The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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surgalini Wodliro
Every department in the store will have specials that wjll appeal to eyeryl?ody
in the community and save them money. Here are published only a few of them.
Ladies cprons, all sizes, light and fancy patterns, first qualities, values t .$2., fc&c
Outing flannel, best quality, our entire stock, special, per yd. . ........ . V'r:lQ W$ '
Ladies boudoir slippers, pleasing colors and styles, for this day only at. . . .$115
Cotton batts, excellent quality, new cotton, special for Wednesday, each. 9c
Table oil cloth, plain white and fancy patterns, best grade, per yd . .39c
Unbleached toweling, good weight, special, 3 yds. for .25c
All our high grade worsted dress goods at yery Unusual Reductions
Ladies strap rubbers, a limited number te sell; special price, per pair. . ..... .65c
ribbed unionsuits, special for this day only at 98c
heavy 220 denim overalls, $2.00 values, special price .$1.49
high grade flannel shirts, khaki and chocolate colors, at each... $1.95
dress sox, black and brown, per pair only . . . ... . . ....... .15c
brown jersey gloves, 25c value at, per pair 15c
cotton flannel gloves at per pair .10c
work shoes, guaranteed all leather; price per pair $2.49 Up .
dress overcoats, shower proof, special at . . . .$9.95
mackrnaws, sheep and leather lined vests and coats at. . . Very Low Prices
suits, all new merchandise, some with extra pair of pants. . .Special Prices
school shoes shoes that will give you real service at. . ... ... . .$2.49 Up
knee pant3, large variety of colors and patterns to choose from. . . .75c Up
slip-over style sweaters, assorted colors ; special at .....$1.95
HI f
. iJOUl
'H I.. i
Brings With. it the Resolvef That
Armed Warfare must Cease c?
For All Time to Come.
10 lbs. pure granulated suar for 67c
Butter "Nut coffee for Wednesday only, rpccial, per lb.. . .". . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . .40c
Dutch Cleanser, Wednesday only, per can V.-. . 12c
Horse Shoe, Star and Climax chewing tobacco, per lb 79c
Prince Albert, Tuxedo and Velvet smoking tobacco, per can 14c
Cocoa in the bulk, quality guaranteed, special price, 2 lbs. for. . . 25c
Kand picked navy beans, special per lb... . .7c
No. 1 lamp chimneys, for Wednesday only, each ... . . .;. . - . . . .10c
Ask for Your Coupons!
Fanger's Department Store
FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Phone No. 206
From Saturday's Dally.
- A rough, unpainted old chair stood
empty on the northwest corner of
Sixteenth and Douglas streets yes
terday. Upon it hung a funeral
wreath and upon the wreath a strip
of cardboard on which was neatly
pasted a clipping from The Bee of
Friday morning, telling how an un
identified motorist, at Seventeenth
r.nd Cuming streets. Thursday even
ing, ran down and fatally inJuredYoll."
Paul Stadelman, 28, crippled news
boy. Thousands of people paused to
lock at the chair and the wreath and
clipping yesterday. Paul was a fa
miliar figure to most of them. He
had called his papers in all kinds of
weather from that corner for a num
ber of years since coming here from
his former home at Plattsmouth.
Newsboys "hustled" on the other
three corners of Sixteenth and Doug
las streets, but in life they never had
trespassed on the "territory," which
by unwritten law among all "news
ies" of Omaha, had been ceded to
Paul, and even though Paul was not
there in person, the newsboys true
to their years of friendship to their
unfortunate brother, kept faith with
the dead. Omaha Bee.
"Tanlac has made me feel young
er. It put me back on the pay-
"I can eat whatever I want
now." "I no longer suffer from
indigestion." "I gained weight rap
idly." - These and many more ex
pressions are now heard daily as
people tell of their experience with
Tanlac. F. ?. Fricke & Co.
for any emergency for every opportunity;
ready for good times or hard times for work
or for play; ready whenever you want it is
ready money.
The certificates of deposit issued by this
bank possess the advantages of ready money
and at the same time pay 4 interest. Join
our Ready Money Club. Purchase certificates.
Deposits Protected by State Guarantee Fund.
Tho Bank of Cass County
Prve tcfent
Established 1881
Mrs. Elizabeth Pirie, Widow of tie
Late A. B. Pirie, Veteran Bur-
lington Employe, Dies.
Mrs. Elizabeth Pirie, widow of tht
late A. P. Pirie, for years one of th
well known employes of the Burling
ton on the lines west, passed awaj
on Thursday evening at her home.
1707 C. street, Lincoln, after a short
illness. -
The deceased lady was sixty-two
years of age and was a member of
one of the old families of this city,
where she made her home some thirty-five
years ago, the Calder family
being well known to the older resi
dents here and later on her marriage
to Mr. Pirie they removed to VVy
more where he was employed as
master mechanic of -the Wymore di
vision of the Burlington for many
years. During her residence here
Mrs. Pirie was a very active mem
ber of the SL Luke's church and has
since removing to Wymore Taeen a
visitor at the homes of the old
friends who learn of her death with
much regret.
The funeral services will be held
at Lincoln and the body;, accompan
ied by the sister of the debased", Mrs.
Jessie Byers, will arrive J tieTe at
1:16 Sunday afternoon andrfr taken
to the Oak mil cemetery F burial
beside that of the husband and child,
who have preceded Mrs. Pirie in
Besides the sister, Mrs. Byers,
there is one brother, George Calder,
of Prescott, Arizona, to mourn her
For a Disordered Stomach
When the stomach fails to perform
its functions the bowels become de
ranged, the liver and kidneys con
gested. The Important thing is to
restore the stomach and liver to a
healthy condition and for this pur
pose Chamberlain's Tablets are ex
cellent. Give them a trial. They
only cost a quarter.
Mrs. William Ossenkop of Louis
ville, who has been here visiting at
the. home of Prank E. Schlater, re
turned yesterday afternoon to her
home. . .
- C. A. Trumble. J. B. Petersen' and
Oscar Trumble of Eagle were In the
city for a few hours today looklner
after some matters of business.
Washington, Nov. 11. Under the
starry skies of his own' homeland,
' America's unknown dead from
France sleeps tonight, a soldier home
from the wars. Alone he sleeps in
the narrow cell of limestone that
guards his body, but his soul has en
tered into the spirit that is Ameri
ca. Wherever liberty is held in men's
hearts, the honor and the glory and
tne pieage or nign enueavor poured
out over this nameless one of fame,
will be told and sung by Americans
for all time.
- Scrolled across the marble arch of
the memoral raised to American sol
dier and sailor . dead, everywhere,
which stands like a monument be
hind his tomb, runs this legend: "We
here highly ..resolve that these dead
shall not have died in vain."
The words were spoken by martyr
ed Lincoln, over the dead at Gettys
burg. And today, with voice strong,
with determination and ringing with
deep emotion, another president ech
oed that high resolve over the coffin
of the soldier who died for the flag
in France.
Harding Reiterates Lincoln's Words
Great men in the world's affairs
heard that high purpose reiterated by
the man who stands at the head of
the American people. Tomorrow they
will gather in the city that stands
almost in the shadow of the new
American shrine of liberty dedicated
today. They will talk of peace; of the
curbing of the havoc of war. They
will speak of the war in France that
robbed this soldier of life and name
and brought : death to comrades of
all nations by the hundreds of thous
ands. And, in' their ears, when they
meet must ring President Harding's
declaration today beside that flag-
drapped. honor-laden bier: "There
must be, there shall be, the command
ing voice of a conscious civilization
against armed warfare."
Far across the seas, other unknown
dead, hallowed in memory by their
countrymen, as this American soldier
is enshrined in the heart of America,
sleep their last. He, in whose veins
' ran the blood f British forebearers.
; lies beneath a grfit stone in ancient
. Westminster Abbey: he of France,
beneath the Arc de Triomphe and he
of Italy, under the altar of the Fath
erland in Rome. And it seemed to-
j day that they, too, must be here
among the Potomac hills to greet an
American comrade come to Join their
glorious company, to testify their ap
proval of the high words of hope,
spoken by America's president.
Whole Nation Pays Tribute
All day long, the nation poured
out its heart in pride and glory for
the nameless American. Before the
first crash of the minute-guns roar
ed its knell for the dead, from the
shadow of Washington monument,
the people who claim him as their
own were trooping out to do him
honor. They lined the hillside, where
he sleeps tonight; they flowed like
a tide over the slopes about his burial
place; they choked the bridges that
lead across the river to the fields of
the brave, in which he is the latest
As he was carried past thru the
banks of humanity that lined Penn
sylvania avenue, a solemn hush held
the living walls. Yet, there was not
fo much of sorrow as of high pride
in it all, a pride beyond the reach
of shouting and the clamor that
marks less sacred moments in life.
Out there in the avenue was a
simple soldier, dead for honor of the
flag. He was nameless. No man knew
what part in the great life of the na
tion he had filled when last he pass
ed over his home soil. But in France
he had died as Americans always
have been ready to die. for the flag
and what it means. Thev read the
message of the pageant clear; these
silent thousands along the way. They
stood in almost holv awe to take
their own part In what was theirs,
the glory of the ' American people
honored here in the honors showered
on America's nameless son from
President In Procession
Soldiers, sailors and marines all
played their part in the spectacle as
the cortege rolled along.. And just
behind the casket, with its faded
French flowers on "the draped flag,
walked the president, the chosen
leadeirp4-)a hundred million dn whose
name uWJwas' chiMf mourner at ; this
bier. Beside him. strode the man un
der whom the fallen "hero had lived
and died in France, General Persh
ing, wearing only the single medal
of victory that every American sol
dier might wear as his only decora
tion. Then, row on row came the men
who lead the nation today, or have
guided its destWigs before. They
were all there, witljlng proudly witli
&ge and frailties'oT the flesh forgot
ten. Juflges, senators, representa
tives JKiiliest offlctrs'of every mili
tary arm of government and a trudg
ing little group of the nation's most
valorous eons, the medal of honor
men. Some were gray; and bent, and
I drooping with old wounds; some
I trim and erect as the day they won
which rode Woodrow Wilson, also
stricken down -by infirmities as he
served in-the highest place of the
nation, just as the humble private
riding in such state ahead, had gone
down before shell or bullet. For that
dead man's sake, the former president
had put aside his dread of seeming
to parade his physical weakness and
risked health, perhaps life, to appear
among the mourners for the fallen
mere was nanaciappmg ana a
cheer here and there for the man in
the carriage, a tribute to the spirit
that brought Mm to honor the na
tion s nameless hero, whose com
mander-in-chief he had been.
The March to Arlington
After President Harding and most
of the high dignitaries of the gov
ernment had turned aside at the
white house, the procession headed
by its blocks of soldiery, and the bat
talions of sailor comrades, moved on
with Pershing, now flanked by Sec
retaries Weeks and Denby, for the
long road to the tomb. It marched
on, always between the human bord
ers of the way of victory the nation
had made for itself of the great aven
ue; on over the old bridge that spans
the Potomac on up the long hill to
Fort Myer and at last, to the gate of
the great cemetery beyond where sol
dier and sailor folk sleep bv the
thousands. There, the lumbering
guns of the artillery swung aside,
the cavalry drew their horses out of
the long line and left to the foot sol
diers and sailors and marines, the
last stage of the Journey.
amphitheatre gleamed thru the trees.
amphitheatre bleamed thru the trees.
It stands crowing the slow slope of
the Mils that sweep upward from
the river and Just across was Wash
ington, its clustered buildings and
monuments to greet dead who have
gone before, a moving picture in. the
aulumn haze.
People in thousands were moving
about the great circle of the amphi
theatre . The great ones to whom
places had been given in the sacred
enclosure and the plain folk who
trudged the long way just to glimpse
the pageant from afar, were finding
their places. Everywhere, within the
pillared enclosure bright uniforms of
foreign soldiers appeared. They were
laden with the jeweled orders of rank
and merit worn to honor an Ameri
can private soldier, greater than any
there in the majesty of his sacrifices;
in the tribute hl3 honors were paid
to all Americans who died.
Down below the platform, placed
for the casket, in a stone vault, lay
wreaths and garlands brought from
'.England's king and guarded by Brit
ish soldiers. To them came the Brit
ish ambassador in the full uniform of
his rank, to bid them keep these trib
utes from overseas safe against that
hou r.
Many Foreign Dignitaries
Above the platform gathered men
whose names ring thru history. Bri-
and, Foch, Beatty, Balfour, Jacques,
Diaz, and others in a brilliant array
cf place and power. They were fol
lowed by others. Baron Kato from
Japan, the Italian statemen and offi
cers, by the notables from all coun
tries gathered here for tomorrow's
conference and by some of the older
figures In American life too old to
walk beside the approaching funeral
Down around the circling pillars,
the marble boxes filled with dis
tinguished men and women, with a
cluster of shattered men from army
hospitals, accompanied by uniformed
nurses, A surpliced choir took its
place to await the dead.
Faint and distant, the silvery
strains of a military band stole into
the big white bowl of the amphithe
atre. The slow cadences and mourn
ing notes of a funeral march grew
clearer and the roll and mutter of
the muffled drums.
At the arch where the choir wait
ed, the hero comrades of the dead,
lifted his casket down and, followed
by the generals and the' admirals,
who had walked beside him from the
capitoI, he was carried to the place of
honor. Ahead, moved the white robed
singers, chanting solemnly. Careful
ly, the casket was placed above the
banked flowers and the marine band
played sacred melodies until the mo
ment the president and Mrs. Hard
ing steDped to their places behind
the casket; then the crashing trium
phant chords of the Star Spangled
Banner swept the gathering , to its
feet again.
Two Minute Pause at Neon
A prayer, carried out over the
crowd by amplifiers so that no word
was missed, took a moment or two,
then the sharp, clear call of the bu
gle rang "attention" and for two
minutes, the nation stood at pause
for the dead, just at high noon. No
sound broke the quiet as all stood
with bowed heads. It was much as
tho a mighty hand had checked the
word of America, from the hosts
within and without.
President Harding stepped forward
beside the coffin to say for America I
the thing that today was nearest to
the nation's heart, that sacrifices
such as this nameless man, fallen in
battle, might perhaps be made un
necessary down thru coming years.
Every word that President Harding
spoke reached every person thru the
amplifiers and reached other thous
ands upon thousands In New York ,
and San Francisco. j
l Mr. Harding showed strong emo-i
tion as his lips formed the last words
of the address. He paused, then with
raised hand and head bowed, went
on in the measured, rolling period of
the Lord's prayer. The response that
came back from the other thousands
out over the slopes beyond, perhaps
from still other thousands away near
the Pacific or close packed in the'
heart of the nation's greatest city. !
rose like a chant. The marble arches
hummed with the solemn sound.
Burial Ritual Spoken
The simple words of the burial
ritual were said by Bishop Brent,
flowers from "war mothers of Ameri
ca and England were laid in place.
For the Indians of America Chief
Plenty Coos came to call upon the
great spfrit - of "the red men, with
gesture and chant and tribal tongue
Upon the casket he laid the coup
stick of his tribal office" and the
feathered war bonnet from his own
head. Then the casket, with its
weight of honors, was loVered into
the crypt. .
A rocking blast of gunfire rang
from the woods. The glittering circle
of bayonets stiffened to a salute to
the dead. Again, the guns shouted
their message of honor and farewell,
again they boomed out; a loyal com
rade was being laid to his last, long
High and clear and true in the
echoes of the guns, a bugle lifted the
old, old notes of taps, the lullaby for
the living soldier, in death his re
quiem. Long ago some forgotten poet
caught its meaning clear and set it
down that soldiers everywhere might
know its message as they sink to
rest: v
"Fades the light;
And afar, goeth day, cometh night,
And a star, leadeth all, speedeth all,
To their rest."
The guns roared out again in the
national salute. He was home, the
unknown, to sleep forever among his
If It Is a Bilious Attack
Take three of Chamberlain's Tab
lets and a quick recovery is certain.
For the past few days John Beeson
has been quite sick at his home south
of the city suffering from an attack
of what seems to be the grippe, but
is now reported as being somewhat
batter. John seems to be on the
mend and this will be pleasing news
to his many friends over the city.
Lose anything? Find anything?
Try a Journal want-ad.
1916 Tourinff Winter Top
1916 Ca!i and Truck bodv
1917 Tourine
1917 Tourinvr, ICxtras
1S17 Tourinir, Storage Ilattery for
191S Touring
191 S Touring. Winter Top
1919 Touring with Startt-r
1920 Coupe, Wire Wheel
1919 Koadster, Starter P.lock
7 H.-I Hercules gasoline enprine. .
almost new and Kuaranteed like
new $100
5-passenger Oakland 150
We will sell any of these cars on
part cash and time payments on bal
ance. Liberal discount for cash on
any of above prices.
For further particulars call at "
Plattsmouth -:- Nebraska
Lost anything f onxa anything
rry a Journal ad. "They satisfy."
Do Rata Talk to Eeh Other?"
Asks Mr. M. Batty, R. I. , . .
"I got five cakes of Rat-Smp and threw pieces
around feed store. Got about half a dozen dead rats
a day for t w solid weeks. Suddenly, they got fewer.
Now we haven't any. Who told them about ItaU
Snap " Rat dry up aad leave no sgwIL Three
cizes: 35c, 65c, J1.25.
Sold and guaranteed by
Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. John Jlobscheidt Victim of Con
spiracy on 67th Anniversary
Given Attractive Gifts.
From Saturday's Laliy.
Yesterday afternoon the neighbors
and friends of Mrs. John Hobscheidt,
one of the highly esteemed residents
of this city, entered into a conspiracy
that had as its object the surprising
of this worthy lady on her sixty
seventh birthday anniversary and
accordingly, while the "victim" wa
wholly unaware, the members of the
nartv proceeded to enter the home
and announce their intention of
Bpending a few hours with their
friend in honor of her natal day. '
Each of the party had brought
with them some of the dainties of a
fine luncheon and these served to
provide a most dainty repast for the
members of the party. The time was
enpnt in visitine and social conversa
tion for several hours and during this
time Mrs. Hobscheidt was presented
with a number of very beautiful and
attractive gifts to remind her of the
passing of another milestone on life's
Those to attend the event were Mr.
and Mrs. John Hobscheidt, Jr., and
family; Emil, John, George and
Frank Hobscheidt; Mrs. Fred Egen
berger. Jr. ; Mrs. Margaret Wehrbein;
Mrs. John Hiber: Mrs. Henry Horn
and daughter. Miss Helen; Mrs. J. W.
Tritsch; Mrs. John Haustrom anu
the guest of honor. '
The funeral services" of the late
Henry M. Miller were held on Fri
day afternoon at 2:30 from the St.
Luke's church of which the deceased
had long been a very devput mem
ber and was attended by a large
number of the old friends and neigh
bors. The burial service of the church
was conducted by Rev. Father Leete
and during the progress of the serv
ice a number of th efavorlte hymns
of the deceased were given by the
choir of the church.
At the conclusion of the service
the body was borne to Oak Hill ceme
tery where it was laid to rest, the
pall bearers being selected from
among the old friends, being Chai.
McGuire. Con Gillispie, Lou Taylor,
R. W. Clement, C. G. Fricke, John
F. Weber.
Tanlac now has the largest sale of
any medicine in the world. There is
a reason. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Can. You Use Some
If you want to earn Some extra mon
ey In your SPARE TIME. how your
friends and 1 neighbors a new and
handy household article, wanted in
every home. NO MONEY REQUIRED.
I must have a representative in each
town and community. "Write me TO
DAY, NOW before you forget it. A
post card will do.
Plattsmouth -:- Nebraska
is commas
vusanessea ?or
their way to fame. All walked glad
ly in this nameless comrade's last pa-i that the dead should not have died
rad. I in vain, that war might end, peacs
Behind these came the carriage in be purchased by such blood as this.
$1 otz.
You know the feeling going to the big
dinnerto church, football game, or the
dance, and clothes looking a bit "tacky."
You kind'a have the breaks on, slide in the
wrong groove as it were.
Our stock of overcoats and suits is com
plete. You'll need them later, and why not
have the use of them now?
For yourThanksgiving and then some