The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 09, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922.
Che plattemoutb loumal
Kntere.l ot I'owtoiTlce. l'Ut mmouth. Neb., as second-class tna.ll matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
The New York "heiress who fled
from piano lessons 'to take a Job as
' a servant upset all theories as to
why girls leave home.
The in nor side cf every cloud
Is shining;
An.t tn I turn my clouds about
Ami always weir thcin inside out
To f!iow tho lining.
If you quit when bad luck comes
And Ltwail you fate aloud.
You'll find your silver lining
In the other fellow's cloud.
Thore nro 2.1:5.101 Christian con
gregatloni in America.
(Viicro- may bo an a M't ; it also
rejrif-iiits a ; lie abi'.lty.
Tho troubl? with talkir.-r :tt r.V.i
dom is pii'' list that way.
You can't convince a L jotloKor
that honest tea is tho host pdicy.
An easy way to pet our old ships
torn up is send thorn to tho laundry.
Another ;nov.
Maybe it was needed.
It's never too late to grin.
Germany published 32,345 books
in 1920.
Onco they caw everything after a
drink; now 1hey see nothing.
Fred Wagner haa hots of friends
who will vote for him' for mayor.
A Swiss marrying Joan IVs. grand
daughter is certainly hell ringer.
. --0:0
When a 19-- model girl mentions
needles she means phonograph nee
dles. :o:
Matters are warming-up quite a
little hit this early on the mayoralty
Some are blondes and some are
brunettes, and some are blondes and
A worn .in has more faith in a
string of beads than a man has in
On the contrary. March came in
like Mary's ?mb. and it's tieoee was
whi to as ?no.
Humorists seldom see anything
funny in their writings and at times
others agree with them.
It is easy to learn which side your
bread is buttered on. Drop it aud see
which f'Me hits the carpet.
o : o
Kvery day In the last five year an
average "of 2.173 persons Joined the
various churches of America.
The outcome of the income de
pends on the outgo of the upkeep.
New York politicians fighting
against schools are after the kid
All of us make trouble and won
der why tho supply exceeds the demand.
The (harvest time for gathering the
financial plungers who hat on the
continuation of post war prosperity,
The two New Jersey bootleggers at hand. The stock brokerage
. . . . . 1 1 l 1. . 1 .1 , 1 , ..
wno were poisoned oy were own "-ouse wu.1c.11 went out duj-uiiu .uch
wares must 'have suspected that the depths when prices began to fall
stuff, was made -to drink. jfoave kept afloat as long as possible
:o: Sand many have had to give up the
Air. MeAdoo Is going to move to1 goal. . j
Since December 1 fifteen firms
the climate.' Well, cold weather does dealing in stocks in the financial dis
agree with some people.
triot of New York have gone down.
Six firms went down in twenty-four
Mr. Edison's currency idea might . hours last Wednesday. The total lia-
be converted to issuing money on
phonograph records. They're easily
broken into small change.
Irish emigrants settled in Iceland
700 years ago, doubtless realizing
that a well trained people can keep
any climate comfortable warm.
The disclosure that the innocent
public has dropped several hundred
millions in bucket shops shows how
the drop 'in the bucket counts up.
Travelers report that American
barbers are found in Greece, which
explains where they have gone since
the Greek barbers invaded America.
Muscle Shoals was a white ele
phant until Ford asked to start a
Ford will make nitrates at Mus
cle Shoals. Hope they lire cheaper
than tho telegraph company's.
A New York judge says every man
should lo 1mss in his own home. None
of us are what we should be.
An optimist puts screens up to
flies out. a pess'i's !,--r - . T .
down fo the flies can got out.
The patriotic citizens want the
soldier boys to get their Just dues,
and they are going to get them.
Mr. Lloyd George ou-at to be care
ful how he threatens to resign. S.m--body
might .take h'.m at his word.
Only a few days a;o people gazed
in wonder at the first gas light. Now
they gaze In wonder at the last gas
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is caking
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cct much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
Maybe they call it Wall street be
cause many of the firms thereon are
going to the wall.
In voting for county officers, we
believe in home first, where the can
didates are competent.
Treasury department of the Unit
ed States handles more money than
any other institution on earth.
"Human brain contains 300.000
nerve cells" news item.. There, we
r.avo the situation ' in ' a nntshell.
Timt-author of 100 stories at the
age of 12 will be asking his dad to
l uy Mm some monkey glands soon.
:o: .
We wonder whether the man who
claims to'have a serum to make peo
ple tell the truth took any himself.
Lloyd George wants a ten year
truce in Europe. What Europe needs!
is ten years of hard work for every
body. to
The thing a man enjoys about" a
love affair is that he has found some
one ftt last who believes everything
he says.
An S-ineh snow in Kansas is call
ed a blanket by the headline writer.
Shucks! That's not a blanket. It's a
The navy faces the prospect of ty
ing -up a number of ships because its
coal supply is exhausted. Evidently
the navy didn't expect a long win
ter, either.
That convict who sent Attorney
General Daugherty an inlaid may be
hinting that he is willing to separ
ate himself from Uncle Sam's bed
and -board.
-i :o:
Another big Bargain Day one
week from tomorrow Wednesday,
March 15th. The greatest bargains
yet will be offered. Remember the
day and date.
Miss Alpha Peterson has proved a
most competent county supirintend
ent. and we can see no nece. sity for
a change.
Now the question is. did the ad
ministration or the farm bloc pro
vide the snow that saved the "Kan
sas wh.'-at?
Congress does not look with favor
upon the matter of a general tariff
reciprosity with Canada not at the
present time.
Experience ranks right along
with other groat teachers who have
a lot of pupils who don't seem to
lean much.
Frod Wagner seems to be looming
up for mayor. He is making a good
landlord. Why can't he make just as
good a mayor as landlord?
Maryland's proposed law to keep
tab on "drivers" and "campaagns"
will give the income tax expert a
new field for ingenuity with com
plicated figures.
A woman may not be able to make
a political speech, s-hear sheep or
drink out of a jug. but, boy, she can
accomplish wonders with a flatiron
and a 6-penny nail.
It's a great evemt in a 'boy's .life
when he reaches the age of 11 or 12
and buys a sack of candy for his lit
tle girl without her asking him,
"Whereja get the money?"
Some folks fear that America's
failure to lend Greece more money
will discredit us in the Near East.
The loss of some of, our lending cred
it may be just what we need.
The statement that New York's
unemployed are trying to create a
union prompts some strike-harassed
employer to declare that some of the
unions try to create unemployed.
Capper-Volstead bill, legalizing co
operative associations of farmers and
producers for marketing purposes and
exempting them from the operation
of the anti-trust nets, has become a
law." Now all the farmers have to do
is to co-operate and if the millenium
doesn't come it will at least not be
for lack of legislation.
bilities of the fifteen failed firms are
at twenty-Hve million dollars and
their assets tvre supposed to amount
to twelve million dollars. The taint
of crookedness attaches to some of
these firms "but not to all.
The failure of these houses deal
ing in stocks and bonds signifies
nothing dangerous in the present fi
nancial situation. They overreached
themselves in stock speculation.
There is more or less .of the spirit of
gambling in speculative investments'
in stocks at bert. When "the goose
hung high" and everybody w as mak
ing money these houses bet on a pro
tracted spell of prosperity. The legi
timate Industry can manage to
weather deflation, but capital, of
which has been over its capital, can
go so far and no farther. Even the
speculator and the gambler has to
face payday some day.
Tho failures have not in the least
affected general business. These'
firms were In no way directly asso-j
elated with, production or regular.
production inveftment-s.
One of the men who were finan
cially wiped out by one of the fail
ures is John Burke, former treasur
er of the United States. His name
is found now on much of the money
circulated in the United States. The
firm went under owing a million,
five hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars as assets.
The announcements have been re
ceived in this city of the birth at
Chicago on February 2 2nd of Alx
ander Kirk McNaughton. Jr.. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kirk Mc
Naughton of Green Bay. Wisconsin.
Mrs. McNaughton was formerly Miss
Janet Clement, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Clement of this city, and
Mrs. Clement was in Chicago to wel
come the arrival of the little grandson.
For Sale: Six room cottage. North
Sixth street. Modern except furnace.
Price $2,550. Also two fine resi
dence lots on North Eighth street.
Price $600. R. B. Windham.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
"What is a harmless flirtation?"
! A movie advertisement wishes to
know. A harmless flirtation i what
p.t man says he has been in when he
has been caught flirting.
In New York state a 45 year old
' school ma'm married her 19 year old
ptipil. Maybe she couldn't hope to!
control him except by marrying him.
j 0:0
George Brandes. the leading Dan
ish thinker, declares that "Europe is
finished." George is wrons. Europe
; wi'l come around all right; all that
' is needed is time.
o: o-
j Now the meddlers want to abol
;ih the electoral college. The clec
1 toral college has never beec vrv
i popular. Probably the reason is that
. it has no football team.
I :o:
j Those Balkan children who refuse
: books were considered worthy of As-!
LUNGARDIA Is "without a rival"
in ordinary or deep-seated Coughs
and Colds, difficult breathing, and
for the relief of whooping cough.
The wonderful results following
its use will astonish you and make
you its life-long friend. Your
money back, if you have ever used
its equal. Danger lurks where
there is a cough or cold. Safe for
all ages. 60c and $1.20 per bottle.
Manufactured by Lungardia Co.,
Dallas. Texas. For sale by
Weyrich & Hadraba
Kissing as a form of general sal
utation is quite beyond the pale of
discussion in this liberty loving land.
Nobody will submit to it. Even
the girls of the younger set, who,
like girls of every younger set in ev
ery country, B. ('. or A. D., ds the
terrible infant of the inflamed im
agination of the elderly alarmist,
doesn't kiss everyone.
If you dont believe it try it and
find out the truth.
Moreover youth 'and health are,
armor against germs, like beaten
breast plate and burnished buckler be
fore the sword's point.
Th3 danger, to public health, lies,
therefore in the handshake. Nearly
anyone will shake hands with nearly
everyone. Even persons who are not
in politics shake hands quite promis
cuously. So. if one may jumble, or
jugie. anatomical terms and mix
metaphors the heel of Achilles is the
palm of the human being of the per
iod. That may sound reasonable, or
even possible, but it is both. There
fore the London Lancet not Lon
don Punch proposes that a new
form of salutation be established
"such as placing a couple of fingers
on the , forehead."
The forehead?
If upon one's own forehead the
salutation may be fairly safe. But
the hand lest i: has become infec
tious from handling money, as in the
case of a member of the intellectual
proletariat should not be brought
past the mouth to reach the forehead.
Germs might be inhaled.
Special Prices on Ouit-High Grade Stocks of Groceries, Dry
Goods, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes and Notions.
15 lbs. pure granulated sugar
Tall cans of good tmlmon for the "i tk
Lenten table, each
Hen's soda and gralium crackers. -
per lb.
Crisco. lust for bukin;; and rook- -J A
ing. Price, per II ,- l'
Camel cigaretUa. two packages t OP
for OO
Unbleached toweling, our spec
ial price, per yard ,
Ladies cotton hose black and
'brown.- We sell them for
Children's ribbed cotton hose at
money-saving price. Per pair
Ladies' bungalow aprons, lights
and darks. Each
Table oil cloth, all patterns, 2
yards for
Large Assortment of Latest Styles in Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters for Spring wear.
Ladies' dress oxford.-., latent styles, black
and brown; low and medium dQ QC
heels. 5.45 to J)3J5
Infants" s-hoes in colors at., per
Ladies' cushion sole Comfort O OP
shoes at. rer pair nJmCtiM
Boys' brown work shoes spec- o A(
iallv nriced at LtJxO
Lion brand work shoes for men
at per pair
Men's dress sox specially priced,
2 pair for
Men's union made collars, both
laundered and soft at, each
Men's union made overalls at
money-saving cash prices
Boys' union made overalls also
greatly reduced. Per pair
Men's work pants priced ex
ceptionally low. Per pair
Boys' COVERALLS Just the
thing for work or play
We Ssll for Cash and Sell' for Less!
Fanger's Department Store
Phone 206
FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor
Plattsmouth, Neb.
State of Nebraska, County of Ca-oS,
P.y virtue of an exc Piition Issued
by James Robertson. Clerk of the
District Court, within and for Cass
eoiintv. Nebraska, and to me direct-; !atts9- fiorinn- irwc,i
ed, I "will on the 3rd day of April, j Q:i reading and filing the -petition
on Petition for Appointment of
Administrator. ,
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.. ."I
In the County Court. ' ' , .
In the matter of the estate of
A. D. 1S22. at 10 o'clock a. m.
I On
ofjcf Mi
Ignoring Alexander Pope's Injuno
, tion, Vpresume not God to scan," a
Presbyterian clergyman of Philadel
phia informs a curious world that
' "Itolepathy is the language of the an-
a G&ring, Barbara Gering and
said day. at the eouth door of the ; tv Uerold nravinar that admin istm
court house in said county, sell at . tion of said estate may Ji'e granted to
public auction 10 me ur.Ln uiuua . Henry R. Gerip.5, as Administrator;
tor cas:i iue louuwiuy iih-j.i-uv i
wit: Lot ten (10) and eleven (11)
in Ulock forty-two (42) in the
City of Plattsmouth. Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
the same being levied upon and taken
as the property of John Kinser, de
fendant, to satisfy a judgment o
J Ordered, ..haIarch Oth A.. D.
,1922, at teiTtt'cibclc'ar'nK' is assigned
for hearing said petitioni'nvbeu all
pertons Interested in said maitter
jup.y appear at a County Court to be
htld in and . for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted: and
I that notice of the pendency of said
court recovered by The imn.nvici , petition and the hearing thereof be
Hoipiiai. a corporation, pau. liu, :;jVen to all persons interested in
against said defendant. ssi.-L matter, by publishing a copy of
Plattsmoutn, eorasna
A. D. 1922.
C. D. QLIMO.N, ed in said countv. frlr tlir snerps
Sheriff Cas County, !sive w eeks, prior to said day of hear-
liiaLtcr, uy yuonsiiing a copy 01
March 2, j this order in the Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print-
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
" State cf Nebraska, County of Cass,
Dated March 3rd, 1922.
County Judge.
From Wednesday s Dally.
To George F. McCauley, Charles N. . Yesterday was the fifth birthday
McCauley, Doris Tulisalo. James M. , anniversary of little Miss Mary Ann
Patterson. Donald S. Patterson, and ; Rosencrans and in hoifbr of the event
to all persons interested in the estate. siie entertained some ten of her lit
of Harriet A. McCauley. deceased: ;' tie friends and playmates ' yesterday
On rending the petition of George
F. McCaulev and Charles N. McCaul-
uternoon. The time was spent in
games of childhood at which the lit
ey, praying that the instrument filed I tie folks enjoyed themselves to the
utmost and at an appropriate 'hour
dainty refreshments added to the de
lights of ithe occasion.
In likening Henry Cabot Lodge to
Don Quixote. Senator Harrison of
Mississippi, is far less accurate than
in likeninsr Georee Harvey to San-
cho Panza.
In the American ambassador at
the court of St. James may be noted
not a few points or resemblance with
"the round, selfish, self important
squire" of Cervantes" deathless tale.
But what is there in Henry Cabot
Lodge that may remotely suggest the
amusingly chivalrous character o
Don Quixote?
Don Quixote was a: once noble and
Doa Quixote never once in his ad-
sociated Press cable, but our own
' children who resort to similar sleep j
strikes night sifter night get not!
CTen a
Can Ton Use Some
If you want to earn some extra mon
ey In your SPARE TIME, show your
friends and neighbors a new and
handy household article, wanted la
every home. NO MONEY REQUIRED.
I must have a representative in each
town and community. Write me TO
DAY. NOW before you forget it. A
post card will do.
Plattsmouth -:-
venturous career "sold the truth to
serve the hour."
Not once was he truilty of curs-
I ing today the bond that he had bless
ed yesterday.
In rain may the knight's record
be scrutinized in search of a single
case where Don Quixote sacrificed
hi intellectual integrity.
Chrivalrous after the fashion of
his age. Don Quixote scorned to
stoop to slander or to defamation of
Don Quixote is the last character
in fiction that Henry Cabot Lodge
may be likened to.
- 0 -
TOO hedse oosts for sale. See Oscar
Nebraska Gape n or Oliver Wilcox. mS-3t
in trus court on tne zisi aay 01
February. 1922. and purporting to
be the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may bo proved and
allowed, and recorded as the last will
ard testament of Harriet A. McCaul
ey. deceased: that said instrument
be admitted to probate, and the ad
ministration of said estate be grant
ed to Thomas M. Patterson, as ad
ministrator, with will annexed;
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all persons Interested in said matter,;
may. and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the ISth day of March, A. D.
1922. at 10:00 o'clock a. ra., to show
cause, i? any there be. why the
prayer of the petitioners should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition, and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in sail matter by
publishing a copy of this Order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-J
weekly newspaper printed in said; Between Plattsmouth toir bridge
county, tfor three successive weeks I and Baker school :house 1 red muley
prior to said day of hearing. snort yeaning male calf, weight
Farmers, mechanics, railroaders,
laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic
Oil. Fine for cuts, burns, bruises.
Should be kept in every home. SOc
and COc.
C5 acre farm, 1 y2 miles south of
Plattsmouth, fair improvements. See
W. II. Rainey for terms and price.
S. C. Rhode Island Red, setting of
fifteen, 75c. Phone 5S1-W.
f25-12d, 4sw. c. II. LEWIS.
gels," tho more especially of -the
three persons of triune God.
., .Tire Father, and the ' Holy GhosL
says-thi Quaker authority, hare al
ways laeteod -organs of -human speech.
Therefore, it follows, says "he, that
In communicating with each other
as well as with the Son, the Faither
and Holy Ghost mploy telepathic
means. '
. This Philadelphia clergyman's log
ic suggests that of a little girl fresh
from a Calvinistic Sunday school
where she had been amazed by the
teacher's statement that "Jesus of
Nazareth was a. Jew." "I don't see
how he 'could be a Jew," said the
child, "when every one knows that
God, his father, 4s a Presbyterian."
Pope's rule 'is a fairly good one.
:o: '
"" ".: PROFITS
A" railroad propaganda bulletin
mourns that the railroads, in the 12
months ended , last September 30,
earned an average of only two and
three-quarters per cent on their irf
vestment. Thousands of business organiza
tions would be in their seventh hea
ven of happin'e-ss if their showing
were as good.
Some of the hig" dinosaurian busi
nesses, which lately have been hang
ing around receiver's court will sec
ond tho motion.
ess mv hand, and. seal of said. pounc
:his 24th day oC .February, A. Pailpot, V
D. 1922.
(Seal) f27-3w. County Judge.
The undersigned will sell at auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash
at the south front door of the court
house in Plattsmouth. Cass county,
Nebraska, on March 2 4th. 1922, at
nine o'clock a. m.. sale open fcr one
hour, all the personal property of
the J. H. E. Egenberger estate which
is located in the building cn Lot 12,
Block 2S. at Plattsmouth, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
m9-4w. Administratrix.
pounds. Please Notify J. H.
'eeping Water, Neb.
Fordson tractors reduced to $395.
-Plattsmouth Motor Cc. w
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Stone were de
lighted to receive a message Satur
day stating that a daughter. Max
Ine Jean, was born to Mr. and. Mrs.
Frank R. Dahlestrom. Mrs. TJahl
strom will be remembered here as
Mini Bentle Stone.
The lav offices of C. E. Martin
have been removed temporarily to the
rooms of J. M. Leyda in the Gund
building. Mr. Martin is now at home
and those desiring to reach him may
call phono 539.
The name Doan's inspires confi
dence Doan's Kidney Pills for kid
ney JIIh. Doan's Ointment for skin
itching. Doan's Regulets for a mild
laxative. Sold at all drug stores.'
A Ford ton truck in excellent con
dition. Pntumatic tirs. cab and
farm body. Cash or terms, or would
take Ford touring car in on tame at
good value.
A. O. AI LT,
m2-2sw. Cedar CreeU, :eb.
Bead the Journal waat-ads.
Hatching Eggs and
$5.00 per 100
aby Chicks
12l2c Each
High Qualify Pro von Egg Strain
Farm Flock of Single Comb White Leghorns.
Please Order Your Baby Chkkt Early.
M'"1d' ' ' Nebraska