MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1921. PAGE TWO PLATTSYOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTTRNAX ALVO DEPARTMENT A. J. Brobst and Dr. L. Muir were state fair visitors Thursday. A. I. Bird was in Omaha Wednes day and Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Foreman were state fair visitors Friday. Mrs. Nell Garcia visited Friday with her sister in Council Bluffs. Levi Tark, of Sterling. Colorado, Is spending a few days with relatives here. Mrs. Ella Prouty is having a gar age built on her property in East Alvo. . Miss Mildred Knight came down from Omaha last week to visit her parents. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lan caster September 8th, a ten pound daughter. Mrs. August Johnson was hostess to the Woman's Reading club last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. II. Moore are taking a short vacation, visiting relatives in Kansas. Dr. L. Muir and family spent the week-end with relatives in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Several from Alvo took Jn Ring ling Bros, show at Lincoln a week ago Saturday. " Miss Golda Bird spent Thursday and Friday in Lincoln with her sis ter. Miss Marie Bird. S. K. Johnson and family recent ly visited his brother, R. F. Johnson and family at Superior. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linch and Mr. and Mrs. James Pilkington autoed to the state fair Tuesday. Mrs. A. I. Bird and daughters. Iva and Eula visited relatives in Lin coln several days this week. James Friend recently purchased the Grandma Stone residence and Doug Stevens' residence property. Miss Marie Stroemer left last week for Gothenburg, where she teaches in the Primary department. Henry Thomas was married on September 7th to Mrs. Holdrege of Fairbury. They will reside in Alvo. Miss Lois Keefer left Friday for Milford. where she will teach in the city school, which open Monday, Sept. 12th. Miss Deris Arnold, of Excelsior Springs. Mo., has arrived to resume her position as teacher in the Alvo high school. Miss Alta Linch left Tuesday morn ing for Beatrice, where she will teach in the commercial department of the high school. Mrs. I. D. Willis was in Lincoln Friday morning and was accom panied home by her uncle, W. O. Boyle3 and wife. Miss Lois Keefer and cousin, Lynn Keefer were guests at i. 6 o'clock din ner We'''iesJay evening at the home -?rr ana .Mrs. u. i. uani tained at dinner Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. John Keefer and son, Lynn Keefer of Covina, Calif., and M. C. Keefer and family. Mrs. John Keefer and son, Lynn Keefer, of Covina, Calif., came in from Illinois and Iowa, where they have been visiting to visit her brother-in-law, M. C. Keefer and fam ily. Mrs. Dan Williams and sons, Len nox and Reese of DeWitt, spent a couple of days with relatives and friends here, leaving Friday noon for a brief visit with her sister, Mrs. Bessie Newman, of Meadow. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feldmann and daughter. Miss Helen, of . Sebetha, Kansas, spent several days here with Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore and daugh ter. Miss Blanche. While here they spent one day at the state fisheries at South Bend. The Ladies Aid society held their election of officers in the church basement at their meeting last Wed nesday, when Mrs. Myrtle Godbey was elected president; Mrs. William Timblin, vice president; Mrs. Her man, secretary and Mrs. S. C. Boyles, treasurer. There were 15 ladies in attendance. tY INTRODUCING "KID" BRUNO Fast Omaha Lightweight Slated to Meet Einnear Here the 14th. Prof IRov Kellv arrived Thurs day evening to take up his duties as superintendent or tne Alvo scnoois, which nripn Monday. SeDt. 12th. Mrs. Fred Prouty went to Have lock Thursday evening to help care for her daughter. Mrs. Clyde Lan caster. Mrs. Herbert Strong is also with them. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles enter Here, fight fans, is "Kid" Bruno, of Omaha, who will enter the ring here on next Wednesday night against Harry Kinnear of South Omaha in the Amer ican Legion's box ing show. These boys go in on equal terms, hav ing boxed a four round draw in Om aha on August 5th. Bruno is a popular fighter among Om aha followers of the game and is expect ed to give a good account of himself in this six-round semi-wlndup. A good bunch of Omaha fans will be down to witness the bout. Eruno lost his last fight in Omaha to a St. Paul boy, but the Omaha pa pers credited him with putting up the gamest sort of exhibition and sticking to the end against a heav ier and older opponent. 5 PROCEEDINGS OF COMMISSIONER OF GASS GOUN Office of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Cass County Plattsmouth. Nebr., ,,8ep .6th, 1921. Board meV-'pufsiiant to adjourn ment. PreeeWt; .F. Harris, Teu it. Gorder and George L. Farley, county commissioiies;i tledV R. Sayles, coun ty clerk. vr -., ., Minutes , or -last, session reau anu PDroved. wtiVn the following busi ness was transacted in regular form: Mother's pension of Mrs. v loia Auxier was renewed by order oi County Judge. The following claims were auauea and passed for payment on Funds as listed: GENERAL FUND Opal Fitzgerald, salary, Aug., 1921 au.uu Klopp Prtg. Co., claim No. 26. Dist. Court 31. ou . E. Hartford, fuel 3S0.45 Wm. Hassler, muse .4U Will T. Adams, salary, Aug., 1921 104.16 II. M. Soennichsen. prov. to Worden. Hart, Black and Schlensner 44 Omaha Prtg. Co.. claim No. 5308 Plattsmouth Water Co., wat er rent, Aug.. 1921 B. C. Marquardt & Co., prov. to Cottingham Fred H. Gorder, tel. tolls Geo. Ray, help Co. surveyor Bestor & Swatek, mdse. to Worden Allen J. Beeson, mother's pen sion orders a. Jess F. Warga, matl. and re pairs to court house John Hendricks, help Co. sur veyor J. W. Thomas, help county surveyor John Kopia. mdse. to Burian Mogensen & Hart, prov. to Brown . S. Chase, mdse. to Worden Adelia Sayles, help on tax list Philip Thierolf, mdse. to the county farm E. J. Richey, matl. to county farm 131 For Sale Four red coming 3 year old'heif ers, weighing around 800 lbs. ALBERT YOUNG. it at Mvol Best number one salt $3.00 a barrel at the Lumber Yard. JOHN CU3URTEY, ALVO NEBRASKA Dear Mr. Grain Grower! I have purchased the elevator and good will of the Farmers' Co-operative association of Alvo. See us, or call phone 2420 before selling your grain. LEE HILL, Owner Elbert Taylor, Resident Mgr. ALVO NEBRASKA Time to Seed Wheat! We have press drills the Van Brunt and Hoosier, two of the best makes on the market. Corn Elevators $90 LESS THAN LAST YEAR If you are going to need one this fall better get your order in early. Martha Haddon, same 20.00 Ethel Boetel, same 30.00 Martha Franke, same 20.00 Esther Heneger, same 20.00 Mae G. Hyde, same 30.00 Ida Schlieske, same 10.00 Ilallie Black, same 20.00 Margaret Lahoda, same 10.00 Viola Auxier, same 30.00 Minnie Mason, same 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 7.51 GO 6.91 3.75 S.00 6.45 6.00 1.00 9.00 6.00 S.00 5.00 24.00 3.00 25.00 6.S5 5.00 22.80 5.00 9.00 1.S5 10.40 70.68 16.00 45 53. 8S 295.14 5.50 S.00 3.00 33.60 3.70 2.10 " 2.10 2.10 176.53 Coalman Hardware Company, ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA :. G. Fricke, coal to county i. R. Snipes, salary and exp. Co. Farm Bureau, August James Robertson, insane case. Frances Koubek Dr. J. B. Martin, same Chas. E. Martin, atty., same. C. D. Quinton, same H. J. Chandler, same Anna Slavicek, same Frank Detlif, same Anton Koubek, same C. D. Quinton, salary and bd. prisoners. July 226.30 C. D. Quinton, salary and bd. prisoners, August, 1921 Fred H. Gorder, salary and mileage, Aug., 1921 128.95 Bauer & Kraft, prov. to Bol- den 18.30 Geo. R. Sayles, salary and ex pense, August Bestor & Swatek, mdse. to the county farm James B. McKee, mileage for August, 1921 134.60 Arthur jeffery, dirt from the Borrow pit for fill C. W. Crabtree, mdse. to Adams. Aug.. 1921 C. F. Harris, telephone tolls. August, 1921 Edna D. Shannon, fees for re filing C. F. Harris, salary and mile age. August. 1921 109.40 Castle, Roper & Matthews, for burial exp., John Haugh C. Boetel, drayage Standard Oil Co., gas to the county farm Klopp Prtg. Co., supplies, on claim No. 25 J. F. Brendel, M. D., salary, Co. phys.. 2nd qr., 1921 Alpha C. Peterson, salary and expense, August, 1921 J. E. Lambert, Borrow pit, S. 33-12-10 Jackman & Gibson, prov. to Wilson Wm. Rummel, mileage H. M. Soennichsen, mdse. to county farm 28 John Hartman, labor at the court house 13.60 Emanuel Boetel. helper 4.50 Dr. E. II. Worthman, insane case. M. D. Ruby 13.75 Milburn & Scott Co., supplies, claim No. 12-S 71.79 Alpha C. Peterson, appropria tion for institute, 1921 F. H. Nichols, mdse. to Peter son, August, 1921 J. A. Shaffer, report of births and deaths, 2nd jr.. 1921 Mrs. Minnie Brendel, same J. A. Gardner,;, same B. I. Clenientvv: same W. E. Hand.iiHatae..,, A. R. Stander.isa-irto Jessie Melvia..'Bamfi W. G. BoedekdrHame H. F. Kroppj eameLi J. "W. MagneriBame II. M. Soennichsen" same E. L. Hunter, same. L. R. Upton, same Dr. A. J. Mansfelde, same 172.46 .6.69 65.00 10.00 4.20 2.65 65.00 1.50 10.50 37.00 16.75 175.42 65.00 10.02 5.15 .45 8.75 5.00 22.00 116.00 5.60 68.00 35.00 15.60 47.50 126.30 27.50 67.40 11.28 3 1 9 15.90 6.00 5.00 168.30 15.00 5.65 10.30 7.50 39.80 10.00 3.50 3.50 15.00 50.60 . 28.08 8970 . 43.1 75.00 7.50 1.00 3.50 .50 3.50 2.50 1.75 1.50 8.75 1.25 U50 0.00 4.00 .50 .25 .25 .25 I). P. West, same J. W. Molzen. same Nebr. Gas & Elec. Co., service to county to Aug. 24, 1921 44.74 Hans Tarns, carpenter work, county farm Richardson & Reed, state of Nebraska 1921 map Omaha Prtg. Co., supplies on claim No. 5256 K. B. Prtg. Co., supplies on claim No. 92 Geo. L. Farley, salary and mileage. August, 1921 13 Louisville Weekly Courier, postals to treasurer 1 MOTHERS-PENSION FUND Clara AiatzKe. motner s pen- Fannie Nichols, same 15.00 Stella Persinger, same 20.00 Sophia May-Held, same 10.00 Minnie McMaken, same 30.00 C. B. Hadley. same 10.00 Erna Biggs, same 10.00 Nellie Garcia, same Nellie Jay, same Birdie Hicks, same , Amy Harris, same ROAD FUND Peterson Hdwe. Co.. mdse. to road district No. 10 $ P. C. Patterson, road work in road district No. 27 129.10 Ben Albin. same. RD 11 35.00 Ira Parker, two scrapers for RD No. 3 24.00 Joe Everett, road work in road district No. 11 A. F. Sturm. lumber, RD 12 Harry Gobleman, road work in road district No. 11 Matt Sulser, same, RD 1 Bestor & Swatek. mdse. to road district No. 1 E. B. Taylor, road work in road district No. 8 Frost, Curyea & Murtey, sup plies, road district No. S Lloyd L. Lewis, road work in road district No. 9 Anton Meisinger, road work in road district No. 2 1.20 Bestor & Swatek, mdse. to road district No. 1 1.00 S. C. Hackenberg, road work in road district No. 1 22.50 Mike Rys, matl. and labor, road district No. 10 Ed G. Meisinger, road work in road district No. 1 Aug. Graham, same, RD 9 Frank E. Wood, same, RD 9 Myrl P. Hall, same, RD 15 N. J. Becker, same, RD 16 C. H. Dysart, same, RD 11 Edw. Murphy, same, RD 9 Lambert Lister, same, RD 1 J. C. Niday, same, RD 11 J. W. Bird, same, RD 16 Orill Allen, same. RD 16 r. W. Elliott, gas to RD 10- John Bauer, oil to RD 1 James Johnson, labor and matl., RD No. 2 A. Pederson. repairing plow, road district No. 3 A. Pederson. for sharpening trrader. road district No. 2 J. W. Keil. road work. RD 2 B. L. Coffman, same. RD 13 B. L. Coffman, placing tube, road district No. 8 A. J. Schafer, road work in road district No. 9 104.00 Ixuis Keil. same. RD 2 Stohlman Hdwe. Co., mdse. to road district No. 3 Ed Tritsch. road work. RD 1 Otto Schafer, same. RD 9 Treas., Weeping Water City, prop, road money. RD 24 200.00 C laude Hixson, road work in road district No. 27 : Frank A. Barkening, road work, road district No. 2 Bill Pankonin. matl. to road district No. 3 Bon Raymond, road work in road district No. 11 Chas. Ayres, same, RD 6 Mead Lumber Co., lumber to road district No. 4 J. W. Wiseman, road work in road district No. 14 Andiew Schliefert, same, RD No. S 197.05 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., four fx-rapers. RD No. 1 Tool, Nauman & Murtey, lum ber. RD No. V. A. Be.sack, road work in road district No. 3 DRAGGING FUND R. E. Norris, dragging roads in road district No. 13 $ Ed G. Meisinger, same, RD 1 Elinor Rummel. same, RD 1 Elmer Wendt, same. RD 8 J. E. Mick, same, RD 16 Hen Albin, same, RD 11 J. B. Reeves, same, RD 11 Orill Allen, same, RD 16 Albert Willis, same, RD 14. Chris Johnson, same, RD 14 A. A. Schoeman, same. RD 3 Frank Grauf. same. RD 27 George Stones, same, RD 27 P. C. Patterson, same. RD 27 Frank Grauf, same, RD 27 Cleo Baker, same', RD 27 F. G. Klimm, same, RD 27 C. II. Hixson, same, RD 1 Joe Schmarderer, same, RD 3 J. C. Spangler, same, RD 3 George Kraft, same, RD 3 Diamond Eng. &. Const. Co., fcoadwall culvert, RD 16 200.75 J. B. Sutton, dragging road, road district No. 6 '. Harry Forbes, engineer II. G. No. 2. RD 2 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., 2 culverts. RD No. 15 C. W. Fleshman, for dragging roads', road district No. 12 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., for three culverts, RD No. 7 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., for four culverts, RD No. 5 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., for one culvert, RD No. 11 Nebr. Culv. & Mfg. Co., one culvert and one band, RD 9 BRIDGE FUND Wm. Brothwell, bridge straps, road district No. 16 ? C. II. Nold Lumber Co., lum ber, RD No. 5 Wm. C. Hudson, for hauling lumber . ,9.00 A. F. Sturm, lumber 164.65 Cloidt Lmbr. & Coal Co., for lumber 295.95 4.60 38.50 9.15 3.38 2.15 piling 103.16 Andy Bauer, for piling, road district No. 3 5.00 R. Ketelhut. bridge work 36.20 , COMMISSIONER'S FUND t 1st District Bettor & Swatek, mdse. II. G. No. 1 $ B.F. Wiles, piling and posts T. II. Pollock Auto Co., for supplies Frank C. Martin, repair of Cub tractor COMMISSIONER'S FUND 2nd District Peterson Hdwe. Co., grease and file . $ George Small, graderman, HG No. 2 127.80 Chas. Atteberry, engineer HG No. 2 ; 139.10 T. II. Baldwing, for repairing truck and grader ; , 9.50 W. W. Stokes, pulling tractor out of ditch 10.00 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 3rd District Arthur Jeffery, grading $ L. K. Eidenmiller, labor. HG No. 3 J. H. Buck, labor and mdse. Orill Allen, grading 40.00 Oscar Miller, grubbing trees on O street road 4.00 A. A. Wallinger, engineer on HG No. 3 100.15 E. L. Dowler, graderman, HG No. 3 J. D. Adams Co., repairs, HG No. 3 12.00 62.16 15.25 22.40 17.50 The board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, September 7th, 1921. Attest GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. The ment. The 175.78 5.S.50 ;?O0 30.17 7 57.81 19.20 40.75 6.75 1.50 20.00 28.00 6.75 22.50 9.75 16.50 17.25 20.62 15.37 5.25 23.25 7.87 11.25 2.62 24.75 16.00 16.87 17.00 43.00 34.80 79.76 17.50 113.19 87.04 127.01 23.55 Office of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Cass County. Plattsmouth, Nebr., September 7, 1921. Board met as per adjourn Present all members, following business was trans acted in regular form: Official bond of C. Linder, con stable Stove Creek precinct, approv ed. The following claims were audited and passed for payment: - GENERAL FUND Fred Patterson, office work on records $119.10 State Journal Co., cash book to treasurer, claim No. 35 59.50 Kroehler Bros., mdse. to court house 3.30 The Eagle Beacon, 500 env. to recorder 15.50 J. H. Tams and wife, salary for August, 1921 James B. McKee, salary, Co. Highway Comsr., August 100.00 II. Sievers, salary, janitor, Antrnst. 1921 113.00 19.00, A g. Cole, salary county at torney. August, 1921 125.00 F. H. Nichols, mdse. furnish ed to Stribling C. F. Reichart, maintaining watch for burglars Wm. C. Grebe, assisting the sheriff and Co. Atty C. F. Wheeler, maintaining watch for burglars Farmers Un. Co-Op. Assn., for coal to John Haugh Ambler Bros., prov. to Duf- field. July, 1921 Woodruff Ptg. Co., supplies to Supt.. claim No. 1 John Bauer, labor and matl. to court house 13.90 Central Chemical Co., scrub compound Dr. J. B. Martin, salary, Co. physician, 2d quarter. 1921 Lincoln Tel. & Teleg. Co., for Sept. rent, August tolls J. Hatt & Son, prov. to Witt struck, July, Aug., 1921 R. A. Bates, printing and sup plies 206.72 D. C. Morgan, post cards to superintendent 2.50 J. Hatt & Son, prov. to Har ris. July. Aug.. 1921 35.00 George D. Pearson, land in NWU NE'i. Sec. 33-12-9, for road 100.00 Jeanette Weber, clerk for Co. highway commissioner 3.00 W. J. Partridge, grubbing stump, south of Eagle 66.80 W. J. Partridge, blasting near Eagle 62.50 W. J. Partride, dynamite for same 297.20 ROAD WORK P. C. Patterson, road work in road district No. 27 $ 36.00 R. A. Talbot, same, RD 4 143.50 G. L. Heneger, same, RD 13 132.25 Banning & Nickles, lumber. road district No. 9 33.60 Banning & Nickles, lumber road district No. 10 - Frank Rouse, road work in road district No. 5 ' Ira Parker, same, RD 3 W. T. Davis, same, RD 1 C. C. Barnard, hauling lum ber, road district No. 2 Henry Born, road work, road district No. 1 24.00 Henry Brockman, same, RD No. 15 Lll 103.30 J. W. Wiseman, same, RD 14 79.65 Wm. Harley. same. RD 15 15.60 C. C. Barnard, same, RD 1 Sam H. Carey, same, RD C. W. Stoehr, same, RD X C. Carey, same, RD 1 P. Dehning, same. RD 7 Ketelhut, sarfc'i RD 12 Ketelhut, same, RD 13 E. Lancaster, .same, RD 10 3.40 F t? O O O iilD.OO Frost, Curyea & Murtey, nails 5.00 Frost. Curyea & Murtey, lum ber to RD No. 9 192.06 Frans Bros. Lumber Co., for lumber : 10.28 J. C. Mick, bridge work, road Ul.lll ilU. i II oij-fiO McCartney Bros., nails Orill Allen, bridsre work, road 00 district No. 16 18.50 'C. II. Gibson, mdse. to road 251 district No. 14 7.10 J. W. Keil. bridge work, road district No. 2 8-40 72.70 6.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 6.41 8.06 12.20 9.75 43.75 92.70 40.00 48.00 63.00 297.50 13.60 24.50 A. H. R. R. J. 125.45 26.50 36.25 24.20 150.80 289.80 16.00 520.00 10.28 28.05 6.00 22.20 14.00 5.25 14.25 sion for Sept., 1921 $ 10.00 Mead Lumber Co., lumber and Standard Oil Co., gasoline for road district No. 10 Ben H. Wiles, plow and sup plies, RD No. 27 , DRAG FUND M. L. Lohnes, dragging roads in road district No. 2 $ CF. Vallery, same, 1 and 2 R? Ketelhut, same, RD 12 EtF. Brunkow, same, RD 6 lf.'Il.' Leffler, same, RD 13 Andrew Schliefert, same, RD No. 8 24.50 J. W. Keil, same, RD 2 5.00 Louis Keil, same, RD 2 11.00 Arthur Doran. same, RD 16- 14.25 W. A. Wheeler, same, RD 27 6.75 I Ray Whitman, same, RD 12- 5.63 iW. A. Wheeler, same, RD 10 16.12 jFred Harduotk. same, RD 5 12.00 Wm. Jorgenseu. same, RD 12 8.81 Chris Johnson, same, RD 14 6.00 Co., part pay Co., bal. due Co., bal. due, 17.19 240.02 757.09 200.96 563.58 Albert Willis (J. M. Teegard- en) same, RD 14 12.00 A. J. Ross, same, RD 12 13.50 H. P. Dehning, same, RD 7- 78.50 Frank Rouse, same, RD 5 21.00 R. Holten, same, RD 13 8.45 G. L. Heneger, same. RD 13 15.00 Wm. Kitzel, same, RD 6 6.75 O. A. Kitzel, same, RD 6 12.75 Geo. Wallinger, same, RD 4 6.75 Earl Talbot, same, RD 4 6.75 A. A. Schoeman, same, RD 3 8.25 R. H. Henry, same. RD 27 6.75 J. E. Lancaster, same, RD 10 20.40 Wm. Wehrbein, same, RD 10 15.75 John Murtey, lumber, RD 15 48.00 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts, RD 14 99.65 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts, RD 5 20.54 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts, RD 16 64.47 Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culverts, RD 15 61.62 Monarch Eng. Co., culvert No. 14. RD 14 252.28 BRIDGE FUND Ira Parker, bridge work in road district No. 3 $ 26.00 John Murtey, lumber 283.74 H. A. Funke, labor 85.50 Tool, Nauman & Murtey, for lumber and posts 118.02 Mead Lumber Co., piling 31.52 A. C. Carey, bridge work in road district No. 1 7.50 H. P. Dehning, same, RD 7 20.00 Frank Rouse, same, RD 5 61.00 H. A. Funke, lumber, RD 3 98.95 W. J. Partridge, blasting out concrete bridge 10.72 C. C. Barnard, bridge work. road district Monarch Eng. bridge No. 2 Monarch Eng bridge No. 3 Monarch Eng. bridge No. 1 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge 44 365.12 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due, bridge No. 12 218.60 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due, bridge No. 14 329.02 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due. bridge No 8 889.52 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due. bridge No. 43 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge 42 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge 22 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge 25 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge 13 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due, bridge No. 7 679.61 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge 41 448.81 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge 31 835.33 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due, bridge No. 29 223.38 Monarch Eng. Co., bdg. 33 3179.38 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due, bridge No. 15 528.64 Monarch Eng. Co., bridge 26 254.61 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due, bridge No. 28 291.29 Monarch Eng. Co., bdg. 32 3158.94 Monarch Eng. Co., bal. due, bridge No. 30 221.41 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 1st District John Iverson, labor, matl., HG No. 1 $ 28.80 Stroud & Co., repairs, tractor 342.93 COMMISSIONER'S FUND . 2nd District Fred Brand (Mike Tritsch) repair grader, RD 3 $ Standard Oil Co., oil to HG No. 2 J. E. Johnson, bolt for trac tor. HG No. 2 1.50 Fred McGrady, repair hitch on tractor, HG 2 4.00 Stroud & Co., repairs for Best tractor, HG No. 2 18.43 Monarch En.g Co., piling 10.00 COMMISSIONER'S FUND 3rd District Amer. Exchg. Bank, repair of road mchy.. by Lenard $ 12.00 Wm. Atchison, road work on HG No. 3 5.60 J. E. Johnson, repair mchy. HG No. 3 12.85 STATE HIGHWAY FUND Patrol No. 1 Walter Byers, salary, patrol man $ 89.37 Ed Lewis, same 87.43 Frank C. Martin, repairs 25.85 Gus Stout, labor 94.00 Ed Cotner, team work 5.00 Mike Tritsch, cash advanced on repairs '.- 6.78 Mike Tritsch, salary advanced to Eppings "15.40 Mike Tritsch, salary advanc ed to Yaden . 48.00 Mike Tritsch, salary advanc ed to Arnold 16.92 Stewart Adams Co., paint 14.31 F. W. Elliott, gasoline 148.64 Highway Maintainer Co., for repairs 47.96 W. T. Craig, mow weeds 46.20 T. H. Pollock Auto Co., for supplies 4.40 Auto Electric Co., repairs 17.64 Kroehler Bros., supplies 18.35 Kroehler Bros., material 22.50 Wm. Hassler,' labor and ma terial 1.50 Virgil Arnold, labor 4.00 D. B. Ebersole, repair main tainer 19.00 James B. McKee, garage rent and freight 5.47 Nash Sales Co., repairs 159.66 Nash Sales Co., repairs 25.53 Do you know you can roll SO good cigarettes tor lOcts from one bag or GENUINE "BullDurham TOBACCO We want you to have the best paper for "BULL." So now you can receive with each package a book' of 24 leaves of IXLUrfc the very finest cigarette paper In the world. Frost, Curyea & Murtey, for lumber . 11.00 H. A. Doty, gasoline 56.70 Standard Oil Co., grease 7.02 8.00 11.53 Total $490.20 Patrol No. 4 C. A. Trumble, salary, pa trolman $110.00 W. O. Wall, same 100.00 Wm. Brothwell. repairs 15.40 State Nebr., Dept. Pub. Wks., repairs 13.36 Geo. Trunkenbolz, gas and oil 49.73 Nash Sales Co., repairs 11.43 Standard Oil Co., grease 7.02 J. B. Peterson, repairs 6.00 Total $312.94 Patrol No. 5 O. E. Sayles, salary, patrol man $200.00 S. S. Peterson, for repairs to grader 4.50 Total $204.50 Heavy Gang No. 1 Harry Forbes, engineer $115.80 Ed Lewis, salary and exp 28.37 Walter Byers, graderman 20.40 Virgil Arnold, extra help 34.50 C. F. Vallery, graderman 98.40 C. M. Parker, material 4.35 Kroehler Bros., wire and dope 4.50 Marion Elliott, team work 90.00 E. J. Richey, lath and posts. 16.75 Standard; OiI;-Oo., suppliesi,, 1 125-59 j Total - $538.66 .' The board adjourned to meet on Tuesday, October 4, 1921. Attest GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. HERE'S RECORD OF FIGHT ING SOLDIER JIM MARPLES The Legion boxing committee has received from Chicago the ring rec ord of Fighting Jim Marples, the Windy City heavyweight who will exchange wallops with Andy Sch mader in the All Star' show to be staged here next "Wednesday night. Here it Is: SOLDIER JIM MARPLES Sgt. Bunker -I Won 4 rds. Joe Welch Draw 4 rds. Jack Downey Won 4 rds. Jack McClellan Won 4 rds. jBud Clancy No Dec. K O. Smith No Dec. Harry Foley No Dec. 10 rds. Harrv Williams K. O. 5 rds. Bob Devine K. O. Jack Mason K. O. Jack Duffy K. O. Tonv Melchoir Lost Ringside reports from the Melfhoir fight in Aurora, 111., Aug. 12. state Marples had Melchoir down twice in the second round and came very near scoring a knockout over the tough Italian scrapper. NOW DOING NICELY Mrs. Fred Wagner, who for the past few days has been feeling very poorly, is now showing some im provement and her family and friends are hopeful that she may soon be able to be up and around. She has been confined to her bed for the past few days, but is thought now to be showing decided improve-? ment in every way. Total $ Patrol No. 2 A. W. Eaton, salary, patrol man $ Frank Glaubitz, same Earl Wolfe, grading Duplex Mfg. Co., repairs Standard Oil Co., gas and supplies Nash Sales Co., repairs A. R. Dowler, gasoline and repairs !' Frank C. Martin, repairs 923.91 100.00 110.00 12.50 20.00 36.28 14.65 84.58 4.00 Total $382.01 Patrol No. 3 August Krecklow, salary, pa trolman, supplies $124.50 Lbuis C. Krecklow, salary and truck hire 1 122.00 J. H. Buck, for sharpening grader Stewart Adams Co., paint Sales Co., repairs Sales Co., repairs repairs repairs . Nash Nash Nash Sales Co., Nash Sales Co., Nash Sales Co., repairs., Nash Sales Co., repairs.., Tool, Nauman & Murtey, for merchandise 6.75 14.38 27.08 1.86 51.06 31.13 17.93 3.37 15.42 8 rds. 10 rds. 2 rds. 5 rds. 2 rds. 4 rds. OHDKll OK 1IKMIING AND OTICK OK I'HDH ATK OK Wll.Ii In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Casts, S3. To all persons interested in the es tate of James W. Taylor, deceased: On reading the p.-tition of Melissa J. Taylor, praying that the Instrument filed in this court on the 9th day of September, 1921, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and al lowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of James V. Taylor, deceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and the administra tion of said estate be granted to Oieorge Kverett as executor; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 10th day of October, A. 1. 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m., to show -aiise, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be Kiven to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing it copy of this order in the i'lattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, tor three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing. "Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 9th day of September, A. D. 1921. ALU:.NT J. BfcESON. (Seal) Countv Judge. CHAS. L. GRAVES, S12-3W. Attorney. 1 i i