The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 04, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Saturday Specials!
Pepperral and Aurora 9 4 blcacbc! sheeting, very
special, per yd 42c
LL muslin, excellent quality, per yd 10c
Apron ginghams, very best grade, per yd I3V2C
Ladies cotton hose, black, brown and white, pair. . .19c
Children's Ribbed I lose, sies 5 to 9, per pair 15c
Men's blue chambray work shirts, made with two
pockets; while they last at, each $ .65
Men's heavy 220 denim overalls, special, pair. . . 1.29
Men's dress sox. black and brown, per pair 15
Men's athletic underwear, penal per suit 79
Men's suspenders at 39
Men's dress caps, values to $ i.00, .spt-ci:.l at o9
Just Received 50 pair meti s dress trousers in serges,
cashmeres and worsteds. Priced exceptionally low!
Boys' Knee Pants, Suits, Shoes See us before you be.y
10 lbs. pure granulated sugar for
I lorseshoe. Star and Climax, per lb.
Camel cigarettes, per pkg
Ivor j' soap, swi ill size. 2 bars for. ...
Navy !eatis, .nest quality, per In
No. 3 can 'oma'oes, brst M'ude, per can
1 1
r j;:u ! n
Bring us Your Krgs We pay ll
Highest Market Price
. lSc
. . 7c
, t ' ' : 1 m i
oartineot Dtore
I'm ? i .:. for ihtir ail !n ilo- M-r v ice.
the count v for the u-e
I 1 1 tii ';:; house, and the friends
We t:-.W means . f expressing aiul neiyhb v svtn,,:itjv
ih- h!iii trifii'l of this .,.Hi!iiuti;ry Rll u i t. I an.l for the beautiful
",ir ! ! : m ..! trie mmv ii,,,w.vs. Mr. aiol Mi
.e:s of !. 7 1 i i 1 1 -lit. t n-i all'l the .,,.- r-r Mav .-
: l- . 1 1 lioT'or I : : !! 10 nui love.i eae, v,..,. l i-h.-v ,1
in - , ii ft-: timed to i
i.i! ! l :ie hoiii' !:i!nl. Ksj.-fia
I 'i i ii U The A : n -; i 1 1 i
!'n- ( l:i iff :' ' i'i - '
is lli-- ! i v '.
', . gi.ui. 'I:i.
!.- I inji.
i 'ha n: -r. L'ii V ; :; V:;oi s .md t ;.. .
' i .-!n! ' l i'-:i.lir.r ior ' . r ( i ; i
Kv r t. -.-1 1 .1 a sol ;:la
ii:ti.. .1 W. I'r.ilell
E. !.'. Sehulhof.
Ii- l:i r
A . ..;.,,.-.! ::
! tin- i;n:ir'i ' .i: I
; Y'-O DEPICTING l''-'."A' "
f n A PL'S U f rl Er- raw I r- zrr a 7
: A I I T- "N r . - . - - . - . V . r
Tin' Nat l-'arm niirau some
liint a"o asKi-u i'iicm i-ihiiii in ni
I Mate that lias a farm bureau ( ni.iki'
a i-iort to tl.' national iik:ui iat ion
that coiilil li useil in sending in
siai nu nts that might In placed le
ture 'impress for the purpose of .se
en lint? adequate farm legislation.
T!o- n ir( s-uiat ives chosen l;y Cass
eoiiniy i cn-i-led of a hanker, iii mki
ot" an elevator and three lariii-ii-.
and 'luy met on .hih !lh and
:..viiri-il toil and enil.l'-le of I he eost
it' iipcratiiur l!:-' far in arid Itn- os1
I' l he el ops.
TI i- cii'imil tee !'.!Ve the present
" . .. i
1, i-. ml i li ! a t" lieu 1 1 il i e in sexei.u
I rmiM'-i, l'ir.-f lieins; low tinanrial eoii
liili ii i-allsed h.v tile l-'ederal lie-
!,,.;vc hank- Middenlv sti.ppine,
' i"a:is in-ieail of gradually li-ssi-mnij
l a nuiiii-' i' "! lo.ia iiiailt .
Tilt- il i !! t ' I'.'lwei-M the pli:'e
; iid !c :!ie fariai r tor iti-- let
: ;.d liit- p. ii i- p. i:d by I'o- ulliniate
iiilMihii r for the finished prodiKt'
was ; i i s i .-h.'v.n tin- repo:':. The'
a!- -'A." ba d 1 ' i i :i '-Hill v," priee of
v'. a i per 'u-iul alld flour j
f:.T. a -.eli. I..!1 on- bushel of wheat :
1! - i;( ie I :' liillli r v ill u. ' '-' e ;
n,.iindv i.l' i' !l lal-.-s!
lii- brand and -rV-ris fi.f his r.riad '
ill'. 'I'ii.- C'i-1 f,a ,-:iel; of tlnur is i
i ii-- ;ill pi $2. I in-'
t I lli re).--.- is S I IPL'" w !i i:-h il the lliid
db unit's profit .
'I he relation :,f pli.'es of 1-111111110-ilil'.es
ni !ii r 1 ban a u lieu 1 1 u re Colli
i d . A li to pre-war priees of I U
P r I 1 1 - ! i . -1 . All farm inai liiiti i v luti
P . cent above.. or '- p i cent
at').. iiewar prices. A-sessed land
lief'-re I!:e War ws $!H" In Jpni, now
Sl.'oi. l-:: t cent higher.
IP -p a -. i Ii:-, of tin- marketing and
tun p. rtaii'iii taciiities tlie report
!-!.il.s ti.e Cost of t ra llsport a -
i ii :i inrrtased 1hi per cent. In l'.i 1 7
or: to Kau-as City ! cents per huu-i
drd. now SIT.'" per hutiiiied;
wheat to Kansas Cily ill IIH'i, 11
r iif; per lu. now L'l cents pi
hntidied. tern to (nnaiia in lhl-. "
een's per hundred, now 12 cents per
huadvul: wheat t: Oinaiia in l!l."i.
(i c-nts per hundred, now 1 :'. c. n'.
per hundred.
In the production of crops 1 In- :-..;n-i:ii::ee
rep. .r' on the produ.-i iu !'
:. coin crop f thirty bushi I 1 per
act'- v.iiicii it 1- tsttuaied will cover
that of I'.lJl: Cos! of el, :;7 cell's;
ptepari.ii; urmiiiil. pia 11 i itiir. ? "J ; ci.-t
el' cu ! ! ' '. a t iot. . . : ; u -. k i . -i I.
!lin--.'! r.t. : - i i v -y. 7". certs;
a , , ,, . ! -.
j laes, .r. 1 . '.".; i. is'niii taxes. 4 '
Ford hwfn! lens, 50c -a:- . .ii i- !:..!. ,..: a
at ; ! r eitit. -ii. !'f:is briirus i In
'' .!' I lie a tea ta .fU.U to p.- i
diiie at. 1 a! thirty bushels io i he
:u e he ''Ii-' per b:l-!lel
7 Cellts.
Tao to! of pindiiiitiis the l'.2 1
wheal rop thai i- beitiL- sold today
is as follows: I'o-t of seed, ' : cost
of idowinic. $2.r.u; eettiim mund
ready, $1; s.-iAitiL'-. 7" Cents; ctitiini;.
?1.2-"; twine, i .". cents; siiockins.
labor, threshing. $:; ilav-tiinu cusl
at 7 eiUs'per bilslie!, Sl.Ua; niar-ketini.-,.
7.". cents; ;ix's. $1.2."; per
:o!iai taxes, 4 cents; depreciation
of i"juiimeni . $1 ;."; vaiile of land.
SI au per acre at ' per cent. $'.;
wi'li a total cost of pi, fifteen
bushels would average about $1.74
per bushel to raise the crop.
Tii report is submitted by W. B.
Ka titling:, president; (:, tko Towle.
vteretarv and I.. It. Snipes, eaunty
agent of the county farm bnr
lail. .
Spoil. Togs
Skirts of fancy weaves
and wash Satin are the
smartest thing in Fall wear
and win instant admiration
where ever seen. Choose
the very necessary part of
your wardrobe early.
Price per yard,
$2.50 to
Also Sport Silk in
stunninp shades and fancy
weaves for the sweater
blouse. lJer yd.
$3.75 and
. K.iwanl Hip
Mr. at: I Mr-
a. ea 1 a t v
t r.t
piano tuner.
Tub Skirts of fine qual
xly Gaberbine, well tailor
ed and butron trimmed
only a few left at
reduction price of
fi.i y Mai ion Haiikins in Serious
(liticn ns Rtsull oi Neglect
Was German l';isoiur
Filet Blouses youth
ful styles, soft yarn and
much color ar.d behold,
you have the guy sweater
of the new season. We
carry a large assortment of
beautiful shades of
yarn at
H. M.
A Good Quality of Goods
at a Low Price!
CALL PHONE 53, 44 ond 144
jei' -.hir. T. II. pollock Gai ii;.
ourV aim cur motto7'
Tilteti i no., at eighty year.; 01
age and this is tin- hrsi
he has had "1 visiting ht sou for
soliu- time and it is Heed I cm-'. Io a
I lo" occasion has in ri) a mof il- as
aiit o;ie for ue 1 .
. z.- ; i I i i
5 U
u f-- i iw
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Saturday, August 6th
Music by the Hew Orleans Syncopated Jazz Band
These boys are noted all through the south for their
Famous Rag-Time Music. So if you want to dance to the
finest music that has ever played in your city music that
has lots of pep and snap. Remember the date. Come
in and find out for yourself.
An Evening You Won't Forget!
Dance Starts at 8:30 P. M.
f'rom Weilnesda v s I tally.
.1. V.. I.ancaier of .Murray wa here
for a few hours today at t ( ii'i i tig to
soiie' matter-; betore the bojrd of
ei . i i ? i r v oiiitiiissioio rs.
Ihl S. Tut! of .Murray was in the
city last cvenine; lor a few hours at
t.i:dl!: t I some matters of business
and i-itin.' v.ilh friends.
II. C ('reamer of .Murray was
.iiron;'. iti ise t:oinv, to Omaha this aT
teriioon to spend a few hours there
a f ! i-nii i n;.", to some matter.-; of busi-
j .Mr. and Mrs. Turner .MeAllisi.-r.
of l.os Anc.eb's. California, are in
I the city enjoying ;i visit Ijere at I he
home of Mrs. .McAllister's sister, Mrs.
Mary Ilurrows and family.
t j. I. Iliatt. the Murray mercliant,
was lure for a short time tiiis niorn
j ins en route to Otnnha where he spent
! a lew hours hours at the wh.'desale
j lookiuv. after some business matters,
j V. Iier.s and L. J. Mayfield cf
I Louisville were in the. ity this af-
tcrnoon, ti interview the board of
county couunisyionors in rcanl to
s.otne matters pertaininR to the road
work in their locality. "
Henry A. Cuthuiann, the Murdoek
hanker, was here for a few hours to
day in company with William Mann
ami Conrad YVehrniann. both of the
vicinity of M unlock t:i attend to
! some matters at the court house.
O. O. Kins of Superior arrived in
,lhe city yesterday via the auto route
in comnanv with his brother. Iaac
Kins and family and they will de-
' part in a few days for Minnesota to
enjoy a fishing trip among the fam
ous lakes of that section of the coun
try, i ney report a most uengist nil t . 1 . r" i j.. 1,
I trip from Superior. Leaving there at.1" -vciyuouy my
j 10 a. m. and arriving here at 7 p. m. my price is richt
, yesterday. I
i Jerome Tilton, of Bradgate. Iowa,
fatber of Charles Tilton, of this city,
is here for a visit with the son and
also at the home of his niece. Mrs.
Elizabeth Forbes and family. Mr. 1
Prominent Evident of Virtet stee
Hill Stuck Up and Precious Car
go of .Ice Cieam T;iken
Tiiis city wri-t the scene last even
in l' of a rather utimual hold up in
that the booty -i-.iii.-i by the 'rob
bers" was not goid or jewels or even
"I h.otch" but ice crt am.
The victuii of liie holdup, who is
.r.t of lilfi bos wlm believes ill the
theory of earl to bed and tally to
rise, hal staiiiii for his home on
promintory shortly after 10 o'clock
and was wholly unaware of the dia
bolic plot tiiat iiad been hatched up
auain-i him 1 y his friends and as
sociates anil Jus! prior to leaving for
hon.e called at Morgan's and secured
two quarts of i.-e cream with which
to his appetite before retiriiif,
for the night and gailly wended his
way homeward, together with oi.e
of his neighbors. The young men
were proecdingsNii one of the little
traveled streets on the Mill and Ihe
pi-sessor of the ice cream whist lllii;
merrily. "Ain't We (rot Kim" wioti
out .f the weeds along the road'.lile
stejip'-d a niasl d figure thai cm
ly commanded "haud-uip" and in an
in.-tant I iie ' ..iiimand was obeid
Ihe youth a -' !; i u the h k h a ma n to
refrain from opening lire with hi--artillery
and th- ice cream win r.l ol
ly turned over to the "haiulli."
The young man who su Hated (In
experience it is reported has not en
tirely lecovifed from the i-IiiiIh of
tlie holdup ;ind on reach I ne. no
was feeling (iy weak around lie
regions oi tlie stomach.
August Victor record., iioa on
vale. Com in and hear llo-m pl'i
J. ( raliill I I d
1 Ogalhlla, Neb.. Aug. L. The peo
ple of Keith county are aroused at
Ihe treatment accorded .Maris. n llan
Kins, war veteran, by I lie nvi rn
nni,t. Ilanhins volunteered from
Keith county and lel'l with Company
I'. I-Ml'ili Nebraska regiment, but was
later transfer) ed Io Company I.. Kit
ly-ninih infantrv. Koniih division,
and wem to France. In Hie fighi ing
on the western front he was captur
ed by the Cermans after his broth
er. U.llliel. had been shot d )W!l 1V
iiis side. Himself wounded by a luil-K-;
thrtr his simulder. he was also
ga-sed and among the first of Aiii'-i-ii
ails taken prisoner.
la the (ierman hospital he n-ci ived
lit t ! at I. ill ion. W hen mustered out
ne was marked up physically fit, re
gai'dli ss of his wounds. On I. is re
turn home, being phvsica!lv unable
Io p. i tot in a man's work any longer,
in- applied for compensation. After
lw e a m ina ! ions he was allowed . S
per moiilii. About a ui.mth ago it
was decided that il would be well
lot him lo go .to some government
hospital for treatment.
lie claims thai on a.ciiint of hav
ing no l nnds in- "I ntiiuii il" his way
lo Leavenworth, Km., ami niade ap
flicaf.jj ;;i !'ie gov -ranient !:. --pit .il.
biii on a;-coiiiii of his untidy appear-'
ance lloai !ia viug In at h;s way. t hey
accii'iil ! : i t n tif being a "booe fight
er'' an I. W. W. and carrietl tio-ir
insults io a point unbearable he de
cPires. He left and Miuehl work iti
liie Kan as liarvesi field;. became
ov rhea. I ed diliillg liie severe ho!
wa!':cr. sllf!'il';i del n-ic ila ry iiisan
i:. wa a rrc 't ed .-iiid tai-iw;: ini i
jail I v a Kau-a-' sio ri'.'! am! Ins ju-t
I. !1 I I 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 to i'a!.Ui. N'eb., by
ilis ptlell' .
I'lib ss i he go vern la i ii ! dose muf
thing a' oiee i!ie eountv com m issioii -ets
have . e;i notilied lep- will be
!aken to giva- him tr"atnietii a! oh"
o! i lo- insa ne ho-pit a is.
The pe,,i!e (,f Ki ii'i ci.un'y are i:i
dignati! at such t i'e.i I un-u t !" -no- i.f
lio-ir he.'Me-. :i!id t!i'.' higi'.i's! otlicials
of liie Am -:ii-an Legi-m wiil be a p
P'taleil in to s;.rnie ju 'ae far .Mar
ion Ilinkii.-.
Two Cclored Met: Last Ui;ht Stink
Up Operator ni:d Secttteil SS
ti:il Made Esc.ine
L i-1 night a ".-lick up" party
cip.Mu near :h.- Lu r 1 i u g ! oi: si; na
::-.Vir :;' ''r-apil's ai'd a-: a ." -s i i : of
w'ii:"'i M. ! lampion, 'he oper;!o:
v as sieali ibv u for JS In ; v, .1 c.i-ir
M 1111 11
Mr. Hampton liaU Just the tower to deliver some train
oilier: to .. frtigil! liiat V';e d ra v lag
mm tin- Mucl; when two dusky iiutd
lam i-ts stepped up to him from out j
1 f fiie darkni-s i:id presen.i-iu a;
tevolvir reilested tiia! he elev;i!e
l is liaiuts which lie. dul and lb-.- no-ni
then searched his person and removed
liH'cftoi'i S hard earnid deilais audi
without even a word of thanks di. j
apptared in the daikness and sue-.
s -1 11 1 1 made their geiawav.
.In 1 ah'.u; 'he lime the robherv .
(.(curied a nort hhaiuul freight wasj
passing oil ! he Missouri I'a.i.i.
tracks and made a sho.'t ,-;op a! tile
clos-ing and il is tWoiight that the
twa; men were able to reach this and
make their way into Omaha. A mes
sage was sent to the Omaha author
ities to be on liie waleh for the mill
but no word of their arrest has been
leceived and tin v it 11 ilou I t ed ! y su,:
ce; lullv made thoar getaway and
ate now enjoving the fruits of their
Y ,1 i-rdi v al'leinoon while Ceorge
I locker was engaged in working
around a po t e of threshing niacliin
rv at Ihe farm of Ceorge Slander,
In- had In . rlr.hl hand very severely
Injuied Mr. eeker was cleaning
I lie iv lilider of the thresher when
5 ertsi SifTS
ts T'm -a w v i 11;
fewf Fowo- j
I si!os KA jhj
You can plow, disk,
harrow, harvest,
thresh, bale hay,
grind feed, fill the
silo, saw wood,
pump water, pull
stumps, do road
work cr any other
power job around
the farm quicker,
easier and at less
cost to you with the
Fordson Tractor.
Twenty-four hours each
day, every working day in
the year it will give maxi
mum service. Light but
powerful it gets from job
to job quickly. Easy to
operate and control effi
cient, economical and above
Get in the povver-frjrming frame of mind
now. Call, phone or drop us a card for
facts. See the Fordson in practical
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.
Plattsmoutli, Nebraska.
net t
Forcison Tractor
The T. 1 I. Pollock Auto Co, are now ready to dem
onstrate the Fordson Tractor and will plow one day for
any farmer who is thinking of buying a Tractor for Fall
plowing. One Fordson will plow as many acres in one
day as two men with eight horses. Save expense, save
your horses this hot weather and farm with a Fordson
Phone or call on us for a demonstration. First calls
will be served first.
T. H. Foliock Auto Co.,
Phone No. 1. Plattsmouth, Neb.
My Fancy Elberla IVuclir
are due next week.
The Peach crop is very shoit
this year. If you want nite
peaches please give me your or
der NOW. Next week will be
2nd Door South of the Postoffice
Phone 134
Mot HJurging You
to Buy!
-Jul if tninding you that our
limi nlitpmrnl of Young Men's
I ''nil Suits is line.
Chr ks r.nd stripes are to be
thr thiui;. If you are wanting
ruinirtliinjj choice; want it early,
and wear a 37-38-39,
Stop In!
1 rrv. are from Kuppen
hritiicr and Hart Schaffner
Marx, and that means quality,
fit and satisfaction.
the engine suddenly reversed and the
third linger oi the left hand was
euiiuht and almost torn oil. The
thumb of tin- saute hand was also
Tlie Home I), nionslration Agent
Miss Ida Williams will hold the meet
ing at Lewiston ehureh east of Mur
ray n Thursday. August 11th and
at which time she will be glad to
aiisv r any uuestiotis eovering the
latin work and such matters as can
ning, poult rv raising, sewing, inter
ior decorating. Mr. L. It. Snipes,
county -farm agent will also be pre-
sent to assist in the meeting. .
From Wednesday's Iially.
County Judge Ueeson yesterday
afternoon heard the matter of the
complain against Harry .MarolY, ;i
Resident of tlie vicinity of (ireen
wood who was charged with having
assaulted County Commissioner C. F.
Harris during1 an altercation over a
ctrtain piece of road in the west
part of the county. The young man
was given a fine ot $S and costs
amounting to $1.'L40 and which was
settled and he was allowed to g;i on
Ms way homeward.-
rlllie new Ford lawful lens, f0c
per 'pair.
-T. H. Pollock Garage.
Philip ShiaielL
Auto Electrical Service
Generators, Starters and Ignition Systems
-Storage Battery Service! -
Located With Ceo. E. Wcidman Tire Shop
i-. i
f. r
1 1