The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THUESDAY, 22
Prepared Exclusively for Ths Journal.
Ch: i-:iJ3as day. This i- one of the very
hopltnh'e homes of this portion oi .
th i?. county nnd is noted for the good J iiirrii iinnnri!?iino
dinars which they serve. They are V WAPASH Kf.PPPKIKA
tDonsible for corains out even, the' Normal and university heads ce
report of Bross showed that a ma-1 mured at salary reductions at first
jority of the agencies were running but acquiesced when the financial
on less than the appropriation. suffering of farmers and small home
r,i,. ,r,t ovniintr n . 1 owners, and the reduction of from
Kay Traas the lumberman was a ; the iurjo of Lrr uncle and aurt,
visizor in i-'lattnioutli as-t Saturday ; :,Ir. ar.d :,Irr. M. S. r.rirrc-. of Pla .is
call?d there to look after some bu si- mouth, fr.r ovr t'u w-t":; end.
net matters. j I'.cpcr. irciu ;jp ; tr.te Qixrr. :ul
f Jptjrlnttndent of the city schools, ! Line! a toll N . Is ;.:.:v:!n m-1 f
. r
.'. . i
C K. Sevt-ryn. is nursing his riht
wrist as a result of a too violent game
it basket ball.
A. D. Hi.thaway departed on last '
Tuesday for iv.rr Lrsn r. where he
.:!! s pei.d the Lc II Jay 3 with his sis
xcv. :: r trier.
. r ' ' : . r!e r i : -fp.rroll, '
in z very -rr-W. an-, i r
soon u r oorct ar. t-umin'.iti-
r v.T;
i. yr reuse
,jt-k en J
( L
.; . -? r.t-h of near
ivci: vis:;in? in
r V.--, were the
1 ;t c-l: wl i'e bere.
.iiiSos aiijc i . .;a ana .aonii -iau-
uray who ar at schcol at Lincoln.
wt--e FFPEdins their vacation at
home, bavins come down last Fri-
ii'v fir ir ;
! ;. I !rv. ;:
.Vl : r.i i n 'C
i.": " i re. .
: "r:r - . i: ;
":.: r TV l
r:. : his p
t::T:r.c- at ti
T :'..:
Pollard !..-!
.t -.1 !.! : iv.j-.:.
ir ) "s ! en
i t ; i i s
:t ' i'or ':
1 I-.-..
r J :
' r . :
a: i
E. I?. Chapman marhetvd a truck
ijad of hogs at the pat-kin? Lcue
Nebraska City last Tuesday.
Ed Lewis of near Murray, was a
visitor in Union lust Monday looking
after some busicehs matters.
K. D. Clark of Weeping "Water
wa9 visiting at the home of his
children in Union last Sunday.
Ed Slocomb of near Mynard was
a visitor in Union lart Mchu;m oa!I
td here to look after ton" -
ki. ioaa ana um;j ci i
were guests of Mr. and Tin;.
Todd of near Murray la: S r.;
Mrs. Mollie Garrt-ns i us j: t
(based the Joe Walsh d i r.;
has James Hamilton runnh'iz
Rev. George Warren depirfo! 1.11
Monday afternoon for Lincoln v. 1 ere
he will visit until Saturday at hi.-:
!:.), ca.A ..r ri. .v. ' home, having come uown last ti- ported K-n-e better, mei is
-t.:. vi day. ,i-P and uremic tbe hen:st .
rn, nVhia T I u J ? , , -f. R. D. Stine. the Merchant , ab!- to be out as vt-t.
Patterson ! Prince, and Attorney C. L. Grave? ! iicy Urto. the merchant, who h :s
" ! were visiting in Nebraska City last tetn down with the rheumatic, is
Albert Eaton recently purchased : jiondav. making the trip in the auto abl to be up find around and tref
the house south of the Bank of Union 0f the former. ; over to ihe .-.tore onlv r m- a short
of E. E. Leach, and has moved there Attorney C. S. Aldrich cf Elm- t'me. but is j;aln!ns and hopvs f.ou
just recently. . I wood was a visitor in Union for a to be about all :he tine,
Harold Taylor cf near Nehawka islahort time while on his way to Ne- Mrs. Melissa Taylor dep:-.rte'i
reported as being somewhat improv- braska City, to lok after some busi- ciilv this we-;I; for
ed, he having had a long tussle with ness matters
typhoid fever. Mr. C. W. Clark has been compelle
j to go to the bo?p;tal at Omaha for tior. i:i the So'. M:rs ar.i! Sailors home
an Deration which is a result oi
f SIC? former operations and adhesions aris
the Rev. W. A. Taylor and wife
have been i'.ivited. t ut owing to the
iVv. that Hev. Taylor has been ex-
i:e:: cl lo fill his appeintment at Wa
Lf-ii, ho
.t'? not at this time know
wh th?r i:e will he able to attend,
I-c.w ever, if the met tins; at Wabash
hhcu'd not bo held on account of
Ch: irtma
he there.
day, they will Le sure to
At. the leftist CIn:rch
r: v.-:1! b-. re-v, "!;'r vrrvie-e
ri! r'-hc-.!! :n th-:- in.irn;.:
i 1".' the terv'.c. Young p?o
i'MMit'C in the evening and eve-
t line.
a me: t p.ea.-'-.'
Tlr. I a-ae, v i
f.P.L.i to i 1 -ill . - i
severe attack of rh'-ur at;.- n
1. ) : : i !:-..-
a"C'';';i ef ;l
iv to be
Mrs. Ira Posv.crtU spent one day
last week with her daughter and
i'liijiy. .ur. ui.u .uis. 3 . it. juiic-,
Mr. aii 1 Mrs. Ollie Allis and daugh
ter. Ruth, dittoed to Lincoln Thurs
day aftcrnocn.
Mr. O. O. Thomas wil lspend this
week in town and look after busi
ness matters.
Mr. a-d Mrs. Will MurGn autoed
on Christmas day t0 i-incoin ir.esaay.
isir. L. ii. Stanley anu oieim an
Every autoed to Lincoln Tuesday
A number from here attended the
bnx social at Mount Hope school
bouse Morday evening. A fine pro
gram was given by the school child
ren. The Wabash reporter wishes all
readers oi' this department a Merry
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mitchell took
Sunday dinner at the home of their
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman and
family took dinrer at the home of
?.Tr. and Mrs. C. H. Gibson and fam
ily of Weeping Water.
cess was the University, Bross re
ported, and if it continued iu the
future as in the past it will run
? 600,000 in excess cf the first year's
"That looks bad on the surface."'
taid Bro?s. "hut it must be borne in
10 to 25 per cent in other lines ot
lalor revealed by Governor McKel
vie's economic inquiry now under
way at Norfolk, was pictured.
Governor McKelvie in discussing
the special session reiterated he did
not contemplate asking repeal or tne
mind that printing and organization four laws held up by the Nonpartisan
at the first of the year are far in ex- league referendum unless, of course,
cess of the overhead for the balance a majority of the lebislature demand
ed the year." , ed it.
At tro JleihcdM Church
Thi?" v.-ill be i'ae morning service
or. t'n 1 1--rma day which will be a
r-'l ("hrf:tma-, T-ri-L-e. The I;:ble
';i:)o! will p:;t e;".:' tills, but in the
'.enin r there will be no service and
Rev. Yi'arrcn will return to his honi?.
f(.r Chris;mas even;: :'. However, the
will bold a
Epworth Le;!ue
ilowship meeting" at the church at
which they will provide a lunch af-tt-r
which the regit': r services of the
ocietv v.-ill be held.
- -mis. .!.!. jm.-j. j .1. ji.i m-J'-nr:' Tilt' h'hs
i- Cjitiy this week for Miir-rd where the n;eni
the wj:1 t pond the winter and where ; f .
Zov at this ti:. to take a posi- W-.'t ,rv
Poland -Chinas!
25 Boars, 25 Gilts. Last
farrowing, ready for service
1 ing from them.
j Mr. James Reeves, who is down
with typhoid fever at bis home south
leant of Union is reported as being
very sick, and all is being done pos
sible for his recoverv.
FlcydS3Xton and Charles Hatha-
we. were sueiiiu juu ui-uTruui,
as a nur; ir a short time.
Charles Yonker, who lias been
very , si k w;h t? pinid .-r for
some time pasi. reported as lining,
iiiUt'b imprived and hopes are en
tenaircd that he will foon be able
to be up and around again.
A. R. Dov lcr has been in Omaha
Will Give Entertainment
The ladies of the Methodist church
rabers of the Rible school
their church building on
Saturday evening of this week a very
interesting entertainment of a Christ
mas nature, which will be weil worth
tiie while of all attending.
days, acce-mpanying
father of Mrs. Dow-
Phone 5911
Large';- t thTMcCarthv and Sturm receiving troatmertt and
Type Poland Chija-can have pa-! tor last Monday the price being ------ ST
pers on them for $25 per individual., thirty cents a bushel. Albert Willi cf near Weeping
I inu Jiiiin. jit., owvj water was a vuitcr m Union la.!
jS. Miller, who is attending scuooi ae Mondav. Lming over o remove a
Peru, is expected to be heme for the V0Ttl0ii cf tJje 8i par?t:is which re
, Christmas season. which he will j1 (j t t,ie -,iai, v .r,,.,, J;e wni, t,nT;iS.,.i
I spend with his parents. in the movie business 1-st wir ier ar.d i
Miss Virginia Hunicutt. teacher of wh'ch b:n: rem-i'ied there since.
J-irs. Louis rrur.k rai'ed a minil'er
cf very fine turkey- during the pan
rold to
Will Have Program
The ladies of the Baptist church
of Union are now preparing a prog-am
which is to be given at the
c'-'ur-.h on Christmas eve, Saturday
rifiht. This will be worth while en
lerta'.nmect and one which will be
participated in by the members of
the iiibool.
NEBRASKA itbe Sciota school, was a visitor at
That is Our Business!
Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to
do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies
also standard and always the best. We are here to
succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of
service in every instance.
rummer, a pair of which she
P 'muds.
the t . o ''fishing some
the Tctj tipping the
scale"-' ?t pounds, while the hen ;
w;ned a littl? over 11 pounds and
the two will make a lot of eating. I
Roy Yonker who ha ; hern wirk-
School Notes
Miss Ilclli-ttr of the grammar
room took her half day on Thursday
in vi:-i:incj the various rooms.
Miss Neumann, . one of the high
School teachers, visited various
ela--es on Wednesday afternoon.
School will be dismissed on Friday
L'enibcr 23. and the Christmas va
cation will consist of one week.
Work will begin on January 2.
Sarah Johnson ore of the Seniors
was substitute in the intermediate
ream for a short period on Friday
The National Intelligence Tests
insr with the Mi.----;-vri P.-.oifi.-- w-ffr-.-i
ing the work ei'Sine. ha b'-ot trap--i v- '-re ven the part week in grades
f erred to Duslas ar.d on acccin't or ?'A the wa-v frcm the third t0 the
scrae wjrl; needed to - done on the ! i-hth inclusive. This series of tests
engine, he TeriJtej u r-t h-r. e . couii. u-u u n j-mi u tut- wtat
again -l-?rt Mrnd:-.v morring. cr.eeii miri;
non T. Arn. forrr-erly of Uniori."'' L'r'0'1 idicat
The Auto Man
o u ri
Union, Neb.
f"r "over Sunday, uwi "departed f.)
h-it t-o-v ? P"at' -,"o u . . a"orT)
1-v V.-.-!r OI-- -r. were in
M' n-Iay prrf !.'' v-' 7.T
Ar. ''f'u;!a .r ". t c , ---, t-n
trri--c v h 'v i-'-f' '.'1 the i-abrogate
1S1 r--':i: I.-. Tl y w-r tai.a:-")
in the trite k which th.rv had to
Plattsmouth for th? Chriitmas trade.
time allowed on
mir utes.
;e whole was sev-
A Farewell Party
The yuletide comes but once a j'ear, and the little
ones and the larger ones also expect th?.t they will be
remembered. This is a very r ice practice The hiznd-
ship3 are wcrili 'he ::
We nre vt'jt.i'cI r:
that cheer the liule c:ic
Vance Ilurton the e' trician and
lire-man of the Prion Mutual Te'e-
from :-e ovr-rhead to th?
ar 1 1. s
i' : i. Yarcfl
ir v-TiM.-.i t in
cf th'.- plant.
j c
the lire--
f"tten th" vori
has n:i'p a -r:
he cc-r.strtic:ici
The ladhc nid
odi:t ch ? rrh who have
cr.urr n
.": r-
These tests are a
ijn as to one's mental
The traveling library received
i'ttvp t'n.;1 cro has been returned to
fa'- I.ihrary Commission. There)
ti ; rc fort y-1 o Vc: V.z in the fet and.
' h booVi was tal on or c'aecl ed out
e ver f;ve times. Another traveling
li'-.iary has been called for and this
f h o-il.d b? here in the first part of
Jar uary.
Thursday at So'clork all the school
children will be in Becker's hall to
-e? th? free picture show. Word
f om the con-niit'fV states there will
he two re-.-ls shov irg the Panama
"'-:vaI. or." of the appie industry of
Nebrasha. ore of the cattle raising
and one of the C'-ritma.s Card bas
f .1 or. ChTift- Dickens' work.
Help children to make their de-r;-:ov.
St trie of th most important
:ic :?ion; that are to be made in a
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dehning en
tertained at their home last Saturday
evening a host of relatives, friends
ir.d neighbors, in honor of their aoi:.
Mr. ?nd Mrs. L. C. Dehning and
laughter, Nora, who are soon to de
part for Oklahoma, where they will
-pend the winter with relatives.
Those prosent were Mr. and Mrs.
Mbert Bauers and family; Mr. Wil
liam Bauers; Mr. and Mrs. Gust
Hauers and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Kauers and family: Mr. Emil Bauer;
Rosena and John Kreckler; Mr. and
Mrs. William Wilkens of Greenwood;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westfall and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hertle
and family, Esther and Nora Hertle,
of Alvo; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer
nnd family; Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Dehning and family; Martha. Lera
Mid Fred Weisheit; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Gerbeling and family; Mr.)
and Mrs. Dan Reuter and family;;
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schlophoff and
family; Clara Oehlerking; Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Schlueter and family;
Dan and Martha Bornemeier; Emil
Heckter; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dehn
ing and family; Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Dehning ar.d family, of Wabash; Mr.
and Mrs. Hrry Smith, of Lincoln;
Leona and Florence Meyers of Weep
ing Water; Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Dehning, of Louisville; Miss Bertha
Merkle and Mr. Henry Heineman, of
Murdoch. In all there were about
eighty present.
A verv jollv evening was spent
in music and games. At a late hour'
'ight refreshments were served, after j
which all departed siying they had!
had a good time and v ihlng them
a Harpy and Prosperous New Year.
!fr1ime mvst li" m."e by the ch'ld
- he finishes school. The adult
i a srrownup. '-choo! child. The
-. ? ".hits, like: and died ikes and
Bull fcr Sale
An excellent 2-year-old Shorthorn
bull for sale. Call George H. Shrader
Union phone. Union, Neb.
Hew State Economics to Result in
Saving of $1,000,000; Depart
mental Salaries are Cut.
L 'J 1'
1 -
1. .
which is going to sell fast at these prices Per pound
16c 18c 20c 25c
A "Buddy Lee" doll always smiling.
We have everything for the Christmas dinner.
r :-
a t.
L,e child are of-
e - he lily ir t o tbi 1 : : e
He-p children to
V..: Of
over '
I" "ion Parr-i-Teachers atso-
id its
i-d nre'irs at
c r.1
j r r,-e t- ) ; n -.nv
par r-eirly a year no---, will ; - di -coTitiroed
on aeeount of the lark of
intercut shown ard the colder
fr. v.-ith no provisior made fnra fuel
Lincoln. Dec. 20. Conservatively,
S1.000.0G0 will be lopped off the
1922 tax roll as a result of a "cold
turkey" talk by Governrr "McKelvie
this afternoon to principal state ex
peuding agencies in which be aclar
ed the taxpayer must have relief and
it behooved the state to do its bit in
. :h .:-hool assemi-lv on Friday eve- providing it.
-!--:- Th p.-isidert being absent. Another 51,000.000 will be taken
- n. i-f-p'si---, Mi - I'ollister, pre- off the farmer and small home own-
i-'ed. The firrt tjart of the program er for road construction, the burden
.rrc.;ce;i of rrmmrnitr singing and to be borne by the automohilist, by
Chri'-tm-.f- rorr and pieces given by 'he governor's proposed tax on gaso-
fupih; of th? pr'mr.rv and inte-mr line.
di- t? r-nri. A cipi e-ing match was A 5 per cent reduction In wages
cur'uTted by Miss Tobin. principal, the falling of prices of food and oth-
Pi thi-. Wilda Fletcher ei-hered down cr materials and economies of a dozen
tnere was mucn interest sr.ov.n Ci-r-t lv OT,,, ' r.otHin,, other sorts, all combined will brine
ing the earli?r por ion of the series Rcddv. who in t,.rn raTe way to about the huge cut in state txpendi-
cf meetings fct't with the comg or , y t Dr F e a taIk tures in 1922.
.T'V lt J V1" health of the schol children $1,000 to be Exempt
Mid necesan money to provide jan- ,., ,1c,fo,, nf a htwir.!. it wnI ,tA,it.
in school. He shewed how poor afternoon's meeting that every state
teeth caused much trouble, affecting employe would undergo a 5 per cent
30,000 Acres
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see Land where in many instances one crop
will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and nee L. R. Upton for arrangements and
partictilarft. The beet land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay.
Boat No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
itor service and lights it has been
decided to discontinue the work for
the present.
Chsnres Loontkn cf Unsirifs
The Union Market owned by Mrs.
Clara Divis and W. C. Carraher and
the tonsils.
We are living
reduction in salary, $1,000 of each
salary to be exempt. Thus, a code
secretary getting $5,000 a year will
be reduced $400, and a $1,500 etn-
in a great peace ographer will be reduced $25. The
between England total raving on tnis reauction win
whirh has been located b?tv.cen the rra Tb ne-ee
ro.Momce ana tne rrr.ic fen;.. Ireland is in sight, the four r-e approximately jioj.uuu in ia-.
oveu 10 ire ua.ii 'loumaii room power agreement just ccnclueied in me uepanuienx ueaas were 1x1-
on upper Main street. There is a dif
ference of twenty dollars in the ren
tal of the two room? and the upper
room will serve the purpose as well
an the one which has been occupied.
More Than a Shovrer
One dav last week it was nlanned
to have an official board meeting of will be full of pep
Washington means peace in the Pa- ftructea to prepare a aeianea report
cine ard reduction of naval arma- "within two weeks Itemizing the re-
ncnts why not nlo make a dur- ductions they can undergo, so ar-
r'le peace with vovr ttcmach? If rangements may be made to Intro-
v:m elean out your bowels and keep fluce reduced appropriation bills at
then clean by the help of Triner's the special session. j
r.itter Wire, no stomach ills will Governor McKelvie opened the
bother you. you will feel well and meeting by declaring the financial
Mr. John Skrdla depression coupled with the present
(hp n-irtict xhnri ot norcra writes from Wither. Nebr.. on De- state of public mind threatened to
on Friday evening, and after some member Srd: "I beiieve in Triner's force the next regular legislature to
few of the bc?rd had Trived com"- Fitter Wine. It will stand every so reduce appropriations that the
one came to the door and not wait- test." And Mr. Joseph C. BieMnski educational, charitable and adminis-
ing to be admitted opened the 'i&-5r writes from Ituna. Sask., on Novem- trative machinery of the state might
and entered and was followed by ber 2Stb: "I am glad to say that I be crippled for years to come,
fifty-nine other perDle. who came will never be without Triner's Bit-, Savs Curtailment Needed '
1 , . . ... . . . . . , t -: . xT ... 1 i .1 1 :
luacea wiin everything in tne line Lei r v.-me. iwui m uskisi ur ucuiui
of something to eat and none had in medicines has now a full stock of
less than sixteen ounces, while many Triner's remedies. And if you wish
bad nearly that many pounds. It the benutiful Triner's Wall Calendar
leeks like there would not be much 1922, "The Pioneers," send 10 cents
necessity for the
wife to make anv
"It is our duty to curtail every
possible expenditure at this time
and relieve the taxpayer in every
way possible," the governor said.
pasior ana n:s good vuver inuums wuws iu iue aa- j, fxoonomies
iy purcha-e in t-e dress: Joseph Triner Company. 1333- rT VSvT C
nar future. A most eniovable eve- 4 5 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
ning was spent ard nil wished Rev. i
and Mrs. Miller a most Merry Christ-; Journal v:ant ads pav." Try thm
Will Ensrtain on Chnsjcss
For baby's croup, Willie's
cuts and bruises, mother's
W. I. Hohnck and two daushters. throat, grandma's lameness -
MisM Ilattie and Lelia. will vert ar- Thomas Eclectic Oil. the household forces edl agent to divide appropri
tain at their home for dinner on remedy. 30e and 60c. j ations quarterly, and holdi thwn re-
Then. Phil Bross, secretary of fi
nance, read an estimate on the total
expenditures of each agency at the
end of the fiscal year, based upon
their expenditures for the first five
daily months.
sore Thanks to the budget system ln-
Dr. itiated by Governor McKelvie. which
a i
A "Mnulv Suggestions!
Head Lettuce
Leaf Lettuce
Green Onions
Sweet Potatoes
Grape Fruit
Delicious Apples
Richelisu Cranberry Sauce Plum Pudding Mixed
Nuts and all kinds of Christmas Candy at Lowest Prices.
for 1.00
EiB SiElilglSEH
A Good Quality
at a Low Price
Phone 53, 54,
Christmas Gifts!
"Not a Luxury but a Necessity"
Xmas tree lighting sets $4.00 and $6.00
Flash lights and batteries $1.00 to $4.00
Boudoir lamps $3.00
Tatle lamps $10.00 to $23.00
Electric iroits $5.00 to $3.50
Toasters $8.00 to $3.50
Curling irons l $6.00 and $6.50
Grill stoves $12.50 and $12.75
Heating pads $10.00
Percolators 1 $9.50 to $25.00
Floor lasips $22.95 and $37.50
Seving machines. $65.00 and $95.00
Fixtures $2.50 to $50.OD
Special price on Hoover sweepers $57.50
We are selling a Hoover each day. Get yours at once.
Jess Warga,
Telephone 400
rady's iarag9
6th St. block south of Main St.
General Auto Repairing!
Aii Kinds of Trucking!
Phone 58