The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 23, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
That is Our Business!
Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to
do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies
also standard and always the best. We are here to
succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of
service in every instance.
The Auto Man
Union, Neb.
Mr. M. McQuinn was a visitor j R. E. Hastings of Geneva was a
with fri-nds in Omaha last Thurs-: brief visitor in Union last Friday at
day. J tlie home cf his cousin, Mrs. Daniel
Mrs. K. w. Keeay visuea wun Lynn
her work at the Seiota school.
Some of his friends in Union are
expressing the wi;;h that C. L. Beal
cf Plutt-smouth would file for the
position of co'mty- treasurer on the
republican ticket and some thought
toward circulating a petition to that
Iast Saturday there were from
the Union schools a number who
were in attendance at the spelling
content at the county seat and among
theia were Miss Jane Hollistir,
teacher; Miirie Leach, Madge Chen
ey, Ruth ISrandt, Sarah Upton.
Thomas Moore has been visiting
in the neighborhood for the pa?t few
days a guet at the home of Charles
Moore southeast of town, and aho
with his old time friends here. Af
ter having completed his visit here
he will go to Misouri for a visit with
a brother who resides there.
relatives and friends in Omaha last
Sylvester L. Cotner was calling on
a very dear friend in Union last
A. W. Propst and Ralph Davis
were attending the auto show at
Omaha last Friday.
H. W. Griffin of Xehawka was
looking after some business matters
in Union last Monday.
Mrs. B. D. Porter and son, Clyde,
were visiting with friends in Ne
braska City last Friday.
Miss Alice Todd was a visitor at
home for over Sunday returning to
her work Monday morning.
Frank H. Resnick was over from
Xehawka and was looking after some
business in the real estate line.
Jesse Li. Pell who ha3 been sick at
his home for some time is reported
as being some better at this time.
Attorney C. L. Graves was called
to Plattsroouth last Saturday where
he had some legal matters to look
Specializing in Deep
Seated Diseases
All serums, animal extract"
and lymphs used where in
dicated. Telephone No. 31
Opposite Farmers Store
Poland -Chinas!
25 Boars, 25 Gilts. Last winter's
farrowing, ready for service. Large
Type Poland China can have pa
pers on then for $25 per individual.
Phone 5911
G. S.
Frank Owens who has made such
an efficient night watchman, is also
employed during the day time as
Mr. W. L. Hoback and two daugh
ters. Misses Hattie and Le'ia. were
attending the auto show in Omaha
last Thursday.
Mi.-s Mary Foster was a visitor
with her parents in Union last Sun
day and returned to her school at
Omaha Sunday evening.
D. M. Lynde who has been on the
sick list for the past week, is able
to be out again and it is hoped he
will soon be well again.
Mrs. Lillian Sheffield who lias
been making her home in Platts
roouth for some time, is again mak
ing her home in Union.
Ray Galloway was a visitor in
Murray last Monday afternoon where
he was looking after some business
matters for the afternoon.
Joseph Fetzer of Plittsmouth was
a visitor in Union for over Sunday
being a guest at the home of his
daughter. Mrs. J. M. Patterson.
Earl Merritt is papering at the
heme of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hansen
and is adding much to the decora
tions of this already beautiful home.
Little Marjorie Hoback has heen
having considerable trouble with
her teeth, which have. been aching
of late but is getting along better
J now.
J Mrs. Mont Robb who has been
T sick at her home in Union for th3
V!pst week is reported as being much
jf ' better and it is anticipated she will
P soon he well again.
Uncle Billy -Baker of Nebraska
Y i City arrived in Union last Monday
Vi morning and has heen visiting at
fthe home of his daughter Mrs. Or
jjvillo McQuinn east of town.
Edward Svcboda was a visitor in
TI Union for last Monday where he was
visiting at the home of his daugh
! ter. Mrs. F. II. McCarthy enjoying
the day and returning home in the
" Little Mary Donnelly Robb, who
has been ill at the home of her
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Mont
Robb. is now gaining very nicely
j and is on the highway to complete
Last Thursday H. H. Becker and
wife with their little daughter, Gen
evieve. Mr. Ray Becker and Mrs.
Conrad Miller of Auburn made up a
party who were in attendance at the
auto show in Omaha.
Allison Clark who suffered a bro
ken leg some time since from a horse
stepping on him, is getting along
nicely at this time and has the prom
ise of his physician that he may get
up from his ted this week.
Miss Virginia Hunnicutt was a
visitor for over Sunday at the home
cf Tier uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
M. S. Briggs or Plattsmouth, return
ing on Sunday afternoon to take up
Business is Better!
Confidence and better things are coming back.
Farm products are again on the up grade in price. We
are glad of it, and would like to see it higher-
We are selling our goods at prices in many cases
lower, and are carrying an excellent line of Groceries,
Shoes, Hardware, Work Clothes, Etc., and are alwayc
ready to serve you.
Remember this is the store for the best service.
We are paying the highest prices for country pro
duce. Your patronage invited.
A. L.
atlery Service!
We are giving the best possible service in the re
pairing of Storage Batteries. We carry an excellent line
of new storage batteries at very reasonable prices. Elec
tric light bulbs for residences and business houses as
well as for autos.
w. h. Dubois,
FHONENO.40 -:- . -:- UNION, NEBR.
Teachers Have Seen Sick
Miss Gladys Hall, one of the teach
ers of the school, who was injured
some time ago by a fall, has been
troubled with that or rheumatism
to the extent that she had to take
a vacation for a short time in order
to recuperate. The position is being
filled for the present by Miss Gene
vieve Whalen of Plattsmouth. It is
hoped that Miss Hall will soon re
gain her accustomed health and le
able to return to he work.
Supt. C. E. Severyn. who has been
kept from his school work for a num
ber of lavs was able to return to
the school last Monday.
Attends Sister's Burial
Word was received last Sunday
morning telling of the death of Mrs.
R. C. Dale of Roselie, who had been
for some time at the Green Gables
sanitarium for treatment for rheu
matism and there growing continu
ally worse until she died. Mrs. Dale
was a sister cf County Commission
er C. F. Harris, who. with Mrs, Har
ris, departed for Roselie to be pres
ent at the funeral which was held
there on Monday afternoon and the
interment made at Lyons the same
day. thpy being not a great way
apart. Mrs. Dale was about fifty
four years cf age and leaves a hus
band aHd five children to mourn her
Sack Frcm the Northwest
Mr. and and Mrs. Emery Bauer
ar.1 three children who have been
at Prince Rupert, British Columbia,
arrived home last Monday morning
and will for the present make their
home in Union. The children started
to school the first day and feel that
they are well satisfied to be here.
Mr. Bauer tells of leaving the coun
try there covered with snow an 1
that to the depth of some four feet.
During the most of the winter there
has heen chinook winds which took
off the snow in one night but dur
ing the past winter it has remained
all winter.
JIade a Good Cr.teh
Last Monday afternoon while L.
J. Austin was coming from the. creek
he captured alive a Nebraska aliga
tor. which was about ten inches long
i'i:d which, of course, we call a liz
ard, but it was a lively critter to be
away from home this time of the
Answers Death's Messenp-er
Little Bessie Irene Meade, who has
heen so ill at the home of her par
ents for the past nearly a month and
who battled with double pneumonia
and other complications, with a ten
acity of life which seemed to know
no defeat, was compelled to succumb
to the inevitable when the messen
ger came with the message. She fold
ed her hands and in peace went to
sleep in the arms of her Master. Bes
sie was a particularly bright student
in the schools and always had her
lessons the best and was one of the
most affable of young girls, being
attractive by reason of her kindly
disposition and was a friend of ev
eryone. Not alone were the hearts
of the parents and immediate fam
ily wrung sore but her many friends
were more than pained at her death.
The funeral was held at the Baptist
church where the last sad rites were
said by the Rev. Samuel Miller, pas
tor of the church, of which this
young girl was a member. The in
terment was made at the Wyoming
cemetery where she will rest until
the trumpet of the Angel of Resur
rection shall call to that realm
where sorrow, pain and sickness are
not known.
Two Union Girls Win
Misses Marie Leach and Ruth
Brandt won respect ivey the first and
second prizes at the Cass county
spelling contest which was held at
the county seat la?t Saturday. Miss
Mamie Leach, winning the first
prize which was a five dollar gold
piece and which she prizes very
highly. Xot alone are the misses well
pleased with the result of the con
test but Miss Jane Hollister. the
teacher from whose room the Union
girls came, is pretty well satisfied
with the result of her teaching.
and as the Sundays were mostly nice
days during the interval since she
began the hens layed even more eggs
en that day than others and she was
vble to hand her minister, the Rev.
V. A. Tavlor, five -dollars from but
a very short time of this setting
aside for the Lord s day this portion
She feels that she has lost nothing
as the other days supplied the wants
of the family and seemingly with
out any i:ininiiion. Rev. Taylor ap
preciates the amount received, as
there has been no other plan here
tofore that beats this.
Ladies Baptist Aid
The ladies of the Baptist church
nro mpftinsr today with the wife of
the pastor and are looking after the
work or the society anu no uoum are
having an excellent time and Mrs.
Miller is an excellent entertainer, as
well as the ladies being fine church
Will Hold Interesting- Ueeting
The B. Y. P. U. will hold a spe
cial meeting at the church on Sun
day of this week, not that they have
not been meeting reguarly but the
are to have a special program which
v.-ill be of much interest to all. Miss
Alma Frans will be the leader and
will have for the subject of the meet
ing. "China." This is the oldest
country in the world and one which
is as deep in mystery will be studied.
Here You Chnrch People!
You ,.have wondered how you
would pay vthe preacher or the ex
pense of the church. A unique way
of solving this problem was suggest
ed to a good woman of Wabash,
when she. Mrs. Bosworth, a member
of the Baptist church of that vil
lage, was wondering how she would
be able to meet the amount which
she wished to give to the church.
Many people believe in titheing. but
Mrs. Bosworth at the suggestion of
her son James has got something
better and as it proved even more
than one-seventh. The son said:
"Say, mother, why do you not take
the eggs which the hens lay on Sun
A.y ?nd sell them for rash and give
the money to the minister?" The
iftei was one which had not come
to her before but she fell in with it,
Thinks Well of Hirn
A number of the friends of Coun
ty Commissioner C. F. Harris are
thinking cf suggesting to him the
feasibility of filing for a place on the
legislature. As he has not yet con
cluded whether he will le a candi
date for commissioner again, it is
hurrying matters to suggest the oth
er place.
Are Talking: Bail Aain
The matter of having a team in
Union for the coming season for the
2imisement of the baseball loving
reople of Union and vicinity took
form when the boys gathered and
discussed the matter. They will
know in a short time just what they
will do about the national game for
the coming summer, but it looks like
they will have a dandy team.
Sounds like Weddine Bell3
There is even more than a rumor
that fhere will be a couple of wed
dings in Union in the near future.
We were told who were to be the
principals in the contract but were
toid that it was not to he published
for a short time and so we are re
specting the confidence in not giv
ing the names at this time, but then
you may guess.
Regular Services Both Churches
There will be the regular services
during the day and evening at the
Methodist and Bapitst churches as
well as the Bible schools and the ses
sions of the young peoples meetings
of both churches. All members are
urged to be inattendance and a cor
dial invitation to all strangers to attend.
Serenaders are Coming
This is the last of the Lyceum
course which the people of Union
have had the privilege of attending
during the now passing winter. This
is indeed an excellent number, the
talent being some of the most fin
ished male singers and with this
there is much fun provoking features
as well.
Do you know that the ones who
have guaranteed this course are fac
ing a deficit which they will have
to meet that Union might have the
course. Now the nice thing to do is
to rally around this last number and
make it as large in attendance as
posihle. that the loss of the citizens
of Union may be less.
Union Hdds Primary
Last Monday evening at the vil
lage primary to place in nomination
officers to be voted for at the com
ing election was called to order by
D. R. Frans and W. B. Banning was
relected as chairman of the meeting.
There was placed in nomination two
times as many for each office as are
to be elected, the nominations be
ing for Village Trustees W. B. Ban
ning, P. H. McCarthy. C. F. Harris
D. R. Frans. H. L. Swanson and E.
W. Keedy; Village Clerk J. A. Sim
mons. S. Miller: Village Treasurer
Miss Elsie Taylor, Mrs. Mable
Prom tVcdnesdavs r.'r.Jly.
The deati of Huston Andrews,
aged sixty-three, occurred Monday
evening here at the home of his
nephew. Joshua Andrews, where he
has been making his home this win
ter. Mr. Andrews resided at Ham
burg, Iowa, hut has heen in the cus
tom of coming to Plattsmouth each
winter to reside. The death was
rather sudden as Mr. Andrews has
not been seriously ill, but was com
plaining quite a good deal on Mon
day and at 10 o'clock in the evening
his condition became such that it
was impossible for hi mto recover
and he passed away. The deceased
was a native of Virginia, but has
resided in the west for the greater
part of his lifetime.
Huston Andrews was born at Col
lin's Mills, Virginia. April 13. 1858,
and died at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
March 20 1922. He came to Ham
burg, Iowa, forty years ago and has
since resided in this portion of the
west. For the past thirty years he
has made his home a part of the
time with his cousin,- Joshua An
drews, and family. He leaves four
brothers and two sisters to share in
the grief at his departure. Jeff Blev
ins. Blue Springs. Nebraska; Frelin
Andrews. Eunice, North Carolina;
John, .Finley, Virginia; Kenney, Eu
nice, North Carolina; Mrs. Lillie
Poe. Cabool. Mo., and Miss Phoebe
Cook. Lincoln. Neb.
The funeral services will be held
here at 8:30 tomorrow morning at
the Joshua Andrews home and the
body taken to Hamburg, Iowa, on
No. 4 over the Burlington where
the funeral services will be held.
L. R. Stanley autoed to Lincoln
S. A. Jackman autoed to Lincoln
Friday noon.
Ella Gerbeling was a shopper in
Lincoln Friday.
L. R. Stanley autoed to. Lincoln
Thursday morning.
Allie Allis spent Tuesday evening
with his wife and family.
John Wood and S. A. Jackman
autoed to Omaha Wednesday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Will Murfin, Martha
and Lena Weishite were shopptfs
in Lincoln Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gerbeling and
three daughters, autoed to Platts
mouth Saturday forenoon.
Mrs. Grace Rymes came home Sun
day morning. She is not a bit well.
Mrs. Jack Philpot of Weeping Wa
ter came up Tuesday morning to vi
it with relatives.
Word was received here that Mr.
Herman Emme was called to his
mother's deathbed Sunday morning
at Fairflex, South Dakota.
Mr. H. P. Dehning, two sons, Wil
liam and Harry, also his daughter,
Meta. autoed to Omaha Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Helms spent
Tuesday evening in Elmwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albernolte
and daughter. Melba, accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Warren Richard
and ton. Harold, and Mrs. Wm.
Langhorst autoed to Lincoln Wed
nesday morning.
Washington, March 20. Adoption
of a constitutional amendment pro
viding for the election of the presi
dent and vice president for six year
terms is proposed in a bill introduccl
today by Representative Wood, re
publican, Indiana.
The electoral college system would
be abolished and a candidate receiv
ing the largest aggregate vote would
be president, while the candidate re
ceiving the next highest number au
tomatically would become vice presi
dent. The president would he in
eligible for re-election.
The first election under the system
suggested by Mr. Wood would be on
the first Tuesday in October, 1925,
the candidate elected to assume office
a month later. The bill also pro
poses four-year terms for representa
tives, the senatorial term to remain
at six years.
Fremont, March 20. Eighty-two
automobiles are stalled on the road
between here and Valley, Neb., mir
ed deep in mud, as a result of wash
outs caused by the heavy rain of
Saturday night. The cars have been
abandoned bv their owners until the
roads dry. Valley is 14 miles from
a . -ax 1TN
jrrotect lour Jtroperiy
Fire is a fearful calamity. It will eat the
savings of a lifetime when there is no insur
ance to fall back on. Could a bad
fire ruin you? Then insure. And
when ycu do, remember this: In sura
With a Nebraska Company. You get
perfect protection and at the same time
help increase the prosperity of the state,
5 for every dollar we receive from premi
ums on Insurance written in trie stare,
we have six dollars invested in Ne
braska securities and on deposit in
Nebraska banks. Last year Nebraskans
sent away $9,000,000 to foreign com
panies. Don't assist in draining Ne
braska's fortunes this year. Insure in the
Omaha Liberty Fire
Insurance Co.
Keep your money at home. Buy Nebraska
insurance frxcl your local agent and you wul
be increasing, your own prosperity.
Agents Names Addresses
P. L. HALL. JR. Greenwood
J. L. MEISINGER Plattsmouth
GEO. H. WOOD Louisville
36 or 152-J
From high scoring Barred Rochs
showing good egg capacity.
m21-6d, 4sw Phone 3421.
The H-P Transfer Co., owners and
operators of the Green Bus line be
tween Nebraska City and Omaha,
are Nebraska men, are reliable and
responsible. The members of the firm
do the driving. Your life is perfectly
safe in our hands.
Blank books! Tea yon can gel
of all kinds. The Journal.
At high noon Tuesday. March 21,
at the home of Mrs. Minerva Mc
Quinn in Union. Neb., the marriage
of Minerva McQlinn of Union and
Frank Braner of Goodland. Krnsas.
was solemnized before a few invited
friends by Rev. Samuel Miller, pas
tor of the First Baptist church of
The bride and groom departed on
the afternoon train for a ten-day
visit with friends in Illinois. After
April 1st they will be at home in
Union s.nd will be pleased to meet
any and all friends at home in Un
ion when settled in a new home.
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild ayatam of traatmant that earaa
V$r Kiaiola anV otbar KactaJ IHaeaaoa la a airt
mr ,., . unr, aurflcaJ ooeratloa. N
Chloroform. Ethsr or other fneraJ ananathatl
ma. A crura manntaed la aery eaae accepted for treatment. n.l no money t m
naJd wnUl cured. Write for book on Rectal Liaeaa, with narma and testimonial
. ... , i . , K.nn Twrmanvntlv eure1-
ox mora " " l""'-'" - ."..1- ... nutUl T
. aV K. TIKKV. fednaloeiam, fetera ithh iiu.. iwt "" -
- Urn. K ft. Jobutoo. JdJml life wlae. I
Conducted by Rex Young
Under Auspices of Plattsmouth Ad Club, at
1 :00 P. EVt.
in the room opposite Court House, south
The privileges of this sale are open to anybody and every
body who has anything to sell, and is held at this particular time
to accommodate our farmer friends who may be moving or start
ing in on farm work, before next Bargain Wednesday. Aside
from this one special sale there will be no auctions held by the
Ad club except on Bargain Wednesdays, and the next one will be
Bargain Wednesday, April 19th.
If you have anything to sell at this special sale list it at
once either with
Rex Young phone 3532
A. S. Ghrist phone 645, 2 rings
The only expense is 5 commission on sale price.
Watch the Plattsmouth Journal for listed items.