THURSDAY, AUQUST 11, 1921. PAGE SIX fLATTSMOUTH SFJfUWF.F,EO JOTTRJj AX 1 it! 5. f -i - n1 1:1 4 s : i : I I : i 'i .! REPORT OF THE CONDITION 1 August argain Prices! The following prices on the items as listed below are subject to stock on hand and at these low prices CASH must accompany each purchase. APEX ANGLE LINE STEEL POSTS Weight. 8V lbs.; length 7 feet, each 36J2e If. nurciawrd in quantities of 200 or more, cadi STANDARD UPSON WALLEOASD Per 1000 square feet $18.00 7. S Ul.'t l' foot lengths 4S incl.ei Wide K. It. HUMBOLDT CHIMNEY AND WELL P. RICK I.i lyts cf 1000. or n:ore. per 1000 ...$23.00 FIR AND LARCH E0ARDS 1-1, ,tr 10CO feet $ol lxC ii (h. i-;r 10C0 feet rH lxS p-r 1003 ftet 3700 1x12 i;;c-ii. per 1000 feet 3800 If f..i; ' ! : 1 in I' - I liii-M i ft. l.V. n.i.l s'lo per !'. I I. nR DROP SIDING No. 2 clear and letter, lx(3 inch. 10. 12. 14 and 1G foot lengths, in Quantities of 1C00 feet or more, per 1000 $42.00 LtV.b than 1C0T) foot lots, price per 1000 45.00 4A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY" There i- a w.uuan on -very dollar. She makes love only to Hum- aIii wink with .y-.i.:ii :n,. !;!! wi-'h service. Thai's llo l.lti.! . : ft- ing v it li. OP THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY of Plattsmouth, Nebr. (.'barter No. In the State of N- l.raka ;il III close of l.iisiness Oil August 'i, T.i-1. DE MOLAY MEMBERS VIS!TMETR0?0LIS Twenty-Five from Here are Guests at Initiation Held by Omaha Chapter Last Night. r.ESOt'RCKS Las.t evening nn automobile party ml .lNcounis 1!1-of wine twenty-five of the members l.oallS i fl.-: sect: ril ies, jintsriiieiit s, claims, etc.. i ml ml t n tr all s nvi'i anient liiMiils I :;i nl inir tiou", f ii rn : t u ft- :imt livtures i i la-r n a 1 esia te t i 1 1- ! Ii t expenses, taxes an.l interest i ;i il I 'ash ill His i f .1:1 National ami State l.iinK.-- fi.-iKs iii-mi of excVye Currency (Silv.-r. nil ki-is an. I i'1-iilsi I..liiil lo:iu imiiiis nem :is (.;?li .-Ml'c i;. !;. 41 i.noo.oi) ;i. i t ;. i o :M.! I 1 I . I r. i.!.:: I. n :::c:.7; 17, .".hi; no 1.: i :. i '.ipi I :i I stock ): ill I u i ' 1 1 1 1 i f 1 1 1 1 1 1 i"u.i; H ! i-M.t;: - f ml : ill ua I micisits .-liliict ! . I c. k 'Iiiii.- certificates hi' .Icimii i i s . i i i ' i 1 1 I; s m 1 1 I ;M!1 i n l lii.r lo N.i 1 ioTi.i 1 :i!nl S'.ili l.-Mll I - ! 1 .:iy;iil.' I .. ! i f i s u ii r:i li I . I i . 1 1 I . . . T 'l , !. rr. i of Cass chapter, Ordr of DeMolay. of tins cily, journeyej to Omaha, where they attended the initiation ceremonies held by Omaha chapter No. 2 at t he Scottish Kite cathedral. The Omaha chapter conferred the degrees on a class of fifty mem hers and the beautiful and impressive work was put on in fine shape by 1 he Om.ii;i tiiTicers isml y.t ;i fl" iii:d ili pv;v;niK of I Iw order deetdv fixed on .!'i!r!:! I he mind. ()f I he liicmbirs both old ami m-w. Ilcjiresental i ves were present from Lincoln :mii Columbus as well ;is Jlarlau. Iowa, am! I'laitsmouHi, to witness the conferring t t" Hi" work of the order. Folio win:; the session of the lndn' the members and visitors were enter tained socially at a lunch-on that was much enjoyed and it was near the midnight hour when (he members of the delegations were ready to start homeward after a most pleasant as well as profitable evening s nt in the work of this spb ioiid new order for vounj? men. $ r.o. oho. no ::i.itii.ii ':: ti.sT "..7i 177. ':.!.::' 7 7 i j. l ..'; .V!oi. 1 J 7 I .mill .mi 7 I ! SI n ( of N ) ra -Ua Cedar Creek Lumber Co CEDAR CREEK NEBRASKA 'hi ii iv of ("ass j I. f:. l- I'tlii-Min. ':isl,i.-r of the :il.oi 1 1 : 1 1 I I'iinU ilo 1nri-li suc:ir J i l;.it i'ii- :iImii- s I :i ti-im-nl a oi i .- I , ;iiiil true ' 0'Y ol" Iln- ii-o t liKl.t-- to ti..- t:it.- !.iii:iii ol I :.t MK III si'. i:. i". I'.tti:i:.-' '. Atl.-I" C.ihi.l". ;. M. M. CI.KCK IN. liii. i t. . i. I". I!. I '" l .1 . 'K . I i i ! t nr. Si i I i"i ri l"-il :ii..l sw.hii to ln-foii- em I i , i ! n: Ii .1.1 V of A li:.' .1-1. I'1-' 1 . ii as.-i.i:i:. i S. ;i : i Not :i I y I "li I'l if. I M v I'oMiriii i.iti 'pir-s S-pt. ""'. t :':!) ANOTHER S hi SsAsj ?ii L3 U 1 & Lk-a n m 0 a i AT Errs Vck a u LrL tuss Hzajs Platsmouth, Nebraska Basic by the Hew Orleans Syncopated Jazz Band These boys are noted all through tli south for thi:ir Famous Rag-Time Mmic. So if you want to dnce to the finest music that has ever played in your city music that has lots of pep and snap. Ask your friends who attended last Saturday. We will have a surprise for you. fin Evening You Won't Forgel! Dance Starts at 8:30 P. M. OFFICIAL IS DEAD IOWA STORE SUFFERS HEAVY ROBBERY LOSS F. W. Anderson Store at Silver City is Looted as Well as Safe Blown Up by the Robbers The gang of robbers which have frequently operated through Cass county, setm-s to have transferred , their activities over into our r.eih I l-oii:ig s'ate or" Iowa, judirins; from ;tlie reports of the daring robbery of t:ie 1-. W. Anderson department store ;.t Silver City. Iowa, on l:t. S:i ;u: :J.iy n iih r. The robbers blew open the safe it: tin store, securing l'-'.o in money and also a large amount of goods which is est i nun (! will nac!i the value of $1,0'M). Arming the articles taken were auto tires, .shoes, men anil women's ck.tliins, Kolil rim: s. ri!"le:: a in! L'.IMM) cijrars. Xo cine-- were found as to tile rob bers :ind they h;ive apparently mad' a clean getaway with their loot. SAYS PRISON FOR SWINDLERS NEEDED And Not the Whitewashing Accorded td by State Supervisory Eoard Flays the Law. Sheriff of Hills County is Called to Reward at Swedish Mis siou Hospital at Omaha !'or th.- ;ccend time is called to mourn the .Mills con. i y death of the sheriff of the county while serving in capacity. The .-ad news cones this morning that Sheriff A. S. 1M w.irds pushed away at : '.') a. in. in the Swedish Mision hospital at Om ah.i. . As told in a previous issue of The Tribune. Sheriff 1-M wards Imcame ill on Sunday night. July :', 1 , and grew worse until .Mondiy afternoon, when he was taken to tiie above Ju::d at once was operated upon for j appendicitis, lie rallied alter the op I eration and for a few days gave hope j of passing through the ordeal safely. He took a turn for the worse on Kri- cav a: id fought a losing fight until death won. Slur iff Kd wards succeeded in of fice K. V. Hushnell. who died sud- j dmly seven years ago. Mr. I-Mwards ! was ;it that time deputy of Mr. liush j nell. lie has been elected for three 1 1 me. The body of Mi". IMwards was brought to tllenwood today. Funeral arrangements were not made at this writ lag.- Clen wood Tribune 1'red Lewis, w',. has been here looking after some work at the Kin nev Shoe store in thi- city, returned Mrs. II. V. Livingston and daugh ter. Mrs. J. S. Vallery were among those going to Omaha today where this afternoon to the met ropol is t hey will spend the tinit there visit where is employed by the Kinney ling with friends and looking after company. i some matters of business. Qjf WHAT THE GOVERNMENT IS DOING FOR YOU We have cause in every way to feel proud of our country but we are as a nation too little informed as to the activities and actual benefits of our Government. To remedy this situation locally, we have secured the exclusive right to dis tribute a 6eries of attractively illustrated folders and booklets in which art given new and interesting facts about Our Government and how we all share its beneficent influence. We will gladly send one of this set each month to those who will request it, and as a permanent con tainer for this valuable information, we will present a substantial brown and gold portfolio upon personal call at this Institution. No obligation. THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1881 T. H. Pollock G. M. McClerkin K. F. Patterson President Vice President Cashier i lap GIVES MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Ia.-t evening Miss Mildred S hla ter entertained most charminly at her home in the north part of the city, the young ladies employed in the Burlington offices, at a miscel laneous shower in honor of Miss Belle Speck. The occasion was one of the rarest delight to the members of the jolly party and the guest of honor, whose marriage 'j Mr. Noel I!. Sen ey of Clearwater. Nebraska, is to occur soon, was the receient of a large number of very handsome gifts. The evening was spent in games of all kinds at which the guests de rived much pleasure and culminated iti a mock wedding in which the var ious characters in the ceremony were taken by the guests in a very realis tic manner. At a suitable hour a dainty lunch eon was served by the hostess that added greatly to the enjoyment and delight of the members of the party and it was a late hour that the young ladies departed for their homes wish ing their friend much joy and hap piness in the new home that she is soon to preside. FUNERAL OF GODFREY FICKLER IS HELD r Yesterday morning the funeral services of the late Godfrey Pickler was held at the St. John's Catholic church of which the deceased had been a member during his long resi dence here. The body arrived Monday night on the midnight Missouri Pacific and taken to the church early Tuesday morning and the funeral mass cele brated at 10 o'clock by Father Fer dinand Suesses of the Holy liosary church. A number of the old friends and neighbors were in attendance at the funeral and paid their last tribute to the memory of this splendid citi zen and friend. Albert Fickler. a son accompanied the body to this city and remained over the funeral ser vices, returning yesterday afternoon to his home at Stanton. A good, twelve year old boy de sires work on farm for board and op portunity to go to school. F. P. Buseh was among those go ing to Omaha this afternoon to spend a short time there at the wholesale houses. GREAT DECLINE IN IMPORTANT CROPS The Wheat Forecast Dro;s 52.000, 000 Bushels and Corn 91.000. 000. Darin'' Month cf July Washington. 1). C. Aug. '.. Prac tically every important farm crop showed a loss in prospective produc tion as a result of adverse conditions during July. The department of agriculture's monthly report today forcas! ooo.iMMl bushels less wheat than esti mated a month ago. J I bush els less corn. 1 "tL'.OOO.yOO bushel., less oats and '. 1 .tlOO.OUO bushels les spotatoe-i. The report forecasts the produc tion of the country's principal tana crops and estimates their conditio-! on August 1 .is follows: Winter Wheat Preliminary esti mate of production. f4 4.o(Mi.nini bushels. Spring Wheat -Product ion fore cast. '2 lo.bOO.tMio bushels; eon-lit ion. ;.; per cent of normal. All wheat production for'-::s'. T.'.T.IMMI.OOO bushels. Corn production. ::.0:.2.u0O.eiM bushels; condition. S4.H normal. t).:ts prodii -tion. 1 . 1 :;7.u(oj.iiti(t bushels; condition. ri4..'i normal. White potatoes, production. 11'. (MM.oh bushels; condition. S4." nor mal. May (tame i production. Sl.i'.'oi, (00; (wildl 1 :".;".)(. 000 tons; condi tion (::11 VL'.a normal. Sugar beet production. S.OOO.oOn ton;; condition. norm:.!. App'es, t.rodiK-t ion. 1 c .';(. On t bushels. Pe uhes. production ? I .:'00M1 1 tishi l.s. The Nebraska estimate en winter wii -a! show- the condition to bo ') 1 . product ton. 2 1 7.'.'.: 1.0e T"r orn crop of Nebrasl''": is c.-ti-mat vl at ."..T.7::o. KMt bushel s an.i this state r?nks .-erond in the corn r.roln'tion only being surpassed by Kan -;:s In the oat crop of the ye ;r ' r.t Ne braska production is given at 7 1.-S47.000. Mrs. C. C. Wescott departed this morning for Omaha where she will entertain her Sunday school class at an outing in the parks there. Mr. Wtscott and daughter. Ailce Fxuiise joined the members of the party this a ft ernoon. REPORT OF TIIE CONDITION PLATTSMOUTH STATE BANK Of Plattsmouth. Nebr. Clart-r Nn. TSC. In the Sl.lto of Ne braska at the of l.iiviiu-ss on niisl '. !!-' 1. Loans and flis.-. .nuts ( ivei'il ra I ts iannls. seelirit j.-s. j ll'l irinell 1 s. claims, etc.. i mi ml i n all iroveiimii-i: t Hanking Ihhim-, f ii in i t n re a ml fixtures oilier rial estate Current ex I -ti.---t. taxes ami interest ai.l I ue from National ami Stale hanks ( 'ii rreney (tulil coin Silver, nickels ami cents.... . :;i :..n!i::.r,7 l -Mi-' I'T.siT.r.j 1.17: (in in, mm. mi I J. si I. If. lnT.71 l.'J:: i:,;:.".. on do ir.7.". i.o: TOT A I . I.IAHILITIKS On ita I stock .ai.l in $ "(t.onn.n.) Surplus fund Ki.OImumi I'ndivi.leil pn.tits !! I..i 1N."J I ml i vi.l ua 1 Ucpusits subject to cheek Isrt.S.-i.YJfl Time certificates ol' deposit. L''is.:: s 1 ..".s Cashier's checks on t s t a ml i m H 1 ::,.".;..; hue to National and State hanks none Notes anil hills rediscounted none Hills payable none Depositor's guaranty fund... 3,02 1.7S TOTAL .$ f7.2r.2.7n State of Nebraska 1 County of Cass J T. 1L A. Schneider. Cashier of the above named hank do hereby swear that the above statement is a cor red and true copv of the report made to the State ISureau of Banklner. H A. SCHNEIDKP.. Attest: " Cashier. J. If. P.KOKKT!. Pirertor. IIKNIIY UOJtN. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th dav of Auerust. 1921. K. Ii. WINDHAM. (Seal) Notary Public. (My commission expires Oct. VJ, 19-1.) North Platte. Neb., Aug it "Cer tainly I opposed tiie presint blue sky law. I did ii to put an end to swin dles in sales of stocks. Hut the forces of present state administration voted me down." The above is the gist of a state ment issued :oday by State Senator Walter V. Iloagland. republican. i'i leply to the charge by Cuy T. Tou e!!e. chief of the bureau of securi ties under the MeKelvio code admin istration that liwagland had done more than any other member of thv last two legislatures lo hamper the alleged attempts of Touvelle's bureau to check wildcat stuck s;;!c.- in Ne braska. "I have no epolgy to make." .says Senator lloagland's statement. in pen. "and I do not care io engage in a dispute, u itii a person of .Mr. Tou velle's standing in the stttte, but that the public may not be deceived. I am willing to state the simple facts. "Tuuve'.le makes no specific charge and it is apparent that he desires to pa-s the 'buck' to someone eise for the failure of his department to cheek sabs of worthless stocks, in the state and to prosecute those who have defrauded the people in this w a ' "As attorney for some of these vic tims. 1 have sough! prosecution of certain swindlers Lit! recently, only lo find that the so-cal!d air tight blue sky law which Ton wile says he got thiaunh the last legislature, had applied the white wash to all crimes and criminal acts of persons in the vale of 2oi.(M)0.t)00 of fraudulent securities in Nebraska during the pa.-t four years. "I admit that I opposed the pre sent blue sky law and when the his tory is finally written it will be found that my theory is correct and that why we do not. netd so many laws establishing bureaus and com missions to supervise and control the ordinary conduct of competent in dividuals in tiie business world, but v. e do nt ed laws that will be effec tive to punish and place behind the penitentiary bars, men who commit the frauds upon the people. "The whole trouble with the blue sky law as it has existed and as it now exist.-; in addition to the execu tive machinery for its operation, is found in the following statement made by the governor in his. last in auguration address, which is as fol lows : " 'The issuance of permits for the sale of certain secinitic- :h::t have been passed by the blue sky is regarded as n guarantee of the worth of those securities and securitv salesmen are making the most of this opportunity to appropriate the name of the state to their own selfish purposes. Says Can't Escape "We have had in operation in the state of Nebraska during the past six year:; a blue sky law which at all time-; permitted the railway commis sion and tin. bureau of securities to ex ere No its discretion and to refuse to grant permits to any individual fr the sale of stock where the applica tion convinced tin1 bureau or railway commission that, it was inadvisable to issue the permit. "This provision of the law placed the responsibility upon these depart ments for the issuance of permits to persons en dcorporations who should not have had them, and they can ii t escape the inefliciency of their examination and tiie recklessness in the issuance of permits, by attempt ing to "pass to buck to some legis lator who has opposed their ideas to the passage of legislation. CELEBRATE FIFTH BIRTHDAY Mrs. S. E. McElwain entertained Monday for her little grandson. John Dale Button of Omaha in honor of his birthday. The host's grandmother, who is on . . .. . rti.i K.,i--w1 I, drl iiiniw fnkp r.ii t. a i n iiiii. uiintu lev v- v ...... j served with a suriptious lawn dinnerfjf The ilo.ccrations were of merigobr, blending with the table covering. Alanv annronriate presents were received by the guest of honor and' a general good time was enjoyeu n the twenty or more guests present. H0LC0MB IS RELEASED Messages from O'Neill. Nebraska. announce that Walter Holcomti. wno , was arrested there on Sunday for the shooting of a real estate dealer nam ed Olson, had been released from the Holt rountv jail pending a further investigation of the case. The facts, of the ease as reported seem to indi- cate that there can be little blame for the shooting attached to Mr. Hol oomb in view of the attempted as sault made by Olson on him. You can plow, disk, harrow, harvest, thresh, bale hay, grind feed, fill the silo, saw vood, pump water, pull stumps, do road work or any other power job around the farm quicker, easier and at less cost toyouwith the Fordson Tractor. Twenty-four hours each day, every working day in the year it will give maxi mum service. Light but powerful it gets from job to job quickly. Easy to operate and control effi cient, economical and above all DEPENDABLE. Get in the power-farming frame of mind now. Call, phone or drop us a card for facts. See the Fordson in practical operation. T. H. Pollock Auto Co. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. MlpM Power - Job j: i! j Kill Use a Fordson Tractor! Fall plowing is too hard on horses this year. Fall plowing should be over now and many farm ers have not started. A Fordson Tractor will solve the problem. One Fordson will plow as many acres in one day as two men with eight horses. Save expense, save your horses this hot weather and farm with a Fordson Tractor. Phone or call on us for a demonstration. First calls will be served first. T. H. Pollock Auto Co., Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb. 'dbscribe for The Journal ALBEKTAS! - GOVERNMENT . INSPECBTED-- Thursday, August 11th Get Your Orders in Early! Union Meat Market Phone No. 12 B. J. HALSTED, Prop. it