MONDAY, JANUARY 161022. PLATTSSTOITTH SZKL-WEESXT - JOU2ITAL ?AOS TvTO 7 4 tJ DEPARTMENT ft BY :T f E-M D ' GIVES SHOWER IN' H8HGR i 1. ! ir r Uorn to Mr. and Mr-. El Taylor Jan.. 10, 1L'22, a daughter. G. P. art u.aa ar.i -- Joan, c in Lit.--, n We JLfct.luy. I-.-.-l Fiai:.:y :s3tal her mc-thcr ct Grcaivoart rfternooa. The Mij.: ia.iry society mot Iat Wciiniajy with -Mr.. Geo. P. ro"tni:i. Mr. and Mr-', i:. D. IVi.n.i mcvea cut. i i '-ir i-tw homo 'Frie-nd-i ;.(. -." T.!U.t !:.y. Turner ; i cl-wir.noa and Ai thur S'.'i::ii-r ';;: 1 in.-gs to South Cai- li I: l Y.C ' n t. .-.lia Y. l:. -K-nrv M:'.".er v.!:;) had been ;i;v't;;3 x vt-;k o alo to sit up jcvt cf tVo tit ;t r.-j.v. O. I. rr':::n, Clias. Foreman fit a l-'re ! Prcuty sMi.-pej ho-i to T 7 . si j-;i;a. co-ie-tr.un r.r uncmn i;--oY- in 'r.y to j-per.J ihs week v.-;-h Mr?,. Jt' c ! tarda-. -ek. r. ar.l Mrs. V.. II. S.i.l -rs enter tr 'n-: "; ct ' " ' -" S'ttidsy their datigh-ter';.Ir-V 7C: I::--: Cartia'nr.d children. Mr. ! T-rf--. t;!i?r;..r.n Wolfo cn-tr-'t .in '1 .:: 6 o'clock dinner Sunday ev r. and Miv.. W. II. Suder.5. Mr--.'' yr. c. Merer u'.i caUl to ri.v.t -r.;.,.ith Tuc s i:;;.- to care for -her ' .Mr-,;. Iter (Vic, who is ill. 3! . ?. Fr. Pivatty w; rf to lave 1 - . :. -xx.-yya to visit her, Mr.-'. Clyde Lancaster and :.!:''.' A. J- P:o""t entertained a ro.rtv cf friends r.t fivo hundred. T :'V.- 'V y evening- Rcfres'hnien-ts were ft'Tvod. T' II. E. church h::! :inrter!y crt-fere-tee fit the church Friday. C! F;:;-. He v. Eccye of Lincoln v:t in ?f tend Trace-. Mr.-. C'v. K:lw-tr,' Sunday schorl T :!! r":t Fr'd.iy ?f tht-ir ret ail it bu.s:no.-9 anl social meeting V . i - . ' : -s J . ' . . ' 4 4 ' - - 5 U v .. it '. i ta? il T T 5 - J o - - CcT : n 6 d z c h c v i t wo r Ics ; which will be held at the church, ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foreman of, 1 Valparaiso came down Thursday to' . I ric j their mother, Mrs. Belle Ben- j lic i t heme. They spen.t Friday with j : .Mr. Foreman's parents. j The Ta-la-poclien camrrire girls ', hzll a -council Taesday evening ut; i :ae hf-ne or their guardian, Mrs. Au-j 'drey K:ioeu;cr. Tiieir fUe-i?taui tfAiax- '(.:., a. Mrs. A. J. Brobtt, was iu air : a r. !. ii r. . '.v.! ! li.. L. Bornem-?ier returned -.lioia 9 j Thursday from Omaha, where he, at- ; .ended a d-!cga-td from Tipton Un- ion No. 630, to the satate couventkm .if tho Faraiers Urioa which was .held in Omaha Jan. 10-11-12. . .Irs. Eva WurJ-Murtey of Lincoln , an I her , daug-hter. Mrs.- Herbert J Hat 3 and Mr. Ikir of Kansas City .vho jspenit the bold days with their :uct!.er in Lincoln called at the Geo. I P. Foreman home recently., The Community s"c5-al which was rc-ce-Lli' postponed will be held nexit Tii -r day evening. Jan. 19 at the ( .nrc'A. Refr--,ilnn2tit5 will be srvtd and a special program is beirug pre ji ircd to which every one is cordial ly invited. Walter Vinoent had the misfor tune to be a-ci dentally shot in the :' 77"! -by a ccuip'mic.n while they were nr.. hunting rabbits one day last wo-jk. It is expeett-d that he will re cover iteon -as it was only -a flesh wound. M'fs Ida M. Wilkins, county borne -:r.t. held a dress form meeting Tai'.rfdav nftern'oon at the home cf Mrs. C It. Jordan where they made two fcnn. Another meeting will be held nevt Tuesday afternoon when t:io ladies expect to make two more ferni. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook enter .:::e.l the Jelly Xeishbors club Fri cla - evening. Oysters were served at , rcven o'eIc k. Guests present who :-' r.'it me.aahars of ifhe club were ' Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Richardson, Mr. iar.d :i!. l. Moc-rc and Mr. and Mrs. ; A. J. Hrocr.t. Mrs. J. IZ. Parsell returned Sun j !av from Galeshurg, 111., where she jpe-nt 'the pat ttr"e week? caring for Vj: mother Mr.-i.- K. trimmer, . who iVn been suffc-rine' with asthma and ; !ot roub'e for sometime. Her r.. b . r -d?? not seem to improve i rr a:;': as was hoiel. ! Mi'i Marie Proity,. who has been .'c ihii's in a consolidated school 1 wkpt S-?3ttsbluff. has accepted a - '.Ion ia the Chadron. schools, tra -'.vn." tho Sth ,-rrade. Mi53 Irouty .. I.eii the p.iitic-i of principal in .the ' ra-s-lidaao-l schorl, which was for c cd oclos.on account, of lack, cf funds. . ... t . . A pood friend stands by you whs'.ij in ne;nl. Plattsraouth people tell how j Doan's Kidney. Pills have stood the test. Edward 'Martin, machinist - of 140H Vine Ftreet enJorsed Doan's: nearlv six year3 ajro and again con-' f.rm'the a long lapse at Krs. Tiia Ki?.houtek and Mrs. John 3 i liNG RTH-5RI0E January Clearance Bloizer Ztr crtaiii in Honor of Sister, ilic's Gradcville. Fro-n Friflav's ; ally. Last- ev-cnin:; the charming home time. Could . you ask t for. more.; con vincing terim6riy? ,'iDoan's Kidney Pills are all that is claimed for them ana wnenever uiy; kidneys $jt ut. of fixor act ir- : Piils 'oon remedies the trouble." spy i ;i " "r. Mr Martin; JOcconall5 ,my : back fn?: :nt delightful gath- i to aching, but it only require crlng ben -Mr-. K-thoiitek and Mr. Uto me.'? . ., ,; ;. . ,J The above fitatenient was" given" bu Fetruary 22, 191G and on May IS, f;9t0. Mr. Martin added: .'"I knov ijoan's Kidney I'iTls' ara good ren. eu after what they have done for raev; They have never failed to do hoir work in a short time. I only us tlieia occasionally now as a pre ventative to keep my kidneys in a healthy condition. I have the best cf faith in Doan's ami can recommc-n 1 them as a reliable remedy." Price COc. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy Ket Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Martin had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. just think of it! Our entire stock of Boy's Knicker Suits at cf -their SU-tar. Mis-e Agues Grado ville, -wlftwo ! : rriage to Mr. Frank Ptacek will taV.o place the early part of next week. Tho v."ca.iioj. it he nature of a niiscel'jnoir.i. , shower and In honor of the 'bride t-o ka aj larxe mrm'ber of handsiome' wre given by the lady friends o- tbe charming j-oung Ir.rly. Daring 1 :i? evening the ladies enjoyed af gut;, iing. gaaio at which mucih inerrhv.i it was produced and Mis? Hel$n . Siavdcclc was ciiwarded che king ptItl' mj Mrs. Tom Grado villo Cue ecu - ft-Hoii 'iii2e. Another cf the diiiLl vl and fun producing features of .t'.-- evening was the mock v.-e-ddin-g in wlueh the party participn'ted, U:&i Lillian Palacek appeared as tjitv.groonia Miiss Fran ces Krejci as he bride,' Miss Rose Donat as bri Tu-vld,. Mi-is Mat-tie Sedlak as be -:t man and Miss. Helen Pilney 'jrs th- otroiating minister. Thii prove-d ti e source of much fun as the ladies t irried ouit the various them. Music on the ted to -the enjoyment f tihe eveniag. At the conclusion of the evening the guests were treated to a very dainty two-course 'uncbeon sorvt 1 by Misses Catherine. Paulino and D rothy GradovP.Ie, the younger ?ister of the hostesses. The appointments r.fthe duncheon were (El no 1 Our prices for rain are always tl:e highest. I ovn and operate mv ovn Tha highest pr'fces for L'rain is always psicl Ly the Independent Elevator. I am your friend, NEBRASKA CREIGHTON HIGH DEFEATS PLATTS- MOUTH- OOIHTET iSrfsi, Score is 14 to 6 in Favor of School Up' the Close of Eat- , tie in Creightoa Gym. RatnrfTnv'a Hfl lit. La-t evening the Creishton hi?h a c-Kr st-aeare or pinK ana wane, team of Omaha succeeded" in defer. t- , The invited guests for the pleasant the Plattsmouth high basket ball event were: Mary Ilobschoult. Julia team by a score of 14 to 6 and in Janca. Rose and Caroline Prohaska, ti e battle the .local lads" made a Catherine Bio :r. Deata Holly, Ma whirlwind finish, but their opponent.; i''-? SVohoda, Agnes and Helen S.a bad too groat -a lead to ovcrcorae. cck. Rose. V.ier. ytula Sebatka, The basket shooting of both of tho I-e Jlrousck Josypaane anek Jo- crias wr.s rather-erratic and in the 'T-h:r.c and Kate Koubec, Helen last half cf tbe f;ame the Omaha Krisky. Josepame and Anna Rj-s. learn who added five baskets to th; M-.tfia and Me Sediak Rose and ne for Crei-ahton. but the:hea.y Donat. I ranees Krejcx, UiKan -core previously rolled up made vicek HrclenPiliiey Anna Pala tcrv lor the Plattsmouth team ccl:. Me-dres Tcm Gradoviae, Cas ro.;.ibV ! F. Jardi. Earnest Stenner, Broyer ' Crauoville and Hartford were U,, ! ChinlaB'jon. Rverett Noble, Ed Do (l.ief factors for Plattsmouth in tao; i.Jr., Ilami.m Marks, James Pta way of securing .baskets while Coif cy, , c? - . . largely Ryan and Deiahaney were responsible for the scoi oncnts. ln. paaie -wj nary to the South Dakoti Urn-,f:a!:!!:" , , ".',;.. ...I From Thursa"s-' ra!iv. jut: iiiiiULur.i . i ii v i iuiii-iiiuii i.i ' ElilMAt ::NEWS ville-and "Charles Hartford. ACromey C. L. Graves of L DEATH CLAIMS ::cv7 at ncsriTAL i. a to btve tb ; broken limb treated. The ; n:u shown th most favorable "at. .Ir., v bo v.o.i in- c-or.dition i-.n.l it. was thought be:t to :. r. : y ha.In-r toe sie.i . ve the injured Loy taken to t lie ' v" ; "'- .' ir-:: crf : 1 J.nto 1:11 . r i' .i to have it sot and cared for : f... J;. --.;! a no.- . - v. ; j;-? v-.s ti-keii -.u ro. nion was in the city today for a few hours a-t't ending to s-ome matters in the eotinty court in which he was inter ested 0 5 counsel. A YOUNG GHSLO - Friday's IiaJiy attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping iWa'tcT was in the city today for a Eieht-Months-Oli Sen of Sir. and' few bours attending to some maUers swers Call, of Creator. Paul Roberts and wife, of Cedar I Creek, who were' here over night vls- : 'iting with relatives and friends, de- After a sickness covering sorno parted tnj, morning for Omaha to time. Gordon Wells Hessenflow. th? ; ,pen(1 the dav in: that city, i -fnnt son of Mr and Mrs Walter j Timhr'wns a passenger this I Ieenflow, passed away at the lm-j f Omaha, where he was versuy hospital in Omaha on Mop- , Hpeml few hours with Mrs. uay morning at the ar.a r eig ,t "Tlnm whV i3 there for a short time months, and twenty-four days. lie-. , , ' . . ... 1 as been in the- liespital for tho pa six wot ks although- ?ince lib birth! in that city. I MISTAKE 121 PEICES JOTHLIX 1 I A D Y AUTO rPAim:-3S VJELQIFJG! Caof ' ttc..iDn Giv -T. io All Work CALL PHQr 5C 1. ; has been in very delicate health. Tio gradually grew weaker and waj taken to tbe hospital in the hope ; " that it might result in his gaining In tlie- list of prices of road work bis strength, but without success. " ji.-rrsagcu by the board of county Tilt body was taken to tbe home . commissioners, that of the dragging of tbe grandfather. W. F. Moore, at . 'f;S giv?n as per hour, wlien it :.Iirrav, on Tuesday and the funeral ' : -'cubl ave been on the basis of per hzUl there Wednesday - afternoon at '-' e. v. incii is used m measuring tins 2 o'clock, , Rev. W. A. . Taylor, i f - bind of work rather than the labor Cnien. -officiated at the seryice. Th--,ber lllir interment -.was niade at the Horni:a;'r i cemetery south of this city. -- ioaaourn the 103 -there remain the parents and three brothers, JIar old, Francis and James. ' -j 1 r i ."X l . v I v- sa -v-- -fc ieaniru:; is Ois: We arc making rccm for ' Spring Clothing! Ycur chnr.oft fcr buying a suit or overtoat at 'right prices are better now than for yearr. I S. 1:3 at 319 k 833 Cvarcosis 1.2 io S32 If you need clothes stop in WOW - - fTT": . MISTAKE EN AD In tho -8pe-c4al ad of ' the Fetzsr ShfHs .Co'.,- for Bargain" Wednesday t.aeLr sTV-l'Vvfi'ature for Hie day, men's - Elkskin " shoos, ig advertised at $1.19 v.he-.i the figures should be S .:, a , "tbe arit figure itself is be jr t,he"'lcXv-t;t'.posVr3e figure tint ta.'Khoo can )m secured anywhere. Tit rbuying pub-lie' is requested to ntukc note cf the difference in the prices soldand the mistake in the ad.,-.-.; .-. -: ' Daily Journal, 15c per week. 0EFOS!TCRS:J:Afi0 CREDITORS 5rjtice"to Depcsiforan-d" Creditors of i &e': .Eask' c'il.Casi ' County, : Tlfii.. :'wtn'. 3Va all- persen having . money on fiPiwit, and-to.'H creditors of .the iofik of .Cass-. County, Plattsmouth, Nebraska: ... Vou -M'ill take notice that on the l"tli day of leceniber, 1923, the Li.k cf .Cns County; was adjudged hi.-o'.vent by tho, District .Court, of Cass County.-.Jffbr.aakri, - and1 that Fr :d E, I.-edie-WjCldt appointed. Re ceiver; ' ; - r ; . . That nn the' l.tli day of December, 19?1, the" court entered an orGrr t)i".t all persons having . claims against said bank should file same on nr before the 11th day of February, 1922. ' . . :' - . Vou wUl therefore tako notice that all surh claims mwstibPfilM with -the Receiver at his office in the banking rooms of the : Bank ef County, PlattWmouth, tNcbraska on or before the ll.tjb February, 1922, or be forever barred. v. a -. FRED E. BODIE, tf-daw. Receiver. $P9mt -P ..!' We have decided to close out every boy's suit in the house and to do this have cut the prices to almost beyond reason. Where can you buy boy's suits at such figures? These are not cheap suits, but our regular high-grade stock. They are selling --don't wait! B 1 ' st? ' Sir Sizes 4 Years . to 18 Years C. E. Wescott's Sons .u- 5 i ILLINOIS MINERS TO SEND RELIEF TO KANSAS MEN Pittsburg, Kar.., Jan. 12. A tele gram was recelived by the Howat hea-dquarters yesterday from Presi dent Frank Farrington of the Illi rrrls miners, Rtinouncing that $45, 000 worth ' of provisions had been ordered Shipped to Kansas for the re lief of the Howat followers it was announced at the headquarters. Do not fail to attend the "Hard Times" mask ball to be given at Pet erson hall, in Murray on next Sat urday evening, Jan. 21. Good music and a good time. Two prizes will be awarded. If it's in the stationery line, call nt the Journal odee.. Birthday D aiice! We will give a birthday dance in honor of our daugh ter, Miss Clara Mrasek's ldth birlhda, atihd Petersen ila!I9 ' Mutt?, Sbi,"" Wednesday Evening, Jan. I JOSEPH MRASEtC. W. H. Homan will serve lunch at the hall. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy This Is a pleasant, sare and reli able medicine for coughs and colds. It has been in use for many years and is held in high esteem in those households where its good qualities are best known. It is a favorite with mothers of young children, as it con tains no opium or other harmful drug. Try it when you have need of such a remedy. Weyrich & Hadraba. Bilious Headache Poultry Wanted! - THURSDAY, JA1JTJARY 19 'j ; A car live poultry wanted ,!i,noro',i ot nrmltrv car near . 11 UV ... (, L . ! Rurlinton freiaht houe, Platts mouth on Thursday, Jan. 19th. one I day only, for which we will pay the I Cash rrices ; liens, per lb 22c iYouni? Roosters, rer lb 17c i Ducks, per lb 19c Geese, per lb loc Old Cox, ner lb 7c Turkey?,. per lb . --- 30c r Guineas, per doz. $J.uu I Cow Hides, per lb. :r.6c Large horse x hides, eacli S2.C0 ! Remember the date. We come to buy and will positively be In Platts mouth on the fay advertised, pre pared to take care of all poultry. .of- ifere'd for eale. ; -:j . - I . W . E. KEENEY. POBLIG SALE! As I have decided to quit farming, I will offer for sale at my place on the Lee Plumer farm, 1 mile north and 4V2 miles west of Dunbar; 3 miles south and one-half mile east of Otoe; 2 miles north and 3 miles east of Syracuse, on ' Wednesday, January 18 the following property 7 Head of Horses One black team, weight 3200, 5 and 6 years old; one bay team, weight 2900, coming 5 years old; one black team, weight 2800,. 7 and 8 years old; one colt, weight 1200, coming 3 years old. Cattle and Hogs Fourteen head of cattle including four milk cows, eight heifers, one steer and one registered bull. 20 HOGS Fifteen brood sows and five shoats. Farm Implements One Deering 7-foot binder; two farm wagons ode rack and tragon; one spring wagon; three sets work harness; one ' Deering mower; 'oiie Sterling stalk, putter; one Western Belle riding lister; one P. & O. walk ing lister; one 3-section harrow; one Case gang plow; one riding sulky plow; two riding cultivators; one walking cultivator; one disc, tongue with trucks; one 1-horse corn drill; one VanBrunt drill, new; one King drill; one 2-row planter; one Titan 10-20 tractor and three bottom plows; one feed grinder; one stirring plow; one Eus bob sled; one hand corn sheiler; eight tons hay; one hay rake; one Sharpies cream sepa rator; six loads of wood; household goods and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale Seven months time given "on bank able notes drawing S interest from date of sale. GUS MINNIEAR, .Owner;.- Rex Young' and Herzog, Auct3. H. S. Westbrook, Clerk. When you have a severe headache, a disordered stomach and constipa tion, take three of Chamberlain's Tablets. They will correct the dis orders of the liver and bowels, effect ually curing the headache. Weyrich & Hadraba. FOR RENT An improved ten acres close in, also house and three lots. d&w-3t Blank Books at the Journal Office William D. Wheeler came up this morning from his home south of the. city and departed on the early Bur lington train for Omaha to attend the big democratic 'banquet there to-, night. '" DonU forget Frank Anderson's bred sow Kale Saturday, January 21st. They are a wonderful offering and will sell at a price according with the times. Donlt fail to attend. Fore Sale: White Rock cockerels. Phone 2011. John B. Kaffenberger, riattsmouth, Neb.- 14-lwdaw' M Immli ul m ish PricGsI Pure granulated sugar, I 5 lbs. for. . . . . 4ft-lb sarlc Snnleisr flnnr for. 48-lb. Little Hatchet flour ' White syrup, gallon buckets Dark syrup, gallon buckets , Pears, gallon can. Loganberries, gallon cans . Tomatoes, No. 3 size, 7 cans for. 1 2 cans best hominy One-half bushel basket of apples for. .......... 4-lb. box fresh krispy crackers. .......... ... . 4 J2 lbs- krispy crackers in 1 4-qt. heavy milk pail . 3 boxes Corn Flakes for . 3 lbs. Michigan , navy beans 3 lbs. new crop rice. ... ; ; . . . 1-lb. can Dr. Price's baking powder. . ... ....... 10-qt.. galvanized pail with 9-oz. can of Bon Bon baking powder for Nimco peaches, No. 2Y2 size, in syrup, per can! ! Horse Shoe tobacco, per lb Climax tobacco, per lb . ' Star tobacco, per lb ALL ITEMS PRICED SPECIAL, CASH PRODUCE SAME AS CASH $1 1 .00 .70 .70 .49 .39 .75 .90 .00 .00 .00 .69 .25 .25 .25 .25 .20 .25 .25 .70 .70 .70, iEI Etfgl Telephone No. 1 2. oennichsen & Go,, Murray, Nebraska '4