THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1921. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If tiiyof the readers of the Journal kocT- of nr bocial erect or Item of iDterest In this vicinity, and will mall stme to this office. It will ap pear under this beading. We want all news lte ton Editob small loss to the goods which he was hauling. 3 Lazy Dollars Dollars merely safe are not performing their natural function. They are not working. They are not doing the owner or the world any good. Moreover, most hiding places thought to be safe are decidedly unsafe. Not only thieves, but fire or other unforeseen happening may rob you of your wealth. Saving Is Using Dollars saved are safer! And they are constantly working to earn more for you. They are constantly working for the good of the whole community. Consider this. We pay you for sav ing. And while you are saving, your money 13 never out of reach. It 13 always ready tor you ana easy to get when you need it Start with us today. One dollar will do iL mm ggrrr. Vi....ii iK,;:i(jiiiiip7njTT II' . .-iiji ';! His; l,i ill iis'ii;Aii!nw'ii-i!ii n. Up 1 i'V n lb &v(5 YourMcTacj? Safe U! r! b fi:?-;:tiha !? !; t iL:: Vir 4!iil : ii U'tiWt 1 li r i '.r : ;ii & J I mm MNE wit; us Interest paid on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. George Parks was looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth last Tuesday , morning. Frank YaTlery ' was a'visitor in Murray la Monday for a few hours, looking after some business matters. Dr. Ci. II. Gilinore was a visitor in Plattsmouth looking after some bus iness matters, and made the trip in his auto. Frank Lillie and Robert Burr were sawing their winter's wood with the power saw during the fore part cf tfcf week. M. G. Churchill, who is willing to wtrk wherever the call shall come, is painting a house for Paul Wolph, near Avoca. David K. Ebersole. of Plattsmouth, was a business visitor i:i Murray last Tuesday afternoon, making the trip down with his auto. C. F. Morton, cf Union, was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday af ternoon, coming to look after some matters of business. Mrs. Mary L. Wiley went over to Shenandoah, Iowa, Wednesday where she goes to vst her daughter, Mrs. A. V. Dills of that place. Business called Henry C. Long to Omaha last Monday, where he re mained until on Wednesday morning looking after some matters. Miss Ordella Leyday was sick fcr a short time on account of the grippe, but is so far recovered that she is able to be at her school again. Mrs. Wm. Seyboldt was a visitor in Omaha for over Sunday, assisting in the care of her father. Dr. B. F. Bren del and returned home last Monday. Jesse McVey was a visitor in Plattsmouth last week, staying for two days, going to lock after some business matters at the court house. Mr:: J. W. Stone, who h."J b. feeling pretty poorly at her home northwest of Murray for the past few days, is reported as being much bet ter. J. A. Berger reports having com pleted with the assistance cf Mr. J. II. Brown, the gathering of the corn Saturday Bargains! FOR THE CAREFUL BUYER You will appreciate our offerings of specially priced bargains for Saturday, November 19th. Our ad for our Murray store will be found each week in this same space and wili be chuck full of money saving specials. Grocery SpeciaSs! 48 lb. sack Little Hatchet flour $1.98 14 lbs. pure granulated sugar 1.00 3 No. 2 cans roast beef, very fine, a real bargain. . 1.00 Jack Spratt peaches, heavy syrup, 3 cans for. . . . 1.00 High grade hominy, No. 3 size, 7 cans for. 1.00 Kraut, just as gocd as the home made kind, 6 cans 1.00 Extra choice pink salmon, No. 1 tall can,' 8 for. . . 1.00 In our Dry Goods dpartmenl you will find a'large variety cf merchandise of quality. Specially priced for Saturday, November 19th. Ladies outing gowns, neat striped, neatly trim med. Price each. $ .93 9 4 sheeting, very good quality, special per yd.. . .49 Knitting yarn, 155 yard skeins, all colors, skein. .38 Cotton batt, large 3-lb. roll, 72x90 sewed ready fcr use. Price, per roll ; 1.00 Fresh Fruils and Vegetables! Hczd Lettuce Celery Cranberries Sweet Potatoes O ranges Lemons Dates Bananas Apples We Will Pay Saturday fcr Produce Eggs, per dozen 45c Sweet fresh butter, lb.. 40c in. m MURRAY iOENNIGHSEN & CO., -:- -:- NEBRASKA of the latter at his farm near Mur ray. W. II. Puis was spending a few days working on his farm near Weep ing Water, where he has been cut ting some wood during the past week. Monday evening Mrs. B. F. Bren del was a visitor in Omaha, going to see the doctor at the St. Catherine hospital and returning home Tues day afternoon. J. W. Holmes and Sheriff C. D. Quinton happened along after the ac cident of the Soennichsen truck and assisted in taking the load of mer chandise to Murray. Robert Eaton, living a number of miles south of Murray has been kept to the house for a number of days with an attack of the grippe, but is now able to be about again. Joseph Staska and wife, who have been visiting in the south fcr the past two weeks, returned home lat Thursday and are looking after their portion of the work on the Mus u-i Pacific. Don't forget the Big Thanksgiv ing dinner and supper at the Lewis ton church Nov. 24th. There will al so be candy, pop corn, peanuts and pop corn talis to sell and a parcel post sale will be held. Lar-t Tuesday at the home of Guy Hutchinson, east of Murray, G. M. Minford. Harvey E. Kniss. Harry Creamer, A. C. Long and Guy Hut chinson did a pood job of sawing wood for the winter's use. .Alfred Gansmer and .T. II. Brown of near Murray were selected as the members from West Rock Illuffs as jurymen for the present term of the district court, and are serving in that capacity at Plattsmouth this week. Frank Mrasek is having a new concrete foundation placed under his barn and also his ice house, where he is preparing to store enough of the coldness of this winter to satisfy the people of Murray during the coming summer. A letter from Strathmorc, Canada, where Mr. Vance Todd makes his home, I3 to the effect th-t that gen tleman has been afflicted with a spell of illness for some time, hut who is now again able to he out and looking after his work. 31 r. .and Mrs. C. N. Barrows de parted last Saturday evening for Mil ford, where they go for the winter, and will remain for about six months. They will be missed from Murray and their friends will lock for the time when they thall return. The picture show .which was to have been, given by the county agent Mr. Snipes and Miss Watkins, at Murray, and which was postponed on account of the bad weather will be furnished at a future date, which will he announced later. There is rejoicing at the hofne of Reuben Eaton on account of the ar rival of a fine little girl which came to make her home with the happy parents. Reuben is Ftepping high these days, and there is a gladsome light in the eyes of the fond mother. Mr. D. C. Rhoden has been con fined to the bed for several days past on account of ner.tritis, but is much better, being able to be cnit and down to his duties with the hogs. During the time ho could not get out his son. A. D. Rhoden was looking after the stock. The Rev. H. F. Graham, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Dunbar, will deliver the rerraon at the morn ing service at the Presbyterian church Sunday. November 20th. A cordial invitation is extended to all to cime hear the address and take part in the service. Edmund Peterson was a visitor at Omaha last Sunday, remaining until Tne-day noon and visiting with the folks, and also with John Peterson, his brother, who is will be remember ed was in Murray for some time, and who departed a few days since for Anappolis, Md., where he takes a course in naval training. ' At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dukes there is some rejoicing, it is a boy and arrived on Monday of this week. Joy, well we would think so, and all are getting along nicely. One would think there was music by a half dozen bands, the way Mr. Dukes whittles. But then why not? Dr. B. F. Brendel, who has been at the horpital in Oiraha for the past few days, was able to return home on Wednesday of thi3 week, and while he had been admirably cared for there, he was well pleased to see the old home again, where he could be with the folks and friends. Mike Rys, the blacksmith, is again to his work in the Murray blacksmith rhop, after having been closed for semo two weeks while Mr. Rys was having his leg treated. Mr. Rys had a very serious affection of one of his legs, and his staying at work is a demonstration of much rourage with the pain which the leg givfs when working. George Nickles and wife were the guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Banning, of Union, where they spent the , day most pleasantly. One of the most enjoyable features of the occasion was the dinner which was featured by a magnificent wild goose which Mr. Banning bagged In a hunt the day before along the Missouri river east of Union. The Richter Brothers went out to the farm where Jack West firmed during the present year to sell the corn for market. The yield was fair and the quality excellent, but, the price was not the best, but as Mr. West does not intend to engage in farming for the coming year, he has concluded to dispose of the crop and get the matter all straightened up and off his hands. Dr. J. W. Brendel, of Avoca, came over to Murray last Monday and he and Dr. J. F. Brendel departed for Omaha, where they went to visit with and see their father. Dr. E. F. Bren del, who was at the Saint Catherine hospital at that city. They found our friend holding his own as to condition, but was very desirious of returning to his home here. Dr. G. H. Gilmore has a number of certificates for those Nebraska boys who saw service in the late war, and which are sent out by the state de partment fcr distribution. Those in service from this vicinity should call on tho doctor and get their certifi cate as they will prove a nice keep rike in the years to come, by which time it is" hoped the state and nation will both have done something more substantial for the service men than granting them a discharge and giv ing them handsomely engraved cer tificates. Frank Lillic, living east of Mur ray. Is having a device made for the watering of his cattle. The branch which he has running through his rlace is being dammed and allowed to run over into a troft construct ed tf concrete, which affords water for the stock and which is allowed to run out at the lower end. The work is being done by Mr. J. A. Scotten, Yind as the water comes from a spring it is expected that it will not freeze during the winter. Made an Excellent Eoad Under the supervision of Mr. Geo. S. Ray and the other neighbors near j the Lewiston church, an excellent j road has been made from the Inter-; 'section at John Hobscheidt's to the; It 1 l, 1, tn Iks ' ueniMuu tuuiiu auu ai,a tuoi iu iut county less than one-fourth of the j coSt w hich Is required to make the j roan on tne umana-ivansas city nign way. Not alone the builders of the road, but the county is to be con gratulated on the efficient workj which has been done, and at the low- ness of the cost as well. Cockrels for Sale I have a number of pure bred sin gle combed Buff Orpington cockrels for sale at 12.00 each if taken before December 1st. MRS. J. H. BROWN, Phone 2412. Murray, Nebr. Entertained at Dinner Mrs. Mina McDonald entertained at Sunday dinner for O. E. McDon ald and wife, this month being their birthday anniversaries, and also Mrs. J. R. Kelley's birthday, mother of Mrs. O. E. McDonald. The day was one of those beautiful autumn days which we all enjoy. The dining room was beautifully decorated with pink and white chrysanthemums. i The dinner was fine, just such as can FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock roosters. $1.50 each. D. A. YOUNG Phone 1311 Murray, Neb. he gotten up at the McDonald home.1 'These present to enjoy the dinner 'were Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McDonald; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ktdly; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ault and family; Miss ' Edith Kelly; Miss Marguerite Mc Donald and Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs. ' Arthur Hansen and family. One of the most interesting features of the day was watching the many flights of the airplane sailing over the house many times with passengers from Murray. In the evening all depart ed wishing Mr. and Mrs. McDonald many more happy birthdays. ONE WHO WAS THERE. i Steering Gear at Fault I L?f! Tuesday morning as W. A. : Merxlenhall was bringing a load of 1 goods from the Plattsmouth rtore of 11. M. Soennichsen to their store in j Murray, and was bowling along at I a gocd rate of speed, the truck which is a Doige, dodged to one ride of the ! road on account of a; faulty steering ! f-et-r, and as a result before Mr. Men ; denhall could right the loaded truck, j it h?d gotten one whel over the cide of the ditch. With a still down ; grade and the momentum of the car. I when he was able to bring some 'pressure on the steering-aparatus, 1 the truck careened and went into tho ditth. Mr. Mendenhsll, with the I teri'City eharacteristic'to him, struck ; with the truck until it had went over ! in i?s" side, and then was able to ; crawl out through the broken wind shield. Fortunate indeed was he j thai he was not killed.. .The loss to the truck was considerable and a -Duroc Jersey- 'Sensational Breeding" For Sale Duroc Jersey boars for sale. Path- j finder breeding. Herman Wohlfarth, Murray, Nebr. DEATH OF MRS. J. B. GODWIN George Park and family were call ed to Omaha Saturday morning to see j Mr. Park's sister, Mrs. J. B. Godwin. ; who was seriously ill at the home of j her ister. Mrs. C. M. Axhelm. The family hurried to Omaha at once, but ! the sister had passed away a few ' - - c Ai s i ni uiiuuies oeioru lueir annul, our vuc here to visit her brother and family three weeks ago and was in very poor health, but her death came as a great shock to her family. She was C5 years of age. Short funeral serv ices were held at the home of her sister and again at the M. E. church at Macedonia, Iowa, at 2:00 p. m., Monday where she had been a life long member. She was laid to rest in tho Macedonia cemetery by the side of her father, mother, two brothers and two sons. She leaves her husband, five brothers and three sis- j ters to mourn her death. Mr. Park and family returned home Monday evening. I have for sale some of the i finest of spring farrowing. i Robert Troop, i Phone 1720 JVSurray, Nebraska WB MUST FIGHT FOR HEALTH W. R. YOSM AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! j REVERSE ALL CAJ.LS j j j Telephone 42S Plattsmonth Exchange Better Hogsj I have four black Poland China spring farrow bard and one gilt. "We must fight for peace," was tho final word cf Marshal Ferdinand I'och to Chicago. In the same way we must fight for health, especially now when the change of season comes. Such changes always mean trouble for a great many people. They feal weak, their appetite is poor, they get tired quickly and eas ily, constipation usually appears, one is not himself. To avoid these trou bles, you must put your system in a fortified condition by taking Triner's Bitter Wine in time. If the stomach i- in order, the body resists danger ous infections and counteracts the destructive effects of bacilli. Triner's Bitter Wine is very pleasant to take, and its 32 years of popular renown are the bast guarantee that you can rely upon it. Your druggist or dealer in medicines surely knows many customers who would tell you that they cannot be without it. For rheumatic or neuralgic pains Triner's Liniment has no equal. Mrs. Eliza beth Swetz wrote us on September 28, 1921, from Jefferson, Texas: "I am 78 years old, but I tell you Trin er's Liniment is excellent." Try it. NOTICE BOX SOCIAL There will be a box social at Dis trict 47 on Wednesday night, No vember 23. Everybody come. GLADYS AUGUST, nl7-2sw. Teacher. All imrU..) TD tOft Afl Font T. Wilson, MURRAY NEBR. OLD RESIDENT DIES 1 BEST Foirdl SERVICE! I am now located at the "Rhoden Barn Garage" and prepared to furnish the best Ford service. Work guaran teed and charges reasonable. Ylurriel Nickel, Murray, Neb. Albert Leesley born May 26th, 1847, In Lincolnshire, England. Pass ed away at his home near Greenwood Nov. 7th, 1921. Mr. Leesley Jeft England with his parents when four years of age and came to Canada. They spent a short time in Canada then moved to Illi nois. About eight years fo his life being spent in Canada and Illinois. In 1859 they moved to Nebraska set tling at what is now known as Ore apolis. Later moving to Platsmouth, being among the first inhabitants of the town. When a young man he came to Greenwood and settled on a homestead which he still owned at the time of his death. ' On Febuary 24th, 1875, he was married to Bertha McCutcheon. To this Union was born one son Adcl bert. Besides his wife and son he leaves to mourn his loss six grand children, one brother, two 6isters, a cumber of cousins, nephews and nieces. 'The funeral was held in the M. E. church at Greenwood, Wednesday, Nov. 9th, of which church he was a meniler. Interment in the Green wood cemetery. FOR SALE One milk cow. Phone 211-J. lwk-w Winter Clothes You had better loo out for the cold weather which is coming. We have just received our winter line of sheep lined coats and vests. See us before you go to the large towns and will beat their prices. See our winter overshoes, husking mittens and gloves. Also winter headwear. F. 1Y-WILSON THE SERVICE STORE MURRAY NEBRASKA 33832! Fyraaces! That winter w II soon be here and with the howling of the blizzard we will long for the warmth which the ordinary stove cannot furnish. We have furnaces which will keep the home warm. See us before the cold weather comes and we will have the home good and warm. Peterson Hardware Co. E. L. PETERSON, Manager MURRAY. -:-' -:- -:- NEBRASKA Those Wot Yet Reporting! Many have come and settled the accounts which 'existed at the closing of our business as hardware mer chants. For this we are thanking them. There are some who have not as yet responded to our request for set tlement. W. H, Puis will be found at the Murray Gar age and j-ou who have not settled are requested to call and arrange for the same at once. These accounts must be adjusted AUG MEYER W. H. PULS Listen! Wake Up! Let's o! WILL TRADE, BUY OR SELL TRADES A SPECIALTY One good level 160 acres, 5 miles west of Grant, Nebr. Ninety acres in wheat, one-third delivered, goes with place. Clear of incumbrances. 320 acres good, level land 2 miles from Senora, Colorado. Will trade for garage, store or what have you to trade? Can make long' time terms. 85 acres bottom land, 4 miles southeast of Union, all being in crops. Some alfalfa, one good silo, fair im provements. 40 acres one mile east of Weeping Water. Hog tight fence, good spring, dandy improvements. One pool hall, building and fixtures, in "Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Garage and residence at Murray, Nebr. Only gar age and gas station in town. Good equipment and stock. Will trade for farm land or ranch. This is all free from incumbrance. Can make good terms. One general store in Cass county, Nebraska. Doing a good business. 2z acres in Plattsmouth, Neb. Fair improvements. Also several other houses in Plattsmouth. Will trade any of the above for mortgage paper, Liberty bonds or what you have. ALWAYS DOING BUSINESS SEE ME OR WRITE V Frank Vallery, P. O. Box 677 PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Phone 606 Phone us the news!