The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 16, 1922, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Hlitorl
cal Society
VOL. NO. xxxvin.
NO. 70
From Monday's Dally
Saturday afternoon before Judge
Begley was heard the motion for
the appointment of a receiver for thej
firm of E.G. Dovey .Son. to faclll-j
tate the closing up of the affairs of
the firm, the settlement of its ac
counts and a general adjustment of
the business.
The application was made on the
initiative of the parties interested
and is the outcome of a long series
of litigations that have tended to
shake the interests of this store
which was for many years one of the
leading establishments of its kind in
the state.
The court, after hearing the mo
tion for the appointment of a receiv
er, received the suggestions of the
parties interested as to whom they
felt would act as receiver and make
a successful liquidation of the affairs
of the store and after deliberation.
Judge Begley appointed John F. Gor
der to the position of heceiver for the
interests of the store and fixed the
bond in the sum of $20,000.
The firm of E. G. Dovey & Son is
the oldest business establishment in
the city and was started here in the
year 18G3 when E. G. Dovey arrived
from the south where he had made
his home for a number of years after
migrating from England and the firm
was at first known as Dovey & Ami
son, later Mr. Dovey taking over
the interests of hi3 partner. Later
Mr. Dovey took as a partner in the
store George E. Dovey his eldest i
son. and following the death of the I
father in England in 1881. the store
interest was managed by George E.
Dovey and the two other sons, Oliver
C. and H. N. Dovey, as well as their
mother, Mrs. Jane A. Dovey, up un
til 1909 when Oliver Dovey retired
from the firm and later in 1916, II.
N. Dovey filed an action to dissolve
the partnership of the, and
which Is still pending in court. Dur-
Dovey has continued ih'ttie'active
management of the store.
This firm has one of the largest
store buildings in the city, having a
three front building in one of the
best business locations of the city
and have been known as one of the
largest commercial institutions of the
The newly appointed receiver will
have charge of the collecting of all
accounts due the firm and will also
have charge of the sale of the stock
of goods now on hand in the store,
but there will be no more merchan
dise secured and the stock disposed
of as rapidly as possible in order to
liquidate the business and permit a
final settlement of the affairs.
"In Hot Tamale Land" to be Present
ed at Parmele April 18-20.
Percy Field to Direct.
"v ' 1 i""'nn Anril 19th and 20th. when
;-rior "In Hot Tamale
Land." will be presented under the straightened out the unsteady mem-: YtISLZTn Z'n JZl
auspices of the American Legion post bers of the party and brought them I thet TOtfblfcan nomination as repre
at the Parmele theatre. )on into the city entative from the sixth representa-
Perey II. Field, who has been dl-j Thls mornin August Netzel. who Stnlnt fnf n?
rector of a number of very success- was tne driver&of the car received a on fhe P m, L?l
ful home talent plays, will be in flne of 50 and costs for drlving a.the ntral portion of the county
chargo of the production and wiircar whlJe under the influence5 of 1 tiJtlSTinJl
also have a part in the tuneful mix- liauor and John Netzel and Frank ! Pf1 , ife anAfe? ! e.w"?Ld
ture of fun and frolic. The cast will.vt ra(..iMH fl r tin .nH
include a number of the talented mu-
sical artists in the city among whom
will be Edna Marshall Eaton, Mrs.
Catherine Dovey Falter, Mrs. James
T. Begley, Harry W. Smith, John T.
Lyon, Dave Pickrel. Frank ' T. Mar
shall, Raymond Cook and Mrs. John
T. Lyon.
The chorus will be both tuneful
and attractive as the gentleman and home of Uncle Ben Beckman, In the , "thought that be has little desire for
ladies selected will add very much to t vicinity of Murray was the scene of ' tne office owing to his extensive bus
the beauty and charm of the produc-;a jolly gathering of the old friends J ness Interests.
BVftm MfinHllv,l O&flv
Mr and Mrs. W. C. Foster enjoyed
... -i- i . v. j .
a visit over me ween euu irum mcn
.i..ta. Ura Tiiif-li fl'Donnell and
husband.'who came down to spend a :
hort time with the members of the
family, the first visit with the home .
Mis Helen Foster and Dr. Hugh
O'Donnell were married at Papillion
r0hn,,rV 9iRt ti1 their weddine
.u ...lmini rvf a ro-
'mimitiiitinn of a ro-
came as iuc
mance formed during the time the
bride was training as a nurse at the
Trd Tester hosnital in Omaha, where
the groom is one of the staff physi-
ciane. The young people are making
their home in the metropolis ana
!l.5fJ ""JiH -
happlnees In the years to come. appeal to the varied class of readers.
(Does your ad come wiQua fans re
Blank Bonks at the Journal Office 'quiremoiti?
From Monday's Dally.
This morning Ervin Barnard was
arraigned before Judge A. J. Beeson
acting police magistrate, on the
charge of having struck his wife,
Kathryn Barnard, during a family
altercation and as the result was
handed out a fine of $10 and costs;
: which were settled and the young:
man released. The trouble arose over
a dispute over the children of the
defendant and their care by the com
plaining witness It Js stated.
i runnnu nrrn nu
LET 01111 N Ut 0 UN
Result is City coffers Have Several
T o t , .
.uarge oums .icpusiicu xucrcm
by Law Violators.
From Monday's Dally.
The flowing bowl seems to have
slopped over in this locality Saturday
night and Sunday and as the result,
the city bastile as well as the county
jail were filled with an assorted ar
ray of those who were brought in
to recuperate from their fling in the
fields of revelry and wine, woman
and song.
Ralph and John Piper and a lady
companion, who claimed Nebraska
City as their residence, were picked
up last evening while returning from
Omaha and at the time were decid
edly under the influence of the drink
that cheers and inebriates and on be
ing taken into custody were convey
ed to the city jail to await trial. The
woman in the case was allowed to go
and hied herself southward on the j chased for us. The Fontenelle chap
midnight Missouri Pacific. This iter wished to find a suitable gift to
morning before Judge Beeson, acting! present to you as a testimony of its
nollce magistrate. Judce Piper was ! friendship, and we have secured the
handed a fine of $100 and costs and !
Ralph Piper. $10. which they are
arranging to settle and expect to
shake the dust of this peaceful city
from their feet ere the setting of
another son.
Walter Burke, who was found by
the police in the possession of in
toxicating liquor, was given a jolt of
$100 and costs by the court.
Another of the callers at the tem
ple of justice was Alonzo Hacken
berg. who was charged . with being
in a state of intoxication and as the
result received a fine of $10 and
costs, which he settled and was al
lowed to go on his way rejoicing.
Party from South Omaha Goes Into.
Ditch Near Platte River Bridge
and Draw Down Fmesr
From Monday's Dally.
A party of autoists from the South
Side. Omaha, filled with the famous
extract or corn Juice, met with hard
luck a short distance east of the
Platte river wagon bridge approach.
(when they ran their car into the
ditch and also had much
difficulty ;
in navigating themselves.
As the car ran into the small ditch
on the side of the roadway, the mem
bers of the party got out of the car
safely hut found that they were not
in the best of condition for navigat
ing themselves and in fact one mem
ber of the party getting into the
ditch floundered around in the mud
uer oi me pariy geuiug into me i
n k
for some time until the authorities
"T?- " 7..::
cost8 ln tne COUnty court before
Judge Allen J. Beeson.
From Monday's Dally.
Yesterday the pleasant country j
and neighbors to assist him ln the
proper observance of the passing of
the eightieth milestone on the high
way of life. The day was spent in
visiting and extending to Uncle Ben
many good wishes
for his future
At a suitable hour a fine luncheon
was served by the family to which
a ampie justice ana wnicn serv-.
ea to complete the day of happiness .
Among those who attended thefc,rn April 9. 1840, in Ohio, and was
event were B. J. Augustine and fam- for a great many years a resident of
"Y and B. J. Augustine, Jr.. and near Elmwood. She leaves one son.!
family, of Omaha: W. D. Wheeler and
family, of Omaha; W. D. Wheeler and
ttUU rlv wmium
Sporer and wife and a large number
1 T1 T-I rl 1 . T1TI1 13
of the other close neighbors and rel
Advertising u printed salesman-
O " ,
AiP eralized sufficiently to cany;
Fontenelle Chapter of D. A. R. Pre
terit New Citizens With Man
ual of United States.
From Monday's Dally.
This morning in the district court
was held the hearings on the appli
cations for citizenship 'before Judge
James T. Begley and some thirty-
three applicants for the honors of
citizenship were present when the
court convened.
For the first time the citizens were
greeted by one of the strictly Amer-
J ican organizations, the Daughters of
it" ne.uuUUp LUO
j bers of Fontenelle chapter of this
. city beine Dresent to bid the newly
adopted citizens welcome to the
ranks of the American citizenship.
Mrs. Wilbur Leete, regent of the lo
cal chapter of the D. A. R., in a few
remarks extended greetings to those
who desired to become enrolled as
members of the great American fam
ily and presented each of the appli
cants with a manual of the United
States' prepared and published by the
national chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution. In her
remarks Mrs. Leete spoke as follows:
"I have the honor to represent the
society of the American Revolution,
and in the name of that society i
welcome you as an American citizen
We bid you share the privileges of
our great country for which so many
men have fought and died; in order
that we might enjoy the liberty and
freedom which their lives have pur
Manual of the United States publish-
ed by the national society of the
Daughters of the American Revohi
tion.On the fly leaf you will find In
scribed America's creed, the creed of
liberty, love and unity, and may the
sentiment thereon Inscribed, be the
means ifrom which you may draw the
inspiration to have in your life the
true spirit of American love for in
dependence, liberty and protection of
right. In the name of the Daughters
I .present to each of. you. a copy of
the manual.
At the conclusion of the remarks
Judge Begley expressed his aprecfa
tion of the spirit shown by the ladies
and the applicants were given one
of the manuals.
Among those making their appli
cation were: John Sass, Louisville;
Hans Emlle Franke, Cedar Creek;
Charles W. Hula, city; Joe Schma
der, Jr., Louisville; Philip Flamig,
Manley; Nels Anderson, Nehawka;
J Joseph and Alois Bierl, city; Mar
tin Sojgren, Louisville; Henry Keh
ne, Manley; William F. Ewerth. Ea-
, Fred Trunkenboitz Eagle;
shall. Weeping Water;: Conrad W.
Johnson, Murray; Henry Peter John
son. Peter Johnson, Nehawka;
Adolph Steinkamp. Herman Dall,
Manley: Charles E. Gradoville, city;
John Edward Johnson, Weeping Wa
ter; Wilhelm Mann, South Bend;
Onke William Fischer, Elm wood;
Charles Engelkemeier, Weeping Wa
ter; Carl M. Stander, Greenwood;
Henry F. Elseman. Louisville; Geo.
Olson, South Bend; Frederich W.
Brandt, Nehawka; G. M. Borjeson,
Weeping Water; Carl Olaf Pehrsen,
Avoca; Edward Brubacher, city.
oom Vfnnrtnv'a n 11 v
The Saturday filings for public of-
includes that of Troy L. Davis.
e equauy as cupauie 01 loosing ai-
ter the framing of the laws for him
self and fcis fellow citizens.
The position to which Mr. Davis
aspires is at present beld by Hon. H.
K. Frantz of Eagle, who was one of
the active figures in the last legis
lative session. Whether or not Mr.
Frantz will be a candidate or not
na! not oeen given out out
it is
From Tuesday's tally.
The death of Mrs. Miranda Peck,
one of the aged residents of Cass
county, occurred Sunday evening at
the borne of her grandson, Edward
e.. Leach, and family at Union,
where Mrs. Peck nas been residing
Since the death of ner ihusband, EH-
rharles PmIt nf Fimwwwi nnn Hamrh.!
Charles Peck of Elmwood. one dau eh-!
. . 1
ter, Mrs. Virginia Parley. One daugh- j
ter, Mrs. G. W. Leach, preceded the
mother In death a number of years
ago. The funeral was held this after-
noon at o'clock from the Christian
onurcn conauciea Dy tne Kev. w. A.
. . . -
J the interment -as made
at the Elmwood cemetery where the
husband is burled
Blank Books at the Joujcal Office,
From Monday's Dally.
Henry Kehne of near Manley and
J. C. Spangler of the Louisville
neighborhood were here today and
while here were callers at the Jour
nal office to have their subscription
renewed. Mr. Kehne is feeling in the
best of ihealth and much improved
since his last visit to ths city which
will be very pleasing news to his
many friends in the city and vicin
Given Decree of Divorce and Fathei
Restrained from Visiting Home
Relatives to Assist.
From Mondai Ially.
The hearing on the application of
the State of Nebraska for the remov
al of the custody of the minor child
ren of Frank and Mary Warner, of
near Elmwood, from the parents and
given to the state was given a hear
ing in the district court before Judge
The parents and the little children,
as well as a large number from that
locality were present to hear the
case and the mother, who is an in
valid, was greatly affected by the
ordeal through which the family was
called upon to pass.
After a conference of the parties
interested, it was decided to let the
matter of the removal of the children
rest and an application for divorce
was filed by Mrs. Warner aerainst her
husband and the facts being heard
and the agreement of the defendant,
the decree was granted and the child
ren allowed to remain with the moth
er and the father restrained from
visiting the family in the future. The
case has attracted a great deal of at
tention in the locality where the
parties reside and relatives of the
wife and mother have promised to do
what is poEsible to (assist her in the
care of the children.
Young Friends of Elizabeth Hatt
Surprise Her on 11th Anniver
sary Saturday Afternoon
f rr n Monday's Dall v.
Saturday afternoon the pleasant
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hatt on
Vine street was the scene of a most
delightful gathering when Mrs. Hatt
entertained in honor of the eleventh
birthday of her daughter, Elizabeth.
The event was in the nature of. a
surprise and the little folks assem
bled at the public library under
charge of Mrs. F. R. Gobelnian and
from there proceeded to the Hatt
home, arriving during the absence of
Miss Elizabeth and on her return
greeted her with a very pleasing sur
prise. The home had been arranged
with the green of St. Patrick's day
and made a very pretty setting for
the scene. During the afternoon
games of all kinds were played with
Mrs. Gobelman supervising the pas
times and also a short program of
musical numbers was given by the
young folks that proved a pleasing
feature of the day. At a suitable
hour a dainty two-course luncheon
was served by Mrs. Hatt assisted by
Mrs. Frank M. Bestor and the chief
feature of which was a fine birthday
cake with its eleven glowing candles.
Elizabeth received a number of very
pretty gifts in honor of the occasion.
From Monday's Daily. '
The funeral services of Mrs. J. P.
Keil were held yesterday afternoon
from the St. Paul's Evangelical
church where for so many year3 the
deceased lady had Obeen a faithful
worshiper, and the church was filled
to its capacity by a gathering of the
old friends and neighbors to pay
their tribute to the memory of the
good wife, mother and neighbor who
had been summoned to her last long
Rev. H. Kottich, pastor of the
church, spoke in 'both German and
English, paying a gracious tribute
to the life of the departed and her
devotion to the teachings of the
Scriptures and gentle and noble
character that had endeared her to
a large circle of friends. Mrs. E. H.
Wescott sang during the service
three hymns requested 'by the family
and whicb. were in keeping with the
beau'tlful christian life of the depart
ed lady.
The wealth of floral remembrances
were very beautiful and spoke of the
feeline of esteem held for the de-
parted lady by her old friends and
At the conclusion of the service
the casket was borne to Oak
the casket was b
. . ! 1.! J . .
cemetery wnere u was iaiu il it.
The six sons of the deceased lady
served at pall bearers.
There is no doubt but that the
1 ,nn11H VlTT lil '
XAXiC Ul 3ilVUi DUypUS LUlllVrU IS T bUV J
Journal is the most complete that cnn '
be found and embraces everything
that the student may need in his or.
her work.
Tragedy of Ten Years Ago Recalled
Excitement Ran High in Cass
County at That Time.
From Tuesdays Dally.
Ten years ago today, March 14th
at 2:15 p. m., three desperate crim
inals broke through the bars of the
Nebraska penitentiary after killing
Warden James Delahunty, E. G. Heil
man, ush?r, and Deputy Warden
Iltnry Wagner. Three days later the
robbers were overtaken by a posse of
officers of the law on a Sarpy county
road and of the trio but one was re
turned alive.
Itoy Blunt, an innocent farmer.
compelled by the bandits to drive
them toward Omaha in- his farm
wagon, was killed in the battle where
"3horty" Gray lost his life, John
Dowd killed himself and Charles
Morley gave himself up. He was
young, married two months, and a
farmer living near Meadow.
Charles Morley is still a peniten
tiary inmate. He has been an inmate
since the evening of the day when he
engaged officers in battle on the hill
road east of Gretna. He was serving
a penitentiary term of fifteen years
when he broke out of the pen, leav
ing a trail of bloodshed and desola
tion behind him. He, alone of the
trio that went out of the pen into
the snowstorm, into a March blizzard
that blocked the roads with six foot
drifts, came back alive. The outbreak
was the direct cause of six deaths,
three at the pen when the break was
made and three at the end of the
trail they tried to follow.
"Shorty" Gray in some manner got
possession of three guns and. a quan
tity of nitro-glycerine. Where he got
them no one ever found out. The
three men, at a given signal, ap
proached the barred doors, blew off
the locks after covering the turnkey
with their guns and then engaged
the warden, his deputy and usher In
battle. The officials of the prison
were shot down and the prisoners
escaped through the front door. Their
trail was lost. It afterwards . de
veloped that they ran east up the
little branch that flows past the pen.
finally eachrng'tn"edalrr-farrrf 'of
Joseph Dickman, not far from the
residence of the Catholic bishop.
. There they stayed until early the
following morning, intimidating the
family, answering the telephone calls
and commanding everyone ' to do
what they wanted done.
The following morning they forced
Lloyd Dickman, a son of the family
to drive them in a milk wapon to
Twentieth and R streets in Lincoln.
On the way the wagon got struck in!
the snowdrifts and the capital city;
chief of police happening along about!
that time, helped young Dickman to
eet his milk wagon out of the drifts,
unconscious of the fact that the three
men his entire force was looking for,
were in that wagon.
From the Rock Island yards, they
made their way along the Rock Is
land to Murdock. where they robbed
a store, got a rifle, fresh ammunition
and some food. They were next j
heard of near South Bend and later'
at Meadow. They were at or near
Meadow when the posse started from
Lincoln, headed by Sheriff Gus Hyers. :
They forced Roy Blunt, a farmer, to!
take them in his farm wagon along
the road leading to Omaha, where
they wanted to get. East of Gretna,
they were overtaken by the posse,
pnd a gun battle followed, Hyers and
Chief of Police Briggs leading the at
tack. At the Blunt home, after the con
victs had learned that Mrs. Blunt gone to a neighbor's to give the
alarm, the trio left the following
"To the Possee: We have taken
your neighbor for a hostage; if you
do not follow us or report the matter,
he will not be injured."
Blunt was killed and many to this
d.iv believe that he was killed by
"Shorty" Gray.
The mystery to this day is: Where
did "Shorty" Gray get the guns and
the nitro-glycerine?
Another unsolved question is, of
course, who killed Gray and Blunt.
Morley on this, the tenth anniver
sary of the outbreak, is still in
prison. His health is breaking and
he has aged greatly.
From Tuesday's uuuv
The death of Elmer E.; Monroe,
former Plattsmouth man, occurred
March 4. 1922. at Hyattville, Wy
oming, where he has been making
his home for the last few years.
The deceased was born September
4, 1866, in Warren county, I-wa, and
came to Plattsmouth, in 1881, and
was an employe of the Burlington
lailrond for about twenty-five years.
In 1913 Mr. Monroe moved with his
family to Hyattville, Wyoming, be
ing at that time engaged in railroad
ing at Pacific Junction and since
that time be has made his home in
the west. He leaves a wife and four
children, Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Sid
ney, Neb.; Mrs. Ruth Stunke, Oma
ha; Leonard and Lilly of Hyattville.
He also leaves a father and mother,
J. A. Monroe and wife of , Platts
mouth, and four sisters, Mrs. R. F.
Mayfield, Memphis, -Neb.; Mrs. Bert
Nicholas, Omaha;' Mrs. S.. C Stevens,
Bellerue: -Mrs.--Lit G. -Sparks, Broad
water, Neb. - - ,
The west display window of the
C. E. Wescott's Sous' store has a
number of very interesting relics on
display there that were donated by
Mrs. A. 1. Asch of near Murray for
that purpose. Among these are two
papers, one printed in 1789, the year
of Washington's first entry into of
fice as president and the other pub
lished in Ulster county. New York,
in 1800. Another of the old curios in
a large rosary worn by one of the
early Catholic missionaries as well
as a number of other small articles
which have a very interesting his
Handling of Criminal Cases in Office
of County Attorney and Sher
iff Cuts Down Expenses.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The manner in which the crimin
al docket of the district court was
handled at this term of court means
the saving of at the very lowest fig
ure, $2,000 to the taxpayers of the
county as had the cases been drawn
out through the long process of jury
trials there would have been a very
heavy expense entailed that would
not in the least better served the
ends of justice than the skillful man
ner in which County Atorney A. G.
Cole handled his end of the state
cases and in which he was ably as
sisted by Sheriff Quinton and Chief
of Police Jones as well as Contable
Detleff. In the case of the young men
charged with burglary which was
the first case handled yesterday in
the district court, the able efforts of
the county attorney and sheriff se
cured a prompt settlement and the
long process of three Jury trials was
avoided and the same in the booze
cases that were brought up and dis
posed of in the county court, saving
the time and expense o fthe trials in
the district court.1 Each day the jury
is in service there is a cost of $100
to the county and with the criminal
cases . that were handled yesterday
this would have run up to at least
the ? 2 ,00-mark if not more. WKile
this, method does not permit the
county authorities making a great
display of their efforts in the courts
it certainly cuts down the expense
of operating the machinery of the
Froir Tuesday's Dan:.
Mrs. William Wetenkamp, who
has for the past three weeks been at
the Immanuel hospital in Omaha tak
ing treatment anil recovering from
the effects of her operation, was able
to return home last evening and will
spend a few days here with relatives
recuperating before going to her
country home. Her return has
brought great pleasure to the family
and friends and they are hopeful
that she will continue to show im
provement. Elmer Wetenkamp, who has (been
at the Immanuel hospital for a long
period, is now in such condition that
it is thought he will be able to re
turn home the last of the week and
feels very much better than he nas
for a long time.
Advertising is the life of trade.
. : rati
Welcoming Haw Neighbors!
It is the pleasure and duty of every
Plattsmouth citizen to cordially welcome
the new families who are coming among
us to .make their home. Let us make it
more a pleasure than a duty since we
progress as we grow.
This bank extends to new residents
the advantages of its friendly, helpful
service. Whether or not an account i3
opened, we gladly extend the use of our
banking facilities.
TjvrrsMOUTii Nebraska.
Member Federal Reserve
James Zaubeck Draws a Penitentiary
Century Others Got Off with
Three Months in Jail.
j From Monday's Datlv
I As an aftermath of the burglariz-
I ing of the home of Elmer Wetenkamp
on the night of February 17th. this
morning three young men, Jains
Zaubeck. Harold Manners and Hrmiii
Galloway, were arraigned in the dis
trict court on the charge of burglary.
The charges preferred against the
three men were that they entered the
Wetenkamp home and took therefrom
a pair of shoes, one army shirt, one
coat, one overcoat, two new Goodrich
tires and a few other smaller article,
and the value of the good taken wan
over $60. At the time of the burg
lary there was no one at the Weten
kamp home and the young men stated
to the court that they had disposed
of the two tires in Omaha for the
sum of S20 and the authorities wtro
able to recover a number of the other
articles taken from the person! of
the young men.
The story of the burglary was re
vealed Saturday night when Zaubeck.
Manners and a young man nameil
Burke were apprehended with a
quantity of liquor in their possession
and at the time one of the parties
was wearing a shirt taken from the
Wetenkamp home and Sheriff Quin
ton after some questioning discover
ed the full story of the venture In
crime and going to the Galloway
home asked Erman for the Roods that
had been taken from the Wetenkamp
home and these were promptly turn
ed over to the sheriff and the young
man taken into custody.
At the trial before Judge Henley,
he lectured the boys on the offense
that they had committed and par
ticularly in the case of James Zau
beck, who had been given lenient
treatment at Nebraska City, on the
charge of stealing a car and the court
reminded him of his proniiae to go
in the f;traiht and narrow path. As
it was the second offense for this
young man, he was given a sentence
of frsm one to five years in the state
BTJian Galloway stated that he
had been with the two other men at
the time but had not received any
part of the sum received from the
stolen tires. The court then decided
that as the other two defendants.
Manners and Galloway were charged
with their first offense, they would
not require as severe treatment and
they were given a sentence of three
ironths in the county Jail and re
manded to the custody of Sheriff C.
D. Quinton.
We desire to express our appreci
ation of the sympathy shown to us
in the death of our beloved mother.
Mrs. J. P. Keil, and for the many
beautiful flowers that were given in
lemembrance of mother. May those
friend3 have the same sympathy
shown to them in their hour of sor
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