The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 11, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1021.
Local Financial Institution to Distribute Interesting Informa-j
lion in the Form of Illustrated Articles Soon. j
A 4 - v
"Con" Tschakert
"Con" was formerly foreman for
Sample-Hart. Ford dealers. Omaha, and
is a high class Ford mechanic and any
work entrusted to us will have the same
careful and efficient attention as in the
Our good friend and faithful employee
R. C. 1 litchman. or "Brownie," as he is
better known, is leaving us this week to
engage in the banking business at Blair,
so when you come in ageiin call for "Con
and he will ake care of your wants.
We Guarantee Our Work
Authorized Ford Dealer
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth
ICai, Jed. Sokoi,
Sunday, August 14th
Catholic Sokol Hall
with the assistance of the Ladies' and Men's Classes
of Omaha and South Omaha.
Admission 25c Ghilden 10
Not lor years has :1k re been sv-i h : t he n:,i'!. r ;m.y be he is s i j : i to find i
evblettf uiiieU sis : ts in the worM '. !ii:.g m-w ;r I lit-iii. Tlioy have J
tol.iv. Kvi'i! t he caMml rt ader "f 1 b'' : pc rt b u hi r :i;me;;l to m-w cit iy..".i- !
!.::!v low sp:: per sees ih:;t 1 li v. '-'id ! . fipi'oii: ners ,ci.oo! iKiit-n. m't
is si-:-'; i.ii'i :i' a doctor. The way v. . !I .'urui ki.ig intt rest inc. and in-,
to .-uoi.'l In-.: 1 1 li i-; through an awaU- tractive r-.!ii.g to prnci ically cv- :
o;:od ii.t tc.-i in ! aii'nirs of i nr I'rjMic Tl.-- community is sure io j
(;, eminent and an increnseJ feeli:;.; hrnel.t '.You: this o h ! ri but ion ami
of i"ir respousinilliy in us w - nil e i". e; y nornc sm-uui nave ;. cemi-l'tei
ami a i! m ini.-.: ration. Not until wo m l.
understand i lio in :ign it u do and effi- Never Iefort have American-; taUon
ciencv of lli" 1'nited State's stivirn- sncl, in; me intcrtsi in ihoir guv
inoiit d we fool tl;o respect for it ; .--mm :i t . The ex'on-ien of income
and the pride in participating in it ;.'(sni.l t!u- widespread pun base of
that it deserves. Lihi-r:,v i .omN ha vo ;a;.d o us a! 1 linan-
At tho prosont moment, in spite of eial pailiur in it-; welfare. We all
all on;- unrost. tho I'nited Statos is
tho inui-t favored of tho world's na
tions. Wo l:ao onjoyed a century
and a nali oi tno gov em nion i oi (i.e
people, for tho poopio. by tho poo pi-."
l! is not perfect, but it is the strong' -ost.
most substantial and most of
ficio nt government in the world to
day. The liank of Cass County is coit
temph;' ill'-; tho fro-' distribution
anions its friends and patrons .of a
sorios of highly illustrated articles
on tho government of tho I'nited
Slates. Tho articles, although writ
ton in popular form, w ill bo of real
educational value. They are to be
mailed di:'"cily to the homos of this
coiinliunit y wit 'unit charge. This
plan is in keeping with tin new idea
; every progressive financial in
stitution owes a broader service to its v Tlic modern bank is no! bank and have their nam
longer only a place wluT" mor.ey isj'-'u-iou in tin- mailing list,
th-posited at one w indow and draw n j i:;;S boon act icipatod that many
at another. It is rail. or a oeiitor of i v i wi-h to k"; each numlter of Hie
(.'list r not i vo and helpfnl i:iforn:al i'ii j,.s of :;o eminent articles as i"
to which any oik may lri::u j: is li - , . ,j ,-d . as each will ib-al with a dif
n.ncial problems with some i li - ; . . t n j department ot tl:o tbivern
di :(' of limliu. a solution for tiiein. iM.r. 'i'. l-'or this purpose it is nndor-
ii.. . .: ... .1 i ,. v . ;...! I iir.t t iwro 'is ii ;i i 1 !; ! e :i li'n
I ,;'t' H .III 'U'UU' 'i (
ti'.i' each of u-. il-rive.- . :'$ i.uitihor oi he..::tiful coniaiisoj-.:.
from tho .-orvico of t ho "'i rnment . . : "f w iiic'i c:in '.m- obtained by any
They have i'eon linn'.u!:! u to the i rvit ilosirinu it by ( aHiiiy uurin
minu'e. and however well informed- bank in. u b.ours tor it.
wa.iit to i ::ow n.oro about 'i a::l wo
l.avo a ri, .'.! to know. Tliat is why
tie pubiicaii'in of this material
comes at pivei.-.c!y the ri.-ht nioimnt
uiul why it may bo expected to be
so ut looinc. This lmliiic interest in
governmental a:fairs is a boailhy
and natural int"rest. Ii will bad
!o iucrea.-i-d knowledge, a more in
; Ili.-u-ni nmb rsi ;;ndii!L; and a I. .104
iion-.; stride ahead. This emumiii
ity is to be cm o. ra t u la ! e on tho foro-.-iuht
aiol ontt i priso that brings this
material within t lit roach of every
one. Wo understand that it is the de
sire to make this distribution n-3 wide
a.-, possihb'. Sumo, howi-ver. are snr
i" bo overlooked and as the snpply
of articles is necesariiy limited, it
is .-lmue-ted that everyotn wim
vvil:cs to reeeivo thelll call at tl'.O
foi- in-
- . . i f
v Vi- w.; -i 4 if -fv .J
aw ihii mm.
They are the next thing
on the program. Just
what you need lcr the
coming cool evenings, or
that August vacation
which you have been
waiting to take.
Coat and Pull-over style
men, women, boys and girls. Worsted, shaker
m,.v.i, ., ya. iii.!- -h 1
"""'J I " ' ;'' Pi' -; :i't 1 I
or rope weave.
: ' .'
! Omaha Citv Commissioner Not Averse
to Xaking Kace on Democratic
Ticket Next Year.
:.::iua. An-., s. ' :it . n-.-r it: m ;t
year's unlit matoriai centos! in bo:h
ropnldian and ! :mi r 1 i ic pritnarii
has I'tn ari'toi-'i in (it:. aha :' Citv
!i"s, exceeil ! per pa i:
.M' n's s!iir: e eod i .o'ii.
Mr-n' and i'o hats exeot n "
ach .
Men's ami t-oys" caps exceed $ -1
a ! 1 .
.'.itii's and !os" ne: k:ie and neck
,l . a i exceed J each .
Mi n'.--. women's, misses' and boys'
j.itnas. n iu a ' i; aw ns and underwear
cceo:l $" each.
Kiaiollos. p. Tticoats and waists X-
I each.
M.n's vv a . ia ; s. old separatelv
: . ill Miits. exce-'d " each, and house
or rniokin eo.its or j ickets. and
mm.-:, lent
i:. Cutler's
it -.
ibes excoed $T.."o'
that he 111 i Is r no: be av.-r.-
The .Mi'.'in iioo'is on which it is
p s d to en 'ho tax in half in-li-.d'.s:
Tennis rackets, nets, racket
'.t rs ami presses, .-kates. snows hoes.
-I-;is. toli. u. n. oanoo paddb-s and
so'kin:; the ib-moeratio nomination
and by the leoon' rosenoe in Cmaha
o; A. .1. W.v-..-r. ot Falls Ci:y. list-d
! is a probable candidate for the re-
! T . 1 I . ' i t rt T 1 lit ill', til:, fit. 'I
I We:.v.-r ooi.,nlto.l ' s.-v. r:,l ! , . ! i .0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ns. po'.o niallets. basiball bats.
j Omaha repn id iea 11 s on his vi-it her
j ami is a miet st ood to have receive !
j considerable oiiooi:rauem:i! to u-t in
the race lor uoveiuor.
NEERASKA PIONEER DIES ihtn with little ,.r nothins to at-
AT UNIVERSITY PLACE! "'V ,"lt' "w , "I11"rs- T1,.f -V nnnjiy
settled in ass county, lour miles
I wost of Murdock. taking up a home-I'niver-ii
v I'lace. ; i;.. Aim. 7. -toad, and there lived for over thirty
lis. (:ar!"tte Waldron. one of t lio v e: rs. ex periencin.i, all the hardships
arl Nebraska pioiu--rs. and mot her j ; nd privations of the early Nebraska
"!" II. !'.. Waldron and W. T. Wald- pioneer.
roti ( mt.tiia. died early Sat unlay .
evening a' the heme of her daughter.' , .
Mrs. J. K. Cas-.
o!" I'niv er-it v i'lace
The IUM-ral v. ill be held at
C. A. Murdock of Neflavvka and
u'i 'in k Tue-ihfV ninri.intr t'rom Ihc Methodist" church of Cniversit v ' (:- A- Vradenburi? of La l'latte pur
i'iac- and tile b...v t,k' ii ove, lani b ' h''d I-ordson tractors of the T. II
ai!t..:,.oiole to Water!..'.. Neb., where 1 P';' '(K'k Al!'" t!"s week.
bMiial will take place about J o'clock,
in th- afternoon.
.Mrs. Waldron is survved bv riv
children. Mrs. . M. Mnwrev. of' "
Creenwood. Neb.; 11. !!. Waldron of i A '.!.! obis Sui ts just a iri ve.i. lb. t h
Omaha: Mrs. W. I Parker of l'ni-M" 'lk M-ihoany finish. Hack
v.-rsitv W '" VV;. t.i r,.,, ..( rv.,-! ! " l"-war prices. Christ & Christ.
aha and Mrs. .J. K. Cassel of fni ver
ity I'lace am! twelve grandchildren.
Mrs Waldron came to Nebraska' WANTED. RESTAURANT
with her husband. II. II. Waldron.)
who died eleven years aso. in the A rood location for restaurant. No
fail of 1 SC. 1. (ros.-in- the Missouri i ratii: house in tow n of 2Mt. Cood
river ai Omaha, drivin.i; up I'arnain ! s!:rroundin- country. Call phone No.
-troet v h n Ho- i-iiy was ;; small I ;77-i. (Mat tsmoutli
IMa i t sim in t h, Nebraska.
u'oves. ma.. protectors, .-noes anu
i; t t'o.nis. !.;f hairs and clul's. balls
lil kinds, im iudin-; 'nasi-balls, fo-.i'-l.alis.
;.-n:ii-. uoif. ia crn.-se ami bil
liard hails, fi-hins rods and re-Is. bil-la-rd
and ;i""'. tables, chess and
clicker biards and pieces. dice.
!;anio and parts of panics (except
nhiyiny: cards and chii iron's toys and
.md a!l similiar articles.
I it peal of the in per cent tax on
earhonnied buttled beverages, which
. .m. .... i ....;.? 1., .1... i.i.hki.
It is conceded that IWih r woul i " " .
sv.eep the democratic prima ri-s ,,. : ' 'T r tnon . 1, 1 y . a ls was .1 isctssed
l).mS!as,r,!tv ami 'hat if he ran h. ;'; 1 ,u' '.' s '"V1"1 U"rAhWx lcUo"
would be a form.dablo candidate. A, "" t'(1 "u mbers o
a .-suit th.ue is ;, movement on to ::'' ''-'. wiio argued tha, .'
imiuce niuler to tib- ;or eoueress and 'V":' ' '! ' '" !Vm Vi .,1,X
Illllhh ai iouiltailis ill l in- ilio-s dim
i'.r.ller's siateno 'ii !ias aroused tlo
Hitchcock lorets. ii'r;i,.!-c there is no
love lost lietween the 1 1 i t c h coo i; - M u 1 -len
i n ii ami 'iutbr. ami because
Hiichcoek s.-e-. the danger in having
!ot Ii the senatorial and gubernator
ial tii iuocrat ic from
( M 1 1 a ! i a .
r;.u aiii'insi Coiiiiressnian A. W. .lof
feris or whoever the ri publicans may
nom I mi t o.
The Iiovve;j republicans are inter
ested in tho Weaver candidacy be
'.amo they would pref.-r a candidate
of a more progressive tvpe than the
l-'alls city man and reiiard Weaver
as a rather dangerous man in t lu
pin ma ry .
HMe.'r. tho more radical minded
republicans view Weaver's probable
entrance into the race with approval.
They (inure thai if Weaver. Adam
MoMullen of Heatrice and Ceor''
Williams of Fairmont should all run
Arthur C Wray. of York. who in
Omaha is listed as a certain candi-
itlaie in the republican primaries.
would win the nomination hands
rt lain the levy on the bottled fronds
sold lartreiv in tin- rural districts.
Our 1 ' s 1 1 allowing o mens and boy.M Ccjpy is icntly
for you.
U lias c.:ji years since wo liavf: n oil' Ii n t lassy
Ixinch of ciif)s. For looks, comfort anJ fmibli tiiey.
cannot be excellerl.
Whether your choice runs to p!.iin !!u rccn er
blown - lroadclot!is, tweeds and the pojMil-u her
ring hones your size is here.
With or without pleats, waterproof visors, ll hand
somely finished with silk lining. Two Dollars
and I ifty Cents and I hfee Dollars.
Yc have a whole flack of boys caps at 25c, and
an equally large herd of men's at 9ic.
rituw c imsimi
And With it That Imposed on Wear
ing Apparel Agreement
Practically Reached
Washington. An;;. -V Areoinont
to '-Ii in ina I p the Ijxi'.-, on f;iuntain
drit;k.s and ice crAnn and the so call
ed luxury tax on wearing apparel is
understood to have been reached to
day by republican members of tin
hous,. ways ;,nd means committee.
:ii'inir in executive se-.-ion. a reduc
tion of one-half in the in per cent
levy on sporting froods also is said
to have bi.en airrecd upon. The total
Ii-.-s of revenue fro mi hose proposed
ehatiires would he slibtlv less than
:F.-.i-(H,iMif. .-,,( t1(. reductions are
the first to he passed upon bv the
majority mc;:ibo; in their effort to
carry out the announced program ot
republican bo'is.. leaders o cut half
a liillion (P ilars from il-.e n.ii jon's t..i
bill. ttf?!'
Tim wearinu aiparel jos ro
poi.ed for repeal are In pet rem of
the amount by which the costs of:
Women's and misses' hats, bonnets
iDd l0"d I'viTol J 1 .1 ,.,-, )
Wc-Cjen's and liiis'-s' silk st-ck
luge- or li'.-.e "e i 12 per pair
Mhii's. wemea's, Hid bco j'
boct, shoes, pumps aud -Uppers t-
cecil $10 per pair.
Men's aud buys bilk stockings or
Washington. Ati-r. S. An amend
inrii' to t!ie porcent iiro of immigra
tion law that would permit as many
as twelve hundred inimiunints to en
ter the I'nited States from any nation
will he iat reduced in eonirress at the
i i ut st of Secretary Davhs. it was an nounced
today at the department of
labor. Tho present law. which fixes
ill- maximum number of immirrrants
from any country at :'. per cent of the
total in tlii-i country in 1!10 effects
especially, it vva.s explained Austra
lia. Xew Zealand and other countries
which in recent years have sent one
thousand or l.i'iui immigrants of a
de-irablo typ, whereas now their
ipiotas urn below 1'On each. Few
countries in Kurope would be a fleet cd
by the amendment, it was stated.
luiinijrrant.s in excess of July and
August (fuotas. now held at. various
port.., will be admitted under person
al bond and eharircd to the year's
to,-;ils. Commissioner Cencral Hus
band of the immigration bureau an
nounced today. Th" order was issued
after a conference with ship line
1 1 p resen t at i ves.
E. W
escott's dohs
AMT! DCHP Oil I octal. Kentucky, as a substitute fori ii, unfits (if some hind, the report do
Mil I f ULLli UiLL j an anu ndmont by Semuor Kee 1. dom -
jocrat. Missouri, nroposin". iimr" dras-
PASSES SENATtia li a",pu,! WIW
i - - -
Now Goes to House for Conference
Search and Seizure Amendment
Wins Over Drv Protest.
Washington. Aug. S.- -The Willis
i in i,l. ..l l ... -i i il, ...... :.;:i ... .......i I
V i p; 1 1 a r reii -rendum
t no soaaio to,:a . .: ;o u.i
ami sent to con'erenco witu the!
hou-e. with the prospect of its linai-i
New York. Au sr. S. State legisla
tion converting more tha n ?:;7r..t'M,
et'O to the aid of world war veterans
nas I'eeii passed or is waitini;' tor
t no Bank o! ; on re;. . c-ta !
mofica announced today ai t!;.' con-i
Insi.ui of a :a t ion wide survev of t!;
Tiio bonuses ranne from $1" a
month for service in a number of
stales to .SJ.i a month in North I a
v 'a i i I'ornia na.- pas-ad a bill for "
cationa! educatioii of veteran, ib
pendents and Aii-na. California.
Oreiiou and South l)akola provide Inl
aid in buyinn homes and in OreL-,,a
the bonus is made optional with lio
privilege f borrow up to $:'..nini
from the .'-'ate.
..ii. l ii 1 1 ii i im'iiiii- i no vv ee i e u is. t , , .. . . . . . i . . . . i ,. ... .. . 'um ' ' 1 i. . ' i'
Cpoti beimr informed of t ho act ion ( ,,onns,.s lotal!injr ? 1 m'",.!,..,,,. j ;vith Uurdock Hlood I
minis situation. Veterans in four-
Can 't h ok Well. e;,J w ; i 1 I 1 1" I I
well with impure blood. Keep the
t!oaurv officials said that the boor
ri -.ulat ions which have been drafted
i nd are ready for Secretary Meilon's
and in more
t - 1 v I. : t t V . t I - t 1 I.' I i V ( . "t I '
ifsi.- :ai urn , , , .
. , ; . .. . , , I e, i! till Cllli' ! 1 a I I II I .- 1 ' 1 I V 'II '
nrovidimr tor easn bonu-es ot 1'.M.- ... ...
....I ii. . ... ,.. 'to toilow. .-.1.2.. arottIo.
inature would not bo issued p-nl-j bama. Ceoriria and Mis'isippi have! - ,. .
ttm action by the senate and house ; u.(1 , ,(i!s isatj:i air.hori.- Lost anything found ailjt ll J.nj,' .
i to veterans in exemptions orjTry a Journal ad. "They satisfy."
conien-os. I he remi la t ions would
jii o, ide for use of medical boor un- i
u- r th ruiinu of former Attorney
C ueral I'alnu r, a ruling which the'
bill i- designed to overcome.
The ban again-t the proscribing of
lu - r by p!y.sie;n ns am! limitations of
preserip't ions of wine and whiskey j
contained in the bill as passed by;
house won- virtually unchanged by.
the senate. but a fo-v important ;
amendments were added. Thee in-;
clmhd a provision to restrict opera-,
tious of prohibition enforcement o!ii-:
cers by prohibiting searches or any-attempt---
a: searching of private prop-j
erty or promises without search war-'
rants. A violation of this clause;
would bo a misdemeanor subject to
due of $l.'uu and one year's im
prisonment. Penalties of live years'
imprisonment and $1.UU0 lines were
provided for persons attempt ing
searches while posing as prohibition
The search ami sei.ure amendment
was offered by Senator Stanley, dem-
mg aol
ec4Tisai Service
Generators, Sfaders and fgnitisn Sysienis
-Storage Elattery Service!-
Located With Ceo. E. Weidman Tire Shop
Ib.'lfast. Aug. S.--A letter Troiu
Kear Admiral WilliaTii S. Sims, ac
knowledging receipt of f-oiigrat illa
tions from i.clfast comrades of the
great war on his recent speech be
fore the Ihiglish speaking union in
London, in which h criticised activi
ties of sinn loin sympathizers in the
1'nitcd States, was mad" public, hen
today. "It may interest you to know that
practically all the reputable news
papers in Hi" Cnitcd Slates are now
in thorough approval of our condeni
na'tion of th" ac' ivit i"s if -inn fein
- v mnat hiers in Mi" Cuited States."
the b iter said. '"I his has lieen
brought about hy a remarkable ex-
pirs'-ion of opinion by Hi" American;
V ople in the forms tf showers of
ed. ! is mv hope C::i 'f "'H' c;ve1'- tl
ti-e a very considerable influence
upon the relations between our tu
of S
ummer oress -Uiooasi
We have on sale all our Summer Dress Goods, consisting of
Tissues, Flaxons, Dotted Swisses, colored Voiles in plain, figured
and silk stripes and plaids.
Your Choice at yz Price!
27-intli Gingliauis 25c
32-inch " 35c
32-incli Zephyr, $1.00 quality 7,3c
One lot of Boys' Shirt Waists at. . . .75c
Ladies' and Misses' Smocks in white
and colored. $6 values now. . .$2.50
Ladies' White I Dresses in Madras.
Lincnc and Stripe Dimity, now selling at
Vl price.
Misses' and Children's Gingham Dresses, sizes 2 to 17 years,
at One-Half P rice!
2 The above arc offered in full confidence lhal our cuatomcra arc gelling ihe
very beat bargains of ihc season.