a if MOITDAY, FEBEUASY 20, 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEM - WEIELY JOFENAL PAGE FIVE 'MURDOCK BEPMR FT F7T i&2W 2 PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Safe Banking and Business! With a steady riand we have endeavored to face the situation in the business and financial world during the times which are just now vanishing into the past. We are now at the threshold of a better da3'; we re rapidly passing the crucial time and are entering into a time of prosperity. The products of agriculture are appreciating in price, and this is placing the farmer in better condition. Let each one bear in mind this is the time for con servative and energetic action. We believe in better times, and let us all try to make them permanent when they arrive. We are here to render the best service possible in the making of this prosperity for all, and making it lasting. -The Bank of EVlurdcck 'The Bank where You Feel at Home" HUNKY A. TOOL. Prcddent J. E. GUTH1XANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GrTHKAKN, Cashier the home of Mrs. C. E. Kupke for the day last Wednesday, having a certain that they will h cordial invitations are c together with Mr. car load of hogs to Ferdinand Lau Tonack shirked a Omaha. Feari Davi-'t.f Murray visited at the home of O. J. I'othast during the past week. The little babe of 'Mr. and "At?.. Ray r.aldou has been very sick for tome time paat. Mrs. TJ. J. l'oiha;t and daughter left Saturday for Sioux City. Iowa, to s-;end a week visiting relatives. K. W. Thimpan vas called to Lin coln to look after some business mut ters for a day or two Jat week. The household effects-, ef the late JueK'e H. A. Gast unu wife; were dis posed of at public auction last urday. day. He visited at the home of O. J. I'othast. Jchn Kruger and Hay Baldon were ashling at the hoive of Earnest Ilor ncmeier in shelling and delivering his corn to market. H. V. Tool and Kenneth Tool were visitors in Lincoln last Thursday evening, going on the evening train and remaining over night. Mr.-.. Honrr-r Hess and little son of Lluro Kan -as. ere he-re visiting at the hon.e of the parents of Mrs. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mocmey. Louis Hite cf Cheney, accompanied hy Mrs. Hite were visiting for a short time in Murdoch, guests ol the Sat- homes of C. F. Hite and John Anig- wert. very pleasant visit with hostess, Mrs. Kupka. Mr. Louis and Miss Anna Seik-J jost, of Eustis, are visiting at the' home of Mr.-and Mrs. Henry Borne meier, guests of Misses Anna, Helen , and Alvin Bornerneier. I O. J. Pothast will attend the Scot-' tish Rite reunion in Lincoln from Tuesday to Friday of this week. The i usual large classof candidates will; i he received at this time. i John S. Livingston and Carl Stand :er of between Ashland ano Greeu '.vood. were in Murdock attending the' meeting of the farm bureau, and were I meeting their many friends. I Max Dusterhoff has been awarded ! another contract of home decora ting 'on Fort Crook boulevard :n Alhright. 'which he vith Mr. Vut rhi...k will .bezin vork on. in a short time. i i John Burt and wife, of Omaha.' 'were guests at the home of the par-;c-.its of Mrs. Burt. Mr. and .Mrs.. V.". !H. Huc-h. spending Sunday here and returning to their home Monday. j Joe West, living a few miles west jof Murdoch. last Monday had the I misfortune to have his Euick car 'catch fire just before he would hae ! arrived heme and it was entirely con- ' Sumed. ' I Mr. Ralph Parks, manager of the' j Humboldt lumber yard, visited at the home of O. J. Pothast last week, i j stopping over here on his way to the : lumber dealers convention which: j was held in Omaha. i I Misses' Anaa. Helen and Alvin j L'orntmc-ier and their guests. Louis j ana Anna t-ei::jo-t, who are voting! here. w-r guests at the home of Mr.! and Mr. Emil Lau last Thursday ; for a C o'clock dinner. Fred Lau end wife vert visiting at I'latt.sniouth last V.'ednesdav. dr" in? over . to lo k after some bu-ine: s ; matters and alr-o to consult with Dr.; J II. C. Leopold, speciuli.- t, regarding me neaiii; o- .Mrs. i.au Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hornheck were visitors in Plattuiouth last Friday, where they went to purchase a cow. getting one from Mrs. ..I. S. Brigg,. l.ich was hroirght vu .nS:-.trrday by V. O. Troop in his truck. Master Ivan Iieier has been kept to his home for a number of davs part on account trior, ia. Imp along, b;.;t week though sick. It is hoped he mi the genial j to come and participate I time which is to be hac ve it. Very elided to ail iu the good Taking; a Weddir. .; Trip "Yra. Nelson and his i :now away on a wedic; 'are seeing the country i excellent time. They marriage at Council B Thursday and hr.ve th : pared for their return -iin a short timo and at: 'thty will be at home to on the farm near Mun' Will Eold Community Fair There will be a community fair! held tt Murdock on March 2nd and j 3rd which will comprise not Murdochs alone, but the entire community; contingent thereto. This fair will! embrace all interests which would af-j feet the people of this section of thei country. There will be exhibits for j all enterprises such as agriculture, I embracing in its division grains, cat-j tie, hogs, poultry, cookery, sewing.? plain and fancy. Superintendents of all t he various departments have j been selected and will be Dleased to an ! the work of getting your exhibits j having an ijfte(j Seed corn and seeds of all; united m kindfc vin be OQ exhibition. Miss; ! T , T?:itfi i c f hi. ocnorl 1 cnntirintcTt- dent, and any inquiry as to exhibits j should be made of her. There will be no cash prizes given "s on home pre : ich will be r March 1st i c ir friends Murdock's Schoc! Paper The .Murdoch high t-'. : '..vd Vol. 1. No. 1 of tht ir school puper an-, its way to our desk, made a critical eami: initial issue, we are p -.he reneral exct-ibnc .:;ich it certains cri that they will hud mm . tre p-ihii.'h.i'tg of th -. :'.! 1c a task which w. ti. vt! )pi:;?r't of their '.i v.' .- i.r;- " i-;hing this i or success. uni have is The Wasp." which finds Per having .ti 'ii of this :-d to note '!' the news are certain i-enefit i;aper. as it i call for the lent powers, jtr the besj i but ribbons will be presented show-l ing the winners. On the evening of March 2nd there will be given a general school pro gram and a play well worth while. while March 3rd will be given over to; addret'es and an evening of sociabil- . . All .. . . . . ... ... I . . . . ,Kets o: eats ana a-general social t:me j is expected. J Anyone desiring to make an entry in the stock division will idease com- lroill t ,n tti W O Rhtvrs nr T-Ipr- m;;ii LtuTcfens. who cie tlie superin- of this department. Super- endents of the swine e'epartment terdents i: Will Display Designs Max Pmuerhofi is ju on some designs for ii tirjn. which he will u. ;o;;-oi! ami will displa; w CM win low of 1 lie Mitile company stor--. them. They will be v ,r . v at work nor decora the coming hem in the are Martin Bomemt ier and Jese Stock; of tarm products and seed dis play. Conrad Baumgartner; school ex hibits. Fred Wendt : poultry. Mrs. Frank Bueil and Miss Delia Oehler king: fancy work, Mrs. H. J. I'othast and Miss Meta Reickman; plain sew ing;, mending and darning. Mrs. H. ndock Mer-JV. Mcl(-nald and Miss Margaret Watch for th while. Kske a Merry I veiling At the home of Mr. ; rhmidt left Thursday cd a number of their : r.J unmarried friends or a pk.r.s,iiit cveniur in mus'c. sin;.; in ncrsp'.-rsed with socia: Ivr gt ii: A l o? mi - 1 Mrs. Louis vcuing. They oung married .M their home v. h ich was and games conversation. -tis ar. the ihion of the pie: -ant evening served a very delighn'yl luncheon which added ivuing. to the already pleasant He2red Themse-ves to Hogs Wni. Bornemeier from neur Efm-' Jchn Gakemeier was looking after wood was in attendance at the farm' rem e business matters m Oman a last g in Murdock last 1 Thursday and Friday, and of an attack of pneu-jthe mint is reported as cett in z in the d still very 'in y scxn fe ed A short time rtuce. er cn. hearing some'-t' his barn started out to when a a- the darkness and iua the darknebs. Mr. to .tho driver, but Shepherd; school displays. Misses Isa bel O'Falleran and Miss Margaret btl O'Halleran and Margaret Amg v ert. Mesdames Harrv Gillesnie and J. E. McHugh. i Other schools at this portion of the country have been asked to make exhibits and it is expected that they: Will icspond. Misses O'Halleran and: Gakemeier of the teaching force were : 'visiting the other schools in the ' 'neighborhood last week, explaining! Ithe matter and securing their co- , . operation. A pig club has been e;r-j -gar.iz?d and will start with a mem-; be: ship ranting from twelve to tv.-en-: ty numbers. The boys will have i their pir-s on exhibition. i ('all Miss Marv Rush for general information. max x? wil t&s & Cj Are you aware that scant walls ana wood work around you every day depresses your spirit? f3 Renewed surfaces bring pleasure and re newed interest into your HOME LIFE CjJYou gain advantage of price and service hy your advanced order for painting and deco rating. Call Today 19-G Murdock, Nebr. The Dusterhoff Sho ps, NEBRASKA PLATTSHOUTH WDJ3 GAZIE Frcrn Fat urday' s Liafiy. e Added Kuch Appexatas :tjmpanicrl by Gus AVendt, burt.au meeiin: Th r.rsday. Mr. Roy White of the White-Mat-: liad business there, thews Land Co., was in Murdock Fri- ' Miss Martha Lau was who ac-; a3 a guest at This is Fool Proof! about acain. Miss Selma Brauchle. who has ju i resigned her position in the Murdoc'.; a!ir:g with-l.er rirters. Mr:. Buir.emeifr oi soutnwtst cl lurnock, ana .rs. .i. Schejenecker, of Lincoln, for a por tion of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Miller, r.f Ofiden. Utah, arrived in Murdoe k last week and are visiting at lie rr. Nels Pet Tinhance in t'e what was claihed oast its getaway -e r.iurdock scheiols have just re eitrson call-'c- 'vcd two new sewing machines and v would not '-'1 receive two more in a short time. The follow-! which are to be used in the dotnestic the stable : science aepartnent oi tne scnooi. a also been aa- i?r-ward IHvytr were the ehi 'f w.or-o-s i'r -the local-, Gradoviih- secur ing ihii:oa poinis and Iiwnr I 1 v'-'.vf . Tiiis makes the s-'e-ond de- Last evening the Plat P.mouth fi at of the season administered to high scho:l basket b.ill team cleaned rn 1(V ;I.t. (.t.al tjuintet. up on the Auourn l !gh sduud teanii ' at that city by the sct-re of 31 to f.. and in evrry way had the Auburn- j pCrU'ar COpjTiriitS and the latest ites outclassed and guessing from 1 . , start -to finish. Frank Grad:vi!!e and; fiction at the JonmsJ 021CC. The Adco dry storage battery sold by the Lund bcrg Garage, possesses such safet3 characteristics that it cannot be damaged. it will not freeze and does not require care but once a year, ar.o can always be relied upon. The Lumberg Garage, MURDOCK NEBRASKA uarmg Mr. Miller . Miller and home of their parents, being a son of Mr. C. L wife, while Mrs. Miller is a daughter; of Mr. August Pan.-ka and wife. j Mr. and Mrs. Marion McCrory. cf 'fo jthwest of Flmwood, were visitor- j (at Mui-'ick for a t-hort time la t Tli nr.--day after having v:s:;ed at Orn !a!a a;.d South Omaha, where th y .vere guests at the home of Mr. and ; Mr?. O. II. Alien for a few days. Tury ; (it parte;! for their home on arrival j here. i i Henrv Rt:'hi;;:;n. A. J. II. It- Srhiii.dt .. '-re vi. i: co'n one Jay 1;T week. were looking ; Iter matters for the dzy M.:en and rushed away. f.,:v!rt nr.r-1 of hlou'l mid fount-: number or articles Have '': t 's pork r? found that two ded to the apparatus of the manual v tijLing about ICQ liad been killed training department. r ::.! c:::Vr-'1 a.v. in is lOOKS lllie a' ru-.ty fills while the had a light especially when they had to pass right by the bou.se. It looks lik3 fairly good sized shat would as sist in clearing up this kind of business. piVce & hubine.ss to Ulf. ' ft R h T l Rf H feSf- lis". H bAU KM I Kcny a Plattsnoatli Keacler Will Feel Grateful for This Information PER TON-ONLY Best Illinois coal during this week for $8.50. cash only. . Full car just received. Banning & fiokios, MURRAY -:- . -:- -:- NEBRASKA Xeitzel and ;ipg in Lin where they some businer.s regarding ti.e const ruction of a nev school build- ; inr. thty bein apTioint'.-.l a comml:- jtee by the board of edtrcatijn for that 'rurrose. i The Royal Neighbors Kt nsir tc. n ' jmc: at the home of Mrs. O. t. l,tl-i U.st Thursday af: rncon. The asi:-.- ' ing hoste s v..3 Mrs. A. R. Ilornbech. j'The afTenioon war spdit in j. laying ; games aplTcprlatc to the Valentine jrn.son. M.-s. Johanchcn and Mrs. A.1 J. Tool won tie prizes. A buffet j luncheon wa.- served. ; Marval Aaigwert has made a draw-1 line ef the front elevation of th Mur-! 'dock Mercantile company's busin- s ' i bouse in v.hich she- has copied alto !tLe window disriiav.,. liuI which ,- . - - - - . . ...... v u"iih. I. J v ' : i ; the drawing has' locates in Weeping Water Jess Landholm lia; leased a birild-:n- nnd engaged in bi?'ness at Weep ing Vf.;er. iiaviur: secured the build ing which was formerly used ls a :;-.;. f-;-iory. and has gotten to ger.ng. he h::vir.g at this tir.e with h'm his bro;h.er Alex Lanuholn:. who is visit ing lure. Mr. Landholm reports en joying an excellent business consider inc the limited time which Le ha? be'.: n there in busir. :-ss. He should io veil there as thre is a greater titil than at Murdoe'.., Weeping Wat er being a much 1 arc hoping Mr. Lanriu with abundant success. place. :ru may We meet Enjoyed Visit Here M r. and Mrs. II. H. Lawton been enjoying a vir.:; " for the fey eiays from three sister; oi' have past Mrs. La. ton, Mi'-s Eva Sorick. of Lincoln: Mrs. Etta Fulton, ff Kock Island. T!I . and Mrs. Glacys Jackson, of Sterling, Colo. The; all enjoyed the viii vry much., the ladies departing e.n the evening tra.a for Lincoln where they are gut- ts at the hornp i f M. Sorick for a while before re turning to their res; jctive homes. I If your back gives out; Peccmes lam, weak or aching; t If urinary troubles set in. ' Perhaps your kidneys are "in a bad V.T.V." 'loan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Local evidence proves their merit. " G." T. Archer, painter. Locust street, Piuttjaou;', says: "As a rule all ps inters are bothered with disordered kidneys because of the fumes-cf the turpentine. This has always affected my kidneys vhen,l have had inside work to do. I have had to get up as fjf ten as every hour of the night to pas the secretions. Sometimes when going up or elown the ladder I would have quick stitches take me in my kidneys that felt like needles. I have always found Doan's Kidney Pi Ms a rediable medicine. A few al-wi-yc pive me relief and keep my kidneys in good and active condition. I wouldn't, be without Dean's." Price f0c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Io:'.n"s Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Archer had. Foster-Miiburn Co.. Mfrs.. liufi'alo. N.' Y. We Are Headquarters for GAS ENGINES ENGINE OILS TRACTOR OIL Harvester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils All Kinds cf Motor Oil ALL STANDARD MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES Our Prices are Always Right MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA SERVICE MEN AS DRY AGENTS Even's OveraSJs .and Jackets! Good Weigh n Stripes worih $1.50 Wednesday and Thursday Only CASK! -MordoGli Mercantile Co., MURDOCK NEBRASKA line. ,The name e been made "The Shop Complete." to signify that this business house can supply all the wants of the heme. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock are enjoy ing the por-vvsvion of a new Ford se- dan which, is making traveling very j comfortable for this very popular I coupie at this time. They were at Lincoln a few days since and on i their re-turn were aceomnanied Lv ,Mrs. Albert Zabcl, of that place, a : sister of .Mr. Stock, and Mr. and Mrs. ; Herman Dittman, of Imperial, who jare visiting here. Baby Chicks by Kail Puff Orpington eggs for hatching, nd also baby chick'. Mrs. G. V. Infant E'ied Last Thursday The little son o Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klemme did' last Thursday after a sickness e ending over a few days. The coi:( ji';n ef the lit tle one was such th::t it slept nil the lime and could not :e a routed from the lethergy. and fii Ily parsed away. This is one of a pal1- of twins with which this couple v ;s blessed about a month since, onlj to be bereaved I y their loss one hen but a few hours oid and the ot : er at thi;; time. The have the sympathy of a host of friends. "Washington Feb. 1C. More than SO per cent of 4 he prohibition field ' forces are former service men, and more than 4 5 per cent of the clerical force rendered war service, accord-! ir.g to figures made public tonight, by Prohibition Commissioner Haynes. It is the policy of the prohibition.; unit. Mr. Haynes said, to give every possible preference in employment to ' former service men and since he as-, sunied the office of commissioner, ex-! service men have con&Ututed CO per( cent of the appointments in the pro-: hibition forces in Washington and j thruout the various states. Pick veil. Murdoch. Nebr. f!3-5 Enjoyed tlie Occasion ; The members cf the J loyal Xeigh- lors of .n. erica i r.d their friends en Joyed a fr.e mr-.k bali at the M. V. ;A. hall lu t Tuseday. at which time : there was a large crowd assembled. I The nu.if was furnished by the I friends and members of the society. Wavciiy Wen Over Hurdcck ; In ! ui'uoci: Ithe ! ter Held Enthusiardc Meeting There was a r. ost enthusiastic meeting of the far; bureau at the M. W. A. hall last T: 'irsday at which there was .much wi k done :Mong' lines cf bettering tie orgauizat ion. and work features t-t the association, i MLStrs. W P. Iiann. Senrl S. Davis, of Mi cm and delivered a ir.g the work aheac r-i.U3 for acquiring for the members!, agents were also pre listing in the work Guard your stomach. It is the foundation of liealth or disease. The world's most famous Ftomach medi cine is Tanlac. F. G. Fricke & Co. MOTOR CARS DECLARE THE WILL INVALID ;g of Ur. ion and j rray, were prct; iresses, explain and sugg.esting he best tuccess p. The county, jnt and were as- gsme of frijt ball which li e young men contested with Wavcrjy young men. at the lat place lat,t Mondav. th Wnverlv Xew York, Feb. 1C. The wills of Amos X. Bno, disposing of an estate of $13,000,000 .largely to Columbia' university and other public in&titu-,' tions here, tonight was declared in-i valid by a jury in surrogates court ' which found that the testator was of miiound mind when the instrument was exectuwi June it, iio. 015 New Eules -ffect All The new regulat ms which have UCr 11 1 I.M II 11 I I 11 ll L.11Y- Ik.lli:K. l.MiflTl .... . ... . . vdll affect evervbod and it remains e It as a plain "selling tali" in to be seen just where thev will get stead of trying; to fuw it up with Yonr ad "will carry punch if yi Itwn -u rn l-.T- c,.,irn 1- i- W ct-t-u jusi wilt c iie vsjii rci u;uib (The game was one 'filled with inter-;in lhe, mf-ter' as tley vorK 1 urtber , WDs and, exagerations, i-fi ,-rritnt J"il Hie idea. The regulations com- was difficult to tell which would f'.1 lur vut a ""TVi . iicn oi vaiue on lb-1 oaggage w nicn : . is to be forweraed. and a sticker tell- i n i rr, . , . , , ing of the Talue is adhered -to it be the winners There will be a general mask ball at the Modern Woodmrai hall Wed nesday of thi3 week, February 22d the anniversary of Vv'at hir. rtor. 's birthdaj-. Preparations are being made for an excellent time and it is the ; this ! check,' whch reouin'S time and is compelling those who have bae gage to be forvared to have their l?K'Tgage ct the cf:.ce in su3'icient time to have this M'erL done or it will hae to awa.'t the following trtin. Mow Would Vou Like to See What Irvin erkood (Pa.) Saw? . 'Onc customer told mc tiat after usinR one large puiase of Rat-Snap, he got FCS.TV-E1GHT dead nls. Hoar many more dead be couldn't aee. he d'xsn't know. Remember rats breed ia&t and de stroy -iolLu5' worth of property. " 35c. 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Ead raba " F. G. Pricke & Co. liick Prices EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1st, 1922 22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ 835 22-Four-35 Five pascenger touring 935 22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster 1365 22-Four-36 Three passenger coupe 1295 22-Six -45 Five passenger touring 1395 22-Four-37 Five passenger sedan 1395 22-Six -49 Seven passenger touring 15S5 22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe 1685 22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe 2075 22-Six -47 Five passenger sedan 2165 22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan 2375 All Euicks F. 0. B. Flint, Kichijran Buick looter Company, Fllni, Michigan Distributors General Motor Corporation Pioneer builders of Valve-in-Head motor cars. Branches in all principal cities of the U. S. Dealers everywhere. E. W. THBEVSCaAN, MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA When Better Automobiles are Built Buick will Build Them. v