PLATTSMOTJTH EEM3-WEEKLY JOTTMIAE PAGE THEZS HOBDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1921. Y r Y t Y Y V t Y Y Y Cloakings of Rich Fabric 54-Inch all wool velour cloaking, very heavy quality. Why not make yourself or that young daughter of yours the new winter coat you are needing? McCall patterns will solve the dress making problem and our low price on this wonderful fabric gives you a beautiful coat at a reas onable price. Per yard, $3.50 Curtain Marquisette in Ecru and White An excellent quality, highly mer cerized and full 36 inches wide. Now that cold weather drives us in doors we will want our living room as attractive as possible and nothing adds so much to it as good looking, crisp, clean curtains. Per yard, 25c Outings Your Opportunity to Save on These is at Hand Last summer you bought your outing by the week. Bargain Wed nesday you can buy your outing by the yard. Dark outing flannel fine for petticoats and comforters. A good, heavy quality, 27 inches wide. 20c per Yard Light outing flannel for Bleeping garments and underwear. A good, heavy quality, 27 Inches wide. 15c per Yard Extra heavy Canton flannel for husking mittens. 40c per Yard PERCALE This value represents a big saving and you will find a variety sufficient to please you. 36 inches wide. 20c per Yard Y Y Y Y t Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y E M A good quality goods at a low prioel and it's bound to be a mighty interesting event especially to thos for. Our store will be brimming over with lovely materials score Not one showing, but dozens of displays will greet you, with a noti When One Is a Wee Tot Clothes are a very Important fac tor for their health. Carter's under garments are all that can be desired In quality and price. INFANTS' SHIRTS Heavy cotton, all sizes 60o Double front wool finish 65c UNION SUITS Children's fleece lined union euits, sizes 2 to 12. Per suit $ 1.00 SWEATERS Infant's knit and crochetted sweat ers all white with pink and blue trimming and all pink. Made of finest quality fine yarn warm and durable. Regular $3.25 sweater. An exceptional Bargain day value at $1.75 Neckwear Reduced Just when you need a refreshing -touch of something new on your last year's frock, we have a sale on neck wear that is left from our large summer stock. Sets, Vestees and Separate Collars will go at a great reduction. Underwear! Carter's spells perfection in un derwear. We are showing a wide range of union suits in both light and heavy weights. Our special gar ment for fall wear is now selling for $1.50 Special Demonstration wm Electric Washing On Bargain Wednesday, Oct. 19th, MR. H. E. SANDEN,' Special representative from the factory will be here on that day and will demon strate and explain in detail the complete working and operating of all types of Voss Washers. He also will have in operation doing actual washing the Voss Sea Weave Washer, which is spoken of as the WORLD'S FINEST WASHER. All these types of power machines are furnished for belt power if wanted for gasoline engines. star SOE THINK OF IT! OCTOBER 19th Bargain Wednesday! Fashion Decrees that the best looking frocks must be made of Canton Crepe and soft satins in black which this season is fash ion's favorite also navy blue which is always good will be worn exten sively. Silk and wool canton crepe, black and navy blue. 38 inches wide. $3.95 value, $2.95. Black satin, excellent quality. 36 inches wide, $1.95. All silk canton crepe in black only. Especially priced. 3S inches wide. $4.25 value, $3.85. "Real News!" from the Glove Section You will find many interesting Items at the glove counter. Many will continue wearing silk gloves in preference to other kinds and others prefer fabric glovt-s. So we've gath ered all our gloves colored and white; long, short and medium styles and marked each pair so reason able that every one can have a pair of gloves. Blouses An Extra Blouse is Never Amiss You can't wear the same blouse all the time and there is certainly no reason why anyone should want to when such pretty models are be ing offered at such savings. $5 up. Men's all wool sox, heavy qual ity. Soft and warm. 50c per Pair Machine! watek MM e who know from past experience what Bargain Wednesday stands s of ideas and suggestions that will be a joy to the home maker, ceable decline in prices on High Grade Merchandise of all kinds ! Fall Ways of New Frocks! Buy a Jumper dress for $3.75, or less by the yard. 54-inch all wool flannel fine for middies and Jumper dresses. Per yard, $2.50 54-inch all wool Jersey. The right weight and two good shades cardin al and Kelly green for Jumper dresses and overblouses. Per yard, $3.50 Underwear When undermuslins bear such large reductions it is time to think and read over this value saving item, for we are offerirffe Ladies' fine quality muslin night gowns, beauti fully lace and embroidery trimmed, regular and out sizes, for $1.00 Also, Ladies satinette petticoats, fine quality; colors, black, peacock, purple, brown and navy, both regu lar and out sizes in correct skirt lengths. Elastic belt and hemstitch ed flounce. A very unusual bargain. $1.95 Novelty Is what many women desire in a hand bag. It can be novel and beau tiful and still be serviceable. New shapes, fitted with mirrors or small change purses in fine quality lamb skin. Regular $3.75 value. Special, $2.75 ;. .r. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f $ f $ Men's Heavy Cotton Sweaters 2 and $2.50 values, in sizes 36 to 46. On sale this day only at t Y t $ t Y Y fl" r Men's Winter Ribbed Union Suits Selling at $2 and $2.50. Sizes 34 to 46. Buy them here Wednesday at ; Y f Y f $ Y : t f Y ft Y Y T Y ' v v Our ft Y Y Y T Y Y t $ Y Y Y Y SEM PHONE 53 54, and 144 Something for Nothing Just about expresses what the Remnant counter will do for you. Odds and ends of all kinds of mater ial will be found on this counter. Enough for a pillow top, a bag, a blouse, chair cover or undergarment and the materials vary from prints to woolens. Hosiery Toeing the mark of perfection may be difficult but not so with our hosiery. It meets the demand for a perfect fit and lasting qualify. On special sale at prices that will en courage the selection of a good sup ply. Lisle finished hose at 25c per Pair Sateen For instance, you need a new lining for your coat or bloomers for your little girl. Also, you each will need a new petticoat. It is a heavy quality in all colors, and can be used for so many things. 36 inches wide. 35c per Yard MISS SARATOGA All Wool Middies! Excellent in fabric, dye and mak ing. A very fine quality all wool, dark blue serge. Emblem and white braid trimming. Sizes 14 years to 20 years. Price $3.95 Men's Heavy Blue Overalls Men's 220 denim suspender back, big and full cut blue overalls. Cotton is up and overalls are up, and you will be too if you don't take advantage of this offer FOR THE ONE DAY ONLY. There are only ten dozen overalls and jack ets in the lot, so get busy early. $I 15 1 Bargain Vcdnosday Prices! Right at the very front door of winter comes the Bargain Wednesday you are looking for. We offer you for this day the things you need right now, and can use for the next six months. It will pay you to look these specials over. Philip Shiwioii Work Gloves! entire stock of heavy canton flannel Work Gloves Gauntlets and Knit Wrist. Bargain day price 15c per pair $1.80 per Dozen. THESE ARE GOOD ONES We Will Give a 10 Discount on each SUIT or OVERCOAT purchased Bargain Wednesday. This is a chance to save on your new Fall Clothes. OUR ENTIRE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM! Big Savings in Groceries 22-oz. jar of Best Quality jam for 25c Corn, "Kindergarten" standard pack, per dozen $1.50 Corn, "Winoor," fancy kernel- ed, pei dozen - 1.50 Peas, "C. B. C." brand, Early June, per dozen L 1.7f Pork and beans, "Shelby," each .1. Per dozen 1.50 Tomatoes, "Pioneer" brand, No. 2 1.2 size, each .20 Per dozen 2.25 Soup, assorted varieties, 3 cans for .25 Rice, Blue RoBe, 3 lbs. for .25 Pineapple, standard quality, 3 cans for 1.00 Apple butter, 38-oz. quart Jar .40 "Ryson" famous Baking powder with free cook book. Each 40c Pears, "Zip" brand in syrup, 3 cans for 1.00 Pickles, sweet, in full quart Jars, each .40 Relish, also full quart Jars, each .40 Roast beef, in 2-lb. cans, 3 cans for 1.00 See our 10c counter of canned and bottled goods. You will be surprised at the values displayed here. Potatoes! Our supply of Jiorthern grown Early Ohio potatoes (government in spected, have arrived. Place your orders for these now. Apples! Washington box apples, consisting of Jonathons, Wine Saps, Kings and Delicious are now here. Apples are scarce. These are excellent keepers. Put in your winter supply npw. Men's Knitted Ties at Special Price $1 values will be sold on Bargain day only at 7 3 for $2.25 Men's Finest Grade , Cashmere Hose Regular 75c sellers. Oar Bargain day price on these is only X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y r- Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y tt W V V