The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 16, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
3 PreDared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If toy of the readers of the
Journal kDor of uy sor.;l
event or item of lnu-r?st in
this vie In itr. nd mall
lime to this office, it will ap
pear under ibis beaotf. w
wmt all cewslte tn- E ditor
Means Nothing
to the Man with
Empty Pockets
Did YOU ever consider that?
The individual who goes through life without
a little cash salted away and consequently
without credit or the means of getting it
can tell you of many splendid opportunities
passed along to some one more fortunate be
cause he had not the wherewithal to "plank
down." Why nt place yourself in a position
to take advantage of opportunity?
It is not a difficult matter to squeeze out a
little deposit now and again and it's marve
lous how quickly it mounts up with the
a m tfvT iu
Show and Dance!
We are doing the best of work at
the Murray Garage at SO cents per
hour. This is less than you can get
it done for anywhere else.
Storage of Cars
We are charging for day storage
25 cents, for evening, 25 cents, where
car is taken out before 12 o'clock
midnight, and 50 cents if left longer
than that time.
We are carrying a full line of
Tuesday Evening,
February 21 si
Good music and a good time! Admission to, . how
.Children, I 5c; Adults, 25c. To dance, Spectators, 25c;
Dancers, 75c; Ladies, free. Don't forget, Tuesoiy nite.
; supplies and accessories, and have
genuiue Ford parts for repairing.,
j Firestone and Goodrich tires and
; tubes.
' E. O. Hinkle,
i Charles Kennedy,
Frank Vallery.
ere Arc Some Bargains!
For this coming Saturday we are offering the fol
lowing bargains. Look and see for yourselves. Bet
ter take advantage of them.
Venus talcum powder cr Rose talcum powder, both
very fine. Reg. price, 30c, now 2 for 25c
Syrup of Figs, regular 50c size, now. 35c
Foley's Omino, 50c size for 35c
Uncle Sam's ccugh syrup, per bottle 18c
Rock candy cough syrup, per bottle 15c
urray Drug Company
Henry Peterson from between here
and JIanley was a visitor in Mur
ray lat Tuesday, posting bills for the
sale which he is to have in the near
future at his home east of Manley.
Mr. Peterson will quit farming for
Ithe present, but is not just determin
ed as to what he will do, h having
ja number of offers for his services.
Chester Shrader, who Is an elec
trician and bookkeeper at the office
I of the Western Electric company, at
Omaha, was a visitor for the day
Sunday at the home of his grandpar
ents at Murray and was well pleased
with the excellent time which his
grandparents and aunt and uncle
afforded him. Mr. Shrader. since his
graduation from the business college
less than a year since has made good
in his chosen avocation, and which
is very pleasing news to his many
ed hi3 corn at the Mynard elevator nttnek of stomach trcriUe attended
last Tuesday. with some fever, but tb are getting
Albert Young and a few of his alon nicely,
neighbors shipped a car of cattle to I Albert Young Khipp i two pair of
Omaha last week. ' j pi cm this week, one i ,r going to
W. J. Philpot shipped a car of j Michigan and the othei to Iowa. The
last Monday morning. iiv "increasing and it is : he pure bred I a!1 day Wednesday. February
' birthday. ' '
Bank Closed Wednesday
The Murray State Dank will
The Rev. A. G. Hollowell was ho? that pavs.
looking after some business matters Vr. Hupoist from Lin o'n. with the
in Murray lat Tuesday afternoon, iconity agent, will holu a fruit tree
11- , . T1. . .. e f - 1 - . . . ; i . l . '
. r. .uat, i vei-i ui .mjhjiu, 'pru
was a visitor in Murray, attending
Tubbs lives.
m t r a w .
. . . . m m f z t nwm n mm i w i -n i ill TirnTii tt iv
ing tiemonstration :-i tne Aioert i ""i 6a"' umjiyu6
Yon tit f..rm February 21st at 10 Mrs. O. A. l-'avis. who has Deen at
o'clock. All parties interested are 'Omaha for some time past, where
asked to attend. ' I f he hs-s been convalescent since an
aiess-rs c. M. Read, Robert Burr, operation for appendicitis at a hos-
Jchn FurrK Phillip K. ii and W. T. Pital there, returned Home last won-
and is getting along
Mrs. Davis' improve-
the farmers meeting last Tuesday
Green Piggott purchased a new
team cf horses ahd will farm west
sf Mynard on the place where Joseph Virgin and families v re in atten- day evening
?. nee at tiie funeral of .Mrs. O. Vir-very nicely
W. A. Fight shipped two cars of gjn at Dunbar and the burial at Ne-iment since the operation has been
cattle to the South Omaha market brasi.a City last Tuesday.
last Monday morning, they going on
the early train.
Uncle Samuel Latta and son James
were attending the funeral of Mrs.
Mary Virgin at Dunbar and Nebraska
City last Tuesday. i
Phillip Keil assisted in the dress-'
J. "W. Bates, of BurlingtonKan-
sas. is visiting for a sh ; t time at the
home of the "Amick boys and also
with Mr. and Mrs. Edr.-ard Slocumb,
and is having- an excellent time, be
ins; related to each fayjily.
K?v. Hucrh. IiOa'.ax, Ik-Id
most rapid and her many friends and
the relatives as well as the lady her-,
self, are well pleased with the pro-:
grea made.
Grandmother Parr Answers Call
Mrs. Amanda Parr, who would
secretary . Pave been ninety years of ace on
Ing of a number of fine porkers at rf fhe Nebraska Missi onary society. ; June 17th, this summer, answered the
the home of Mr. smd Mrs. Art Han- delivered two very able liiscources to; call of the Death Angel last Wednes-
sen last Wednesday.
small audience at . the Christian j day. February 8th, after having been
Por Sale ' James Fitch is numbered among
c.: i i t i i j i the sick this week.
Single comb Rhode Island Red. ' . .
large tvpe dark red. H.50 each. Call ! Phillip Keil aressed a number of
phone 16 tf-w lloPs at tlie home of Mrs. A. Asch
MK3. S. OLDHAM. j la?t Monday.
Murray, Neb. Galen Rhoden shelled and deliver-
14 lbs. cane sugar for $1.00.
3 pks. corn flakes for " .25
2 pkgs. lare Post Toasties 35
Bulk oatmeal, per lb 05
3-ib. can Monarch fancy blend coffee . . 1.00
Santos Peaberry, per lb 25
3 lbs, our bis? bean Guatemala coffee for. ....... 1.00
2-lb. can roast beef, 35c; three cans for 1.00
Pink salmon, tall cans, two for 25
Six cans oil sardines for. 25
,2 cans good sweet corn 25
1 2 cans sifted June peas . . . 35
2 large cans tomatoes . . 35
2 lbs. bulk cocoa .25
Fancy dried apples, per lb 25
Seedless raisins, large clean stock, lb .25
Dried peaches, per lb. . , . . . .20
Prunes, 70-80 size, per lb.. 15
42-oz. jar apple butter 40
"Jack Spratt apricots, per can ,35
Peacheo, medium syrup, per can 25
Gallon fruit 6 can assortment. Loganberries, -Peaches,
Black Cherries, Apples, Pineapple
and Apricots. All for. 5.60
10-qt. galvanized pail and 1 lb. baking powder. .. .25
Little Hatchet flour, 48-lb. sack 1.90
Gerald, the little son of Mr. and church, the crowd beia small on ac- confined to her bed following a se-
Mrs. Troy Shrader, is suffering froni connr of the very severe weather. jvero fall which left her almost help- j
a severe case of pneumonia, but is. There will be a good program and less. Mrs. Parr, who is the mother of
getting along nicely. ' - ja pood titne if you wlil attend the ! Mrr,. D. F: Brendel, was born June!
Mrs. Robert Burr has been at the community party at tt." hall Friday; 17th,, 1832, and has made her homej
hom of her brother. Ozeo Virgin, on ni.Iit. Everyone is nvited to attend in her native state of Indiana during'
account of the sickness and death of an:i each, family is ex.j. cted to bring j her lifetime. . Shewas a most estim-!
her sister-in-law;- Mrs. "Virgin. (one dozen sandsiche?r '4'iettef come', able! lady,, 'beloved -and honord by all!
Edmund Peterson was a visitor in) o. Ilir.kle. who' has been at the who knew her. She was the mother;
Omaha for over Sunday and return- j hospital for some tiirn? past, whereof nine children, all of whom sur-J
ed here last Tuesday morning, after he underwent an operation for ap-;viveher. There were three sons and
having had a mot splendid time. jpendicitK returned home this week r.ix daughters who honor and mourn
Otto Lutz was a visitor in Platts-I an.j i3 assisting around the garage. ' this excellent aged woman. The sons
mouth for a few days during last 1 although he is not doing much hard'are Mont Gomery, eon by a former'
week and the fore part of this, re- J WOrk a vet. nmrriage, and Xeiscn and Jacob Parr, !
turning here last Tuesday morning, j Messrs Herman Reike. E. B. Chap- md the daughters Mesdames Etta
L. R. Snipes and Miss Ida Wilkins mar, Winfield Swan and W. B. Ban- Slielbv. Jane Barker. Josephine Bren-!
of Weeping Water were in attend- '.niuir were visiting in Murray ard ('rcl. (Mrs. B. F. Brendel) Ida Barker,
ance Pt the meeting of the farm bu- taking Part in tlie meeting cf the Margaret N'ichelson and Delia John.'
reau in Murray last Tuesday after- Frmv Bureau Federation which was With the exception of Mrs. Brendel
noon. Iheld at the Peterson hall last Tues- thev all make their home in the east.
George HiM and L.. H. Puis, of (av afternoon. , 'Mrs. Brendel had teen with her
Plattsmouth. were looking after some Jooenh West, who formerly lived ra other for a number of weeks as-
business matters in Murray. Mr. Puis here, but who has been making his Listing in her care.
alo doing some work at the Murray" hcm rje-?r Murdoch for the past two.
GaJ,ase- . -t . . ... , , -year.:, suffered the 1 ope 'of his Euick Suffers Loss of Track
Mr. and Mrs. Eucephelas Wolph aut.. by fire last Monday evening, it; i Friday evening as Robert
from near Nchawka were in attend- ,a!dns fire just after he had run it , Drisco,i, who operates a truck line
u ii,. n.c: iwac.uwo:. ul; lnto MS garage. l.cin Dmahn anrt Vehraska f'itv.
,As a matter of trying out the car as r,aF;:in the crossing east of Mur-
l2:.t Sunday, Font T. Wilson, in his rav he thoupht to take a smoke, and
new Ford Sedan as driver and Messrs ije'Nin a cigarette carelessly threw
W. H. Puis and son Harry and Jas- (he match away. Somehow it alight-
pc-r Queen made a trip to Weeping d ia the pan of his trucb and was
fanned into a flame which burned tne
which was held here last Tuesday
; afternoon.
Edward I.utz. Jr., was called to
Murray last Tuesday afternoon to
look after some business matters.
Mr. Lutz is farming northwest of Wiitcr.' and notwithstanding the se
ji lattsmoutn. verity of the weathermade the trip r near the honse of Henry Timm
- J-,AmS f Z l- aPS,p.,ance of in comfort, v . IM Driscol, who carried a gun. firec
red H ild and Ralph Kennedy were The firm of Wilson & Puis will u .vcra, (. to attract attentior
constructing some hog houses at the !ook aftcr the cream business for the ,ecure hclp in extinguishing the
borne of H G. Todd during the bet- prPPe:it for Mr. J. A. Scotten on ac-' flanies Messra Henrv Timm, Frank
5 i lt Jt i icount cf h5s bein- !retty busy at Reed ond Glen 1d came to hl3 res
The Lewiston school has a tele- this time. Mr. Jarer Queen willl; 5,i ia; t.
t, .:n ,.i , v. . . . T. - - . . cue auu ai-ncu ttuiuouiuc,
j.::,. iic cuini uc uiutu t in fink ii!? att -.r the nusmess
aovr.mape in pupns ar.u leacner ana and w51i aiso work
win result in closer co-operation be- jor the firm.
tween teacher and parents. j Mr. Font Wilson l as purcliEsed a
Wni. Seyboldt and father shipped a new Ford sedan, getting it from his
car of cattle to the South. Omaha brother-in-law, Elbert Queen, who is
market last Tuesday afternoon, as" emploved bv the Plattsmouth Motor
also Mid Jacob Hild. his going from ! companvNof Plattsmo :th. Mr. Wilson
Mynard instead of Murray. - j is well 'pleased with the car. and it
L. L. Wiles was a visitor in Mur- v,ill make him a verv line vehicle to
ray and was participating in the get about in, as well as for the fam
nieeting of the Federated Farm Bu-ijjv.
rearu, which was looking after some! " '.
business in Murray Tuesday. I. ...... ......
Dr. B. F. Brendel was a visitor in V'VriV'n-r.-i'W
tlmwood last Wednesday, where he
cnrjro of fruit from the burnine car.
to fome extent. ,. rf i,nfi painert Kiirh hpadwavl
they were unable to prevent total!
destruction of the truck.
oennichsen & Co.,
Telephone No. 12.
Murray, Nebraska.
went to. look after tome professional i i
business and was accompanied, by his,;
nephew, Mr. Warren Leonard, as his
driver. iZ
Harry Leach is reported to be kept -l
to his bed with a severe case of pneu-'!-
monia. and with which he is making'.?,
a veryuccessful fight. We are hop-'
ing that Harry may soon be up and '.t.
about again. L.
The three children of Mr. and Mrs. j
John Hoback ere reported as being
kept to their home and beds with an ..t. sz. A. ;T?T.
Specialist on ine and
Cattle Dif ;ases
Will receive calls at Murray
hotel. Telephone number li.
This Looks Good to Us
Some time ago the young people
around Murray held a most pleasur
able entertainment at the Peterson
hall which netted some ducats for the
Library association and were encour
aged to try the matter again and on
last Tuesday evening gave a valentine
party with some success financially,
end proving a most enjoyable time
j i for all who attended, and those who
did not surely failed to appreciate
what was worth while.
Masooerade JBa
There will be given a hard times mask ball on
Saturday, February 25th, in honor of the birthday of
Jarvas Lancaster, at which there will be a good time.
Four prizes will be awarded, two foV the ladic3 and two
for the gents, for the best costumes. Come, have a
good time. - .
Business looking Up . , I
We visited the Murray Garage last
Tuesday and found everybody very
busy, and with work crowding them.
The garage is doing excellent work
and at a figure lower than most eoni
petitorr and with the very clever
I. treatment, thev are enioviner a verv
,Wt.t I' UDI.i T. . I VJ L . U 1 . . d I' IIV I lit If!
better in this line, but it is looking
up all over and we are looking for
much better business as spring ad
yances. i
Smile and the World Smiles
That is a fact, and there are many
causes for smiling as well. Just the
longing of a fond heart for a little
daughter has been filled in the case
of our friend. John Hobscheit. Four
sturdy sons have heretofore graced
their home, but it was not until last
Saturday that a little daughter, one
cf the dearest little blue eyed babies,
came to make this home completely
happy. Mr. Hobcheit was away at
tending a sale and during his absence
thettork made its visit and present
ed the heme with the baby girl, as a
surprise and delight to the fond fath
er and mother, and no wonder the
bmiles are reflecting on each member
(Continued on paga 6) t
aturday Specials!
The public appreciated the specials for last Satur
day and snowed same by their liberal buying. W e sure
ly appreciate the nice business which we had and are
again ofFering goods at these very low prices. Remem
ber the goods are absolutely the best tlie market affords.
5-lb. pkg. oat meal for 25c
reas, per can 10c
Peaches, per can 25c
Two cans of best corn 25c
One dollar brooms for 69c
Beans, 7 lbs. for 50c
Shredded Wheat, per pkg 15c
Royal Lemon cleaner, per pkg 21c
A good one dollar kerosene lamp for 79c
White syrup, per gallon 49c
Dark syrupr per gallon. 39c
20 bars good laundry soap for $1
Prunes, per ib 15c
Bulk raisins, per lb 22c
Bulk cccoanut, per lb 30c
One gallon peaches for 80c
One gallon apricots for SOc
Matches, per box 5c
Men's duck coats. . . $2.50
Boys caps for 75
Men's caps at 1.19
Many other specials at the same Low Price
?ff Our overshoe prices hold good for this Saturday.
Better come in and avail yourselves of the low
prices for overshoes and rubbers, at the very low price,
and before your size is gone.
Wilson & Puis,
The Service Store
Murray, Nebraska
li FaEseoQg3 mmd
There will be given on next Saturday night at
the Peterson hall one of those old fashioned dances,
at which all enjoy themselves. Remember the date
Saturday, February 1 8th come and have a good time.
EY2 urray Dancing C!ub
In the Building Game!
We are prepared to give' estimates and contract for the
erection of buildings Residences, Barns, Garages,
Sheds, of in fact any kind of a building you may need.
J. A. SCOTTEN, Contractor
You Have Waited for This!
This is the stove which cannot go wrong. A vapor
stove for cooking that is free from soot or black; does
not have any ga3 or fume troubles. Very economical in
fuel, will not smoke and will always furnish the proper
heat for just the cooking wanted.
Also, the price has been materially reduced from
last year.
eterson Hardware Co.
L. PETERSON, Manager
-:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA