PAGE SIX PT.ATTRTltQTTTTT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1921. 1 88 Proof Alcohol Little Hatchet Flour per 48-lb sack c S 80 a Wheat Shorts, per 100-lb. sack I -- J ii. i. ' . ., i -nnin ; ' I Tin.l'i.i'. 111 1 BAU..W.'i'yKT-g-' ' "" i I i I IK rend 6 PER GALLON ONE DAY ONLY JoBumi Bsiiuieir -Make It Do Full Duty Buy Wisely afad 0 40 a K3 BLACK PAPER Screen Door Covering PER DOOR Up to 7-Feet in Length. Cloidt Lumber and Goai Go. Holmes & Edwards and American Silver Co. Dessert Spoons Carolina and Roanoke Patterns 69 O Per V2 Doz. Guaranteed Silverware M. D. BROWNi ..... JEWELER . i'GIFTS .THAT LAST" , Engine and Radiator .Covers for Complete Set Plattsmouth Motor Co. "The Handy Ford Garage." Sponge Drop Tj nnmricc u Per Dozen COOKIES FRENCH COFFEE CAKE fl C Each ONE DAY ONLY! Wew York Bakery C. L. HERCER, Prop. Men Here is a real bargain in Four-Buckle Arties. U. S. Rubber Co. and Ball Band grades. All black rubber, red rubber and cloth. Not army shoes, but new goods. Note the special price 49 Crescent Pliers Tool Steel - fully guaranteed 59 J. F. Wolff Garage Phone 79 Studebaker Cars! Home Rendered Lard A PER POUND S: S. CHASE Here is the Big One! We still have 1000 more pencil school tablets that we want to close out. While they last Price, per dozen ' 2JJ C Can you Beat It Also about 500 regular 10c tablets (ink and pencil) on sale Bargain Wednesday, six for 25c GET IN EARLY The Journal Office loUitt's Uhito Pino and Tar 4' c i TAX PAID Piorrclto Faco Ponder 07c, fox paid -Mauzy Drug Co. - 2 dozen 5-lb. boxes Diplomat Wonder choco lates (asstd. flavors.) Cost us $2.90 each Sell Wednesday for $2.95 Good old fashioned carmel fudge cream centered and nut, cream. Wednesday, per lb. , 19 c -CERTIFI We, the undersigned com mittee, have carefully examin ed and checked every item in these ads and certify them to be genuine bargains. AUBREY H. DUXBURY, HENRY A. SCHNEIDER, JOHN P. SATTLER. December With Winter goods to be bought for yourself, as well as the going right on, we know how you feel. Little wonder you are stu GAIN WEDNESDAY for a solution of this vexing problem? Genuine bargains await you in every Plattsmouth store a Christmas money make it buy both gifts and necessities this year Wednesday prepared to take the fullest advantage of this unusual opj "Stores Open Till Q f Specials are Strictly .Cash! EEJE3E Christmas Cigars in Christmas boxes 25 Cigars 9 n the Box Choice Cut Flowers, one day price, 1 0c Palace Shinning Parlor GEO. COIilS, Proprietor Phone 194. Wednesday Specials! Fancy Turkish towels for Xmas gifts. Colors pink, blue and gold Large size. Good heavy quality, each 48 C "Nimko" peaches and apricots in heavy syrup. 2 Yi -lb. cans Bargain Wednesday 3 cans for. . . . H, EV3 . SOENPJICHSEN 89c f -Slippers Free!- With Each Pair of Children's Shoes For Bargain Wednesday Only! Clarlt-Gorhan? Shoe Go, Formerly Kinney Shoe Company "I 1 Cotton Blankets Q;r 64x76 Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 7c per pound. -L. B. EGEWBERGER Lisk Sanitary .Roaster 3 sizes best quality Kroehler Bros. Men's 2:20 Denim Overall built for wear, 32 to 42 waists, -3 20 We have plenty of them, but come eaily and be assured of getting your size. t SSfThis is the best buy we've had. ?Phiiip cki&wt Ladies' Christmas Handkerchiefs. Plain and Embroidered Heinz' 8-oz Stuffed Olives, Ladies' Hats Two Special Prices ONE DAY ONLY $1 95 . 75 Values to $12.50 Emma Pease V 1 . ! A" V Fettzer Shoe Co. -E. G. DOVEY Q. SOfJ-