Nebraska State Hirrtorl cal Society mn VOL. HO. XXXV11L PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, JIONDAY, FEBEUAEY 27, 1922. NO. G5 ' A PLATTSMOUTH CAGERS WIN BOTH GAMES LAST NITE 1 , ,, , A , Basket Eall Fans Hare the Treat Of n Lifetime in Two Games at the High School Gym. From Thursday s Daily. ' Victorv last night rested on the brows of the members of the first and second class teams of the Platts- mouth high school and the fans who were out to attend the double headed exhibition of basket tall were given a real treat by seeing the local boys carry off the honors ia fine shape. In the curtain raiser with the team of the Ashland high tchool. the sec ond team of the local school hung a defeat on the visitors by the score of 26 to 13. For Plattsmouth Calvert and Chase played probably the fast est game, but all of the second trick squad were on their toes in contribut ing to the undoing of the Ashland team. Alfred Calvert. Stuart Chase. Carl Ofe. Harold Renner, John Egen terger. Russell Wasley and Joe Krejci were used in the game against the visitors from Saunders county and Last evening the Plattsmouth Pub to good effect. lie Ownership league held their The second battle of the evening regular session at the labor temple, was one filled with a great many sur- and quite a goodly number of those prises and the strong and formidable who had signified their desire -to en Glenwood team proved easy for the ter the league were on hand to en locals to outplay in all departments joy the session. of the game. . A number of reports were given of Frank Gradoville for Plattsmouth 'variou3 municipal owned plants over secured a number of very sensational the country and it was decided to field goals from the center of the have more of the publicity on the floor and throughout the excellent . team work of the local basket shoot ers kept the Iowa team on the de fensive and resulted in the final vic tory of Plattsmouth ty the score of 25 to 15. Howard and Harry Dwyer. Charles Hartfcrd. Harold Mull is and Frank Gradoville formed the team that romped away with the game from the crack Iowa team that was much larger and heavier all the way through than the locals. Kates for Glenwocd was the most successful of his team in getting taskets. The Plattsmouth High school team goes to Nebraska City to play on Fri day evening and on. TuewLajr -evening , mext will play the 'Falls City team, be the lest game on the local floor for the season. SATCHEL GF BOOZE RESULTS IN MUCH TROUBLE Fred Ohm, Jr., Arrested Yesterday Afternoon while Alighting from Mo. Pacific Train From Thursdays Dil. Yesterday like a desert caravan, arriving to give drink and sustenance to the parrhed throats of the resi dents of this portion of the dry and arid portion of Nebraska. Fred Ohm. Jr.. met with hard luck. He had William Barclay Closes Deal Yester with him the satchel that the au-! firaTio-m anA Thrnnp. nf thorities have long watched with j suspicion, and as Fred alichted from the 2:C6 Missouri Pacific yesterday J afternoon he was greeted by Sheriff: C. D. Quinton, Chief of Police Jones and Constable Frank Detlef and his grip searched for contraband liquor, past three years was yesterday sold A glance into the satchel revealed the by Mr. Barclay to Messrs I. J. Gra fact that there was a gallon and a ham and R. E. Thome, both of Al pint of the fluid that is extracted 1 bion. Nebraska, and who are now in from the rorn Juice and which was charge of the business of the cafe, equipped with a kick that would ; Messrs Graham and Thome are ex more than satisfy -the thirsty resi-, perienced restanrant men and are dents of Plattsmouth and vicinity, jwell pleased to secure the rplendid Mr. Ohm was taken to tbe court establishment that Mr. Barclay has house where County Attorney Cole built up and they announce that they held a short interview and from there will maintain the restaurant at its he was remanded to the county jail to await a hearing in the court of County Judge Beeson. The young man was given a fine of 5100 and costs on the charge of possession of liquor this afternoon. , A FINE DANCE From Thursday s Dailv. The dance given last evening at the Eagles hall by the M. M. D. club and for which the Sammy Rag-a-Jazz orchestra of Lincoln furnished the music, proved a great success in ev- I ery way. Tbe attendance was good and the dancer3 expressed them- reives as being well satisfied with the excellent brand of up-to-date music given by the orchestra. CABD OF APPRECIATION To my many friends and patrons in this city, who have in the past three years given me their patronage, I desire to express my deepest ap preciation and bespeak for Messrs Graham and Thome the same cour tesy and cordial good will that has been given me by the good people of Plattsmouth and vicinity. WILLIAM BARCLAY. FUNERAL OF ED BULIN From Friday ratlv. The body of Ed Balin, who died a few days ago at Artesia, New Mex ico., will arrive here tomorrow even ing, accompanied by his brother, Jo seph Bulin and. the funeral services will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2 tfeipek frpm Vifi faxailr a3 to tb setoth paK of the edty. POPULAR MEETING PLACE j One of the business men of the i city w ho was in attendance at the meeting of the merchants and clerks at the Hotel Wagner Tuesday even- ng, remarked on the fact that this hotel is fast getting to be one of the most popular meeting places of the city. The ladies of the C. D. of A. held their installation banquet there and the Ad club and Chamber of , Commerce also have their weekly and semi-monthly meetings there. There ?re reasons however for the popular- ,u of th" hotel anf, ODe these is because of the excellence of the fine enu furnished and the general Pleasant surroundings of the hotel. PUBLIC OWNER SHIP LEAGUE HAS . A MEETING Those Who Have Signed the Roster were Largely in Attendance at the Labor Temple. From Thursday' raflT. municipal ownership proposition placed before the people The following report was received in regard to municipal water plants: "All the large cities of the United States now own and operate their own water works. New York, Bos ton. Philadelphia, Chicago. Cleveland, St. Louis. Omaha, Denver, Los An- geles and San Francisco, own their waterworks. In fact, nearly every city in this country having a popu- lation of over 150,000 owns its own water plant. Only through municipal ownership has it been possible for the larger cities of the country to get pure water and thereby keep down the deatb rat frofti- typkold fever "There are now about 5.000 mu nicipally owned water plants in tbe United States. During the war, and rince. while private companies have! been endeavoring to force higher rates, 85 per cent of municipally owned plants have maintained their rates at pre-war prices, and some have actually reduced them. "Statistics gathered by the Nation al Public Ownership league show that water furnished to consumers costs from 40 to 60 per cent more under private ownership than it does under public ownership." DISPOSES OF RES TAURANT BUSINESS Albion, New Owners. Prom Thursday's Dally The Barclav cafe, which has been i conducted by William Barclay for the J present high standard and see that' the best interests of their patrons! are looked after in every way. Mr. Barclav and wife have not been in the best of health for Borne j months and the responsibilities, of the restaurant have weighed very) heavily on them and the sale of the business will allow them a little more time to recuperate and rest and Mr. Barclay to look after his other in- terests in the city as. well as his du- ties a3 state president of the Fra- ternal Order of Eagles, The friends will be pleased to learn also that the Barclay family will con- tinue to make their home in the best city in Nebraska Plattsmouth CLOSING TJP AFFAIRS From Friday'! Dally. This afternoon Fred E. Bodie. re-' ceiver of the Bank of Cass County, and Mr. R. F. Reynolds, who has been personally in charge of the af fairs of liquidating tbe bank, depart ed for Lincoln, having closed up the work as fast as possible and will con duct the rest of the liquidation pro ceedings from the offices of the bank ing department in Lincoln, saving the expense of keeping the office open here. Mr. Reynolds has been looking after tbe settlement of claims of the bapk against those owing accounts to the bank and the receiving and settlement of claims against the bank. The receiver has realized something like 1225,000 from the resources of the defunct bank and in this connec-j tion feels well pleased with the co operation of the citizens of this com je unity nd. jartiaclarly tbre-taBAks of ,'th city tLDA county. j TENDER FARE WELL FOR DEPART ING FRIENDS Members of American Legion and Legion Auxiliary Give Enjoy able Event to Members. From Thursday Dally. Last evening the member of Hugh J. Kearns post of the American Le gion and the Auxiliary of the order he!d a very delightful gathering at the Legion rooms and which was at tended ty members of the two orga nizations to tender to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. lleneger, departing members of the patriotic orders, a farewell on their departure from this city and from the activities of the post of the Legion and the Auxiliary, j The ladies of the Auxiliary had (arranged the "eats" for the pleasant ! occasion and certainly there was nothing omitted from the menu that might tempt the jaded appetite of anyone. The Legion members had arranged the rooms very nicely and provided a part of the luncheon so that it was most thoroughly enjoy able in every way. The evening was spent in visiting and in a number of card games as well as listening to the music provid ed for the occasion until the appro priate hour when the luncheon was served to which all did ample jus tice. During the course of the pleasan tries of the evening Sir. A. II. Dux bury, on behalf of the Legion pre sented Mr. Heneger. who was post finance officer for some two years, with a handsome gold pencil and ex pressing the feeling of gratitude that the post held for his excellent ser vices. The ladies of the Auxiliary, not to be outdone had also arranged a remembrance for Mrs. Heneger. who was the first president of the Auxiliary and has just recently re tired from office. Mrs. Fred Syde bothanT. president of the auxiliary, made the presentation speech for the ladies and touched on the splendid manner in which Mrs. Heneger had served in her office, and at the con- f-1 ncinn rf hAr romnrt-o n 1 a far (n tfin hands of the guest of honor a hand- some sliver beerstealc eel. The ladies of the auxiliary did the serving of the refreshments of sand wiches, cakes and coffee and the Le gion members did duty as the cleanup squad, and it was some neat job all right when completed. BRING HABEAS CORPUS ACTION TO GAIN FREEDOM Two Prisoners at Nebraska City De tained in County Jail by Mili tary Court Seek Eedress. Hugh Seymour and Ernest Watson cf Nebraska City have petitioned the United States court in habeas corpus proceedings, charging that they are now prisoners in the Otoe county jail by order of a military commission or provost court and contrary to the con stitutions of Nebraska and the United States. The defendants named are Sheriff Edward Fischer and Jailor Joseph Huberle. and they have been ordered to appear at Lincoln tomorrow morn ing and show why the plaintiffs should be longer detained. This action is an outgrowth of the packers strike at Nebraska City, be ginning December 5, and the military occupation of the last days of Janu ary, continuing until last week. Seymour was convicted in a mili tary court composed of Nebraska na tional guard officers of violating Col onel Douglas proclamation ordering certain places of business closed. Watson was convicted of having in his possession "arms, equipment i and munitions of war,' after such ! things had been ordered turned in to military headquarters. j Seymour was given seven months at hard labor in the Otoe county jail ; and Watson six months. Governor McKelvie and a committee of nation- i al guard officers later reduced each sentence to three months. EEPEAT THEIR PERFORMANCE. Prom Thursday's i"any. Last evening the Church School Service League of the St. Luke'3 Episcopal church gave a presentation of their playlet. "The Doll Shop." in which the clever young people of the school participated. Preceding the opening numbers of the play, the or chestra, composed of Helen Wescott, DeLough and Dudley Utter gave a number of enjoyable selections that were a fitting prelude to the excellent entertainment given. The members of the cast were greeted with a very pleased audience, which had despite the unfavorable weather gathered to witness the pre sentation and those who braved the bad weather felt amply repaid for their effort in the- enjoyableness of the musical entertainment. The little folks will give their show this evening at the Nebraska Masonic Home and the parents and friends are invited to come out witness Uueir DerfCTjaanca t)ire. EASTERN STAR SUPPER From Thursday's Iii)y. Last evening the Home chapter of the O. E. S. entertained at a chicken pie supper at their rooms in the Ma conic temple and .onie 200 persons were partic;pants in the delightful jHienu that the ladies had arranged for the evening. The tables were ar tistically arranged in decorations of red with the tiny Latcht, emble matic of Washington's birthday, be ine used in the decorations of tho ! dining hall and lighted candies ad ded their touch of beauty to the scene. As the result cf the supper the ladies wiy realize a neat sum. NEW SUPERIN TENDENT FOR THE ' COUNTY-FARM George W. Goodman. Who Eas Been Fanning Hear Manley, Named to Succeed J H. Tarns. From Thursdays "-air. The much discussed question of ! who would preside over the manage ment cf the Cass county farm at the retirement of Superintendent J. H. Tarns on March In. has been decided by the board of county commission era and George W. Goodman, at present residing in the vicinity of Manley, has been named for the po sition. As to the ralary cf the su perintendent, the board fixed the same at $110 a month. Mr. Goodman is well known in thi? portion of Cass county, where he has rer-ided for the greater rrt of the time prior to movinsr to ?.Ian-ey and Mi3 many friends will be pleased to iearn that hs ii to re: urn and t?ke ever the county institution, lie ir a practical farmer aril should make a valuable man for tbe pnrition. The exceptional record made by Mr. Trans and wife du rirg the long period cf years tl.ey h?.ve been in charge of the farm. t difficult for anyone to fully measure up to the standard set in the past, but Mr. Goodman should rive the county a safe and conservative administration of the farm mannCTiejit. v - ELKS PAY TRIBUTE JO DEPARTED BROTHER Official Announcement of Death of Matthew Gering Observed by Appropriate Ceremonies TVcim Fridav'R f8t, Plattsmouth lodge No. 739. B. P. O. Elks at their meetinar on Tuesday evening received the officis.l announ cement of the death of Matthew Ger ing. charter member of the organiza tion, which wa5 made through the officers of the lodge. Judge James T. Eegley, friend of many years association of the deceas ed, rave the tribute to the memory of Mr. Gering. recalling in the course cf his remarks, the many kindly acts that were so characteristic of the life of the departed barrister; of his cloce association? with the Elks lodge and the membership and of the friendships that he had formed and kept through all the years. The work cf Mr. Gering in a legal pro fession, had. as the speaker recalled, been largely in the interest of the oppressed and those who were with out the advantage of large financial resources. As a fitting touch to the ceremon ies. W. It. Holly on the violin and Peter Gradoville on the piano played very softly "Au'd Lang Sayne" and "The Vacant Chair" as the lodge paid their silent tribute to the memory of Mr. Gering. CHTLDSEirS PLAY PLEASES. From Frldav'n pally. Last evening the little folks of the St. Luke's Church School Service League presented their musical enter tainment and playment, "The Doll House" at the Nebraska Masonic home for the an:us?ment and edifica tion of the old old folks who make their home there. The play was staged in the dining room and- the different numbe-s were warmly re ceived and brought back to many of the auditors the time, long ago. when they too, were happy in the joys of childhood days. The attractive costumes, the bright and happy facrs of the little folks and the pleasing musical numbers made the event one of more than usual pleasantness to all who were in attendance, and a large number j from the city joined the residents orison atld Mrs. Fred G. Morgan, at the ; the home in witnessing the enjoyable home of Mrs. Dickson and Miss Rich-; little dramatic offering. ev OEl north Sixth street, in honor of Air of the residents of the homejjrs Ed Gansmer. .who is soon to; feel very much obligated for the un-heave for cer country home. j usually delightful time afforded them The appointments of the luncheon and the Church School Service league Ut-rrp tvnical of the natriotic holidnv certainly made a big hit with the old ; folks as well as the superintendent , and other employes of the Home. There is no doubt but that the l'. t rnTvm.o ,0;i Thr fTH.m social conversation ana music ana Ui - Journal is the most complete that cfui:la(lles in attendance and will long be oe iouna ana emcraces everyxnmg that the student "may need in his or her work. PLEASING PLAYLET ; PRESENTED AT LI BRARY LAST NIGHT Dramatic Oerint". "That Girl" Given by Young1 Woman's Auxiliary is Much Enjoyed. From Friday's TJativ Last evening at the public library auditorium the young woman's auxil iary of the Methodist church present-! I'd lor tha benefit cf the amusement lovers of t!;e city "That Girl," a very clever comedy drama in three acts, i and which was given in the most' finished manner. The attendance' was very pleasing despite the cold j weather prevailing and those who; were out to enjoy it felt that they! had a real teat nfforded them. I The play was based on the exneri - ences of an orphan girl, placed in the hands of a rich society family by an uncle, end who accordingly suffered the urual position of the poor relation until the revelation that the uncle, was rich and that the orphan v as the heiress of his wealth. The kindness of the orphan girl to the son of the rich family fixes the ctory of the clever dramatic produc tion in a nutshell. r.iiss Fern Young appeared as "That Girl," and was exceptionally clever in her part, and as the lover, John T. Lyon made a dashing Romeo and proved a decided hit. The role of the society leaders was taken by Miss Florence Balser and Mr. Byron IlaLbitt as "Mr. and Mrs. Park" and they were very realistic in their in terpretation of the character of the haughty rncl overbearing newlyrich, r.nd the role of the daughter was Tni:en very cleverly by Mrs. William Keinrich. The role of the younger bildrer. of the family was carried by Harry Foster and Helen Virginia I'rice. As chura3 of the daughter of the Pari: family. Miss Agnes Young, Mrs. Gr?ce Perry and Mr3. John Lyon occupied a very interesting part of the performance. Harry King, as the rich and eccentric uncle was also much enjoyed and showed great clev erness In his work. Mi33 Rose Mae Creamer and little Harold Stewart rppesred bjepoor. liiotbfcf nnd Ut ile son who were befriended by "That Girl" and made a most pleasing im pression on the audience. A number of the 3'oung children. Jean Hayes, Marjorie Am, Elizabeth ! Iiatt. Eugene Bushnell, Henry Mar shall. Don Freese York and Arthur S hindelbower, occupied minor parts and added to the liveness of the play. During the intermissions a number of musical selections were given by TIis Marjorie Brinklowand Mrs. ."fohn Lyon on the piano and by Mr. Lyon and Miss Brinklow, which kept the audience pleasantly entertained. "That Girl" will be given again cn Wednesday evening, March 1st, at the public library auditorium, free of chr.rge. A free will offering will be taken. PETIT JURY SE LECTED FOR MARCH TERM OF COURT List of Those Who Will Serve on the Jury in District Court Drawn by Sheriff and Clerk. From Friday's laily. Clerk cf the District Court James M. Robertson and Sheriff C. D. Quin ton have drawn the names cf those who will constitute the jury panel for the forthcoming March term of the district court that will open on March 13th. The jury panel consists of the fol lowing: John Gauer, Cedar Creek; Herman Dehning, Murdock; I. N. Hunter, Weeping Water; J. D. Cross, Union; H. M. Pollard, Nehawka; Fred Meunchau, Elmwood; Fred M. Prouty, Greenwood; R. L. "Hoback. Nehawka; M. E. Bushnell, South Bend: George M. Domingo, Weeping Water; Watson Howard, Greenwood; Andrew Stohlman, Louisville; A. R. Stander, Louisville; G. H. Meisinger, Cedar Creek; L. L. Cogill, Weeping Water; Fred Kehne, Sr.. P. A. Horn, Ralph J. Haynle, C. T. Peacock, J. F. Gorder. E. P. Lutz, C. K. Bestor, Philip Born. Plattsmouth; R. A. Tal bot, South Bend. VERY DELIGHTFUL LUNCHEON From Friday'B Daily. A very charming one o'clock lunch eon was given yesterday afternoon by Miss Mav Richev. Mrs. Fannie Dick- of Washington's birthday, with flags' ip--r.c- n;pd verv effectively in the decorative scheme and the center piece of the dining table being of cherries. The afternoon was spent .was a most delightful event to the very pleasantly remembered. : "? Blank BwJks at "tire Juixrml Cffict. DOING VEEY NICELY From Friday's Jjany D. A. McElwain was operated on yesterday at the Mayo hospital at Rochester, Minnesota, and a message received frcm there this morning states that he came through the op eration in good shape and despite the very serious nature of the operation is doing just as well as could pos sibly be expected. That has given the attendants the greatest of en couragement and certainly is good news to the host of old friends here who have anxiously awaited word from his bedside. USiNESS MENS ATHLETIC CLUB IS WELL ENTERTAINED i I Ladies Bring tie Eats in Turn for Privilege of Being Spectators During the Work-Out. From Friday's Daily. Last evening the high school was the scene of a very pleasant social members of the tained their ladies and in turn the ladies provided a real feast for the gentlemen, who with appetites-whetted by the strenuous stunts that W. G. Kieck. physical director, had put them through, made short work of the good thing provided. The members of the club were 'rarin to go when Mr. Kieck started in on the evening's program and the stunts given were numerous and of a nature that was calculated to thrill the ladies who were seated in the bleachers of the "gym" to watch the ' festivities. While the society editor was not present at the exhibition it is reported that one of the prominent members of the club, who also deals in sweet things to eat, gave very dar ing exhibitions of base stealing in the indoor base ball game and serving in the volly ball game. One of the members of the club urged that the ceiling of the gym be raised for fu ture games of volley ball to assist in the serving. At the conclusion of the games, the ladies revealed the fact that they bad brought witfftlH w11lid 2eT&! ""J f' ?! and soon a real feed was prepared nrZlr nf h.n.r ; paint and paper establishment where V'JtrJirthe latest and most attractive lines ix it al bui M ir-c iui luc bcuhcuicu, a. the ladies had a real supper prepared for serving. All of the members of j the athletic club were called upon to respond to a few remarks and gave the fullest expression of their ap preciation of the fine time the ladies had arranged. GOES TO HEW YORK From Friday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon Fred P. Busch of the Ladies Toggery departed for Chicago, where he will spend a few days visiting with his relatives and from there will go to New York the first part of next week to look over the markets of the world metropolis. Mr. Busch is expecting to make a number of purchases at the whole sale houses of the latest offerings in the way of ladies' ready to wear gar ments and in the millinery line as eral market situation as regards the : rnrlv enri r v nnrl cum m or coToq otiI ' expects to have a most interesting time before returning home. n5i 'IIP J IT 1 1 1 1 Back of This Because we are members of the Fed eral Reserve System, the enormous finan cial strength of this great institution is available to us when we require funds with which to finance our patrons. By banking here you are entitled to the advantages which we receive through our Federal Reserve membership. Make this strong National Bank your bank. The rrst K4tionalBank THE BANK WHEPE YOU FgcL AT HOME WJVJTSMOUTII JL TJEBJ2ASKA. Member Federal Reserve li!lil!llhiiimi'llll!l!iinilllillii!lliniiH!!!riH DEATH OF OLD RESIDENT OF CITY OCCURS TODAY Mrs. David E. Eice Passes Away After Illness of Some Dura tion at Ilome Here. From Friday' X I - This morning Mrs. David E. Rice one of the old residents of the city. was called to her finul reward, at the end of a long and useful life, the greater part of which has been rpent in this city. Mrs. Rice was during her lifetime largely devoted to her home and the rearing of her family and in this found her greatest Joy, thirteen children being left to mourn her passing away, namely, George und Edward Rice, Boy River. Min nesota: Mrs. John Brandon and Mrs. Dick Edwards, Glenwood. Iowa ; Mrs. George Erayer, Council Bluffs. Iowa; Mrs. John Gouchenour, William. Fred, Harry. John and Emmett Rice of this city and Frank Rice, of Liu coln. Tbe father and husband passed away in April, 1911. Elzan Wilson was born in Mayf ville. Kentucky. April 28. 1857. and ppent her girlhood and young wom anhood in that state, where she was married to David E. Rice home forty five years ago. and the family at once removed to Nebraska, settling at Plattsmouth, where they have since resided. In the passing of this good woman, the family has lost a kind and loving mother, and the community a friend and neighbor who will be hard to re place in the hearts of those who knew her beEt. The arrangements to the funer al have not been made as yet. await ing word from the eons who reside in Minnesota. . WILL OPEN UP STORE Harry Kruger, one of the expert painters and paper hangers of the city, and whose excellent work is we.Il known to a large number of our people, will after the 1st of March engage in business in this city and have his new location In "': . " of wall paper and paints can be found as well as all the trimmings that enter into the production of the latest and most classy house fur nishings. Mr Kruger will also con tinue his work at his trade as well as look after the needs of his custo mers in the papering or painting line. VISIT THE COUNTY FARM From Friday's Dally. The board of county commission ers this morning motored out to the county farm vest of the city and spent the day In looking over the farm and checking over the property that will be turned over the first of the month to Mr. Goodman, the new superintendent. The excellent and business like methods of Mr. Tarns, however, have made the checking up a very easy matter, as he has an ac curate account cf everything on the farm and right up to tne m,nute in - Blank Bocka at the Journal Office. iU!!iltn!'ii;ii;iiTfi RnnfrV 1