unsuccessful
attempts to qualify senate action by
reservations or amendments distaste
ful to the administration. On the
deciding roll call fourteen democrats
voted for the treaty and only four
republicans opposed.
Dying hard, the irreconcilable ele
ment which had opposed the treaty
on the ground that it establishes al
liance between the United States. Ja
pan, France and Great Britain, forc
ed thirty-three roll calls during o
four and a half hour session set aside
for final action on the resolution ol
the ratification.
Best Showing on Reservation
They made their best showing od
a proposed reservation to invite out
side powers into "Pacific conference'
affecting their interests, mustering
3 6 votes for the proposal. The com
mittee proposal was accepted by a
vote of 90 to 2. two attempts to mod
ify it failing by overwhelming ma
It declares that the ."United State
understands that under the statement
In the preamble or under the terms
of the treaty, there is no commitment
to armed force, no alliance, no obli
gation to join in any defense."
Although debate was prohibited
during the day's session, under f
unanimous consent agreement, the
treaty opponents raised a point ol
order in regard to the three declara
tions accompanying the treaty, but
not a part of it: and laid the bash
for continuing their assault tomor
row, when the supplemental treat
defining the score of the four-powei
pact comes up for consideration.
It is the hope of the administra
tion leaders, however.' that .the sup
plemental treaty may be ratified, an
all that pertains to the four-powei
treaty are called from the senate cal
endar before tomorrow night.
The ranks of the teams In the new
state league are being rapidly fillet
up and among the players that Man
ager O. A. "Buck" Beltzer of tht
Lincoln team has secured Is Edwarc
Gradoville of this city as one of the
catchers who will assist in whippinj
the team Into shape for the season
Ed has been one of the best young
catchers in the state the -past two
seasons and ca nbe depended upor
to give the Lincoln club the best tha'
he has. In addition to his fielding
work he Is a steady and reliable
stick wlelder. Last year he was with
the Weeping Water team, one of the
fast teams of this part of the state.
The friends in this city of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Frampton of Lincoln,
will be pleased to learn that their
daughter. Miss Eleanor Frampton,
has arrived at San Francisco after a
stay of a number of months In the
Hawaiian Islands. Miss Framptor
has been at Honolulu where she has
been doing studio work in eccentric
dancing and previous to that was
with the Annette Kellerman com
pany on their tour as an eccentric
dancer. She will remain at San Fran
cisco for some time.
Found a Cure for Indigestion.
"I use Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets for indigestion and find
they suit my case better than any
dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried,
and I have used many different medi
cines. I am nearly fifty-one years of
age and have suffered a great deal
from indigestion. I can eat almo'st
anything I want to, now," writes
George W. Emory, Rock Mills. Ala
These tablets contain no pepsin, but
strengthen the stomach and enable
it to digest the food naturally. Wey
rich & Hadraba.
Our B. B. B. Bartling'a Best Brand
Lawn Seed, a mixture of several
grasses best suited for making a nice
lawn, 60c per pound, parcel post
paid by us. Edward Bartling Seed
Co., Nebraska City, Neb.
For Sale. Pure barred Rock eggs,
F. G. Hull, Plattsmouth.
You get your money's worth when
you buy Tanlac, because It produces
results. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The announcement, has been re
ceived here of the birth of a daugh
ter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stratton
who are at present at the home of
Mrs. Strattoa's mother. Mrs. J. R.
VaUery. Mr. Btratton vu foirxuwly
Mis QorU ValUry.
From Saturday's Dally.
This morning Mrs. John Uing
ham, w,ho has been at Henley. .'o..
for rouie time taking medical treat
ment, was brought back to this :ity
and is now in very serious condition
at the home here and the illness of
the patient gives but little hope of
her recovery. Mrs. Bingham has been
in failing health for some time and
her condition has gradually grown
worse until she suffered the loss of
the use of her limbs and was forced
to be carried to end from the train
to make the journey back home. She
is being cared for by her daughter,
Mrs. F. P. Busch, and all that is pos
sible to give her relief offered, but
the serious nature of her illness
makes her recovery one of the grav
est doubt.
Sheldon Manufacturing Co. at Ne
hawka Covers Large Territory
Selling Its Mixers.
Sure business is better, and still
on the improve, which is pleasing
news to all people in Nehawka as
well as elsewhere. The Sheldon Man
ufacturing Co., which is a very
thriving institution of that lively
village has cause to feel the new
impulse of the returning prosperity
:n the fact that during two days last
week equivalent to three car loads
f concrete mixers were disposed of.
Over long distant telephone last
Thursday evening a car load of the
mixers were sold to a firm In Balti
more, Md., for immediate shipment
md which were gotten out before
the close of the week. Also ninety
nixers were sold to the Dietz Lum
Ser Co., they being for shipment to
vheir branch offices and lumber yards
'hroughout the country. Besides this
here were fifty sold to an Atchison
'irm. and many other smaller orders
vhich went to many parts of the
ountry. Many orders are reaching
".he firm from Detroit and New York
which is augmenting the business
ind this is one thing which is mak
ng the company feel that business
's improving.
rom Saturdays Dally.
Last evening B. A. McElwain, the
Jeweler, returned home from a stay
-t several weeks at the Mayo hospi
al in Rochester, Minnesota, and the
nany friends of Bert will be pleased
'o know that he has derived a great
leal of benefit from hia treatment
md operation "at the hospital an J
is now on the highway to complete
-e&toration to his former good health.
The friends here have been very
much worried 'as to the outcome, of
'he case of Mr. McElwain and cer
tainly, are delfghted with the splen
iid result secured from the hands
of the specialists at Rochester.
In the office of the district clerk
in action entitled Archis Tarpenning
s. Olaf Olson has been filed in
vhich the plaintiff asks judgment in
he sum of $2.1S5.00 alleged to be
lue as a part of a fee for sale of
-eal estate of the defendant.
The public sale of pure bred Short
lorn and Polled Short Horn cattle
dvertised by Clarence Erhart and
)avid Tighe foT April 19, lias been
hanged to April 20. The offerings
onsist of 11 bulls and 37 females,
ome with calves at foot. Catalogs
low ready. m27, a3, 10, 13
I have a good team well broken
mules, four and six years old. for
ale. Call phone 2704. m27-4d.4sw
Henry A. Guthmann. the Murdock
banker, was an over night visitor
lere ut the home of his mother, .Mrs.
F. R. Guthmann. departing this
noming for Omaha to spend the
Home Proof,; Here, There and
When you see Doan's Kidney Pills
ecommended in this paper, you most
alwavs find the recommender a
Plattsmouth resident. It's the same
verywhere in 3.S00 towns in tne
r Fiftv thousand neoDle pub
licly thank Doan's. What other kid
ney remedy can give tnis prcoi oi
merit, honestv and truth? Home
testimony must be true or it could
not be published here. Read this
Plattsmouth recommenaaiion. iutu
insist on having Doan's. You will
know what you are getting:
Mrs. Charles Mason, a is iniru
treet. says: "I have had quite a dii
experience with Doan s lviuney
Pills. I used to have attacks when
y back so lame and weaK
hnthereri ma a ereat deal to be
around on my feet. My kidneys were
disordered at times, and I felt miser
able and had no ambition. A member
of my family who had usea uoans
lKdney Pills with gooa resuiu aa
vised me to try them which I did
with the best of results. In a short
time I felt like a different man. I
get Doan's at Fricke's drug store
and use them occasionally when I
get tired in my back and they always
quickly relieve me."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mn. Mason had. Fttftw-Mirtrarn-Co.,
Mfr., Buffalo, N. Y.
John C. Brittain Decides to Enter
Race By Petition and Secures
Large List of Signers.
Councilman John C. Brittain, who
was defeated at the Citizens' con
vention Wednesday evening by A. R.
Johnson, for the nomination for
councilman in the fourth ward, is to
make the race for that office by pe
tition. Mr. Brittain's friends have se
cured a large petition asking that
his name foe placed on the ballot and
will accordingly make the race. Dur
ing his term in the office Mr. Brit
tain has Ferved as chairman of the
cemetery committee and his work in
that line has been given a great deal
of praise from the citizens of the city
at large and this has been one of
the reasons that his friends have
been so urgent of his being a-candidate.
Mr. Johnson, the nominee of
the Citizens' ticket, is well known
and very popular and the race over
in the old fourth ward Is going to
be the one interesting spot in the
campaign it would appear, and what
ever way it goes the city at large
is assured of a good man on the job.
In the fifth ward another contest
is anticipated as L. E. Vroman is
being urged by his friends to enter
the race against Councilman John
W. Mauer, who was renominated at
the convention, and as both of these
gentlemen have served in the coun
cil the people of their ward will be
sure of having an experienced rep
resentative in the city lawmaking
Providence. R. I., March 24. It is
unlikely that there will be any ser
ious shortage of coal resulting from
the threatening coal strike. J. D.
Marrow, vice president of the nation
al coal association, declared here to
night in a speech before an employ
ers' association banquet.
Non-union production, the possi
bility of production resuming within
sixty days after the strike in at least
a part of the union fields and existing
accumulation of stocks, he considered
would assure an adequate supply.
Explaining that he could not speak
for the national coal association, Mr.
Morrow, nevertheless said the condi
tion of the industry "required a great
and necessary readjustment" to wh
and necessary adjustment" to
which the strike was an inescapable
"accompanying convulsion." He said
it would only be "hindered by the
intervention of the government."
Last Monday evening the friends
and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Switzer who have just moved into
Xehawka, were surprised by some
thirty of their friends and neighbors
who came to the Switzer home and
made the "Welkin Ring" for the eve
ning with their welcome to 4he new
ly made citizens of Nehawka. The
friends had provided a fast as well
as coming bent of fun and the fun
was started first and after having
had a merry timo for a few hours
and at just the psychological mo
ment brought in the eats which add
ed much to the most pleasant eve
ning which they were making for the
Switzers. Those present and to wel
come this new family of Xehawka
and to assist in the merry time were
Messrs. and Mead am es J. W. Thom
as, Jofhua Sutphan. D. C. West, Wal
ter Wmiderlich. Delbert S. Switzer,
S. J. Rough. J. M. Palmer. Henry
Schumaker. V. P. Sheldon, Chalmer
Switzer. H. II. Stoll and daughter,
Mis3 Edna; Aluertine Ost, J. M.
Stone. Mrs. Humphrey, a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Sutphan. and two children
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wunderlich.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin W. Ellis, of
Charles City. Iowa, are visitors in
the city for several days, and are
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. F. Patterson, the families having
been warm friends for a number of
years. It was at the Ellis home that
Sirs. aPtterson and sons spent sever
al weeks last summer. Mr. Ellis is
one of the leading bankers of Charles
City, and is alo interested in the
manufacture of the Hart-Parr trac
tor of that city.
Memphis, Tenn., March 24. The
Mississippi river passed the 40-foot
mark here late today, its rise being
at the rate of almost a foot a day.
Wcter is reported over some of
the Yazoo and Mississippi valley
railroad tracks at Lake View, Miss.,
while the Ohio river still is rising
at Paducah.
C. C. Spangler, who has Just re
cently returned to Cass county from
Nelson, Nebraska, was in the city to
da'y and had his. Journal changed to
his new address at Mynard.
George Small of Union one of the
heavy tractor grader bosses, was
here yesterday afternoon looking af
ter some road work.
P. A. Horn was a visitor In Om
aha today with his wife who is at
the St. Joseph hosptal taking treat
ment. There is not a single portion of
the body that Is not benefitted by
the helpful action of Tanlac. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Pasfura for Rent!
I have good pasture with run
ning water for a few head of cat-
tle on my my farm, two miles east
of Murray.
'FlioneNo. 1 v Plattsmouth, Neb.
In , v l
8 JmmiMm! l
Healthful Sport for Boys and Girls
Roller skating makes sturdy children- It's safe,
healthful exercise wonderful sport.
For smooth, fast, ea3y rolling, select Winchester
Roller Skates. Strongly made of special steel light
weight and durable. Ball bearings run smoothly.
Quickly and easily adjusted to tin; shoes and securely
Roller skating time is here. Let your children en
joy themselves on Winchester Roller Skates this spring.
We have a full line of boys' and girls' roller skates
also roller skates for men and women.
Bestor &
Decision Reached to Have no Satur
day or Sunday Work Hereafter
3,000 New lien Hired.
Detroit, Mich.. March 24. Adop
tion of the forty-hour week as a
permanent policy in all plants of the
Ford Motor company was announced
tonight by Edsel B. Ford, president
of the company. Under the new plan
the factories will be closed on Satur
day and Sunday and about 3,000 men
will be added to the force. The change
will affect approximately 50,000 em
ployes, who will receive the minimum
$6 a day wage, but will work five
eight-hour days weekly.
New employes, however, will re
ceive a minimum of $5 daily, the pre
war scale.
In making the announcement, Mr.
Ford said he had reached the conclu
sion the forty-hour week was practi
cal and that the additional day of
rest would prove a great benefit to
the workers and that the production
schedules of the Ford industries could
be so arranged as to maintain the
present output on the curtailed work
ing week. The action was in line
with the company's desire to afford
its workers with every opportunity
to develop their home life and profit
by stead v work with ample leisure,
as well as to provide work for more
of the citv's unemDloved. Mr. Ford
"Every man." Mr. Ford's announ
cement said, "needs more than one
lay a week for ret and recreation.
The Ford company always has sought
to promote ideal home life for its em -
ployes. -We believe that in order to
live properly every man should have
more time to rpend with his family;
more time for self-improvement;
more time for building up the place
called home."
The large flouring mill of Heisel
& Son, located on Elm street, is be
ing repainted on the exterior by
Herb Cotton who is not only "built
for paperhanging," but painting as
well and for the first time in nine-
fAAn to T V tt ? 1 1 orrtiir lira tit 111
C c n ? v a i .7 i ii v, mill Oil UVllli C TT ill . . m ... .
feel the touch of the artistic paint ! Tbe stfte of ing3 In Germany, as
brush. Mr. Cotton Is being assisted aPP"8 to an observer, is shown in
in the work bv Ray Jarvis. and the letter received from his wife in
work of reaching the high section faxony by L. Sanger, gloye manufac
of the building Is being done by use urer Glovers ville. N. ., In Oma
of a swinging stage on which the a rGslday. Mrs. Sanger Is visit
painters play their trade as uncon- !ng 'n Germany. In her letter to him
cernedlv as though on the solid . 13 .1S Paragraph.
earth. The building is a large struc-! factories are all running to ca
ture and the Job requires a great vteil' and, U 13 impossible to fill
deal of material as well as labor. The ?" the order8- Father does not
tuilding will be completed in a warm ra. , an ore. his customers come
grav with trimmings of olive and to bi' And 11 ls so wIth almost ev
will make a neat and attractive ap- ery other manufacturer. Those wno
pearance when completed. 'are ?ad off are the officials, the small
employes and the renter. "Everybody
else seems to have money. Prices are
SUFFERING FROM PNEUMONIA soaring. Now eggs are coming in
(again at 5 marks apiece. No decent
Mrs. Mable C. Miller, who has suit any more under 4.000 to 5,000
been in charge of the millinery de- marks. Figure the income a German
partment of the Ladies Toggery, is must have to keep Btep. Nobody
confined to her apartments at the knows where it is going to end. Fath
Ilotel Wagner with a severe case of er says It will be like Austria In a
pneumonia and her condition is re- short while." World-Herald.
garded as quite serious and her
daughter, Mi?s Ma"bl Allen of New
York, has !been called to her bedside
and is expected nere tomorrow. A
trained nurse has been called from
Omaha and will assist In the care of
Mrs. Miller.
Used Fords!
I have a few good used Ford
Touring Cars and Roadsters. Also
two Ford Trucks. See me for
some good bargains.
PTione No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb.
Senator Smoot Announces He Will
Oppose Measure as Passed By
House Wants Sales Tax.
Washington. March 24. The sol
diers bonus bill will be pressed in
the senate as soon as the senate fi
nance committee reports -the tariff
bill, according to plans announced
by Senator McCumber of North Da
kota, chairman of the committee.
That there will be a considerable
difference of opinion among mem
bers of the finance committee on the
bonus was indicated v-hen Senator
Smoot of Utah, one of the republican
members of the committee, declared
that he will not approve the bill as
passed by the house. He said that
he will urge that a financing provi
sion be added, preferably a sales tax.
The bill, as passed by - the house
yesterday, was formally referred to
the finance committee by the senate.
The committee expects to finish
work on the tariff bill, by the end of
next wek and will take up the bo
nus measure immediately.
"We cannot do anything until we
get through with the tariff," said
Senator McCumber. "As soon as the
1 tariff is reported to the senate, the
committee will give consideration to
soiuiers- compensation legislation.
Members of the, .finance . committee
will want -to confer 'with the presi
dent on the bill;"
Hanford McNider. national com-
1 mander of the American Legion, is-
; suea a statement expressing approv-
al of the house bill.
"The overwhelming majority giv
en the adjusted compensation bill in
the house yesterday shows that the
representatives, close to the hearts of
the people, Tealize the Justice of the
measure, and in spite of highly or
ganized propaganda in opposition,
know the great mass of Americans
want this debt to the veterans paid,
and want it paid now," said Mr. Mac
Wall Paper
Oil, Varnish, Window
Glass. Windshield Glass!
Picture Framing, &c.
Painting and Piper Hanging at