The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 26, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY.- JAffUABT 26, X9g2
i iVfi
I r V cr f -
Father or Son
are saving dollars by buying at this
Clearance Sale!
Every suit in the house has been thrown into this clean up sale. Nothing
reserved ncr cJiiched. All of our stock of suits and overcoats, plus the new Fall
arrivals are being offered to you at prices that demand attention. These prices
were right before the sale they should be doubly attractive now.
S45. ?50 cr.d over $38.00
$C7 to $42.50 30.00
V."0 to $35 24. CO
$22. CO to ?2r 17.50
$ls ani UO 15.00
$15 suits at "10. CO
$40 and $50 and over $32.00
$35 overcoats at 26.50
$S0 overcoats at 22.50
$25, $27 and $28 overcoats '19.50
$20 and $22.50 overcoats : 16.50
$15 and $18 overcoats . 12.00
As this sale is to raise cash all sales must be for cash,
charges. A $5 deposit will hold your choice until pay-day.
Small alteration
Chamber of Commerce is Arranging
Gathering Next Week at the
Public Library.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening the U. D. club of the
St. John's Catholic church was very
! pleusarftly entertained at the home
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Schlater on
Fifth street and the occasion
attended hy some forty of the young
people of the parish to enjoy the de
lightful time that had been arrang
ed for them. The evnt was given by
the Misses Mildred and Margaret
Schlatsr. Barbara and Betty Ptak,
Wni. Schlater, John Ptak, and these
young people provided a most de
lightful tim3 for the members of the
jolly party. The club held a short
buiines.H session which was followed
ly r.everal hours of games, music and
dancing and at which the greatest
of pleasure and much merriment was
derived. At a suitable hour very
dainty refreshments were served that
added to the delights of the evening
and it was a late hour when the
young people departed homeward.
The members of the board of di
Tectors of the Chamber of Commerce
met yesterday noon at the Hotel
Wagner for luncheon and there tcok
up eome of the problems that have
arisen in the last few months to con
front the residents of this commun
ity, j
Among the matters discussed was
that of the paving of Main street
and the general opinion was that the
property owners along the street that
is to be re-paved in the spring,
should have an opportunity cf get- I
ting together on the proposition and
fixing on the kind, of paving and the
manner in which it should be laid.
One of the chief considerations rel
ative to 'the new pavement will be
that of drainage and there has been
seme suggestion that the center of
the street be given a Utile more of a
crown and that on each side of the
terways that will .be of considerable G. A. R. are Guests at the Hospita-
depth and in fact serve as small sew- j Die Home of Mrs. L. B. Eeen-
Which is Virtually the Same Meas
ure That Republicans Buried
at Harding's Bequest.
era In the conveying of flood water.
There will be a number of Inlets to
these waterways in each lock and it
la figured that this would carry off
a great deal of the water that comes
with the heavy rains of the summer
Just what the paving Should be
end how laid and whether or not the
street paving should be lowered, are
among the questions of which an ex
pression is desired and It is for this
berger for Afternoon.
irom Wednesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies of
the Women's Relief Corps were en
tertained very pleasantly at the home
of Mrs.L. B.- Egenberger on lower
main street, Mesdames Egenberger,
Val Burgle, and J. C. Peterson, Jr.,
being the hostesses' of the occasion.
As is the visual rule, the gathering
i wa-s on fir flli2:ht.riil infnrmantv
reason (that the property owners are and those participating came with
asked to eet toeether and decide on 1 th t....t ,
asked to get together and decide on
what they want.
While the exact date has not been
fixed upon definitely dt is hoped to
have the meeting set for next Thurs
day evening if possible. Those who
own property on Main street should
toe In attendance as It will be a real
meeting full of interest to everyone
the Intent-ion of enjoying a real good
time and this was fully realized in
the evry pleasant time arranged- by
the .hostesses.
The afternoon was spent in visit
in and the members of the Grand
Army of the Republic were the guests
of honor of the occasion and assist
ed in the very pleasant social time.
who will have a part in paying for The members of the party enjoyed
the singing of the songs of the days
of tie Civil War and whose notes
the new public improvements.
Trota Wednesday" Dally
The latest1 reports from the Clark
son hospital In Omaha state that
Percy Warthen of this city is now
showing much improvement and
that if he continues to show gains
ihe may recover from the ordeal thru
which he has just passed
had often cheered the 'boys In blue
on the camp ground and battlefield
and whose melodies awoke the re
collection of the war time days when
the members of the G. A. R. were in
the heat of a great civil conflict and
the Relief Corps ladies' assisting In
the preservation of the republic by
their efforts at the .home fireside.
Very enjoyable refreshments -were
Washington, Jan. 24. The ques
tion of a bonus for former service
men again was presented -to the sen
ate today thru introduction by Sen-
I ator Simmons, democrat. North Car
olina, or the live-way adjusted com;
'pensarion plan as an amendment to
the pending measure providing for
refunding of the war-time loans to
the allied powers.
Except in provisions for payment
of the bonus, this amendment Is iden
tical with the house bill taken up
by the senate last summer .and re
committed to the finance committee
after President Harding had ad
dressed the senate.
Provisions for payment of the ibo
nu3 bill call for the issuance of short
term treasury certificates until in
terest on the debt can be collected
to retire it hem, and later the use of
the principal of the debt, if and when
such becomes available thru sale of
the foreign bonds.
Mr. Simmons declared he was
bringing the subject up because for
mer service men deserved the bonus
and .because the finance committee
of which he is the ranking demo
cratic member, had given "serious
consideration" to attaching to It the
funding bill before the latter was
reported (to the senate.
It was said that as a result of (in
formal conferences among democrats
Mr. Simmons had been assured his
colleagues would support his efforts
to have the amendment attached to
the funding measure.
Senator Walsh, democrat, Massa
chusetts, also submitted an amend
ment, stipulating that any agree
ment resulting from negotiations be
tween ane proposed commission for
funding the debt and the foreign
representatives should not be 'bind
ing on the American government un
til the consent of the senate had been
. Mr. Simmons In his speech declar
ed that when theatate committee
agreed to strike out the provision
for a flat 5 per cent Interest rate it
had left the way open for "the in
ternational speculators to gather the
Mr. War-
then was not operated on yesterday served by the hostesses at an appro-
as was expected as on a rigid exam- priate hour that added to the de
InaMon by the surgeons it was de- lights of the occasion.
Clded that It would not be necessary,
at this time and the patient being ( BAD pjjj AT QBEENW00D
ppaTenxiy in mucu ueuer suape n
was felt that this would be unnee
essary. .
Last night the general store of
Barker & Walker at Greenwood was
completely destroyed by fire and the
owners will suffer a very heavy loss
as the result of "the unfortunate oc-
Oharles Purdy and son, George, of currance. The building Is situated
Alliance, hare Just returned home af- on the south side of the main street
ter ft pleasant visit here with the cf Greenwood and one of the largest
mother of Mr. Claries Purdy, Mrs. buildings in that place and Its de
Frances Purdy. This ds the first time struction will be quite a loss for the
that Mrs. Purdy has met he grand- -cmTnunity. The cause of the fire
ion who is now a young man of could not he learned at the time of
eighteen year of age. going to preta.
(Rome, Jan. 24.- The time for the
funeral of Pope Benedict XV has
ibeen fixed as Thursday afternoon, it
was officially anounoed late today.
This decision wijl hold unless it ap
pears that previous 'burial ds advis
able, in which case the final rites
will occur tomorrow.
Pope Benedict's body will be bur
ied in a tomb 4n St. Peter's, along
side that of Queen Christina of Swed
en, who died in Rome In 1689, and
facing the tomb of Pope Pius VI.
The most exquisite line of birth
day and gift cards to be found any
where! -, At Journal office.
Accident Occurred Only a Short Dis
tance From His Own Farm
Found by Neighbors.
From Wednesday's Dall.v.
The community was darkened this
afternoon by a tragedy that wiped
iout the life of William Nolting, one
' of the young f armers residing just
west of the city, and which occur
red at 12:30 as the result of an auto
. accident on the highway only a block
or two from the home of the unfor
tunate young man.
Mr. Nolting was returning home
at noon from one of the neighbors
and had reached the locality of the
William Hunter farm, only a short
way from his own home when the
accident occurred. Just what caused
the unfortunate accident Is not
known but it is though it the
steering apparatus of the car in
some manner refused to work and
the car crashed into the bank near
the roadway and the unfortunate
man thrown from the car into the
roadway. The death was caused by
the ibreaking of the neck of the young
man, and he was found lying along
the road near the front of the car
when member:; of the family and
neighbors reached the scene a short
time after the accident.
The deceased young man was one
of the best known farmers of this
portion of Cass county and a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nolting. He was
L-orn and reared in thi3 community
and was a graduate of Plattsmouth
ihgh ichool. Mr. Nolting was married
on March 9, 1921, in this city to
Miss Ella Trichirren, who remains to
bear the deep grief that the tragedy
has cast over the family. He is aLio
mourned by the parents and several
In the great sorrow that has come
ro swiftly upon the members of the
family, they have the most sincere
sympathy of the entire community,
and it is a great loss to all who had
the pleasure of knowing Will in his
The suddenness of the death has
prostrated the members of the fam
ily, and the date of the funeral ser
vices will he announced later.
I NIL. J')JlUi
Shew Increase of 105,000 Cars and
Trucks Over Previous Year
1922 Outlook Optimistic.
! Retail sales of Ford cars, trucks
and Fordson tractors have again ex
ceeded tho million mark for the year
, 1921, according to a statement given
out today hy the Ford Motor Com
pany. The Ford factory and assembly
plant production figures reached a
total of 1,00,740 cars, trucks and
tractors for the year, 'with retail
rales by dealers approximating 1,
093,000 which in the United States
aicne surpassed tha 1920 retail sales
record by 104,213 Ford cars and
I The Ford company says the out
look for 1922 is decidedly optimistic.
In fact, concrete evidences already
exist in that car and truck retail
pales for December 1921, exceeded
December 1920 sales by almost 25
por cent, and Fordson tractor retail
r.a!es for the srme periods show an
increase of over 100 per cent for De
cember, 1921, as well as an increase
over the total (tractor sales for the
month of November.
These fact3 seem to indicate thai
not only are the farmers buying more
freely, but that the general public
"s becoming more responsive and re
ceptive. Another point brought out by a
'comparison of production figures for
tli a past two yeans, shows that Ford
enclosed cars are graining in popu
larity, as 23 per cent of the 1921
production were Sedans and Coupes
js against a tot3l cf 18 per cent for
the year previous.
Recent redurlt'iors in Ford car and
truck prices trought them to a new
low level. The Touring err now sells
for $348, the Runabout for $319. the
Cour3 .for $580, the Sedan for $645,
the Chassis for $2S5. and the truck
for $430, all F. O. B. Detroit.
This is the fourtb price cut in the
past sixteen months. During that
time the price of (the touring car
alone has been cut from $575 to $348
a reduction of 40 per cent. Reduc
tions on some of the other types have
been even greater.
The Ford company believes that
this reduction, while not a large one,
is especially impofltant at this time
as it should go a long way toward
stabilizing market conditions.
Ford is giving employment at pres
ent to approximately 40,000 men in
fnaln plant at Detroit, the Im-
'f- , . .j
piortance of which is empnasizeu;
Stand of Harvard President Partly
Endorsed by Chicago and
Northwestern Officials
t. on Walter Dill
! Scott, .president of Northwestern uni-
when consideration is given to the ; and i)avld Robertson, dean
fact that nearly 20 per cent of the ' - llterature at the Uni-
city's population fa directly depend- f Cnjcago today made pub-
ent upon the Ford Motor Company. Statements In which they sup-
ported to a certain extent the atti
tude assumed by maiatui
Harvard on football as It
'relates to college education.
President Lowell m mis annual
Tho r,t Tlfr :i n rl Mrs H.irrV
1 A 1" v A. . " ' - " " .
..... . .-, j I vii. nriJnoul'ir n?firT-
able miscellaneous snower eaiuraay i port maae pu,ui; ycuf : u
evening in honor of Miss Nell White, ed that public interest In joottau
one of the spring brides. had tended to give excessive lmporc-
The evening was delightfully spent ance to college athletic contests,
in visiting and music and in honor of , 'The general statement aade
the forthcoming wedding the bride-j President Lowell was a
o-be was cresented with a number courageous one," Dean Robemon
of beautiful gifts. At a suitable said. "The only thing In the stste
hour dainty refreshments were serv- ment with which I do not agree is
ed that added to the delights of the the patronizing attitude of Haryara
iianpv event. Those attending the toward some of the smaller instltu
occasion were Philip Kehne and tions which it meets athletically,
wife, Will Weherbein and family, "I do not believe in intersectlonai
Tohn F. Weherbein and family, Fred football for the reason tlhat the trips
Kaffenberger and family, John Kauf- take too much time from the school
man and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred work. We have had a good instance
McCullouch, Albert J. Godwin and of this in the trip made to Prince
wife, Robert White, Mr. and Mrs. Al ton last fall. Altho we were pleased
hzrt Murray, Henry Nolting and with the results of the same, we
family. Miss Frances Grassman, of were not altogether pleased with the
Alliance, Dave Pickrel and Mr. and way in which it hindered the school
Mrs. Harry White. , work of the men who made the
When your .choo! V 1"' 2&
plies, call at the Journal office lirst gake of Latin or of football.
lets and general school supplies.1 letics and initercollegiate ltln.'
v.-. ,1 I President Scott said. "We Judge that
if either of these Is made an end In
itself It assumes a position of im
portance detrimental to the interests
for which our college exists."
They arc the test on the market.
The meeting of the St. Paul's aid :'
ocicity that was to have been held ;
Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.,
a: the home or Mrs. M. Hild, Thurs-t. , . " i.,0(j
dav, has been indefinitely postpon-, the school chJdren, may be tad
U tAJ V V -ww
mm januarv
Local Chapter of Order cf Da Mclay
Have Social Features to Add ,
Interest to. Thoir Sleeting.
From WflnecdarK Oaliv
Last evening the members cf Car-?
Chapter. Order of De Molay, enjoyed
a very pleasing session of their lde
and one which was quite largely at
tended by the members as well as a
number of the Ma?on3 of the ity to
enjoy with the boys the very inter
esting session. The chapter arranged
for the appearance here of the Y.
M. C. A. quartet of Omaha, which
was the big hit here of the b-inn'ie:
of the Y. M. B. C. cf the Methodist
church, and the quartet is coming
thi3 time for a whole evening cf
song and humorous features that
cannot but be a real treat to tho3
who enjoy an evening of high clan?
Fn-tertainment. Messrs. Campbell.
Wallace. Williams and Smith, are
among the bast known, of th mii"'
al entertainers of Om3ha and their
coming here will give Ithe commun
ity a rare trent. ,
Following the busiinesi session of
the chapter the quartet composed of
Messrs. McClusky, Frank Cloidt,
Knorr erod York gave a number of
songs that were received with the
most marked approval an dserved to
complete ittoe evening of pleasure and
We are continuing our clearance sale of winter merchandise to Saturday.
The unusual weather and financial conditions have left us with an exceptionally
large stock of winter merchandise, which we must convert into cash. This is your
opportunity to secure good dependable merchandise at prices that we, in most in
stances, would be unable to replace at the prices quoted.
Every department in our store is affected by these drastic reductions. We
invite you to compare prices before buying.
CC-inch percale, light and dark -t QX
patterns at, per yd IO2C
Outing flannels, best quality at -f 7i
per yd 1 I 2 C
Dre;s ginghams, good quality, at 1 j
per yard X I
No. '1 cotton batts, very specially Q
priced, each
Cotton blankets, size 72x82, are o JQ
going fast at J
Ladies' wool hose, $1 values at, q
per pair 01
J. P. Coats thread, all numbers. nr
Price per spool U3
Ladies' good quality cotton hose. "t Q
Black and brown, per pair X7
. Ladies' Munsing underwear the yf Q
popular garments, at Xft"
Any gingham dress in the store, o
Values to $5, at fx3
Ladies' fine quality outing gowns. 1 jq
Cood heavy flannel, at xtU
All our ladies' and misses' JLPJ3IPP
sweaters go at 2 iliUt
16 pounds of pure granulated -l
sugar for 1UU
Sun Maid" seedless raisins are OA
being sold at; per pkg ;
Best grade of - Michigan navy - C
beans, 4 lbs. for . . 1 tfav
Tall cans salmon. Our money- -t f
saving price, per can 1U
Gallon cans of apples solid CQ
pack. Per can . U7
Gallon cans of peaches solid Q
pack. Per can U7
Pork and beans fine quality at 1 fl
per can z 1U
No. 1 lamp chimneys. Special -t
price, each 11
Large size Corn Flakes and Post -i M
Toasties at lfz
3-lb. sack of fine table salt on aq
sale for U
Crisco fine for cooking and bak- 4 m
ing. Our price, per lb ' . '
Candies, good quality, pure and in
fresh. Price, per lb X 7 -
Bring Us Your Eggs Highest
Market Prices Always
Prom Wfdnwaar Dally
This afternoon Andy Schmarder,,
the clever Louisville boxer, and one
of the best heavyweight boxers cf
the west, departed for Denver in
romp-any with .his minasrer, Jark
Lewis of Omaha and Billy Rolfe,
another of the .boxers under the man
agement of Mr. Lewis. Rolfe has
bouts scheduled with Padgett and
Murphy in the Colorado city, and
Andy will also take on a few of the
mountain city boxers during his stay
In the west. Andy Schmarder Is one
of the cleverest young boxers in the
game in this part of the west and
will be a feature in any bout that
he is staged in. He is a clean-cut
fine young man in every way and
his host of friends in Cass county
will watch with interest his career
in the Colorado capital. Andy is at
the present time under suspension in
this state, hut it is hoped that the
state commissioner may alow him
soon to resume his work In the box
ing game In the state of Nebraska.
They are here at the Journal of
fice. Come in and got your copy ear
ly and don't risk missing it. N
Books! Books! Books! We havt
them till you cant lest, at the Jour
nal Office.
Lion brand work shoes none M Of
better. Price per pair mttO
Ladies' black and brown dress o no
rhoes. Military heel, at )
Growing girls' brown school O QQ
shoes. Special at 70
Infants' shoes. We have a large '7(
assortment at, per pair iU
Men's 1-buckle overshoes, best O OA
quality at, per pair
Boys' l-buek!e overshoes; first tq
quality at, per pair . ! I U
Ladles 3-buckle overshoes. Extra o nr
good ones at, per pair 5
Our Shoe Department is the talk of the
community. Our cash system of husiness
enables us to sell tetter shoes for less
money. We cordially invite comparison.
Men's Red Seal McDonald work qq
shirts, Union made, at UO
Union made collars both soft ng
and Jumpers at, each , ZU
Real good Union made overalls f nr
Jumpers at, each . xi D
Men's sheep lined coats and rests, o HP
Values to $17.50 at 0"d
Men's all wool macklnaws. Big 7 OC
values for you here at
Boys all wool macklnaws. Qet m nr
him one like dad's here now for
Men's work shirts. Colors blue
and gray. All sizes at . 01
Men's heavy wool sox on sale at nn
per pair oj
Men's suspenders. Good quality.
Price per pair
y 1
Ask for Your Coupons!
anger s Department Store
FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor
Fiattsmouth, Nebraska
p'f j!
Phone No. 206