The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 01, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmoutb lournal
Entered at rostofflce. riattsmouth. Neb., aa second-claaa mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
It id a smart child that tempts
its mother's slippers.
A vamp is a young woman who
acts the way an old maid thinks.
A girl seldom kicks when an old
man lays his fortune at her feet.
It used to be bottled in bond. But
now, nobody knows where it is bot
The easiest way to get rid of some
thing ;.ou don't want is to try and
keep it.
o : o-
It was jealousy of Adam's first
wife (Zerish) that caused Eve to be
talked about.
The only man who has a right to
look down in the mouth nowadays
is the dentist.
Eve would have had a very hard
time tempting Adam with an apiIe
at the present price.
Why is it always put forward as
"women's wearing apparel?" Is there
some other kind of apparel?
A boy first loses faith in the per
fection, of his pretty school teacher
when he notices her obvious prefer
ence for the boys with clean necks.
The origin of all mankind was the
same; it is only a clear and good
conscience that makes a man noble,
for that is derived from heaven it
self. :o:
You should be polite to the young
boys you meet. Perhaps some day
one of them will be superintendent
of the pocrhouse of which you are
an inmate.
"Germans Worry About Texas."
Why? All they have on hand is the
war repudiation they don't have
any railroad or shipping board de
ficits to pay, do they?
Speaking of raising money, there
is no more discouraging job than
raising funds to meet the deficit of
a victorious party except the job of
raising funds to meet the deficit of
a defeated party.
The poor man has no chance in
his country. Mr. Stillman's yacht,
"The Modesty," has received much
iiewspaper mention because Mr. St i II
nian 5s a rich man. But you never
tee anything in the papars about
your yacht.
One of the rules for catching a
husband formulated by a women's
club in Philadelphia is: "A blonde
should marry a brunette, and vice
versa." How vice versa? Is it meant
that a blonde should marry a brun
ette tho first time, and then become
a brunette and marry a blonde next
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and. to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
r- r its-
, The Ice man is; , crazy about the
.( Women have always had a roll in
their stockings.
, .The man out of 'work regards any
job as a vacation.
An "old flame" is one you have
told to go to blazes.
The real wheels of commerce are
worth a dollar each.
Good evening, have
the skirt shortage?
you noticed
Lots of self-made men forget their
wives bossed the job.
The ration that ihas caused most
wars is imagination.
The itrouble with the prodigal sun
is it returns to often.
It is now a well-established fact
that girls have knees.
Maybe Burbank could cross the or
ange and the shamrock.
Lenine's real name is "Illitch."
Russia" should scratch him.
Too many hobby-horses are being
fed from the U. S. treasury.
: :o:
Chicago reports finding 12 drunks
in one house.
A full house.
Reformers don't believe in making
the world good for nothing.
A wife's permanent wave is fine;
but we need a permanent wife wave.
Disarmament will solve the prob
lem of making a round world square.
Why does a chicken cross the
street nowadays? To show her knees,
of course.
When a woman sticks to an auto
mobile seat you can't convince her
summer isn't here.
They say that familiarity breeds
contempt, and there are the dirty
dishes three times a day.
A hospital claims it can cure wives
of bad temper. Now watch some
woman send her husband there.
The British are asking Ambassa
dor Harvey's advice on the Jap ques
tion. So they'll know what not to do.
As we understand the immigration
law, it's intended to prevent the Uni
ted States from becoming an aliena
tion. :o:
Many go to art galleries to see
fine paintings. And many men stand
on the street corner and watch them
When a woman sees a man with
his collar discussing her clothes she
just laughs up where her sleeves
used to be.
French farmers are moving to
town. Like us, the back-to-the-farm
movement i3 the way people are
turned, not headed.
Raising the income tax exemption
on dependent children from $200 to
$400 still leaves it about a3 far from
the reil cost of a child as before, but
still $1 is $4.
When those experts employed by
the Rockefeller Foundation at fancy
salarias get tired of pulling John
D.'s leg for money with which to
fight hcokworm and pellagra, mebbe
they will turn their attention to the
redbug, alias the chigger. A war on
that varmint will be something
Vo'rti while.
There were profiteers in the Civil
War. to. The first year the contrac
tors unloaded onto Uncle Sam any
amount of shoddy clothing, sprouted
beans and wormy hardtack and
meat, also defective ammunition and
guns that did about as much execu
tion to the fellow who fired them as
to the fellow shot at.
The Wichita banki have announc
ed thai 5 billion dollars of "wheat
money" in that territory is now
available to help the livestock feed
ers out of their financial difficulties.
That confirms the contention of
this department against a certain de
puty states officer that the "wheat
money'' in Kansas is not spent for
gasoline for motor cars.
The penitentiary gives you credit
for good behavior, but you can get
some credit for good behavior with
out going to the pen.
Dancing masters say that in danc
ing the new society dances, intricate
steps are not necessary, but "just be
natural and you'll be an up-to-date
dancer." But that's what started all
the agitation against jazz 'too many
were just being natural.
While there is so much unemploy
ment everywhere, perhaps it is as
well that our more prominent njovie
stars don't effect reconciliations with'
their estranged spouses, as it would
be disastrous to dump so many press
agents out of Jobs just now.
A New
iorK woman pruiesieu
against her husband selling liquor,
"You should be proud to be the wife
of a bootlegger.
v a tfnA Tho
I n-nrt a vcrt Mm 5 0
. 11. 1 :
mony which goes to show that even
a plutocratic bootlegger should put
tha ff nn in tallr with his1
"A Jealous wife throws acid to
spoil rival's beauty." It is expected
that the Ku Klux Klan in Dallas,
where twelve hundred new members;
have just been initiated, will repri-j
mand the lady severely for taking'
matters Into her own nanus ana re
sorted to force
in the manner de-
The cashier of the bank at Spring
Hill, Kansas, was "one of the towns t
of exemplary young men," and now
has admitted a shortage of $50,
000, which acquaintances say was
dissipated in "polite poker parties"
and wild celebrations in nearby ci
ties. But when an exemplary young
man starts out to set that kind of
example to the young men of his
community, he ought to leave them!
enough funds to carry out the pro
uit l'etitiun fur A 4ilnt nient of
. il ni i n i m rn I r.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In tlie matter of the estate of George
Grebe, rtecfased.
On rfu'lins and filing tlio petition
of William C. Grebe, praying that ad
ministration of saiil estate may be
granted to Fred Drucker as adminis
trator; ordered. That September il. A. I.
at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should
not be Granted; and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and -the
hcnrlnir thereof he jriven to all per
sons interested in said mater by pub
lishing a copy of this order in the
I'lattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Iated this 2oth day of August, A.
I .
(Seal) Countv Judge.
a'J-3w Attorney.
OKIIKII k iii:aiig
nutl holier on Petition for Set
tlement of Aeeount.
In the i'ounty court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
To the heirs, devisees and legatees
anil all persons Interested in the es
tate of Stephen Jochim. deceased:
On reading the petition of Gustav
P. .Jochim, executor, praying a final
settlement and allowance of his ac
count tiled in this court on the 10th
day of August, l'J2, anil for approval
of liis account anil for decree deter
mining heirship, and distribution of
the ostate to such persons as are en
titled thereto;
It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter may,
and dn, appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said county, on the
6th day of September, A. I. 19J1. at
10:00 o'efock a. m., to show cause, if
any there be. why the prayer of the
petitioner should not bo granted, and
that notice of th pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a ropy of this
order in the I'lattsmouth journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for one week prior to said
day of hearing.
(Seal) County Judge.
In the IMstrict Court of the County
of Cass. Nebraska.
Kittie C. Koberts and Helen Roberts,
Plaintiffs, vs. I'aul Ii. Iloberts and
wife, Myrtle IJoberts, and Newell Kob
erts, a minor, and J. J. Koberts, guar
dian of Newell KobeTts, a minor. De
fendants. Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass countv, Nebraska,
entered in the above entitled cause on
the 2nd day of June. 1921, and all
order of tale entered by said court on
the 22nd day of June, 1S21. the un
dersigned, sole referee, will on the
7th day of September, 1921, at 10 o'clock,
a. m., at the south front door of the
Court House, in the City of I'latts
ni'Hith, Cass county, Nebraska, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, the following described real
estate, to-wit: Lot 5 in Block 36: Lot
10 In Block 29; and Ijots 1. 2, 3, 4 and
5 in Block 3S. all in ttie Original Town
of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. and the
Southeast quarter and the South half
of the Northeast quarter of Section .'!,
Township 12, Kange 13, cast of the 6th
I. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska.
Said sale will be held open for ono
Dated this &th day of July. 1921.
a4-5w. Ktferen.
on the Installment Plan!
Three pure bred Duroc pigs for
$65. A boar and two gilts, not re
lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and
$10 a month. Older gilts on the
same plan. For particulars write,!
phone or call on
Albert Young,
rilljrn ll' flT IA TCD
, f UriLll AL Ul If AL I Ll
Services This Morning ut the H"1.V
Rosary Catholic Cliurvh (!
ducted by Rev. Sucker.
From Tuesday' Iallv.
This morning at nVlm 1 rtt lit"
Holy Rosarv Calhollr ohuteli mi iil
red the funeral wrvlro nf H"
Walter Sebatka, whin iUmHI
Saturday afternoon ninio on h ov'H
Ishock to the family und friend
The requiem m ana of the i lint t it
was celebrated by tlto Hev. IUmm
. Ferdinand Suesser. rector f l lu
church and was very bountiful Mini
impressive as t ho Irtst tributes l I In1
young man were paid by the nihil
t or
Following the mtvIcon 1 ho lt..,lv
was borne to the fallmllo cihmhtv
where it was laid to ioh. Tim pull
"carers wvrv m-mti cu i i nm i im
l i..t f
I irienus ana assoeimt's oi ui uooimip
,ed. beintr John Toman. KrwnU lluni-
Ck, Charles Strastky. John ruliicok.
Joseph Vanek and Albert .Inn. la.
Thus is laid to the last I.uik re-d
;of earth one of the well Known youim
Jmen of the community and one wlnwi'
(loss will be keenly felt by tlmr' wlm
have been so intimately ululated
with him in the past it ml who will
miss ver much his pleasing and K nlal
wa's in their daily walks f life
a ljr II OT1F1T Tfl
H A I N If I L fl 0 I AK I I U-
pirst of Big Four Paves Way For a
Walkout. Other Three to De-
fer Ballot For a Time
Chicago, Aug. '9. Taking of the
strike vote of railroad workers of
the country was under way today.
The brotherhood of trainmen was
the first of the big four union or-
ganizations to start its test of work-
sentiment on whether to accept
n-jnt ni'nnt i
Ballots were sent out to the 150,-
000 members of the trainmen's un
ion, simultaneously with the dis
patch of union officials and represen
tatives to various railroad centers of
the country to see that every mem
ber votes. A complete vote is expec
ted by the union heads. ,
Five hundred thousand members
of the federated shop crafts have al
ready voted to walk out of their de
mands are not met.
The other three brotherhoods'
strike vote will be started before the
end of the week. The trainmen broks
away from the other three brother
hoods in taking the strike vote be
cause of the proposed wording of the
A statement accompanying the
trainmen's lallots declared the vote
of the membership to accept the wage
reduction or to "leave the service
of the railroads rather than to con
tinue under the reduce dwages now
in effect." will be final and binding
upon officers of the union.
The other three brotherhoods, it
was said by officers of the train
mmen's union, desired to word the
strike ballot in such a manner that
union oflicers would be authorized
to disregard a vote to strike if they
saw fit.
The fall brings the same troubles
every year. It begins with poor ap
petite, constipation, weakness and
fatigue. Io you know the old ad
ae: "An mince of prevention costs
much less than a pound of cure?"
Take Triner's Hitter Wine, and this
reliable remedy will help you over
the change of season. It restores ap
petite, removes the constipation, dis
sipates feeling of uneasiness and re
establishes the good poise of your
mind. Rheumatism of muscles and
joints and neuralgia belong also to
the autumnal diseases. Try Triner's
Liniment and you will see that this
remedy is a safe relief of all such
pains. At this time of the year also
appear colds in the head and chest,
coughs, bronchitis, etc. Don't delay
and use Triner's Cough Sedative. For
throat inflamations the best prepara
tion is Triner's Antiputrin. Your
druggist or dealer in medicines now
has all these remedies in stock.
Portland, Ore., Aug. 29. Four
vessels abreast prepared early today
to search the North Pacific ocean
over a wide expanse for survivors of
the Canadian Importer, the freighter
mysteriously missing oince last
Thursday, according to a radio mes
sage from Commander Waesche of
the coast guard cutter. Snohomish,
who is directing the search, Com
mander Waesche declared he was
confident the Canadian Importer,
which last week was helpless!'
adrift in a waterlogged condition
has foundered.
Owing to the acceptance by Miss
Hazel Dovey of the position of teach
er of the commercial course in the
high school, her retirement from the
work in the banking room of the
First national bank has become nec
essary and to fill the vacancy the
bank officials have selected Miss Ed
na Warren who has up to the pre
sent time benn the elficient steno
grapher in the law offices of Dwyer
& Kieck. Miss Genevieve Whelan
has been selected as the stenogra
pher in the law offices.
For Sale(
Four red coming 3 year old heif
ers, weighing around 800 lbs.
If it's in the stationery line, call
at the Journal office.
A pipe's a pal packed with P. A.!
Seven clnys out of every week you'll get real smoke
joy and real smoke contentment if you'll get close-up
to a jimmy pipe! Uuy one and know that for yourself!
Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a
pipe's the greatest treat, the happiest and most appe
tizing smokcslant you ever had handed out!
You can chum it with a pipe and you will once .
you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and
parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!)
Why every puff of P. A. makes you want two more;
every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the
last! iYou can't resist such delight!
And, you'll get the smokesurprise of your life when
you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic
ing flavor you never did know ! And, P. A. stays put be
cause it's crimp cut and it's a cinch to roll! You try it!
rvNiru II
Both He and Schmader will Finish
Workouts There for Labor
Day Bout Monday.
FroM Wednesday's Dally.
Johnny Schaurer, known to every
fan in the sportins world as a cham
pion lightweight battler, will accom
pany Jack Clifford to Nebraska City,
Friday, September 2, to train him for
few days before the light which
takes place the afternoon of Labor
day, September 5th, as port of the
Legion athletic festival. It is pos
sible that Clifford will establish tr
ible that Clifford will establish
training quarters in the Kagle Inkl
ing between Sixth and Seventh
streets on First corso.
Mike McNulty, Clifford's manager
will arrive in this city Saturday, Sep-i
tember 3rd, after spending a few days.
in Omaha looking over the fighters I
ind listening in on "dope." !
Andy Schmader, who has been !
training for some time over a garage i
in Louisville. will be in Nebraska i
'ity Wednesday or Thursday for aj
period of intensive training before
the battle. He will probably train!
at the Driving park.
Word was received here yesterday
from the Havelock shops which!
stated that a delegation of 80 men i
will attend the fight from that city,!
and it is possible that 150 will be i
here. A special section was asked to
bo rserved.
Jack Lewis. Schmader's manasrer.
has also wired for fifty extra seats i
for Omaha, which is as much as say- j
ing that the metronolis will be here1
abor day in full force. Nebraska
City News. '
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 2S. Nebraska
anks fourth in the number of mid
dle western states in which the Uni
ted States Grain Growers, Inc., is
holding membership campaigns in a
movement to enroll farmers in a uni
ted program of marketing their
grain crops, according to ft, report
made here .today by state headquar-j
ters of the organization.
Reports from national headquar
ters place Illnois second, Oklahoma
third, and Nebraska fourth for the,
week ending yesterday.
St. Stephen, N. B.. Aug.29.
Franklin D. Rossevelt, former assis
tant secretary of the United States
navy, who has been seriously ill at
hia summer home at Campobelle, N.
B., is recovering slowly. He caught
a neavy cold and was threatened
with pneumonia, Mrs. Roosevelt and
their children are with him.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening Bob Windham was
found in the state of affairs 'when
he was apparently suffering from in
toxication from some beverage of
more than IV. tipr piit ami arrnnl-
! iugly placed under arrest. This morn-'
ing he drew a fine of $10 and costs
for the ofhense.
We can furnish you blank books
most any kind at Journal office.
IP ' M
I 111?
the national joy smoke
From Monday's Dally.
Alvin Murray, of McCook, who was
here visirng with relatives and old
friends, returned yesterday afternoon
to his home in the western part of
the state.
Walter E. l'aiiig, the Greenwood
banker, was in the city for a few
hours today looking after some niat
ters at the court house and visiting
with his many old time friends.
County Agent L. It. Snipes and
Miss Ida M. Wilken, county home
demonstrator, came in this morning
from Weeping Water to spend the
day here at the office of the county
A marriage license was issued this
morning to Clarence R. Perrigue and
Miss Maude M. McNamee, both of
Extra Specials!
Genuine VALDURA Asphalt Black Paint
Per Gallon, $1.25
There is nothing to equal this paint for Bridges, Tanks, Silos,
Agricultural Implements, Damp Proofing, Boat Bottoms, Wood
Preservation, Smoke Stacks, Cloth and Paper and Acid Resistance.
In fact, a liberal use of this paint is not only conducive to making
muscle, but is actually cheaper than going to the movies.
Genuine RED CEDAR Barn and Shed Poles
5-inch tops, free from bark and straight as the proverbial
arrow. Will measure about 12 to 15 inches across the butt. This
is an exceptionally fine line of poles and we tender our sincere
apologies for such ridiculously LOW PRICES.
10-foot length, each $1.10
12-foot length, each 1.30
14-foot length, each 1.60
16-foot length, each . 2.00
( V?jJust a few left of Tennessee Red- Cedar Posts. Extra No. 1,
Split, 6V2 feet long, at each, 38c.
We have about 500 of these pickets left and while they last
we will price them at each, 6V2 cents.
Fine, stock, all lengths. Twin sister to the old reliable white pine.
Price, psrilOOO ff-et ' $37.00
Less thiui 1000 feet, per 1000 40.00
A Thought for the Day
The reason people who mind their own business succeed, is
because thev havi eo little competition.
Cedar Creek Lumber Co.
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
Chloroform, Ether or other general anaeatbetl
om&. A cure ruarmr-ea In ery ease accepted for treatment. ani no moaeT to b
paid until cured. Write-for boot on Eec'.al Diseases, with names and testimonial
of more than 1000 prominent peor'e who hare been rermsnenUr cured
l1. tanafortaro, PrUrt
Print Albtrt im
told in toppy rd
bmgt, tidy rd tint,
hand torn pound
and holt pound tin
humid or a and in thm
pound crystal glatm
humidor with
toon go moUttnor
Copyright 1921
by R- J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
Weeping Water and the young peo
ple will be married later at the home
of the bride-elect in that cit.
Brian M. Kelly and wife of Cotton
wood Falls, Kansas, were here for a
short time today visiting with friends
of war time days. Mr. Kelly was a
member of the same company at
Camp Cody, New Mexico, of which
Maldon Brown, Henry Soennichsen.
Raymond Larson, Frank Smith, Carl
Wohlfarth, Albert Kearns and Ed
ward Glaze were members and stop
ped here to visit with the old friends
for a few hours. They are motoring
back to their home after a visit at
Bancroft, Nebraska, where they were
called by the death of Mr. Kelly's
FOR SALE Seven room cottage on
north sixth street. City water, elec
tric lights and gas. Two lots. Easy
terms given. 3td&w
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild system of treatment that core Pl!
FUtuia, and other RectaJ Diseases In a abort
time, without a severe aurelcal nnrtin w
Trust Bids'. (Be a Bid.). OMAHA.