The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1921.
we're going to feature special values in boys' school clothes, waisls, caps, ties,
underwear and sweaters. Just now we offer Boys' Knicker Suits in wide selec
tion, ages 6 to 18, good sturdy clothes at
6 to
Did you read our prize contest ad? We offers $10 Sweater and 19 other prizes to
the school boys town or country) who make the most words of our name.
Ask us about it!
Churches, Schools, Lodges and Eos
pitals May be Included if Used
for Financial Gain.
At a meeting of the state board of
equalization and taxation State Tax
Commissioner W. J I. Osborne report
ed to the board that there was con
siderable property, such as hospitals
and 'schools that are maintained from
sources ether than public funds;
church property other than that
used exclusively by the the church
for religious purposes; lodge prop
Back Suspender
Honorably Made
J i I imf -tKii j" - r i ii i ii'if ii f 1 1t tPI
We know this inspection meaus a sale.
Honorable men want the best in working Clothing.
The CARIIARTr BRAND is honorably made from the best of
Again let us invite you.
A Time Book free; It's Carharrt's. too.
Special for Saturday!
100 men's caps odds and ends, in big shapes, small shapes
all colors and of various materials bot during war times. These
caps sold from $1.50 to $2.50; sizes 6 3-4 to 7 3-8, Saturday,
25c Each
5 for $1.00. If you need a good work cap, see 'em.
P---- 1 . ill
1921 SE?TMBER 92l
-r TiTZ Tut wgo tmu f'. ,r'
. 1 i a Tl
T 5 6 7 8 9 io
TTTT 3 i4J5LiLJ-2-
this n
so Boys' Waists, fast color, full cut, standard
to 1 6, light and dark colors, at
C. E. Wescotfs Sons
erty that does not come within the
purvey oX the exemption clause of
the constitution and other property
which has heretofore been exempted
from taxation that has been im
properly omitted from the tax rolls
of the state and complying with Sec
tion 4 of Article 3 of the new Reve
nue bill and asked the board for In
st ructions as to how he shall pro
ceed. The board directed the tax com
missioner to make an investigation in
the ninety-three counties cf the state
and to prepare a definite list of all
the so-called educational and relig
ious institutions together with the
full ind complete list of all hos
pitals and lodges that are not now
entered upon the tax rolls, for their
further consideration.
Under, the provisions of the bill,
the state board, after examining into
All trusted men who are inter
ested in Working Clothing to call
at our store and inspect the Car
hartt Brand.
High Back
For Honorable Men
them in west window!
sizes QfJ
the facts, shall caused to be served
upon any person, company or cor
poration affected by such an as
sesrment. an order to show came
why such an assessment -shall not
be made. This will require quite
an extended hearing, inasmuch as
each individual case will necessarily
have to stand upon its own showing
to the extent that they are permit
ted to be exempt from taxation.
The tax commissioner and the
board are relying upon the provis
ions of the new constitution which
provides that "propert owned and
used exclusively for educational, re
ligious, charitable or cemeterial pur
poses, when such property is not
owned or used for financial gain or
profit to either the owner or user,
for exemption." Educational insti
tutions that have under the old con
stitution, been permitted to escape
taxation upon the theory that they
are educational, will be asked to
show to the board that they are not
!run for gain or "profit. This Is like
wise true of the hospitals and other
similar institutions.
It is pot the intent of the board to,
In any way, seek to tax charitable or
ganizations, but the board feels that
i there has been a large abuse of this
privilege and the makers of the con
stitution discussed this very proposi
tion at length at the time they sub
mitted the proposal for the ratifica
tion of the people. It is contended by
the board that the constitution took
effect January 1, 1921. and that nil
legislative acts prior to that date are
abrogated by the new constitution
and'that inasmuch as the last legis
lature approved the making of all
exemptions in harmony with the con
stitution, then the constitution is to
be taken literally and is to be the
guide of the state board.
The large volume pf this class of
property is in the city of Omaha, but
there is a vast amount of such prop
erty scattered over the entire state
and the board feels that this is one
source of relief that may be extended
to the taxpayers inasmuch as it is
expected tht the valuation of this
property will reach into the, millions.
A full and complete hearing will
be granted to all concerned, but the
board feels obliged to make a thor
ough search for this. class of prop-'
erty and where the exemption , is
not Justified, to compel its being
listed for taxation.
The many Louisville friends of
Frederick Jochim of Tecumseh, will
be surprised to learn of his marriage
August 21. 3 921, .to Miss Magdalena
Loptin, of Crah Orchard, Nebraska.
The ceremony occurred at the Luth
eran ohurch . In -that vicinity, the
pastor. Rev John Miller officiating.
A iine reception and dinner fol
lowed at the home of the bride's
parents. The bride was born In Sar
py county-but. moved to Johnson
county (wt years ago with her par
ents. -Shift-Is a fine young lady and
hdghly inspected as is also the groom,
who is a son of the late Stephen
Jochim, of Cass county, one of the
prominent pioneers of this vicinity.
He has been making his home near
Tecunrseh, with his brother Henry
and family. He and his bride will
reside in Tecumseh for the present
and later will move to a farm near
The many friends of Mr. Jochim
Join with the Courier 1n extending
Congratulations and best wishes for
a long and happy wedded life, at
tended by prosperity and many bles
sings. Louisville Courier.
Takea up at my place, five miles
south of Murray. The owner may
have by calling for same, paying
for this advertisement and other
charges for care. .
The storm lato yesterday after
noon and last night in the vicinity
of Avoca was quite severe and th
damage there will amount to sever
al hundred dollars as 'the storm
reached the extent of a. small sized
cyclone fcr sometime.
The wind was blowing at a very
high rate from the northwest and
caused a quite noticeable lot in
stock and property. The Mohr farm
west of Avcca suffered the loss of
four horses which were killed in the
field and other farmers were dam
aged in los-3 of live stock and blow
ing down of outbuildings and wind
mills. In the town of Avoca the damage
was notic3able but fortunately no
one was injured as far as could be
learned hero today. The Farmers'
elevator had, the roof removed by
the effect of the wind and the wind
ows in a number of the business
houses were blown in during the
fury cf the wind storm.
Anion,' the residences that suffer
ed more or less damage was that of
Elmer Ilallstrom but the family
were not injured in the least as a
message received here this after
noon states the telephone wires were
blown Jown during the storm and
the only moans of communicatiar
was through the telegraph lines to
the east. Considering the fury of the
storm the residents of Avoca are
feeling themselves very fortunate in
secaping as easily a9 they did.
Eagle and Elmwood were also is
olated by the wind, from telephone
communication as the wind storm
traveled easterly from Lincoln ane
made a detour through the westerr
and south rortion of Cass county.
The damage at Eagle was largely
confined to the lumber yard and the
hardware stcre. and at the store the
building was unroofed by the force
of the wind and the lumter storec'
in the yard? at the lumber yard wa;
scattered ;er a considerable area.
Reports received here this after
neon from the vicinity of Union stat
that the storm was not severe ir
town but that' the farm of U.L. Han
sen, south of that place sufferer"
heavily, every building on the place
with the exception of the residence
itself, being swept away. No one wai
injured in the storm, however.
The general appearance of thf
sky was verj threatening during th
afternoon yesterday ond for a time
it was feared at Lincoln that thr
city was to be visited by a most ter
rific stjrm but which fortunately
lost most cf its force before strik
ing there and In the Cass county
Fake Theft of Cars to Collect In
surance Revealed in Unearth
ing of the "Plant."
The efforts of the Omaha police
force in the last week have resulted
In revealing the existence of a ring
that had as its object the stealing o
automobiles and the collection of the
insurance on the cars. The general
plan of the gang seems to have beei:
to get in touch with the auto ownei
and by his consent take the Insured
car, remove it to Omaha, destroy the
signs of identification and then later
to disoose of the car while the own
er made the collection of the. insur
ance from the company that had
taken the risk on the car.
This condition of affairs has con
tinued for some time and was re
vealed on last Saturday night when
the Omaha police by a "plant" of a
supposed stolen car secured the ar
rest of a number of the members or
the gang.
In their various operations, it ap
pears the organization has involved
some of the residents of near Avoca.
and while the crime, if any there
was, occurred In Douglas county,
one of the cars in the case has come
from this county.
It seems from the facts secured,
that the owner of the car and the
gang of Omaha robbers met in that
city and arranged the details of the
conspiracy and the Cass county man
returned home and left his car where
it would be easy to "steal" and show
ed the foresight to take the good top
off the car and substitute an old one
so he would be that much further
ahead on the proposition.
Everything worked lovely and had
It not been for the arrests made in
Omaha, the parties might still be en
joying the fruits of their unlawful
The drawings held yesterday at
Torrington, Wyoming, for fhe land
In the Goshen Hole district of that
state failed to result successfully for
any of the Plattsmouth service men
registering and R. H. Armstrong, of
Greenwood was the only Cass county
boy to win one of the 250 claims.
Quite a number from this locality
registered but without any apparent
luck. II. J. TiMiefrer of this citT.
who was among the unsuccessful api
pilCantS, plans to go on up xo rran-
nie to participate in . tne bnosnone
project drawing next week, before
he will be content to return and re
sume his railroad work.
Mont Robb, the grain dealer, was
in the city yesterday afternoon for
a few hours a.nd spent the time vis
iting with hfs'many friends here
!r 7rij
-tal.nnMyuii i i r
' II I fll
im hi vm tmmm itbt
. J
' 1
I odJ
Corn Elevators!
Ve are prepared to helpyou harvest the biggest
corn crop in the history of Nebraska with the best corn
elevators ever built King & Hamilton, of Ottawa, 111., .
make this elevator.
There has been a substantial reduction from last
year's prices. We also crry the famous Ottawa shel-.
ler, which has no equal.
A good second hand feheller cheap caih or on
This afternoon Anton Nlfk-i t-.
turned home to this city aft'.r a
stay of several weeks at thr I ri -uel
hospital in Omaha wherj h:
taken the time of his MfV-r? ar
dent. Mr." Nitka, it will r-v.r.k,
was driving an auto with fcerra.!
companions in the vicinity of I'a'.'.f-
I ic Junction when they collided v'.t.h
a horse and buggy and as the rffmW
Mr. Nitka suffered very severe in
jury and his recovery was consider
ed the matter of grave doubt for sev
eral days. John A. Schulhof, a
brother-in-law. was in Omaha and
accompanied Mr. Nitka home.
A very quiet wedding took place
last Thursday evening at the M. E.
parsonage at 8 o'clock where Miss
Jessie Reynolds and Charles Clifton
were united in marriage bv Rev. R.
Miller. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Miller be
ing the only ones present to witness
the ceremony.
The bride came here about a year
ago freni Plattsmouth, where she
wis raised and educated. She has
been employed here in the Co-Operative
tore and has made many
friends by her pleasant and amiable
Mr. Clifton received practically all
of his education in our public schools
here and graduated in the class of
1920. He has been with the Co-Operative
store also since he finished
school which place he still retains
and is a young man of sterling quali
ties, good habits and a young man
whom it is a pleasure to meet. They
will make their home with Mr. Clif
ton's parents for the present and
will be at home to their friends at
that place. We extend to this young
couple our hearty congratulations
and best wishes. Havelock Times.
'l!"!1 ' 't 'S' 'S "S"S" I"1"S' 'S '$ 'I'
Mrs. Chas. Cook came up" from
Falls City Tuesday evening, called
by the illness cf her mother, Mrs.
C. C. ilenner.
Tom Renner, who was on the de
tail as guard at the state fair, came
home Tuesday evening on leave owing-
to the illnes of his mother.
Otto Leffel has been limping about
on a rheumatic leg for the past
week. It is very painful, but he
continues to look after the railroad
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gleiwi and
children, William, Mary and James,
of Hamburg. Iowa, Avere here over
Sunday visiting his mother, Mrs.
MerJ Lanning.
Mrs. '. C. Renner has been quite
'ill since her return from her recent
trip to Ohio. Her condition, while
not serious, is not yet alarming, and
her many friends hope that she may
scon be out again.
Frank Lanning continues to im
prove, and has now got to the place
where it is said he is so cranky none
can please him. This is a most
gratifying indication of his Improve
ment, as it is said to be an unfailing
sign that the patient is on the road
to recovery. '
An Order to Pay!
Your check on this bank is your order to
us to pay a certain amount to a specified
person. When the check is' cancelled
(cashed) it forms your receipt.
You eliminate the necessity of carrying
cash and put your personal affairs on a
business-like basis.
Deposits Protected by
The Bank of
Established 1881
AU L It .
tyu'X f. .-.. cv.'j.tif.t backache,
;J-fp, cir'''-)? 'r-'i' jt urinary di
tfr. "':- fjr.r A dropsy or
i-.tiZht -,;r! U tvo it-rio'js to ig-
! hr y, ;T irrt si fc-!-born. Ak
'm. T. Af:hr, p-'-.z.?. ss:i.y ir
.th ?..-::?., f.zj.', "A, a r ; all paint
'ty. ar- fXj?..r'I r.h Os.rt'-.r:' kid
neys lifta;.w ' ' tifr f 'A uh tur
pentine. Thl ha. a:aj5 arreted icy
kidney.? when I hare hz lz...l work
to do more than when (fi'Mit. I have
had to get up as often, erery hour
of the night to pass the secretior.s.
Sometimes when going up or down
the ladder, I wouli hare uick Pit
ches take me in my kidneys that felt
like needles. I have always found
Doan's Kidney Piil a very reliable
medicine for this trouble. A few al
ways give me good relief and keep
my kidneys in good and active con
dition. I wouldn't be without Doan's
for I know what they wilT do and
have done. I believe such a remedy
as Doan's should be given the bet
of praise, knowing as I do from per
sonal use of them."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Archer had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Deputy J. W. Edwards and W. S.
DeMoss paid a visit to the sand bar
in the Missouri opposite Plattsmouth
last week and found a still and the
man who operated the same. The man
and still and the product on hand
amounting to 1 gallons, were brot
to Glenwood and Gordon Corcran
was placed in jail. On Tuesday Cor
cran had a preliminary before Jus
tice Goodrich and was fined $100
and costs. The same was paid and
the offender went his own way.
Glenwood Tribune.
Among the Plattsmouth young
men to take up the lines of higher
education is Carl Schneider, son of
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schneider, who
is to leave soon for Hastings, Ne
braska, to enter the Presbyterian
college in that city and take up his
work for the term. Mr. Schneider is
one of the class of 1921 of the local
high school and will develcpe the
opportunities that the high school
has given him in the higher lines of
Chronic Catarrh
Our manner of living make us
very susceptible to' colds and a suc
cession of colds Cannes chronic ca
tarrh, a loathsome disease with which
it is estimated that ninety-Hee per
cent of our adult population are af
fiictd. If j'ou would avoid chronic
catarrh, you must avoid colds, or,
having contracted a cold, get rid of
it as quickly as possible. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is highly recom
mended as a cure for colds and can
be depended upon.
State Guarantee Fund.