The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 28, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, JULY 28. 1921.
Cbe plattsmouth loumal
Entered at Fostoftice. I'lattsmouth.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
N'ouh was the first man to bnilfl
a water wagon and lie fell oil!
The danger of walking increases
as the price of gasoline increafccs.
The trouble with some politicians
is that when they haven't anything
to Kay they .ay it.
Some people say women can't
make up their minds; but uiauy ef
then are decided blondes.
There urn :.". nou divorce suit.- i
Paris; yet some foolish people claim
New York, .sets the styles.
: o : ;
A London church t'urn;-siics t Ho
congregation with cough drops
probably hoping to make them cough
Matches are said to he made in
Ij.avon, and nobody will deny that
there are time when a porch swing
reenis just that.
.Tack Penip-ey says that he won't
fi'.it Jack .Join: -on. or any other ne
gro. No. ami he wouldn't fii;ht the
(iermaus. cither.
Our advice to all pr.oi:s is never
to po irromniii'r ri.ling wi'h joung
man w!io wants folks' to notice how
cute he can drive.
It has almost reached the point
where the fanatical reformers will be
demanding that we close our um
brella on rainy Sundays.
: o :
A f w instances of fifty dollar
fines wi?h thirty day jail sentences
attached would prove a saliCory rem
edy for traffic law violators.
Ti e Southern coitoti crop this yea.'
is not. expected to exceed ::.r.uo,o(iu
bales. The weather done what the
farmers were nnwilliui; in dr
Mrs. Hardinir has declined
proffered gift of a polo pony. "Why
not try her out by offprint: a billy
goat with a wagon and harness?
Shortly after Mrs.
sou arrived in America with her dia
mond buttoned dress. Still it will be
"Button, button, who's got the. but
ton?" :o:
If we have to have peace by re
solution, followed by general dis
armament, it is hish time to itui-t
that Senator Uorah also bury the
Heating our swords into plowshare
safe. There will sti'.l be foo's win; try
will not make the world altogether
to beat railroad trains over nado
Isn't it rotten luck to start on a
Mimmer vacation just when a spell
of cool weather starts at home and
a hot wave sets in at the place
wiu-r.. you are goinz'-
"It don't take a man long to
bag hio pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
m it look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it."
avers Dainty Dortby.
But the goes on lo explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and presFing services Is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he cot acquainted with
iic. And it doesn't cobt much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
pMotsie; vTrrKt opposite:
Neb., as second-class mail matter
... -
. .- .,.::... ,l...t
The sherin Ol misa les-uiies mat
. , , . , .. . (. , .
lie was aieep uuuuh " u-,
it ,1. K! v iliiiin'lo hf shnot-
to. , r. o
in and lire alarms were merely
r-..,, ti... ,mlif.. phii.f
SUOres from the police Clllet.
(ne half of the world doesn't know
how the other balf lives. The Other
d.iv we heard a man complaining
th-it everv time he Darks a cigarette
Dial CUT) unit fit. paiivs u l''"UL
arotind the house his Wife picks it
. , .
Up ail'l smokes, it.
OlO . recent Kaber murder trial in
Ohio bad some queer aspects. As we
understand it. Mrs. Kaber was sane
eilOUgh to be willing to plead guilty Carter: Mix "s,i,r M Cartel, 1irt real otiii.,i ,.at ... are ,..,,,,,.,1 to an
11 vlf name unknown. Thomas Thomas; swer s.u.l p.tiiiou n or i" Imiv Mori-
to manslaughter, but too crazy to Sfj.hen f. Nu.-koMs: jaie i.. craiii-. iia.. the j:i;i, .f Auuu-!. ::'ji.
plead guilty to murder.
: o :
. . ,i ... .1... 1 .... : ...:u
ACCOr.llUK in mo iun.ii.c vo....-
er-Journal. one of the foremost citi-
... ... 1 ,.
zens of that community has sued an-
i other man for alienating iiis wife's
: affections. They didn't used to do
j thin en- t'r.t way in the Flm- ora-ss
Tbe rjiiestioti of which is the more
atrocious ami cowardly of the t v.
epidemic crimes, studied Kidnapping
or indiscriminate Ku Kluxing. w.
leave to someone else to decide. It's
too ili.-ep a iiialler hi go
weat her.
into hot '
After all
mabe the world is get-
tin-: pome better. There hasn't been
a massacre repi'i t from Armenia for ,s.- Missouri Kiv r i.iiiro i.i in Nei.ras
, .7 . 1 . Ua. theme north ' t!;. Platfc "ivi.
several months. Lvn rigtit lo-re a' t, ;.,,. ,.; ,,,.,.,,,; ti - piato-
hi-nu- it lias iiern (juile a wliile since nv- r ti.. ,-ast i.n. of .--n-.i s.-.tion
t h i 1 t v-one. I'll" li.eiice :.t!i aloiij;
we cxjh t i( ticed a finan nal drive far section tin.- p. the sontio ast on -
son,.- Kuropean charity. j .j:! $ r-lnT 'l
IWaiiM1 a husband slaps
his w I ft
the latter I: a.; r.o justifiable grounds
accoruiiig fu a court
for divorce.
lown in t!ie c;itll" d ist rie . f
There':; not lef In io ti-r a wife
but to hide behind a door and
him back wi'h a flaiiron.
O: I
it,r.,f.uvf. ,, Anirrii-im fa -nis
quarter: iSW'.i li e Wcsit halt W 1
were doubled during the past decade. ..f the Southeast .n;.ri'-r. iSi:',i nu.i
, . . , . . tli- Son t h wes t i ii a 1 t r 1 S W ' , 1 of t i e-
according to a census bureau. How- N,., ,., ;, ,,,,.111.1-. .nf., . 1-. i south
ever that doesn't, necessarily mean''f h- iu-I.i "f wav of the lturiim-to.,
.V- Missouri Pivcr Kauroal .-omiiaiiv in
that all farmers are inv ridinz. Per- v. -i. ,.r s. cth n t i.n t -t u o. c:-j
. .. r" . . .
j .1.' o.. I l-oo o- noovi. I
ponsiMe for some of the mortgages,
"When we deal with these gieat
.....i.i...... l. .
liuiiit-ui.- ' ousiiic.- .uin i-wui"iiii-ii
we must be inspired bv the knwl-!
edue that we are increasing ;:nd de-
fending the standards of living f
all our people. Fpon Ibis soil jirtiw
, .
tno.-e moral and intellectal l .rces
that make our nation great."
Seats on the New Ycrk Stock Cx-
change are not exactl going ln - g -
1..., i i. .
j-.u-.. our uiij .-eeui in oe ueaium
in that direction. The ; ist sale was
. n..,n i.nn , r
lor $S J, 000. 000 a drop of LS.00O
from the last previous sale. There
aren't, as many lauibs to be shorn
; ..'.n ct.. t i . i
in Wall Sticet these days as there
I'p in Detroit the other day, when
the therinoineior was flirting around
t lie U'J mark, a man stole a heavv
fur-lined overcoat from the t onncau I
of an
... . ... ,. , . i
automobile. 1 hat s what you I
call the predatory instinct, in ele
mental form, untrained, undi.-crimin-ating.
unmindful of the weather, uee
or need.
J Judging frcm t tie figures for coal
j production, a business revival this
fall will be followed by a fuel chort
age duriug the winter. Duriug t he
first six months of the year only
: 106.000.000 tons of soft coal were
ntinea. rim means less than 100.
000.000 tons for the year. The last
year that the country required less
I than 100.000,000 tons was i'JOtf
oiMMiH maitiM,
find oiler- on J'etltion fir rt-tl'-rtirtit
ft Aeeiiiint.
In th entinty Court of Coxa coun
ty. NePraska.
S'ate of .Vebrska. Cass county, ss.
To all pfrsons interested in t tie es
tate of Anna. W illi, linina Mumm. de
ceased :
On reading the petition of Clara
Mumm. adminiotratriv.
settlement and allowance of her ae-
count filed in this Court on tbe litli
'day of July. A. r. 10J1. and for a de-
cre-; deterrninitig heirship; ami for t ueli
other orders and proceedings as tnav
be required ly tio- statutes in t u, j,
case;, made and provided to the end
that aid estate and all tilings per
taining thereto may le finallv settled
and ietertuined. and .said adminUtl u
trix (liseharBt-d:
It is hereby ordered Hint vou and all
persons interested in said matter tnav,
and do. appear at the County Court to
h held iu and for said county on the
:50th day of July. A. D. 1921. at ten
o clock a. m.. to show cause, if anv
there be, why the prayer of the peti
tioner Hhould not be granted, and that
notice of the netid
;and the healing thereof be given to
an iti suns inieresieu in naia matter ny
publisliin a copy of this order in the
PlattsnKiuth Journal, a semi-weekly
'newspaper, one week prior to said day
ui Hearing. .
In witness -whereat. I Lave hereunto
set my band and the seal of said Court
this l&th day of Julv. A. D. 1821.
(Seal) J21-ltw. County Judge.
vn rici: ok st iT to qi nr ti i li:. votih: or si it to uiti-:t titi.i:.
In the District Court of the Conn- In tin District Court of the County
lv of Ca'-si, Nebraska. let' Cas-. NtlnasKa.
John N. Beck, plaintiff, vs. James 1.. Frank Cl.nis, plaintiff. .s. Platts
Craii? et al. defendants, mouth Kerry i oinpany, u oi porat
To the defendants James L.. CraiSi'ct al. k fcinlunl .
Mrs-. James L. Craii?. lirM real name i To the defendants. Pia I tsmo'i t h Fu ry ! Craisr. first real name : cotnpanv . a cori.oi a t ion : tlio unknown
nniiiiKurii: Tlu-odoro. Pecker: Mrs. Thco-
lore Decker, first real name unknown; I "la 1 1 sniou t h Ferry company, a eorpo
I i:iizer M. .ariison: Mrs. B. Car-j ration : i:win S. Sharp: Mrs.;
I rison. first real name unknown: Horace S. Siiarp. first real name unknown:
O. Oairisoii; Mrs. Horace O. Carrison, ! Amos Bnik.r: Mis. Amos Barker, lirst
'first real name unknown: James Val-jnal name nnU'iown: i Iie.nlieiy l:.
I eiitine; Mrs. .lanies Valentine, first j Henry: M is Cieenbery 1 1. Henry:
ileal n. line unknown: James a 1 .-n t i ne ; I fi i-s I lea! name uiikiiowu: .1. J
'.Mis James Valient inc. first ,-, a 1 name U'mlf; . first teal i . t i - unknown;
! unknown; Jehu V. Clark. Mrs. John Sa: rah W'oiJ.-v: tin- unknown lo irs.
W. Clark. lust real name i; nk now n : I le isces. Itiii , peisoiuil reprcsenia-
i U". Anderson: Mrs. Charles W. lives ate! all other poisons intciosted
Anilcrson, fust real name unknown;
iiutm:ili Thomas: William L. Harris,
Mrs William L. Harris, first real name
unknown: William C. Noxon;Mrs. il-
limn C Novon. first real name un-
: .. '.. ... ...... .
known: iiscar .vi. arni. . i. iwhi
tuner, IIISL o ell lliillie (llirwiei.ii
ilevisees. legatees, personal
renres.-n t a I i ves ami all other person
in oreste.l in the .-states of James
. 'rai. Mrs. James l.. o.iig. first real
Craig, first ri'al
I name unKiiov.n; ram. 111 si ie
,,kn own: Th.o.lore Decker: Mi
name unknown: raitc. nisi rcai
Theoilorc Decker, fust real name un
known: Klizt r H. Oarrison; Mrs. Klizer
If Oarrison. first leal name unknown;
Horace O. Oarrison: Mrs. Horace O.
Vames "valenVin
r.'.l name iiiiKmnvii; ; nmi in Hie liisti n t nun oi ti,.- -,j . i -Mrs.
James Valen- ' ty of Cuss. .V.-1 .1 (.- ka. on the 'Jiial iliv
tine, first real name unknown: James
-allvtit:nc: Mrs. James Vailcntine.
tir.-t leal name unknown: John
lOlark: Mrs. John V. I'lark. fust real
name unknown: Ohavle.-. . A mleison :
.Mrs. Charles V. Atolerson. first real
name unknown: misu'iiihii lliomas;
William I.. Harris: Mrs. William I..
Hari i. iirt real name unknown: Wii-
liant I . Ao..m; .lis. wiiuaui . . .no.ximi,
lirst real name unknown: Oscar M.
each !ci easeu. names nnkuown: liie a I lea t n... ; 'ier. .11 ..:.laito .1 win
ami ail I'ersens havinir or c l.iiniin- any he taken as true a el if cr. a Hi 1
interest in all that pai t of tli- Simlli- ren.leretl in f;.y. r or ti.- phiinti:'" a ml
West iiH.irf r; ISU ',1 tie West I alt
(W Southeast uuailer .SK'.i
ar.d "the s...ithwist unart't- sw'-,i of
the Northeast ouarlcr. (NK'i ) lvin
s,..,,h f , j-i,i of wav of the Hut -
lll.srton A. Missouri l.lel-
ri'inp;iiiy in N"! 1.1 ,;a. et Sc.-lioa thirty-two.
I 1 Township Ihiiteeii, ( 1 :; 1
north. l:.ii.-;e ti.lllecn. 'Ul ea-l of t!;e' !'. M.. ami also a.i that oart of
S.i t. 011 tl.r t y -one. 1 ;: 1 1 Township thir
t. . n. il'li north. It.iuuo thirt en. tl.'D
east of the t,t:: f. M. jnore 1 a 1 t :c 1 1 a 1 I s
.( iil t'l : .- follow-. 1 ' :ume 11. -i 11 at
a pomt 1 I. rai ciiains east of tin- iiiatt.-i
sei t ion co I U" 1 I'll the .- II t I. . !! ot
S." ti-'M I 1 . 1 1 I y - o n . .. li Township
t,i 11..-U. 1 1 1 urn 1 ii. l;..iu:e t!..ii en. easl oi I he till I". M. Mnmim,
t...-:i..- tiorth JT !.; r-.-es ai.l -I miu
1 t.-s w t 10 7 chains to .in a-h tie,.
t hem-.- nor: U
let; lies ami :ii' tiim-
ntes .as in . l.aois to an lion pin,
thence north '' o.ciees- ami It min
utes cist ";.:: chains to a n
1 1 . .. . 1 III... . . f I .01 si-v. n 1 7 1 11 I la-
s,',,,, :io .iV:rter isi-:, of s.,i.i s.- -
tion thirty-one, ;: 1 ) ;'. chains south
.0 the ri it 1. 1 of wav of the Hurliuuton
... .1... -!.... .0 mti" ..v-
!.,-Itinir fa a I'mili : a I I liul.t ot u.n. '
.'I I. i..-. i. fl .. i'.hii.K- ,t a-s 'e- M
i.i.,ska. i-.i nanus imknown:
p.i; ami eali "I om are i,.i.i.-.
i,,i,ri v. i:..,k as i.i.iin-
1 ' I'-o-i a petition ami . omm-n. .-1 an
a-Ia.'i l'i 1 1 1 te-iiui 1 'nin 1 1 i
Vuut of l'.,ss. N.-Praska. on Me l.-Mi
lav of ,liil. P'jl. auauist ;. on ami
ach of mi. t'ue oi-.:cit. ami
limn i- of wlii'-n is 10 i.i.tain a il. 1
of .ouit. ..t.i. tin-: ti.e title to tl. f .l-
lowinir sel l h. -l lalcls. lo-it:
Ail t'at pail of tie- S..t. I h w.-s t
Vow'tisiui. thirt.-.n. 1 1" 1 north. Pan.
111;. east of the .. I i , I '. M.
aiel als.. a'l that part ..f S- lum tl.irty-
i.oic Mill Township thirteen, 1 :'. noitii.
j Colli;.- thirteen. 'ID ea.-t ot the Mh
p. M.. more particularly .l.s.rih.-.i a-
I... 11. ..-- ....-,.. I ..
. iams cast of the .piart.-r section "I -
m r on Ho- south si-h- of Section tinr-
;iv - onc. :: 1 i Township thirteen. ' 1
t :-1 ! . I ramie thirteen. PD ea.-t of the
-jrun'-J: 'i... .
: ; a in- to an ash ti.e. theme moth
7- -ire. s ami :',' laitiut. s east 1"
,,, j,(,M i,iu. thence moti.
!"'; 'i'-1
ciai'is to ;l point on I he west line of
I l.ot s.-ven (Tl in the Southeast .piatter
VJ,':' '"' ,',',i'" lll",,"n'''.
, '.iin .-haiiii south ol Imi' rmht ol va".
!,.f the i;m imnfon .v Missouri iriv.-r
I in Nehraska. theme noith !
... .......... th. i.e.. southeaster!
aiony the iMatt- nv.-r t.. the .-ast. line
of sai.l Section I hirt -one. ( :: I thence
S1JUU1 jlJli;. s;li,i s,-,.tion line to the
southeast orm r of sai-l Section thir-
t v-one, Ot 1 theme west Oil the .south
ime ot sai.i section to the pia.-e .f i..--
umiiinil. ejkceptititf therefrom sahl
of w.iV- ,.illf. count v
ot i ass. ,i-l'iii.-hii, us against you ami
nu ll ot ou ami lor sii.-n oilier reiiei
as may ! just ami e.piita hie.
Xom ami ca. h of on are further
iiotiti.-.l that on are i..piir. .l to an
sw. r sai.l lietition on or h.-foi'e Mmi-
lay. the ' t I 1 1 .lav of August, pijl. or
lie alienations Ih.rein con I a i 1 1 cil will
taken as true aiei a .. r.-.- will p.-
n ii.ter.-d in laor of tn.- plaintitl ami
,. .. ........ ,,, a,. ..,.!-
,!is.uii.-t .on
l ii tr to t,ie ra.-r ei sai'i p' imiuii.
Dated this l-'.th dav of Jul... 1 '.' ' I
JOHN :'. liUCK.
i 'la in tiff.
JD-hv. Atty. for Plaintiff.
If it's in the card line, call at
the Journal office.
Acetylene Welding!
I am prepared lo do all
kinds of Acetylene Welding.
Charges reasonable and work
the be&t.
Located at John Iverson's
Blaksmith Shop,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
on the Installment Plan!
Three pure bred Duroc pigs for
65. A boar and two gilts, not re
lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and
$10 a month. Older guts on the
same plan. For particulars write,
phone or call on
Albert Young,
uriinlocs. successors an") assign.-
in the estates of Kwinv. S. Shai'ii; Mi
Lwmir S. Sham, first
il name tin-
known: Anios Barker; Mrs. Amos!
Barker, lirst n-al name un k i. o wn :
Orecn l.erv I:. Henry; Mrs. liroiil.i-iv
ti ..'. . . .... .... -
i.. hc.ii, msi
al name unknown;
f. ."ii..jiisi 1.11 in.oo. iiir.ii''..o.i
Sariah Wrlev au-l Joseph A. Connor.
ioli tleeease.i; alio all persons havinu
l..r claitnir,
an inter, .- t in l.ot one
ill an. I Hie tioiih fifteen ( 1 ., let ot
111 an i to
iaM iwo 1.1 m i.iock i n iriy-om-, i i )
in the ilv of "la 1 1 sniou t h. t ass couu
l. Neluaska. i . ;i I nanus unknown:
Vou ami of eij are l,eiel,
notifnil that Frank Clans as plaintiff,
fileil a petition iiml om me n e I an
ol June. i::l. ;it:iml you ami tn.h
of yo:i. the o,.j, . t, purpose ami pray, r
of which is to 1. Mam a deerce of court
iu!ctinc !!. nth- to l.ot on.- 1 1 a ml
the north tifte.-i, 1 l.'.i fc.f of l.ot two
i in F.lnck tuMtv-one. i ." I in th.
ity ot 1 '.a 1 1 .-luont n. ass ini, .Ne-
Pruska. us aain.-t y..u ami c,i,h of
you am! fi uei, ot u.-r ie'i-; as ma v
e.- nisi aim 1 1 . j 1 a eie.
; You ami ach of : :nv f u t'i- i
against vou ami eon ot
aattist vou ami
1 a-( on 1 i n
to tie prav.-r of saiil j.etitio
Dateil this L'L'ti I .lay of .111
I''.' 1.
w. a. i:e;i:!;Ts.i..
. 11-1". Atty. for Piainl'!!
mi 1 1 i; nr i t:
111 M'i;mi.
1 M)i:it ni;i mi:
P.. I !
Se i I it
. !. Sl.ei
.0 t r
1 ;.
i 1
S a !
f t I -
I '!;'! !
!-. 1 1' I i
.-it of 1
.c! I : i 1 I I I
a I .
. ! an . 1 1 ' I .. 1 o ; s, ; , ; , i :
i : 'ii l Ci.-nl of t I - li;-:. -
l .. 1 1 .- fo;- t , . ! 1 1 ' t i a t of .Nci.i a-ka. !; t ,-..; . a I i ; ;nr- . ..'
h i i i.-.-i . e . . I -a . I i -.'ii I . ' . i . rc. i . , . : . I
t! . i on I I I i !. I lit a 1 1 action
1 . i . i u ? i 1 1 1 l.. i - w . i . X". 1 . : I ! i : 1 i ; . .
v. i. re; n The I'lii". C.-jitial Life I n.aii'
a ie-.. t "..t. i : ' . r .eeiunat 11 '. a
c. . i mi a t ioi. : p'aiutiff ami l.-na M
0 ; . I. f t a i. ale iii !i-h'l:i!,P. Win f- ';
a nmi luii:;.- on t ; .- i o-.. t ,. r i v I i i i . -nft-r
.1.--. i-U.i was i.. i ... :..,-.'. a i.. I
tie- llll.ii e.i i .1 was . J i . 1 l t i -. I
A ; . i -: i -t i,i- ie. rt. io . . i I sanl -io;.-
; t -.- a ie I ....... t . - a :. ! .!!, .-. ; -1 i f -.
i Cl .Ie of I ;.e ,i . . i I , . . I I ; in )...- vi Si. ' .
1-v sai-i 'h'i n . a ci Oi-.l.-r of Sah . 1. P..
1 ! . ! Mini. nil. as -1 . ! . i . i . s ' i . a , ! ! . on
t'e .'.'Ii.i .inv of .n:;ust. a I ! t I'M'
'.'i : ii k in ' i .i 1 I in .on . at lie oi:; I
!!.:-. in Phi i t -unci t :,. tl.. ..o.nt. .-cat
I ' 'a : ' ; -. . .. i.i a .- k a. s.-l I .. I
K ; U . I i . , 1 1 lo I he !: t I 1 . 1
foi- .-a -n. ti i-r-.p.-rt v mi w I. n a sa o
mo -I tiaye w.i- i-ii'irliiM-il, w h i.-i saul)
po-lltV is situate 111 II, I onuIV .,1
"..-s ainl S'iife of N.-Pl aska. ami kin'Un
a 'I- mi il ill as f.ilows, to-wit :
Tee so:nle..-t -inaii.-r "I He SOUtll-
a-l I ua it ' F ' i of S K 1 , " . : Si-, li-n
c ' : e 1 1 n. i In Township . ' -, r . i I 1 i
lai.t i. Pan-ie liiiU'iiii. III. i a - I ot
M e .-iMll P. M , atel the ! 1. ti ;:-
' I c I I! . .ICle; ... the 1 1 ' I t ! . c.l .- t 1)11.11'.
tor of tin- Inn lln-.isl. iiuaitci NH'i m
Xle, i ...f Seel j..., nimtccu. t 1 ' T"'!i -siiin
el.-viti. (Ill north. Ilmip. Imir-
i i ll cist el te.- Si M!i P. M , i-iin-
l.illrn-' i-v i:i I - I itl'ti' l7.ll a ' l s lum-e
or less;
T.i sa t isfy Ma- plaint! ;'!' in I la . i in
of ihrie llaulsailil. eie;lit fuiuilcil al. i
1 1: I . I -1 h 1 fi ilo liars. $ ;.s ;;.n.i i wjih
int. rest at the rat.- of ten i in i .. .
t p.-r annum fi.mi o.-tol-er t. p'.'e.
alel to satisfy tin- sum of liMv-'
ami ti.ii t v-eml.t ..nis :,.
...-Is shown on sai.i oiih-r of -ale. ami
if - a.-c in i n u .est-: a a. I tie - u : ; I ' i -. 1 1
an., of th" jii-n as of saul sal--, after
pa.' ineiit of Ma- cosr.- of t .is action,
a-el tin- amount iouml .lue the i.lain
Htl. witli intci.-t. to I... Prone;!. i into
com t I., await tin- further ot.h r
ti.e court.
AM a- pi in ah -I .' sa cl r of .. !-
alel ileclec.
I Sai.l sal.- wiii In- h'-PI for one at tie- tunc ami aforesahl.
Dale. I Mils 11th dav of Jul., A. D
1 '.' J 1 .
P.. 11. DI'MIAM.
Spe. Master of the 1'iiiti.i
St. i i.s l list rid i' I for t ! .-
Di-ii. t of Nehraska, Lin-Jll-'iw
( Nthraska.
mi in i: in mill tiii;h
The Stiite ..f N.-hriish.i, 'n.s .nun
ly. .'-s.
I u t he 'nil ti t -.- ( Un t t.
Ill the tmittii "1 tin- estate of J ; i i . -hi
lh 1 lmiUllt v. .Ice il -( -1.
tin' creditors of said
'(IU lire h(et,y notified. Tint I will
sil ;.f the County i'mili io. mi in I'hitts
iii. mill, in sai.l .mil. on the t't'i iiny
ol ,llHI'st. I'.l.'l. .lll'l on the I'l Ii .,i
l' N'lM-llllirl, 1 JI. itl pili'l o'.l.i.k a.
m. of each "f said his to re. ive aii.l
. xaniiiic all laims ai;aiiist sai l .-stale,
with a lew to tln-ir a 1 1 j ' i -1 m n t ninl
al Iowa nee. Ti time limit. . I f...r tin
pl esi-iitiit l"'i of claims a;aiti-t sai.l
estate is three months from th- p t i i
.lav "f Aii-'uet. ,. I i. r.'JI. am! the
tiiiu- limitf-1 for p.iym.-iit of .-its i-
one .-ai from Sli.l ; 1 1 1 i.iv of August,
I : 1 1
i i ne.-.-' in', iaii.1 .iii'l th" : . 1 f
Miid County C'.ui t this Mh un v of
.lui. . I'.l.'l.
m.lkn" .1 i:i:i:s'vx.
(Seal Jll-!v.-. Cinttitv Jud-4e.
no i m i: in ( iii:iii i iii!
Stiite o! Nil't'asliii, Ca::, coiin-
t v.
I 11 the 'oil il I y ( 'ou I t .
Iii the ttixttei ( the Joilli
Si i' i.i ppaca.-se, ! (. eased.
To tii" cre.iilnrs of r.yi'l e'-;
V"l -it" h"iel.y ii.itltied. Tl.-jt I 'V 1 1 i
i at the County r'iKirl rooin in Platt-;-ino'ith.
in .-aid i mini v, on t,.- :i(j !la-.
ot August, l'.'j'. on the f'th day
of Novemhci, !:c'l. at l'ltm (.'cluck a
m i.i" I'd' h of ; ,(.1 day - to rc I'ivc and
. N.-imme ail c'.'ims tl - Jin:-t :;tid ostat.-.
wi'h a view- to their adjustment and
allowance. Tl tiui" litniftd tor the
pl I'S'-nt-'t i"ii of claims auainst. j-aid
state is three months from the tuh
day ef Aumist. A. 1. I'.tjl. and tin
lime luniteil (oi- ',iv mi'iil of debts is
one year li"ln I'th dav of Auuu.-it,
Witne.-s in.. Ihii'I and thi . ca I of
said County Court. I I.i.. t'th day of
July, 1 y J 1 .
ai,li;n ,i fifu:suN.
t.'eal) Count v .Hid-...
UAo. i:. mai:tin
Jll-lu. Attorney.
l i: in hi )n oils
State of N.-Pi a, h:i. I ,1 :,
ie : 'i -
I ii t he. Con n t v on it.
Ill the i.i;it..r ,,f fl,,. f-;t.ile of Ja.oh
Ttlf-' li. d'C -I'-ed
To the cri'iiil.ji s of -uid '--titc
You are hereby notitle.l. That I i ill
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
mt'iith, in said rminlv, "n August 1.
I'JJI and N' t. lli.'l. al !' o'clock
a. in. each d.iv. p recei- and examine
all claims against said estate, with a
view to their adu:-tm"nt and allow
ance. Tie time limited for the pre
sen tat ion of iaini.s at;.iiu.-t said es
tate is three months from the '1st 'hiv
of August. A. I. llt.'l. and Hie timejed for pavnient f debts is one yeai
limited for pamen of debts is one .from said pith day of August, pi.'l I
ver from said lit dav of August, Witness my hand and the seal of
13'l. I said County Court, this l-'th nay or,
"itness i:,v lumi and the sejl of Jul:. l'J-'l. T . i
taid County Court, this -7th day of; ALLUN J- BLLEON. 1
June. 19J1. ! i Seal i County Jude.
(Seal) Ji-4w. County Judge. J1S-4W. Attorney.
From Saturday's laliy.
I 1'f n 1 i I ! . of near Murray, was hero
Hi luid atternuon lor a short time look-
ing after some trading with the
Alex Craves, of Murray, was in the
city today for a lew hours looking af
ter some matters of business with
the merchants and visiting his many
old time friends.
Fred Clark, of I'nion. was here
I iVii i ltiit I'l.' ijI-- ml iloni r( oil '
" ......
n:e anernoon isurnngton train
1 tor Omaha, where he was called Oil
... ...... t ....... i, .....
, .-vine numtij im imnm.
.viitnili v t. li. iiir, j i K ti ij .1
was in the city totlay for ;i fw hours
attending to some matters of busi
ness at the court house and calling
on his old time friends here.
(eorge W. Snyder came in this
imirning from his home west of My
piiri and departed the early Hur
liiigtmi tr;iiii fur Omabii. where; be
was called on some maters of busi
ness. John (JaiH-r. one i f (lie prominent
residents of near Cedar Creek wa
in the city today for a short time
.-nil wlnie here ea!Ki: at the Journal
lor ;i brief visit and renewing his
-ul. script ion to the semi-weekly for
another year.
Word n reived !oiu Will Shopp
who w;ts transferred to t he Chicago
headju;;rti rs of the lliirlington store
di part tnciit for temporary w ork, says
1 e is Maying in Aurora and going
hack and forth between there and
Chicago to bis work. He states he
bits no i.u-a how long the job there
v. iil last, but is in hopes of seeing
srpie big baciie baseball games be
fore ret u ruing home.
r-'roin .'viorida y's Ii;ii
'"b. r; Slfad'.'f of near Murray
v. i . ip re today for a .short time a'
ti tiding to som.- .trading wi'h ti:e
ti: . : li a 1 1 1
Mr. and Mr.-. Ko;s Mitelif-il of
Hael.iek. ir.-. K'lu.i Sindeiar of (bn-a'-a
in 1 Mr-. A. W. !'r.iPt and child
it a of I'liioti v.i ro here t-.-;h "ilay
'iti.-h- a- the it. L. Tiop.-: home in
this city.
Mi'c.- St iiul -ii of iio'.toii. Ivnnsas.
v. as hern eser:!ay . a'D :;.l tip'
hi;n" MTvicfs of his uncle, the
l iie Jii.lie P. S It. .Hi cv and for a
1U If
W Pi!
!h p.
in this
'liii W unden ieh and Z. W
a i .ol. r. two o! te, prom i net! '. res'-t.
d r-t- ot :u ar NehawUa wore in tliel1
cit.e fi r a short tit iu imlav looking j'.
:i . I" o'iie hn-ipes mailers while
ePfi-ute lo Oir.tli.i to for th-.-
Henry I.isl-,r an I wifo of (Diin
Ao nl and Mr... Joiin Farn-:' of !in
c.iIm u.-ic t're y i -1 rd a y vi.-iting
v-it a C. I.'. .ni.'l family. Mr.-.
I' " i'T is .'ighty-i b.r.T years of age
.nil! i - the gr;i iKimo' !n r o' Mrs. Ias'i
i - and is ip.v, i;, the be.-t of health
atul very active for her ae.
Frotn Tuesilay s Dntiy
Ad. un i isitiLli r and wife of near
Cellar Creek was here
a few hours lucking arte:
sterday for
sonic trad-
ing wi'h the merchants.
Attorney C. S. Ahlricii of Klniwomi
was in iii,. city f,,i- ,-, hours to-
ua a: tending to some math is of
busities., in thy county court.
i'"rom Tuesdays Uallv.
Accord in;-; in v. frd 1 rum !iis wile.
Si:n.:iv i veuiir-:. Karl M. Clitic, N'e-bra.-
ka City al toriiry, . bn ;is oper
ate -l m tor appendicitis yesterday in
the I'resbvlerian b.i-pital al Omal
e;:;ne tiirnuy h the opcrat ion in (,,5
ciidit ion. o word has bceti re -
ri'ivi'i to'lay.
Mr. (line was Likenl"''!! Box k. on or pear the hour of 0:"H,.i in Block all in the rit;iiial 'lown
.-tnldenlv ill Thutsday
lira ska City Ha ilv New
ni-;iit . - no-
Frn'n Tuesilay's Oaily.
Mrs. IMuard Ofe w;is operated on
yesterday ntorniii", a l the Clark:-on
hospital in Omaha ami at last re
ports received here was doinir very
nicely and a th conditions favor
able despite the extremely severe na
ture of the operation and which will
necessitate her reinainintr at the hos
pital for .several weeks al least.
Two-year old spotted .steer, animal
!i;i - I nge amount of whio on hide,
'vi'il'.t from l.nno pounds.
Finder please notify John Ilerginan.
plume ;;ti0.'!. Mynard, Nebraska. dX-w
Friend.j here have received word
from -Mr. and Mrs Arthur Ketfier
wh'i ate now located a t Taciuua.
Washington, and iu which they state
th;il Mr. Kelfler is; now engniu'd in
he ;: ui omobi le business, in his new
Ipiuie and il.iinir nicely. Mrs. Keftler
will be remembered here as .Miss Al
lies Tiirasher. daughter of the late
Col. J. II. Thrasher and wife.
impure blood runs you down
makes you an easy victim for dis
ease. For pure blood anil sound di
r.e.tion liurdoek Blood Bitters;,
all ilrus; stores. Price. $l.LT.
MiTiri: to cii:iiih
Stoic of Nel'iaika, C.ios lo'jii-
li. flic County Court
p. the m..U'-r of liie .. lute of Thorn i.
.1 M-.-t 'ullo, p. de.-ea:- ed
To tie- (le.iitors of .aid -.tute.
You are l,( rcby no t died, that I will
it at the Co'int Court loom in
iiiou'h. in said county, on the l'"-th da '
of Aur.ust. B'M and on the 17th davi
of Novefiibf r, P.i.'l. at 10 o Cl'.x k a. in. j
of each dav. to i'cc je urn! examine
all claims against said t state, with a!
' i. w to their adjustment and allow-.
;.i..'", '1 he tune limited for the Pte-
.'"ii'ilbm of cii'ims a.diu-t said estate,
i: thiee months from t!o day of
Auaust. A. t lJl. ami the time limit
prices does not
mean a lowered quality.
Every Fisk Tire, large or
small, is a standard Fisk
Present low prices arc on
tires which have made
the name Fisk famous
for quality and mileage.
There is no better tire
value in the world than a
Fisk Tire at the present
Sold only by Dealers
Miiifi-; in ('(iXTiMcrmis
.-'a led hi. Is will P.- 1 iv.-d at the
li-. of th.- State I i. pa iu ructit of 'ul
e V,.ik-, (tii I-'ioor Urown.'.l Hhu-k.
t l-ii '-olH. Nebraska, until ":'""l o'clock
!' ' i. "ii .Inly .'s, lli.'l, for constriu-t-in-
v.i'.d -inii'l rail and
w-.rk on the Nebraska "i t v-l.i ncoi u
I':,.,. .-.t No. l :;:;-t Kch-.i-al Aid road.
libls will I..- op. n.-il in the I ..'iii
,.f Pul l: AVorks, Itli Floor I'.row-m-il
Kiock. ou or iii-:i tie Poiir of f :n
"'ctm k a. m.. on the J'jt h day of .Inly.
I'.'Jl. (.'"iintv l'.oa rd - are hereby ,-ciic-t.d
to he pre.-ept or represented,
tliild.-i - an- inviteil to be present.
Tl;.- a I.OI-..X ui.i t .piant flies arc:
." lineal fc. t woo.l KiiHni rail.
' 'ei t itic'i tor ". per cent of the of the bnl will he leilliled
with each and every hid received.
I'laiis and sp-m i tica t ions for tin- work
may 1 . sen am i ti forma t ion and firo
t'osal forms secured at tin- office of
t!i" County Cp-rk at I'hittsniout h. N'--I
l'i'..- ka, oi- at the office of the State
I partment of l'uhlic Works at
co!n, Nehraska.
The State ami County reserve the
iiiit to waive all technicalities ami
reject anv or all hi L-.
c.Kie i;. say i.i :s.
i'o Clerk. Ca.-s Co.
CiKii. t:. .I' HINSI ,n.
MUll i: III ( iTltA(TIUI.
' ale. bids will he received at the
office of ti.e State I. partmt nt of Pub
lic Works. -Itli Floor llrownell Block.
at Lincoln, Nebraska, until .". :0'i o'clock
p. in., .'ii .lulv :.'. lltl'l, for coiislract-
ine. wood Kaard rail and incidental
on th.- Ka ie-M 11 i'ia y Project
;;-A. Federal Ai l road.
Will be opened i'l the 1 epart -
'f Pub!:.- Works. 1th Floor Brow-
(.. ,
! mum
I o c i oc K .1 . III.. Oil ( fie ti i u ua v oi j u I ,
PJ-1. County
Boards are hereby re-
uuested to hi
present or represented,
P-id.lers are invitvl to be present
The approximate quantities are:
I IJ.'h". lineal feet wood guard rail
Certified check for a per cent of the
amount ot tlie bid will be required
with each and every bid received
Plans and specifications for the work
I'uiy be sj-oti and inlormatioii and pro
posal forms secured at the. office of
the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, or at the office of tlie State
1 icp.i it ment f Public Works at Lin-
i oi n, Nebraska.
'I'm State and County roservti the
iii;!.! to waive all technicalities and
ii ie t anv or a 1 1 bids.
Co. Clerk. Cass Co.
mitii iZ '! ( (IVIIIArrilHf
S-aled Puts will be received at the
otfic-- of I he State Pepat tment of Pub
lic Work... 4th Floor Brownell Block,
at Limolii. Nebraska, until 0:00 o'clock
p. in., on July l'S, l'.ejl, for constriict
mi; wood mianl rail and incidental
work on the tlreen wood -Cha Ico I'ro
.icct No. t(7-A, Federal Aid road.
Bids will be opened in the Oepatt
mi'iil of Public Works, 4th Floor Brow
i ell Block, on or near the hour of U.-ni)
.'( lock a. nr. on the L'Ufh day of July.
1D.M. County Hoard:; are leteby re-
Call us when you want
for your threshing dinner we will help you.
Matt Sk
Tel. 4 or 5 da phones
uucsti d to he present or represented.
Bidders arc invited to pi event.
The a jipi oxirna te rpia nt it i.s are:
17 10 lineal feet wood Kuard rail
Certified check for .". per cent of the.
amount of the hid will be reipiired
with each and every bid received.
Lians- and sp.( iti. at ions for the work
may l.e s. n and information and pro
posal forms secured at the office of
ti c County Cl.-rk at Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, or at th'- cilice of the State
1 tii i trm-nt of Public Works at Lin
. "!n. Nebraska.
The State and County reserve, tl.''
linht to waive all technicalities and
reject any or a'.l bids.
i.ii;o. i :. SAYi.KS.
Co. Clerk. Cass Co.
l.iiJU. JJ. JUllNSON.
MiTici-; in-' iti;i'ii;iti:i:'. sai.i:.
In li;e iMsirict Court of the County
of Cass. Nebraska.
Kittb- C. Kobeits and Helen Koln-rt
Plainti'Ts. vs. Paul 11. Cohcrts and
wife. .Myrtle Pob.rts, ani NeW.-ll 7;oh
erts. a minor, and .1. .1. Jp.heris. guar
.'iaii of Newell Kob.-rts. a mim.'r. le
leinlauts Notice is hereby uivn that under
and bv virtue of a decree "f the Iis
t ri' t Com t of Cass i-mintv, Nebraska,
entered in the ahoy.- entitled cause ou
the ;'ti day of June. P'-l. and an
order of sal.- entered by said court on
the L'-nd day of .tunc. JUL't. the mi-
lh rsje. ned. S.'Ie ,-et. I e. will o U f ii . day
f August. Pi'.'l. at 10 o'clock
a. in., at the smith trout door of the
Court Hou.'c. iu the City of Piatts-
Cass count v. Nebraska, sell at
, pu hi ie auction to the highest bidder
j for cash, tin- following described real
estate, to-wit: Lot in Him k :pi : Lot
P in Block I'l'. and Lots 1. :i. 4 and
i . 1,11 . . 1 1 1 i.i ii i ii, i c i . i .is . a , i i . .-
Southeast quarter and th" South halt
nt the Northeast uuarter of section .
Iownship 1J, Kanue I.i, east "t tlie t.tli
P. M., in the County of Cass. Nebraska.
Said sale will be held open for one
Oated this Hth day of July, 19L'l.
Jll-.'w. Iieferee.
I will be in t ho County Superin
tendent's office in Plattsmouth on
Monday of each week. If you wish
an officn call, make it in the fore
noon, as in the afternoons I will
visit the farms where asked to do
fo. Make use of these days and the
Farm Httrcau will continue its week
ly visits. Phone 479.
County Agr. Agt.
We appreciate your co-operation
in helping us to publish all the live
news of the community. Call No. 6,
3 rings.
eocenes or
482 night phone