The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1922.
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Ed Miller was a Lincoln visitor on
Miss Opal Cook is home from Lin
coln spending a few weeks.
MLss Golda Bird came home from
Lincoln Wednesday on No. 6.
Joe Bird and I. D. Wills were in
Lincoln on business Wednesday.
Dorn, to Mr. and Mrs. S.K. John
son, March 22, 1922, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coppte were
Lincoln visitors Thursday evening.
faster Everett Toland is prepared
to shine shoes at the Nicholson bar
ber shop.
The Home Missionary society met
with' Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove Wednes
day afternoon.
A party of friends gathered at
the Elmer Klyver home Monday to
celebrate his birthday.
Oscar Young, of Tennessee, is vis
iting his brother, Frank Young and
sister. Mrs. Kay Chaplin and family.
Fred Prouty returned home Wed
nesday evening from jury duty at
Plattsmouth the past week or ten
C. Nicholson, of Omaha, has pur
chased the barber shop from the Mil
ler Bros, and took possession last
Mrs. Hamilton from Central City
is visiting her brothers, Elmer and
Arthur Klvver and their father Peter
Dinner guests Thursday at the
John Sutton home were Mrs. Fred
Prouty, Miss Mable Hunt and Claude
A number of farmers south of
Eagle shipped a mixed car of stock
to the South Omaha markets Tuesday
from this place.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton and
their undo, James Reed, of Illinois,
were guests at the F. M. Prouty home
Sunday afternoon.
James Reed, v. ho has been visiting
his niece. Mrs. John Sutton, the past
week, returned to his home in Illi
nois Friday morning.
Schoolmates of Miss Marie Miller
gave her a party at her home Thurs
day evening. Her teacher, Miss Pear
sal was among the guests.
Claude Campbell left Friday even
ing for his home near Rokeley, af
ter spending the past ten days with
"his aunt, Mrs. F. M.' Prouty.
JiuM Weaver and John Timni, of
South Bend and Mrs. Towle and son1
of Douglas, called at the J. A. Shaffer
home Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. George Brown was a passen
ger for Lincoln Saturday evening to
attend Electa Chapter of Eastern Star!
lodge, Mrs. Clyde Boyles being initi-j
Field and Garden Seeds!
We are-prepared to furnish you with the best of Field
and Garden Seeds, for all your needs'. All kinds of Garden
Seeds, fresh and true to name. Union Sets also. Field Seeds,
Clover, Alfalfa and all Grasses.
Wc have Garden Tools, for any and all uses, as well as
Farm Machinery, at popular prices, which means a good sav
ing to you.
Coatman Hardware Co.,
A'EW McCaU Patterns
Mothers Find Kiddies' Clothes
So Easy to Make the
New McCall Way
Fast growing kiddies used to keep mother's needle
busy most of the time until a quicker way of sewing
came into practice, the "printed" pattern way.
Now with the New McCall Pattern "it's printed,"
Gingham Rompers, Chambray Dresses, children's tail
ored little Coats can be made in a jiffy. Directions for
cutting are printed on the pattern,' itself. "Printed"
gives accurate measurement to a pattern so that a gar
ment can be made quickly in the right way.
For Quicker Sewing the New "Printed" Pattern
pjattemoutb, Nebraska
Jated that evening.
Barred Rock eggs for sale, 7oc for
is. $4 50 ner hundred. Mrs. win
l Alvo. Neb.
Dr. L. Muir, wife and daughter,
Marguerite and Mr. and Mrs. George
furvpa nntoed to Lincoln Thursday
evening to attend the Fashion show
and visit briefly with relatives.
ni nvan. nf Oreenwood.' was
illniif-r euest Wednesday at the Fred
Prouty home, and in the afternoon
Mrs. Prouty accompanied him to
Greenwood to visit her mother, Mrs.
A. Hurlbut, who is not very well.
J. A. Shaffer received word Thurs
day that his brother-in-law. Dr. M.
v riark. of Sutton. Nebraska, had
passed away early Wednesday niorn
iner. havintr had pneumonia. Dr.
Clark has been a physician in Sutton
since 1S73 and had reached a ripe
old age.
A nartv of friends numbering fifty
entertained the Miller family Wed
nesday evenine at a farewell party
given at the Dinty Moore hall. Hav
ing sold their barber snop. tney
will leave in .the near future for their
fnrmpr home in Michigan. Their
many friends here wish them success.
Eggs for Sale
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for
hatching, 4c per egg: Mrs. William
Mickle, Alvo, Neb. m20-4W
Couple Wanted for Farm Work
Wanted to hire at once, by the
year, young married coupje to work
for widower on farm. Two sons, aged
eight years and four years to be
cared for.
ni2Q-?w. Alvo, Nebr.
From Thursday's Daily.
Mr. Alexander McLaren Prest, of
the American Cone and Wafer com
pany, of Dayton, Ohio, was in town
yesterday conferring with the L. C.
Sharp Manufacturing company re
garding the shipment of eight of
their automatic ice cream cone ma
chines to Dayton. The American
Cone and Wafer company is tjie larg
est ice cream cone making company
in the IT. S.
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for
hatching. $3 per 100. Phone 2221.
m22-Gd,2sw. . . Mynard, Nebr.
From Thursday's Dally.
Mont Robb of Union was here to
day for a few hours having some
dental work looked after.
Oscar Zaar of South Bend was
here today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business.
Mrs. George A. Kaffenberger re
turned yesterday afternoon to her
home at Lincoln after a short visit
here with relatives and friends.
Kred Muenchau of Rlmwood was
here, today for a few hours to look J
after some matters at the office of
the county superintendent of schools.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler of
Lincoln were here for a few hours
today and while in the city were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Bates.
Mrs. John P. Hirz was among
those going to Omaha this morning
to spend the day in that city visit
ing with her son, Fred Hirz, at the
Immanuel hospital.
D. B. Porter of Union was here
yesterday for a few hours looking af
ter some matters of business and
while here was a caller at the Jour
nal office for a short business visit.
H. A. Schneider and wife, Rev. H.
G. McClusky and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Farley were visitors in
Cedar Creek today, where thev at
tended the funeral of the lute Dr. J.
B. Duff.
Mrs. Frank Downey of Lincoln
passed through this city today en
route for Davenport, Iowa, where
she was called by the illness of her
little nephew, som of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Bell of that city. Mrs. Bell was
formerly Miss Margaret Wohlfarth
of this city.
From Friday's Daily.
"William Ash and son, Humphrey
of Weenine Water were hp inr
for a few hours attending to some
matters at the court house.
Lee Kniss pf Murray was here for
a few hour today looking after
some business- and enroute to Oma
ha to visit for a few hours.
GOOD clothes are always good economy. One-good
suit will give you more wear and satisfaction than twp
that are just so-so.
Society Brand Clothes are for the man who buys
carefully. Their style is tailored in. There are no better
fabrics. Spring styles are splendid values at 1922 prices.
Eo Wescott s Sons
C. F. Chase, formerly with the
Sheldon Mfg. Co. of Nehawka, was
here for a short time today looking
after some matters of business.
; William Huffer and wife of Mon
r'te. Nebraska, who have been here
at the home of A. L. Huffer and fam
ily, departed this morning for their
George A. Kaffenberger was a
passenger this afternoon for Omaha
to spend a few hours there visiting
with friends an dlooking after some
matters of business.
""Louis Kirschenblatt. who has been
spending several mouths in the south
at Mobile, Ala., returned home Wed
nesday for a visit here with home
folksfor a time at least.
C D. Robinson of Red Cloud, Ne
braska, who is seeking tne nomina
tion for state treasurer on the re
publican ticket, was here for a short
time yesterday and today looking
ever the political situation.
The Pneumonia Month
March is a typical pneumonia
month and usually gives a high rate
of mortality for the disease. After a
long and hard winter, the system
loses much of its resistance and peo
ple grow careless. When every cold,
no matter how slight, is given
prompt and intelligent attention,
there is much less danger of pneu
monia. It should be borne in mind
that pneumonia i3 a germ disease and
breeds in the throat. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is an expectorant and
cleans out the germ ladened mucus
and not only cures a cold but pre
vents its resulting in pneumonia. It
is pleasant to take. Children take
it willingly. Weyrich & Hadraba.
For. hatching, eggs call phone No.
270-W. Mrs. C. E. Cook. daw-a5
From high scoring Barred Rocks
showing good egg capacity.
m21-6d, 4sw Phone 3421.
m w. If "If
Wffl&i- - Mm m &
Yon Mi
By order of the court the under
signed was appointed receiver of the
E. G. Dovey & Son store. Parties
owing the above firm are requested
to settle their accounts immediately.
lmod&w Receiver.
S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for
hatching, $5.00 per hundred. Mrs.
Guy Wiles, Murray. lmo-d&w
.i,., i ,Alm ....
-f. OB '
Excellent Remedy for Constipation.
It would be hard to rind a better
remedy for constipation than Cham
berlain's Tablets. They are easy to
take and mild and gentje In effect.
Give jthem a trial when you have
need. Weyrich & Hadraba.
If you have anything to sell, or
want to buy, don't overlook a want
ad in the Daily Journal. ' " '
Comfortable Styles
this Spring! '
The tendency toward easier fitting clothes is notic
able in the New Spring Models we are now showing.
Clothes you'll feel at home in as soon as you put
them on. Smart appearance and faultless fit are
just as much in evidence as always.
Nobby Herringbone, Talkative Tweeds,
Silent Stripe, Individual Chech;
Neat High Batting Worsteds
from the houses of
Priced "as you like it"
'. $25 to $50
- . s
Just received some fresh, new boy's suits, with
two pairs of trouser's. See 'em! '
Thorobred poultry hatching eggs
for sale. Silver Laced Wyandottes,
Tarbox strain; S. C. Orpingtons,
Owen Fashion Plate; S. C. White
Leghorns, Kerlin quality; Broad
view Single Comb, R. I. Reds.
S2.Q0 for 1$ eggs, postage paij.
Call phone 19 7-J or adress
" J. W. MAUER,
JP2.0-? P. 0. Box