TIHTCSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEIIILY JOURNAL rAGE FIVE l DATE FOR THE Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If .ny of the reader- ,t the JourDal kriov of at social rent or Item of Iuiu cm in this vicinity, and it mail same to this office. It in ap pear under this heat- ; ?. ye want all newsitem- i pitob SPECIAL SESSION SET BY GOVERNOR 3 iracles in Money A city skyscraper seems a miracle in steel and stone. But it is only a vast number of girders painstakingly placed together a vast quantity of bricks placed end to end and one above another. Miracles in money are seeming miracles only. Yon can work miracles in your own life. Saving Wins Success You can have a big prosperous farm, own a car, or travel wherever you wish. Men who have really suc ceeded spell it S-A-V-E. You can win the same success. You do net need a lot of money to do it. You need no great education. You need nation tinue. s$ ml only the determl- K -iZz3 " lUll 1 o start now ana con- jij igi Letush,!"you- Sx m H US To Saw smd Make have been busily engaged during most of the week invoicing the stock of the hardware and implement store. Henry C. Long who has been on the sick list for some time is re ported as feeling somewhat better 'but not the best yet as he mends slowly. Mrs. Paul Peterson of , Omaha Is visiting with her son Edmund and assisting in looking after the work at the shoe store she arriving last Tuesday. Dr. Dwyer of Omaha, was a visi tor in Murray and was in consulta tion vith Dr. J. F. Brendel regard ing a number of cases in the Sciota bottoms east of Union. A. J. MeNatt of Kenosha was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday and after having looked after the mat ters bringing him here went to Plattsmouth to look after some mat ters of business there. Lloyd Gapen who moved to the western portion of the state a few years since, returned last Tuesday lor a visit with menus and rela as. well. I surely feel i.; st thankful for the assistance ren-i.rtd. Again thanking you I am J. V January 24th Will Witness Calling Together of legislature Five Day Session Expected PITMAN. Murray Elevator I osperous Visiting In the I'ast I Governor McKelvie announced Sat urday that ' he intends to call the legislature together in special ses sion Tuesday, January 24th. "I hope the work of the session can be concluded at the end of five nor. He de- gislators ten days' notice of the call which he proposes to issue, but the constitution auth orizes him to call a special session without advance notice. He has de cided to include in the call a request Mrs. Searl E. Davis ,ad SOn Ste- the eovcr phen departed a -few v -,s since for JJ the east where they wil spend about s" to ?? ?J three weeks at the hoi; of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Corbin, par nts of Mrs. Davis. During the tiv they are away Mr. Davis is lool ng for invi- . v .l!nnai ell Tr .. . ,1 I-.. 1- fast. He wil lbring h.s ppetite with accumulVteal raoney in the capital him and nothing inp Mcular need whichwa3 Jot re-appropriated be provided for stimu ,tmg it. by the ,ast leKislature. ir i tt i Other topics to be included in the The Hereford i Heme '(aIl upon which the legislature will I .The calf which left :he home of i,e askcl to act have not been de-' Searl S. Davis and sojo ; ned for sev- terr.iired. but the governor intimates eral weeks with other ople and for that it win include only the other whom many advertiser! nts were in- matters mentioned in his letter to j serted in tne papers. ;ts returnea. lhe Ii1v, makers, a one cent tax on There is a general fee ng of rejoic- gasoline and possiblv amendments to ing at the Davis home, i portion of the bank guaranty law and reduction whish Mr. Davis is do: : and he is of snbirios. also a reduction in aDDro- tives and also to look after some Rlad the caQie is Rack home. When priations for maintenance of state 'business matters for a short time. iisked as to how he 1 ,1 found the 0fj jccs ami departments and appro Mr and Mrs. G. W. McCracken ralf, Searl says that is . aough. I told . . . i a a i x. I 1 13 and little daughter, Elizabeth, were you i nave uie can u me auu tnai guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. is all I have to say. G. W. Cawkins who are the parents of Mrs. McCracken. They all enjoy- Feeling Pretty Well ea tne aiternoon very mucn ana re- WILL GIVE OLD FASHIONED DANCE If you want to have a good time, come to the danre Saturday ight, Jan. 7th, AT THE PETERSON MALL! There will be an abundance of good music and a good time assured to all. HARRY PULS HARRY RAINEY INDIA HAS SEVERED HER TIE TO BRITAIN Declaration cf Republic Proclaimed j to World Influenced by Sen- j atcrs Norris and Walsh. It is the governor's opinion that no action need be taken by the spec ial session to meet federal appropria- j tions under the Sheppard-Towner act. It was our pleasure last Monday , known as the act to promote the wel- ' turned heme in the evening. ! evening while in Murray to meet our I fare and hygiene of maternity and Jesse McVey who is making his 0ifi time friend Uncle r.ecrge Shra- infancy. The last legislature made home at the hotel at Murray, has tifr, W:o was over to t. vn for a few '. sufficient appropriations for child not been feeling very well for some hours. Uncle George : now about J v.elfare and child hygiene to meet time but under the care of Dr. J. F. eighty-five years of and has : federal aid. Urendel is getting along nicely, tho many friends who arc pleased to I The governor's announcement that : very weak and is able to be up and kr.ow he-is able to be - ut when the j he will nsk for re-appropriation of around and hopet to be able to get weather is fine. We an also pleased the accumulated capitol fund was1 BANR WIT Interest paid on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. W. G. Boedeker, President' Fred L. Nutzman, Vice Pres. L. J. H alias, Asst. Cashier James Tignor of near Union was looking after some business matters looking after some business matters and visiting with friends in Murray in Murrav last Tuesday. last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stebbs of the Dr. B. F. Brendel and Fred Hild Murray hotel were visiting in Platts-i were looking after some business mouth one day last week. j matters in Plattsmouth last Tues- Geo. t'cok of Alvo and son Frank day afternoon, were visiting with friends in Mur-1 Harry Puis has been at the farm ray and vicinity last Monday. jat Weeping Water for a few days Jack West and wife were looking during this week working and look after some business matters in ing after some business there. Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon.! Earnest Ilinkle of the Murray ga- Geo. M. Hild of Plattsmottt was ' rage Bpent New Years at Omaha, re a visitor in Murrav last Tuesday af- , turnins: last Monday morning to ternoon looking after some matters of busine?s. II. G. Todd 'and Searl Davis ship ped a car of cattle each from. Mur ray last Tuesday to the South Om aha market. L. II. Puis of Plattsmouth was look after the work at the garage. Wm Fight from north of town shipped a carload of horses and mules to St. Louis today, making the shipment from the station at My nard. Edmund Peterson and Joe Mrasek out in a short time. ?to have met him and liope he may M. G. Churchill has opened a re-1 i nip rove in health and strength, his pair shop in the building just east j fcciabilit y is all righ; now. of the Jack West restaurant where ; he will make general repairs and : Tle Play a S,,rcrss will make a specialty of repairing T,,A yo pople ffave thp looiwear. lie will uo biioe repairius plavl3tt Mg3 Gregg's Christmas and later will embrace in his work the repairing of harness. Mrs. Kate Bintner has been hav ing some lossess in her hogs with the cholera and was much perplexed but secured the services of-Dr. G. L. Taylor who has recently located in Murrav and since then lias lost hut t in it it i i one pig which was very bad at the an,j as vou was havin time. The remainder are getting along nicely. The doctor is having an excellent business. Christmas Candies The biggest, sweetest line all ready for the kiddies' stockings. At Soen nichsen & Co's. store. Party," surely did the thing m ex cellent shape, when tliy presented to a crowded house t '.us play and hs! a carnival afterw: rd3. The eve ning was filled with laughs and shouts of merriment fr m beginning to the clo?e. It cost ; cents to get in and the same amount to get out. a good deal of fun it cost five cents for that and if you did not enjoy the evening it cost more. The evening's entertain ment advanced the exchequer of the Library Association to the amount of ;ir.3ut ?S0 which wi'.l be used for the purchase of books.. Entertains on New Years Mr. and Mrs. George Ray at their beautiful home east cf Murray en tertained for their friends New had a most enjoyable Woodrow Wilson, Jr.. Here Woodrow Wilson, Jr., son of Font T. Wilson, arrived in Murrav on Jannarv first. 115? hrine-ine- with Years and him it is promised one of the bests1. there bein? Present for the oc years which has conie to this conn- casion. Frank W. Campbell and fam- i .1 ri i i.tllv KVfwl famryyll. .T,!m Hpnnncks L7.V .L;l0:j"."." ""inri fan, iw. ,nl Mr. ami Mrs. J ..II. I he special session to repeal the four suo ar was u.e pieusu-iiL u b UUL I l 'at-he t -in 1 t heir ri-iu h ter J laws that now stand suspended under lie llxs yiuuiistrti iu uuit alm ins pa i - j - " ents in the years to come. The fath- er and mother are very well pleased I Watch. Party over the advent and what whistling j Wi'a and Mary Park entertained made after he had received a letter from State Auditor George W. Marsh. ; in which the latter raid he at first j believed re-appropriation was not nrcessary to keep the fund frcm lap sing, but that after he had read sec-; tion 22, article 3, of the state con stitution, he is compelled to rule that the capitol fund appropriation of the If) 10 legislature had lapsed and is not' available for use. He said he had consulted the attorney general who j nlso is of the opinion the appropria tion has lapsed. The legislature of j 1921 appropriated $1,700,000 f or J Washington, Jan. 1. India has proclaimed a republic and the non violence policy of Mahatma Ghandi who was given dictatorial powers last week by the all-India national 'congress, has been modified to permit violence "for self-defense." accord ing to a cablegram received today by H. X. Ghose. director of the American commission. As a further measure of obstruction against the British government the message said the boycott has been extended to in dividuals. The message to the American com mission as given out, said: "Ilepub li 3 declared. American message de cided. Armed defense sanctioned. Boycott extended to individuals. Wo men and children safe." The "American message" referred to was said to be that of Sena tors Norris of Nebraska and Walsh of Massachusetts and other promin ent publicists and jurors pledging American support to the Indian "campaign for independence." "Proclamation of the republic of the United State3 of India is due to the pledge sent to the nationalists of India by a group jf liberty-loving Americans," Mr. Ghose said in a statement. "It i;i permissible to announce now, that in preparation for the de claration of independence, provision al governments have been organized in ail the provinces. A central gov ernment has been formed with Ghan di at its head, which means that as long as the Britain remains there will be a state within a state." THE JAMARYRED BOOK Get your January Red Book now at the Journal office. We have a supply for all. If you want magazines, let us know your wants. Advertising is printed salesman ship generalized sufficiently to carry appeal to the varied class of readers. Does your ad come within these re quirements ? capitol construction, but only a por tion of this has been collected in the iorm of a state tax. Governor Mc Kelvie believes bidders on the con struction of a new capitol will not be willing to accept a contract unless j the appropriation of 1919 is avail-! able. The capitol commission de- ; nires to award contracts for the foun- J dation and super structure next spring or summer. It is alleged the constitution pro- hibifs the legislature from repealing laws suspended and referred to a vote of the people under a referendum pe tition and Governor McKelvie does not indicate that he desires to ask i W. H. Puis does not have time to do at the store, the proud father, Font is willing to do. Special Saturday Prices YOU WILL APPRECIATE CUR OFFERINGS OF SPECIALLY PRICED BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY, JANUARY 6. 10-lb. sack fresh ground corn meal 29c Jack Spratt peaches, heavy syrup, 3 cans $1.00 Del Monte egg plums, 3 cans for $1.00 Nomis brand Bartlett pears, 3 cans. .$1.00 3 lbs. bulk lump starch 25c 1 I bars Swift Pride white soap 50c 2 lbs. best soap chips 25c Buttermilk poultry feed, 25 lb. sacks $1.50 IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT We Offer Very Special Merchandise of Quality at Money-Saving Prices 9-4 sheeting, very good quality, per yd 49c 15-inch cotton crash toweling, per yd 13c 1 8-inch linen toweling, per yard : . . . 27c Men's wool sox, made for the army, pair 29c Army wool gloves, kiki color, pair 25c 27-inch cheviot, dark patterns. Very fine for shirts and children's suits, romp3rs,"etc. Special, per yd.. .18c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Apples, Celery, Head Let tuce, Cranberries, Dates, Figs, Sweet Potatoes, Etc. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE . i, Soennichson & Go., Telephone No. 1! Murray, Nebraska. Julius Enelkemeier Getting Along Julius Engelkcmeier, who was so severely burned last week with a j lighting plant at his home which, their Sundav school class and few friends at a watch party December 31, the evening being spent in play ing games and singing. During the course of the evening Mrs. Park and daughter served a delicious lunch which was greatly enjoyed by all present. As the clock struck the mid night hour to welcome the ne.v year i . .. . i .. --..: . i . ....... 1,ufc"- .' V,Mn. all joined in singing. "Blessed we,i auu uie pn, weans are nopeiui , h Tip tft Blnds. after whioh that the sight of both eyes can now d (ed , . , (,e. .;e savea inougn iney reared at tne , , ; th h , , time of the Accident that one waaj venl The present Ven 1 VOL. Has a "Very Exciting Time Last Friday evening while J. V. Pitman was drawing some gasoline from a tank in his garage at the home south of town, having taken a lantern along for light the fumes from the running gasoline became ignited from the lantern and Mr. i Pitman, who was in the act of draw j ing the gas, was quite severely burn ed. He managed to escape from the building which became a mass of flames in an instant. The building was soon consumed and the flames liable to go to other buildings when the fire was discovered by a neigh bor and the people from the town hastened to the Pitman home and rendered what assistance they could in putting out the fire and keeping the home and other building from burning down. Mr. Pitman was able to save the auto but only at the cost of some very severe burns. He is get , ting along as well as one might look for and will soon be well again. s- ere Misses Margaret and Vera Moore. Etl-el Ferri?. Katherine and Ardella Lydia, Miles Altman, Carl Dooly, Vern Hendricks, Clair Ferris. Uoyd Fjcydea, . Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Ley dea. Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks, and Mr. rfnd Mrs. Perry Nickels. LOCATED AT MURRAY Lust Monday was the date for the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers' Elevator company of Murray and at which there was a large crowd at the meeting. The meeting looked after the election of the officers for the ensuing year, who are: C. D. Spaugler, president; J. B. Seybold, vice president; W. II. Puis, secretary, and Fred Lutz, treas urer, with G. M. Mlnford, H. C. Creamer and Charles Herron as the remaining board of directors. The business of the elevator has been very prosperous under the manage ment of the late manager, T. S. Bar rows. A dividend of seven per cent was declared and paid; Following the meeting the stockholders, there was held a meeting of the board of directors, who organized and select ed A. Gansemer for their manager and it looks as though they could not have made a better choice, he being a real business man. Appreciates his Neighbors I desire to extend to my neigh bors and friends who worked so val iantly in extinguishing the fire which consumed mv iraraee a few days ago and threatened my home Murray Specialist on Swine and Cattle Diseases DR. 6. L. TAYLOR Veterinarian Will receive calls at Murray hotel. Telephone number 11. Even granting that non-advertising stores could attract as many buyers as the advertising ones, the latter would make the more money, because buyers would come knowing esaotly what they wanted and not take up nearly so much clerk time, thereby reducing materially the over head expense. Phone us the news! WILL SERVE I will make all public sales in east Cass county this winter and serve lunch. Eat at the Lunch Wagon Make dates with Col. W. R. Young at Plattsmouth or see me personally. a referendum. Governor McKelvie met Friday with the Douglas county legislators while he was in Omaha. He said each member had a subject he desired con sidered at the special session. They were unanimous in saying that the subjects for consideration should be corfined to those mentioned in the governor's letter to legislators, it be ing their desire that the session should be short. Among members of! the legislature who met with the governor and the Douglas delegation were .Walter L. Anderson, of Lincoln, ' speaker of the house; Senator Hoag land of North Platte, Representative James Rodman of Kimball, and Rep resentative James Staats of Fremont.' Governor McKelvie's plan of rais ing state funds to match federal aid for construction of new roads con templates a reduction in the state general fund tax, 11 per cent of which is now appropriated for new roads. His plan does not disturb the automobile license tax which is now UEtd by the state to maintain roads constructed by state and federal aid. BEGINNING THE Mew v We are getting our store and stock into a position where we are better able to serve the public than before. Our stock and store are well situated now to care for your business in the best possible manner. Our line includes Groceries, Dry Goods and Foot Wear. We are furnishing only the best and at price3 vhich reflect all declines on the wholesalers' or jobbers' lists. We invite you to give us a trial, and we assure you we will give you the best the market aifords and at the very lowest prices. Wilson & Puis, Grocers The Service Store Murray, Nebraska WEATHER IS FREAKISH Prom Wednesday's Dally. The weather man has been in a decided tempermental mood the last few days and the weather certainly has been about as freakish as can be recalled by the oldest inhabitants of these parts. For several weeks we have had weather that rivaled and in many respects was superior to the brand so well advertiseed by the Californians, and they modestly, admit that heaven has little on Los Angeles, save better music and pav-' ing. Yesterday the weather man was ' evidently recovering from New Years tprinkled a rain as gentle and mild as that of spring over this section of the state and it continued until late at night when the cold wave struck and in a few minutes the rain had turned to a light snow and the wet walks and streets into coat-1 ings of ice that made travel a nuis ance to say the least. ACTING POLICE MAGISTRATE Mayor C. A. Johnson has filed his appointment of Judge Allen J. Bee ton as acting police magistrate of the city of Plattsmouth during the illness of Judge M. Archer, who is ttill confined to his home, and the genial county Judge will dispense his celebrated brand of justice to the city prisoners as he has in the past lo the county offenders. Bur ley Winter Calls! This is the season when the boys and girls want skates, and with the coming of the snow, there is a de mand for sleds. For the children we have the famous Flexible Flyers, the best coasting sled on the market. The Home Should be Warm and Cozy Our stoves will warm the home for you. We have a fine lot of heating stoves (both coal and wood) and kitchen ranges. The Store for Service and the One that Saves You Money Peterson Hardware Co. E. L. PETERSON, Manager MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA OSCAR fjfliLER, There is no doubt but that the line of sctiool supplies carried by the Journal is the mosf complete that can be found arid embraces everything ! that the student may need in his or Nebraska her work. Fistula-Pay When Cured A tnlld 7tm of treatment that euras Pll Vistula and ethar Rectal Wnuel in a abort tlma. without a Tr imrriesJ operation. K Chloroform, Bthar or other general ai.aeatbetla A enra ruarantaed In ery eaae accepted for treatment, anj no money to l pittd ontll cured. Write f"r book on Rectal rieaaes. with name and testimonial af mora than 1.0"9 pronlnont peorl who have hen permanently eired Da, K. B. TARKT. ftanntorfant. Pftem TmM ni.tr. (! Olds.), OMAHA. tHES. . . Ma. Jaant . Htiital DtMtat. i