THURSDAY. AUGUST 4. 1021. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE i A 1 ft Murray Department Trepared in the Interest of the People o' Murrj and Surrounding Vicinity Eipeciftlly for the Journal Readers It fccyof the reder of tc Journal knoT of any soeia.1 event or Hem of Interest In this vicinity, and will mail ime to this office. It will ap pear under this neadlnr. we want all newt Item Epitoh gj bulking your Character - Ju, The name of the bank with A The name of the bank with which you do business is one of the best references you can give. A checking account stands for modern business methods, available liquid funds. 1 -5 '5 3r A savings account stands for gocd habits, thrift and am bition. So not only does a bank account yield you monetary returns from your investment but it returns a dividend in good reputation. MaKc This 'BanK.your Xcst Servant Open an Account with lr Today JVOW f Interest paid on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Reed came up from Falls City Saturday and visited at the Henry Creamer home for a few daye, Mesdames Reed Bnd Cream er being sisters. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Milhcrn visit ed in Plattsmouth Sunday and at tended the funeral of Edward Rip ple, first Cass county man to Rive his life fighting in the recent war. Miss Inez DelesDernier underwent an onert't ion for the removal ot ner (that next time the more favorable and of the boys may be weather will be that even more able to go. Murray U. P. Church Note Sundav, August 7. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. "Paul in Cyprus and in Antioeh of IMsidia." Morning wor-! ship at 11a. m. "The King's Busi ness in Abyssinia." Young People's Christian I'liion at S p. m. "Thy Will be Done with My Pleasures." Mt. ; tonsils at I aha last the Fenger hospit al in Oni-! 'to tin- Friday, being accompanied metropolis by Dr. G. H. Ciil- MURRAY BANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. All i 11 ;L. r -lnv .liilm i '.i r Jioiji'.- ;ii Syr !:. S. Tit! I'll i it :iu Mrs. O 'J'. I. '.vila and two visitois in Omaha ;it M,, ;;CU-' ! ;,. 1 t'T- in ihirrv t ll'lren vis ('I'iiha ver Ki'.ig after some Phit tsmout h on TiM-.-iday ii t'l itiiiihii. I ' vi v l"i'iii ;;: in'' ilo n ( cmmiI v - ui 'lu'-sihty to l toni" I n ine.- mat t-r:-. I. II. PuN '!f"- his V.'Iie !i. ir liaes 'Vtii'r. X br.. a ' ':'. ii !iiil-s. in (!: day. .1. H. i'.rown :uul family (inv I i t .-iin 'jt h Si;i itay to alttiu! luhiT.i! mi iviwajil Rippb-. T:i .( II i:-cHti and L. II. Puis vir-ite.J 111 0-n;i!'.;; Mon'iay. .1' in .Mr. i'.rnw:,'? car. I.;ia and I r i Philpot re bus In en eon fined to his home on ac count of illness. A. A. Stillger of Plattsmouth came down Sunday for a visit with his wife who is temporarily employed at the telephone office. Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Harrows return ed home Monday evening from Mil- thev had Iwn visiting more. Messrs Latta and Latta hav- just i installed a pump in the well recently sunk on the Glen Todd place and in a short time will erect a windmill i to keep the stock supplied with! water. Frank Dill has rented of I. M. Davis, the farm which Will Cook has been farming the past year and will, move there from the Pitman farm.! which he has been occupying this, sejion. .1. E. C.ruber left Wednesday f or . Portland. Oregon, where die will join Mrs. G ruber and the children, who have been visiting there, and tlx familv expect to make their home in the west in the future. Charles Kennedy returned home on Friday from Onawa. Iowa, where he has been working in a garage llie past 1 wo months, Ixin:; (ailed on ae tonni of I lie illness of his mother, who is now improved. T. S. P.arrows, the elevator man has turned cartoonist and showed the writer a cartoon of your unele Andy Gump, in whicli lie depicts disap pointment, and which he will be pleased to show friend:, on re quest . John Crahill. wife and daughter, of Plattsmouth. accompanied by their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norih cult and children of Omaha and Mr. ami Mrs. Isaac King of Superior, vis ited over Sunday al the V. A. Ken nedy home here. Mrs. J. A. Walker and "daughter. Miss Margie. Whl S. Smith and wife, Rev. J. D. lJuchauan and siter Mi Wedncsdav. An, prayer and praise "Paul in Iconium 14:1-28. rust 1 n service and Lvstra M id-week it S p. m. Acts Ivlanaled Hand Badly M. Ditterway had a serious ac cident last Friday at the farm of W. J. Philpot where he is employed, when he caught his hand in the en gine used for grinding feed, and had th" back of his hand badly mangled. The injured member was dressed by Dr. G. II. Gilmore and is doing nice ly and although it looked at first as thought it would be impossible to save it, there is now hopes that he will not lose the use of his hand. chased the Puis hardware and im plement business from August Meyer Of Weeping Water, the deal being made through T. J. Brendel. The consideration was placed at $60,000. in exchange for which Mr. Meyer re ceives a large farm near Greenfield. Iowa. The new owners, .who will con duct the business under the name of Peterson Hardware company, come well recommended and we bespeak for them a continuation of the large volume of business heretofore done by this store. They expect to re move to Murray and make this town their home, assisting in building up the town in every possible way. They will also provide for the amusement of the people of the com munity by operating a picture show in the hall over the store building, on Saturday nights and through the week as well, if the patronage proves sufficient. Shipped Six Cars of Cattle G. M. Minford shipped four cars of cattle and A. Gansnier two cars on Tuesday. The outgoing shipments of stock this year are much greater than last, indicating an increase in the number of feeders during the past season. Lulu and Dr G. H. Gilmore and ueMs at the John Yan Wyoniing last Friday ere thev had a most from the o.ik after to the i a n: 1 1 lrnli M Minn- 111 T' SI 'Hie .iauii 1' l . i o 1 1 ! 1',1'HM I Itee 1 1 tin-. a v b I.: uier. n he fan urn Overton, visiting for !ies -f J. W. R. YOU MO AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale!, Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! REVERSE ALL CALLS Telephone 428 Hattsraouth Zxchan ford, when fif the past ten days. Mrs. Koy Fegers. of Plaiuview. was a visitor in Murray during the past t hrough i week, coming down to call on her distance niotiicr. Mrs. i naries i racy. The Kichter P.rothers are having extensive alterations and improve- ! incuts made on their home, the work (being done by Ralph Kennedy, i Dr. G. II. Gilmore was a visitor in Plattsmouth Sunday, occupying a place in the Legion's escort at the funeral oT Edward C. Ripple. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook had as dinner guests last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Rrockwell and daughters. Helen and Gertrude, of Dunbar. Mrs. Clinton Morrow and daughter of Modale. Iowa, are guests at the D. C. Rhoden home. Mesdames Mor row and Rhoden being sisters. Henry Walker, of Stronghurst. 111., who visited at the home of his cousin. Wm. Mcach and family during the past week, left Tuesday for his home. Shrively Cromwell, son of T. H. ouiwell. of Omalw. was in town on i TucMl.iy. while enronte to the me tropolis with the automobile of his j fat her. I Mike Grant has been iinproxin ! it,.. in. ... r-.i :! f 1 1 1 Inn n In cm- ting the grass and weeds growing along the sidewalks and in the north of D. Cross. I Again ihcrc is a Real Bargain here for you on Sale Saturday! Genuine Red Sockeyc Salmon, tall can $ .29 5 lb Best Santos Peeiberry Coffee. 1.10 SALTic 3 Get your requirements now. Freeh car just unloaded. Blocks! Sacks! Barrels! Hiatt . Tutt MURRAY, : : : NEBRASKA family were f. line home at evening. wh pleasant time Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence lirau. of Pocasset. Oklahoma, w in have been away from Ca-s county for seventeen years, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis, while visiting with old friends here. They are ac companied by Mrs. C. C. Hennings. who is a sister to Mr. Iirau. John Robbins slipped on a smooth piece of tin on top of the threshing separator a few day ago and pitch ed headlong into a wacon into which the wheat was running. He struck the side of the box cutting and bruis ing himself, siml although he is able to get around he is still pretty sore Mesdames O. A. Davis. W. E. Dill. Sadie Oldham and E. S. Tutt visited in Plattsmouth Monday and on their return were caught in the sudden downpour and had to seek shelter at the Glen Perry home. After the storm was over, they were able to continue homeward, but found the roads pretty muddy. Henry C. Long arrived home Sat urday from tht western part of (In state, where he liad been looking af ter the harvesting and marketing of his wheat crop. He expresses him self sis well pleased with the yield and marketing conditions and knows he will not suffer the loss he did on last ear's crop, by lire. Mrs. Paul Istacal. of Nebraska City has been a guest at the home of Tln. Hanson and, wife during the past fortnight. Aeompanied by their guest. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanson, and the W. E. Moore family of this place, as well as the O. E. McDonald family of Murdock. the party visited the state fisheries at South Rend last Sunday. Lee Nickles and sisters drove up later in the day. taking their dinner and enjoying a picnic with the party at the fisheries. Mrs. Morton Rartbtt. manager of the Murray telephone exchange, ac companied by her daughter Florence and brother. Will Greene, are visit ing with her parents near Inland. TJiev drove up last week but were otrtaken at Friend by rain and Mrs. Rartlett and her daughter continued their journey on the train, having Mr. Greene to bring the-car. Dur ing her ;ibsen-e the work at the ex change is being looked after by Miss Freda Lyle and Mrs. A. A. Stiliger. j Visitors from San Francisco j Mr. and Mr:. i'nh r Cjiauncey. of f,S::n Francisco, who ate visiting in : Omaha. accompanied by Charles ,Channcey. a brother of the former, I were guets at the Joseph Cook home i lu re last Saturday. .Mr.-. Chauneey Mrs. Cook were .--choo! mutes and .this is the first visit they have en jiy:d together in over seventeen ; yea rs. j Enjoyable Birthday Dinner j Last Sunday a! tin pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Chalfant were (gathered a number of their friends lit ci'li'lirti'i' I Iw i:v:i!!ir nf tin- S 1 si birthday" of Mrs. Chalfant. Social conversation in which reminiscences of the (dd days played no small part, was engaged in throughout the day. and a sumptuous dinner was served a ihe noon hour. Tlio; present were Mr. and Mrs. Win. Chalfant. Jo seph Hathaway and family. J. E. Lan caster and faniiry. Mrs. Lucy Wuiie and son Bruce, Earl Wolfe and tani ily and William Cool; and family. Departed for Home Mrs. E. L. Stciner and daughter Mildred, of Oklahoma City, who have been visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. .7. W. Iterger. left Tues day for their liomc in the south. Dur ing the last week of their several months' stay, they visited at the Nel son P.erger home. Exciting Experience Mrs. Myra McDonald had an ex citing experience a few nights ago while looking for eggs. It was quite J dusk at the time, and when she saw I something black in a nest in the straw stack where the hens had been wont to lay. she Ihrtist her hand in i to remove the hen. but immediately i withdrew it when she felt something sleek anil cold. Procuring a pitch ' fork she lifted ihe intruder a large spoted snake four feet long from the nest and killed it. She had no thought of fright until after the rep tile had been killed, and then reflect -' ing on her escape from being bitten, sdie became very nervous. EAETLIKG SEEDS a 4 Timet v. 4 en p.-r In: A Haifa. ML' to 1.". pel Xew crop alfalfa after Alsike. l""i per bushel. We buv timothv and ,-d. EDW. RARTLLVG Si; -L'tvr Nebraska -!l"l. bushel. Aug. ir.. new crop, red clover EI) CO.. City, Neb. Proved a Frugal Housewife Last week when W.. A. Scott was preparing to deposit some money re ceived from the sale of his business here. Mrs. Scott informed him she had saved a few dollars, which they might as well put in the bank, and forthwith produced J2.700 which she had put away from time to time in anticipation of a rainy day. Con sidering the fact that the only thing some people save for a rainy day is rubbers, and many not that much, the feat of Mrs. Scott is remarkable and this handsome sum will add material ly to their bank role and come in handy when they decide to go into business again. Friends Mur-week Stole March on Guy 1. Stokes and Miss Ethel dock sliiiucd away to Lincoln a ago Tuesday, where they were quiet ly married and returned this week after a brief wedding trip, to surprise their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes will make their home on the farm of C. M. Chrisweisser, where Mr. Stokes has been engaged in farming during the past several years. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Murdock liv ing just north of Nehawka. j For Sale i Four red coming vear old heif ers, w eightng around soil hs. AEREKT YOI'NG I Hike j The hike success in every reported at t he appointed time, eat the picnic I w nods, near t u- To Reside in Plattsmouth Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Puis arrived in Murray a week ago from the western part of the state, where they have pending t h summer on their and have been visiting friends and at Plat tsmout li. They ex to leave this week on the re trip to Grant, and from there go to the ('(dorado mountains i two weeks' outing, being ;i c- hccii farm, here prcl t urn will for : eompani'd by Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Itrowu and (laughters. The itinerary of I heir trip includes Estes park and many other points of interest. On their return, the Puis family will slop oif at Grant to put in th' ir winter wheat, after which they will Come to Plattsmouth to make their home during the school year, and the a Success Monday was a huge way. Fourteen boys trytsting tree at the It was decided to dinner in Rintncr's swimming hole. It proved to be a long walk, but no one fainted by the way. Everyone en joved the roasted wciners. sand wiches and fruit; but the baked eggs, t potatoes and corn of these, the less! said the better. i After playing the gme "Heads and Tails" and running a "Monkey and Crab Race." everybody jumped! into the swimming bole. It was scarcely necessary to take a bath in! the creek, for a heavy rain storm' arose and before we could get wellj started for home everybody wasj soaked to the skin. While we waited in a hay-shed for the rajn to stop, we played "Swat 'Em" and "Hot Hand" and ho kept from getting chilled. Another hike is being plan ned for the near future. It is hoped ' h i hi i cn ('liou!. .Mr. and Mr. but still think many friend- I ..ill attend t! I "la 1 1 ,-niout !. Pi; Is like of Murray ere. the nid w est t heir STATE MAY SUPER VISE RURAL PAVING Good Pioads Committee Adopts Reso lution to This Effect Follow ing 0. L. D. Mixup. Paving on the and George Wa will be subjected rigorous scrutiny Lincoln. O L. D. diington highways to a thoroueh and and future paving on these highways will be under the direct supervision of state engineers appointed by the state highways commission, according to resolutions adopted by the joint good roads com mittee yesterday at its meeting held in Omaha yesterday. George E. John son, state engineer, was present and concurred in the action. This is the inevitable outcome of the squabble over the paving work now in progress on the O. L. D. road, where it is claimed the ration of sand and cement is not up to specifications ami cement blocks will be taken from all three of the highways and fenl to Professor Mickey, of the Uni versity of Nebraska to be tsted, it is stated. Should these tests not con form to the specifications of the re spective contracts the paving will be condemned. "The activities of this committee have just begun." declared Vice Chairman Nesbit. "We are deter mined to see that the taxpayers of Ibis city, already dciied. get some money." In an interview prior to the meet ing State Engineer Johnson reiter ated his statements that he thought Lew Adams, county surveyor, was re sponsible for tb conditions discov ered in the Lincoln highway paving.! The resolution refering to the ap-j pointment of engineers to watch the paving will be submitted to the Ihuiglas county commissioners and ; they will call upon the highway com-: mission to mala- the appointments according to the present schedule. P.oth bodies, it is said, favor the ap pointmenl of the new inspectors. The three paving contracts now under way and the number of miles are as follows: Lin coin highway, five and one-half miles; (). L. D.. five and one-half miles and the Washing Ion highway, three and one-half miles. Books! Books! Books! We have them till you can't lest, at the Jour nal Office. so heavily returns for bur- their We can furnish you "blank books most any kind at Journal office. New Firm for Murray Paul Peterson and his sons, John and Edward, of Omaha, have pur- W. A. ROBERTSON Coates Block Second Floor r EAST OF KILEY HOTEL Here is Your Bargain! For sale one Titan tractor and three bottom Case plow, in excellent condition. On Schlichtemeier farm seven miles west and one-half south of Murray. Call at Murray for a demonstration. Absolutelj' guaranteed. JACK WEST, MURRAY NEBRASKA Announcement We have purchased the entire stock of Hardware and Farming Machinery of the August Meyer store, better known as the W. H. Puis store, at Murray, and will continue the business, ever maintaining the high integrity and carrying the best grade of goods in our lines, which have characterized this house in the past. We are going to make Murray our home and will move here at an early date and shall appreciate the business of those who have been patrons in the past, as well as of all new customers who come to this store to trade. Thanking Trie patrons of this store, and the people of Murray and vicinity for the business which they may give us and assuring them we shall greatly appreciate their friendship, we are Peterson Hardware Co. J. V. Peterson, Manager MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA it-?. Generous discount on all cash purchases. To Those Who Know--- themselves indebted to me, and wl-o have not adu'siod their account, I will be at the hardware store Jor a short time and desire you call and maLe settlement as r.on as possible, either by the payment of the count or wilh a note which s I 1 1 ! be approved. I ;un .vt business and must make settlement. W. H. PULS, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Jack's Flaeel FORMERLY SCOTTY'S PLACE I have purchased the business of W. A. Scott and will carr' Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Confections and Light Lunch. We shall keep the service here at the same high level which the former proprietors have ever main tained. We invite the trade in our line and shall p preciate the same. Jack West, MURRAY NEBRASKA Announcement-- - I wish to announce that I have disposed of the hardware and implement stock which I had in Murray, and also the building to the Petersen Hardware com pany, they having taken possession. Any favors shown to the firm by former patrons and friends of this store will be appreciated by myself and them. I am thanking all who have by their kindly words of business relations contributed to the success of this business. And wishing the people of Murray and vicinity prosperity, I am AUGUST MEYER, MURRAY NEBRASKA Saturday Specials f We are going lo mke everything right for the coming Saturday, with a substantial reduction for ihe cash. This means a materia! saving for those who are using the money in their purchases. Car Load of Salt! BARRELS SACKS BLOCK SALT F. T. WILSON THE "SERVICE STORE MURRAY -: -:- -:- NEBRASKA J Subscribe For The Journal