MONDAY. JULY 18. 1921 FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOTTEKAL PACE 1TTE MURDOCK BEPMR TMEMT fricfly High mate Banking! TLis iko policy you will find among all the conservative, rcIiaMf city banks, is true of the high class banks of the Mirill'T i'vi:s and villages, where such backs really have the ii.ttr.-is of their friends and customers at heart. p has alw.:yr- been the policy of the Bank of Murdock to con rl -i ct i. ilr.-t tlas hiii gradt? legitimate bank, and to confine its i 'i .strictly to t( n:mercial banking, never permitting its name, cr al!;ving its -i:k'trs to assist in the selling of any Stocks or I. lie Insurance, vr like schemes. V.'e i!.-c our iiif.u'iu-e on our friends only where it may be of bene!:: to th ni-eives and our community. T;.c l; c. 'Il n: .i.-ions paid for assisting in selling Stocks or Li!'? Insurance io not ttunpt us to work a hardship on our friends, ;ii-ir oxpor.-e. just in order that we might make a bunch of "SII i. M').'HY." We strive for the regular, legitimate, conserva tive, imr.est l.a::!:ir.g business, paying a decent rate of interest on tine deposits, and loaning money to local farmers and business n -n at rea:-unable rates of interest. V.'e c.-!i.T..ti.'ate ourselves on liurinsr built up a REAL BANK a,r I'Ofi; lilXIiUED AND FIFTY SATISFIED CUSTOM ER. If a d'-pendiible. conservative. "Live and let Live" strictly ! . ::; z i:i -tit u:ion appeals to you. and you are not already a cus t.ii'r of ours, we earnestly invite you to join the BANK OF MUR I';t !I :..:.:;ly. ;:nd you will rest assured that we will take care . y.. r r. : unable ilemar.ds. and you will not find us trying To .- .! yuu s;n;j-hing you don't want, against your better judgment. ank of lurdock, Nebraska 'The Bs.nk where You Feel at Home" TOOL. President J. E. GUTHMANN. Vice-Pres E. A. GUTHKANN. Cashier We have just installed a new Tungar Automatic Refractor, and are prepared to look after the batteiy question for you. We have a capacity of charging from one to thirty batteries at the same time. We also do repairing of batteries, as well, and our repair shop for automobiles is of the beat. Free testing and water for batteries. See Us for Service! KODAK Here's your first stop right here at the store. We have just the Kodak you want for the motoring trip com pact, easy to work and Autographic each negative may be dated and titled at the time of exposure. Kodaks from $9.49 up MURDOCK MERCANTILE CO. Murdock -:- -:- Nebraska PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Oiass Legiti burdock rvice! Auto Co., NEBRASKA as you go Noble Buell spent the week in Om aha visiting with his cousin Hope: Allen. Wm Bourke shipped a car of hogs to the South Omaha market last Wednesday. Miss Margaret and Henry Amgwert were guests at the home of the Rev. J. W. Peters last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. McCrory of Lincoln visited several days last week at the Frank Buell home. Miss Amanda Stroy who has been attending summer schood at Lincoln. returned home during the week. H. A. Guthman and family were visiting in Omaha yesterday where they spent the day at Krug Park. Miss Lydia Wutchinek who has been employed in Lincoln is home ! for a week's vocation with her broth er of Murdock. Uttl i J kt?V U AJ Gl 4 UiiU JJ ii. Carl were visiting in Ashland last Thursday where they were looking after some trading. Fred Stock sold a car load of cat tle to J. Johnson last -week which he shipped to the Omaha market on Wednesday morning. Mrs. W. O. Van Every of near Wa bash was a visitor last Wednesday at the home of her friend Miss Jes sie Melvin of Murdock. Miss Gladys Sorrick of Lincoln, has been visiting for the past few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. H. Lawton of Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Allen and daughter Hope visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buell and family. Matt Spader of Omaha has been visiting in Murdock for the past few days the guest of his aunt. Mrs. John Leis. and his cousin, Stephen Leis. Fred Backmeyer and son Harry of Elmwood were over last Thursday looking after some business matters at the farm and also visiting with friends here. Miss Carrie Shafer of Manley was a visitor in Murdock for a few days being the guest at the home of her brother, Mr. Chas. Schafer of this place. Mrs. W. O. Gillespie is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Wm McXamara, during the time that Mr. Gillespie is out west looking after his wheat crop. i Miss Mary Rush was working at the telephone exchange for a while last Thursday while the Schmidt sisters. Misses Marie and Esther were visiting in Lincoln. W. O. Gillespie who is at Bennet. Colorado, writes that they are Just about ready to begin the harvesting of their wheat there, and he is. re mains to look after the same. Emmanuel Thimgan of Sutton, who has been at the hospital in Oma ha and who was able to leave the institution, arrived in Murdock last week and is visiting with relatives. Mr. Louis Xeitzel mourns the loss of some 800 cartridges, two revolv ers and one pocket knife, as the re sult of a raid on his store by a band of I. W. W.'s which visited Murdock last week. Misses Edna and Bernese Bushnell of near Ashland who were teacchers in the Murdock schools for the past year, have been visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs. John Copple. for . the past few days. Henry Guthman and the family ! were on last Wednesday visitors for a few hours in Lincoln where Mr. Guthman had some business matters to look after and the family went along to visit with friends. j O. J. Pothast visited with friends in Omaha last Sunday, and was look ing after business matters at Platts mouth on Monday and at Lincoln on Tuesday of last week, being accom- ' panied by Mrs. Pothast on his trips. Miss Mary Peters who has been attending school at Lincoln during the summer returned home last Wed- . nesday, having completed the sum mer course. Rev. Peters drove over td the capitol city in his auto to meet and bring the daughter home. ! Mr. W. H. Rush was a visitor in Lincoln where he had fitted an ar-, tificial eye in the place where he lost one a short time ago. Mrs. Rush accompanied him as far as Alvo where she visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Foreman, until Mr Rush returned in the evening. . T. Weddell. who has been sick at his home for the past two weeks is again able to be out and will, he is hoping be able to look after busi ness with the beginning of this week. During his illness, Mr. A. Swamasl of Lincoln was in Murdock looking after the business of the firm which conducts the elevator here. Frank Rosenow and Charles Mar shall, who departed a short time ago for Burlington. Colorado, arrived there in due time and writing home had to say that the crops were look ing fine and especially the wheat which will be ready for harvesting during this week. Mr. Rosenow has some 350 acres of wheat which he is Just at this time harvesting. Harry Gillespie went for ice but having a number of others ahead of him returned home and went again in the middle of the night as the plant is kept running full capacity and they have some fears of the lack of water for its manufacture, though those who are manufacturing the ice think as long as they can get the water they can keep up the supply. The Ice Question The matter of the supply of ice is a question which is giving the people who are needing this article a great deal of concern. The supply has to be gotten from Ashland and with the capacity way beyond the output, it is extremely difficult to secure what is needed. Lease Summer Cottajre Henry V. McDonald, Ilarry A. Tool, Harry Gillespie and Lacey Mc Donald have leased one of the cot tages which are owned by Mrs. Corn ish, widow of the late Judge Corn ish, which is located at Meadow and will occupy the same during the fish- ing and "hunting season. They will soon go there for a stay of a week or so for vacation and recreation. Has Some Good Yields On the farm of Henry Bornemeier, which is one of the btst in the state, there was grown this year wheat, forty-six and ten pounds per acre, while the oats went 80 bushels and the barley 65 bushels. Won The Cigars A. J. Baures was smoking good cigarsr last Thursday on a Let with the mayor, when he wen on the yield of wheat which was raised on the Panska farm and which went . 32 and ten pounds to the acre. Have Opening Sunday The church in Murdock has been undergoing repairs for some time and has been redecorated. The opening service was held on Sunday and Sun day evening last. The place is one of beauty. Entertained For Dinner Sunday At the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Rush was held a gather ing of relatives and friends for din ner. Those to attend the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Miller ot Lincoln, Mr. and .Mrs. George Mil ler of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. John Burt of Omaha. J. II. Foreman and family of Alvo. and Alfred Allagard and wife of Omaha. Kensington Last Thursday I Last Thursday at the pieasunt home of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Pick-: well west of Murdock was held the regular meeting of the It. N. A. Kensington, at which a large num ber of the members and their friends were in attendance. Tiie ladies en joyed the occasion very much, Mrs. Pickwell and daughter were mot charming entertainers. Herman Craft In Hospital Mr. Herman Craft was operated on for appendicitis a short time ag. Mr. Baur his business associate has been in Omaha during the week, where he met his two neices. Misses Minnie and Harriet Baur who have just arrived from the old country, and will make their home here for the present. Is Visiting With Relatives C. F. Hite of Murdock departed last Thursday went to visit for O'Neill where he with relatives. Hold Quarterly Keeting The regular quarterly meeting of the Callihan church was held at that church during the past week. The meetings were conducted by the Rev. Ezra Sohi. The Kev Scher bacher presiding elder of the church who makes his home in Lincoln was present. j FARMER'S WIFE GIVES ORDERS A peculiar, as well as amusing in cident occured in the country, when a certain farmer's wife endeavered to introduce a new custom anions; farm er's wives at threshing time. She tried to evade cooking for threshers by trying to persuade the farmers of a threshing company to take their own hired men home with them it dinnertime so as to emininate the work of preparing big dinners. Fail ing to do so, she reluctantly prepared the dinner for the men who wen threshing at her home, but upon no ticing that a certain farmer who had ignored her proposed plan was not present at her home, becoming an gered hastened to call this farmer up and learn why he did not appear. The conversation that was heard over the party line is restricted from print, hut needless to say it was very amus ing to the eaves-droppers. The farm er bravely held his own. hut insisted that he be given the privilege of eat ing at home with his own dear wife, but wished that she would kindly permit his hired men and horses to be fed. But when the wrath of the said lady continued, the farmer sought defense by politely telling her that she had better own a threshing outfit, then she could give orders. However, the threshing proceeded a few hours later and no more spats have been flashed over the wire, to the great dissapointment of those on the party line. MrriCI' TO CKKIHTOH. State of Nebraska. Cass com: TI ty, Ks. In the County Court. Jn the matter of the estate of Thoma. J. MeCu'.looh, leeeased. To- the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in I'laits mouth. in said ounty, on the 1 ' 1 1 . day of Ausrust. llr.M and on the 17th day of November, lO'l, at 10 o'clock a. m. of .'acli day. to receive and examine all claims afiainst said estate, with a view to their adjustment ami allow ance. .The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against salt! estate is three months from t!u- ltith day of August. A. T. lfi'l, and the time limit ed for payment of debts is one year from said 16th day of August. ll'LM. Witness my hand and the seal of said Countv Court, this 1 1: 1 i day of July, 1921. " ALLKX J. HKESON. (Seal) Countv .Hidpre. CHAS K. AlAItTTX. J18-4W. Attorney. Let Us Figure Your house cr decorating the interior also the barn or other buildings. We're ready for any work in this line. U. H.' LAWTOK, MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA NOTICr OF SUIT TO Ql'IHT TITI.K. In U'f I';t!ict I'jurt of the County of 'a. -Nt-1 l a ska Prank Clans, plaintiff, vs. I'iatts ni'iut:: I'.rry company, a corporation, ot ;tl. iK'f'Ti'lanis. To li t. lU'ftL r;tlants. I'lattsmontli Ferry ( iiiiimji !i . : co rj.i ii'a t ion ; tiif unknown P'hnitc-. f:.icisM'!'' and u?iigr:is of ! t smou 1 1; 1-Vvry company, a corpo ration: Kwini; .. M:arp: Mrs. KwinK tf. Si;urp. tirst rial naiiic unknown; A in os llarlur; M-s. Amos Ilark'-r, first I't'n I nuim- unknown: Grei nbery It. lici:iy; Mrs. ( ;reet! lery ;. Henry;; real nanii- unknown: J. J. V. :u l v, ti:st r-i! name unknown; Sai ra l: Vii if y; tr o unknown heirs. r viset-.1-. lrnu-es. personal l epresenia tiv' a;.d all other persons interested in the estates of Kwinp S. Sharp: Mrs. Uwinfr . Sharp, first real r.ame un known: Am o.n Darker: Mrs. Amos Ha iker. tirst real name unknown; (;renhery K. Henry; Mrs. Greenbery I;. Henry, first reH name unknown; J. .J. orit y. first real name unknown: Sana!: Wo rk-y and Joseph A. Comur, each dece.-t sf u : and u'A persons havmp or claiming: ar.v interest in Lot one l.i and t!.- north ht'leen i 1," ) feet of Hot two i in HSock thirty-one, Ci 1 ) in the Citv of Piat-.smout h. Cass coun ts. .r i raska. real names unknown: Vim and. i a ii of you are herebv l-'rai.V. Claus as plaintiff, t;.ed a turn and commenced an ac tion in the I ii';trui Court of ti e Coun ty i f Cuss, Neoraska. on the L'.nd day of June. U'lM. nuain.-t you and each of oms. ti e "hjct, purpose and prayer of which Is to ohtaui a decree of court ;ri-tintr ti... titie to Lot one '11 and the licit t j fifteen 1.") feet of Lot two i -J i in f'.loek thiv-.y-one, CH) in the Citv of 'hi 1 1 snvmt h. Cass county. Ne braska, as you and each of you and for such other relief as may lie just and fe, u it a hie. Von and each of you are further nomiiil ti swe' said at you are petition on required to an or before Mon- ihi , the !'lh ua y of August. 1011. or r. ; n ta ined w i ; 1 the allegations t'.ev. i he taken as trio- and remie:ed in favor of against vi.;j and each to the praver of said Hated this ;:'nJ da: K kaxi: a decree will be the plaintiff and of you according peti tion. . of June, l'JZl. CLAl'S, Plaintiff. w. a ppp.nitTsox. Atty.' for Plaintiff. Jl - iw . MI'I'K I) (IK M IT TO (Jt IKT TITMI. la the Hisirict Court of the Coun ty Cas-. . X et a t lie i N. braska. .1 ei k. preintif vs. James L. del enda n ts. -fendants James L. Crais, L. Craur. first rea! name j o s rs. .lame n I: :; .w n . Crui:r. first real name Theodore lieck. r: Mrs. Tiieo r. tiryl real name unknown; n k n o w n I.e.- oi'-r I.. Harrison; Mrs. Klizer l! ar ison. hist r-ai name unknown: Horace iarrison. M"s Horace C;. IlTM cor u. lea! name unknown; Janus at- Janes Valentine, tirst .known: James Vallentine; Va Hen t :n first T eal name "i'li W. ch;rK. Mrs. John tirst al i;ain- unknown; M'--. .lam i. n kno v ti W. i',ii?.. Cl.a-o-s : so:-., Susanna At is m: Mrs. c al name W'il i lam rris. tirst C. Xoxon; rst teal "! arles W. itn k now n ; L. Harris, real name Mrs. Wil name un- first i ': , . .mas Mrs. v i.iiara L. H i: r: know n . W, o a n. iu.m c. N. known : 1 'sr.. M. A I. Carter. firs; Car: i Mrs. Oscar ai name link no wn : the heir.-, devisees, lesralees. pe rsonal i epros-ntat i ves and ad oil. r persons inti . ii in the estates: oi James L.. Mrs. .lame- K. Crais. tirst real n tine unknown: Craii;. tirst real nanu uiiknown: Theouore I'ecker: Mrs. Tneodore I lecker, first real name un known: Kiizer P. Garrison: Mis. Kli.-r It. Garrison, first real name unknown; Horace G. Garrison: Mrs. Horace G. Garrison. first real name unknown; James Vale:.: ine : Mrs. James Valen- Tine, first rea ! nam unknown: James Va ! lent in tirst real Mrs. Janus Va'ltntine, al name unKnown: ,io..n v . Mrs. John W. Clark, first real Ciark name unknown: Charles . Mrs. Cnaries W. Anderson, n.-iue unknown: Susannah A ndorson : tirst real Thomas.: William H. "Ularris ; Mrs. i!Uani L. Karri.-, ti'st rea i name unknown: Wil liam C. NoM.n: Mrs. William C. Xoxon. !,r; real name .:nknown: Oscar M. "art er me Steohe a ; . Mrs. isc tr M. Carter, first real Thomas Thomas: n n know r I- XuckoM leaseil. real Jane L. Cruijr. nanu s . unknown ; and all persons naviii or claimmtr an inteiest i:i ail thjt part of the South west quarter; iSW1.., i the West half i i. I of the Southeast 'piarler (Si;1,) and "tin- Southwest quarter (SWV, I of tho X. .rt Least .j-arter. i.N'K'.j lyinjr south of the rid t of way of the I'.ur 1: net on v Mis.-ouri Kiver Kailroad com:. are in Nebraska, of Section tl'.ir- t . -iwo. Township liort! . Kar.tre ti irt.-en, thirteen. 1" ) i Z ;. i ea st oi uie ;th I' M.. and al so all that part of i "1 ) Township thir- Section t..irty-o? teen. !'' north Kanire thirteen, t 1J of the ' th P. M., more partieuiany rii.o! as fed lows: Commencing at in point 11.' hains east of the quarter section cornel- on Uie souui siue in Section thirty-one. Gill Township ti'irtien. north. Panee thirteen. (ID east of the t;th P. M.. running ti ence north -7 detrrees and 111 min utes west P.'.To chains to an ash tree, t nonce north 7."i degrees and 20 min utes east 1" chains to an iron pin, thence north .Mi degrees and 1! min utes east L'li.r.u chains to a point on the west line of I,ot seven 7i in the Soutl.en.-l iua'-ter (SK1.,) of said Sec tion thirty-one. to!) I.On chains south of the right of way of the Purlington V Missouri Kiver railroad in Nebras ka, thence north to the Platte river, thence southeasterly along the Platte river to the east line of said Section tnirtv-one. GUI thence south along said section line to the southeast cor ner of said Section thirty-one. C!l thence west on the south line of said section to the place of beginning, ex cepting therefrom said right of way, a being in the County of Cass, Ne braska, real names unknown: Von and each of you are hereby notitie.l that John X. Peck as plain tiff. Ided a petition and commenced an a tion m the iMstrh-t Court of the Count v of Cass, Nebraska, on the lath (lav of July. 1 1. against you ami each of you. the object, purpose and ' praver of which is to obtain a decree i of court, cniietirg the title to the fol j lowing described lands, to-wit: Ml that part. of the Southwest louarter: lSW'.4) the West half W . 'of the Southeast quarter, iSK', and the Southwest quarter i SW '.4 ) of tio Northeast quarter, (NK'.i 1 lying south oi' 1 1 right of wav of the Purlington iSr Missouri Kiver Kailroad company in Nebraska, of Section thirty-two, 32 ( Township thirteen. ( 1 .1 I 1101th. Kange thirteen, ill'.l east of the tith P. M .. and also all that part of Section thirty one. Gil Township thirteen, I 1 :i north. Kanue thirteen. Cl;: east of the 6th P. M.. more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point 14.50 chains cast (if the quarter section 011 Tier on the south side of Section thir- tv-oiie. CH 1 Township thirteen, ( 1 ;; 1 north. Kange thirteen. 1 ;: ) east of th--ith I. M., running thence north degrees and :!1 minutes west 10.70 chains to an r-sh tree, thence north 7f degrees and ."0 minutes east 1 chains to an iron pin. thence north on Painting! riR degrees and 11 minutes oast cliains to a point on the west line of Kot seven t7i in the Southeast quarter tSEiJ of said Section tkirtyone. "1 -.US. chains south of the right of way of the Purlington A: Missouri Kiver Kailroad in Nebraska, thence north to tin- Platte river, thence soutin astet ly along the Platte river to the east line of said Section thirty-one. "1) t he:,ee south a ong said section lin" to the southeast corner of .-aid Section thirty-one, Gil) thence west on the south line of said section to the place of hi -ginning. excepting therefrom said risht of way, ali being in the Countv of Cass. Nebraska, as against you an 1 each of you and for such other relief as may be just and equitable. You and each of you are further TRUCKINGS I have a new Motor Truck and am prepared to do all kinds of hauling at reasonable rates. See me for truck hauling. L. B. GOTH Y, MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA CLim P7J - J - AT DUSTERHOFF SHOPS Shop mixed paints are the purest paint s on earth. White lead and zink, with pure linseed oil. or.l Mixed in our own shops, in identically the same way we use it on our own work. We mix all colors for you. Come in and get any quantity. Quality guaranteed. The Duster MURDOCK Just the Hight Light! It is highly essential that you have lenses which will meet the test and unless you are thus equipped, you will find yourself in serious trouble and possibly facing a stiff fine. We are selling only lenses which have been approved by the State Department of Public Works, at the following prices: Violet Ray $2.75 McBeth 4.75 Liberty 2.75 Best grade of Motor Oil 90c per Gallon Best grade Tractor Oil 75c per Gallon Ml TH R The Automobile Man MURDOCK Pisulto-otor Washer! That the house wife may enjoy the advancing civ ilization, there has been invented the "Maytag' washer, which is a plant within itself, and is both simple and powerful and is easily operated. Give the Housewife a Chance! Wash day comes every week. Better make some provision for it, that the wife and mother who ha? an abundance of work already, may not look forward to it with dread. She has a right to share in the convenience- of labor saving devices as well as you have. Consider, for a moment the spectacle of yourself going back to the days of the cradle and the scythe. Io; much! Then why not get her some of the labor saving machinery which will lighten her task and make her face radiate with joy? Come in and see this "Multi-Motor" washer and let us explain its workings. PRICED MOST REASONABLE 5 Hie Implement Man MURDOCK 0 ! n o r i fir? Gat s.. -.1 I' ll., ll'ti n I :ega 1 1 o s u da v, the b. t ren (I a c th akeri a.-.-reil in t : 1 1 favor . and ra ' r 1 .". ; : .1 ' ! ' X . -. . a ; 1 .. ,1 . tlga inr" ine to 1 late VOU the P .1 1 . p.i: lp Pi:. I. If you have anything to sell, tr want to buy. den't overlook a va:;l ad in the Daily Jourr.2.1. - .J Sjntn hoff Shoo s NEBRASKA Oil fr$ El v iiitmrti. NEBRASKA NEBRASKA