The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmouth lournat
Entered at Poet office. Plattsmouth. Nob., a seeond-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
tractors on Its
has nearly
A uniform law for motor trucks
la proposed for all states.
A 11.500 American truck costs
21,000 francs in- Belgium.
Invisible government wouldn't be
so fearful if it included invisible
Obregon says he will reduce the
Mexican army by half. Why not do
It twice?
Some fro to the movies to
their feet; others to practice read
ing1 aloud.
. i . . o:o
Herrick's being bombed ought not
to worry a man who has to kiss
:o: . ,
Now that perfume is being made
from, poison war gasses, we may use
the old masks again.
This foreign paper money would
be worth more if they printed a
comic strip on ore side.
, :o:
The end of a perfect day is when
supper burns.
;o: -
Misery -doesn't love company that
stays for dinner.
There is always room for one more
oyster, in the soup.
Foland is about one-tenth the size
of the United States.
Movie people seem to spend honey
moons in divorce courts.
. , 0- ,
If might doesn't always make
right, it seldom gets left.
o: o
In the District Coort of the united
States for the Diwtrict of Nebraska.
Lincoln division.
In the matter of Jesse Vallery. bank
rupt. as Not 58 in Bankroptcy.
To creditors of the above bankrupt,
of Murray, irr the County of Gass, the
district aforesaid, a bankropf:
Notice i hereby Riven that on- the
5th day of October, A. D. 1921. the Raid
bankrupt wax duly adjudicated bank
rupt and that the flrt meeting of his
creditors will be held m nrry nice in
The more a man goes around in
the world the less cranky be be-comess.
After the trip is aver' a man real
izes those, "No hunting" signs were
A man wants a divorce because
Lincoln, Nebraska, on the 17th day of his wife i a palmist.. An itching pal-
tie forenoon, at which time the said peiuoya.
creditors may attend, prove their
claim, examine the bankrupt, appoint
a trustee, ami transact such other
business a may properly come before
such meeting1.
Dated November- 1. 1921,
n?. Heferee in" Bankruptcy.
China is experimenting with
growing cane and may raise a little
at the disarmament party.
The French aviator who traveled
206 miles an hour probably got
there before the bank closed.
One advantage about smoking a
pipe is that your wife doesn't com
plain quite so often about ashes on
the floor.
Wealth may not bring happiness
but then, neither does poverty.
:o: .
All the average man has against
tainted money is that 'taint his.
The most permanent, and costly
wave seems to be the crime wave.
Down in North Carolina they are
feeding the surplus apple crop to the
hogs. And apples are not fattening,
either. And here we are paying
$2.50 and $3.00 per bushel.
:o: -
Two famous pictures were sold
for a million dollars each recently.
but something seem to tell us they
will never pay dividends on the in
vestments, Whieh recalls the story
of the Chicago millionaire who up
braided his- son for paying $3,000
for a picture of three sheep. "Young
man," he said, "I could buy several
car loads of real sheep for the money."
Aesop's fables, now being cartoon-
It is evident that Fatty Arbucklded in the movies, appeal to audi-
wall come clear of the crime of kill
ing Virginia Rappe. Whether he
ought to or not.
Wonder if one of the functions of
he disarmament conference will be
to . pull the Infant republics', teeth
before they grow out?
The Scriptures give the idea that
Adam and Eve were driven out of
Eden, but there is a possibility that
ences a3 sound common sense, the
same as they appealed to the Greek?
2450 years ago. The fundamental
truths of life never change. We are
always looking for "the truth," yet
usually the search takes U3 -back to
old ideas, tried out through the cen
turies. The search is not futile. It
unveils new truths. That is progress.
Mrs. Patrick Keller Is granted a
divorce in Boston. This was her
Eve felt she had lived in one place ! thirty-fourth appearance in court.
about long enough, anyway.
. :o:
Never put off today what will
owing to the .peculiarities of her
hu?band, and she hopes it will be
the last. Strange doings, under some
have to be done tomorrow, but on roofa. If you could be a mouse and
the other hand some things, if put
oft today, will not have to be done
tomorrow or at any other time.
The pop corn season approaches.
City folks-, when your children weary
of their toy airplanes and mechani
cal dolls, buy them a corn popper.
The child that has never shaken the
popper and watched yellow kernels
explode into fluffy white pop corn,
has missed one of the real joys of
life. Hot and buttered, or candied
spend a day in each home in Platts
mouth you would lose all interest in
novels and movies, branding them as
tame. Also, you'd thank your lucky
stars for your lot in life.
Ice cream manufacturers hold a
national convention in Minneapolis.
They say that ice cream consumed
by Americans has increases 100,
00,000 gallons a year since prohi
bition went into effect. That's near
ly a gallon for every man, woman
into balls, it Is as vital, for a com- and chi!d. But is prohibition really
plete childhood, as Santa or Charlie
"It don't take a man long to
ba? his pants at the knees,
and to make a. finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who Is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
responsible? Imagination has to
work overtime to picture an old
time bar fly finding, in ice' cream,
a substitute for fire water.
George E. Bider, 44 years old, is
trying to figure it out in his homts
at Cedar Rapid, Iowa. George is the
step-father of his former wife and
j the grandfather of six of his own
(children. That is the result of his
marrying his mother-in-law, after
"getting a divorce from her daug-hter,
who Is mother of his six children.
Remember Bider when your brows
are" knit solemnly, trying to f'gure
out what
relation you are to some
A Rat That Didn't Smell After
Being Dead foe Three Months
I swear it was dead three months. writes Ir. J.
SykestN. J.). "I saw this rat every day: put some
Rat-Snap behind a barrel. Months afterwards, my
wife looked behind the barrel. There it was deacL3
Kat-Saap sells in three sizes for 35c. 6x. t ?, .
Sold and guaranteed by '
Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
The. State of Nebraska, Cans coun
ty. S8.
In the County Court.
In the matter nf the estate of Ellen
J. Smith, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Yon art- herehr notified. That I wfll
sit at the County Court room in Platts
moutlii. in said county, on the 25th day
of November, A. D. 1931. and on the
2".th day of February. A. IK 19dl, at
16:00 o'clock a. m. each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjustment
ami allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of elaimw afcalnst said
estate is three months from- the 25th
day of November, A. D. 1921,. and the
time limftetl for payment or dents is
one year from sakl zotn day of No
vember, 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal or
said County Court, this 25th day of
October, 1921.
(Seal) o27-4w. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Clara I Armstrong and Roy Tu. Arm
strong, her husband. Plaintiffs, vs. J.
V. CarnM et al, Defendants.
To the defendants, the heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and alt other personR interested
in the estate of A. I. Bowman, de
ceased, . real names unknown, and all
other persons having1 or claiming- any
interest In Lot 197. in the Village of
Greenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
You, and each of you, are hereby
notified that on the 20th dav of Octo
ber. 1121. the plaint iff filed their suit
In the District Court of Cass county,
Nebraska, the object and purposes of
which Is to quiet and confirm plain
tiffs' title in and to Lot 197 in the Vil
lage of Greenwood, in Cass county,
Nebraska, and to enjoin each and all
of yoi from havinw or claiming to have
any riffht. title, lien or interest either
legal and equitable in or to saiu real
estate or any part thereof, and to en
join you and each of yon from In any
manner interfering with plaintiffs' pos
session and enjoyment of said prem
ises and for equitable relief. This no
tice is srlven pursuant to an order of
said Court. You are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day the 5th day of December, 1921,
or your default will be entered there
in, and judgment taken upon plain
tiffs' petition.
Clara L. Armstrong ami
ltoy L. Armstrong, Her Husband,
o24lw. Their Attorneys.
The State of Nebraska, Caas coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of James
W. Taylor, deceased.
To the creditors of sairti ette:
Yfru are hereby notified. That I will
lt at the County Court roomjn Platts
noutli in said county on the 19th day
of November, A. D. 1931. and on the
2th day of February. A. D. 1922, a
10 o'clock a. m. each day. to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate with a vMw to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited, for
the presentation of claims atcainst
said estate is three months fcum the
lath day of November. A. I. li21, and
the time limited for payment of debts
s one year from said 19th day of
November, 1921.
Witness my hand and the seal of
laid County Court this 13th aay of
October, 1U21.
(Seal) 17-4W. County Judge.
Girls lookirigr for a nusband had
L better be careful about whose hus
band they get.
America is short one; million'
homes; but there are more short
homes than that.
After all, bobbed hair has great
future possibilities, it is the only
feasible home hair cut.
-: o: - .
""Congressmen betting on race
horses," says a news Item. What do
they know about speed?
Most of the troubles in this coun
try seem to center in the men who
are trying to reform it.
1 :o: - -
And when that Kentucky jury
drank the evidence ther paper prob
ably said: "Case goes to jury.
io: -
A philosopher is a man who is
wise in nis- own estimation and a
fool in the estimation of others.
0:0 -
It is said that the whisper of a
beautiful woman can be heard far
ther than the loudest yell of duty.
" IO: M,r
These tourists going" overseas to
see war ruins had" better stay at
home and give our war ruins Jobs.
. ;o:
Looking up the address of the
state penitentiary is a task the so
phisticated usually leave to the sher-
That Washington chaffeur who
was stung1 for $250 by a man in nav
al uniform probably favors complete
- - :o: - '
Of course, the moths did some da
mage to our winter B V. D.s but
they 'are suffering mostly from the
tooth of time.
A contemporary advises us that
business depression has cost the far
mers $7,000,000,000. Somebody has
to foot the bills.
One of the things we refuse to get
excited about is the government re
port showing the parsnip crop to be
t j a total failure in several states.
o: o
It is now generally recognized
How Gasoline
Instant ignition, quick starts and steady
power depend on the mixture of air and gaso
line vapor in the cylinders. If ycu use gasoline
of dependable uniformity, it is net difficult to
adjust your carburetor so that you get uniform
results.. How satisfactory these results are
depends, in turn, on the quality and nature of
the gasoline. If it xs straight distilled gaso
line, with a proper proportion of low, inter
mediate and higher boiling point fractions, you
get instant ignition and lots of power from a
lean, clean-burning, economical mixture.
Red Crown Gasoline is straight distilled
gasoline that meets all the specifications of the
U. S, Government for motor gasoline. YOU
Authorized Red Crown Dealers
Wherever you go you can always get Red Crown
Gasoline from reliable, competent, obliging dealers.
The gasoline and motor cils they cell make motor
operation more pleasant, more economical and more
dependable. Drive in where you see the Red Crown
Write or ask lor a Red Crown Road Map
msssss CIM&WM
'a c
C 2EI r
0t COOWN c
I 3 O
App. Dock
No. 1
Tage 37.
In tlte District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
James C. Kuykendall.
John W. Seymour et al
To the Defendants: John W. Seymore.
Mary K. Taylor, James II. Iloss, Phi
lander S. Wheeler. Olive 11. Wheeler.
and the heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons Interested In the estate of Wil
liam H. Taylor, deceased, and all per
sons having or claiming any interest
in Lot 12 in Block 42 in the City of
1'iaitsmoutn, i.aas county, Zebras Ha,
real names unknown:
1 oti and each of you are hereby
notified that on th 19th day of Octo
ber. 1921, the Plaintiff in the foretroine
entitled cause, filed his petition in the
District Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, wherein you and each of you are
made parties defendant, for the pur
pose of obtaining a decree from said
court, quieting- the record title in the
Plaintiff. Jamen C. Kuykendall. to the
following described real estate, to-wit:
Lot numbered twelve (12) in
Block forry-two (42) In the City
of Plattsmouth, In Cass county,
Nebraska, according' to the pub
lished and recorded plat thereof.
as against you ana each and all of
you. and by such l.ecree to wholly ex
clude you and each and all of you
from any estate, rlut. title, claim or
interest. therein or to any part thereof.
and for such other and further relief
as may be just and equitable.
You are required to answer said ne.
tition on or before the 19th day of
December, 1921. or . your default will
be entered of record and a decree en
tered in said cause as prayed for in
1'iainim s petition.
Date: October 29, 1921.
o31-5w. His Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
gratp XlcCardle. Plaintiff, vs. Roy H.
AI'- 'ardie. Defendant.
To lioy H. McCardie:.
You are hereby notified that on the
ISth day of July, A. D. 1921. Grace
McCardie filed a petition against you
in tiie District Court of Cass county.
Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which are to obtain a divorce from you
on the ir round that you, beinsr of suffi
cient ability to provide suitable main
tenance for her. and your child, the
issue f said marriage, have grossly,
wantonly and cruelty refused and ne
glected so to do. and for the custody
of the minor child, the issue of said
marriage, to-wit: Clarence Kdwaid 11c
Cardie, ased ten months.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, the 12tli
day of December. A. D. 1921.
mil otie on Petition for Set
tlement of Arronnt
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
tales, of Nebraska. Cass county, as.
To all persons interested In the es
tate of Katherine D. Becker, deceased:
On reading the petition of Philip T.
Beck-ar, administrator, praying a final
settlement and allowance . of his ac
count filed in this court on the 2nd
day of November, 1921. and for a. de
termination of the heirs at law of
said deceased, and for such other or
ders and proceedings as may be re
quired in order that said estate may
be finally closed and said administrat
or discharged:
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said county
on the I2th day of November. A. D.
1421. at ten o'clock a. m., to show
cause,. If any there be. why the prayer
that the railroad brotherhoods were
mere bluffing, but they quickly
found out that the public wasut.
Remember, a heated argument ac
complishes no purpose whatever save
to increase your blood pressure and
it is probably high enough, anyway.
, 0:0
It would probably be hard to con
vince the proprietors of Washington
hotels that no direct benefits will
come from the disarmament conference.
Sheep glands to make brains re
minds us what became of the old
fellow who used to carry a buckeye
In his pocket to ward off rheuma
Immediately after the morning
session of the legion convention the
delegates and risitora went to the
Union station plaza, where the me
morial of Kansas City for the war
doad was dedicated.
While the memorial was being
dedicated, Kansas City sent to Pres
ident Harding and to the nation as a
whole, a message of peace. The mes
sage, prepared by K. A. Long, presi
dent of the Liberty Memorial asso
ciation, in the name of Kansas City,
will be carried by a dove, the em
blem of peace and good will. The
message said:
"Greetings, Mr. President, greet
ings of peace and good will from
Kansas City.
"We are assembled in one place
and with one accord, consecrating
Memorial hill to the glory of God
and the honor of those who won the
world war. Foch, the marshal of j night were captured Tuesday night
r ranoe and conqueror or Germany, 1 by the police of Atchison, Kan. Ber,
i3 hf re; Diaz, the defender of Italy,
35 here; Jacques, the redeemer of
Belgium; Pershing, the American
(Go.l keep) is here; 80,000 legion
naires, mighty men of valor, are
here; fathers and mothers of the
glorious fallen, are here; wounded
and groping heroes are here; the
mighty soul; of -the multitudinous
dead are here; the. quickened spirit
of liberty, is here all ia one accord
"In the coming peace council may
our glorious country win more glory
still by leading. the war-weary na
tions of the earth out of the wild
erness cf discord and dismay into
the Canaan of peace and prosperity."
II. II. Anderson and Harry IIos
totter the two men who escaped
from the state reformatory Sunday
,1 , . , . . . (i; . r . W .nA .
tory, left at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday
to bring the runaways back to Lin
coln. The men disappeared between
8:30 and 9 o'clock Sunday evening.
The report received by Superin
tendent Miller concerning their cap
ture said the men were caught in
the act of breaking into a store. The
report that an automobile stolen
from Minden, Neb., Tuesday had
been taken by these men has not
been verified and it not believed to
have been true.
Coates Block Second Floor !
A man's home may be his castle,
but in these days when servants are
scarce you are likely to find him in
the basement, the garage, or the
back lot.
There are several varieties of crea
tures which hibernate, including the
bear and the paving contractor af
ter getting a busy street torn up for
the winter.
Secretary Mellon, of the treasury,
is either a brave man or a very fool
ish one. He is the only person who
has thus far proposed a $10 Federal
tax on automobiles.
o -
A dog's life is from. IS to 20 years,
according to a canine Journal. The
author is dead wrong. We've known
of people who led a dog's life from
twenty-five to fifty years.
, :o:-
We do not know to what extent
Woodrow Wilson disapproves of the
acts of his successor, but we do know
that the Harding brand of English
gives Mr. Wilson a keen pain.
One dollar will now buy 105,000
Russian rubles, but since the Rus
sian government won't lay rubles
down here in Plattsmouth. we must
find some other substitute for coal.
It makes a ; woman pessimistic
when she finds . that the : man who
has called her "the light ol his life."
is willing to spend $15 per quart for
01 1 ne petitioner snouia not De xram-1 . . ... , 1if ., ii,or.
ed. and that notice of the pendency of stuff that will get him lit up otner-
said petition and the hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested In
.said matter by publishing- a copy of
this order in tue Plattsmouth Journal,
a. semi-weekly newspaper printed In
said county, tor one week prior to said
Tliis notice Is plven in pursuance of dav of hearlner.
an order of the District Court of Cass In witness whereof. I have hereunto
county. Nebraska. set my hand. and. the seal of said
OiiACi- AltUAUUlii. 1 court, this Und day of November, A.
Plaintiff. Ir. 192.
Her Attorney.
County Judge.
Frank Simonds, the war critic,
says we will be fighting with Japan
in less than five years. All right.
Frank. Maybe we can save enough
to buy a Sanr Browne belt by that
! Br pa a a b a il
Not On
nt Certain
With carbon cleaned out and a supply of fresh, clean
Polarine, you go faster and further on a gallon of gasoline.
But that is not the greatest economy of a clean, properly
lubricated motor. Freedom from wear on bearings and moving
parts saves much more money. According to leading automo
tive engineers 90 of the total expense for motor repairs is
caused by using lubricating oils of inferior quality or wrong;
Polarine is made by special processes which render it free
from excess carbon. It maintains a protecting oil cushion in
the bearings and between moving parts, and a gas-tight and
fuel-tight seal between piston rings and cylinders.
Polarine is made in four grades light, medium heavy,
heavy and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper
grade for your car next time by referring to Polarine chart at
our Service Stations or dealers, and you will start cutting down,
motoring costs. '
Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map
"-r-'TrT iTTiTTrrnT na-i n i-T- S