; riATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY. JULY 18, 1021. TAUZ TWO i i RELIEF BILL IS DOOMED TO RECOMMITTAL EE 32? T7 9 '6 row on ,5 v.i'f- : mmm Sec How Much They Will Buy Wednesday, July 20th No use to wait longer for the dollar to grow bigger. Your money will buy more than ever if you lake advantage of this GREAT MONTHLY BARGAIN DAY SALE. Some of the goods have been specially pur chased for this event many have been reduced in price to create unusual vaaes fcr the occasion. SFEND YOUR CASH DOLLARS HERE next Wednesday, July 20th when they will buy so much more than for weeks to come. Look over this list of staple offerings, and come WEDNESDAY. SENATE TO VOTE TOMORROW ON REQUEST OF HARDIN u iu DEFER THE MATTER. w mi Biqqers father uayj Til go alonj as I am! St "Of course I'll go to the movies if I can be comfortable. These Cisco summer shoes are as light and comfortable as any house shoe, but they are smart enough in appearance to wear anywhere in vacation. They look good, feel good and I don't have to fuss with changing." Every member of the family can get a lot more real en ioyment out of the summer afternoons and evenings with Hood Casco Bals- They are light, easy and cool, stylish in appearance, ar.d give excellent wear. Note their superior construction and examine the Hoed patented pneumatic heel "You walk on air." 0,4k any dealer or write .. Hood Rubber Products Co., Inc. Witcitown. Massachusetts. ATHLETIC SPORTSHU The Hood Athlttic is prirne favorite witH active, real boy in city, town and country. Suction oU that prevent slipping. Sport trimmed and made to near. The Hood Process puts all parts to gether to stay. Make your boy happy with a pair of Hood Athletics. Big men and little men want sport trimming on their play shoes. The Sportihu is red trim med, red corrugated sole a splendid shoe at a moderate price. And how the little folks like their locks. Ask for Hood Srtihu. Extra Special for Bar- sain Wednesday One Hundred Fine Organdie and Gingham Dresses this day at cost. Come early! Ladies' Silk Hose, $1.50 value, 73c Ladies' Lisle Hose, 50c values, 29c Ladies' Toggery FRED P. BUSCH, Manager i .i i. 1 That Unmarked Jor desolate i looks. - Of course you expeci lo erect a rrorrneii 'ikere eorrxc iine - 0ir service batyoxir dispool-NOW- vVire for c&t&icc aid ccrvpkte M-, (Cass CCounhi iHottuiufiil -a . ' ' ' J 14' Put Up rfiarkcri fr Your Loved Ones Craves Put in Your Orel era for Fall Delivery. Inscrip tions cut. Special prices on the entire stock Vahin.!,'tiin. July 1'5- An :mrco n.tnt for a vote Friday at 3 o'clock on tlio mot ion to recormnit the sol diers' bonus bill was reached by the f.t:iate late today by unanimous ron- The result of the vote, leaders o! b..tli tactions agreed, was not in douiit. Recommittal, as requested by President Hardins. is deemed cer tain. Senator l.odue. of .Massachusetts, republican leader, secured the aiiree inent at the cloe of another day's assault by democratic senators. He said the recotnniittal motion wa iu the way of other important measures such as the anti-beer and maternity bills. In areciui: ' a vote, how ever, democrats jrave notice that they would not onlv oppose the re-publi-. i. ... can motion, nut also wouiu eeu it instruct the finance committee to re port the bill back at an early date. Senators Watson, of Ceor:iu. and lletlin. of Alabama, led the demo cratic attack today on the motion to ncomniit. Senator Myers, democrat. Montana, however advocated recom mittal. The votinsi agreement involves I.oldiim the bonus measure and the recommittal motion before the senate contii - .-ly until the roll call Fri day, it was reached after the re publican side uave up hope -'f se en riii a vote either today or tomor row. Private overtures for a vote to morrow were rejected by democratic senators, who msi-ted that ample time should be jiv n for presenting. th' opposition arguments to the country. ays Interests Command That President Hardini; had e?;- feeib'.l Ins constitutional iinniations iu asking the senate to postpone cui! siderat ion of the bill was asserted b SiMiator Watson. The republican move, he said, was to send the hill "to a chloroform committee preside! over by a chloroform senator." That the republicans proposed "putting th bill to sleep forever" was asserted a'so by Senator Hetiin. Senator Hefiin chare'd that bi. iiiouey interests com ribiited to d;'C liin of a rt publican president and congress, and now were saying, "de liver the uoods." T;,e same interests, lo said, were threatcninjr to cans'' a panic if the bill should be passed, lio contended that the treasury wa ainplv able to bear the burden of the bill. ' Senator McCumber. republican, of North lakota. who caused the bill to be placed before tilt1 senate on he half of the finance committee, today conferred with President Hardins. Legion to Continue Fight Indianapolis, ind.. July 1". - The American Legion will fight on for adjusted compensation without any change in the provisions of its pres ent program following the message of President Harding to the senate, urging delayed action. John I. Fin ery. Legion national commander, de clared in a statement issued from national headquarters here today. "The sudden alarm, which appar ently has swept over government of tii;ils. lest -Through adju-ted com pensation the I'uited States treasury be so depleted as to mean national calamity, will cause no recession of our activity to bring about such measures of civil re-es:tablishment and material rend justment as we be lieve to be for the best interest of the country itself." Mr. Finery de cla red. "Our claims for adjusted compen sation were not made until by a careful study the contentions of our ex-service men were ascertained, which beyond any doubt justify every provision set forth in the ad justed compensation bill" he said. "I believe that Secretary Mellon vastly overestimates the cost of such provision. Precedent disproves his prediction of financial collapse if the proposed bill passes. Fngland and her overseas dominions. Italy. France and Belgium enacted national relief legislation and found money thus ex pended a potent factor iu stabli.ing economic conditions generally thru rehabilitation of individuals." Mr. Fmery today wired Senator Porter J. McCumber, who has led the fight on the senate floor for the Le gion measure, that recommitment of the bill to the committee must not be permitted. As the bill seemed doomed to almost certain delay, Mr. Finery wired: "The Legion earnestly requests that members of congress do their duty by those who served in armed forces as they have done by those who serveil iu industrial forces of otir country." RAIL BOARD REFUSES TO REDUCE TRAIN FARES Lincoln N'eh., July 14. The state railway com mi. -don todav refused to! order the reduction in street car fares that was asked at a hearing held some weeks ago. It authorized the continuation of the present einer-' gency rate. The decision on the Omaha, fare hearing at which an increase in fares was asked bv the Oniaha&Council ; Bluffs Street Hallway company has not yet been arrived at. by the com-mision. MOST EXTRAORDINARY VALUES -IN Children's Wash Frocks and Suits! "Tom Sawyer" and "Huck Finn" Suits for Boys from 2 to G EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED In all blue, braid trimmed. $4.50 value now $;:.:hi In all white, blue collar and cuffs. value now :J.0u Plain gray - blue, braid trimmed. $2.20 value now l.So Teerless suits, dark and light stripes, white collar and cuffs, now l.Zv CHECK GINGHAM DRESSES (Beautifully made and Trimmed in Contrasting Colors to match) $2..".0 11 dresses, size 14 years. lii.OO value, now S2.2. t! dresses, size 10 years. $o.7.j value, now 1 dresses, size 10 years. $:;.0n value, now dresses, size ii years. .2.a." and $;.00 values, now . t.no -?:;.uo PINK. BLUE and WHITE I.IIDDY SUITS for the girls from 10 years to 18 years of age. This is middy weather. Supply your needs now. Good quality corset of lijiht wei.uht batiste for Misses and growing f;irls. on sale at. $l.r.O and 1.75 SUNBONNETS :-iunh'iiiit ts for the bi and little .irl hi white, pink am! blue. Ai--. a few in dark checks. Ma.de to iron fl..!. ;o they are easy to laund-T. Prices. 25c to 35c REMNANTS All short lengths of yardage i;oods will be put on sale as remnants at such a low price you can not afford not to look them over. Save Here on Remnants RIBBONS Ribbons in a taffeta up -'-inches wide while they last only .". Pt yard. Just t!i riht width for the little girl's hair. In Good. Serviceable Colors wT.'.'..,Jtse"-" RilD Mnnnnr.M &C0- ' i v.CHICACO MONARCH (COFFEE This Splendid Braund on Sxle n in a. i iy I Other Bargains of Great Value! CANNED PEARS :'. cans of "Nitnco" pears- a hih grade heavy syrup quality; 2 pound cans for $1 1 gallon can (solid pack) 75c CANNED PEACHES cans "Xinu'o" peaches, put up in heavy syrup: 2'i lb. can $1 1 gallon can (solid pack) 90c CANNED PLUMS (EXTRA SPECIAL) 1 gallon can (solid pack) 50c "Armada" brand plums in heavy syrup; 2 lb. can 15c PRESERVES Pure fruit and sugar preserves. All flavors on sale. 3 large jars for $1 PORK AND BEANS "Monarch" brand. 2 lb. can 15" "Nomis" brand. 2 lb. can 15c 4 No. 1 cans Government 25c PINK SALMON Tall. 1-lb. cans of a good quality pink salmon. Fine for salads and baked dishes. 8 cans for $1.00 SWEET PICKLES 1 quart jar of Sliced Pickles for 50c MACARONI We have just received a large ship ment of fancy imported macaroni, which we are offering you on this Ilargain day. 10 pounds for $1.00 MUSTARD SARDINES 10 large cans for $1.00 HOOTON'S COCOA Cocoa is a delicious summer drink. Try winie of this high-grade cocoa, while the opportunity is so good. Specially priced. 3 pounds for 50c MILK 10 tall cans "Carolene" milk for $1 ICE TEA SETS Pitcher and glasses to match $1.25 per set CUT GLASS TUMBLERS Fancy designs, set of G 75c NOTICE! We are now taking orders for Elberta Peaches for canning. The car will be due on or about August 15th. Please send in your orders, as they are going fast. a u v u A Good Quality Goods at a Low Price S EIM M lIHEIM5 Call Phones No. 5354 and 144 i y-w "" 'yKV""?'1 "'.j j",'l,' lis. TTTV COX AMONG EDITORS GIVING HARDING CHAIR ' The best results are obtained from the carefully written ad placed in the printer's hands in time to permit of artistic "set-up." Don't neglect (your advertising" or compose it hur- f i . t i x. ii. . i. i. neouy u you wouia gei me greaiest value for the money you expend. Washington. July 13. James M. Cox. 'a newspaper puhlisher of Day ton. O.." was a caller at the White house today when a high hacked "editorial chair." presented to Pres ident Harding by more than COO fellow newspaper editors, was added to the furnishing? of the presiden tal study. The chair was made of wood from the famous old schooner Revenge, i captured from the British on Lake Champlain during the revolutionary war and was presented inrougn a committee headed by Earnest V. lJirnilngham. of the Fouth Estate. Senator Capper of Kansas, pub lisher of the Topeka Capitol, was selected to make the presentation speech in behalT of the committee of seventy-five which came to the White houso. U it's in tiie stationery line, call at the Journal office. LOCAL NEWS From Thursday's tally. I a. D. Parish of Elmwood was in the city today for a few hours look ing aTter some matters of business at the court house. Elba Ingwerson, of near Nehawka, Charles Barro'vs and Dr. C. II. Cil more, of Murray. were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day with the. father of Mr. Ingwerson and the mother of Mr. Harrows, who are at the Fengcr hospital. Mrs. Joseph Wooster and children departed this morning for Lawrence. Nebraska, where they will enjoy an outing for a short time near that place on the farm of Mr. and Mrs John Janda. Ail extensive line of high class stationery on hand at all times at the Journal office. I 1 .