The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 19, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc lattsrnJtb lournal
Entered at Postofice. Platt-mouth,
A. BATES, Publisher
On with the
Christmas seals.
-: n :
The proper place to hang mistletoe
is in the hair.
One woman can't hanj
so she hung the Jury.
When a woman makes light of her
hair she keeps it dark.
The greatest Christmas savings
plan is Christmas cards.
Some men wouldn't be other than
hypocrites If they could.
First day of 1922 is Sunday, so
we can get.- a good start.
Snow is in prospect.
Christmas shopping early,
Do your
Don't forget to see that the child
ren have a "Merry Christmas."
Is the Jaoanese sandman throw-.
Ing dust in the diplomats' eyes?
n -
One may shop' from sun to sun; j
but Christmas shopping is never
There is1 one thing about the rain
bow gold we can't lose it buying
blue sky.
A grand opera star wants ?750
for a night she didn't sing. Must be
hush money.
If von think kids are not for dis-
armament, watch their wocden sol-i
, - .
diers closely.
Men seldom fall so deeply in leve ;
that they can't climb out on the lad- 1
der of reason.
Some men refuse to work because
they are afraid that they might
fluire the habit..
The stingiest man in Plattsmouth ;
is using Christmas
year's packages.
seals off
last ;
In Spitzenberg. where trees grow
only one inch high, it must be? hard
to tree 'possums.
The shortest days of the year have
come; but a pat on the back still
shortens them some.
One of the reasons why some men
stay away from church is that they
were married in one.
Anything you want for the child
ren or thf wft. the Journal Station
ery department has it.
Foru says he want.- a million men
if he gc-is Mu.-cle Shoal1- and a mil
lion men h pe he gets it.
:c: '
America's heart would ache for the
jobless if they were on the other side
of the ocean, but we don't care a
about the unemployed here at home.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit lock thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
thit the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
-Sm " Si
siLouKNAL erne:
Jo ' ; 'rV.- M-rL;-' i- 8
Nb.. as second-class mail matter
The movio star who claims her
ibeauty is worth $80,000 must have
tne receipted bills to Drove it.
A subscriber wants to know what
we think about a man who constant-
ly deceives his wife. He is a wonder,
The self starter
on the automo-
bile is all right, but when the ma-
chine now needs Is a self supporter.
:o: I
The Irish Free State is likely to be
just atdut as free and independent
j as any free state under the rule of
While the average
man realizes
that his sins' will find him out soon
er or later he is willing to bet that
they won't.
It is said that all things come to
him who waits. Bill Bryan has gain
ed 100 in weight while waiting for
ine prebiueucj.
The income 1 tax law contains a
rank discrimination. It permits you
to deduct what you give to the Lord,
tut not what you give to the land
lord. :o:
If you want to get the real spirit
of Christmas, send a check to the
Salvation Army and thus make it
possible for some poor child to en-
joy the day.
This is the giad season of the year (
when Friend Wife and Friend
Daughter begin to drop hints about .
- ,
what they would like for dad to buy
them Christmas.
New York stores report a brisk'
trade in pocket flasks. That s our
!..,,. , . .
ideal of a nice Christmas present
giving sometning you wouiu liKe to
ac-jkeep for yourself.
Scmething more than tariff pro-
tection is required by American ag-
riculture," says President Harding, j
Something more than water is re-
I quired by a drowning man.
Senator Borah says that the treaty t
of Versailles must be rewritten so
that Europe can live. The best way ,
to reestablish things in Europe is
for all Europe to get to work.
A pint of whiskey hidden in the
hollow of a chcitnut tree in Con
necticut forty years ago was found
the other day. How would you like
to have been the finder? Oh, my!
An exchange says that the Presi
dent's address to congress "is pleas
antly mild and singularly inoffens
ive." Just like a dose of case rets, or
pink piil for pale people, so :d speak.
('r.mpnib.m TTnvirteTi k opnor of thp .
zoo. says he would like for Santa j
Clans to nut a lion, two bears and a;
couple cf dr m his stocking lor
Christmas. That's rather a large or
der. :o:
"No woman can be well dressed
unless her corset fits her," says a
Parisian modiste. And we had been
under the impression for some time
that the women had quit wearing
those things.
i :o:
I The American doctors who are ob
' jecting to the charity work of Dr.
Lorenz in New York are merely
showing their littleness. It is doubt
ful if one of them ever engages In
charity practice.
Be careful and not walk under the
mistletoe hanging overhead on the
S'door. 0:1 Christmas, with your best
fellow, girls. It is a sure sign of
marriage ere another Christmas. And,
of course, you don't want that to
If you want to call somebody "a
miserable shrimp," here is the op
portunity. The Attorney General of
Alabama lias filed a suit charging
the thirmp dealers of Alabama and!
Mississippi have entered into a con
spiracy to control prices.
. :o: 1
j Governor McKelvie could save the
I taxpayers quite a sum if he would cut
jout hi3 frequent trips to New York
1 accompanied by several dead-heads.
i Let the architect take up his resi-
. ...
deuce in Lincoln. That, even, would
cave quite a sum to the taxpayers.
The Baltimore & Ohio railroad
company have closed some fifteen of
their shop3 for an indefinite time.
tTl;is act throw thousands of men out
j of employment. What a deplorable
condition this country will be In if
matters continue to go as they are. j
I A iazz hound ia tetter than a bird
i dog to hunt chickens with.
It looks like Babe Ruth always
etriboo nnf irVnn Tiiitvs T.anrlia la in
gti vuv . v "
the box.
- . :o: . ,
XT Tnanv ilava until fh r tat ITI S-
wv j j j u ..... . - - -
but you should select your presents
before the rush.
As we understand it China messed
things up by disarming a thousand
i years too soon.
' "Wealth is
Princeton professor. All right, bring
on the epidemic.
1 :o:
! Our idea of an optimist is a per-
son who thinks one drink equips him
to whip a policeman,
j , :o:
One of the strongest indications
that the honeymoon cas enaen is
when a divorce suit is filed
A man who smoked incessantly
has died in New York at the age of
104. That deadly nicotine again!
4 1 H.1.1. tV.nt
ouui pcuy BWU .,
me promumuu law is o. joivc,
Commissioner Hayes. Well, isn't It?t
To please the little ones, select a
nice picture book from the Journals!
big stock of articles especially for
A nice box of stationery makes an'
elegant Christmas present and you
can select just what you want at
the Journal office. j
The Journal Stationery depart-;
ment has the finest line of Christ-
mas cards ever seen in Plattsmouth.
Drop in and see them.
Those who are crippled in body
look upon Dr. Lorenz favorably. It is
only those who are crippled In the
head who criticize him.
The unpurchased Christmas gifts
in the various stores of Plattsmouth
are calling you. Hurry along and
get through with the job.
Thieves got twenty-one cases
hMkef froa modest cottage
T AHipirllla u h para rha.a la
lAfuioiuic, iv, cava vuci o
.prosperity in this country?
, .
As we get this Christmas business,
i it is necessary to economize .strictly
for eleven months in order to be ex-
! travagant rightly for one month.
nai nas i-ecoine 01 me om iaju-
ioned personality papa who spent i
fifty cents at the Santa Claus shop
and four dollars at the toddy store?
:o: j
The boys who went to war are a3
deserT,n g of Christmas remembrances I
as they were when in
trpncViM nml thpv ran rx mnr pas-1
.. , .
lly reached.
. n.
Careful reading of the President's
message leads to the conclusion that
hp ilpsircs a tariff to which none
could object, but has not dreamed
Just what that sort of tariff would
The authorities in Chicago are in
error in declaring that Chicago wo
men of the Smart Set carry "liuor j
on the hin. In smart circles hins
have been out of style for a decade j
. ..tin
at least.
The British government has just
ordered the release from jail of 3,
400 Irish political prisoners, and no
doubt all of them are now out hunt
ing for the persons who put them
in jail.
Princess Bibesco, daughter of
Margot Asquith, has written a bcok
entitled. "I Have Only Myself to
Blame." Well, Princess, we are glad
you are honest about it, regardless
of what happened.
Verily, this world is filled with
hypocrisy. For illustration, we
quite sure that Friend Daughter has
been disillusioned about Santa Claus, j
but her presentation of faith in his
existence is downright vehement,
Bargain day was a greater suc
cess than ever before, while immense
crowds of people from the surround-
ing country for many miles, can
truly testify. The Bargain day has', tne strain of living all over
come to stay, evidently, and as long
as our merchants continue to please J
those who come to Plattsmouth to;
buy goods, the Bargain day will con
tinue. WOMEN
Can Ton Use Some
If you want to earn some extra mon
ey in your SPARE TIME, show your
friends and neighbors a new ami ;
handy household article, wanted in-
every home. NO MONEY REQUIRED. """m'
I must have a representative in each ment." In his part he Interprets the.
town and community. WrLte me TO-'role of a shellshocked war hero, pro-'
TilY VnVhpfrrp vnn fnrfpf ItA1 ji ,, i '
o nerore you rorget it. A nounced incurably insane after years
post card will do. & Banitarium j
MI6G M, K. OLGON, j That is realism for you. A psy -
Christmas cards "change their
style" like wall paper, furniture, rai-j
merit and modes of wsirin? hair. We 1
are Informed that this year those re-1
I ferring to -the religious character of
.nllJ. .nlll Vn t V. I, I
i u c: uutiua nui ic icnci l 11 a 11 ncj c"
t of ore; and that reminds us that the1
sentiments on Christmas cards have
still to reach the desirable ultimate
to suit all needs and tastes. j
Is it possible to incorporate a bit
of humor into the Christmas greet
ing now and then? You know it is a
i . . , T : . . . it.. .
size; and one or the purposes of the
celebration is to make It merry with
in reason. j
We wish Christmas to be gay, but
we do not wish to lose its religious
background; and so we do not wish;
a dearth of those sentiments on
cnrisimas cams wmcu reier to inai.
Without its creedal foundation.
Christmas would be meaningless.
is the spiritual touch that
maices all men kin. The "merriness"
or the day is the social efflorescence
of what lies deeper not to be over-
looked, yet not to arrogate to itself
. honors
A Michigan doctor insists that the
onjy treatment for insomnia is com-;
mon sense. He seeks not to hypnotize, 1
but to convince his wakeful patients. J
. . f . ,
gheeping counting or reading, or
writlng poetry in bed, or tither cold
Qr hQt bathgt Qr ty,ng the great tQes
together, or exercising oneself in
pingless serials of self pity or
seir aggrandizement, mis contention
is that it is fear of insomnia that
doss the mischief; that going to bed
is as much for resting the body as
for resting the mind, and that the(
body shoud not be deprived of its jng out that farce comedy has an
.share of rest because the mind per-'almost tragic attack, that light com-
sists in cavorting and castle build-
ing. He directs his patient to lie on
the left side until rested and then . that Allen Pollock begs to be excused
turn over quietly, without malice, to ( fr0m discussing his war record. He
the right side, with the right shoul- says that the greatest courage of his
der and arm pushed back from under jjfe was called to the front the eve
the body and the left leg drawn up : ning he had to face his fir-st night
so that, in front, the left knse froms audience his comeback.
a brace or support to steady and sup-j
port the body; then extended the
left forearm and hand above the
head and think how much better
off he or she would be up a tree in
the raging dessert. The main idea is j
to take things easy, including the
insomnia, anu 10 reraemoer mat -
when one is the goat it is no use to
count sheep.
The man who asserts that religion
1 ! 1 : ., . u
the1" 1V-311,S 110 b'-y uu luc i "M
.Christian religion, has evidently not
studied the statistics on the subject.
in tne year uuu tne worm naa
t 80.000,000 people professing the
Christian religion. The number had
rown to 200.000.000. by the year
Now the
more than
religion nas
,1 covering S5 per cent of the habitable
in the last
grew two and a half times more than
any previous 20 years
from Christ.
The foundation of civilization is
stronger than ever before. The house
above rocks in the hurricane, but it
will stand.
What really happened to our
doughboys who saw action in France
will in large part forever remain a
secret. More then three years have
passed since the Armistice, and most
of the returned soldiers still are as
silent as clams.
When they began coming home
from Europe, one of the first thing3
that struck the stay at home public
are,was that none bf them wanted t3
lii about his experiences.
The bie idea seems to be to bury
1 "
the rast and try to forget. Poor
Whittlesey, leader of the famous Lost
Battalion, couldn't forget. He is be
lieved to ha-e jumped overboard
from an ocean liner, to escape his
I How many war veterans could
again, every niglit. tneir terriDie ex-
periences In the war
Allan Pollock was a star like com
pdian. Mavbe vou know his fine
work in "Seven Days" or "Haw-j
thorne of the U. S. A." j
He served in the trenches and wasj
severely wounded. For 12 months he
never regained consciousness. His
jaw was torn away, his body wreck
ed by 2 wounds, his life apparent
ly finished.
Now Allan Pollock is a theatrical
aensatlon acting the partyof Hilary
, . ... .
chiatrist would explain it by point-
-Genuine French Ivory-
FO?S- -- . 3
-ii :--.?.. v i,-T . , . .
l.N$ ,-'"'"s: ! iv-"-'-"';;
v V!',.;" -
trzA--- ,... .'a ' 5-; - .
Toilet and Manicure Sets
Toilet catcj, small ovr.i and re: 21 J mirror.-,
;j pieces, brush cc&ib and mirror -$3 to Q'k2
Larger rize?, oval nr.d rcund, ijlain ed?res.
All excellent values at $12 to 15
Large size, with ovtl mirrcr, designed from
Lu Carry pattern, .-pccially priced Q2H
Combination toilet and manicure sets
with various numbers of pieces 12 to $25
Above ell in Fine Silk lined Cases
Gentlemen's military and traveling sets, inclosed in silk lined cases. Complete ("ty flf
in every- dctuil. All specially priced, and ranging from ?1T to as low as ? oUU
Store Openj
Evenings i
Hill j
Christmas j
edy has a basis of tragedy.
It probably is superfluous to state
case of Allan Pollock is an ex-Mb'
ceptional illustration of the ats ilute
control of the intellect by will power.
Allan Pollock should .be an insplr-j
ation to every war veteran
who is
haunted by his ' memories, who
been unable to draw a curtain of
oblivion over terrible experiences.
We all know that memory can bejurr'-y.
We all should kno
tory the opposite or
memory can also be developed.
. . ....
iiio pvprtion cr rower, con-
rower, cou-
, : '
Pled with a determination to sank!.
genila companionship and the bright -
er side of life, will enable anyone!
companionship and the brighter side
of life, will e:abla arvone gradual -
ly to ueveiop xne power 10 rorri 1
to thrut completely oat of the mini
all thincr. that the will nowor de -
cbnii io fnwttfn
At the session of the Plattrmouth
,,! x-., 3"r. Pritomol nr-b.- -.f
Eagles, the following resolutions wore
....w " . ' . " ' . . 1 . . v.. . 1 . 1 1 1 1 i v i v ' -
Whereas: In the wisdom of Al -
mighty God it ha? boon seen fit r
j remove from our midst our beloved
Brother, Otis Christy,, therefore be: --Ir. and Mrs. Albert GriiTeth and
it family and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mc-
Resolved. that Plattsmouth Aerie ' Donald and son took dinner at the
No. 265, Fraternal Order of Eagles, ;lioi:e of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mitchell.
tender to the bereaved family and j
relatives of our beloved brother our',.,.,. m
heartfelt sympathy in their bereave-! vJ ii i Tt-ftrl! HQATCp
ment. and be it further lULL S LMuil UllOl I LjI
Resolved, that our charter be
draped for 30 days in honor of thej
memory of our departed Brother,!
who has faithfully fulfilled his duties I
as a loyal member of this order, and J
be It Anericr.a Legion Posts to take up
Resolved, that a copy of these res- j Task of Kakizur Citizens Bet
olutions be sent to the bereaved fam-I '..
ily. and spread upon the record of ter -ancans.
this Aerie and a copy furnished the
Plattsmouth Journal for publication.
A few extra well-marked Rhode
Island Red cockrells. $1.50 and $2
each. 2td-3tw
Phone 2704, Murray, Neb.
Cockrels for Sale
I have a number of pure bred sin
gle combed Buff Orpington cockreb
for sale at $2.00 each if taken before
December 1st.
Phone 2412.
Murray, Nebr.
Poland China pigs 10 weeks old.
$6 each. d&w
Phone 3513 A. O. RAMGE.
How a Rat Nearly Destroyed
Mrs. L. Bowen's (R I.) House
'For months we wouldn't go into the ceUar.feat-
fcgabigrat. One night it et our whole kitchen on
fire by chewing matches. The next day. we got the
ugly thins with Rat-Sna? just one cake. ' Rate dry
up ul icave nqsmcU. Three sues: 35c, 65c. sijs.
Sold aadsusnwued tar
JJestcr & Swatek Weyrich & Ead-
raba F. G. Fncke & to.
fr Milady's Xmas!
It is the innate desire of every woman to pos
sess a set of French Ivory. Why not gratify that
1 .1 -k T P 7 . 1 1 il .J...J
5 wisn tnis year wnn ivory gooes greauy icuutcu
in Price yur Problem is simplified. Toilet
-r xi i . r
cases inai euiu lur at. iixucii da j iaoi. js,o.m.
priced nc higher than $25 this year.
Our stock of toilet ware is by far the largest
ever before carried by this store and includes beau
tiful sets with plain and fancy edges, all in silk lined
cases and pi iced exceptionally close.
Let Us ba Your Gift Counseller
BROWN, Jeweler
I"!!!VV,iiI I i s "111 -I- ; public speakers in pulpit and plat-
1 form.
IPMDflOLI UfnrrrL'PO rcr th0 titizen the Legion will at-
: VrfADiiuH uAi rdiinbd : tcmP to "inculcate a sense of in-
V, u:idual olligation to the commun-
!HXHIHH-X'' 5t-'- state and nation," teach the ob-
j ligation of jury duty, he ballot and
L. R. Stanley auu;ed to Lincoln '; cpler public service. It will empha
Frirfay and Te-:d:y. : izo the iT.poriauce of aiding aiiens
Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin auioed j to become good citiiens by proper
to Lincoln Thursday. instruction and by appropriate cere-
Mr. end Mr., rat ten-on rnd fam-, monies on the day they are admitted.
and Mrs. Lcrcnr-on spent Saturday j
; at lhe l- R- Stanley home. t
I th st'ai &Variav eVen ing.
le hospital Saturday evening.
The men of tle community' are i
; busy shingling the M. Ii. church.
-ir- ra I'ooi at-
4 1. 1 1. . . , 1 . 1. ft .j r
! ;'1 .Vi. ,
Guy Hind
jLanghorst cu'.ced
to Flmwood Sat-
' -'-r- liri .wrs. l-usene 1 oioert ana
w that a forget-ifamiix aitended church here Sunday,
or antithesis of; I;. h. Siuires spent Sunday iu .
; Klmwuo.l
i Tur lit.
with his sifter, Mrs.
x t
Floyd Colo
of Burwc!!, Nebr.. ':as
ibeen hero vi.-itinc with fripr.f1 anil
: rtir iVc;-.
Ti e second
umber of the lecture
! c-uriie occurs Fi i lay
;"'"., -'-
. Ir. and Mrs. A. M
evening at the
Celt? and Mr.
:nd Mrt-.. V. H. Gio
:i s-rent "-lon-
, i:iy at the fcume of Mr. and Mr
!A. Jackman.
! ?!r- a::d -Irs- A. Jackniir a::d
spent Surubiy afternoon vt
ithe horn? of Mr. r.r.d Mrs. A. M. Cole,
.of v-r-r.g .Water.
J. Emberry visited with rel-
j atives here Sunday fvenir.g.
A nnnl.rr 1"r,iT.i . ,!,,i
- - ........ v. . -1 1 . . 1 1 1 v . i.i.i .... ii 1 - 1 r-
it Lf.uisil!e Fri 'iy :.d Sat-
ji;r!;iy ni.chts to s-ee "lhe Old Nest"!
i which was fhov.n at the Jovian:!. It;
' "'a? aurely a le-son to all those whe
had opportunity of seeing it.
Lincoln, Dec. 15. The Nebraska
American Legion has adopted an ex-i
tensive program of Americanism for'
the coming year which will be put'
into operation through the COO nosts'
and 20.000 members of tha organiza-j
tier.. The Legion w411 seek to ircui
eato a love and respect for American j
institutions and principles. It will
impress upon
citizens and resi-
dents that
hie .icVa-ratV-"7 Tf Inde"
and the Constitution are
ition of the best govern-
pemience a
tne rounaation ot the be.-t g
meat on earth, and that faults should
be corrected through an orderly pro
cess and not a disregard for the laws
and the courts.
The school children will receive
special attention, though all citizens j
and aliens will be reached according'
to the Legion program. Agencies
through which the program will be
worked out include the school?, pul
pit and platform, all social, frater
nal and commercial organisations
end the public press. Prize contests
will be conducted in the school? with
special e-mphasis on the growth and
value of American institutions. The
period between Lincoln's and Wash-
ir.gton's birthdays has been pro-
claimed "Respect the Flag Week"
by the Nebraska Legion. I
In the press the American Legion
will seek to encourage patriotic ut-
teranees and editorials, secure p:ib- j
liciity for the Americanization pro- ,
gram ana discourage tae aavertls-
2 , r ; 1 ... . . 1 . . ,,
Advocates for the veterans program
will be sought among prominent
i, c li l ova
Odd Pieces of All Kinds
LARGE MlltnOItS Fancy, beta oval and
rcuud bhapes. Prices $10 2nd $11
1IHAVY COMBS $1, $2 and $2.25
BRUSHES $4. $5, $G.50, $7 and $8
Heir Receiver and Powder box, pair $5
Also jc-wel boxes, perfume bottles, atomizers,
ril filfs, buff cis, ficitscrs, cuticle knives, button
Looks and picture frames. Plain and fancy edges.
4 Ivory Clocks to Uatcli Toilet Cases
Store Open
and Scotch-Topped Short-
horn Hulls, just weaned. Big Bar
gains, if takfcu at once. 4wks-wJ
Murray, Neb.
FOR SALE Pure-bred Duroc-Jer-sey
boars. Cheaper than you can
" "
raise t'aem. Healthy, growth v.
Murray, Neb.
Daily Jcurnal vrant-ads bring the
buyers rjid sellers together.
1 ns
Gift Shop
Is More Complete
Than Ever!
Eere you will find everything in
in lijae 0f looks for the children,
for the grown-ups and all middle
. . .,, , ,
&S at prices tuat will surely please
A full line of popular copyrights.
All the new copyright books.
Popular gift books.
Mother Goote, Peter ' Rabbit and a
world of snail books for the kiddies.
Girls' and Boys' book-.
Complete lice of Bible.
i-'ennison SeaTs, Tags and Cards.
Crepe and Tissue Paper for your
A very large line of fancy box
papers Eaton, Crane
& Pike and
the Whiting lines,
Desk s?ts, dominoes and checkers,
T - . ... . , ,
J71 c 5"u will find a world of
gift goods in our line. Come in now
ind select yonr Christmas cards,