The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1922.
- -
Safo Be
nking and Business!
With a steady hand we have endeavored to face
the situation in the business and financial world during
the times which are just now vanishing into the past.
We are now at the threshold of a better day; we
are rapidly passing the- crucial time and are entering
into a time of prosperity. The products of agriculture
are appreciating in price, and this is placing the farmer
in better condition.
Let each one bear in mind this is the time for con
servative and energetic action.
We believe in better times, and let us all try to
make them permanent when they arrive. We are here
to render the best service possible in the making of this
prosperity for all, and making it lasting.
The Bank of illurdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A- TOOL, President J. E. GTJTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHKANK, Cashier
Fairy Tale
coin, -where she w ill remain for sev-jwas held and burial made at Ana-J 7v A"DV CsA'UATVI P.r7s: KTPT")
eral days at the sanitarium at that darko, Oklahoma, last Saturday after- -L jj l
place ior treatment for her general l noon.
health, and hopes to gain strength byj
Mls Viola Everett, the efficient ffjQbES AGAINST
saie?iauy ai xue nauer oc jvraii siure, !
has been feeling pretty poorly for thej
past few days and was oS from her I
duties at the store for a short time.
Miss Everett also visited last Sunday!
at the home of her aunt, J.Irs. Viola
Lonjr, between here and South Bend,
for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McDonald en-
"Some people," said the Owl Finch,
j "come to this great big store, because
I they want to buy clothes. Others, be-
micf ftukv hut liola I n f cMnd ho-
Al F TrX pyY-"" they want to buy birds. And
OfLaO I iA LUl I there are others who love to come and
. look at the birds. For we are an in-
t .Vesting lot and we have a fine place
here in this store.
enstcr Who Favored Compensation
tertained a number of their friends i -rr t-- rT t- it;,.
at their-home last Friday evening. I io wtiai.- " j We're in the basement and they
when the time was spent very pleas-j Back Upon JrropOSltlcn. have .so many pretty things about.
antly. A most pleasant social time
jwas had, and the enjoyment of thej
evening was heightened by a de-:
Washington, Feb.
mcr.v bonus woum
24. The sol-
H.-rV 1i.-ti-!? would tend f.tni fur-
lightful lunch which was served dur-itht?. tQ rov the financial ecjuilib
ing the evening. Irium of the nation" even if the sales
-i me nog ta.e vaicn wa ueuu i :.,x uscj to nrovide necessary
Harry V. Bricker between Murdock i
funds. Senator Moses, republican, of
and Ashland last Friday, a rumbe?r of ; Xcw " 'uap-ire, declared in an ad-
people from Murdock and vicinity
were in attendance. Mr. W. O. Seta ewe .
(dress today in the senate.
"I have hitherto advocated
Ym. Bourke shipped 10 the Omaha
market week a load of hogs.
W ill Meyers was a visitor for the
vt.k .t the hom- f his rare--1. Mr.
and ?1r-. Ausrust l'an.-ka.
Mrc. A. J. Neitzel was a visitor for
a few day.-- last week at the home of
1t.r- si-r. who resides in Lincoln.
Mr. Ray Parcell shelled and deliv
ered to the Murdock elevator his last
year's crop of corn last Wednesday.
I.. Neitzel was called to Omaha for
the dry la. t Thursday, where lie hr.J
some business matters to look after.
?. G. Ilornl.eek vas a visitor f r
owr the evening at Lincoln last Fri
day, returning home Saturday morn
inc. Mi-s Anna Amgwert, of Lincoln.
voi a visitor for a few days at the
home of her mother in Murdock dur
ing last week.
Mts.-rs Martin Eornemeier and
Fred St-,ck. Jr.. wer" in attendance
at the iv.iv'c Jersey pure bred hog
tule t Friday.
J. K. vaf a
Mitrrt v and Platt'ninuth
day whore he wa
buMness matters.
such a
an m-
tcsrai teature or our nst-ui t-jsiem.
t I do not wish sucn a tax to ne
-,ed r.s an additional burden
upon the already too heavy load
n i irti nT?r Tipnnlp nrp carrvirrr."
Prab Orchard, were visiting for a, e,.,,- ?jnses said there .;:d been
'engulfing wave' of protest
remg a daughter cr theirs, they cn-:,0 ,,. t nj -nrfspd Lone that familv
ana &imon iirocKnogge were purcnas-( ..,x .. Senator Moses,
ul a wry una xui rai'ii. wuirii'.
they have added to their already fine
herd of this popular strain of pork-
ers. !
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Keumlin. d
nuraner o
and Mrs. Fred
uerues ,.c
G?rdes. Mrs.
plants find flowers and all sorts of
gay sights. Among the gay sights we
birds take the lead."
The Finch Owl grinned.
"They notice me," said a bird known
8 the Strawberry Finch.
"They notice all of us," said the
other Strawberry Finches.
"To be sure, to be sure," said the
Strawberry Finch. "When 1 said that
they noticed me I meant that they no
ticed the whole family.
'You see, we're unusual looking. In
the first place, we're very small, very,
very small. We have speckled, gray
ish backs. I will describe myself, and
to describe myself describe the whole
j".-ir nv '.ii i j '"uv.i " j there toon
as wun otner irienos in tnis neign- ',:;.. tp
borhood and also while hre visited
at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Rcumlin. vf .outh cf Elmwood, the
gentlemen being brothers.
;ht be a further re
and a balancing of
aha last Friday, they going for the
purpose of having some troublesome
teeth of Mr. Rikli extracted.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wiseman of
Klmwoo.l. were visitintr for the dav !
la.u Sunday at M unlock, they being
guests at ihe home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. K. Morton, parents of Mrs. Wise
man. W. H. Puis of Murray and I). K.
El.erole. of Plattsmouth. were' visit
ing in Murdock during last week,
where Mr. Puis was looking after the
sale of some corn to the Farmers ele
vator. ,
Miss Anna P.ornenieier and her
brother. Henry Pornemeier. were vis
iting at Omaha for a short time last
Tuesday, running up to do a little
shopping and returning home on the
afternoon train.
F. L. Pothast. of Lincoln, was a
v!?itor for a few days in Murdock
during la:t week, coming to take
c-li.'.rge of the bank while Mr. and
Mrs. O. J. Pothast were visiting with
visitor in 1 4.1 --.ends at t ioux City.
last Tucs-L Mrs. Louis Dornemeier was a visi-
looking after some tor on last Wednesday at Elmwood.
1 where she had her tonsils removed.
Mr-. G. O. Gii!epie has been kept ; they having been giving the lady
tc lu r b A for several days on cc-! some trouble for some time past, and
t-onnt of il In -: with - the charac- 'is now hoping for better health.
ter:"t?c cf the grip. i I'ncle Henry Schueter who has
V.'alte- who is i.t- j been ill rl his home for the past two
'er !in' ti- state university, was a ! weeks, is f till confined to his bed
rme vi-!i'r f-r over Saturday and ;nr.d hor.;e and is receiving the best
j' an day of last week i of care iu 1 medical treatment, hoping
M"r. J-.? '-. Lo-'holrri. with the'irll-e may seen be able to be about
little c r.e were v;sitiig with friends : aga in.
the budcet which might enable the
country to meet the bonus and other
Replying to Senator Mocs, Sena-f.-i-
Tlpf'iin. rlemoorat. Alabama, as-
JIack Ball Postponed ! sorted that the New Hampshire sen-
The Murdock Dancing club.' which atcr "favored a bonus when he v as
was to have given a r.iatk ball last ' a enrdidcte for re-election, but now
week, but on account of the very, that he has five years more in office,
inclement weather, were not able to t.e j.-, agiinst it."
have it. 'inve deferred the occasion Senator Asliurst. democrat. Ari
ur.til March 1 Oth. at which time they and S-uator Csraway. demo-
are to have the ball at the MV W. A.jerat. Arkansas, also criticiel Sen
hall and are extending all who care.;or Moses.
lor an excellent time to ccme. ! England i now using a vart of
the money America loaned her to
Give Kitchen Shower to Friend I pay her former soldiers a bonus of
I . .. r . i, f.;., . J - , , r t - - v 1 4 1
. n 1. 11. uc 1 Jl '.lit- ii'irnu- ii
Selma Rrauclile. who is to wed Mr.1
Albert Bornenieier in the near future,
arranged for the young people a very,
pleasant gathering at which, they
gave the young fclks a kitchen show
er. The evening was s;i:nt in gr-me?
rnd music and was most thoroughly
enjoyed by the large crowd which
were in attendance. Many were the'
beautiful and useful presents which j
were given by the many friends who :
were present. The occasion was ar-i
rr.riTcu to meet at the home oi .Mrs.
Simeon Dornemeier. mother of the j r,ay ril v.
groom to le. ' - j The many friends of L. rant Bur-1
(rov , will be pleased to '!urn -that
Mr. Burrows came throirgii 1:1s very
: eri; us operation yesterday .morning
at the Un:versity hospital in Omaha,
end ncv c'.-ng just as well as
could pns-ihly he e::pected under the
circumstances of the case.
"Isn't that true, family?"
The Strawberry Finches agreed that
it was quite true.
"The top of my head is grayish and
speckled, and the same could be said
of my tail. But the rest of me is
a bright strawberry color. My waist
coat is reddish, pinkish, rose. Just
like a strawberry. Almost we look
like strawberries, but not a soul has
ever tried to eat us as yet for straw-
year. Senator Watson assert
ed, and from the same so.irre, he
cni;!. France is paying her veterans
$200 a year. ;
By using the interest on t'-!e for
eign debt and imposing a tai on
pr j "tee-r-;. Senator Hefli v' Kcid, all
tiie money required fo- an adjusted
cc:j. if nsition for former sIdiT
could be provided without "a dollar
of f -cation." ' i
a fht-rt
time in Oi.:aha on last
Mr. and Mr
f'onrad Miller, v ho
urruav ;ti i r:
IT. ani Mrs. A
vi itin?; with friends and lofiking af
t.'T smo business natif r' in Lin
coin last Thiirt!ay and Friday.
Albert T".h i' p.nd Vv'ay
bclife in cn-ojif-rat fon and they rre
dividing their sorrows, they both en
jovjng the mumps at the j.;me tin-.
.Mrs. H. W. Too! and the children
were visiting for a few days last week
Spent a Pleasant Evening
Miss Jessie Melvin had a number of
the friends of Miss Selma Brur.ckle
to hr home last Thursday evening,
at which time thev gave a miscellan
eous to Mis Brauchlp. The
evening 'ptr.t very pleasantly,
and all present .-'.ire enjoyed the oc
casion very much.
"It Is Nice Here."
o'f ' which"! am very
ay. j were visiting here for the past week,
R. ITornbeck were departed fcr their home at Ogden.
I'tali, where .Mr. Miller is employed
v.ith tl.e I'nion Pacific railway as a
mnnber of the force of the supply de
portment. Mr. George Merkle, who has been
V'-r to ! is bed for the p?,et twof
weeks w ith illness, is still feeling j
very poorly, though he is slightly
better. He is receiving the best of
Get More Equipment
Tl3 Murdoch high schorl received
a number of pieces of e-nuipment for
their laLratorv. r.r.i "vui will add
to tlieir iibility tr ib rood work in
the high schorl. Among the ar-
i title3 whic?i they received was a Bab
i cock tect. static machine and. a num
;ber of electrical atiparatus.
AJrertisin is printed salesman
ship generalized suHiciently to carr
appeal to the varied class of readers.
Lots your ad come within these requirements?
Very Fretty Home Wedding
A very beautiful heme wedding
e (J is
. Tl: e
sali at
at the hon e of Mrs. Tool's parents, j rare end is hoping he may scon be
Ji.cob Goehry and wife, of Lincoln. ,out again.
Harold Luetchens and Herbert
Of plerki::"! were j'tt'-nding the pure
l.r-.-d Uuroc Jersey liog s;'!e at the
heme of Harry V. Bricker last Friday
3i;ss J'mnio Dieckman, who v. at
this timi- making her home in Om
aha, as a visitor at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dieck
man, ml -AT.s also in attendance at
w;is hell rt the home oi" Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Pch Inpi-.r rr. ' hen their
berji fiful and riC'-nipliI:ed (laughter.
I .vdia, v:rs united in mrtrriate with
Mr. August Reike. Ths celebration
of the marriage rites was conducted
by the Rev. A. Sotal. firmer t re..iding
undersigned will offer fcr
public auction, a4his home.
il:e W'm. Hunter farm. 4 '-j milt3
miles norti: of Platts-
1 terries'.'
"And of which fact we ere very
thankful, too," said the others.
"But they all do notice us because
we rre so elifi'erent from other birds,"
the Strawberry Finch went on. "We're
certainly most unusual looking.
"We came from Australia. All of
us lilte to sit in a row, very close to
gether, as you see us now. We en
joy hopping on each other's backs,
to. and you see that two of my ceus
ins are sitting on the backs of two
others at this very moment.
"We're all chirping and making nice,
nerry little sounus ana leeiing very
g;iy and cheerful. But we're very
niueh ndmired because we are so un
usual and so interesting looking.
4k 4
CJAre you aware that
scant walls and wood
work around you every
day depresses your
spirit ?
J Renewed surfaces
bring pleasure and re
newed interest into
CfYou gain advantage
of price and service by
your advanced . order
for painting and deco
rating. Call Today
Murdock, Nebr.
The Desterhoff
Washington. Feb. 23. An applica
tion for a government loan of 1100,-
000.000 for the National Railway
Service corporation was made today
by its president, S. Davies Warfield,
to the Interstate Commerce commis-
sion. The loan was asked to facili- j
tnte the corporation's plan to pur-j
chase and repair jll or any part of
the 200,000 bad order freight cars
now on American railroads and to
provide new equipment in addition.
The service corporation proposes
to lease the cars which it would
acquire back to the railroads for
operation uncjer an inspection and
rental system which would make
them available for traffic demands in
any part if the country, instead of
bring considered part of the facilities
attached to any individual railroad.
"This Tanlac is really the first
medicine I have ever taken that
daes what thev sav it will elo," said
J. F. Holly, Lexington, Ky. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
E. H. Schulnol.
Pbone 38S-J.
They Appeal to Our Sympathies
The bilious and dyspepsic are con
stant sufferers and appeal to our tyin
pathies. Many such, however, have
buen completely rectored to health by
the use of Chamberlain's Tablets.
These tablets strengthen the stom
ach, invigorate the liver and improve
the digestion. They also cause a
gentle movement of the bowels. When
you have any trouble with your
stomach, give them a trial. Weyrich
& Hadraba.
The blacksmith shop at Myr.crd
has been re-opened by J. Straube, and
all kinds of blacksniithing will now
be looked after at that place. tf
George L. Tespey, a well-known
Buffalo mechanic, said he had gain
ed twelve pounds; his wife had gain
ed twenty-six pounds and his da ugh-"
ter was paining every day. bv tak
ing Tanlac. F. G. Fricke & Co.
If yoa want good printing let m
do your work. Best equipped job
'hep in RnntheaBtern Nebraska.
ii, on-
K. W. and John G
vke-'tii:! v.cddinrr of Miss Lydia Schlap- elder or" the Cvaaeeli-al i.ssoriation,
meier were
n ess matter.
""V in-; r.fier some brf-i-in
L:u.:)!:i ana rt Or :;-
' i f rtuv.-- Inst T) ----
ha f'r a rouoie
di.y and Friday.
Messrs Max Bus'erlioiT end Joe
V.'utci'fnek .ere vi-iling and Ioi-ing
alter "inie bufirifss mat'f-rr; in I'lalt.--niouth
and Omaha last Monday, mak
ing the tr:;- in ihrir z;io.
Leo Rikli ;md wife, with their son,
Victor, were spending the day in Om-
V r very close friend. , end now residing at Lincoln.
1 v.-pcc-t. formcrlv of near I le ore naei neen very
Crea. ut for a number of !
r Cr-eK. Hut for a number of.r":-.v beautitully decorated for
year s residing near Dunning, where ltne occasion. i uere vere e. large
he i7 enran-oi in thecattle busine.-s, i number of guets present, and who
we- a visitc- lor a few davs in Mur-jvvitn other friends ure joined by the
dock ani vic'niiv heing while here j Journal in extending to the new ly
the truest cf Mr. John Gakemeier. wedded couple be-t wishes for a long
.Vr L. Ncitzfl. who has not eeir.-i '-n'1 prosperous life.
cd her tren?th since her last illness,
Uu Mr. Ntittcl departed for Lin-
This is Fool Proofl
The Adco dry storage battery sold by the Lund
berg Garage, possesses such safety characteristics that
it cannot be damaged.
It will not freeze and does not require care but
once a year, and can always be relied upon.
The Lumberg Garage,
Pioneer Very Sick
Several iay:s since, l'nelc George
Vandcrhurg. who resides south rf
town. js stricken with a sliaht
jtouch of paralysis from which he has
i not entirely recovered. He i.; get
jting along rs well ms one might
j reasonably, expect. bi?t. ir rtill feel
! ing quite poorly from the efiects erf
the attack. It is the wish of his
jmany friends that he may soon again
! have his accustome d health.
llrs. EkkhcfT Dies in South
Word was received here a few days
since in a telegram to Mr. Robert
Crawford, telling of the death of his
:i liter, Mrs. Mattie Ek-khoff . of Ana-
Wednesday, March 1st
the following c! escribed prepert
.it:! lunch served at not'n and the
sale siariiug at 10 o'cl xk:
Eight Head of Horses
One team of geldings bay and
gray. 5 and 7. years cld, weight
U.J'JO; one brown mule. 4. years old,
we-ic.u 1.200; one -black horse, W
jears old, weight 1,30 0; one team,
horse and mare, bay ani black, 3
years old, weight 2.500: one sorrel
marc, smooth mouth, weight 1,250;
one brown horse, smojtli moutli,
, v. eigne j ,i , .
Twenty-Four Head ci Cattle
' Six 2-year-old sietrs; one co.v;
three yearling calves in feed U
; weeks; four cows with alf at sidt-;
tares heifers; one cow : ving milk;
one Shorthorn bull; one -mouths-old
steer calf.
Thirty head of shoal , weighing
70 to 1C0 lbs.; five Ch ster Whi:e
bred sows.
Farm Implerneiits
'I'iin'-y a, boy or a girl looking like
a strawberry! I've never seen any
visitors who came to the store look
like that, and there have been plenty
of boy and girl visitors.
"But really. Owl Fine-h, you were
to Iiave told your story. inis was
reallv to have been your story! Do
: tell it now. Describe to those who 1
' cannot Bee you what you look like j
and what you are doing to amuse ;
yourself. This must still be your story, j
even if I have taken up so much
time." I
; "Glad of it," said the Owl Finch. I '
enjoy being neighborly and shariaf ,
my story with some one else. '
, "Well, I am speckled gray around '
j the beak, and below, too. Around my
beak are black rings which make me
look like an owl. My tall is black
and my beak is blue-gray. I, too,
I come from Australia. And I, too, like
' to sit with my family In a row and
hop about. We have fun, as you do,
' hopping over each other,
i "But what fun we did have the
other day when a big man came to
the shop and he put his finger by .
my cage and raised it up so we'd all
look up and put it down so we'd &U
VALVE - IN - H EAD " ' 7 PT)
71 Jy kzJ-is & J
One 5-foot McCorm
new; cno John Deere riling lisier; i f
one l & O. walking lister, combined; j UK)K aoun-
one Xewton wagon, ne v; one old) "We all did just the same. There
wagon; one DO-gallor. ga drum; oneiwe all sat' in a row. looking up at
darko. Oklahoma. Mrs. Eickhoff was grindstone; one McCormick ""hayihis linger, and then down at his
about forty years of age and the rake; three New Departure cultiva- fineer. It was a great game. And
ui iMue e-unuren, wnose names tors; one 3-secUon harrow; one King th man ei
are iouis. Ralph, Aorraan and Fred, prts drill; one John Deere corn
We Are Headquarters
Harv ester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils
. All Kinds of 'Motor Oil
Our Prices are Always Right
. .all of Anadarko; Mrs. Manilla Hodge planter; one truck wltti hay racfc;
j!of Apatche. Oklahoma; Miss Alberta one John Deere disc; one Flyiug
iuu jiuiii citniiuu ui AnaaarKO ana swepa two row; one jvieaaow corn
.an miani oi aoout two months of elevator; one John Deere 12-inchj
av. iu-iuume'u one men in imancy. gang plow; one walking plow; two
; Mrs. Eickhoff leaves to mourn her de- fets 1 Vj-inch farm harness; two sets
jmise her brother, Robert Crawford,
'or Murdock; Mrs. D. Buehnell and
I Mrs. Lydia Randke, ol' near South
i Bend; James Crawford. Ulysses, and
Airs. mla Copple. of Bethany. Mr.
l-.ickhort is a brother f Mrs. H. R.
Schmidt, of Murdock. The funeral
Mr. Crandall (Iowa) Telia How She
j Stopped Chicken Losses
J "Last spring, rets killed zl our haby chkks. Wish
j I'd known about Rat-Saap beforv. Vi:!i just one
! larpt-packape we killed? warms of rr.ts. Thevwoa't
get this year's hatches. I'll btt." 5Lauaay L. guar-
aatifj aaC hclU ior 35c. 6Sc. $1.25.
I Sell aad giuraciccd bv
Bestcr & Swatek Wsyrich & Had
raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
14 -inch farm harpess; one single
harness, and many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale
All sums of 1 10.00 and under,
cash; all sums over $10.00 a credit
of six months will be given, purchas
er rivine bankable cote, bearinsr
3 per cent
All property must
j be settled for be fore beiug removed
I from the premises.
J ' Owner.
COL. V, R. VOr.VG. Aurt.
. II. A. SC1LNEICER, Clerk.
(eight per cent interest
.aiscount for cash
the man enjoyed It, too. He thought ;
it was great fun. j
MAh, yes, it is nice here. There are ;
plenty of birds, parrots, canaries, ,
finches of all sorts. We have a good
time and such delicacies to eat, and
the people who look after us really
know something about birds. j
"We're small, too, very small. But !
I think I've talked enough. I must
rday games with my family now."
And all the birds began playing once
more instead of listening to or telling ,
stories. j
Where Eaby Sister Was.
"What has become of your baby
sister. Edward?" asked Edward's
mother. "I have not seen her for an
")b. don't worry about her. nisr;i-
Hill, repneii u mi-i n i i
when you clean up in the morning." j
uick Prices
22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ S95
22-Four-35 Five passenger touring 935
22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster 1365
22-Four-36 Three passenger coupe. . , 1295
22-Six -45 Five passenger touring 1335
22-Fcur-37 Five passenger sedan 1395
22-Six -49 Seven passenger touring 1535
22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe 18S5
22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe 2075
22-Six -47 Five passenger sedan 2165
22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan....; 2375
All Buicks F. 0. B. Flint, Michigan
Buick footer Company, Flint, Michigan
Distributors General Motor Corporation
Pioneer builders of Valve-in-Head motor cars. Branches
in all principal cities of the U. S. Dealers everywhere.
When Better Automobiles are Built
Buick will Build Them.