MONDAY. JAUTJAEY 16, 1922, FIATTSJOETH SZHI-WZESIY JCTTRAI. , PAOI TWO t Pi 3 ill 4 LI c A Bargain Wednesday, Jan. 18 OUR SPECIAL Work Shirts 75c For the past several months cotton has been on the raise. Work shirts have been advanced manr times. We feel that in offering you this splendid heavy, blue 1.00 shirt for 75' Winter Union Suits $ 1 .49 We are sitting right in the front row of winter. A lot of cold and snow is bound to come and you'll need plenty of warm underwear to pull through. We have several broken lines selling for ?2, J2.50 and 53 on sale at . $1 49 1 V -4 Vary You the old spying- When people make their money easily they don't bother about saving a few cents here arid a few cents there. But now with many working part time and farm products selling below cost of production you owe it to yourself to shop wisely and economically. Bargain Wednesday finds us in the midst of our January clearance sale. Every article in the store is reduced in price. The following are c-'j- - few of our many bargains: Dry Goods! Unbleached toweling, good qual- 1 2t i7ic vou should snap them up by twos and fours. They will not be cheaper soon. So get busy. JThese are not seconds, nor are they unsale able Junk. But, we want to clean them up thus the price. Winter Glearanco of Men's Suits and Overcoats! Bargain Wednesday happens to fall this time right in the midst of our clothing sale. It's on in full blast. You out-of-town customers who are helping to make Plattsmouth Bargain Wednesdays a mutual success, will save many dol lars if you take advantage of this clothing sale. Our entire stock of Kuppenheim er, Hart Schaffner & Marx, Clothcraft and Block Co. clothes are offered to you at the following reductions. Nothing reserved OVERCOATS SUITS $43. $50 and over $38.00 $37 to $42.50 30.00 $30 to 35 24.00 $22.50 to $25 17.50 $18 and $20 15.03 $15 10.00 $40 and $50 and over $32.00 $35 2C.50 $30 22.50 $25. $27. $28 . 19.50 $20 and $22.50 16.50 $15 and $18 12.00 alteration charge. ?As this sale is to raise cash all sales must be for cash. Small - - STOCKING CAPS MEN'S OVERALLS We have about seven dozen men's overalls, 2:20 denim, good full cut garments. Waists 32 to 40, length 30 to 34. They are all we have, and we cannot get more of them. The,y are -crth today $2 a pair, but in order to clean them up. they will be on the counter and marked at $1 20 If'you have bought know this price Is right. overalls recently you All our men's and ladies stocking caps on sale thi3 day at 50c and 75c Boys' and girls caps at 25c aii 35c LEATHER WORK MITTENS Leather work mittens full lined. Our regular $1.50 and $1.75 stock. Bargain Wednesday price only " V J. U L) JERSEY MITTENS Men's and ladies black jersey mittens. looking tnd warm. Black only. Snap wrist. Bargain Wednesday ity, &t per yd. Outing flai ael. light and dark Best quality, per yd Dress giiis.ams, the sirable patterns, p Sl-inch tU iched Peppcrell sheet ing at per yd Turkish t weling, heavy, good quality, j..r yd Table oil cloth, best grade, all patterns, .t yd BacilLi G-rmantown yarn all colors, pt-r ball J. P. Coats thread oHereJ at per spool Liidies fle-ce lined hose. Janu ary price, per pair Ladies' gr-y wool hose, a real bargain at. per pair Ladies ribbed wool hose very special, per pair Children's heavy black ribbed stocking.-, per pa:r: Children's black and white gar ters, per pair re most de- 11 r yd 1 2C 59c 23 c ..37c ..12c 5c ..29c ..69c ..89c ..22c 3c 36-inch percales. Both light and dark patterns. Per yard 16c Men's - Boys 1 -buckle heavy overshoes. Best quality. Price $1.89 Shoes! Rubbers! Infants' soft sole shoes in black kid, pat ent leather and white and black 7Qr f j w Men's blue and gray work shirts, all sizes, at -regular knit Good 35c Ladies' and Misses' Ready-to-Wear! ..98c ?.:c:a.'...89c quality, $1.29 petticoats wide np y special 70C $1.49 rs. This HALF PRICE $2.45 Men and Boys' Wear! ..69c $1.79 .10c .25c .39c .49c 29c heavy ribbed and fleec- dl HQ on suits. $2 values J)xfci GREATLY REDUCED $4.69 $2.98 Men's flannel shirt $2.50 values at Cotton flannel gloves wrist. Special, per pair Uncle Sam sox. January clear ance price, 2 pair for Men's heavy wool sex. Very special, per pair 1 Men's brown and green dress wool sox. Very special Men's suspenders. Special Janu ary clearance price, per pair Men's ed union All men's and boys' winter caps Choice of any man's fur cap, values to $15 Men's corduroy trousers the best kid. Very special, per pair Children's "Sinbac Healthy Foot" shoes in brown calf, vici, gunmetal and patent leather all reduced. Prices C"J OQ from $2.95 to as low as Q J U TT-maT,' Mafir vifi cushion sole lace shoes, in wide or narrow lasts. Exceptional value at Women's vici kid lace boot In 0 AO black and brown. $6 value vJu Pnvu' hrown calf and eun metal sturdy dress shoes. Very special at per pair Men's armv Munson last shoes. Heavy soles. A wonderful buy at, per pair Men's fine dress shoes in English, Semi English and Straight lasts. Values to $8, per pair Ladies 1-buckle overshoes. (1 7Q Very special, per pair Ladies' 2-bucl:ie overshoes. Very special, per pair Ladies 3-buckIe ov Very special, per pais Men's and Boys' rubber boots. First qual ity and a wonderful buy at, o ftC per pair QUUO $2.49 $3.49 ish, Semi $4.49 $1.79 !!...$2.19 overshoes. QCJ qual- Ladies' h ingalow aprons light and dark patterns. All sizes to 5C Mis:e-s" outing gcvns. January clearar.C3 price Louies' citing gowns heavy extra Io:.g and full. Very special at Ladies' knitted and rocs:;-. Very Ladle.;' fncv bloomers and petticoat f. Your choice at All Mi;st.-' and Women's sweaters. This is very high grade mer chandise and goes at Choice ci any Ladies ging ham dre? . Values to $5 $1.79 Wool flannel choice fcr middies. Your $4.69 ity, in light and dark colors. (J-o QJ" Very special, $3.95 and pjO Men's dress and work trousers in a large variety of materials and colors. All greatly reduced and are priced from $4.95 to as low as Men's leather vests, ducking coats, sheep overcoats at prices- GREATLY REDUCED Men's all wool mackinaws. (Q nr Values to $15. Very special pOS Boys' heavy ribbed and fleeced union suits. Very special, per suit. Boys all wool mackinaws. Latest style with belt all around. Your choice for l . Boys high grade suits. Many have 2 pair of pants, at All our boj-s knee pants in two lots. $1.39 and 98c $5.95 .25 OFF 75 c Pure granulated sugar in our January clearance sale. 10 lbs. for. All spices at January clearance price, 3 packages for Tall cans cf pink salmon. Spec ial price, per can Large cans of any fruit in the 9Q store. Heavy syrup pacl:. Per can C Large package Sun Maid seed- O A less raisins. Per pkg No. 1 lamp chimneys. January clearance price, each Wilson's and Carnation milk tall cans for Horseshoe, Star and Climax to bacco. Per plug Iten's Fairy soda crackers. Spec ial price, per lb .54c 25c 10c 11c 12c 77c 16c We are headquarters for Ladies hose silk, wool, or silk and wool. If yuu have not tried the new Van Huesen Soft-Stiff collar, don't delay another minute. Come in and look 'em over. You'll like them. Vi a angeir's Department tore FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor - - - , . , . f zmmz. ciraesci la - mm ; mm ever mm Ph one 206. Plattsmouth, Nebraska irgsioirB We WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 18 A. ML T. GREATEST VALUES The Proof of the Pudding The proof of the sale is in the selling. Bargain Wednesday is growing more popular every month. The folks who have participated in these sales have passed the good word along; those who were told have come and, in turn, told others. And folks don t spread good news unless they themselves are pleased. Even greater values is the keynote for 1922. In line with this policy, we are pleased to offer you the following extra specials on Bargain Wednesday: THE shoe: GROUP NO. 1 Couple of hundred pair of Women's shoe3 that sold from $9 to $13.50, at $4.85 "JThere are shoes that you have a-Imircd at far higher prices. The materials are dark gray kid. fawn kid blue kid and patent leather, with Louis V heels. All sizes, but not in the one style. GROUP NO. 2 150 pair Women's brown and black leather S-inch lace shoes. Medium and low heels. Narrow qj and broad toes vviOv GROUP NO. 3 Misses' and Children's shoes, includ ing such well known makes as Edu cator and Cilliken ihoes. Sizes 8 to 2 1 GROUP NO. 4 Boys" lace shoes. English amd broad toes. Black end brown leather. Bargain Wednesday price $2.85 GROUP NO. 5 Men's dre.-is shoes. English last. Broun calf leather. Goodyear welt, sewed. Bargain price $5.85 iirlf J Women's felt slippers, sizes 3 to 5 Yz ft r -t f I 2 i- -TTiAft - Bargain Wednesday Specials! - In keeping with Bargain Wednesday we are offering some real bargains throughout our store that mean a decided saving. -prices DRY GOODS SPECIALS Crash toweling, 18-in linen weft bleached crash. Price, per yard 19c Bungalow aprons, one lot including a good as sortment in dark percales. Wednesday $1.19 One lot gray suede and dog skin gloves. Values to $2.50 on sale Wednesday at $1.29 REMNANTS! REMNANTS! in wool and cotton goods at real savings. GROCERY SPECIALS Chase & Sanborn's Crusade coffee, 35c per lb; 3 lbs. for $1.00 Mansfield milk, tall cans for .10 One-half gallon Mazola oil, 95c; per gallon 1.S5 Quaker Quakies, small size, 9c; large size .14 White Bear jam, 22-oz. jar, assorted flavors, per jar ,29 No. 2Vi size can Carnation egg plums .23 3 cans Red Oak solid pack corn for .40 3 pkgs. Sarli Club macaroni, -"spaghetti, vermicella or noodles .25 Best bulk cocoa, per lb .15 3 lbs. best Michigan navy beans for .25 3 lbs. Blue Rose rice for "IIZZ" .25 Star Naptha washing powder, per pkg .19 7 bars Star laundry soap for ; ZZZZI "25 Plattsmouth, E. G. Dovey & Son Nebraska Get a Sellers Kitchen Cabinet Now! .S5c Fetzer Shoe Compare QUALITY SHOES" WHILE THEY LAST THEY CAN BE BOUGHT ON THE $1 DOWN AND $1.25 PER WEEK FLAN! ONLY 10 MORE LEFT DON'T FORGET OUR SPECIAL JANUARY SALE ON EVERYTHING IN STOCK GHRIST & GHRIST FURNITURE STORE Opposite Court House Plattsmouth, Neb. 14 r, 1 IJ f T nr r wtrrm -J