Nebraska Stat Hlttori- cal Society journal. 11 w VOL. NO. xsxvin. FLATT SMOOTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1921. KO. 41 WILL HAFFKE HAS' A VERYCLOSE GALL Truck Goes Into Eitch Just North of This City Last Evening when Steering Gear Went Bad. ROAD WORK PROGRESSING HUNT FOR RABBITS SHOWING MPROVEIIENT CATHOLIC BAIiGH I iVr,m Frldsv's Dally. I P.ZT QTiUQ Mrs. C. L. Pittinan was at Omaha Ts.SQ iff IfM Countv Highway Commissioner . McKee reports that the v.-ork on the various highways over the county is liltj UL, i O S l2.Lv yesterday for a few hours visiting) progressing in good shape and it is j her son, Donald, who is there recov-J tion by the time that the real cnld Slienff Quintcn, Frank Datlef and v. cs made to give him relief from J Meeting ILelu Last jLtrTut at the h.. 01 weather sets in and freezes up the William Grebe Have Day's Out- j the condition in which his hand hadi C. Hall Decide to Perfect an 'ground. This fall there was quite a- iv and Business Trip. heen Placed ty being burned by aj Organization Heie. gouu cieai oi grauiug uone uu me - live nc x nc, x : performed on the lert nana oi ine Prom Friday's Taiiv laci, was maue in iae nopes oi giving i T f :,,. f.vv.i:r '-'Ipt of HERE FOR SOCIAL From Thursday's raily. lj37JI Last evening a large delegation of iiStjX: South Side Eagles heaocl by L. L. ! Moshlitr, stat? worthy vice president WEEPING WATER GOUPLE-WEDDED I roads, rounding them up for winter Fril,a-.5 DaUi. 1 and tins lor a time maue me travel Yesterday morning Sheriff Quiii-J From Thursday's r.i ' "ft au-j.n unci uai& .. .1 : K,.. v. William Haffke was returning home 'r.?,!' : tcn- Frck Detlef and William Grebe, t from South Omaha, where he had I w'" loading sundry pieces of light artil- for the 1" v.T'"".r : "TC" 'V !n the car of the sheriff, proceed- been with a load of hogs stock market and in running off of TvaV no-th of the city is beine e'' out to'the vicinity of Ce iar Creek the small bridge north of the city J o SMf f? l ej' a hoiir3' rab"it knf- on the Omaha hiphway. William sue-, tb traveler v bruised and cut up as v.eil as mak ing a most complete wreck cf his truck. The young man had reached the. scene where the road is bains work ed and where the small hridpe is be-J ins repaired, just before starting: into; the hills on this ide of the Platte. RELIEF WHEN IT IS iccnnrs iptuc nnv. w !tf.LliCJ 10 UlL UilJ tVJar o ir;;; aiw thoir trip vas quue s-.!C' jcc'sful. both in the way of a pS I ant hunt as well as doing a littb pufessional business on the side. i ; The party dc-trair.iug went into, action in the tracts of land alon I'latte about half way between 1 Creek and Louisville and soon j had several of the cotton tails on the! run. it is state;! mat tne Drusn anc ! him the full use of the hand but so far it has not been po.-i-rible to fully determine just how successful this will be. Donald is quite homesick but hps been cheered by letters and cards from his schoolmates which has-fid-ed him in the lonely hours in the hospital. CHARGE OF PABiSH t- c ; lr tt. j ir. tv:- : i bml his truck refused to respond to."wwe mkh xmu xj.uiy ui- s,,u trees in that locality suffered- T c Tpo. - . apotntments m Way 01 Uet- a preat ueal from Constable Dctlei. - tire- Dps'rYsd Heln iv.fco was the chief hunter and whoi L-mircr. JJeciacs- J'i, 10 lmcYS i:o'.vl1 down the brush in pursuit ai The local Lesion ro;t ha? in con- he elusive bunnies. The party all; the driver was seated was torn off, ' nection with the policy cf the Amer- to1 secured a pleasing bag cf game members of the St. Luke's par- the steering wheel and in a few sec onds had crashed over the side of the bridge and with the result that the top or cab of the truck in which j to Grad Island Parii. the windshield broken and the steer- jcat; Lopion all over the country, i tI"at tnrv brought back as evidence ; cf the Epi?cotal church of this ' " "",J- ave for the two weeks i ."-''- the city took the fir:-; rtep" toward the organization i;f a court here cf the Catholic Daughters of America, a . new organization that is to give the women of the church a greater part in the work of their faith. The ladies prepared a list f thore who desired to become enrolled as charter members and which will be sent to the national 0;fkvs in cder thtt the t'r.krter of the eor.rt may he secured. Mrs. August Fach. Jr., war Fe'ected 55 the temporary chairman of the crcanir.ation and Tin conduct the v or!: of securing the membership in the city until the organisation is perfected and the officers elected. The new socioty will Le open to a-.y cf tho ladies who are of the Catholic faith ar.d is -not an auxiliary c-rtfanisaticn of the ICnights of Co- I'.'ibu, a a great ni:ny bad sup- auo wiie, were r.eve to atten.i i:c-. catheriiis of the IMattsmo.Uh aerie Miss Vcrhs Bates and liTS. GtrOVgC 1 city have for the p: to the game secured. v.,tn rnnrehensive that they miga: ing wheel badly jimmed up. William been lending its best efforts to ;.e- ?? was thrown out and suflered some rrr? for h rpp.1v nnrl Hlin -;pr-1 In addition few cuts on the head and face as vicp men what relief ws "os!;ble ' e sheriff and party ran onto what jpio the services of their solendid the result of the experience. Dr. .from governmental or other sources once had evidently been a flourish- ( rc?tor. Father W. 3. Leete, as he had J. S. Livingston was called to the ani their efforts have very frequent-' iuS home made distillery and found ;.iHen offered the rectorship of St. scene of the acc ident and secured the y encountered the tangle? cf : e l!two copper boilers tht ha,d teen j Stephens's church at Grand Island, a injured man. bringing him on into tj.po that have deprived nnnv -vel '-'cd in the making cf the I'r.aious ,,,,,c;, larger parishtand at a flatter the city where his injuries were deserving men from receiving the ai l ' prohibition drink of moonshine, the . ::,.r increase in salary, dressed and the vict.m made as com- ro justly' d;e them. j owner of the plant was not in evi- j -Father Leete, however, considered fortable as possible. ' The scrminclv indiiTerence to the'1011' a!ld ix aprnrently had been.. he fact of the goal that h!s rervi?f Ed Ma?on made the trip out to the' fate of fo many of t!ie men who solr- time since the boazcxy had been j -,u2;ht ta. the church and after a Platte bottom and brought the truck served their country faithfully and -operating. The sheriff ar.d party; V5--u at Grand Is'and, WIi?-re he was back into the city and Lt is now at -ei brings a feeling of despondency proceeded to do away with the still.-. , royally treated, nri-ied that he his garage awaiting the necessary to those who have had an intimate ; an(1 returned ho-ne feeling that they -. cula remain here in Plattsmouth repairs that will it being touch with the 'task of trying to ce.ihad enjoyed a pleasurable as well asj ZrA continue his splendid work in used once mere by Mr. HafVke in his cnre aid for thpir comvOfk and pnris i profitable days' work. - i tins parish. This derision will be business of freighting between this to increase the general feeMrg that j ' t iled with the greatest of pleasure city and Omaha. fter all the ones who made the ner- ! HrSf 0Tf.T' S "ot onl' h' the nicTnters. of the par- While the accident was serious c.i ir. r.f crvi -oro the, L5 r.iJ I A l i .! ! hut oy the communiry in general enough, it was very fortunate for ren "goats" of the war. Mr. Haffke that it did not prove Several instances arc found bv the more serious and re.-ult in his per- local port and its cervice department manent injury. PRESENTS FIXE FLAG head. Attorney A. H. Duxbury in this :m?.l-e the service men pretty murhf Civil "P'r v eterans vvm xigilt to ; disgusted. In one case a scrvic e raan. Retain "Equality Before the v. no was not m tne nest or nniTteir.i i t-.,V' nr, T-TtTrr TVsipti SO fiOinnn IlH?".-- endeared - themselves, during 2:.rill!!: fl li3 7 i'i their residence here r rom inarsaaj s iJa,,y-. A v. no was not in ine oesi oi nn.rir.i Yesterday afternoDn the ladies of condition, and being married with a! the Worn i's Iielief Car? . made thetf ?.mi!y. found himseif !n fucIi a state j jncoin, Dec. 1. Fate of presentation of one of their hand- cf health that he would have to tin-; sla7e seal of N'ebrarka wa some suit nags la urs. j.iary aies, ucrgo an operation ana treatment aij, iv one ct tne om nieinDers oi ine organ- tne norpnai. inc local post iook tne WTlnv.-i n? a -nipetin of a commit iz?tion ana one oi m mo.'i nigniy matter ui) ana tne man was tent to tee ancinf-d to receive and pass or esteemed ladies of the city. Mrs. a hospital in Iowa for treatment, but new' state seal. George Williams w aies nas lor a greai iuauy moiiius on arrival mere iouna mat mere naa Dj Fairmont chairman been in very feeble health and the been some tangling of the red tap?. ! lnat ha(j been oiTicia! ladies decided that as a token of and he was forced to return home ! ?j0Dt -r'ot'uer -ecl to s their esteem and love for their aged suffering from his physical afilictio odept which had adorned state dot-u Tiie genial rector of St. Lute's church has been here, in Plattsmouth 'or the prist seven Vears and with Rov. It. G. McClusky . divid-d the he nor of being the Jean o th? clergy of the. city. He came to Plattsmouth r.-"ur--itiK dlocease-ef Iowa, having been located at Lyons, Iowa, for a l umber of years prior to moving to tho Nebraska diocease. pr.d during hi ! t e-m of service here' has made hi rhurch a force in the community and : l-ic' n rt w n narish th"f ?5 sHvp and announced , "''trrt,l, thp wnr-k. nf thp Hi-irrh lly decided to , f thp -.--t nros-r-essive in supplant the Cfatc The Journal, in common with tne the old In aildition to the work of arrang ing for the new court the members ,vhor;e husband? or brot' f rs are ir.em Lers cf the Knights of Columbus, ar ranged to look .after a part of he work at the big bazaar that is to be held in January. The ladies will have charge cf the tripper, the candy 1 itcLen, the bake shop and the art snap. Zlrz. Frank Libc-rshnl was named as chairman of the bake shop committee. Mrs. Jo-3 Lihershal of the r.rt booth tnd Mrs. A. U. Smith cf the candy kitchen and the ladies v.i'.l at or.ce get busy to make the event one of the best ever held in the city or vicinity. ALIMONY IS'RRST . LIEH OH P8GPE8TY Crpreme Court 2ays Present Wortli cf Judsrment GcTmts in Final CrJcttlatfon cf Property. of I'jies and to enjoy the rp'endid timo that the Plattsmouth bunch-had trrf.nged. The visitors moiored dov.n for the big event and were loud i' their prai:;e of the excellent hospi tality afforded them by the local Eagles in the dance and the very : c-cpptat-ie luncheon provided by the committee in charge. Sell are Mairied in that City Thanksgiving Cay. DISCOVERS BODY OF INFANT AT ROADSIDE1 ... Body is Badly Decompod But is Evidently that cf Child cf 3 Months cf Age. From Pr'flav's D'y. Yesterday afternoon Henry Gab- bel. one of the-well known farmers' living between Louisville and Mur doch, made a grewsome disrovery while at work clearing away a pile of brush, ,when he found lying in the On Thank-giving day,' November 24. i'JZl, a vet v pretty wedding w;.s t;cleiiinizrd at the hv.:e i ihe lwid-'. parsnt-'. Mr. and Mr. Juhn I'.ates. j Miss Verlie liatcs and Mr. Georco I Sell were united in marriage in t!i prcscence of the relatives and a few nar friends. Kev. W. H. Hiley. pis tor of the Congregational church. officiating. The bride u-cre a bhte serge trav- mg suit and carried a bouquet or red ro.scs. The grcom wore the conventional black. The bride wa born and grew to womanhood in this vicinity. She has a large circle of admiring friends drawn to her by her charming per sonality. She has always been an "ac tive worker in Sunday school and the Young Peoples Society of the church, dependable, enthusiastic and always in her place. The groom is one of the rising . . r . r . ; ., , , , composed body of an -infant child. i " J'ml ln eXfr-v Vy vtrth; a t n..pntinn of Mr fjahhPi was' partner he has chosen to walk first attracted by the smell which! ';- his s'"p through the journey of was quite pronounced and on investi gat ion he discovered the box lying in life. After congratulations, the com- thc bru-h heap where it had evident-j V? wire mvi ci to .u uihm.b . ucm. lv been thrown by some one as it! here a sumptions wedding dinner was only a short distance from the , was served by Mrs. Bates. T- 1 . - . .. 0 . n . . - n . . . v n If- r.-a,Mviv On mV-inr thp rliccnvprv 1"t UUI "l M?. Gabbel 7,t cS called a number I J ?hIrtSelLs' P"1" f c T' of neighbors to view the body and iti.nd thp L-vaia a"d Rose Sells, was decided to notifv County Attor- l13,1, f ,h. iroo1Ti5J Y'rlCll ney Cole at Plattsmouth at once of and wife and John Soils broth the find ' fr of ihe rooiT1' of Nehawka; Mr. The news cf the finding of the ' Mrs- Haynes t heir son Clir body created a great deal of excite- frd Haynes and wdfe of Pa pill ion. ment in the neglhborhood and the're atives of the bride; .Oscar Do i., t ? n the. iv- v, a ri unngo. wife and sons, and Donald Fredenburg. Mr. and Mrs. Sells went to house keeping at once on George Domingo's farm. Weeping Water Republican. mom hfiF t i D V TlTltT.i tanner hor nno m A rnlv i' rci or;' a- thot t It i " ...... ! , V x. . , -S, t' ; ""'' ;.w.u., ... raentr since territorial cays. ,n,rv othe friends of the Leete fam of the beautiful si!ken emblems of case had not been approved. Due to; opponents of the proposed change. ! d"fteMei to le-an tht the her country Mrs. ales is the wid- lack of funds he cannot take the,c G v R. men. carried one j o S an M he St? Luke's ow of an old civil war veteran and eration necessary at his expense, and . t J S wn!iaras ptated that tho ;.; Cllr , 1 Tete will the mother of a son who served ia must wait (unless he dies) until such .. .h r ' lf?' a. l':aL W 1e''-, .it u.v ror.MTii'.e to carry on rus sooa worn . , ..... rppe-jring on tne o;u seal. wouu no i ;r pur midst. the Spanish-American war and i3 time as the departments at St. Louis rei luiai tiuuicu ij tx I'lousuiuuu v aril . Z-SilllllUi! un liliU jUMUiliiiiu.i the "C'V the part she has had in the sacri- in giving him this treatment. J The of the nev. seal wou!(1 noes of war times that has visited m another Ya?e a deserving ser-. not he ,15,ose:1 tonight. William--! iic: wuiui.. vice man was surermg irom a oi-; ctor. TV.o A If n l3,tic thu q f i.m4 .t., , - i ------ - 'Tr.: ..IT 1 iw .uZ.Z: 'i tion of the committee's adoption) ..I. .. . jn-.- riu iatai was sucn as to nanuicap nini 1:1 th-2 occi-ion was one thoroughly en- .j3 worI: an,i ;t was scusht to have joyed by all of the members of the him given vocational training to fit CELEBRATES IHS 2IRTHDAY g that a picture and a descrip-l part y. ASKS FOR DIVORCE him for other work that he could ,,1;,,.,mi,h n steamboat and a rail- no. I he government nas appropriat ed millions of dollars for the con duct of vocational training centers and t 111 the man could not get bis m . 1 1 J .1 1 ' - would be given cut in due time. I v-miam Mcnman ceie.uaiej Tna r,ii cori to rionp nut nf ri tto 1 "Tth birthday anniversary on list . !o.... .1.-... .v;n--rn' i:sn-M ita arsailants. It clotures a 'J ai .1 ui '-'. Eay ?rd everyone had a fine time slthovgh 1 4 j -ir j-;r. to!:ln:an is sini connnea tn nis Thev suggest that, a new seal i '-e1" iin rneumatism. tie nas d.";ii j nuiuej up mat ji'fc-"-" An alimony judgment is a first 'en on the property of a husband, 5-ays the supreme court, and attaches :s soon as the transcript is filed in . nether county where he owns prop erty. Minerva Jackson secured a di vorce in Douglas county from Earl E. Jacikson. who had a homestead in McPhcrson county. She secured a judgment for $15 a month during the alnority of a daughter aged five and a son aged three. The Judgment was filed in Mc pherson ccunty. Another man bought the land and in foreclosing a mort gage sought to defeat the lien. The - ourt says such a judgment is for a t'efinite. amount and is a lien not on ly for the amount cf th? matured un paid installments yet to become due i'uriig the minority of the younger child. The attorneys for the mortgage should show an airplane, a garage j1 From Thtirsofty-'p uauy. inis morning a petition asKing application anowea as ne was uiiauie) vhv not put on a ja.-rr; orches ior ine severing oi Li;e i.omus oi w uu- to convince ire uoarn iiiai iiuu ciiiiiftc arid a couple of bootlesre'e lock filed in the c-Mice of the of the case that be was sufficiently t,,.. t.' irnnff 'inmiirv nf oVnr clerk of the district court by Ola handicapped that he could not prop- ertg-Q-" tno new seai pian. Pi Ccffman against D. L. Caufman. The erly take up his pre-war occupation of' "txe state and many othei petition ti me piainii-i siaies mat arm carry It on and an i.uto truck. rut is grauuauy improving ana msiiaunuuiu ten -uuun- s:r.Tniiy re it tnat tney coma no let; er c.ia oum ui ica.i uuui. Mr. Duxburv carried on a long cor- ,-o on rtemal rpminder of thelOmsha on Saturday evening, to be . 190G, and respondenee with the various boards hum,-enes froni which a great state ' present and gave Mrs. Stohlman and 21. the de- in charge of these cases, but in each . , bui't family a happy surprise. The other the parties v ere married at Coldwa- ter, Michigan. Fehuary 2. that on November 2S. 19 fendant was guilty of cruelty against irftance there was no satisfaction the plaintiff ard for which tSe plain- secured and even the efforts of Con- tiff asks that she he given a decree gressman Frank Reavis. who gener- , of divorce and the custody cf the 0:;sly took the matter up personally,' two minor children o! the marriage. ere without avail and the only pos- Matthcw Gerlng appears as the at- re ii triven was the offer to per is the ironic inquiry of oppon- ioneers others de- ' clare that the seal should be left as the important occasion go by with-i o:;t celebrating it in due style. Mrs. Stohlman's father p.tmI her sister. Ausrut Thirrgan and Misi Prulina Thimgan came down from SOME ONE TO BLAME guests were their children and fami- The court says that in the entire ab sence of facts upon which might be based a contrary inference, the na tural presumption is that a boy ten years old will live to be twenty-one. The attempt of Alfred C. Walon, a friend and neighbor, to get a part of the profits of the land deal swung bv George u . Porter of Knox coun ji f.T,r- n-prp Mr nni Mrs. Ferd ty. failed m supreme court, w aiton I'mnL-nu- n n ri famiiv nf T:iTnrY. i had signed a note by which Torter - tr ti-1 Mrs Tprrv r.?,r-l rnd fam- was able to make the initial pay- i'y'frnm the conntYy ;Mr. and Mrs.i ment.-and on thhs and the claim of a From Frlday'fi Dally. One of our townspeople had a very torncy for the plaintiff in the cause foPl flratir,r, for riipf of th strange experience last evening ac- Ti. , , n':,.iiP ! profits Porter later secured when he of action service man and this has been car- r top bf8 LAttor-enyA6' Mr W l Sroh:tn3n'S'father. it ried out. but whether it will permit lisicn ng ear o Coun J At orenj A. , Elrawood. The !a- CAS3 CCTJIJTYEOlr AT 'VESLEYAN the man resuming his occupation is brought in some fine cakes and j LARGE PROFIT FROM VINEYARD still a matter cf doubt. JLVt Pics and an elegant dinner was rerv- Harold Iloback cf Avoca has been Certainly there should be some ut " " i CC and the presence cf his familvl .of tpndinsr the older boys' conference means of;litine thpse cases ue c a stranger, w no euoenuy uau i . , . ,,, i,6. tl . . ........ -. . . . .. - : th mnd pvii !eiens on tne unsus-! u""'-' "- cr.ra::a wes.eyan i niversuy. wrere immediate relief is necessary . .r. 51. ,.ithP irvlid reached its resting place were nuni erous. The place--wh-:re the body was found is quite near the road and it would be an easy matter for anyone nasiing in a car to toss the box into the brush pile and it would not be discovered for some time and hal ! not Mr. Gabbel decided to do soraer.Tn Friday nan? 3IAS TONSILS REMOVED work ia clearing up the rubbish and bruh along the road it would prob- nblv never have been found. Yeeterday Miss Mary Margaret WaHir.g departed for Qmsha where she underwent an operation for thn Owing to the condition of the body -removal of her tonsils, that have for it was found impossible to make a . some time past been very annoying thorough investigation of the re-, to the little lady. The operation was mains of the little one. KAKCTO CHRISTMAS GOODS performed by Dr. C. R. Kennedy, one of the leading surgeons of the me tropolis, and Mrs. Walling accom panied the patient to the Methodist 1 liA?nlU1 unil T-n i f n oH until n f t OT 1 Vi tf. The local cigar factories are en-.; - M,ps filing u reported gaged now m t ie preparation of , , their special Christmas boxes that - v.i'l re placed on the market in a! very short time so that the shopper i WILL GIVE SHOW ie?king a present for a gentleman 1 can be readily accomodated. There is The Community club end t vrm nothing more pleasant to a smoker Bureau will put on a fnll moving than one of the re-al smokes that the picture feature at Peterson's hall. Plattsmouth fnctories turn out and Murray, Neb.. Wednesday. Dev. 7. the giver of a present of this kind Three reels will he shown. There can rest ensured that it will bring; reels will be Instructive, as well satisfaction and b? much more pleas- entertaining, every member of the ing than some fancy labeled brand family will thoroughly enjoy them, of cabbage that is: so aften presented Prirg the family and tell the neleh- at Christmas tim-i. The Flattsmouth born. Co-operation is the watchword smokes are made here at home and today. I.-et's all pull together for th have the quality to back up their, gen em 1 good of the Community. claims. Your ad will carry punch if you Wednesday, Dec. 7, 8:43 p. ni. ' Five dollars reword for informs- . . TT-m'o i c o Tain "V-ntr talV" in. ' tion leading to recovery ot strayen. stead of trying to fass it np with ! frills and expjrerations. j 2wks-w two-vear-old. branded Hereford steer. SEARL S. DAVIS. Murray, Nch. The speakers were members of the and until this is done thh men who ; Pecting Plattsmouth cimen. as tne ... . . ...... .. ctraTi?(r nrpw forth a mnt oi sLransre life fervice commi-ssion oi tne .utia- neeu reiiet tne most must continue , "V . .,m, i cdist church who camD expressly for to sufler. the conference from their headquar- t?r? C-hIc,St-f ,r j SECURE PERMITS TO WED. vintarp. that tasted not unlike- the well known corn product and insist- ed on the gentleman taking the bot ' tie, and of course, rather than of i fend the stranger our friend took the bottle and drank deeply and copious- permanent organization was formed in r,r,, -ttH From Friday rallv v. njci' Will Uicct in u ii v ..wt ...1.1. rr.ii . ... T, . . , , ,, . , . the state annual conferences of the luI3,mj,rn,:,S county juogc jy oi tne nu.u mu i u f"" l-iitv and clergv and will seek; to son took t,rae rrom the more sordid 1 the remains of the liquor in his pock o -e the problems of the modern detail of the machinery of the law et he continued his way rejoicing Voung man in his relation to the make four hearts happy by the and as the time passed the liquid r hurch ' issuance to Charles M. Buell of Mur- consumed -seemed to burn within hira ' ;dock and Mits Floy E. Lyle of Elm- causing a great desire to break forth 'wood, and Fred B. Buell of Murdotk in song and merriment which is not Mr: Thircgan's sen. Walter, cf South Bend, came aftr them on Men. day for a visit et-kis home and brought them back the next evening. Louisville Courier. DANCE PLEASES CROWD From Frt'?av'it Dnltv Last evening the De Ford orches- tra made an appearance in this city that ihQ first fruiting shoot3 were .nei :n l: ui a j ed i .frozen back last spring. The results une-ful melodies were heard once I .ot c,v;,,f .,. Mr. Lake Bridenthal of near Wy mcre, Nebraska, a breeder of Durocs and Percherons, is the owner of a acre vineyard of which he is justly proud and of which he re cently gave an account to the horti culturist specialists of the agricul ture college. Six years ago the plants were set out, 4 50 of them and most ly Concords. This year the grapes from the vines sold for $360. repre senting 90 bushels at $4 per bushel. The average yield per vine was 8 pounds, which is high considerin after tun more in the Eaglss hall. The attend-; as wliproper type of pruning ir T.-qrrn-tprt. but those: : y in audition rnrnCk n9 , ' 4U. (k nom,n ti,i tnornlne-: ;r '. V.Vr ,a "U rapes are rainy ea vi. n.rnoctpa -rr-!i ha launched . t " fecnmriu.i ai e as tiiat tne 0v u t . . . - WHO Were present ICU amp:y lepaiu ,i -f - Rrirtpnthol '"1 to his orcrestra wor. nas iduncnea hrnthors an tv.. ,j .;n i rrc nf .k.-vso uhn tm vp i . ... .. . v . '" .. fain -ir. uriaeninai. i was not as large renlly a? the excellent mu5c show what the possibilities are when ! the vines are given good care and the fcUiVLti i.iiaauuvi uxtx ' and Miss Gladys M. Marshall of Elm- befitting these prohibition days of , t T;nr .iit .w-ood, the necessary permits to be- hootch and boose hounds. The result Prof. V. illlam R. Holly in addition t,.nonM(iman OT. fnt tho i,m,n this morning . .v. r v rtf v,t.-.o "reasiuu wui ue out inio aiioiii. "- made a double wedding window card designing, and has , turned out a number of very attrac- easy to grow," The area be- shrine of Gambrinis, and the voice of t.i.t. v'"v.r . - . Tn -vttt tit a ttt a enn-r. rriTTrnt Judge Keeson pronouncing ine mo tive carus tnat some oi me uusm uvui ouxuxsx t u words "ten and costs" awoke houses have secured and as well made , i,m tn rpaHritton that the man a number for the Legion membership One dollar ten gets the best halter J.' J J m tSl HnuoV has ca?4d campaign. The work of Mr. Holly is made anywhere in Cass county. Your tulle very artistic and shows n great tal- money back If not satisfied. This is. mac trouoie. entin this line of modera advertis-, made of government material andj Tn.YTr ing. i cost during the war, 56.50. I an! FARi-I LOANS i able -to deliver this halter at vour FOR SALE , mailbox for $1.10 each, as many tsj Lowest rates. 5, 7, 10, 15 and-phoi,e 3513 , you want. Keierence, Bank of Mur- 20 years, u. ju. iicuierKin, at tne I thrpn tinipss f?i:rinf tVp pirlff snmmpp dispenspd. The merry dancers con-, Afu- Auffst first- the cultivating is unueri to enjoy tne p-esures i J";stonped and foxtail allowed to grow, dance until the small hours of the; -j-"- helps to ripen the wood for win morning made their appearance. ter The important thing in raising : grapes, however, is the pruning. But FOR SALE j with a little study and some practice j cne soon loams' how to keep the old 1 I.?- tn P!nnd China boars, dock. Better try one pedigree papers furnished. $20. I A. J. TOOL. -sw n28, d8. Murdock, Neb. Phone 3513 A. O. RA3!"GE". J : ' 1 Lost anything fonnQ anything Blank Books at the Journal 02ce. Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy." Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth.! Nebraska. tfd ; 2 pedigreed Holstein Bull calves. wood from accumulating. The mar- Keiir.g prcaiem is nji auiicuit w-un me. People are anxious to ccme right to the farm to get the grap?s and are willing to pay a gcod price. This year $25 each. Six weeks old. sw A. O. RAMGE. A Lesson in Banking! H3 mm People create wealth. Banks merely collect and store it. Somebody must put into the bank the funds that it leans out to finance the community's needs. Banks cannot make money plentiful when it is scarce. They have available only what the people put into them. Borrower or not, everybody is inter ested. For plentiful supply of money and P good times go hand-in-hand. Bank your money. Ifrom owner of a farm for sale, give " "f- " I lvn-ort niio a-nH r.nce.-ieinn L. Tablets, note books, pencils, etc., ijcnrs. Box 451. Olney. Illinois. for the school children, may be had j at the Journal office. j . We do all klnns 01 jc-d printing. If it's in the stationary line null at the Journal office. the First national Bank THE BANK WHc?F3 YOU 'OTATTSMOUTH A. Jir V M V-1 r i