The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1921.
The Communities Welfare!
The banking business is one of more than ordi
nary interest to the community in which the institution
is located.
To make the work of the bank most effective,
there must be a confidence between the bank of its
patrons, and between in fact the whole community.
Any fear of a financial institution is immediately
reflected in the business of the whole community.
The bank which has proven its worth to the com
munity is the one which has stood the test of good and
adverse times and stands ever ready for the service of
the whole community.
The patrons interest and the community good is
the bank's first concern. We are here for the service
of the entire community.
Thanking you for your confidence, co-operation
and earnest work for our community, we invite your
The Bank of tlQurdock
Murdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENKY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
Three Lines of Cars
We have three excellent lines of cars to choose
from and each a leader in its class. The Buick, which
cannot be beaten anywhere and no line barred.
The Dodge Brothers also one of the most reliable
and sturdy cars in the market.
The Ford, you all know its Stirling work and dur
ability. See us for these cars, and also remember we are
prepared to look after your repairing, no matter what
the line or make of cars we are equipped for the job.
W. THiH,
The Automobile Man
Fall Plowing Now!
The harvest is over and thrashing done now for
the Fail plowing. We have the facilities for this task
plows, tractors and also seasonable farming machinery.
See us for the things you are needing. You will be sur
prised at what we can show you.
Also the FSuIfo-sSctGr Washer!
Oils and Gasoline!
The Implement Man
Children's Fleeced Lined
Underwear Suit
- Plurdocli Mercantile Go., -
Miller Is a charming young lady and
is liking America fine. !
Emil Kuehn and family were Tis
itlng in Murdock last Thursday and
remained over night.
Otto Rikli of Denver is visiting at
the home of Fred Oehme and Leo
Rikll for a few day3.
Dr. Trenholm of Elmwood was a
visitor in Murdock last Thursday, do
ing some dental work.
Anton King was a visitor and was
looking after some business matters
In Murdock last Thursday. '
W. P. Schliefert is among those
who have completed the picking of
their corn crop for the year. '
Mrs. Max Schoeman and daughter
were visiting at the home of friends
near Louisville during last week.
Miss Lydia Wutchinek was a visi
tor in Murdock for a few days last
I week, returning to her work in Lin
Jesse Landholm was a visitor in
Omaha during the week, where he
was looking after some business mat
ters. John .Gakemeier was taken ill
while picking corn last Thursday and
was compelled to lay oft for a short
Wm. Leutchens is among those
fortunate who have completed pick
ing corn and ready for the other fall
Sheriff C. D. Quinton was a visitor
in Murdock for a short time last
Monday, looking after some business
Earnest Meyers, of Louisville, who
has been doing some electric wiring
at Murdock went home last Thursday
V. H. Rush and J. A. TJauers were
over to Wabash last Thursday morn
ing, making the trip in the auto of
the latter.
E. E. Gustin of Lincoln was a visi
tor for a short time in Murdock last
Thursday, looking after some busi
ness matters.
Mrs. John Gakemeier was a visitor
for a number of days at the home of
her sister, Mr?. Wm. licunmn, of Om
aha, last week.
Fred II. Gorder and wife of Weep
ing Water were visiting for a short!
time with friends here last Thurs
day afternoon. j
Herold Andrus of Weeping Water
was a visitor at the home of Mr.'
and Mrs. E. K. Xorton for a short 1
time Inst Sunday. )
L. Wiseman and wife and J. W. I
Wiseman of Elmwood were visiting.
la?t Sunday at the home of Mr. and I
Mrs. E. K. Norton. j
Mesdames Ilerry Gillespie and Jess
Landholm, who have been visiting in'
Omaha for some time, returned home j
the first of last week.
Max Dusterhoff has been doing
some painting at the home of John
Bickart three miles south of Elm-!
wood during last week.
Uncle George Skiles and wife, who
have been visiting for some time
past in Syracuse with relatives, re-'
turned home last Monday. j
The manual training class of the:
Murdock high school have just com-'
pitted a table which is on exhibition'
at the Murdock Mercantile store. j
Mr. Charles Xeuziato was a visi
tor in Plattsmouth for the most of)
the past week, where he was lcok-j
ing after some business matters.
Max Dusterhoff was a visitor in!
Plattsmouth and Omaha. looking af-j
ter some business last Monday and ,
Tuesday, making the trip in his auto. j
R. W. Iiyers and three deputies
were in Murdock on last Thursday;
morning on their way to Wabash,
looking for clues of the bank rob-!
H. A. Tool and II. A. Guthman !
were over to Wabash last Thursday
morning to view the wreckage caus
ed by the robbery of the bank at that
place. j
Robert Crawford, who has been i
visiting witli his mother. Mr?. J. j
Crawford, at Drummond, Oklahoma,
for seme weeks past, returned home j
last Monday.
Miss Leah Schmidt, who is employ- j
ed in a department store at Stella, !
was a visitor at the home of her par
ents in Murdock for over the week
end Sunday.
H. R. Schmidt has been busy of late
building a crib at the home of his!
on. Louis Schmidt, who is busy .
with the .picking of his corn and'
nearing its completion.
John Burt and wife, of Omaha,
spent last Sunday at the home of
W. II. Rurh and wife, and on their
return home took Mr. and Mrs. Rush
with them for a few days' visit.
Mr. Fred O. Everett, of Elliott,
Iowa, was a visitor in Murdock last;
week for a short time a guest of his
daughter. Miss Viola Everett, who is
head saleslady at the Bauer & Kraft
E. W. Thimgan and J. E. McHugh
were visitors at Wabash last Thurs-:
day morning, where they were view-'
ing the havoc wrought by the bank
robbers who looted the bank at that'
place. t
W. E. Hand and wife of Green
wood, were passing through Murdock
last Thursday morning on their way'
to Plattsmouth, where they went to
attend the Cass county Sunday school
The Sophomore class entertained
the high school Thursday morning,
giving a portion from "Lady Mac
beth," some songs and readings, in
all a very pleasant time and well
worth the while.
Messrs. Dodge and Armstrong, of
Omaha, friends of Mr. H. W. Tool,
were visiting in Murdock last Tues
day and with their host were hunt
ing the festive bushy tail for a few
hours along the Platte river. j
There was a gladsome appearance
in the demeanor of Mr. Emil Meyers,
on account of the arrival a short time
since of a bouncing baby boy at the
home' of him and wife nd with all
doing nicely, why not rejoice?
H. II. Lawton. who has been work
ing in Lincoln for some tiine past.
returned to Murdock and completed
two Jobs of work here and has f e
, turned t6 the capifol city where he
is again doing some work there.
Special Until
Adjustable steel tongue hounds, ab
solutely the best 'Quality. or
Price only JiIuD
Best painted and striped neck yoke
ofi'ercd for this limited op
time only at P 1 tUO
Placing a New Roof on Shop
J. H. Beck is having a new roof
placed on his blacksmith shop, which
is being done by the veteran car
penter and builder A. L. Depner, and
in which they will Inrtall a skylight
as well, in order to afford more light.
By the way, Mr. Buck is a very pro
gressive citizen and is a means of at
tracting trade from a distance, which
when" it comes to his institution al
so brings trade for other business in
the city. See the ad of Mr. Buck in
another column, in which he is offer
ing some special bargains in wagon
furnishings, neck yokes and tongue
hounds, which are selling at prices
far below what they can be pur
chased for elsewhere. Step around
and see them and save some money.
October 10th
Ed Guilstorff, who has been assist
ing in the putting in shape of some
eight miles of roads east of Mudock,
has completed the work and will now
get at his corn picking which has
had to wait for the road work.
William Gehrts was a visitor at
Elmwood last Wednesday and Thurs
day evening, and during the day on
Thursday where he was attending a
school of instruction in the unwrit
ten work of the Masonic fraternity.
J. J. Gustin and Wm. Bourke
shipped a car of cattle to the South
Omaha market last Wednesday even
ing and on Thursday Mr. J. J. Gustin
and wife drove to Omaha in their
auto to look after the selling of the
Fred Lau. with his son Louis and
daughter Lida were visiting last
Wednesday at both Ashland and
Plattsmouth, making the trip in their
auto, where they were looking after
some business as well as visiting with
Judge II. A. Cast is having his
home fixed up for the winter, hav
ing one room plastered where the
covering had been broken up and
then decorated by artistic paper, the
work being done by Max Dusterhoff
pnd Jo.-eph Wutchinek.
Lyle BcHiton had the misfortune to
have the sccop board on his wagon
break while he was unloading corn
List Thursday precipitating him on
the ground, and in the descent he
struck his head against the wagon,
brui-ing his face which caused con
siderable pain and stopped him from
his work for a short time.
Wm. Knaupe and the folks who
has been picking corn for Fred Zink,
have completed the work, gathering
rcmcthing near 2,500 bushels, and
are now tackling the crop on their
own place. The weather has been
ideal for the work and the folks have
surely put in good time, and have a
large amount of corn yet to house.
L Neitzel and-wife drove last
Sunday to Havelocfc, where they were
joined by O. J. Hitchcock and wife,
they all going to Cedar Bluffs, where
they very pleasantly spent the day
at the home of J. J. Miller and wif,
Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Neitzel being
sisters. Mrs. Xeitzel remained for
a number of days to visit while the
remainder of the party returned
George Schaefer and daughter,
Mist; Carrie, of Manley, Edward Pan
koni:t and family of south of Weep
ing Water, Mrs. George Schaefer of
Omaha, Misses Marie Sullivan, Paul
ine Long of riatt.-miouth and Dewey
Jensen of Omaha were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schae
fer for Sunday, making a very mer
ry crowd of guests who made a very
pleasant day for Mr. and Mrs. Schae
fer. "Eusiness looking better," is the
remark of Manager J. E. McHugh of
the Murdock Mercantile company,
when speaking about the business
which this institution is enjoying.
"We had one of the biggest days last
Saturday that we have enjoyed for
many a day. This is a very progres
sive institution and one which at all
times endeavors to furnish the best
of service. This pays in the long
Attended School of Instruction.
Among those who were attending
the school of instruction given by the
Masonic lodge at Elmwood were E.
W. Thimgan, I. G. Hornbeck. C.
Moomey and wife, A. R. Hornbeck
and wife, H. W. Tool and wife. Q. J.
Pothast and wife and Louis- Borne
meier and wife.
Lost Auto Crank j
Lost, between Murdock, Nebr., and
Dan Panska farm house on road two
miles due east and two miles due
north of Murdock, a crank for Kis- j
tell car. Finder please return to ;
Murdock, Nebr.
Spent Pleasant Evening I
The teachers of the Murdock pub
lie schools, consisting of the Mises
Mary Shepherd, Margaret Wipple, :
Isabel O'Halleran and Margaret Amg
wert accompanied Mesdames J. E.
McHugh and H. V. McDonald, were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Conrad Baumgartner last Thursday,
where they spent a very pleasant
evening guests at this hospitable:
New Station Now Started !
The beginning of the work for the
now station for the Geo. Trunken
boltz oil company, which is being in
stalled at Murdock, has been rtarted,
with Frank Melvin and Alvan Borne
meier doing the work on the founda
tions. They are getting along r.icely
and have the concrete work about
completed. This addition to the bus
iness of Murdock is one which counts
for good in the city.
Roasted Weiners Thursday
The ladies of the R. N. A. on last
Thursday met at the home of Mrs.
James Mills and had a most enjoy-,
able time as they had prepared for
the occasion with a quantity of
weiners which tLey roasted and had
a most enjoyable time. The ladies
who had become sedate on account of
the years which they had accumulat
ed, Jiad thrown them away and were
young as the youngest agan, and
the merry peals of laughter, as they
feasted on the hot sizzling morsels,
told of the happy time they were hav
ing. For the once the work in hand
at the meeting was indefinitely post
poned and "All went as well as a
marriage bell."
A Step in the Right Direction
The meeting of the Cass County
Bankers association in offering a re
ward for the apprehension of bank ,
robbers cr those attempting such, i
of one thousand dollars if alive and
two thousand dollars if dead is a
move in the right direction as the
matter of "touching" the banks is
getting to be too frequent.
Ford Curtains for Sale
I have a set of good. Ford touring
car curtains for sale.
Arrived from France
Mis". Louise Miller arrived i,n Mur
dock a few days since from her home
in France and will make her home
heie. for the future. This young
French Miss is staying at the home
of Mrs. Goitz and her son, Mr. Ed
ward Guilstorff for the present. Miss
Were Ready for the Burglars 1
When the alarm was telephoned to
Murdock that an attempt to rob some
bank in this neighborhood, was giv
en to Henry A. Tool, he notified his
asrociate in the business, Mr. Henry
A. Guthman and with Messrs Ken
neth and Richard Tool, went to the
Muilock Mercantile Co. place of
business where they were able to
watch across the street, keeping
virgil during the night. Mrs. Tool
watched at the window of their home
which commanded a view of the road
leading from the southwest and Jo
har.son from the northwest, in order
that ihe men stationed at the store
might know if any cars came from
the west. Mrs. Tool noticed a car
coming at about one o'clock from the
west with powerful lights and im
mediately communicated with the
store, but as the car approached it
was seen to dim its lights and later
extinguish them as they slipped thru
the town. Ths work of the men in
the car was done so carefully that
they weie able to stop and get tools
from the Rock Island tool house un
bcknowns to the watchers who were
intently looking after the two banks,
as they not only watched the Bank
of Murdock. but kept going occasion
ally to Fee that there was nothing
doing at the Farmers bank. Mr. O.
J. Pothast had been notified, but on
account of the fear of leaving the
home alone, he had remained with
the family.
How Would You lake to See What
Irvin Nerkood (Pa.) Saw?
"One customer told me that after using one large
package of RaUbnap. he got ORTV -tlCJIiT dead
rats. How many more dead be couldn't see. be
doesn't know. Remember rats breed fast and de
stroy -tailors' worth of property. " 35c. 65c, tl.25.
Sold and guaranteed by
Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
Satan in the Toils!
It has been said that "a half hitch would hold any
thing, and two half hitches would hold the devil'
That has nothing on a halter which Mr. A. J. Tool is
making from the best of leather and which will hold
the "Old Harry" himself, and they sell only for one
"buck" at the shop or $1.25 elsewhere. Come in and
see this wonderful "headgear
ig Jewelry Auction!
Mock Percentile Co.
Wednesday, November 2nd,
Thursday, fiov. 3rd, Friday, iJov. 4th and
Sa!&m!ay, fiov. 5th!
Prices Are Down!
We are Sacrificing at a Great Loss
Our Stock of
Everything sold at this auction is absolutely guaranteed.
Everything is to be sold REGARDLESS OF COST.
Nothing 13 reserved You say what price you want to
pay. IT'S UP TO YOU.
of All Kinds!
At prices which prevailed before the war, for out
side work and inside painting and varnishing. All sizes
just right for your particular job. REAL BRISTLE,
the kind the painter uses.
We beat the work on the price. The quality and
price will surprise you. Enough to paint all Cass coun
ty. Do not forget full stock of Lowe Bros, paints.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
Lnb and
pays for all the material which is
used in a double crib and gran
ary. This is a double crib, with
driveway and granary above, with tight bins. This in
cludes the lumber, sand and cement for the same. The
building is 26x28 feet, with good shingle roof.
pays for double crib, similar to above,
not having granary ibovo, but provid
ing for driveway ar.d crib room on
h sid
pays for a self feeding crib, caring for
the grain and at the same time feeding.
See us for specifications and how the
same is constructed. We have the plans.
Too!, Nauman & EVlurtey,
How is Your Battery?
We are doing battery charging and repairing. If
your battery is not doing its work, bring it to us and we
will remedy the evil.
We carry Mitchell and Oldsmobile parts, and are
equipped to furnish the best repair services on all makes
of cars at reasonable prices.
All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory
laitidholm Auto Co.,