f - V""v Jt nil' i iriiKi.L Ml PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL TKUBSDAY, EEFTEMEER 29, 1821. JESSE 1. LASKY JPi-ess nts Oeeo D PRODUCTION .5l ? - X v i : :::n4 LiT Tk. v : JEANIE JWACPHERSOiSL Suggested by t ARTHUR SCHHITZLERS PLAV rzflf Paraphrase theroF BV CRANVILL.E BARKEBO '-: i v. A. - . ' " ' I, rr ir--inora-nj. ii A LL the richness, romance and dashing fashion that "" have made DeMille the master of beautiful screen productions more brilliantly staged than ever before, in this, his greatest photo-entertainment. Played by a cast that for number of famous artists has never been approached in the history of stage or screen. ALL TITLES DONE IN RICH COLORS! UONOAY-TUESIiaY-WEDNESDAY! t iK With art all star cast including Wallace Refd Elliott Dexter Monte Blue Theodore Roberts Theodore Kosfoff Gloria Swan son Bel)e Daniels -k .Wanda Hawiey Agrses Ayres A Polly Morao EE what happened in the "Green Fan," the "Devil's Cloister," society's "Mystic Seance" and a score of other thrilling scenes in boudoir, drawing room and Broadway's haunts of pleasure. A social lion's adventures in love. Rustling with silken luxury. Alluring with beautiful women. Woven into a heart-stirring human story as real as life can be. A more beautiful picture has never been made. This is not press agent stuff, I saw the picture. A. W. CLOIDT. 2 PERFORMANCES 7: EACH NIGHT! AND 9:00 FEATURE BEGINS AT 7:10 and 9s 10 This same production starts Monday on it ssecond week showing at the Strand The atre, Omaha, where it is doing capacity business at increased admission. Their prices are: Matinees 35 and 50c; Nights 40, 50 and 60c. We know that we are giving our patrons a real treat (r)n nr when we show this big high-class production for VILOIT NOTE--We respectfully request that if possible all patrons will be in their seats when the featvre begins, which is 7:10. and 9:10. Come early and avoid the rush! FARM CZ3 IT PAYS TO .SHOP AT HOME! r i 4 : ' S A J! A.