The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 16, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, PERRUARY 16, 1922.
(Continued from gage 5.)
or the home since then. The little
folks are pleased beyond measure at
the arrival as Is also the proud moth
?r. but go away, see how the father
is tickled. And why should they not
all be pleased with the little daugh
ter ami sister.
Coming Amusements
Look at the ads on this page of
the Journal and see the amusements
which are being .provided for the near
future in Murray. On Saturday night
of this week there is to be a popular
old fashioned dance by the Murray
Dancing club and also a show and
dance on nexf -Tuesday, by Mr. Ed
mund Peterson, with a hard times
masquerade tfor Saturday, February
25th. These are providing a good
time for all who are inclined this
way. Every effort will be put forth
to make these amusements worth
the while. -'
From Wednesday's Daily.
The young women's auxiliary of
the Methodi3t church enjoyed a
most delightful-time last evening at
the home of Miss Rose Mae Creamer
and one that was quite . largely at
tended by .the members of this splen
did organization of the church work
ers. The decorative scheme tnruout
the rooms vjts ot the valentine sea
son and borne put in hearts and cu
pids and this wad also noted In the
refreshments ""served at. an appro
priate hour by the hostess.
The auxiliary is preparing to pre
sent a dramatic entertainment at the!
auditorium of the public library on J
Mrs. William MoCauley Passes Away
This Afternoon Following, an -Illness
of a Short Time.
From Wednesdays Dally.
. Today shortly after the passing of
the noon hour the spirit of Mrs. Wil
liam McCauley was called to Its fin
al reward, the death coming at the
Tnursday evening. February 23d.lclose ft sickness that has covered
and which will consist of the play. f d durlng
"That Girl." given by a number of Jt' .t hfld gradually suc
cumbed to .the -encroachments of her
the talented young people of the dty.
-' The news of the death of Mrs. O.
Virgin, who died .at her home near
Dunbar on Sunday February 12th,
Miss Dora Pricks Hostess to the La
dies l Pleasant Valentine
Meeting Yesterday.
sufferings until the messenger' of
death 'brought to her rest and peace.
The. death comes as a severe blow j
to the old friends who have known
and loved .this estimable lady dur
ing her years .of life, here and to
whom the departed lady had proven
a friend, indeed. . In her dally life
and . association, with, those whom
6 he came In ".touch. Mrs. MoCauley
was a kind and thoughtful friend
and neighbor and' her loss -will be
keenly felt by those : who were near
and dear to .her..
The deceased - lady was horn De
'Intr-in at the home mber 20. 1850. In the state of
From Wednesday's Dally.
" Yesterday afternoon . the ladies of
the St. Mary's Guild were most d
in and near here. Mrs. Virgin, nee of Miss Dora Fricke on north Sixth , Ohio, and spent herglrlhood In that
";i:t;rmh:; nJ th ladieiThvbere at Macomb, June 14,1870.
Miss Mary Hunter, was well known
here and lived in Murray the great
er portion of her life, coming here
when a very small child, and grow-:
in to womanhood here where she
formed many and lasting friendships.
Here she was nearly twenty rears
aero united in marriare to Mr. ,Ozro i the prize was secured.&y Mrs
The afternoon, was spent with the f he was united in marriage to ,W11
ual routine business and the sew- m , McCauley .. The family came to
ins of tbe ladies as well as a number
cf very interesting valentine games
nnd in the heart moulding contest
T. B.
Virgin, they living near Murray un
til a few years since when they re
moved to 0:oe county and have lived
t-etween Dunbar and Syracuse where
they have engaged in farming.
There were born to this couple one
von now eighteen years of age. Mr.
Buhl Virgin, who with the husband
mourns the loss of the mother. The
funeral was held at Dunbar and the
hurial made at Nebraska City last
Tuesday morning. Mrs. Virgin was
,46 years of age and early united
with the Presbyterian church and
was a member of the Missionary so
ciety assisting in its organization
und was al.-o a member of the Roy
al Neighbors cf America, and was,
indeed, a royal neighbor to all who
needed a friend. Her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Holmes make their
home at Nebraska City where the
interment of this excellent lady was
made. Many of the relatives and
frlend3 from Murray and here were
present at the funeral which occur
red on Tuesday at Duntar. Not alone
will the family and immediate rela
tives miss this excellent., woman but
no one who has lived neighbor to
her can say but what. her excellent
life "made the neighborhood better.
- Fordson 'tractors reduced to $39&.
Plattsmonth Meter Co. --w
Pla-ttsmouth 1a 1887. where Mr.- Mc
Cauley entered ,the employe of the
Burlington and continued there-until
a few. before his death Which oc
curred on February 14,. 1921, Just a
year and a., day before that of. the
Dates for the most Artistic heart.
we're treated to very enjoyable re- j wife. Since , the death of the hus-
rvocfimnnta ,-hfih' u-pro In kppnine t ima
with the event of St. Valentine and
the cakes and other dainties served
In hearts, -which carried out the spir
it of the occasion..
The next meeting of the guild.
McCauley' has awaited
with Christian . patience ; the . day
when the gates of death, might open
to, the reuniting of the-ties of love
that had t-een severed on this earth
and to join the husband in the life
n.iu ia i th TirwnA nt i beyond, the vision of mortal eyes.
Mrs. R.--A. Bates on Tuesday. Feb-L Thre remain to, mourn the pass
ruary 2Sth, will be the last meeting! in this, good waan. twochlld-
th o-nild hofore Lent and alirc"" rii-ii.,wii- 'u'r'
members are especially urged to be
present as there will be matters of
importance to be taken up.
Kiom Wdpedai VmMj. -
This morning the little Infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Shindlebower passed away after an
illness of a few. days and the home
that she had brightened with her
presence was darkened by the shad
ow of death. The little one. was 'born
on Saturday. February 4th. The fun
eral services will be held at the
home on Main street, Friday after
noon at 2:30 conducted by Re v Cal
vert of tbe First Methodist church.
Office supplies, of, all kind han
died at the Journal office. ; , ,- j.
Manhattan Shirts
These wonderful shirts, which we Have not beerf able
to handle for a few years on account o the price asked
'. for high grade shirts, are again in our cases, waiting to
" be snapped' up. ' ; ,.
Manhattan Shirt Go.
a guarantee by
Just like a Ford car don't need to say
much about it.
Down to to the old 1914 price level
for good shirts. '
There is a material to suit your pocket book; a pattern
to suit your taste; and a style to suit your friends. And
after all, what more can be desired. . .
both . of .this city, as welL .as.' three
grand children. Mrs. Doris.. Patter
son Pulisalo. of. Rockford,,-Illinois.
James Patterson of. Denver and Don
ald ; Patterson .of." Arapahoe, Nebras
ka. One -sister,. Mrs..-Joel Messer
smith of Lincoln" and one brother.
-Print Latham of Havelock are also
left to mourn. her passing. One daugh
ter, Mrs. Samuel Patterson and an
Infant' son, have preceded . Mrs. Mc
Cauley ' In .death. ......
The funeral services will be held
Saturday .fternoon at 2 O'clock from
the - First- Presbyterian w church' ;of
which the deceased' has long been a
member and the interment made .at
Oak Hill cemetery.
Delegation of Nebraska City Masont
; in Attendance ana iwijoy qc-. . .
V caiion- Very ' Much. f
From WwJne(ly Uahy. . . j1" ....
One of the- most largely attended
. meetings of-, the season .was held . by
Cass- Chapter, Order Df- De lM9lay,
last evening and he .session- wos -a
- tended .by large-' delegations ofi the
. Masons of- this- city .s well as' Ne
. braska City: The'. Royal Arch Ma-
sons of theOtoe county city-are pre
paring to sponsor' a chapter of the
-DeMolay In v their i city, rhlch is
hoped to Eavegping in short time
and. after ,'wltnessing tjie .work .heTe
last evening ..the .decision. was, , that
Casa chapter 'should vhave' the honor
of Instituting .the :new chapter when
.the membership is recruited. ;
T The. officers of ; the, local . chapter
carried out' in the most impressive
manner the; Initiatory degree and
tbe .De Molay . degree on the class of
four candidates, .Raymond .Scott,
Theodore ' Johnson. .Harry Newman
j of this city and "Buck.'.' Dreamer of
i Elmwood, .being ; the candidates to
receive the .work.. " ,.
At the close of the lodge work At
torney. A. L. , TIdd " gve - the ; young
men a very inspirational address on
the teachings of '.De Molay and con
gratulated .the . order on the- stand
for the advancement of -education
i and for the upholding of . tbe. tub-
lie school system or-America, as well
as -reviewing-In -brief the life of De
Molay-and.the incidents -of -his time.
Prof. W. O. Brooks, former- superin
tendent of -the :ity schools here, and
one - of the leaders of the visiting
Nebraska ; City .Masons, also gave, a
most pleasing talk .along the lines
of .the -wonderful benefits of the' orr
der. Brief addresses, were '. also made
by Attorney-W. .A. '.Robertson, H.. A.
Schneider of this city arid' Attorney
J. A.- Capweil .'of Elmwood, as well
as Mr. Dreamer of the initiated class.
' The visitors and members of .the
chapter were then treated to . a very
enjoyable. treat in the way of a lun
cheon that - had' been prepared by
that peer of chefs. Fred P. Busch,
assisted by Harold Renner, Wayne
Hudson. Fred Trltsch, Carl Ofe,
Howard Dwyer, George Schmldt
mann, and -this - was certainly en
Joyed to the utmost by the memhers
of the Jolly crowd, and It jsras at the
midnight hour, when the session fin
ally adjourned. .
Now Let's All Pull Together
For a Bigger and Better Nebraska
' Sensing a NEW NOTE in the air of Nebraska, The OmahaSee about ,' ' -two
weeks ago sent Paul Greer, The Bee expert in farm economics, to '
cover the state and report his findings through staff articles- in Thei ',-
i The Greer series constituted perhaps the "greatest: newsSper eriHHf ;I:'?I
in the historv nf thp sfafo. CI m ' . ' .J
most optimistic had thought them to be. The Nebraska farmer - witli f ""'
characteristic courage and industry had already hewed his way to better -
V THROUGH. Greer, through The Bee series cracked the -shell and p
x awoke Nebraska to a realization of the prosperity that is at hand. vr ',, -
Such great newspapers as The Chicago Tribune," New York Times V -
and Boston Transcript reproduced many of the .Greer Seriqs simultane
ously with The Omaha Bee, and did much to set Nebraska right withO?-
the worlds -
Only the Calamity Propagandist remains now to .be overOpmerhe. .
who for political or other purposes is willing to depress business, the"
1 prices of farm products, and even land values themselves. But even' the
Calamity Propagandist cannot long survive - returning prosperity in .
Nebraska. ' . ; . "
For Nebraskans it's just a question of ''pulling together." Let each
employer pull with his employes and each employe with his employer.
Let the seller keep faith with the buyer, and let the buyer not "lay down"
; on the seller. Let each member pull with his organization and each or
ganization with its rival organizations. ; - "
Let's do all of this "with malice toward none and charitv for "all!
STICE of the CONSEQUENCES of the .World War. -
TKU 4lvrtiinnt i paid for in thi newspaper
t tbe tegular, advertising rates by Tbe Omaha B)
4 ;
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ohm. - Sr., la - the scene 'of - a very
pleasant gathering that is to toe held
in honor of the golden wedding an
niversary of-Mr. and Mrs. Ohm. .The
relatives who have' arrived to partic
ipate are Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Ohm
and Mr. and Mrs. William Van Me
ter .of Omaha; T Mr.-and Mrs. E. 4C.
Eyelyn PriesMcElhaney Not Go
ing to Stop Effort .to Eelease
t Her, From Penitentiary.
r "-"; " " ' '
Mrs. Evelyn Priess McELhancy.
young Alliance woman T serving a
.thirty year sentence in the state pen
itentiary for a murder which she
claims she did not commit insists
that the evidence she 'has, to sub
stantiate her claim, will be present
ed to some authorities in some way
that will eventually bring her case
up for another hearing.
Mrs. McElhaney expressed sur
prise at. the statement of County
Attorney Lee Basey of Box Butte
county that sufficient evidence was
not presented Xo him to influence
him 'to reopen the case. She claims
that- when she left for the peniten
tiary a year ago that she told Basey
that- she did not Km tsan - Anaerson
and that she further" told him who
did the killing. She says she also
rave the names of witnesses who
would substantiate her claims.
State Probation Officer N. T. Har
mon of the state board of pardons,
says' that Mrs. McElhaney can prop
erly- present any facts she nas xo tnat
board. Mrs. McElhaney says she
Is not famliliar enough witn proce
dure to state at this time whether
she will pursue this course. She says
the entire matter is in the hands of
her brother-in-law, Oscar Brush, at
Alliance and also her brothers. She
believes that the new evidence will
be presented by her relatives direct
to District Judge Westover regard
less of the county attorney in Box
Butte county.
She says she expects Mr. Brush
to visit her in a f jw days and in the
meantime she does not desire to give
out- amy statements that Will Inter
fere with his plans other than to eay
that every efTort will be made to
bring her entire case in its new
phase before the authorities.
Methodist Church is Scene of Most
; Delightful Gathering Games ,
and Program Provided.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening at the Methodist
church was held the second annual
Fathers and Sons' get-together meet
ing and the occasion was one that
was enjoyed by over one hundred of
The noys,
The piano number by Richard
Ilerold, as well as the piano selec
tion by Harry Foster served to add
an enjoyable touch to the evening's
entertainment while Eugene Bush
nell gave a reading "Lincoln on Law
Enforcement" that was a very able
effort and showed the talent of this
young lad. The Masonic quartet,
composed of F. A. Cloidt, H. G. Mc
Clusky, D. C. York and R. W. Knorr,
favored the gathering with two of
their delightful numbers that were
warmly received by the members of
the party. Rev. John Calvert, pastor
of the church, was called upon and
gave a few remarks appropriate to
the occasion and which fitted in most
happily with the balance of the even
ing's program. Don C. York, super
intendent of the Sunday school, pre
sided over the occasion. 1
The sports and games were arrang
ed and carried out by J. C Kuyken
dall, and proved a real. treat to all
of the party.
W. R. Holmes was head of the dec
orations committee and had, with his
assistants arranged the room in the
most attractive manner with the val
entine decorations that added a pleas
ing touch to the scene.
The old friends here of Mrs. Gra
vit will be pleased to learn that
she has so far recovered from her
recent operation for appendicitis
that she has been able to u return
from the hospital to her home In Om
aha. The relatives here are much
pleased with the rapid Improvement
shown and trust that she ;wit enjoy
a permanent relief from her illness.
LO Kit LO E 17 S
From Wednesday's Dally.
George Lloyd of near . Murray was
here' today, for a few hours attend
ing to some matters of business and
visiting with friends.
' 'E. b'. "D-sal of Mt. Pleasant Iowa,
wno'.has: been here for a short visit
with, his son, 'James . Deal, departed
this morning for his home la tbe
Iowa city, i
- - ' - . '
Young.'tha auctioneer, re
turned, this morning fro mthe; west
ern part of the state where he 'was
engaged la holding an auction. Mr.
Young reports the' price of $$6 se
cured on h rood 6ows at one of hla
successful sales.
i the young and old alike,
???J CliTlea hm;oraege.8 found fif the fathers were"
and son 'of Chicago. ... Uwf 4 iho w-nv of nter-
: Piinnu, Min.i.i.f. .J Yiil 'talners. The evening was g.lven over
. popular COmttghtS IS the latest to games and sports as well as a short
fletion at the Jotuhai etfiee.' . ''program.
TitanfTradtor Now $700
Special Offer Effcclivo February 3, to Day I, 1022
The Harvester Company will give to each farmer purchasing from us a
new International 8-16 tractor or a new Titan .10-20 tractor, for delivery on
or before May 1st, 1922, a regular P. & O. .2-furrow plow with each Interna
tional 8-16 tractor and a regular P. & O. 3-furrow plow with eacfy Titan 10
20 tractor absolutely free, f. o. b. Chicago. ,-;;,
.V., -v - - i -..-. t ... ,..
r - .... . t ..?,(
This is not a stripped tractor, pared down to make a price,; but complete
with all essential equipment FRICTION CLUTCH, PUtXY, FENDERS, PLAT
and BRAKES. This equipment, worth more than $100 and nceaaary on anyi
tractor to make it serviceable an safe, is included in our pricev N fcxtraa to buy. l
Wiethe Titan at $700, and a P. '& O. piow freejtfTpiow.WteU for $175)1
you are offered the best and most economical outfit you can take into the field or
We are also carrying a full line of INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY as
well as repairs and parts therefor. Our Harness Department U complete. We can
care for your oiling and repairs.' , - - ,