lsir.J:ii.-i SECTION TWO MflSMf, MARCH. 13, 1922. PAGE OKE fa it it it it it it it tAt "jir NEW DEPARTURE" CULTIVATORS $1.50 EVER-READY Shaving Brushes for va7 9n .J J .ITS :iR BA '- March IStilfo, 1922, otKCd AOMSS Bargain Wednesday you can buy pure Granu lated sugar at any .General; Merchandise store ad vertising in bill IC-Ibo. for 01.00. Bemember this price is for cash and for the one day only. Stores open 'till 9 p. m. . We are extremely anxious that our mailing list be up-to-date and . complete so that your Bargain Wednesday circular may reach you on time each month and the postal people be eared any extra or useless handling of same. To this end we ask you to let us know if we have your name misspelled or your address incorrect or incomplete in any re spect. If any of your neighbors and friends are not receiving the circular we will greatly appreciate it if you'll send us their complete address. Thank you. ' it it it it it it it it it -A: it it it it it it ir, it ir it it it it Any evening you wish to spend a pleasant hour and a half in good clean entertainment COME TO THE Parmele Theatre A Good Movie Every Nite! Our Admission Always Remains the Same Adults 25c Children 15c March 15-16, "A Man's Home;" March 17-18. Tom (Six in "A Big Town Round-Up March 19, Wanda Hawley in "Too Much Wife." Coming, for 3 days, "Peacock Alle." , . . .. HEMCO TWIN SOCKETS 0' Nebraska Gas & Ilectric Go. IT3 turn Hereafter Will Be a rED BY GS, Auctioneer ! p- m. and 8:30 to 9:30 p. m. every Bargain uilding, next to Ghrist & Ghrist's Furniture highest bidder. No by-bidding will be allowed. IB You Want to Sell lattsmouth for Bargain Wednesday and Rex will ommission. This room will be available to store lotith without expense. If you have live stock Plattsmouth, Nebr. Leather Hand Bags $2 TO $3 VALUES BARGAIN WEDNESDAY PRICE Ladies' Toggery FRED P. DUCCH, Manaeer Window Shades 60 Straight & Streight Furniture and Undertaking Men's Dress Shirts! Neckband style, reversible soft cuffs, sizes 14 to 17, coat make; fall cut; fast colors. 77 Men's Genuine Paris Garters fW7lSTT' ; Heavily Silver Plated Hammered Bread T: 12-in long one day only Engraved Free of Charge! J. VJ. CD ADD LL, If FULL SIZE BUGGY WHIPS 4 -Ben Wiles- HOG-TONE $1.00 Bottles for 59c F. G. Fricke & Co., 'Phone -;:v.y Cg!L SfCS 'Phone 186 Urvaa 186 Plattsmouih Produce House Y2 Block South of Court House. : CASH PAID FOR Eggs. Cream, Poultry and Elides! Bargain Wednesday Special Sweet Cream 25c a Pint PERCY H. '.FIELD' riov; Ladies' Dress Oxfords Black and Brown; Low and Medium Heels U J 1 Carnation and Wilson Milk, large size, per can C Fanger's Department Store FRANK I. FARGEFl, Proprietor California Syrup of Figs (Regular 60c) Bargain Day Special 40c NyaPs Tooth Paste (Regular 25c) Bargain Day Special 15c Weyrich & Hadraba PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Six Big Boxes Parlor Matches nae Fancy Baskets! Fancy Shoppsr, 9x14. i nrj Fancy Shopping Bag, 8x15x14 M Fancy Waste Paper, 12x11x6 ( 4-cr -Popular Variety Store- Curtain Rods 3c Standard Size. Ghrist & Ghrist Across from Court House Phone 645 - 2 nngs. Blue Rose Ri TEN POUNDS Strip Bacon lb, This is sure a good buy now. -Hatt & Son- "Everything from Soup to Nuta!" ABSORENE, Wall Paper Cleaner n A CAN -F. R. 9 GET THE HABIT" Ladies' Full Fashioned Thread Silk Hose 0 cH 28 U pair Sun Brite Cleaner per can c L.ittie natcnec. ijouri: ev?j 484b. sack "Cottage" Rugs,: size 24x48 H. T.l. r- ... j- -, ;L-Beef Roast- "i ; (first quality) H Onion VSleai irJarket B.J. HALGTEAD, Prop. South 6th St. Phona 12. .i