The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 01, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Prepared In the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readerg
If dt of the readers of the
Journal knor- of ny social
event or item of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
line to this office. It will ap
pear under thin beading. We
want all news Item Editob
Miracles in Money
A city skyscraper seems a miracle in
steel and stone. But it is only a vast
number of girders painstakingly placed
together a vast quantity of bricks
placed end to end and one above another.
Miracles in money are seeming miracles
only. You can work miracles in your
own life.
Saving Wins Success
You can have a big prosperous farm,
own a car, or travel wherever you wish.
Men who have really suc
ceeded spell it S-A-V-E. You
can win the same success.
You do not reed a lot of
money to do it. You need
no great education.
You need only the determi
nation to start now and con
tinue. Let us help you.
Jacob Minnear completed the pick
ing of his corn last Wednesday and
is feeling pretty good over the mat
ter, thank you.
Fred Warner was looking after
some business matters in Piatt smouth
last Tuesday afternoon, making the
trip in his auto.
Charles Boedeker, Jr., was ill for
a few days last week with a cold and
very sore throat, which kept him at
home and in bed.
joyed a roller skating party Saturday I here Will be an Old tasnion
Joe Says Ho More
With a Bmile and a twinkle of the
eye. Joe Mrsek has had some sport
at the expense of some of the timid
ones when he has been soldering a
gasoline barrel, as they had shied
away during the operation. With an
assurance which was akin to certain
ty, Joe went ahead at the work and
last week was rewarded by a barrel
ri.-itt-l j I ll exnloding. blowing a piece of the
,irix, .'Bwu " w "'""l bottom t
ed Dance at the
lurray Hail,
Saturday night this week.
tax. Dancer, 75c; spectator,
& wiTo us
and Msfce
Interest paid on time depo?i's.
Our deposits are prelected by the State Guaranty Law.
All busineis transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
evening and from all reports had a
very merry time.
Sheriff C. D. Quinton was looking
after some official business matters
in Murray and west of town on last
Tuesday afternoon.
Green Piggct was looking pfter
some business matters at
liifiiith last TupKfls'.v afternoon, ririv
ing over in his auto. 'attend.
Monroe Batman living northwest'
of ATurray has just completed the
picking of his corn and was as isted ' 25c; ladies free,
by Mr. Green Piggot.
Murray was well represeuted at ,
the dinner and supper at Lcwiston!
Thanksgiving day, where the usual
good feed was enjoyed. j
G. W. Cheney of near Union wasj
called to Murray last Tuesday af-;
ternoon to look cftcr sonic business i
matters for a short time. ;
The Murray garage have had their j
gas serving s-&;iou painted blue. ! will store autos for the dance
winen aufis mucn to us appearauce, i
making it very attractive.
man were
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lonnie Meade near Union.
Wilton Stibbs. star football play
er of the Shenandoah. Iowa, collcye.
spent the Thanksgiving vacation
with the folks at the hotel.
MnGmnes Churchill, who is em-
seeing. They think the west a great
place, but for a home they prefer the
good old state of Nebraska. During
their sojourn in the west they visited
also most of, the important cities of
the northwest, but spent the major
ity of their time on the Columbia
river in the state of Washington.
Shipped Three Cars of Sheep
Last Tuesday afternoon, Z. W.
Shrader of Nehawka. who has been
feeding a large number of sheep at
his farm southwest of Murray, ship
ped to the Omaha market a fine lot
of sheep, the thre double deck cars'
containing 760 sheep, while enough
remained in the feeding lots to make
an even thousand. Messrs Mont Shr-'
ader, Herman Beck, Tony Shrader,
Alba Ingwerson and Parr Young
assisted with the work of driving and
loading the sheep.
bottom out and being hurled against
Price including war the door, breaking it down and arous-
1 .1 A! a. 1 . 1
ing ine entire town oy iue rpui i.
No more of this says Mr. Mrasek, for
I certainly have had enough of the
experience, and any one who desires
can do it in the future, but not me.
The Hurray Ssrage
for 25c each, if taken away
Madge. Opel and Ruth Ho- b midnight. 50c if kept all
i visiting last Saturday and , J r
Mrs W. E. Hull wau a Platts-j Miss Blanche Scotten epeut the
month visit-.r Saturday. j week end at Elmwood, a guest of her
no Wrirht ha1? just completed j friend. Freda Lyle.
his j"ob of picking corn far Nick I Earn Carroll and family, of near
Fredrfech I Union. -were guests at the home cf
VWpirilallrs of Pl.-utimouth vis-jC. C. Cr.rroll for Thanksgiving day.
ited hi brother Ludwig and family j Mr. Wm. Seyboldt was having his
last week. .corn fodder shredded last Tuesday
Wui Marsch and son Frank were J :md was assisted by K. W. Milburn.
lookinir ;il"ter some business matters! V.. II. Puis was looking after some
Et piatt-mouth. business matters in Flattsruouth last
Ol.if Giimore. -who was sick last I Saturday, driving over with his car.
ac.r.v- r and k ship inLi! C. D. Sehopp of near Xehawka,
Rbouen became broken and while it
v.?s down for but a short time, the
hogs got out, and when they were
rounded up one weighing some three
ployed painting at the new home of hundred pounds was missing. It has
Paul V.'olph near Avoca. was a visi-; bfcen searched for pretty assideously
tor at home for over Sunday. but with no success. It is a wonder
Harvey Gregg has been assisting , how a large hog can be lost so eas-
Get in the clear for the bad weather, tot
it will come. We have a fine assortment
and prices are right on overshoes.
Two buckle, three bucfcle, four buckle,
and for ladies, men and children.
Do Hot Pass This Up!
Services at Christian Church
At 2:30 Sunday there will be ser
vices at the Christian church in Mur
ray, the Rev. George W. Robb, pas
tor of the church at Weeping Water,)
The distribution of Triner's Wall
Calendar 1922 has just begun. This
Earred Plymouth
$l.Su each.
Phone Murray, Neb.
in school again.
etter Hogs
! La been doing some plumbing work
at the home of Mr. George E. Nick
els. Miss Helen and Delbert Todd, who
are students at the state university,
spent their Thanksgiving vacation
at home.
Georre Tanner and wife were vis-
in the care of the business for Mr.
Jack West during the time when he
has been sick at the hospital.
Nick Friedrich was a business visi
tor in Plattsmouth last Tuesday,
and also was a visitor at the home
cf his mother for a short time.
Iast Tuesday Worth Click deliver
ed wheat at the Farmers elevator,
while Alex Campbell. Roy Gregg and
Frtu.k Schlictemeipr delivered corn.
Mrs. J. A. Waller and daughter.
Mi5" Marsie were visiting with
friends in
afternoon, making the trip in their
Eldorene Shrader returned to her
home in Omaha Sunday evening af
ter visitinsr with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Long for a few
da vs.
Mrs. Addie Stokes visited last aro
TbunkKirivific: dav t the home of ?ome
her dauchler and husband, Mr. and &et out aaia fcon-
Mrs. Art Copenhnver near Weeping
The Women's Missionary society
vi'l serve supper in connection with
their bazaar at the Presbyterian
church Saturday evening. Everybody December 1st.
welcome. ! MRS.
Harry Barrows end wife, of Om- Phone 2412.
aha. are here, called ty tue extreme
Rock roosters.
Ted Barrows Very Sick
Reports from the bedride of Mr.
T. S. Barro .vs, who hau been conSned
Plattsmouth last Tuesday;10 Lis Ji"inf I.1 wo eeb-s'
ure is me eiieci iiiai mis peiiueuiaji
is very rick with the typhus fever.
and that while all that is possible is
to deliver the discourse. Rev. Robb is;spienam worn oi an js mil oi cuiur
well known here and will be gladly : and rich in ideas. Around the center
ear(j .picture of Progress daringly ascend-
ling the steep heights are nine small-
T'kc Tennfl Wright Verv Si"k ' er Pictures in "hich various coun
xuss l.eona vvn0hx very kk . introduce to us their famous
Little Leona daughter of Mr. and , represent-
iirs. AUios i ifiiiL. lias utvu ci y oiv.ti
at their home for the past few days
with pneumonia, and while she has
been having the best of care and med
ical aiie. uaace. biie yn a f fcl, schools. Poland with Co
sick child. The many friends of the! v, . ... ,, .v.
couple and of the little daughter are
ed by Fulton's first steamer, England
by Stephenson's first locomotive;
then follow: Czechoslovakia with Cc
menius who first conceived the idea
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church at Cedar Creek will give a
baraer and supper December 3rd
Saturday evening. Everybody cor
dially invited. lt-sw.
hoping that she may soon be restor
ed to her accustomed health.
pernicus who found that the earth
revolved around the sun and with
Mme. Curie, pioneer of radium, Italy
and Yugoslavia with their pioneers
of electrical science, Volta and Tesla,
Bavaria with the X-rays pioneer
Roentgen. We see here also Joseph
pioneer or the American
beirr,- dene for the patient, his con-! electric light from a plant which he
dition does not seem to improve very j has and tests all his work before al
nttich. For the past wee!: his con-; lowing it to leave the shop,
eliticn ho1; been very critical and all that he might snow Made Over a Hundred Uollars
improvement and be able to , nf T .t ain M,r.
ed one cf their Thanksgiving dinners
q n A cm nnorc Inst Thnrcdnr nnrl nil
CockreiS for Sale lfPPi WPn renaid for thfir'time and
I have a number of pure bred sin- j v.ork. There was a good crowd for
gle combed Duff Orpington cockrels ; oth dinner and supper and many
for saie at 52.00 each if taken before., vprf. thf. comments that were nassed
Has an Excellent Business
Last week we happened along by
the farm of Herman Waggener. wej-rriner
dropped into his place of business. Elixir of Bitter Wine. The calendar
whirh is a garage and being in thejjs a fine decoration for every home,
country some two miles or more : send 10 cents to cover mailing ex
south of Weeping Water we were j penses (Address: Joseph Triner Corn-
more than surprised to learn xnai ne
was conducting an excellent repair
shop there and that he had work for
ll that he could get into his place,
with a capacity of three cars. He
has five cars at this time awaiting Bitter Wine
until he can get to them etored in
his burn. Besides the automobile
work, he builds and repairs batteries,
charges .them and keeps them all in
excellent repair. He makes his own
pany, 1S33 so. Asniana Ave., ni
cago. 111.) and don't forget to remind
your druggist or dealer in medicines
to be well stocked with Triner's
remedies, especially with Triner's
Murray, Nebr.
it in;
I Lave four black Poland China i Water
spring farrow bard and one gilt.: Jamcs Tirner
rEe lancer a m uB , n f T g Barrows, who has
4 -, cliirt f inio in fTM n ST . .
IL" t , r ; been confined to his bed
last Monday, driving over intvQ weeks
of near Union was
All registered.
Price $20.00.
Font T. Wilson
a visitor in Murray for a short time
last Tuesday
Jack West Very Sick Man
some .Tji'-v Tost. who has been conduct
ing the eating house and confection-
H. C. I'.ors of n?ar Union was a arv at Scottv's old s-tand. was taken
vi?itrr in Murray looking after the with a very serious attack of gall i for the tables; Weyrich & Hadraba j
nasmg ol some luuiner ior a stones, and was taken to Omaha to . for the use or the fcdison tor the day;
on the good eats.
A total of $107 was realized and
the ladies are thankful for what they
made, supper being served at only
To cents this year.
The ladies tske this method of
thanking the Str.nfield book store for j
the donation of the beautiful roses j
Taken up at my place southwest
of Mynard. one dark red cow giving
milk. Owner can have same by prov
ing property, paying for care and
feed and for this ad. Phone 3 614.
dl-tfsw Mynard, Neb.
I will make all public sales in
east Cass county this winter and
serve lunch.
Eat at the Lunch Wagon
Make dates with Col. W. R. Young
at Plattsmouth or see me personally.
Murray -:- -:- Nebraska
There is no doubt but that the
line of school supplies carried by the
Journal is the most complete that can
be found and embraces everything
that the student may need in his or
her work.
-Duroc Jerscy-
"Sensational Breeding"
I have for sale some of the
finest of spring farrowing.
Robert Troop,
Phone 1720
Murray, Nebraska
looking after some jus- ; , . . , . i. x,-!,;!, h. ia hntr . i, i, ,ii i, v. kt. m.Un t ice vfc rotf r. -. ti -. her i
iness matters.
Catherine and Leora Brown came
home from their school work at Lin-
to enjoy
their vacation with
building at his place.
'Hiring the time when Mr.
i Barrows is sick and confined to his dition. though some better than
home. Messrs. C. D. Spanglor and fev days since. Mrs. West was
ceiving treatment for some time past,
T. S. but still stays in a very critical con-
ICfc pries Fauds are looking after the visitor to Omaha and visited her hus-
ings which were enjoyed by all
Are 3'ou locking for the Right Pslerchendise
at trie Rkht Price?
Look No Farther
but ccir.e and do 3-our shopping vith us Saturday, De
cember 3rd. This list of "wearables" and "eatables"
is just a barometer, an indicator of the many other
values that you will find in our complete stock.
Men's madras work skirts, each Stic
Men"? medium weight wool-processed uniori suits, per suit ?1.SS
Children" fietce lined union suits, drop se; t, ages 2 to 6 9Sc
Dr. Denton's sleeping garments, sizes 1, 2 and Z 08c
Women's Munsiug U suits, low neck, no sleeve, ankle length$1.3J
Ca Hon can peaches, per can 75c
G a lion an apricots, per can 79c
Gallon can pears, per can 79c
Gallon can loganberries, per can 9Sc
1'eir.erry coffee, 5 lbs. for f 1 .1 5
Hominy, 1 cans for , $1.00
T -tt Toaities. large tize, 2 for 39c
Seedless raisins, per lb 2 9c
Hull; cocoa, lZc per lb.. 2 lbs. for 25c
Wine Sap, Jonathon, Roman Beauty
apples, per box
0g.!0H8E a CO.,
Telephone No. 12
Murray, Nebraska
business at the elevator. band last Tuesday evening, f.ndin
Mrs. A. J. SmUh and two dauch-'him somewhat improved, but still a.
ters of Cozad have been visiting at. very sick man. It is hoped that be
rue ' ci her raotner. rirs. Many, may be able toreturu home in
L. Wiley and sister. Mrs. George thort time.
Park for the pa;t week.
George I. Lloyd was looking after
some business matters in Platts
mouth last Tuesday, making the trip
in Lis auio. and was accompanied by,
his son, Anderson Lloyd.
Brood Sows for Sale
I Everyone is invited to come and
enjoy the program and box social
1 which will be riven at the Eieiit Mile
a 1 1 . 1 .7 .- r. ; , x or
uiuie m;ijui, uimiiu u. o uu ieu-
nesday evening. December 7th. All
ladies please bring boxes.
MAE BARKER, Teacher.
I have a number of pure brood sows!
01 the Spotted Poland China strain
W can furnish you blank books
spring farrow and good size, for sale . , . , . . .
rpasnnnble Also hvP thrw hronze most J kind at JOUXnai Office.
A number cf now book's have been ' reasonable. Also have three bronze
V, 1 1 1
r2ceived ?t the library, among which uuu"r,s lur baie"
f,rc some of Harold Pell Wright and j
l-.iear.or 11. 1 -oners latesL worns, as;
well as ether noted writers. 1 ir. B. F. Erendel Improving
Mrs. Flora Sans and daughter,! It is with pleasure that the many
Miss Beulah and son John were visit-j friends of Dr. B. F. Brendel are re
ing at Union and also attended the ceiving the assurance that their old
elegant dinner served at that place time friend Is making some substan
bv the ladies of the Baptist church, tial improvement in his health. Last
'Mrs. Robert Shrader and daughter, j Tuesday morning for the firr.t time
Elderine of South side, Omaha, were j in fifteen weeks has the doctor been
visiting in Murray and spent Thanks-1 able to go to the postoffice for his
criving day at the home of Mrs. (mail. True he is not yet strong and
Shrarler's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C.'. is very shaky but this week he is
LOTlfv. I better and able to get out agin. He
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Crunk and' w as greeted by his many friends
Mr. r.nd Mrs. Loni- Crunk were visit- and who were more than pleased to
ing and looking r.fter some business know he was able to be out again.
matters in Murray last Tuesday, do-'
ing some shopping at the business! FOR SALE Pure-bred Daroc-Jer-house
of Mr. Font T. Wilson. sey boars. Cheaper than you can
Attorney Wni. Deles Dernier, of raise them. Healthy, growthy.
Elmwood. acpomcanied bv Fred Kunz.l SEARL S. DAVIS.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
TeJephcne 428 Plattsmouth Exchange
! wks-w
Murray, Neb.
son Fred and daughter Miss Dora,
also of Elmwood. were stonning for
a short time in Murray while on theirj The Blues Entertained
way to risttsniouth to look after The Blues in the contest in the
tome business matters. Christian Sunday school entertained
Wm Minford of Lincoln was a the Reds, who were highly pleased at
visitor in Murray last Tuesday, stop- the excellent time which the Blue
ping for a short time after having, t-ide gave them. The occasion was
attended the funeral of Miss Anna last Saturday evening at the church.
Craig, which occurred at Plattsmouth A large number of the people of the
Monday afternoon. Mr. Minford stop- church were in attendance and a
ped for a short visit with his broth- was enjoyable tine was had, with the
er, G. M. Minford. 'excellent program and the suniptu-
The Rev. Murray M. Stcrey and us feed which was provided.-
wife cf Coin, Iowa, were visitors at
the home of Mrs. Sadie Oldham for Visits Cousin Here
Thanksgiving evening and Friday: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell, of J Wnrlr niran
morning. They made the trio in Gcnca. have been visiting for a num- rora scrviuc. numgucran
their auto and visited also with Mr. ber of days at the heme of Mrs. teed and charges reasonable
' t Tlf O. f . .. 1 ; 1 f .,1.1 ,J . . i . "
mirjL iii. ciuij ui x tuu? n eun, h uu tx iuti.l)iidiu. umilig uiei uuiu
is visiting for some time at the home their home in their auto, end having niiiwiAl r1SffAl
.of his sister. Mrs. Sadie O'dham. 1 just returned from a trip to the IVlUirlwl 1J Ivii6l j
odiuiiiay evening ine ience western 5oasc, wnere Tiiey nave jusc
Id Winter Coming!
Better bo prepared. Get a bobsled. We
are offering some very nice prices on some
excellent sleds.
Also a used
.Cylinder Shelter!
This is as good as new and at a very attrac
tive figure. Better see about it at once.
Peterson Hardware Co.
E. L. PETERSON, Manager
I am now located at the
"Rhoden Barn Garage" and
prepared to furnish the best1
' t
which confined the hogi of ilelly spent the past three months sight-
Murray, Neb.
Those Wot Yet
Many have come and settled the accounts which
existed at the closing of our business as hardware mer
chants. For this we are thanking them. There are some
who have not as yet responded to our request for set
tlement. W. H. Puis will be found at the Murray Gar
age and you ho have not settled are requested to call
and arrange for the same at once. These accounts
must le adjusted