THUKSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1921. PLATTSMOITl'II SEMI-WEEKLI JOURNAL PAGE FIVE Murray Christian Church Services next Sunday as follows: 10:00 a. m. Bible School. 11:00 a. m. Preaching service. Sub ject, "The Macedonian Call." A. G. HOLLOWBLL 'Minister Carrying the Best Line! Murray Department If toy of the readers of ike Journal knov of any aoclil event or Item of lnternt tn this vicinity, snd will mall use to this office.. It will ap pear under this heading. Mr want ail newsltems Edob MAKE REAL SILK PURSE OUT OF EAR OF A SOW Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader Protecting your Family Keeping the wolf from your door is often taken too figuratively. But it is not an idle joke, to be ridiculed or ignored. To keep the wolf from your door requires weapons more powerful than implements of war. It requires a defense that cannot be bought or Of Make Thte 'Banfyottr 'Best Servant Open an Account tvith Ix To dayJVO W I Interest paid on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Tlie l: v. A. ;. Hollowell wa.x a visi tor in Mu: ray last Sunday anl deliv-r-1 an x--llent discourse it tlie Chris tian t'hur'.-ii. - Mt-ssif. ;ust HolW-nbern. Sorp I. l.l'-y Hfi-1 Ivan IK-"I-s Ierirr Milppfl H tar of tio;s tn tlie South Omaha mar ket last Tuesday. I'hillip Hild and Alfred and Herman :.-insmer tvore looking after nome lusi 7ies at the Ftock yards at South Om aha last Tuesday afternoon. .enr:;e Tanner and Kohert Trooi were h'okin cfter some business mat ters at the stock yards at South Oma ha last Tuesday, making' the trip in tli- ear of Mr. Troop. The Hank of Murray lias added an entire new yet of eurtains and shades to their har.k huiidinu, wliUli is very I-leasant ami harmonizes nicely with the interior decorations. T. S. r.a rrows and J. A. Scntten were fishing at a point near tlie Heil farm in the Missouri a few days since and returned with a larne strinc of fish. They were either lucky or fortunate. Walker .ilmore has hpn doinp: some concrete work ahout the home for tlie last few lays and thus improving the run venieliee and valu of the doctor's home and adding; to its valuf as well. Miss Ila.el Davis, aired fourteen and "lara Mrasek aped fifteen underwent an operation for the removal of their tonsils at the Fenser hospital in Om aha last Monday and returned home alTuesday evenins. they both getting along: nicely. The rejoicing is riot over yet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Staska. over tlie arrival of a youns; son anil heir which come lo their home several days since. You cannot put -chase a ticket ytloig Here is a special price cannot afford to pass up. 27-inch outing plaids, light patterns. Per yard iatt MURRAY, 20c 1 borrowed it is gained through practice of thrift. To save is to insure yourself and your family protection. Every man owes himself and his family the protection of a savings account in a good substantial bank such as this one. There are other ways in which we can help you protect your family. Investigate. for less than the reRUlar price, not withstanding the smile which con stantly plays on the lips of the gen ial agent. Joe Mrasek of the Peterson Hard ware company, accompanied hy the Kichter brother Paul and Herman were Omaha visitors last Monday at fhnaha. where they purchased for Her man and Paul Kichter a Marsailes cylendar corn sheller, -which the boys will do custom shelling with during the fall and winter. Fred Uhoedwald, of Weeping Water, representing the Aug Meyer Auto com pany of that place, last Tuesday sold to W. (J. I?oedeker a new Ford coupe, taking In exchange the car which Mr. Rnedeker has owned for some time past. The car which Mr. Hoedeker had owned heretofore had been one with out a starter, and tlie one which he has just secured Is one fully equip ped, which will make the use of it more of a pleasure-. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt were vis iting with relatives in Plattsmouth last Sunday, making the trip in their auto. Dr. J. W. Brendel of Avoca was over last Sunday to visit his father who is sick and also the remainder of the folks. Robert Good and wife were visit ing with friends in Plattsmouth last Sunday, driving over to the county seat in Fred Beverage and family were visiting at Avoca and loking at the destruction wrought by the storm of last Friday night. Harry Ramge. little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramge is reported as be FDamnmell on heavy outing which you stripes and checks, dark and . Juti, NEBRASKA ing some better after having been ill at his home for several days. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith near the river southeast of Louisville is reported as being very sick with cholera in fantum. Miss Anna Hughson. living sever al miles sputhwest of Murray is re ported as being very sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughson. Mr. Robert Young and Grover and Floyd Hopkins were looking after some business matters in Platts mouth last Tuesday afternoon, mak ing the trip in their auto. Miss Helen Todd departed last Sunday evening for Lincoln, where she returned to take up her studies in the state university, where she is taking a four years' course. Messrs. and Mesdanies Thomas Hanson, Arthur Hanson of Murray and Harry Vantine of Kehawka and their children were visiting at Platts mouth last Saturday, making the trip in their auto. C. C. Cotner, L. O. Miner, who are with the T. H. Pollock Auto com-J pany were looking after husmess in Murray last Tuesday morning, they are breaking land for winter wheat on the farm of T. H. Pollock east of Murray. Mrs. Sadie Oldham, who has been very sick at her home in Murray for several days past is reported as be ing much improved, and the conva- lesence of this estimable lady is good i news to her many friends in and near Murray. Will O. Troop was a visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. D. C. Rhoden last Tuesday and reports his wife still feeling quite poorly at their home in Plattsmouth. Mrs. Troop is thought much better than she has been for some time past. Mr. G. M. Minford. speaking about the present corn crop said. "This corn will have to be cut up. t hat is the ears chopped into to enable the cattle to eat it. the ears being so large that the stock cannot chew it." This looks good for the crop of corn, which is just ripening over the coun try. The rains of the past week has materially interfered with the work on the house which is being con struct at the farm where Mr. and Mrs. John Farris have been living. The workmen. Messrs Scat ten. Fred Hild. Ralph and Charles Kennedy, have been unable to work on account of the excessive rains. W. H. Puis and family, who have for the past week been visiting at Cleridge. where they were the guests of the parents of Mrs. Puis, E. Ean nick and wife, returned home last Monday evening. They encountered much bad roads on their trip, but had an exclleat time. Miss Elsie Puis will remain in the north and attend the schools at Coleridge this winter. Misses Lenora and Catherine Brown departed last Sunday for Lin coln and Bethany, where they will attend school the coming year. Mr. J. H. Browne, their father, accom panied by Mrs. Browne took the daughters to Lincoln last Sunday, returning home Monday evening. On their way home they had the mis fortune to lost the rear light on their auto. Frank Vallery. who owns the Murray garage was down last Mon day looking after some business mat ters regarding the business here. He is having a most satisfactory busi ness and has three excellent men in charge of the work here, Mr. V. H. Puis as manager and George Kling er as .the mechanic and Joseph Cook as assistant in both lines are caring for the business in good shape. Will Speak at Murray Newton Gains, one of the ablest of the platform speakers of the country will speak at the Lewiston church east of Murray on September 19th. This is an attraction that no one can afford to miss and the speaker will be found one of the ablest ora tors on community problems that has ever appeared before a Nebraska audience. Purchases Car and Truck Glen Vallery last Monday pur chased a new Ford touring car and also a Ford truck through the Aug ust Meyers agency of Weeping Wat er, making the purchase through Mr. Fred Ithodewald, salesman for that house. Beginning of School Good The opening of the school is un der very favorable auspices with an excellent corterie of instructors and the students seem to appreciate the fact that the teachers are all inter ested in their work and study. They are taking every possible pains to assist the children in their studies. The faculty consists of the Misses Kelly, Ptal-c Rainey and Sans. Having Home Improved Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bengen. living north of Murray are having their home modernized and will have a modern furnace placed therein for the heating of same and many alter ations within for the comfort and convenience of the family. Messrs. Harvey Gregg and A. A. Johnson are doing the work. Many See the West and Return Messrs and Mesdanies with the family, Sherman Cole and C. 1). Spaugler returned last Saturday evening from a two weeks trip in the western portion of Nebraska and eastern Colorado. While in the west they visited at the homes of Lloyd Gapen. Verner Perry aud Carl Cole, who they found all prospering and also reported crops looking finely In IV. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES SEASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY I REVERSK ALL CAILS Telephone 428 Plattsmouth Exchange the west. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wiles also returned getting home on Sun day morning, they having been spending the past three weeks in the v.-est and in the mountains and re port having had a most excellent time while away. They have taken up their home at the farm of Mr. Wiles near Plattsmouth. Celebrates 72nd Birthday Last Sunday at their home, Mrs Win. Puis, Sr., received during the dav relatives who came to congratu late her on the pausing of the 72nd milestone in the journey of life and to celebrate with this good lady the happy event. A most enjoyable time was had by all present and a most delightful dinner partaken of by all those present. There were at the home to assist in the proper pass ing of this auspicious event. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hild and their child ren. Atto Puis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lutz and children. Alfred Germner and family, Mr. and Mrs. August Knglekemeier and the child ren and Mrs. Otto Lutz. Have an Excellent Assortment Tlie enterprising firm of Hiatt & Tutt have just received a large ship ment of outing flannels, which can not be equalled in the Omaha mar kets except for some six or seven cents per yard higher than this firm are selling the same goods. See in their add an announcement of the goods which they have to offer. Br. B. F. Brendel Some Easier Dr. H. F. Brendel who has been very sick for several weeks, past is still confined to his home in Murray, though at times able to be up and about the house and sit in the yard and on the porch. He seems to have gained some strength during the past few days, but is still kept to his home. His many friends which are a host would be much pleased to have him well again arrd are hoping that he may show permanent Improve ment which will insure his recov ery. Plate Number 81576 Lost I lost auto license plate number Sl.r7 6 with rear light attached with "Viele" on glass. Between Bethany and my home near Murray. Finder please communicate with me. J. H. BROWNE. 2tsw Murray, Neb. Had a Tussle with the Storm The storm which did so much damage along "O" street last Friday evening also caught the family of Frank Mrasek and Herman Richter, as they were returning from the state fair. They had sought to out run the storm, but were not able, and had gotten about three miles from Elm wood at the home of Fred Hall, when the storm struck. They were not able to get out of the auto, and ran it alongside of a garage which was careened to one side, and they were all afraid it would blow over on them. When the fury of the storm had in a manner abated Mr. Mrasek ran to the house and finding no one in the house, opened the door and securing the family went and remained until the family came home some three hours later from the fair, where they had been also. They pre vailed upon Mr. Mrasek and company to remain. It is well that they did. for otherwise they would have ran into a stream of water many feet deep and have been swept away. Frank says frankly that he saw in the storm something to be afraid of. Pure Bred Duxoc Boars Four $25. Old enough for sedvice. AIBERT YOUNG Flies Over Home Town Last Sunday Forest Tracy, who formerly made his home here, flew over Murray a mile high while on his way from Fort Sill. Oklahoma, to Fort Crook, passing this place not far from the noon hour. His mother. Mrs. Tracy, who has been doing some needlework here for some time past, knowing that he was to come to Fort Crook, went there to see her son. He not knowing that his mother had gone to Fort Crok came here imme diately after .the landing at the Fort When he found his mother had gone to Fort Crook he returned. Mr. Tracy, who is the mechanic, says when pass ing here the plane was traveling at the rate of one hundred and fifty miles per hour. MURRAY NEWS On Monday night September IS. at 8 o'clock sharp .Mr. Gaines, a well known speaker, will speak on com munity interest at the Lewiston church, two and one-half mile.5 southeast of Murray. After the speaking sandwitches, pickles dougn nuts and coffee will be served by the ladies of Lewiston at a small sum. Everybody invited. Advertising is the life of trade. Chemists Upset Ancient Maxim by Spying on the Work of the Industrious Silkworm. A pllk purse made from sows' ears, as chemistry' answer to the old say ing that it couldn't be done, was shown at the chemistry exposition in New York recently. In announcing the successful result of experiments, Arthur D. Little, luc, chemists and engineers of Cambridge, Mass., said the 6llk was not very strong and that there was no present Industrial value in the process in volved. It was more or less the prod uct of chemistry at play, but a con tribution also to philosophy Id prov ing the fallacy of the old proverb. In reciting the factors that entered Into the transition, of sows' ears from Chicago stockyards to a silk purse such as a woman might carry, the chemists explained that the first step was to analyze the silkworm's method of making silk. This done, Its cater- pillar chemistry was copied In the laboratory. It was found that man had to pro- Vide a Substitute for a process by which the silkworm exudes from two tine ducts in Its head minute threads of a viscous liquid, coated with an- other secretion, which are cemented into a double strand. This becomes a firm filament of silk when it coagu- lutes nn reaching the air. Analysis of this viscous liquid showed it to be like glue and witn somewhat similar chemical properties. The sow's ear being chiefly gristle and skin, also has the natural elements of glue. This was obtained from the ears and It was put through several processes of preparation, filtered under pressure and placed in spinning ap paratus of a special design. j The solution of glue and chemicals , came out as sixteen very fine color- ! less streams, joined into one composite l fiber, treated to give it strength and j color and processed yet again to ob- j tain the desired 60ft silk feel. The j weaving followed on a small hand loom, the fabric was formed and the purse made. ' A STRAY SHETLAND PONY Taken up at my place, five mile south of Murray. The owner may j nave uy eauing ior same, paying for this advertisement and other charges for care. HERMAN SMITH We do all kinaa or jot printing. REV. BUCHANAN IS MARRIED IN ILLINOIS Former Murray Pastor and Bride to Spend Year in Scotland Ac count of Wedding. From the Monmouth (III.) Daily Herald we take the. following ac count of the marriage of Rev. J. I). Buchanan, former pastor of the Mur ray U. P. church, which occurred on September 1st. Rev. Buchanan left a few days before the ceremony, preaching his farewell sermon to the congregation at Murray, August 28, and will spend a year or more abroad, attending the graduate school of Theology at Edinburgh, Scotland. Here is the account: "The west side U. P. church was the scene at noon today of one of the prettiest weddings of the season, when the Rev. J. Dales Buchanan claimed Miss Helen Barr Huey, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. S. G. Huey, as his wife. Preceding the ceremony Miss Lurlene Sneath play ed a selection on the harp. At twelve, to the strains of the Lohengrin Bri dal chorus, the bridal party entered the church. First in the wedding party were the ushers, Gordon Marsh and Homer Maxwell, of Cannons burg. Pa. Following the ushers came the two bridesmaids, Mrs. Leonard Killey and Miss Ruth Huey. sister of the bride and Miss Grace Huey, who was her sister's maid of honor. The flower girls were Margaret Richard son and Ruth Lukens. The Rev. J. Dales Buchanan and his brother, Bruce Buchanan, . with the bride's father. Rev. Huey, who performed the ceremony, met the others' of the bridal party at the altar. "The bride's dress was of white ivory satin with over drape of burnt out lape and she carried a boquet of white brides roses and snap dragons. The church was beautifully but simp ly decorated for the occasion. "Immediately after the ceremony, the wedding party went to the home of the bride's parents, where a re ception for relatives and close friends was held. The house was simply, but artistically decorated with the pink and orchid asters. After the reception a three-course wedding breakfast was served by the friends of the bride. "Both Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan are well known in college circles. Mrs. Buchanan is a graduate of Central H. S. in St. Louis, with the class of 1914. She was a student of music at Cora th's conservatory in St. Louis, at the time of her removal to Mon mouth early in 1914. She entered Monmouth college and was graduat ed from the Conservatory of music with the class of 1917. Mrs. Buchan an is an accomplished musician and for the last two years she was the head of the music school in connec tion with the Geneseo Collegiate Lu- Say, Neighbor, do you know that we are carrying the very best in line of Poultry, hog and stock foods, and have same in any quantity you need? These foods are a tonic for the stock and a stimulant for the laying hens. We are right here and are standing behind the goods. See us and we will furnish you all the proof of value of the goods required. Pure drugs compounded and a full line of drug gist's sundries, as well as school supplies, ready for immediate use. n i .urray MURRAY -:- . j stitute of Geneseo. 111. In June of 192if sne received her degree of B. g. from Monmouth college, "Rev. Buchanan is a graduate of i the M. H. S. and also of Monmouth j college with the class of 191o. He served two years in the army as a : s"u lieutenant t me -sin r.rri,: Artillery. Last May he was granted the degree of Bachelor of Divinity from Princeton Theological seminary and hjs Master of Arts tlfcBree frn princeton university at Princeo)i j je was awarded a fellowship 'in Apologetics at the Graduate 1 ivi Over that Hot Stove, Too! Why pay three dollars and scventy-hve cents for that bushel of peaches, work over the boiling hot stove and get fifteen quart cans of the fruit, then pay for the sugar, and furnish the container, which makes the fruit alone not counting the can cost you 26 cents each. When you can purchase the peaches and the finest put up in heavy syrup, including the cans for only 27!? cents each. Did you ever stop to figure the matter out. We would be pleased to take your order for the fruit already canned, and save you the hard hot work. F. T. WILSON THE SERVICE STORE MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA list Settle The book accounts of the Hardware and Imple ment business contracted while conducted by W. I I. Puis, and later by Mr. Puis for August Meyers, must be adjusted at once. The books of both firms are at the Vallery Garage, where Mr. Puis will look after making settlement and closing up all accounts. All those who know themselves indebted to either firm are notified to come in without delay. We have waited patiently thus far, but these accounts must be settled at once. AUG MEYER W. H. PULS The Corn is Ripening ! Are you ready for it's gathering? Do you need an Elevator for the handling of the crop. Come see us and we will make you a very attractive price on what you need. Do not wait to long for we will need some time to secure the elevator. Are ou needing a press drill for your fall seeding? We are carrying the popular lines. Save Some Phoney Here! You can buy an -$85.00 Mower How for $70.00- Which will save you $15.00. Better think of this! Peterson Hardware Co. J. V. Pelerson, Manager MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA D ruff Co. NEBRASKA School of Theology f the University (,f Edirburgh, Scotland. "Ti'e liride and groom left on the afternoon train fi-r Chicago e:i roiti f) Niagara Falls. Toronto, I5iil'lal. and Albany. From Albany they will go down the Hudson river to New York City, from which place they will sail on the Columbia Sept. lo for Glasgow, Scotland. They will be abroad at leat a y :ir while Rev. Buchanan is atteixliiv the I'niver )ly. In the lew days b fore 1 1 1 Cni vr.-it y opens they will spend in the Highlands of Scotland." Accounts!