The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1921
Yon Can Save Money
on Wednesday!
Reg. Price
32x4 Standard cord tires. . . .$43.85
32x4 tubes 3.85
30x3 tubes 2.25
Special Price
Also former saving on spark plugs for the day.
The Garage Man
Mrs. C. F. Hite was not feeling so
well during the later portion of last
week. !
Kenneth Tool and Wm Meyers
were enjoying the auto races at Lin
coln last Monday.
Miss Martha and Rebecca Lau
were visiting with friends in Oma
ha last Thursday.
Chris F. Hite and eon. Floyd, and
John Amgwert were visiting in Om
aha last Wednesday.
Misses Henrietta and Jennie Baur
were visiting In Omaha for a num
ber of days last week.
Miss Mable Rockford of Omaha
has be-jn visiting for some time at
the home cf W. 11. Rush.
A. J. Tool took a day off for fish
ing and had Margaret look after the
business during his Absence.
Jesse Lanholm and family were
viniting and looking after some bus
iness in Omaha last Thursday.
Otto Miller and family and TV. A.
Schutz and family were attending
the state fair last Wednesday.
Herman Zeirot and wife were vis
iting at the state fair last Wednes
day driving over in th&ir car.
TV. F. Sailling and son, Wm. of
Omaha were locking after some bus
iness in Murdock last Thursday.
C. L. Miller and son. Emil, and S.
Essert were looking after some busi
ness over near Union last Tuesday.
Charles Brown of South Bend was
locking after some business matters
in Murdock Jast Thursday evening.
Dr. A. R. Hornbeck and wife and
Louis Hornbeck and family were at
tending the state fair last Tuesday.
The Rev. I. Laipply was attending
a meeting of Ms church which wa$
beinb held at Ithica during last week.
Mrs. Harry Gillespie is visiting at
the home of her brother. Gale Mc
Donald at Hampton for a short time.
Ray Baliin is engaged cutting
down the trees which interfere with
the electric light line ast of Mur
dock. Business called Mr. E. TV. Thim
gan to Lincoln last "Wednesday and
while there he also attended the
state fair.
John Amgwert and family were
visiting at the state capitol last Mon
day and also attending the state
fair as well.
While A. J. Bauer was visiting at
the fair at Lincoln last Thursday
Uncle Geo. Skiles was looking after
the business.
Fred Dei k man was looking after
some business matters and also vis
ited with friends at the metropolis
last Monday.
John Gakemeier and TVm Keilson
were spending a few days in Omaha
with their friends during a portion
of last week.
Mr. and t Mrs. TVm, Gherts were
visiting in Lincoln and looking af
ter some business matters in the
capital city last Monday.
H. A. Gast was a visitor in Lin
coln monday as he says on business
but he seemed to know about the
auto races just the same.
TV. H. Rush, TVm Stachiski and
Robert Crawford were looking after
some business and attending the
state fair one day last week.
Carl Cunningham of Liberty was
a visitor with his friends Henry
Rueter and family and with other
friends in this neighborhood.
Henry Inhelder was a business
aller in Lincoln last Thursday tak
ing a couple loads of cream and oth
er produce to the capital city.
Geo. Shackley and wife of near
Avoca were visiting at the home of
P. V. Pickwell and family last Sun
day, driving oved in their auto.
Geo. McGuire and family who
have been visiting at the home of
H. A. Tool and family, departed for
their home at Stratton last Thurs
day morning.
O. Baur and two neices. Misses
Hattte and Minnie, were visiting in
Ithica for a few days last week. Mn
Herman Kraft, his partner, being
very sick at his home there.
Harry V. McDonald and wdfe were
spending tha day in Omaha last
Thursday, where Mr. McDonald was
making purchase of holiday goods
for the coming winter season.
Mrs. Martin Bornemeier and sis
ter. Miss Selma BarueTile and Mrs.
Herman Gakemeier and son, Dean,
were visiting and looking after some
business In Omaha last Thursday.
TVm Meytrs, John- Pickwell. Wal
ter Baumgartner and Miss Margar
et Tool make up the list of those
who will attend the state university
for Murdock for the present school
Mrs. Louis Schmidt and lit
tle daughter were visiting at the
home of Mrs. Schmidt's parents.
Herman Kraft and wife of Ithica,
Waste and Decay!
are bound to follow neglect
of your property. Better
have it painted This is
insurance. See me for prices
on all kind of painting
interior or exterior.
625,000 BOTTLES i
Biggest -Thing of Kind Ever Seen in
That State, Declares a Big
Eastern Wholesaler.
The fact that 625,000 bottles of
Tanlac have ben sold in the state
of New York since Its introduction
there less than one year ago, is a
big business item that will attract
unusual attention throughout the
entire east, for nothingrlike it has
ever happened before. It breaks all
records. -: ' 'V
Mr. George B. Evans,: manager of
the Gibson-Snow company,' the well
known wholesale druggists, ' with
branches in Albany, Buffalo,' Roches
ter and Syracuse, recently announced
that the preparation was now selling
in their trade territories alone at the
phenomenal rate of approximately
500,000 bottles a year.'
"If the present rate continues."
said Mr. Evans, "this state alone will
probably require considerably over
cojd 750,000 bottles a year. This is a
iremenaous ngure, dui i am reany
conservative in making this state
ment." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by
F. G. Fricke and Company; in Mur
ray by the Murray Drug company,
. town.
Fall Plowing Now!
The harvest is over and thrashing done now for
the Fail plowing. We have the facilities for this task
plows, tractors and also seasonable farming machinery.
See us for the things you are needing. You will be sur
prised at what we can show you.
Also the Mullo-Uotor Washer!
Oils and Gasoline!
The Implement Man
3-lb. stitched cotton batt 98c
Boys school shoes, good weight and made to wear. $3
New cretones and comfort challies 25-35c
Ne wcase of White Rose cotton batts, comfort
size just received. Also big assortment of D. M. C.
floss in a full line of colors.
- Murdock Mercantile Co,,-
called there by the extreme illness ""-T wV. .Z tft a h.
of Mr Kraft .-lights which aTe soon to be here.
Wm Gakemeier and family of Chi- , . . , ,
cago have been visiting friends and Muraock School Opens
relatives in Murdock and vicinity! Arrangement for the opening of
for thn nast few davs and hav hpon the schools at Murdock have been
guests at the home of Henry Gake-! completed and the year of study for and tfae ieading druggist in every
meier whila h"ere. ine cnnareii uu uesau. iucic na.3
Jamen Buskirk 'anrf W. A Kohntz much work been done of the build-
will exchange farms this year, Mr. ings to place them in condition to
Schutz where Mr. Buskirk farmed .set through the year with. Just,
last year and Mr. Buskirk will oc-! what will bv done for a permanent-
cupy the place where Mr. Schuta'riace rcr noiamg scaooi oniy iue
farmed last year. j coming months can tell.
We asked Max Dusterhoff fori '
seme news. He said. "I don't know Xanred Wheat for Sale
anything but work, work, work and I have some excellent Kanred seed espial Trains to Arrive Here Friday
Mornine at Daybreak First
Sure we have fine bargains in anything you want
in our line, at the
The Dusterhoff Shops,
that all the time as things are so wheat for sale. This has yielded
rushing at this time it keeps me and good on my farm this year and is
Joe busy all the time,"
Mrs. Simon Bornemeier and son,
Daniel, and Mrs. Margaret Borne
meier and son. Edward, of Elm wood
were visiting for a number of days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Kissinger near Glenvil. "
W. A. Schutz and family returned
last week from a trip which included
worth while sowing.
Murdock, Nebr.
Birthday Party
Saturday evening the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ferdinand Lau was the
serene of much merry making, which
lasted well into the night, when
One in Several Years.
For the first time in a good num
ber of years a really big circus is
going to visit Plattsmouth. Among
young and ld alike this announce
ment will be received with pleas
ure. The Campbell-Bailey-Hutchinson
Combined Circus and Wild West
a week in the western portion of the e m-tv of the voung folks of tne'hw is .tne one ,to which we refer
Keep Well and Be Happy
If you would be happy you must
keep jour bowels regular. One or
two of Chamberlain'3 Tablets taken
immediately after supper will cause
a gentle movement of the bowels on
the following morning. Try it.
Two lots and modern 6-room home,
full basement, best location in town.
Call telephone 598 or write P. O.
box 26. lw-d&w
Books! Books! Books! Wc have
them till you can't lest, at the Jour
nal Office.
E. 11. Scbulhof,
Phone 3S9-J.
We can furnish yoa blank booki
most any kind at Journal office.
Piano and Musical Theory
Pupil of W. II. Sherwood
Res. with John Waterman
Corner Sth and Locust
state. visiting wath their friend. Ja
cob Rummell and family and Fred
Horn and family near Beaver City. !
The members of the Callihan Y.
P. A. gave a reception to their mem
bers and friends at -the home of Hen
ry Reikman last Thursday evening
at which there was a large crowd
present all enjoying an excellent
time. c
J. E. McHugh, Louis Hornbeck,
Harry Gillespie and Lacey McDonald
left Saturday for Beaver Lake in.
Cherry county, where they will put
in a week or 'ten days hunting and
fishing, where the lake and game
Charles Traver and wife of Oma
ha were guests at the home of H. A.
Guthman and wife for a few days
last week and on Saturday evening
were all guests at the home of Gust
Wendt to a watermelon feed, which
all enjoyed.
Miss Frances Theile went to Om
aha last Monday to begin a second
year in tha school at the Home of
the Go:d Shepherd and was accom
panied by her brother, Albert, and
sister, Martha Theile, they making
the trip in their auto.
H. W. Tool and Wm Meyers are
constructing a boat which they will
use for hunting and fishing on the
Platte river when completed. They
are having plenty of assistance, es
pecially when it comes to good a'd
vice and 10 how to build the craft.
S. Leis and mother have been
enjoying a visit from a sister of Mr.
Leis, Mary who was accompanied
by her daughter. Miss Etta and son
Geo. and Frank frcm Waterbury,
they returning to their bomes last
Thursday after having had a most
delightful time.
Miss Catherine Tool, who will
teach ct the Fourth school the com
ing year, departed last Saturday for
that place to take up her vear's
work, and was driven down by the
family in their auto on last Satur
day, they visiting also for a short
time while there.
There will be a meeting of the
Cass county Medical association at
Plattsmouth on Wednesday, Septem
ber 14. and it is expected that all
the physicians from over the county
will be m attendance. The meeting
is to be held at Elks' Home where
the madics will be guests of the
II. V. McDonald and family and
II. A. Tool and family were at Ilea
dow last week where they enjoyed
risning. tno tamily of Mr. Tool catch
ing fifty fish on one day. The fol
lowing day Lacey McDonald and
Will Meyers were able to land just
one less. fourty-nme, still they
thougnt fishing was good
.. . ; . l ...111
cf Louisville and Murdock ana. In?ir V'1 tirLUS. ""
cr, thfr rt.frhtr F.ila with , arrive nere rnaay morning ior two
a party in celebration of her birth-1 exhibitions, one at 2 p m. and one
dav. Games played at dusk, murfc at 8 p m While not guaranteed
and singing furnished entertain-, to be the largest this is said to be
mcnt for the evening and the tasty one of the best shows on the road,
and appetizing refreshments were and its 1921 tour has been most suc
wel corned by the crowd after the J cessful. ... , '
fun uiven as iue piiutipai icasuu iui
Those prt-sent were: Edward. Ar-,tms is me iaci mai me mauise-
thur and Hilda Peters, Louie, Lou- naent bas spared neitner money or
isa and Clara Wehrman, Laura Neu- trouDie to mate meir penormance
man. Fred and Amelia Kupke, Ed- the equal ot any ever preseniea un-
ward, Martha and Leroy Stohlman. aer a circus canvas. iue reuid.
Ada an I William Lau. Lydia. Selma ' circus program is openea a
and William Nenmann. Carl, Paul Dcauuiui painouc custiuuie,
IiuIp ind Klsi Kunke. Emma. Min-i serves to introduce ine enure per
Will Have Lyceum Course
Arrangements have been complet
ed for the fciring of a lecture course
for Murdock during the winter
which will consist of four numbers
and will be relatively about a month
apart. The first number wall be given
at the M. . A. hall on October 7th.
Look for further announcement of
the entertainment.
me and t recericK stoniman, AiDen
and George Kraft, Clara, Cora and
Afrnes Rlssman. Clara. Lydia and
sonnel from the big dressing rooms.
Then, with blood-stirring music
from the large concert band, the
Frederick Stohlman,. George and , acts follow each otner in oewnaer-,
Fred Tonack. waiter, strov, tstner, ms raymny. Jiummcui
- . . . 1 , a, : . . . :
Hulda and PpuI Reinke, Anna, Clara aispiays are cue truuua iruuye m a
ami Alma Scheel. Merie Wills and series of new and daring feats in
Elizabeth Rofahl of Omaha. Anna, the air and on the ground, the Dav-j
Ella, -3ara Manda. Alma, Selma. and enport family or Riders, tne azuki
Bill Lau and Mr. and Mrs. Ferdin- Japs, Campbell-Bailey-Hutcbinson s ,
and Lau.
Heaters, ranges, oil stoves, gas
stoves, oil heaters, laundry Btoves,
Furniture Store. Plattsmouth.
Say It with
Flowers!4 "
herd of performing elephants, Ro-
chetta, the man who walks on his
head, and a score of other acts. The
J clowns number 25 and include some
of the funniest jesters known. Al
most three hours of solid enojyment
is given those who attend, and this
is augmented by a thrilling Wild
West exhibition entitled "The Pass
ing of the West."
There will be the usual free street
parade at noonday. Performances
start at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open
one hour earlier.
Three Lines of Cars?
We have three excellent lines of cars to choose
from and each a leader in its class. The Buick, which
cannot be beaten anywhere and no line barred.
The Dodge Brothers also one of the most reliable
and sturdy cars in the market.
The Ford, you all know its Stirling work and dur
ability. See us for these cars, and also remember we are
prepared to look after your repairing, no matter what
the line or make of cars we are equipped for the job.
w imwM
KKfl H aiuvriH mm mm w rr i mm W V
UUI I DBBlll W B ii Ul
The Automobile Man
Qualify! Service!
You get them all here.
Funeral sprays and de
signs a specialty. Try us
first. Remember we're as
near as the nearest phone.
L. M. MULLIS, Florist
Green House Phone 623
Now Living in Murdock
Mr. E. K. Norton the owner of the
Murdo:k market, has gotten the
family moved from Weeping Wa
ter to . Murdock and in a manper
settled down. On account of the
scarcity of bouses he has been com
pelled to cccupy two places for liv
ing, one being the two rooms in the
little building next to Wm Gherts
and the other being the front room
of the building next to the telephone
exchange. However, he is able to
get moved and 'the children ready
for school which starts today.
Very Attractive Window
One would know that the old
weather is coining when they look
ed in tha tst window cf the Mur
dock Mercantile Company store for
it ds repleta with things from which
warm bed clothes are made. Take a
lok and if there is not something
Poultry Wanted!
i The news of the death of J. Hen-:
. ry A&h. who died at high noon at St.
Joseph's hospital in Omaha, Wednes- j
day, came as a great shock to the
community and all who have known J
Mr. Ash during his residence here. :
Mr. Ash has been ailing for the ',
past seventeen years, but it was noti
until the last few days that his ail-j
ment became serious. A complication !
of diseases tet in and Mr. Ash was
removed to the hospital from his
home on Thursday whre his condi
tion ranidly changed and he passed
away without a struggle.
Henry Ash was born in Whitewa
ter, Wis., on Jan. 15, 1873. With his
parents he moved to Louisville, Ne
braska, in the spring or is&u, wnere
he spent his boyhood days.
On Febuary 2. 1899, he married
Katie liourke, youngest daughter of
Michael Bourke, deceased. To this
union were born twelve children,
seven daughters and five sons.
Mr. Ash was engaged in farming
until the last two 5'ears, which he
spent in working in 'and around
Weeping Water.
Mr. Ash leaves to mourn his loss,
besides wife and children, on broth
er, Will of Weeping Water, four sis
ters, Mrs. Charles Bringman of King
man, Kan.,- Mrs. Nellie Robinson
and Miss Francis Ash of Chicago,
and Mrs. J. Keenley. of r; Pittsburg.
Fa., and a host of relatives and
Funeral service Were held at St.
Patrick's Catholic church ' in Manley,
Saturday morning, and the remains
were laid to rest in the College
View 'cemetery, northeast of Manley.
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth, on Thursday, Sept. 15. one
day only, for which we will pay the
The afe in the office of John Mur
tey, the grsin and lumber dealer, at
Alvo was the target for the opera
tion of robbers a few nights ago
and as the result of the night call
the safe Was touched up for the sum
of $20 in change which had been
left in the supposed burgular proof
Hens, per lb. 20c safe for the night.
Springs, per lb 20c ,
Old Cox. ner lb 7c
, r j
Ducks, per lb.. 17c Just arrivedt everything for the
Remember the date. w win he household. Come In and give us a
on hand rain or shine and take care cnance to save you money
of all noultrv offered, for tnle new goods with a new price
KEENEY. phone 645
on the
Crib and Granary!
pays for all the material which is
used in a double crib and gran
arv. This is a double crib, with
driveway and granary above, with tight bins. This in
cludes the lumber, sand and cement for the same. The
l J- OA-Ofl l ..:k 1 U : 1 Q
UUllUUlg IS .UJkVJ 1CC1 YVllll glSUVJ Olllllglb tJJL.
pays for double crib, similar to above,
not having granary above, but provid
ing for driveway and crib room on
each side.
h f Q fk pays for a self feeding crib, caring for
2ra J 8rain ard at the same time feeding.
' See us for specifications and how the
same is constructed. We have the plans.
Tool, Nauman & EVlurtey,
MURDOCK ' -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Your B
We are doing battery charging and repairing. If
your battery is not doing its work, bring it to us and we
will remedy the evil.
We carry Mitchell and Oldsmobile parts, and are
equipped to furnish the best repair services on all makes
of cars at reasonable prices.
All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory
Laodholm Auto Co.,