TSSBSBAY. ATJG7ST IS. 1921. Union Why Have Two Standards? MR. MAN Doesn't vour wife deserve a separate checking account You find it impossible in your business dealings to do with out your check book. Have her operate her business the home in the same efficient manner that you use in ycur own business dealings. CHECK BOOKS Checking Accounts Loans, Exchange UNION - - r? Asche of Murray was a vis- itor in Union last Monday. FM Sloeuin of Mynard was a vis- itor in Union last Monday. Frank Detlif of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Union last Monday. A. B. Rut ledge of Nehawka was a business visitor in Union last week. E. E. Moore and family were visit ing in .Marysville, Missouri last Sun day. A. R. Dowler and family were vis iting in Omaha last Monday after noon. D. W. Foster and family were visiting in Nebraska City last Sat urday. Attorney C. II. Taylor and family of Omaha were visiting Union last Sunday. D. Lasinek of Pacifis Junction. Cash TelSs Barak of Union Besides the large reductions which have been made already in tires, we are giving an extra five per cent off for cash with the purchase. We carry a large stock of supplies, accessories and repairs; d o acetylene welding and all kinds of first class repair work. We are here to solve your auto troubles and give you the best of service. A. R. DOWLER, Proprietor Willis Old Stand -:- -:- Union, Nebr. Fresh PJleats Daily1. We are serving the choicest cuts of fresh neats Beef and Pork, besides cured meats, and are seilirg them at a figure which enables all to enjoy them. FRUIT SPECIALS NOW QU SfttE! Jack Spratt Peaches, Apricots, Pine Apple, Ierries of all kinds. Selling three 2'2 size cans for a $ 1 -DO. Del Monte Peaches and Apricots four No. 2 size cai for 98c. A. SL. UNION 30,000 LINCOLN COUNTY, FOR Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past seasoi Come, see land where in many instnees one crop will pay for the land. We are making ;lps every Sat urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for anngements and particulars. The best land in the wesfand at a price which anyone can afford to pay. CHAS. SOWDBH, Box No. 11 . . . , Union, Nebr. 'P&rtn Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Your home manarrer- FOR WOMEN Safety Deposit Boxes and Bonds NEBRASKA Iowa, was a visitor in Union lat' Saturday. K. V.. Keedy and wife were visit-, ing in Nebraska City for a few hours last Sunday. j A most interesting service was held at the Scotia school last Sun day evening. I!. 1. Stine recently traded his Paige car for a new Don l-niring car at Omaha. ; Ed Shaw departed last S.ir.irdiy' for Xevado. Missouri, where he will vi.-it with friends. I George Comer was looking after! sr-me business matters in Nebraska City last Monday. i IT. Field of Plattsmouth was lokking after some business matters in Union last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Borne were the Story! I NEBRASKA Acres COLORADO SALE! ! LAND visiting with friends in Nebraska City last. Sunday evening. Carl Balfour and family departed this week for Bcrtrand where they, will visit for a short time. ! Ivan Balfour is rejoincing over the ownership of a new. Ford Coupu which he amuired recently. Alex lotion and wife were look ing after some matters of business in Nebraska City last -Monday. Last week K. K. Foster went to Om.Lha. wl"!!1 !io puhcha.-'td a car of cattle wlwHl he will feed this f.-.H. , Mis llael Carper and Miss 10 -; tJief Si J hn of Nehawka were gui-.ts at the home of Mi-s Iea Porter for .Sunday. A. IVur-dey while working about the- store slipped on th econcreie .'tips arid fell injuring one of his legs, badly. S. Taylor and wife and two sons were in attendance at the meet-, ing h dd at Parker's school in Iowa' l;.--t. Sunday. I Mr. and Mr Pari Merritt home of .Mrs. were I). visiting at the ritt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Murray. The tii'-mbers of the World Wide Guild Girls at their meeting last Sat urday conipletf d the quilt which they have been v. oiking on. Missis Angie McCarroll. Elsie Taylor ::n.l Nettie McCarroll. who hae been visiting in the west, re turr d home last Friday. Fred Tignor is busv man there days fupplying Union with ice that he has to get from either Plaits-, mouth or Nebraska City. 1 Adrian Christ. E. Bushnell and Joe Weiii :r w ere in ''Union on busi-:ie-s for the Christ K- Christ furni-; ture store of Plattsmouth. Mrs. Henry Banning who has beeu very sick lately s'ill remains in about the same condition but it is hoped that she may seon recover. II. E. I).-t?r who recently return ed from his farm at Burlington. C d orado. reports th;'' the. wheat which, he had in there averaged 2;'. bushels to the acre. Bert Frans. John Finkle. Linnie C: aw ford and "lifton Garrison wit nessed the shooting of Isadore Tuck er in Nebraska City, vhife on a pleasure drive. Mrs. Mary Fo'den and sen. Lloyd of Lead. South Dakota, arrived in Urini last Saturday evening for a vi; r it ;! the home of Mrs. Folden's sisti-r. Mrs. Lvnn. There will ! services of both i churches in the evening the coming Sunday at t.!i lapti.-t church, liev. Samuel Miller of the Baptist church j r Drilv.ct ing the services-. ' ;.i r. anil .Mr, i aivin i naso anu ('.lugiiter. IVrothy. Mr. and Mr.-., Jnhn Smit'n and son. John cf Den ver. Cob.radf). were visiting at the' home of Rev. W. A. Tayler lat week.' W. II. Porter. Mrs. Minerva Mr-; Quinrc. Messrs. Orville and Thomas: Mctjuinn were in Plattsmouth last : Tuesdav attending a hearing in the. ma C. iter of the c.-ta: MoQuinn. of the late M. Returns Frcm the West Earl Hathaway, who has been in lie wot for sii!i!! time return'. 1 !.;.me last week and reports that eruditions are only fair out in that tiction of the country. Had an Excellent Ball Game Last Sunday Union and Percival s"aed a baseball game that rivaled these played in the big league-0. Un ion succeeded in shuting out the vis itors bv -the score of r to 0. Union. The Progressive Town With the coming of the Old Set tlors' picnic Union is showing muc'a r-ntrpri-e. Tiie streets, which have b. en allowed to dett riorate are be ing improved by the placing of gut ters on the sides to carry the water away, so that every time it rains the streets will not become ditches. The curbing and guttering is being extended from the Woodman building to the Farmers' Mercantile store. Will Meet This Week For f l.irty-t.hree consecutive years the people of Union and vicinity maintained an annual gathering for lie benefit of the old settlers and pioneers of this vicinity The meet-i ing til is year is to b held at the pic-! nic grounds south we: t an excellent program i: everv da v. of Union and provided for Return From the Assembly Those of Union who have been 1 .imping at the Epworth assembly at Lincoln for the pat two weeks re turned home last week. ! . i Convincing Evidence W. II. Porter, manager of the Farmers' Mercantile Co., is also an adept cook when the occasion arises as lie has just, preserved a lemon, ba nana, two tomatoes and some string beans in a glass jar using only the reliable brand of vinegar in his work Worthwhile Bargains- WE HAVE SOKE GOOD BARGAINS EVERY DAY ?, Xo. grade J size peaches cans for. of high $1.00 a full $7.90 Or we will case of 24 pell you cans for. All kinds of Fruits sold at Eargain Prices Quality Guaranteed ASK ABOUT 'SALT WATER SUCKS D. STSE 9 ; UNION NEBR. PLATTS7.T0TTTH SEMI-WEEKLY JCTJSTTAL better see. Mercantile its dune. the jar at store and th ? find Farmers' ! out liowL Celebrates Sixteenth Birthday homo of Mr. and Mrs. Carl ! Th Stone wa-i the scene of a pleasant j birthday party in honor of Miss Ge:i-j ivieve Stone at which a i.ue iiuin ber of friendi attended and greatly enjoyed. Held Service at Parker School The Hev. W. A. Taylor held ser house in from Un was very vi.-es at. the Parker school Iowa just ;icro--s the river iort, last Sunday which largely attended l.y the picnic dinner was akso st-: Iowa la die.-?. ople d by A the Was a Grand Th'- pageant, the Summer Christ mas Tree which lias been staffed by the young ladies of the Baptist Bible" class under the direction of Mrs. Samuel Miller, has proved a wonderful success, and was witnessed bv a large and interested audience'. An Enterprising Firm In another column of this paper appears the advertisement of the Fai mil's Mor.-ant ile Co. setting out ilie goods which they haw to offer, and the saving that can be made by patronage of this institution. I'nder the management of W. H. Porter the 'ore has grown prosperous. See what they have to offer and save money by taking advantage of the bargains they offer. Entertain Thursday The ladies of the M. E. church and members of the Ladies' Mission ary Society are meeting at the home of" Mrs. Lee Farri.s Thursday after noon being entertained by Misses Lee Farris and II. A.Chilcott. Had an Excellent Time The members of the . C. T. V. met hist Friday afternoon on the lawn of W. II. l'orter where the had a short, business session following which ice en am and cake was served. HAVE FINE TIME The country home of A. enkaino. v. est of Mynard, A. Wit was the cue ol much niemmimeiu ia.i nun- day afternoon, when relatives and friends met in honor of Mr. Syl vrsti r Venard of Bakersfield. Cal.. Mr. Venard is the father of Airs. A. A. We i nk.-.mp and .Mrs. W. L. Props! of the county ar.d also Mrs. j.. nni- Lie of P.akersf odd. Californ ia, from whom lie has received word 'hat her health is poorly of late, he ill with -oon ritnrn to the wist to be his daughter. Those to attend the occasion were: Mr. Sylvester Venard. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wetenkani;), .Mr. and Mrs. . L. Propst. Mrs. Martha Weten h.imn. y.r. and Mrs. K. E. Howard and family, Mr. and -Mrs. W. S. Wet i ukamp and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Weter.kamp and daughter. .Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wetenkani p. Mary and Glenn Wetenkamp. Rob irt Ha sn yager and Giant Wcten- K U li. p. 15. Fornoff of near Cedar Creek among those visiting in the city was t! av to look' after .some trading. Mrs. J. W. Falter was a visitor in t!v metropolis today where she was the guests ot" friends there for the day. Ilaymond Koukal was a pas.engr this morning for Omaha where lie was called on some matters of busi ness. Mrs. Oscar Wilson w:s a passenger this morning for Omaha to visit her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hall f,r a short time. Adam Wolff was among the visit ors in the metropolis today whre he is taking treatment of a special ist inthat city. CL P. Ileil of near Ce in the city yesterday fo; attending the funeral of iar Creek was r a few hours the late Mar- tin Freiderich. Mrs. Ward Clark was among those going to Omaha this afternoon to viit for a few hours with her daugh- I ters in that city. ' John P. Sattler was a business vis itor in Omaha today for a few hours, g. ing'to that city on the afternoan IJurlington train. Mrs. Frank T. Marsiull departed on the af'ernoon IJurlington train to day for Omaha to look after roine matters of business. Adam Meisiger of Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of busi rcsi with the merchants. Henry Vallery of near Murray was here today for a few hours looking afar soiae trading and visiting with a number of his obi friends. City Treasurer. C. E. Hartford, de parted this morning for Omaha where lie wa--. called to look a Her some mat ters of business for a few hours. L. W. Nelson was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he will visit for a few hours in that city with his wife who is there taking treat ment. Mrs. Don C. York and Mrs. L. V. Copenhaver departed this afternoon for Omaha to spend a few hoursin that city attending to some matters cf business. William A. Docker and H. E. Beck er returned this afternoon from South Dakota where they have been looking after some land interests in that state. Mrs. Frank Downey of Lincoln, who has been here visiting at the i home of he rparents, Mrs. and Mrs. Chris Wohlfarth, returned this af ternoon to her home in Lincoln. Mrs. Joseph Hadraba and daugh ters. Mrs. Blanche Price and Mrs. William Heinrich and little Helen Virginia Price, departed this morn ing for Omaha to spend the day at the parks there. Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray was in the city for a few hours looking after some business matters. Dr. Brendel has been feeling very poorly cf late and his friends over the coun ty will regret very much to learn of condition. ILQCALNEWS A. WABASH HAPPENINGS h-VWH"Wri"!VV Mr. II. T. Squires was a passenger to Lincoln Thursday. ; Mr. Miller was a visitor in Lin coln Monday evening. Hev. Mitchell came dow from Lin- coin Saturday evening. Mrs. Cluy Lake was a passenger to Elmwood Tuesday evening. ' Mrs. A. M. Van Every returned home form Nehawka Monday. i Air. II M- IHnti.ifil rifiniii ilnwn ' ..II. 41. A. 111V.UUI II H 111'.. ' . j ' . w from Lincoln Thursday morning. Mrs. Reese of Missouri is here vis iting with her sou, Frank Reese. Several from hero attended the ball Kame at Weeping Water last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald and baby were pas.-.etigers to Lincoln last Thursday. C.uy Hinds took Mr. and Mr3. Wm I.angiiorst to Elm wood Saturday to ee the doctor. Mrs. Wilson and ron of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, is here visiting with her -ousin, Mrs. Albert Pool. Etiie) Jackman of Dayton. Oregon is here visiting with her uncle, S. .Taekman and family this week. In the ball game last Sunday with West Lincoln, our boys defeated the visitors by the score of 15 to 5. Mr. Kean, who has been .suffer ing with blood poison in his hand, is reported as being much improved. Mrs. Theodore Miller was a pas senger to Lincoln Thursday evening and returned home Saturday morn ing. Paul Muth who has been suffering with bleeo poison as the result of stepping on a nail, is much better at present. Grandma Caygill returned to her home last week from Elm wood where she has been visiting at the home of her son. Lodge Caygull and family. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Gerbeling and family motored to Elmwood Sunday where they attended the M. E. church and were guesLs at the Chas- Ger beling home. Mrs. Henry Albernolte, who went to Missesota a week ago to attend her mother's funeral, has taken very ill and has sent for her husband to accompany her home. Mr. end Mrs. B. W. Iliat and fam ily, of Rising City; Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and family, of Weeping Wa ter; ard M:-a f-:thel Jackm.tn oi Ore gon were visitors at the home of S. A. Jackm n Sundav. REPORT OF THE CONDITION FARMERS STATE BANK of Wabash, Nebr. aili-r N-. lir.J in tlif Still l'i:isk:i ill the clost- of Im on August tl, lMl. of Ni ; i ni'ss ItKSOI'RCKS '.onus nnl discounts $ K.tnkir.ir liotist-, furniture ami 71,c,4S.C0 2,osri.ou 3.0HS.5S fixtures I'lirrt-nt -. rn -isi s, taxis a ml i:iter..-st palil I me f i.m Nat inal .in.i statf ii.wiks..$ ir.,t;i;t.!i:j r!;wks ami lti-ms of exchange i n i ri iK V 'lol.l eoin Si!vr. nieke'.s and opts 4 20 1,1 mi. ml 1 "..MO i:.s.s: l.il.erf v h.-l. I ., serve loan linM'iK :u II ri- 2.412.00 19,S44.!i'. Ti 1TA1. .$ !ir.,r.s7.11 LIABILITIES Capital stock Siiiplus I'HlU ii.1 in . 1 O.i'OO.OH .".Oiin. On y,u2;i.it; Cmlivi'K-il profits . . I i.o i iilna 1 ! ;o its Slil'jc. t to cli k. .$ Till:-- cel t itit-a t -s of .! ..sit Cash i.-r's I'lioi'k s on! sta ml i njr I positoi-'s miai iinty ;.7.7!2.19 111.01.711 !if.2.:. fllll.l . . . .SOO..". 1 7"7. 1 4 T iTAI. . . Stale of N'i HO, .11 Praska County of Cass J I. Tlieo. Miller, easliier of tiie above name. I hank lo lieielpy swear that the alove .--tiitenient is a correct ami true ciii'V f the rejioit maile to tin- State r.i:re;m of f!ankin TIII-:) MILLKH. Attest: Cashier. . (i. THOMAS. Director. 1 1. M. THOMAS. Director. Suliscribeil ami sworn to In-fore me tliis lOlli ilav f August. IOL'1. M. It. Kl.OOM. (St.;,l) Notary I'ublic. (My commission exjiires May 1U2H.) DEATH OF FORMER RESI DENT OFJHIS VICINITY From Tuesday's Daily. Charles Bailey, for a numbr of years a resident of this city, passed away Saturday afternoon at the hos pital in Omaha where he has been for the past two weeks taking treatment. Mr. Bailey had been making his home at south Omaha for .the greater parti of the last few years and also travel-j ing through Oklahoma where he had; an extensive line of work in repair-! ing farm machinery and be was inj that state when taken sick. On re-; turning '1o Omaha he entered thej South Side hospital for treatment and his case was one that baffled the at-j tending physicians and it was not' thought up to a few days ago that itj was in anyways dangerous. His sis-j trr, Mrs. llattie Garrison of Sioux! City, Nebraska, was with him at thej hospital the last few days. Mr. Bailey was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey who made their hom here for a number of years and be spent quite a number cf his younger years here, later en tering the employe of the Interna tional Harvester Company and was j sent to South America where he trav- j eled extensively but some eight years' ago severed his connection with that j company and engaged in business for himself in Oklahoma. He wasj fifty-four years of age and leaves be sides the sister at Sioux City, a ; daughter, Mrs. John Meisinger ofj near Cedar Creek and also a sister residing in the east. j The body was taken east last even-' ing to Schenectady, New York, where the father and mother are buried and where be will be laid to rest. . il -ml S 3 rr ftrt pern r av vj mi -mi id ia ia 3 hand frame crochet-heather mixtures, plain col ors chet heather mixtures. We offer a new large variety from Wilson Bros., in many color weaves and patterns, to wear with the popular low collars. - $1 to MAY BRING SUIT AGAINST ABDUCTORS Sirs. Ida Crouch Hazlett. Socialist Campaigner, Slay Start Action Against Iowa Legion Men While in tin's city conducting' her campa'gn for the socialistic c;uise, Mrs. Ida Crouch Hazlett. of New York it is claimed has decided on taking steps to recover damages from Thom as Murphy of Shenandoah, Iowa, in the sum of $20,000, alleging that Murphy with others broke up a meet ing that she was addressing and also kidnapped her and taking her out into the counrty for a few miles be fore returning her to her hotel. The speaker stated that Murphy was ap parently the head of a number of young men whom it was supposed were former service men. The party to the suit it is claimed is the son of a banker at Shenandoah It is also stated that the national organization of the cause that Mrs. Hazlett represents may file action SECURED AT CONSIDERABLE EXPENSE Th Jazzers WILL BE FEATURED AT A EAGLES HALL aturday, August To reassure the skeptical, hear them play on the street at 8 o'clock. sy very We are selling goods prices that will save you money. MINA TAYLOR DRESSES AND APRONS In a great variety, and the best possible make. I'leasing in design and excellent in wearing yuality. As low as $1.75 and up. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Dress shoes, oxfords, pumps, and work shoes for the children, the ladies, the bovs and the men, at prices all can afford to pay. GROCERY DEPARTMENT "Letter Roll," "Pride of Elmwood" and "Golden Gate" flour $2.25 "Gooch's Best" flour, per sack 2.50 No. 2 can apples for. .10 1'ink salmon, per can, 15c; 2 cans for .25 Delicious Gallon Fruits "Full Ripe" brand apricots 90c Peaches 74c Aluminum Cooking Sets at wholesale prices with every purchase of $5 worth of goods at this store. Farmers' Fvlsrcanfile Oompany, UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA page Tima g-t..w.'..'i'g.i!L.'gg!3gar,,.,,g :iu a m Knit r lies The Modish things in men's neckwear are pure silk knitted scarfs and English ,50 against the parties who have inter fered with her meeting over the state of Iowa, alleging that they were in violation of the constitutional right of free speech. The statement Mrs. Hazlett in re gard to the matter is reported as fol lows: "I won a phychalogical victory over thosp Shenandoah bovs," Miv;. Hazlett said Friday. "From the start I took command of their minds and led them step by step unto returning me unharmed. "When the banker's son raised his hand to strike, I warded off the blow by remarking on the bravery of nine men beating up a lone woman. "I suggested that they kill me pictured my body hacked to pieces and scattered along the road. I talked about the chance that the speeding aut( mobile would be wrecked and all of us killed." $1.25 FLOOR COVERINGS, 79c Tdnolenms and lloor coverings all go this week, while they last at 79c per vard. Don't miss this sale. CHRIST & CHRIST. Phone G45. Furniture Store. ' harmony 0 in the Year! every day in the year at $1 r b