a PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1921. AGE FOUB Cbc plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEXLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoffice. Plattsmouth. Neb., as econd-claaa mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PEE YEAR IN ADVANCE It takes no credit to borrow trou ble. : - :o: '' Now they wed and live snappily ever after. :o: Those germs in kisses have all lied of painter's colic. :o:- Money talks, but unlike never gives itself away. men it -:o: Style designers must think every body was born in Missouri. :o: An apt quotation is sometimes bet ter than an original remark. :o: The home-brewed Far East ques tion certainly has a kick in it. o : o Spring gardens now lock like ac cidents returning from happening. The darkest inmr is when you an'; find the electric light switch. Thou-'.i you ;-:op your clock, the :-im will probably set just the-same. :o: Op:i:r.i:: . ui: :i who makes a a mountain of trou- Vu.utu ..re foolish it they believe the fool things" men say when in love. o:o Keep the home buyers yearning, seems to be the builders' favorite hymn. :o: Women will never chew tobacco because they are to busy chewing the rag. :o: A man who refused to da ho lest work usually expects to do hoaest workers. When a man attempts to define injustice he tells how the world treats him. Last month's tax on chewing gum was $100,000. No wonder we are all .-tuck u i. :o: Don't waste with yourself, friends are for. time finding fault That's what your I -:o:- The man who takes unto himself a Letter half should be prepared for better or worse. :o: Hoover says we can get prosperity with toil and economy but too many don't want it that way. :o: Now that Caruso has found his voice, perhaps we can convince the tenor next door he hasn't it. j :o: They used to carry corn to the mill by the bushel; these nights they bring it to town by the gallon. :o: Scientists say man come from mon key and women say they have a hard time keeping him from going back. 5 - v S ? "it don't take a man long to bag his p.uits at the knees. v.v.'l to make a finely tailored su:. look thoroughly disrepu-. table tliat's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes on to explain that the man who is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing, bis clothes in much more presentable condition than when he got-acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, either. Goods Called for and Delivered i"i i .v.!;iiTi PHONE 16b miim A woman is vivacious but a man i3 gabby. :o: British diplomacy is oily rather than smooth. The Small scandal in Illnois evi dently is no small scandal. :o: Have your own way but .don't expect to bo popular, too. o:- As soon as the hot" spell is over politics will begin to warm up. o:o It's .this race of naval armaments that is likely to end in a race riot. :o: St. Luko is said to have reported theh Sermon on the Mount in short hand. :o: When she's 10 she says she would n't marry the best man on earth; when she's 30 she finds she didn't. :o: A doctor claims he can transplant ari and make deaf people bear. Will "Lend me your ear" become a real-!a itv? :o: vi-i is fu bird looping tn You never see a loop or tumbling around in the air. That's because the bird is wiser than the aviators. :o: Mrs. Lot would be shocked if she knew about the paragraph that says she didn't turn to salt until she turn ed to rubber. :o: An ex-scldier is trying V . he isn't dead. If he succeeds Congress will think he is the exception that proves the rule. :o: Ponce de Leon chased all over America looking for a fountain of youth and never thought of stop ping at a. drug store. :o: Half the world is busy devising remedies for this and that, while the other half is kept busy inventing antidotes for the remedies. :o: "Owen Moore Picks a Beauty For His Second Wife," says a newspaper headline. Won't that make Mary Pickfofd gnash her pretty teeth? :o: Sometimes the printer gets it right. For instance here's his latest typographical error: "The physician felt of the patient's purse and found him a very sick man." o " r Budgetmaster Dawes will seek to immensely reduce the output of pam phlets by the Government Printing Office. That new wast" basket may not be needed after all. :o: The small boys of Plattsmouth who are taking from one to five baths each day, desire to be specifi cally understood that hc superflu ous baths are to be credited to their winter accounts. -:o:- White races are diametrically dif ferent from the Japanese. The Japs worship their ancestors. We worship posterity. We build, plan, invent and write for posterity. In fact, we think that we might justly leave to it. :o: One of the strangest sentences we have seen in a long time is from a life insurance application. It reads thusly: "Do you drink liquor, and if so. to what extent?" How can any body drink liquor to any extent now adays? :o: The natural mclination is. of course, to put Ma Bergdoll down as a liar, but at the same time, do you believe that dub cub of hers was naturally cunning enough tt. escape from the whole United States army unaided? -coi We glean this from the report of the Maryland Fire Commissioner: ' " 7 :C L,ca,l ..T. , .. . , ,. ,.'" ing a fracture. She is able to be The girl, of the Baltimore high out and expects to take the splints off bchool made an etpecially good thow- this week. ing coming down thc fire escape dur- Paul Knaptou surprised his many ing thc drill."" Undoubtedly, down ffientls .bv unexpectedly stepping-off tii.. fir., r.n, ,he tram Monday morning, dressed inttiireidpi. jJn his army uniform He ha8 beeu . , : :o: stationed at Camp Meade. Md., for A bride s visiop of her home is one several months and the reduction of in which she will have everything the army to 150.000 men enabled him just as she likes it. and servants who to fiec"re Ms houorable discharge at are well-nigh r.erfect A few weeks I . time: iaul ha8 ha(1 a wQder aro ui nisn perieci. a lew weens r, t:xperjer,co for a boy nis age,-i,ut obey the cook n that perfcou win con seut to remain jut two weeks longer. . :o: Unfortunately, too, if Congress in- -r.i.Psi tbo notaira rato to cents trtases the postage rate to o ctnts that extra cent will be taken for revenue and won't go to encourage tl.a ruiklnftir-p .IPTKirtmcnt in Tinrrv - " . along the letter we are looking for containing the invitation to come and spend our vacation on the fam ily's rich uncle's steam yacht. ! ELMWOOD ' Leader-Echo I ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i niini n il On last Saturday L. F. Langhorst had O. M. Ring haul a truck load of chickens to Lincoln, .where lie soin them to dealers. When it is known that there were $500 worth of chicks ens in this load it i;ives us an idea of the number of fowls. Most of these were young chickens.' George Hhodcn of plattsmouth was in town ou Thursday visiting with n .. j r. .!.. itn iA 4tiut hoon tn iioy auu iauaii j . iiu tiuu judv see Sterling Rhoden at Lincoln and reports that he is getting along nicely 1 1,. I. now. lie was aiso at osauan, to see his brother, W. A. Rhoden and reports him some better. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Critchiield and two sons of Kansas City. Mo., motor ed to Kim wood the first part of last week and visited for several days .at the home of Mrs. Crichfielcl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Ward. They were on their way from Denver and other Colorado points, where they had spent several weeks. They left for their home at Kansas City last Friday. The little year old daughter of Rev. and K Mrs. Sala had one of her legs badly scalded on Saturday when one of the older children lifted a wet tie of hot water from the stove, some of the water accidently falling upon the leg of the little girl as she was playing on the floor. The in jury was quite severe, but with prop er care is getting along as well as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gonzales are the happy parents of a fine baby) daughter born to them on last Sat urday. Of course they have had a; hard time to find a suitable name for. her as there were many suggestions. Nevertheless, she has a suitable name now and evervone thinks that it is perfectly dear as is also the little lady. This little aaugnier came inio the world by what is known as the 'Caesarian operation and is perhaps . f - - thi one of a very few to be found in thi3 section. , ji ii t I 1 t 1 I 8 I 1 ! 1 1 1 t t I l'i : I LOUISVILLE J Courier "' UMlllllHllllllll'llH Walter Twiss came up from Platts mouth to visit the home folks over -rt rl VAtilfnArl t f Plat f CmftlltVl Mfinrtav mnrntn?. drivine down with ;hi, hTnthfi, Claude Twiss and wife and their mother, Mrs. Belle Twiss Miss Martha Stohlman accompan ied her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goeglein and family home to Pierce la3t week and will visit there for a week or two. Mr. Goeglein is teacher in a Lutheran school at Pierce and had driven down for a visit here with his wife's sister, Mrs. Andrew Stohlman and family. Mrs. Walter Blake and daughter. Miss Vivian returned on last Friday from a visit with Mrs. Blake's broth er and wife. Mr. and Mrs. August Ossenkop at their ranch home near Oconto. in Custer county. Miss Vivian went out several weeks ago with her grandmother. Mrs. Mar garet Ossenkop and daughter, Miss Mabel and later. Mrs. Blake and her sister. Miss Carrie Ossenkop, of Omaha, went out. Mr. and Mrs. August Pautsch and Mr. and Mrs. George Wood drove over to Maniey Sunday evening to call upon Theodore Harms, who re turned home last week from the hos pital, where he recently underwent an operation for acute appendicitis. They found Mr. Harms convalescing at his home and making good pro gress, gaining in strength and health every day and glad to be back at home and with his family and old friends again. C. W. Spence of Havelock was in town between trains Monday attend ing to matters of business and visit ing for a short time with relatives and old friends. He informs us that his daughter. Miss Elizabeth has just returned home from the hospital where she recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. She has a position in the postoffice at Have lock. but she has been obliged to dis continue her work for the present. EAGLE Beacon 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 n i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 Lewis Glenn and wife and three children arrived via auto from Mor rill, Nebraska, Wednesday noon for a brief visit with Mr. Glenn's sister, Mrs. Merle Latin ing. The steel crew, which has been laying heavier steel rails on the from thc ea8t We are informed the work will continue without interrup- tion until completed to Lincoln. Miss Ada Trunkenbolz has been carrying her arm around in a split for the past week, the result of an accident which happened Wednesday. Just as she was alighting from the family car at her home the car start- e1 aud hcr right arm caught between ICE CREAM SOCIAL lue puunc is cordially invited to aiiena lue 'e .reaui Social given uy tU(J jj Auxiliary of St. PaulH church at the home of Mrs. Ed Tritsch on Sunday, August 7, begin- ning at 6 p. Ul. Come and bring your friends. A good time is assured you. Lost anything - found anything! Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy." SCHOOL DAYS ARE DRAWING NEAR Tuesday, September 6th, Fixed as the Opening Day Nearly All the Teachers are Assigned. The vacation period of the boys and girls attending the city schools is fast drawing to a close, as the board of education at its meeting last evening, decided upon Tuesday, Sep tember 6th as the opening day of the 1921 term and the pleasant holi days that the young people have en joyed must yield to the needs of education. Superintendent G. K. Ue Wolfe is now here and at his office in the high school building each day ar ranging the details for the opening of the school system and preparing his plans for the ensuing year as well as the assignment of the teach ers in the various grades of the school. " The board feels fortunate in secur ing a superintendent who is thor oughly familiar with the Plattsmouth school as it makes the work easier and the reaching of a high point of efficiency much sooner than if a new man wholly unacquainted with the system hail taken charge. Mr. Pratt, the retiring superinten dent, is still here and assisting Mr. Ue Wolfe in clearing up the work of the last term and getting the decks cleared for the new year's work. The board of education has filled all but four positions in the grades and the next two days will probably see these positions filled and then the schools will be ready for business as soon as the opening day rolls around. BOOSTS TOURIST PARK One of the enthusiastic converts to the cause of an auto tourists park ing place is Dr. Frank L. Cummins, who has just returned from a trip over the western part of Nebraska and in the mountain section of Colorado. Dr. Cummins and party made the trip west by auto and found that the cities that had the tourist parking places were well advertised among the travelers and they certain ly were something that the tourist appreciated to the fullest extent. In a number of the towns visited. Dr. Cummins states that the parking places were provided with every mod ern convenience such as shower baths with hot and cold water and plenty of places where the tourist might stop and cook a meal and not suffer the privations that formerly accom panied an overland trip across the country. There never was as large a num ber touring in ears as this year and the parking places over the country were full most of the time and those cities that had snme place where the traveler could rent have received very valuable advertising. FURNITURE GOES LOWER Just arrived: The New Tables. New Beds. Twin Beds. A large ship ment of Dressers. Hugs Mattresses and Bed Springs at great money sav ing prices. Phone 645 Ghrist & Ghrist Plattsmouth, Nebraska Blank Books at the Journal Office. MITICK !' M IT TO lll'IKT T1TI.I'.. In the lMstrit-t "ourt of the Coun ty of Cans, Xct.niska. John X. LSerk. plaintiff, Vo. Jamts L. Ciaiy ft al. W-rtiUants. To the defendants Janus L. Craig: Mrs. .lames 1.. Craiir. tiit real name unknown; I'raiw. tirst real name unknown: Theud"re Decker: Mrs. Theo dore Decker, tirst real name, unknown ; Klizer 15. Garrison: Mrs. Kli.er H. Gar rison, tirst real name unknown: Horaee G. Garrison: Mrs. Horace G. Garrison, first real name unknown; James Val entltHs: Mrs. Jiimes Valentine. tirst real name unknown; Janes Va I lent irie ; Mrs. James Valient in", tirst name unknown; John W. 'lark. Mrs. John AV. Clark, first leal name unknown; diaries V. Anderson; Mrs. C''les YV. .nd-rsoii. tirst real name unknown; Susannah Thomas: William 1... Harris. Mrs. William L. Harris, tirst real name unknown: William C. Noxon; Mrs. Wil liam C. Noxon, (irst real name un known; Oscar M. Carter; Mrs. Oscar M. farter, tirst real name unknown: the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested in the estates of James I... Craiir; Mrs. James L. Craig, first real name unknown; Craiyr. tirst real name unknown; Theodore Decker; Mrs. Theodore Decker, first real name un known: Klizer B. Garrison; Mrs. Klizer 1?. Garrison, first real name unknown; Horace G. Garrison; Mrs. Horace G. Garrison, first real name unknown; James Valentine; Mrs. James Valen tine, lirst real iiuine unknown: James Vallentine; Mrs. Ja.nies Va llentin-, first real name unknown: John W. Clark; Mrs. John W. Clark, first real name unknown: Charted W. Anderson; Mrs. Charles W. Andersoti, first real name unknown; Ssusannah Thomas; William U Harris; Mrs. William L. Harris, first real name unknown; W 11 lhun C. Noxon; Mrs. William C. Noxon. Hist real name unknown; Oscar M. Carter;. Mrs. Oscar M. farter, first real nam unknown; Tlttimas Thomas; Stephen F. Nuckolls: Jane K CraiK. each deceased, real names unknown; and all persons having or claiming any Interest in all that part of the South west quarter; sw,i the West half (V4 of the Southeast quarter fcEVt and the Southwest quarter Sfe) ot the Northeast quarter. (NBV4 lvtuB Ur..il f Oik riirht rf wav UI the BUV- lington Ac Missouri Kiver Kailroad company in Nebraska, of Section thtr-tv-two, (3:' Townuhip thirteen. 13) north. Kungc thirteen. tl3) east of the 6th !'. M.'. and alto all that part of Section thirty-one. (il) Township thir teen. (13) north. Kange thirteen, (13) east of the 6th I'. M., more particularly described an follows: Commencing at a point 14.50 chains east of the quarter section corner on the routli sido ot Section thirty-one. (31) Township thirteen. (13 north. Kanfro thirteen, (13 east of the 6th V. M., running ; thence north 27 degrees and 31 nun lutes wst 10.70 chains to an ash tree. thence, north 7o degrees anu v min utes vast 10 chains to an Iron pin, thence , north f.6 degrees and 11 min utes east -J6.30 chains to a point on the west line of Lot seven (7) in the Southeast quarter (SHU) f aid Sec tion thirty-one. (31) 2.0 clutitis soutli of I lie right of way of Xhe Burlington & Missouri Iliver. railroad ' In Nebras ka, thence north to the Platte river, thence southeasterly aloiitf the 1 latte river to the east line of said Section thirty-one, (SI) thence south , along said section line to the southeast cor ner of suid Section thirty-one, (31) thence west on. the soutli line of said section to tlwe place of beginning:, ex cepting therefrom t,aid rifeht of way. till , being In the County of Cass, Ne braska, real names unknown: You and each of yod are hereby Vou'll get Prinem Albert is told in toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and haJf pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top. Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wint on-Salem. N.C. notified that John N. Heck as plain tiff, tiled a petition and commenced an action in the District Court, of the Cotmtv of ('ass. Nebraska, on the l'dh day- of July, 1 ! J 1 . against you and each of you, the object, purpose and praver of which is -to obtain a decree of court, quieting the title to the fol lowing described lands, to-wit: All that part of the Southwest Minuter: i.SWU the West half (W2i of the Southeast )u:"'tM SI0'4) and the Southwest quarter SV of III" Northeast quarter. NK'4) lyinw soutli of the riKht of way f the BurlinKton A Missouri Kiver Kailroad company in Nebraska, "f Section thirty-two. (HJi Township thirteen. tl3 north, Kanixc thirteen. l;;i east of the th 1 M.. and also all th.it part of Section thirty one, (31) Township thirteen, ( 1 ', ) north. Kanae thirteen. tl3) east of the 6th 1'. M.. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point H Tni chains east of the quarter section cor ner on the south side of Section thirty-one. 31) Township thirteen, i:i north. lUiise thirteen. !:! east of the fcth 1. M., runnitiir theme north JV decrees and 3t minutes west 10.7" chains to an asli tree, thence north T.'i degrees and 30 minutes east l chains to an iron pin, thence noith degrees and 11 minutes cast L'S.SO cliains to a point on the west line of I.ot seven t7 in the Southeast quailer (Sl".'4 of said Section thirtone. CHI r.Os chains south of the right ot a of the Hiirlington Ac Missouri Klei Knili .i, in Nebraska, thence north to the Platte river, . t hence son t ln'iil et 1 along the Platte river to the east line of said Section thirly-oiic. :', I ) tbeio e south along said section line to the southeast corner of said Section tlitr ty-one. (31) thence vest on the south line of said section to the place of be ginning, excepting therefrom said right of way, all being in the I'ountv of Cass, Nebraska, as against on and each of yon ami for such other relief as may bo just and equitable. You "and each id' Jim are further notified that you are required to an swersaid petition n or before Mon day, the :lh day of August. P'Jl. or the. allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaiutill' and against you and each of on accoid ing to tSm praver of said petition. Dated this l.rdh day of .Inly. P.tJl. JOHN N. HKCK. Plaintiff. W. A. KOPKUTSON. JKS-lw. Atty. lor Pl.iiutilT. XOTKi: Ol" MIT TO UI'II"!' TITI.K. In the District Court of the County of Cass, NebrasKa. Frank Claus, plaintiff, vs. Platts mouth Ferry company, u corporation, it al, defendants. To the defendants, Plattsmouth Ferry company, a corporation: the unknown grantees, successors and assigns of Plattsmouth Ferry company, a corpo ration; Kwing S. Sharp; Mrs. Kwing ri. Sharp, first real name unknown; Amos Barker; Mrs. Amos Barker, first real name unknown: Greenbery li. Henry; Mrs. Greenbery. K. Henry; tirst ' real name unknown; J. J. Worlev, first real name unknown; Hurrah Worley; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estates of Kwing S. Sharp; Mrs. lOwing S. Sharp, first real name un known; Amos Barker; Mrs. Amos Barker. first real name unknown; Greenbery 11. Henry; Mrs. Greenbery K, Henr. first teal name unknown: J. J. Worley. first real name unknown; t-arruh Worley apd Joseph A. Connor, each deceased: and all persons having or claiming; any interest in Lot one (1) and the north fifteen (15) feet of Lot two (2) in Block thirty-one, (31) in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that Frank Claus as plaintiff, filed a petition and commenced an ac tion in the District Court of the Coun tv of Cass, Nebraska, on the 22nd day of June, 132 1, against you and each of you. the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court ouieting the -title to Lot one (1) and the north fifteen (10) feet of Lot two t; in Block thirty-one, 131) in the City of ' Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, as against you and each of you ami for such other relief as. may be just ami equitable. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 29tii da-y of August. 1921, or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff and ayainst you and each of you according t.. id., tirnver of said betitlon. Dated this -2-nd day of June, 191. FI1ANK CLAUS. Plaintiff. W. A. ROBKItTSON, J18-4W. Atty. for Plaintiff. somewhere with a pipe and P A.! Start fresh all over again at the beginning! Get a pipe ! and forget every smoke experience you ever had that spilled the beans! For a jimmy pipe, packed brimful with Prince Albert, will trim any degree of smokejoy you ever registered! It's a revelation! Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a pipe ! W e tell you that you can and just have the time of your life on every fire-up if you play Prince Albert for packing! "What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a home-made cigarette! Gee but you'll have a lot of fun rolling 'em with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch bec-ause P. A. is crimp cut and stays put! A V CTT TO w A IT 1 PRIWISE Q. the national joy ! I ITICB T t lti:i)IT)HS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Kliza betti Doughty, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth. in said county, on the 9th day of August, la.'l. and on the !th day of November. 1!21. at 10:0i o'clock a. tn. of each of said das to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the Hth day of August. A. D. l'..l. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said IHh day of August, P.L'1. Witness my hand and the seal of s.iid County Court this Sth day of July. lSl. AI.I.KN J. HKKSOX, tSeiil) Jll-iw. County Judge. MITII K To t ItKIIITllltS The State of Nebraska. Ciss coun , ss In the County iVtiri I n t 'w mutter of t lie -latv of Thomas .1 . K" Cu ' lee 1 1, deceased. To tie ti-ditois of s.Hid estate: on l.M,-l- f.otttit-d. t!..lt I will vit n the Cv.e.l Com t room in Platts mouth. tn !A'd noue.tN, on the lth day f Vtisissi. S't :nd on the 17th day of Nov.-mbct, l:'.'l. .-t U o'clock a. m. f :!. iax. t . k.i'UO iiinl examine :U i-iai:v, rttirt'.st said CStHtc. with a lew t. Its. Ad.-.usf mriit and allow ance T!s tt'.Uf isrotttd for ttte pre--ntatiMt of a itlniv uij:lnst said estate ! t!iu m.vtU ttont t'ie Ifttli day of titiu-t. V IV t!;M, nd the time limit et t.M lvmen f Si'bls Is qie e fioni v:i.l tl-til d ol Ausnsl, l'.'.'l. I ttn.-.s n hand mid the seal of, v:ii.l "omUx vuit. this 12th day of j Jui. P'.t. iScrtll JlSbv, au.kn J. iu:i:s,on. Count v Judge. CM AS U. M APTIN. Attorney. Mint i or tt M'i:t ni. t MIF.lt IHK IlKi; i: il ;'.0t! DtMIAM. Secui It les Special Master Bldg. tnuaha Public Notice is hereby given thai. b virtue of an order of Sale issued oiit of the District Court of the t'nited States for the District of Nebraska. Lincoln division, and In pursuance of the decree of said court, rendered and filed on October . l!2i. in an action therein pending, to-wit: No. 123 L'quity, wherein The fnton Central Life Insur ance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, a corporation, is plaintiff and Lena M. Grauf et al. are defendants, whereby a- mortgage on me propenj nei em after described was foreclosed, and the undersigned was appointed Special Master of tills court, tu sell said prop erty anil execute said decree, and by virtue of the authority in me vested, bv said decree and Order of Sale, I. B. 11. Dunham; as such master, will, on the 22nd day of August. 1921. at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House, in Plattsmout h, the county seat of Cass county, Nebraska, fell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property on which said mortgage was foreclosed, which said property is situate in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, and known and described as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of the south east quarter (Sli'-i of tK'4) of Section eighteen. (IS) Township eleven, ill) north. Hange fourteen, (U east of the Sixth P. M., and the north thirty three (33) acres of the northeust quar ter of the northeast quarter (KK'4 of NF'4) of Section nineteen, (19) Town ship eleven, (11) north. Iiange four teen. (14) east of the Sixth P. M., con taining seventy-three (73) acres more or less; To satisfy the plaintilt' in the sum uf three thousand, eight hundred and eightv-three dollars. ($3,S83.00) with interest at the rate of ten (10) pot een t per annum from October 4, 1920, and to satisfy the sum of lifty-six dol lars and thirty-eight cents (tOB.v'Sl costs shown on said order of sale, and the accruing costs: and the surplus, if anv, of the proceeds of said sale, after payment of the costs of this action, and the amount found due the plain tiff, with interest, to be brought into court to await the further order of the court. All as provided by said order of sale and decree. Said sale will be held open for one hour at the time and place aforesaid. Dated, this lltu day of July, A. D. B. 'II. DUNHAM. Special Master of the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, Liu-J14-fiw coin. Nchranka. LUKI smoke NOTIt K. TO ItKIIITOHS State of Nebraska, Cass coun The ty. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Schiappacasse. deceased. To the creditors of said estate; You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said county, on the !th day of August. 1921. and on the 10th day of November. 1921, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of each of said days to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment ami allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is threo months from the nih .lay of August. A. D. 1921. and tin time limited for payment of debts is one vear from said J?th day of August, 1921." Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 9th day of July, 1921. ALLEN J. BL'L'SO.V, (Seal) County Judge. CIIAS. L MAUTIN, Jll-4w. Attorney. OTICK OK UF.KKHEI-rs SAI.K. In the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska. Kittie C. Roberts and Helen Huberts, Plaintiffs. vs. Paul H. Hoberts and wife. Myrtle Huberts, and Newell Hob erts, a minor, and J. J. Hoberts, guar dian of Newell Hoberts. a minor. De fendants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, entered in the above entitled cause on the 2nd day of June, 1921, ami an order of sale entered by said court on the 22ud dav of June, 1921. the un- ar J tlersigned, sole referee, will on the .III ia oi rMqn em oei , is.j, ui iv miuiiv a. m., "at the south front door of the Court House, in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following Ucscrlbei real estate, to-wit: Lot 5 in Block 36; Lot 10 in Block 29: and Lots 1. 2, 3. 4 and 5 in Block 3S, all in the Original Town of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, and the Southeast quarter and the South half of the Northeast quarter of Section 3, Township 12, Uange 13, east of the ith P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska. Said sale will be held open for one. hour. Dated this 9th day of July, 1921. JOSUPII A. CAPWKLL, al-iiw. Heferet. IIIIDKIl OI-" IIKAHINU And police on Pr-tltlon fur el tlrnient uf eeount. In the County Court of Cats county. Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. To the heirs, legatees and all per sona interested in the estate of Har riet A. Sharp, deceased: On reading the petition of Lee C. Sharp praying a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this Court on the 30th day of July, 1921, and for order of distribution; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and do. appear at the County Court to Ue held in and for said count-, on tli 6th day of August. A. I). 1921, at 10:0 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the peti tioner ehould not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the PlattfcniQuth Joulrnal, a eemi-wecMy newspaper printed in said county, for one week-prior to said day of hearing. -In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Court this 30th day cf July, A. I). 1921. ALLEN J. HK12SOX. (Seal) al-lw. County Judge. HOGS on thc Installment Plan! Three pure bred Duroc pigs for $65. A boar and two gilts, not re lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and $10 a month. Older gUts on the same plan. For particulars write," phone or call on Albert Young, MURRAY -:- NEBRASKA