it .-! PLATTSMOUTH SE1CT-WEEKIY JOUENAX PAGE TTTRES THURSDAY. AUGUST 11, 1921. Cbe plattsmouth lournal rUBLISILED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Kntered at rostoffice. Plattsmouth. Neb.. aa second-class mall matter R SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 THOSE FAMILY VACATIONS (Sitter likes the mountains, Mother like the tea; No ;ne asks what I like 1 ilou't count, you see. Brother's fond of fishing. .And yat chins o'er the foam; Father is fond of comfort !. lie Lays at home. -:o: Tliese are fine nigrhts to sleep. -:o:- "VYhat about a labor Day celebra tion? Don't all speak at once. -:o: Eery flying machine -will not en able some men to pet above reproach. :o: Outing off a. dog' tail may not tftect hi.s carriage, but it stops his wags in. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today it may be pro hibited then. -:o:- lf investigations are in order, why nut try a few around the Nebraska State Capital? :o: The hootch peddlers seem to find J'lattsniouth an uncomfortable place for them to stop. -o : (v- Af:cr marriage a foolish stops 'paying a wife compliments and be gins to pay bills. The woman who weds a "ad egg" need no: expect to find the matri monial yolk pleasant. :o: Taxation with representation has it.- drawbacks. The more represen tatives the more taxes. -: o : - In these days of price reductions on' man who doesn't top when he cuts i(i j he hone, is a butcher. -:o:- Wife I'uts in Old Clothes and heave.-." !--a a headline. Ti e origin al Eve tiidn'i have any t Id clothes. : o : The old saying is that tl:e cas: is pretty near hoprles wrrm - tThr beauty doc'ors are called ir. for con Mlltat ion. ti- Under new tariff bill, skeletons will come iu free of duty. Here's a fine chance for people to g-?t one for their closet. -:o:- Tiure set-ins to be plenty of appli cants for the J'lHttsm.iuth postoffiec. The on with the longest pule will knock the persimmons. --ore- Leon i d Kra.-sin. Uiissia commis sioner of trade and commerce, is com ing to the United States, but nobody seems to know who invited him. :o: Our people are deeply giieved over the demise of Major Hall. Iieared in Cass county, a line gentleman, and was highly respected by all who knew him. Peace to a noble man's ashes. c "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man or it," aitrs Dainty Dorthy. Uut shr -;oes on t ' f xplaiu tiiat the ni'in who is making u-c of our cleaning, steaming fill.'! pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than v hen be cot acquainted with i's. And it doesn't cost much, cither. Goods Called for and Delivered -'Journal ornct BATES, Publisher PER YEAR IN ADVANCE In Oklahoma, cantaloupes are sell ing1 for a cent a piece, and large watermelons are selling from five to ten cents. Oh, Lord! Send up a few. :o: 'The department of justice an nounces it is going to start a new aircraft investigation. What for to find out what became of the old one? -:o: Governor Small of lllnois seems to have about the same amount of bus iness at the state capital that he would have had if he hadn't been elected. -tor- Senator Lafollette wants au inves tigation of the shipping board to de termine if the money it is spending is really of benefit to the merchant marine. Unemployment has reached such a stage in the East that we note a New York man out of work has written a book on "The Art of Obtaining Em ployment." :o: While it is true there is compara tively little pointing with pride just now, it is equally true that there has been a decline in the amount of view ing with alarm. tot After all. all the jury did was ex onerate the Sox from "conspiracy." Even the jury doesn't insist that the Cincinnati Reds were a champion ball team in -: o : - It i gratifying to learn that dur ing July the public debt was reduced by 206 million dollars. When we get the odd million paid off we'll have a clear field in which to tackle the billions. -o to- After Ireland, the Philippines. I'orto Rico. Armenia and a fe-w oth ers have obtained their independ ence, how would it do to give the people of the United States a chance to get theirs? tot It is too bot for heavy reading. What the public needs is something light and airy. Therefore we propose to use perforations in these sentences just like a georgette waist. o:o Armistice day would seem to be a very appropriate date for the assem bling of the Washington disarma ment conference. It was on that da-, we believe, that the first "bit of prac tical disarmament ever attempted was successf ully carried out. :ot Talk about beating swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. The Duponts are now devot ing their factories to making arti fickil silk. From powder to short skirts and silk stockings seems a long way, but then both are so flashy. tot A bathing suit made of paper that is said to be pretty, durable and economical is being placed on the market. It has not yet reached IMattsmouth. but when it does we are sufficiently interested to attend any demonstration that may be given. , tot The correspondents say that Pres ident Harding is away from the world in fact, he is Tour ruilcs from a telephone while on his vacation in the White mountains. Still four miles from a telephone isn't any further away than four feet, when there is a secretary to taKe mo cans. . it . tot ' How can we be expected to con tribute much to the relief of starving Russia when there are such touching cages of suffering right here in this country, as, for instance, the Detroit mother, with one child, who tells the rourt that she can't get along on her present allowance, which is $21,000 a year? tot , .The old joke Fccms to bo again on the Governors of North and South Carolina. A fine 40-gallon stil: was receutly found in South Carol inn within a few hundred yards of the summer residence of the Governor of North Carolina. A quantity o dis tilled whiskey, together with 1.00C gallons of "beer" were founc. :fc: We are pleased to extend our con gratulations to District Clerk. James M. Robertson. Our good friend cele brated bis 70th anniversary Thurs day August 4th. May he live always and Lis shadow never grow less. Mr. Robertson is one of the most popu lar men in Cass county, and to know lilin is to highly respect him. SYRACUSE BANKER TO BE BURIED TODAY Henry F. Wellensiek, Otoe County Pioneer, Dies of Heart Disease at Age of 72 Years. Syracuse. Neb., Aug. S. Henry V. Wellensiek, pioneer settler of this community and one of the best known men in this section, died at his home five miles south of Syracuse Saturday evening at 5:40 following an illness of some weeks, the cause of his demise being heart disease. Mr. Wellensiek was born at West phalia, Germany. June 6, 1S49. and at the age of sixteen came to Amer ica, settling first in Clayton county, Iowa, and coming to Nebraska in 1879, taking up the home farm in Osage precinct where he lived con tinuously until his death. Mrs. Wel lensiek died September 23. 190a. and his body will be laid in the church yard of the Evangelical hutheran church in Osage, of which he was one of the founders, beside that of his beloved wife. The funeral will be held Tuesday. August 9th. Mr. Wellensiek has been promi nently identified with the develop ment of the community ever since coming here and at the time of bis death was vice-president of the Bank of Syracuse and director in the Bank of Cook and the State' Bank at Har vard. He was connected with many other enterprises and one of the largest land owners in Otoe county. He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Bertha Ruenholl of Lorton, Mrs. Emma Pohlman of Deshler. Mrs. Elizabeth Hesseman of Watson. Mo., and Mrs. Martha Schmidt, of Desh ler and five sons. Henry C. of Syra cuse; Herman G., cashier of the Har vard state bank; Paul W., of horton and Christopher and Otto of Syra cuse, as well as twenty-seven grand children. TRAGEDY ENACTED IN HOLT COUNTY Walter Holcomb of Near O'Neill, is Arrested for the Shooting of Chambers Land Agent. Thomas Olson, a real estate man of Chambers. Holt c6uuty, was shot and killed yesterday at the Holcomb ranch twenty-live miles south of O'Neill by Walter Holcomb. a young man well known in Cass county. From the dispatches in regard to the case it seems that Olson and an auto liveryman of Chambers were driving near the Holcomb ranch when their car broke down. The driver went to the house and Mr. Holcomb promised to go and assist them in getting their car out as soon as he had completed the job of unloading some hay at which he was engaged. While Holcomb was unloading the hay Olson and the driver, both of whom were under the influence of liquor, came to the place where the young man was working and Olson, securing a pitchfork, started after Holcomb with the weapon. Mr. Holcomb retreated to the house and secured a L'5-,'50 rifle and came back to the yard where Olson again attempted to attack him and the wife and children of Holcomb. who were with him, were compelled to retreat. As Olson advanced. Mr. Holcomb raised the rifle and fired, the bullet ending the life of the man who had made the attack. Mr. Holcomb was taken to O'Neill and placed in jail to await a hear ing on the case. He is a member of a prominent family in that portion of the' state and Mrs. Holcomb is a daughter of David Sampson of this city. The family have bad some dif ferences in the past and in February of this year a divorce decree was given the wife in the Cass county district court, on the grounds of ex treme cruelty. together with the custody of the five minor children, and alimony of $5,000. They were remarried hater and the domestic trouble seems to have been quieted down. CASE VERY SERIOUS Firi Tuesday's Daily. This afternoon Frank R. Gobelman who has been suffering since last Thursday with an attack of plural pneumonia, took a sudden turn for the worse and his condition at the time of going to press was very ser ious in every way and causing a great deal of apprehension to the family and friends. POLAND CHINA BOARS FOR SALE I have three full blood fine Poland China spring boars for sale. Will weigh 160 pounds each. Price $20. ANTON C. KING. aS-7tsw. Alvo. Nebr. PEACHES FOR CANNING! My Fancy Elbcrta Peaches are due next week. -ATTENTION!- The Peach crop is very short this year. If you want nice peaches please give me your or der NOW. Next week will be to late. Everybody knows my my price is right. ED. RIPPLE 2nd Door South of the Postof i ice Phone 134 COME ON, THE WATER IS FINE. It is not necessary to explain to you that swimming as a means of ex ercise that leaves you clean, refresh ed and comfortable is good and heal thy for everybody. As for the cleanliness a clean healthy mind is mre easily cultivated if we pos sess a healthy body. Cut the body must be cleaned also internally. Triners Bitter Wine Is the remedy which cleans your stomach and in testines and keeps them clean. It tones up your whole system and puts it in perfect condition to combat in digestion, constipation, headaches, nervousness and other ailments con nected with stomach disorders. If your neighboring druggist or dealer in medicines does not carry Triner's Bitter Wine, insist that he does, be cause you cannot get any better preparation for the above purposes. Mrs. Frank Odett wrote us from SusanviUe. Calif.. June 2S, 1921: "Triner's Bitter Wine helps me re markably. I have a good appetite and feel much stronger." MAY RETURN SOON Reports from the Clarkson hos pital in Omaha state that Mrs. Ed Oi'e is now able to sit up a portion of the time in a wheel chair and is now showing marked gain and it is hoped in a very short time that she will be able to return to her home iu this city and in greatly improved health, all of which will be pleasing news to her many friends. Blank Boo lis at the Journal Office. o'nri: k iit to miirr titi.i:. In .the District Court of tlie Coua tv of Cass, Nebraska. ' John X. Keck, plaintiff, vs. James L. Crais et al. defendants. To the defendants James L. Crais; Mrs. James 1 Craig, first real name unknown: Craig, first real name nt, known: Theodore Decker: Mrs. Theo dore Decker, first real nam.- unknown; Klizer 1!. C.arrisoii: Mrs. K. (Jur risott, first real name unknown: Horace t. Garrison: Mrs. Horace C. Garrison, first real name unknown: James Val entine: Mrs. James Valentine, first real name unknown: James Valleittine: Mrs. James Vallentine. first real name unknown; John "W. Clark. Mrs. John ". Clark. first teal name unknown; Charles V. Anderson; Mrs. Charles V.'. Anderson, first real name unknown; Susanna li Thomas: William Harris. Mrs. William U. Harris, first real name unknown: William C. Noxon; Mrs. Wil liam C. Noxon, first real name un known: Oscar M. Carter; Mrs. Oscar M. Carter, first real name unknown: the heirs, devisers, leiratees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested in the estates of James 1 Craiu; Mrs. James L. Craiff, first real name unknown; Crp:ir. first real name unknown: Theodore Iecker; Mrs. Theodoie Decker, first real name un known; Klizer H. Garrison: Mrs. Ulizer It. Garrison, first real name unknown; Horace I. Garrison; Mrs. Horace G. Garrison. first real name unknown; James Valentine; Mrs. James Valen tine, first real name unknown: James Vallentine; Mrs. James Vallentine, first real name unknown: John W. Clark: Mrs. John W. dark, first real name unknown: Charles W. Anderson: Mrs. Claries W. Anderson, first real name unknown; Susannah Thomas; William U Harris: Mrs. William 1 Harris, first real name unknown: Wil liam C. Noxon: Mrs. William O. Noxon. first real name unknown: Oscar M. Carter; .Mrs. Oscar M. Carter, first real nem-e unknown. ThtMita Thumas: Stephen K. Nuckolls; Jane I.. CraiR, each deceased, real names unknown: ami all persons bavins or elaimincr any interest in all that part of the South west iiiarler: ISW' i the West half (W'.i of the Southeast quarter (SE',4 i and "the Southwest quarter I SW ',4 of the Northeast quarter. l.NKlil lyinj; south of the riirht of way of the l:ur linirton & Missouri Kiver Kailroad company in Nebraska, of Section tliir-tv-tuo. ::j Township thirteen, I 1 :i north. l:aue thirteen. l::i east of the Mb 1". M.. and also all that part of Section thirty-one. "1 Township thir teen. tl' north, Kantre thirteen, t:: east of the lit It 1 M.. more pa ft icula rl y described ;is follows: Commencing: at a point J 4. all chains east of the, quarter section corner on the south side of Section thirty-one. G'.li Township thirteen. tKO north. Kansre thirteen. (i:: east of the ;th I'. M.. running thence north "J7 decrees and :: 1 min utes west J 0.7 o chains to an ash tree, tle-nce north 7.". degrees and :'. min utes east 10 chains to an iron pin, thence north aii deprees and 11 min utes, east "0 chains to a point on the west line of l"t seven 7 in t he Southeast quarter (SKU ) of said Sec tion thirty-one. (.",1 L'.os chains south of the riiiht of way of the Hurlinsrton iV: Missouri Kiver railroad in Nebras ka, thence north to the Platte river, thence southeasterly alonp the I'latte river to the east line of said Section Ihirty-one. t"l thence south alone said section line to the southeast cor ner of said Section thirty-one, (31 thence west on the south line of said section to the place of bevrlmiinn. ex cepting therefrom said risbt of way, all bcine iu the County of Cass, Ne braska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that John N. Keck as plain tiff, filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska, on the lath day of July. 10J1. against you and each of you, the object, purpose and prayer of which is to oMain a decree of court, quietins the title to the fol lowinp described lands, to-wit: All that part of tin- Southwest ouarter: iSW'i) the West half Wi of tlie Southeast quarter, (SK, l and the Southwest quarter s. or the Northeast quarter, (N'K'i i 1 insr south of Hie ripht of way of the Kurlitigton & Missouri Kiver Kailroad company in Nebraska, of Section thirty-two. ::' Township thirteen. 1".) tnrth, Kancre thirteen. 1 :: east of the Cth I. M.. and also all that part of Section thirty one, ::l( Township thirteen, OS) north, kanire thirteen. 0 east of tlie Ctii V. M., more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point H.aii chains east of the quarter section cor ner on the south side of Section thirty-one, G!l Township thirteen. ( 1 .". north. Kunue thirteen. (1") cast of the ith I. M.. running thence north "7 degrees and :;i minutes west "0.7K chains to an asli tree, thence north 7a degrees and oil minutes cast H chums to an iron pin, thence north r. degrees and 11 minutes east 1:8. afl chains to point on tlie west line of Kot seven 7) in the Southeast quarter SK4 of said Section thirtyone, (31) 2.08 chains south of the right of way of the Kurlington & Missouri Kier Kailroad in Nebraska, thence north to flic Platte river, thence southeasterly along the Klutte river to the east line of said Section thirty-one, Gil) thence south along said section line to the southeast corner of said Section thirty-one. Gill thence west on the south line of sid section to the place of be ginning, excepting therefrom said right of way, all Iwing in the County of Cass, Nebraska, us against ou and each of you and for such other relief as may be just and equitable. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or befor Mon day, the I'Mtli day of August, IS'1. or tlie allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff and against you and each of you accord ing to the prayer of said petition. IJJdlCU WHO lain ui JUij, 1..1. JOHN N. BECK, I Plaintiff. I xv. a. koeehtsun. Jli-tw. Atty. tor Piaintiff. RETURNS FROM TRIP TO PACIFIC COAST C. C. Wescott, President of Ad Club, Arrives Home This Morning from Enjoyable Outing;. From Tuesday's Dally. This morning C C. Wescott. pres ident of the Plattsmouth Ad club, ar rived home from a visit of some six weeks in the west, during which time he visited at the larger cities along the Pacific coast as well as in Canada, where the Wescott family has extensive land interests. The visit was primarily at the home of Mr. Wescott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wescott at Los An geles, and Cliff reports them as being in good health and enjoying their declining years in the pleasant sur roundings of the west coast country. He al.o spent a short time in San Francisco and at Portland, where he met several old friends including Rev. Sleeth and wife, who were former residents here, as well as the Mar shall family, also old residents here. From Portland Mr. "Wetscott jour neyed to Vancouver and through to Calgary near where his lands are located and from there enjoyed the trip east over the Canadian Pacific through the Rocky mountains and home via St. Paul. The crop con ditions were very good in the north west. Mr. Wescott returns looking much refreshed from his outing and with two well laden grips, but while this is a suspicious circumstance in a traveler from Canada, still in this case there is nothing doing as ye re porter and the secretary of tlie Ad club learned to their sorrow on meeting Mr. Wescott at the train. URGE SERVICE MEN TO VISIT BOARDS "Flying: Squadron" of Representa tives of Wax Risk Insurance to Pass on Claims The War Risk Insurance bureau at Washington is sending out au earnest appeal to all former service men who have compensation claims pending or who feel that they are entitled to receive compensation to take the matter up with the "flying squadron" of the bureau that will visit this state in the next week. The residents of this county who de sire to have their eases passed on by the representative's of the bureau should visit Lincoln August IS to 20 when the committee is to be there and lay their cases before them. Claimants are requested to have their claims all made out for presen tation and the "flying squadron" will take them up and send the claims into Washington for final ac tion. The representatives have not the power to grant compensation but can approve applications so that their action at Washington will be much quicker. District Clerk James M. Robert son has been urged to place the mat ter before tlie service men of the community in order that if they de sire they may take the fullest advan tage of the opportunity. A PLEASANT OCCASION From Tuesday s Daily. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stanton in tlie south portion of the city was one of the most joyful spots in the community yesterday afternoon when the stork made its appearance there and left in their care a fine nine pound son and heir. Mother and little one are both doing nicely and charlcy is about the proud est man in this portion of the United States. SHORTHAND' .BANKING BOOKKEEPING I TELEGRAPHY Position are plentiful for thoce who are trained! Students may work for board. Tuition low. Ask for catalog C BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Omaha. Nebraska. OTICI'. TO CUKIMTOns The State ef Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In (he Count y Curt. In the matter of the. estate of Thutnas .1. Met "tilloeli, tleeeased. Ti the ereditors of said estate: Vim are hereby notified, that I will sit at the Comity Court room in Platts ninutli. in said eounty, on the lth day et" August. 19il and on the t7th day of November, Jfl'l. at 10 o'cloek a. m. of each day. to receive and examine nit (liiinis acainst said estate, witti a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said estate is three months from the lfith day of August. A. H. 1921. and the time limit ed for I'aymeiit of debts is one year from said Ifitli flay of August, 1921. Witness rny hand and tltc seal of said County Court, this ltlth day of July, 1921. ALLEX J. BKKSOX. (Seal) C'Mintv Judge. CHAS U. MAItTIN. Jlfc-lw. Attorney. MITICE tF nilKLtllKirS MALE. Ih tlie District Court of the County of ('ass, Nebraska. Klttie C. Kobe rts and Helen Huberts, riaintiffs. -vs. l'aul H. Roberts and wife. Myrtle Roberts, and Newell Rob erts, a minor, and J. J. Kobertb, guar dian of Newell Roberts, a minor, De fendants. Notice is hereby criven that under and by virtue of a decree of tlie Dis trict Court of Cass eounty, Nebraska entered in the above entitled cause on tlie 2nd day of June. 1921, and an order of sale entered by said court on tlie 22nd day- of June. 1921. the un dersicned. sole referee, will on the 7th day of September, 1921, at Id o'clock a. m., at the south front door of tlie Court House, in tlie City of Platts mouth. Cass county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: l,ot 5 in Block 6: Lot H in Block 9; and Lots 1. 2. 3. 4 and & in Block 38. all in the Original Town or .Plattsmouth. Nebraska, and the Southeast quarter and the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section tl. To iiBhip 12. Kange 13, east of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska. &aiJ ca!e v. ill be htld opeu for ous hour. Dated tliis t 1j day of July. 1921. JOSEPH A. CAPWELU ft4-iw. Refere H TTTCPT" 1 ii V TOES . II Cords Low Cost Mileage For the Big XJar Every FiskTire is a guar antee that you will get mileage at a low cost. For satisfaction, safety and economy you buy a "sure thing" when you buy Fisk Tires. You are safe when you buy a known and repu table product at a low price Sold only MITKi: TO l'ltl-;iITlti The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Eliza beth Doughty, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That 1 will sit at the County Court room in T'iatts nmuili, in said county, on the 9th day of August. 1921. and on tlie 9th day of November. 1921. at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of each of said days to receive and examine all claims auainst said estate, with a view to their adjustment ami allowance. Th" time limited for the presentation of claims Hgainst said estate is three months from the 9th day of August, A. D. 1921. and the time limited for payment of d' hts is one vear from said 9th day of August, 1921. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this bth day of July, 1921. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal I J11-4W. County Judge. otici: in iu:inioits The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In tle County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Sehiappacasse. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notilied. That 1 will sit at the County Court room in I'laits ntoMth. in said county, on the 9th day of August, 1921. and on the loth day of November, 1921, at 10:00 o'clock m. of each of said days to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their d jusiment anil allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 9t.h day of August. A. D. 1921. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 9th day of August, 1921. Witness tny hand and the seal of said County Court this 9th day of July, 1921. ALLEN J. HKfcSON. (Seal) County Judge. CHAS. E. MARTIN, Jll-tw. Attorney. .NOTICIO OK V.1,K IIV M'Kli II. MASTKIt 1 1NUEH UUC'IIKK B. 11. DUNHAM, Snecinl Master 50B Securities Bldg, Omaha Pviblic Notice is hereby given that, bv virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of tlie District Court of the I'uited States for tlie District of Nebraska. Lincoln division, and in pursuance of the decree of said court, rendered and tiled on October 4. 1920. in an action therein pending, to-wit: No. 12;: Equity wherein The Union Central Life Insur ance Company, of Cincinnati. Ohio, a corporation, is plaintiff and lena M. trrauf et al, are defendants, whereby mortgage on tlie property herein after described was foreclosed. and the undersigned was appointed special Master of this court, to sell said prop erty and execute said decree, and by virtue of the authority in me vested, by said decree and Order of Sale. I. B. li. Dunham, as such master, will, on the 22tid day of August. 1921, at 11:'0 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House, in Plattsmouth, the county beat of Cass county, Nebraska. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property on which said mortgage was foreclosed, which said property is situate in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, and known and described as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the south east quarter (SK'i of SEU) of Section eighteen. (IS) Township eleven. (11) north. Range fourteen. (14) east of tie Sixth 1. M.. and tlie north thirty three (S3) acres of the northeast quar ter of the northeast quarter (NK',i of NE'4 of Section nineteen. (19) Town ship eleven. (11) north. Range four teen. (11) east of the Sixth P. At., con taining seventy-three (73 acres more or less; To satisfy the i.laintiff in the sum of three thousand, eight hundred and eightv-three dollars. ;:,s.Sa.O0 1 with interest at the rate of ten (10) p-r cent per annum from October 4. 1920. atid to satisfy the. sum of fifty-six dol lars and thirty-eight cents (fDfi.38) costs shown on said order of sale, and the accruing costs: and th surplus, if miv, of the proceeds of said sale, after payment of the costs of this action, and th amount found due the plarti tifT. with interest, to be brought, info court to await the further order of the court. " All as provided by said order of sale and decree. Said sale will be held opei for one hour at the time and place aroresaia. Dated this 11th day of Jul3 A. D. 191" ' B. H. DUNHAM. Special Master of the United States District Court for tlie District of r.etraka. J14-6" colu. Sebraaka.. Subscribe for the Journal today. Fabrics by Dealers oimm:ic ok 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 n . null on I'etilloit for Set tlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass coUlit, Nebraska. Stule of Nebraska. Cass county. r To all persons i n I ; esl e.l in the es tate of Edwin W. Cook, deceased: On leading the petition of Mary Cook, executrix, playing a final settle ment and allowance of her iinniilil hied in this court on th" 2nd day ol August. A. 1. 1921, Hint tor such otjief procedmgs as may be required by the statutes in such cases made and pro vided to the end that sml esttite may be linally settled and determined, and said executrix discharged: It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may. and do. appear al the County Court to be held in and fir said rim t . on the 12th day of Auguwt, A I . 1!12.L. al- ten o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should led be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition anil the hiaring thereof be given t all, persons interested in said matter by publishing a copv of this order In the 1 Ma 1 1 stnouth Jour nal, a semi-week !' newt-paper printed in said county, for one week prior to laid day of hearing. Ill witness whereof. 1 set inv hand and the have hereunto sal of said August, A. D. court tliis 2nd day of 1921. . ALLEN J. RKESON. i Seal county Judge. OTHK In th' of Cass, OK MIT District ' to t ii:t m:rt of the TITLE. County Nebraska. Clans, plaint i Era nk mouth K vs. I'latts t urporatioii. ry company. et al. defendants. To the defendants, riatlsmoijth Ferrv company, a corporation: the unknown giantets. successors and assigns "1 I'lattsmoulh Kerry eompaliv, a corp". ration: Kwing S. Sharp. Mrs. Ewin;. S. Sharp, first real name unknown. Amos Barker; Mrs. Amos Barker, first real name unknown: Ciie.-nberv I;. Henry; Mrs. c.reen lerv R. llemv. first real name unknown; .1. J. Worlev, first real name unknown: Sarrah W'orlcy; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estates of Kwing S. Sharp: Mis. lOwing S. Sharp, first real name un known: Amos Barker; Mrs. Amos Barker. first real name unknown; Creenhery R. Henry; Mrs. Creenbery R. llenrv, tirst rial name unknown; .1. .1. Worley. tirst real name unknown: S.irrah AV'orley and Joseph A. Connor,' each deceased: and all persons having or claiming any interest in Lot HI and the north fifteen Wl ) feet of Lot two (2l in Block thirty-one, (oil in the City of I'lattsmoulh. Cass coun ty. Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are herebv notified that Krunk Claus as plaintiff, tiled a petition and commenced an ac tion in the District Court of the Coun fv of Cass. Nebraska, en the 22nd dav of .lime 192 1. atiainst you and each of you, the object, pnipose "i"1 prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quietina; the title to Lot ope li and the north fifteen I feet of Lt two (2) in Block thirty-one. c;i in tn Citv of I'iattsmoutli. Cas-s county, Ne braska, as against you and each of you and for such other relief as may be hist and c'tuitable. You and each of yo i are further notified that you are re.juired to an swer said petition on or before Alon dav, the 29th dav of August. 1921, or the allegations therein contained will be takf-n as true and a decree will b rendered in favor or the plaint ilT and against you and each of you .'iccor.img to the iuiycr of said petition. Dated this 22nd day of June, 1921. FRANK CLAUS. Plaintiff. ! V A RIIRK.RTSON. it J13-4. Atty. for l'Uititif'f. If it's in the stationery line, call it the Journal office. HOGS on the Installment Plan! Three pure bred Duroc pigs for $65. A boar and two gilts, not re lated, with pedigTees. $10 down and $10 a month. Older gilts on the same plan. For particulars write, phone or call on Albert Young, ITtJKIlAY -; NEBRASKA tnaaasnsMsaaaJ