THURSDAY, SZPTniEEPv 9, 1921. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEE ELY JOtTEHAL Department n Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Yes, business is Good! For this we are very thankful to our friends and patrons, and we are endeavoring to merit their confi dence by giving them the Very Best Service! We are carrying a large stock of supplies and acces sories of the best kind, and especially call attention to the excellent stock of tires which we are carrying. Our service is the best and we are pleased to always respond to call for all work. WE DO ACETYLENE WELDING! A. R. DOWLER, Proprietor Willis Old Stand -:- -:- Union, Nebr. There was held a meeting at the Mrs. Mary Davis during the week. Sciota school house last Sunday, a Mrs. Jce Lidgett and ion, Henry goodly crowd being in attendance. were guests at the home of the Rev. L. W. Crawford has been making and Mrs. W. A. Taylor for dinner some slight repairs at the home of last Sunday. "The Moonshine Menace!" Moving Picture Show at the Becker Hall Saturday Night! Formerly "Judith of the Cumbei lands" 5 Keels and a Comedy! A Popular Production and an Excellent Picture. Fresh. EUleats Daily! We are serving the choicest cuts of fresh meats Beef and Pork, besides cured meats, and are selling them at a figure which enables all to enjoy them. FRUIT SPECIALS NOW Oil SALE! Jack Spratt Peaches, Apricots, Pine Apple, Berries of all kinds. Selling three 2Vz size cans for a $1.00. Del Monte Peaches and Apricots four No. 2 size can for 98c. A. L. BEC&CE UNION NEBRASKA 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, LAND FOR SALE! Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past season. Come, see land where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land in the west and at a price which anyone can afford to pay. . CHAS. BOWDISH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. New Goods Arriving! We have just received an invoice of shoes, con sisting of Ladies, Children's and Men's work and dress shoes. Bought right and will be sold the same way. A new line of sweaters for fall wear, which are going rapidly. The fall blankets are here and winter will soon be at hand. Better prepare for it now. RAIN COATS AND MACKINAWS (All Sizes) We have just received a new shipment of serges. Give us the opportunity to save you money on these. Try our flour Letter Roll, Golden Gate and Omar brands all good ones and priced right. A TON OF CANDY AT A BARGAIN The Farmers Mercantile Company, UNION NEBRASKA Mrs. W. A. Taylor was spending the afternoon last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -S. M. Taylor, east of town. Miss Alice Todd and Naomi Mau gay, who are attending the state university were visiting at home for over Sunday. W. A. Propst was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Monday, driving up to look after some business matters for a short time. C. II. Taylor and family, of Om aha was a visitor in Union last Sun day, coming to visit his mother and the other of the folks. Joseph Fetzer, of Plattsmouth, was a visitor in Union and guest at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Patterson for the day. Miss Gladys Hall, one of the teachers at the Union schools, was a visitor at the home of her parents in Plattsmouth for over Sunday. The Rev. S. Miller and wife, of the Baptist church, were in attendance at the annual conference of that church at Lincoln last week, for a few days. W. B. Banning, with the assis tance of Harry Leach and Frank An derson last week and this built a concrete block garage for Mr. F. K. McCarthy. There will be an election of offi cers at the coming meeting of the World Wide Guild girls of the Bap tist Sunday school and a most en joyable time is anticipated. John Clarance and wife. Miss Mary Fletcher and Master Edgar Fletcher weie visiting and looking after some business matters at Platts mouth last Monday afternoon. Ray Frans and his mother were visiting with friends in Plattsmouth lart Sunday afternoon, returning in the evening and making the trip in the new coupe of Mr. Frans. W. L. Stine and wife, Learha and Gallent Rakes- and Orville Fletcher enjoyed a picnic and out at the farm of Mr. Stine and J. N. Larch last Sunday, spending the day in the open. Mr. LeRoy Mijler, of Peru, and his friend Miss Grace Lee, were vis iting for the day last Sunday at the parents of Mr. Miller, they making the trip from Peru in the car of Mr. Miller. Lennie Crawford, who has been home for a visit with the family at Hartington, for the pa3t week, re turned here last Sunday, where he has been farming during the .past rummer. Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter, P.achel. was visiting at Union for over Sunday, guests at the home of Mrs. Barbara jaylor, who is reported a3 being somewhat improved from her illness. LeRoy Winscott, who is with the crew of telephone workers, working out cf Union, was a visitor at his home in Plattsmouth last Sunday, re turning here to his work on the mid night train Sunday evening. C. F. Ciiase of the Sheldon Manu facturing company, is moving to Ne hawka. where he succeeded iu secur ing a house which has recently been moved to Xehawka by Nicholas Opp and placed in condition for occu pancy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schlaegle. cf Panama, were visiting with relatives here for a number of days recently and were the guests at the homes of T. E. Hathaway and family, Isaac Dve and wife and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Rakes. Mi?s Ida Reynolds, teacher in the school at Havelock for some years past, was a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rey nolds for over the week end and was taken home by the folks in their auto last Sunday evfning. Miss Nettle and Angie McCarroll, who are teaching in the Syracuse school this year, were visiting in Lincoln for the week-end, they look ing after some shopping and at tending the exercises of the Metho dist annual convention which is be ing held for this district. The, Ladies chicken supper which was given by the ladies of the Bap tist church in the basement of the church building last Saturday even ing was a pronounced success, and notwithstanding the unfavorable weather over one hundred were serv ed with supper. Last Sunday J. D. Bramblett and daughter, Miss Pearl. J. C. Hansil and wife, W. H.'DuBois and Mrs. Mabel Reynolds were visiting in Om aha, going to see Miss "Nettie Bramb let, who is just now convalescing at i hospital after having undergone an operation for appendicitis. Bert Miller and wife of Grand Is land, where Mr. Miller is engaged In the Insurance business, were attend ing a meeting of the representatives if the Prudential Insurance compa'ny 5n Lincoln last week and came to Union to visit for over Sunday with their parents, the Rev. A. Miller and wife. Miss Ada Van Patton, of Lincoln, lister of Messrs. D. B. Porter, W. H. Porter and Mrs. J. C. Snaveley, has been visiting here for the past week and returned to her home in Lincoln last Sunday afternoon. While in Union she was the guest at the homes of D. B. Porter, W. H. Porter, J. C. Snaveley and Stephen Copen haver. ' Fred Rhodewald of Weeping Wat er was a visitor in Union last Mon day morning looking after business, and reports the sale of four cars dur ing the past week, one to Leo Switz er of Nehawka, one to Geo. Peters on the O street road and one to Geo. Meyers west of Louisville and one to Misses Katie and Maggie Wolpert of Manley. In order to keep in touch with what is doing in Plattsmouth he had us send him the Journal. to 135. There are 45 non-resident pupils in all. District No. 12 sends all its pupils. So far the attendance has been good. - Those who do good work in their studies each day and whose at tendance is perfect will be excused from taking examinations. Each pu pil has, a chance to do his best. 1 The reference library in high 1 school was increased by the addition of an Unrivaled atlas and a 1920 International Year book. Last week the physical examina tion of pupils was given by the dif ferent teachers. Numerous defects of eyes, ears, nose, throat and especial- ; ly teeth were found. It is hoped tnat parents win remeay conditions where it is at all possible. The grades have been at work making material for the Cass coun ty fair exhibit. The time has been rather short, but all rooms expect to be represented. Elza Taylor, a senior, won two third prizes on some pieces of wood work he exhibited at the state fair 'this 3rear. He made these articles two years ago. W. C. T. U. Notice The W. C. T U. will meet Tuesday afternoon. October 4th. with Mrs. L. F. Fitch. Members are all requested J to be present. Mrs. C. F. Harris will be leader. Subject, "Child Welfare." SECRETARY. Entertained Friends Sunday Last Sunday Stephen Copenhaver and wife entertained for dinner and ! for the day Sunday a number of friends and relatives, the day being spent very pleasantly, and one of the nicest features being the elegant din ner which was served by Mrs. Copen- ! haver and her daughters. Those pres ent and to enjoy the occasion being Mr. W. H. Porter and daughter. Miss Leatha; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Awand of Union and Miss Ada Van Patton, of Lincoln. A pipe won't burn your V fnnrii if vnn smnlrp PAY Print Alhirt nU in tmppy red bags, tidy wmd tint, fcjniioinf pmnd mnd holt pund tin humidoTB mnd in tkm pvmtd eryttml glmsm hmtnidmT yeith top. Is Rebuilding the Property Mr. Daniel Lynn, the contractor and builder, is at the present time busily engaged in reconstruction out of the mass which the recent tor nado made of the homes and out buildings of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hansen, southwest of Union. Mr. Lynn has been selected because of his ability to do the work in the best possible way. The wreckage cost in damages Mr. Hansen nearly five thousand dol lars, but when Mr. Lynn has com pleted the work of restoration, the home will smile again with the same beauty and serve with the same use fulness and convenience which it did prior to the storm. Get that pipe-party-bee buzzing: in your smoke- section! Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pipe can and will do for your peace and content! Just check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily who certainly get top sport out of their pipes all aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince Albert! f . And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince Albert's quality and flavor and coolness and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclu sive patented process) will ring up records in your little old smokemeter the likes of which you never; before could believe possible ! You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with Prince Albert! Paste that in your hat! And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the sport of rolling 'em? Get some Prince Albert and the makin's papers quick and cash in on a ciga rette that will prove a revelation! license Plate No. 15859 Licence plate number 15859 has been found and turned over to this office for advertising. The owner may have the twrue by calling and paying Tor this ad. Missionary Society Meets The Woman's Home Missionary rociety met last Thursday at the home of their member, Mrs. R. J. Mougay, where they first looked af ter the business which the Methodist church of which they are an auxil iary requires. This was followed by a program which waB well worth while and consisted of readings, reci tations and some musical numbers. A discussion had its place also on the program which was actively taken by the members present. Mrs. J. D. Cross war the leader. Follow ing this was a very delightful luncheon. Copyright 1921 by R. J. Rtynold Tobacco Co. Wlat on -Si b. C A the national joy smoke Enjoy Picnic Supper The members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church last Friday met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hamils. where they en joyed a most pleasant evening and with the games, songs and other amusements spent the time very pleasantly. Not the least of their pleasurable experience was the sup per which was served in true picnic style, and was enlivened by the siz zling hot weiners, which they roast ed over the fire out doors and en joyed greatly. Will Enjoy Lyceum Course Union is to have a winter's course in lectures concerts, and have arrang- LARGE TYPE Poland -Chinas! 25 Boars, 25 Gilts. Last winter's farrowing, ready for service. Large Type Poland China can have pa pers on them for $25 per individual Phone 5911 G. S. UPTON, UNION -:- NEBRASKA -Worthwhile Bargains- Union Public Schools The entire enrollment in the Bchool is as follows: High school, 42; grammar"; 32; intermediate, 34; pri mary" 27. This brings the total up WE HAVE SOME GOOD BARGAINS EVERY DAY 3 No. 3 size cans of high grade peaches for $1.00 Or we will sell you a full case of 24 cans for $7.90 All kinds of Fruits sold at Bargain Prices Quality Guaranteed ASK ABOUT 'SALT WATER SUCKS' ed for the purpose. Ten of the citi zens of Union are standing behind the enterprise, and which should be patronized by all who can attend. They have secured the Midland Ly ceum company. The first number will be entitled "The Chicago Con cert Due" and will be given on Sat urday, October 8th. This is one of the best entertainments which is now on Chautauqua or lyceum circuits. Miss Lillian Gibson, who is from "Old Kentuck," Is one of. the best, coming from where the sun shines brighter, the skyes are bluer and the grass grows greener, one can expect roinething beyond the ordinary in entertainment. Miss Garnet Sackett, of Chicago, ably bears her portion of the excellent entertainment. Better get season tickets which will be sold at a material reduction and will enable the purchaser to at tend all the numbers of the course.. Doing a Wholesale Business j The" enterprising firm of Propst & Burbee, the Ford dealers, have been doing an excellent business and sold to the dealers of Weeping Water and Dunbar five cars during the past week. They have exhausted their stock and are having another car shipped here for their trade. Infant Dies Sunday Night Last Sunday night the infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. John -Opp. of Ne hawka. passed away after but a short illness. The little one was but a few months of age and was during its life one of the most pleasant, of children, but the Master was pleased to call the little one to that home above, where there is no sickness, suffering or sorrows. -: The hearts of the parents and fam ily are very sore over the loss and the sympathy of friends go out to them In this their hour of sadness and grief. The funeral was' held from the Methodist church - of Ne hawka, and conducted by the Rev. W. A. Taylor, who epoke words of comfort and hope to the sorrowing friends in their bereavement. The little one was laid to sleep in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery near the place of its birth, there to await the trumpet of the Angel of the resurrection. Will Have Meetings Again The month's vacation which was given by the church at Wabash to their pastor, the Rev. W. A. Taylor, for the month of September has ex pired and beginning with the coming Sunday, the services will be contin ued again, each alternate Sunday, both morning and evening, by the Rev. W. A. Taylor. Will Speak Here Sunday At the Baptist church at the hour of the regular morning service. Miss Rei, a High cast Hindoos, from India, will deliver an address for which there will be no charge. Miss Rei has come from India to begin a course in the state university of Ne braska, and has consented to come to Union to deliver an address on this date. Home from the West A. L. Becker and sons, Henry and Roy, who have been over the west for the past week, returned home last Wednesday morning, having traveled fifteen hundred miles in just six days. They visited at St. Paul. Burwekk, SIdnay, this state. Stirling, Denver and Akron, as well as at Arriba and Burlington In Colo rado, returning home through Kan sas, they stopped at Dodge and Clby, then back to Nebraska again and home after having visited at Edison. 22nd of September is showing favor able improvement. In her absence, Mrs. Kate Ryan of Omaha is stay ing with her parents. Important Meeting A free moving picture show and Farm Bureau meeting will be held at the town ball in Union, October 5, at 8:00 p. m. Everyone Interested in the agricultural problem of Liberty precinct come, bring your family and help work out an agricultural program. The moving pictures will be fine. L. R. SNIPES, Co. Agr. Acant. IDA M. WILKINS. Co. Home Agent. . Xeeping It in the Family ' Always with a smile like the ris ing sun, Is the way we see F. H. Mc Carthey, - and on all occasions, but there was a kindlier light in his eye, when he confessed that he was privi leged to enjoy some thing which is not the portion of all mortals. The stork brought one of the dearest lit tle brown eyed girls to their home last Wednesday morning just as the day was breaking, and a joyous day it was at that. Willing to share anything with the new comer, Flor ence H. McCartney has given the little stranger, who is not a stranger now the name of Miss Florence Elizabeth McCarthey, thuB having her father's name. Useless to say, all are happy. Undergoes Operation Mrs. Nettle Foster Stanton, who has Just undergone a critical surg ical operation at the Mayo Brothers hospital at Rochester, N. Y., on the Resident Minister Appointed At the conference which closed at Lincoln last Monday, the Rev, G. B. Warren was appointed for the charges at Union and Wyoming. Rev. Warren, who is an excellent speaker, and a devoted worker In the church, will arrive in Union in the near fu ture and will make his home here, and work among the members of his church and with the citizens of Union, for the best interests of the town. The most exquisite line of birth day and gift cards to be found any where! At Journal office. For Sale! 7 Passenger Cadillac in good condition; 3 extra tires, al most new. Price $500.00. T. II. Polloclr Qarago R. D. STINE, UNION NEBR. . Test Earning of a Nickel Six months ago Mrs. S. Miller, who is teacher of the Intermediate class of the BaDtist Sunday school, gave to each of the twenty of the class a nickel, asking them to see how) much they could make of it during,' the coming half year, which closes j with this week. They will have a' meeting, a program and a general good time at the basement of the church Thursday evening this week, I at which time reports will be made as to what the twenty nickels have earned. ! Advance reports assure a good earning and in one1 case 5.100 per cent, with promise of some to exceed that. The youngsters are expecting a very good time when the reports'; are brought in. 1 What Progress Demands! The modern farmer needs the bank to help him plan ahead and to provide the sound financial facilities that progress demands. We are always glad to help our farmer friends in every possible way, and extent to all the best in modern banking equipment. Deposits Protected by State Guarantee Fund. Tho Bank of Cass County T. H. POLLOCK, President Established 1881 6. II. McCLERflH, Vice-President R. F. PATTEBSOX, Ceehler