MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1921. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TIIREE 18 Added Otkmo for She Sale on iiriiii wedHsdn You will find here many items that are priced very low and that will mean big savings for yoiv Please note these added items and come early. Mina Taylor Droccoc! $1.98 All or the Mina Taylor dresses worth do QO up to ?10.00. In this sale at JtlO All dresses sold up to $3 go in this sale at '. You know MINA TAYLOR quality and you know that these garments are made of materials which will wash and wear, with workmanship which could not be surpassed by a woman making the dress for herself. Buy Mina Taylors and save the work as well as being assured of perfect fit. HANDKERCHIEFS Women's and children's plain white handkerchiefs, each Men's and boys plain white hem stitched handkerchiefs, each MEN'S UNION 3UUS Men's heavy ribbed union suits, spec ial, per suit, mill run 3c -4c 98c CHILDREN'S HOSE Children's medium and heavy ribbed -J C school hose, size 6 to 9Vi. Pr pair IOC SLEEPING GARMENTS Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments, sizes 1 to 8 yearp. At the lowest prices. Each $1.05 to $1,70 SEE CERTIFIED SPECIALS Grocery Spocialol You will find many wanted items in this list. No real cheep goods at low prices, but high class gpods at a saving. Boss and Pennant brand flour fine n (f quality, per sack J)UU Prince peeled solid pack peaches, put' up in gal lon cans. Best quality. Price per QC gallon, only I '. OD C North Pole bulk - cocoa made of pure, sweet stock. - A grade that is considered op No. 1 quality. 2 lbs. for CtDC Velvet tobacco, guaranteed best qual- o ity. Good, fresh goods, 2 cans for tO Peanut Brittle candy, new fresh goods OA with honey flavor. Per pound ilUC Bulk peanut butter, put up in the heart of the peanut country at Norfolk, Virginia. 1 J Price, per lb' l IDC WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP Ture white soap in the large size bars Pearl "White, Luna or Migic Washer on sale A$Lf 10 bars for fiOC EARLY OHIQ POTATOES Early Ohio potatoes will be sold d1 OC Bargain Wednesday at, per bushel J IN AD ON OTHER SIDE Telephone 64 and 65 Corner 6th and Main Sts. WedinesdLy Sale on Footwear! - -. ' . ... THE Tlilli'keTX SHOE FOOTWEAR SPECIALS FOR CHILDREN Odd lots taken from our regular stock including Billikins In black calf button. Wed- CO 7C nesday cash price I 5 Bargain day Cash prices on High Grade Footwear that "Will give your money a chance to Talk right out loud. Special in Men's Dress Shoes! In buying shoes the quality more than the price must be considered. We give you both quality and price in thin lot of men's dress shoes in genuine brown calf leather, Goodyear welt, English Q Q last. Wednesday's cash price , J)00 WOMEN'S HIGH SHOES . Utz and Dunn and Drew Shoe Co. 8 inch lace shoes in brown, gray and black kid leather- A wonderful oppor tunity to purchase good value shoes for Fall and Winter wear at far below their regular values. All sizes, but not in each style. Wednesday cash dr Qp price, per paiiO PJ(JD LOW HEEL SHOES Another lot of women's low heel lace shoes in brown and black tf M QC leather. Wednes.. cash price- yTtjD Women's Turkish towel bath fiQf slippers- Wednes. cash price "?V Fetzer Shoe Company "QUALITY SHOES' 332 NovemEer Bargain Wednesday TJQVEtVlBER 16th, 1921 . Comes Just in Time for Thankgiving Shoppers! One of the things to be thankful for is Bargain Wednes day, How thankful you will be depends upon your self. : We're giving you a chance to be very thankful. This ad tells the story briefly. Of course these prices are just for one . day and for cash, so be sure to come Wednesday. You'll be glad you came. For Women Ladies Winter Coats A selection from our regular stock, of ten high grade coats in plush, velour , broad cloth. Bargain Wed nesday 07 7C price Pu 15 y Another lot Ladies and Misses cloth coats in various styles, shades. All exceptionally good coats at a (jin HE low price- plwl 3 Ladies pure all wool sweaters coat and slipover styles. Cannot be bought at wholesale for the Bar- Ylft gain Wednesday price. $JUU Ladies' fine light weight real Jersey sweaters in latest Tuxedo style with belt. Come in assorted Cf shades at v"DU For Men Three Big Suit Values NO. 1 One lot men's and young men's 3 piece suits, including some blue serges. Bargain CIA Art Wednesday price 1UUU I0. 2 This lot comprises cassi nieres, cheviots and a few serges. If we told you what these suits are worth you might think the printer had made a mistake. Come and Eee them. Bargain Wed- Cfl nesday price J) t I DU NO. 3 Here are suits that are as fine as any suits you would ex pect to see at twice the price. They are all worsteds and velvet serges best of style and make. We have made a one day Bargain Wednesday price of For Boys Boys' heavy fleeced union suits in very best make double cuffs, pearl buttons. Sizes 2 to 12. Bar- OQ gain Wednesday price 5JC BOYS' SUITS 2 Lots NO. ONE Mostly small sizes, 3 to 10 years. Boys' wool and wool mix Fuits. Bargain Wednes day price " $3.95 NO. TWO Sizes to 18 years in neat mixtures, also plain blue serge. Lined knickers. Bargain Wed nesday price $6.45 $25.00 OVERCOATS One lot men's and young men's high grade winter overcoats. These are specially priced for COC flfl Bargain Wednesday ipbOiUU Ladies' pure spun silk hose full length, double heel and toe. Garter guard. All popular shades on sale Wednesday at Men's heavy rib gray wool union suits in good make. Solid pearl buttons $2.45 $1.45 Ladies automobile driving glove of black or tan kid with big gauntlet. A high class glove. Wed nesday price Ladies' fine quality cotton hose. Full cut. Lisle thread. Black and colors. On sale Bargain Wednes day at $1.95 29c Men's flannelette gowns, heavy nap. Extra full cut. Bargain d1 OA Wednesday price v 1 & Men's knit jersey coat with V neck and two pockets. Black do Jr and brown. Wednesday 45c Men's 2 thumb husking mitten with knit wrist. Bargain Wed nesday price, per doz $1.19 LOOK WERE MEN Our Big Special $1.19 4 AfW-i..- Men's regulation army flannel shirts. Two big pockets, with flaps; double elbow. Sizes 14 to 17. Our bargain special Suit hangers, each. .... .0c Men's dress shirts, soft cuff either neck band or collar attached styles. Fancy stripes. Bargain Wednesday price Men's all wool pull-over sweaters in assorted colors. Samples' frl YlC All styles. Wednesday )'7 Men's heavy fleeced shirts and draw ers. All sizes. Bargain QCf Wednesday price 7JOC Men's hemst'chd kerchiefs. 7c Child's fine ribbed worsted sweaters in cordovan, emerald and scarlet. Sizes 2, 3 and 4 years. t1 ftft Bargain Wednesday price v Boys' aviation wool caps, ott, close fitting. Grays and blues. Cfl Bargain Wednesday price OUC Boys' flannellette waists in blue, gray and trowu. Ages 6 to 14. "1 - Bargain Wednesday price vlilw Children's mackinaw and mohawk knit hats with ear bands. Assorted mixtures. Bargain Wed nesday price Boys' gray sweater coats with shawl collars and two pockets. Sizes 32 and 34. A special Bargain dj-l nr Wednesday price of plU) Boys' heavy rope knit sweaters with big collar in maroon. Size do C 32-36. Bargain Wednesday- p9U Childs' Peter Pan flannel suits. Pants button to jacket. .Size 2-5. dJO AC Bargain Wednesday price Boys' Bear Brand fast color blue "bib overalls; sizes 3 to 9. QC Price, per" , pair- T- 5OC Same overalj iif sizes 10 dl IP to 14. Per pair' - $11J Boys' best flannellette one piece pa jama sleepers, sizes 2 to J 6 QQf years. Price 05C Men's tan jersey gloves. .15c Open till 9 P. M. C. E. WescottV Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE" A Complete Line of Christmas Cards AT THE Journal Office IF ir JL mm LiU AFTER ALL THE mm is a Photograph! Let Us Solve Your Gift Problems and Guarantee Satisfaption! Sunday Sittings &y Appointment! Ghrisfc $r Glbrisfc, PHOTOGRAPHERS Plattsmouth, Nebraska PHONE 645 Bars ain Wednesday Specials! Wilson brand milk, 9 tall cans for. $1.00 Jonathan apples, per box . . 2.00 No. 1 genuine fled River Ohio potatoes, bushel . . l.(5 5Yl-az. bottles catsup. . . , 25 Advo Gold Medal coffee, per lb .35 Pearl White soap. 23 bars for ........ 1.00 Velvet tobacco, 2 cans for. . . . ; .25 One pound tall cans pink salmon .10 Rome Beauty apples, per box. 2.25 Wheat shorts, in 100 lb. sacks, per sack. 1.50 (Special price in ton lots.) Main St. Phone, 238 So. Park Phone, 118 AT OUR STORE! MEAT DEPT. SPECIALS Beef roast, per lb 2zC Lard, per ib A2V2c Strip bacon, per lb .23c Picnic hams, per lb 15c Fresh cat fish, per lb.. ... .35c FRESH OYSTERS AND CELERY CANNED GOODS Nutro milk, per can. . . . . 10c 25c can Turtle brand tomatoes. . . .20c Pink salmon, per can 15c 2 cans sweet corn fr 25c Large can B 6; M pork and beans. . 15c Bulk cocoa, per 15c Black walnuts, per peck 50c Fresh milk, per qt. 10c Peanut butter, per lb. ........... 20c Pure plum butter, lb H ..... . 25c 1Q Lbs, Granulated Sugnr. .... GUNPOWDER TEA, 25c POUND Prunes, per tx. ........ . .25c and 20c Apricots, per lb ,35c Raisins (bulk) per lb ,25c Peaches (dried) per lb 25c PEUCIOUS SWEET CIDER HERE We are Now Taking Orders for Thanksgiving Turkeys, -M ATT firing Your Money and Save Money! Cocoanuts, each ........ 15c and 20c Cod fish, best on market, lb,, , v i40c Macaroni, pkg. 9c, 3 for .25c 6 bars Luna soap for ,25c Squash, each 15c ARMOUR'S TAR 3QAP, 8c BAr We will have about 400 pounds of Rib ' Boil to sell at 9c a Pound Bulk cocoanut, per lb. ......... t .40c ITEN'S QRACKERS, 18c POUND