THURSDAY. JUNE 30, 1921 f AOI F0T7B PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL . I- 1 . Cbc plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at rostofTlee, 1'la ttsmou th. Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Germany hasn't chirped once about kultur since the armistice. -:o:- Tuesday the year, you? was the longest Did it seem that day way of fro -:o:- Ilere's the latest slogan among the girls: "Say it with a swim in the lake." :o: - You never hear a cigarette ask a man noys him. woman with a if smoking an- :o:- Many people enjoy the planning of a vacation much more than the va cation itself. :o: Those fellows who have been strik ing tor higher wages will soon oe hitting somebody for jobs. o:o If the anti-tobacco crusaders suc ceed in tiieir campaign, we will have to go to Havana for a smoke as well as a drink. o.o One way to measure the success of a picnic or a day's Jishing trip is to count the number of red bugs and mosquito bites. :o: King George and Queen Mary trav eled to Belfast along a route lined with bayonets. That's a rather un pleasant way to fake a vacation. :o: Ancient bachelor who takes unto himself a bride reminds us of the fact that while wisdom teeth come late in life they do not last long. :o: There are a number of pastimes in life more complicated than getting drunk, and almost as exciting, but it doesn't take so long to recover f:om them. :o: If Poland is trying to grab every thing in sight she is merely follow ing the illustrious example set by a goodly number of the nations of the ea-rth. :o: Clothes brushes, shaving brushes, hair brushes, and similar goods are getting cheaper. Somebody must have been clipping bristles from the profiteers. '-:o: By a very decisive vote the Illinois senate rejected a bill providing for state aid in the enforcement of the Volstead act. Illinois wants L'ncle Sam to do it all. o The war profiteers haev received another Haying in congress, but prob ably they will not mind tiiat if they can avoid being flayed by the trea sury department. :o: The Cherokee Indian tribe has filed suit against the state of Texas to re cover several counties which the In dians say belong to them. The time was when the Cherokees were strong enough to have recovered the lost territory without consluting the courts. "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes on to explain that the man who is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable eondition than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, either. 3 Goods Called for and Delivered PHONt 166 MiL2iJ0URNAL OFFICE 1S21 had only two -:o:- One way to destroy weeds is to marry the widow. :o: Disarmament. unlike charity, should not begin at home. :o: In these days the call of the reap er is heard above all other raucous noises. :o: The shapely hand that displays an engagement ring never forgets its cunning. -o If the I'ons-Winneckc comet gets a good look at the world just now, it won't ever come back again. :o: It's a touching farewell when a man gives you the tips of his fingers instead of a vigorous hand shake. : o : Just as Wall street is convinced that the country is going to the do:s, everything begins to pick up. :o: The Russian chemist who turns iron into gold might try his hand at making a dollar worth 100 cents. o:o The only theory of relativity wor rying the fair sex nowadays is that of making the powder stick to her nose. :o:- The women who are wearing those wooden eye-brows are in about the same class with the man who wastes i lifetime coloring a meerschaum pipe. :o: Lavish governmental expenditures ind high taxes are incompatible with conservative business policy. No won der Washington and the people are unanimous for economy. :o: The income tax should b- paid ly the millionaires o the country and not the privilege to plate their ill gotten gains in bonds and stocks which are relieved of taxes. :o: Nearly all the wickedness now be ing pulled off in the world is attri buted to the recent war. It would be more accurate to pLice soiiu of the blame on man's inherent cussed s. o:o ' After caiefit: and priyt-ifui con. 'J eration of the subject, we have reach ed the conclusion that President Harding got our little ambassador to Great Britain out of a Sears-lioe-buck catalogue. :o: Secretary Den by is opposed to any Soviets in the navy and considering that the navy is not maintained to ad vance social, political r industrial experiments, probably the secretary has the rght idea. :o: Yon Hindenburg praises America hut slightly in his book on the war. He could scarcely say much about the United States. After we started for the Hindenburg line, he didn't know what happened. :o: : Now the scientists tell us that sun spots do not affect weather. Well, what do they affect, and what are they for, anyway? Now that the sub ject has been brought up, let us pur sue it to the bitter end. :o: Firecrackers for the Fourth of July must not be longer tljan three inch es a reasonable restriction. Kids will please bring their firecrackers in early to have them measured and o. k.'d. and avoid the rush. ') : c A former Russian prince admitted in a Aew ork court that he was down to his last dollar. At thar. he was better off than hir, rovietized fel low-countrymen. Being an ex-prince in New York, with his last dollar and nis me, was preieraoie to ie;ng no body in Russia, with nothing. :o:- "The labor party continues back ing the miners," sas a dispatch heading. Well, why not? Aren't miners laborers? Who backs up the coal dealers from the wholesale to the retailer and the retailer to the consumers? Don't blame laborers because they . want living wages :o: The armed contest between the city and weeds in vacant lots, with property owners as uninterested spec tators, now is on. The edict against the weeds has gone out. The order has been given that said weeds must be cut. hewed down or otherwise demolished by property owners, or the said city will undertake the de molition at the pense. property owners' - j New York in billiard parlors. Kit For one week only, a full size cake of Klcnzo Toilet Soap FRF.F with each purchase of the new, larpv, family-size tube of Klcnzo Dentl Cremc. K LF.NZO TOI LKT SUA I is pure cleansing and soothing to the skin. Gives a thick, creamy lather and has the deep-woods scent of pines. KLL'NZO DKNTAL CltKMK makes your teeth white and shining, cleanses the mouth and leaves a wonderfui cool feeling. This nevr, giant tube contains enough Kleno to brush your teeth twice a day for narly four months. SATURDAY JULY L'nd is the day this Economy Offer commences. It is good up toand including Saturday the IKh, but no later. Lay in a supply. Or ders filled by phone. Make sure of yours by buying early. F. G. FRICICE & Go. 1KG Phone PAPER MILLS STRIKE IN U. S. AND CANADA ENDED Albany. N. Y.. June 2S. Strik ing employes of paper 'mills in the country ami Canada have voted to accept the proposal made by manu facturers to submit to arbitration the wage dispute that caused some mills to shut down on May 1 and others on May 11. This was an- nounc today by Jeremiah T. Carey, pn-sident' of the International Broth erhood of Paper Makers. It is ex pected, that the mills will reopen next week. GULF STORM WARNING Washington. D. C. June 2S. A special bulletin issued this morning bv the weather bureau said a dis turbance from the Caribbean sea was central this morning over the south western Gulf of Mexico, between Yu catan and Tampico and was moving northwestward, its intensity unde termined. Yessels in vicinity waters were warned to exercise caution. To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters. the family system tonic. Price, $1.25. We appreciate your co-operation in helping us to publish all the live news of the community. Call No. 6, 3 rings. Phone us the news! Mini or m:niM tlie tut- of Emil Ki'iiKiT, ilfi'fiist d : On .hint- I'IMli A.. I. l'JJl. tlie I'ti tion t 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i ii lltllin;iii w;ts fill in tli "onnty '"Mirt f ';iss 'Mintv. N-l-rjiska. pravini; fur a final d-r-f and deeree of de c n t , ntid tiiat 1 lit alle-t'ali-'iis of tli- (..lition ! found and ilfcrfi'l to l" true: for a dt'iifC tiar riiiii claims of ereditors; for th- entry of a dis dartf of rei-oni of the ad ministrator; for a finding a deeree lf rmitiinji t lie loirs at law anl n-t of kin of the deeeased and for a de i no of dHSi ent and a dec ree assigning the title to 11. lands of which the deceased died seiz d. to the Jieirs at law of the deceased for their use and heneht and the use and henelit of their successors in title. A heatinur will le I nd on snid peti tion mi said County Court In-fore the "oiinty .lude on the 2.MI1 day of July, A. I. 1821. at 9 o'cloc k a. m . at which time cause may he shown, if any, wliv the prayer of the said petitioner should not he granted. If no cause is shown, the petition will he taken to he true and a deert entered accordingly. lated at I 'la 1 1 smou th, Nehrasku, on June 2'Jtli. A. I. i:21. AI.LK.N J. KEESoN. Count v Jndye. U. Y. LIVINCST) ., j:0-3v. Attorney. Acetylene Welding! I am prepared to do all kinds of Acetylene Welding. Charges reasonable and work the best. JOHN SHELDON, Located at John Iverson's Blaksmith Shop, Plattsmouth, Nebraska D-30CS op the Installment Plan! Three pure bred Duroc pigs for $75. A boar and two gilts, not re lated, with pedigTees. $10 down .and $10 a month. Older gilts on the same plan. For particulars write, phone or call on lUwil IUUIIg? i Murray -:- . NEBRASKA PAVING ESTI MATES READ LAST NIGHT 0 COVERING F0DRTEEN BLOCKS OF CITY IMPROVEMENTS ARE A GOOD BIT LOWER. rem Tuesday's Inliy The members of the city council last evening sweltereil through an hour and a bitlf of routine business and it was with a sijjh of relief that they bean! the Ravel of Mayor John son fall at the close of the nieetinn anil were able to oscap'" from the roasting atmosphere of the city hall. One of the chief matters to come before the session was that of the estimates on the paving in the dis tricts that were created last year but on which no definite action h;id as yet been taken beyond' the publica i ion of the official notice of the crea tion of the district. The estimates made on four forms of paving were as follows: Ilrick block 1 $4.n:2.-lti Concrete :!2.!i;i.0 Sheet asphalt 2!), ":. SO Asphaltie concrete :. 2 . f0 : . fi 0 The estimated tost of the engineer ing and miscellaneous expenses was figured at 12.400 for the district. This paving district includes two blocks on high school hill. Seventh street from Pearl to t be" intersect ion of Vine street and for two blocks north to Kim street, two blocks on North Sixth street. Hast Vine street for two blocks and the block near the Alfa .Maize mill as well as Oak street, from Sixth to .Washington avenue, and numbers some fourteen blocks of work in the grand total of paving. The council will now be in a posi tion to call for bids for the con struction of the paving and the mayor and city clerk will see that the same are advertised for. The streets, alleys and bridges committee also recommended that the city pay one quarter of the tost of making the till on Hie toad neat the cemetery that has been in very bad shape and in which the county has promised to assist in putting the road in the best of shape. The matter of painting llie city ball, which was up for discussion at one ol tne previous sessions oi iiie dads was reported by the special committee composed of Councilman Maurer, Ptacck and P.rittaiu. who bad made a careful ex-amiuat ion of the bids submitted and decided that the bid of Gideon Archer and George Forbes for the sum of $;o for the work was the cheapest and that the work be ordered carried out. This was passed and the two artists will now be given the joh of decorating the city seat of government. As the new slate law relative to the use of special lenses in the tars operating on the highways, will go info effect on July 2-Mh, the city council has bad an ordinance pre pared covering the punishment for such offense and which will permit the city to collect the fines under the law. The new ordinance as first sub mitted, carried the provision of a fine of from $10 to .."0 for each of-fenr-e. but after mm" discussion it was decided that the sum of $." to $.". would be more appropriate and this was then added to the ordinance. I'mler tin suspension of the rules, the ordinance was placed on its sec ond and third readings and passed. Councilman l! stor called the at tention of the ctiuncilmen to the fact that the paving in the alleys and particularly in the south part of the business section had a number of holes in it and urged that these be; repaired at once, lie also asked that, the street commissioner bo instructed to remove the old stumps of tele phone poles that are found frequent ly in the sidewalks and which inter fere to a greater or less extent with pedestrians. Councilman liestor also urged that proppr equipment be secured for the office of the city clerk. as there were no adequate filing cases or other de vices to care for the city records and the purchase of these was authoriz ed. Councilman McCarthy, of the first ward, stated he had discussed the matter of the construction of the sidewalks on North Fourth street, which has been up in the air for some time and secured an agreement among the residents there that would permit the construction oi the walks; at an. early date. On motion of Councilman Ptaeek the mayor and clerk were ordered to advertise for bids for the construc tion of sidewalks in the city during the present season. Councilman Howe called the atten tion of the council to the rough con dition of the street at the end of the Chicago avenue paving and on his motion the street commissioner was authorized to fix this up. Councilman Mauer al?o found a job for the street commissioner and hi", force in washing off the city hall exterior with the city pressure be fore the painters started in to work. Councilman McCarthy suggested that this would be good practice for the fire department but the original mo tion was adhered to and the commis sioner left to do the work. Mayor Johnson called the atten tion of the council to' the fact that $96,000 of city bonds would become due at the close of the year and he thought that the present would be a good time to get busy in looking around for a market for the refund ing bonds that would have to be igsued. He suggested that the state be interested and to Fee if it was not possible to get them to handle the bonds for the city. Mr. Johnson also stated that it nan ueeii eaueu iu in anm in mni the embankment at the east end or Vine street was most dangerous for travoi ns it was wholly unDrotected. and a stranger driving his car along the street at any reasonable rate of I SDeed would very likely go clear over the embankment to find death on the tracks below. On motion of Councilman McCarthy, the street commissioner was authorized to have a properly constructed fence put up and pr.inted so as to attract the at tention of those who might be driv ing along the street, and save a possible tragedy. The following bills were ordered paid by the finance . committee be fore the adjournment of the coun cil: The streets, alleys and bridges committee of the council reported on the majter of the reduction of wages of the city street department and recommended that the rale of $1.10 per hour for man and learn be re duced to !M)c per hour, but that the present scale as to the man alone re main as it is for the present and the report was unanimously adopted. The bills allowed were: Charles Tiilon. taxi to po!ice$ :J.2T Alvin Jones, advanced to II. Manners for services 2.00 C. M. Parker, curbing 300.00 John Zitka. street work O. 1.. York, same 74. SO John Maurer, same 4.r,.lo Kd Trively. saim 4 2. Ma Carl Kgenberger, same lid. 10 Harry Gouchenour, same 84.70 J. R Sheldon, repairs grader 4.00 O. L. York. cleaning and washing streets v John Maurer. same Carl Kgenberger, same Kd Trively. same Harry Gouchenour. same J. N. Klliott, street coin Alvin Jones, marking parking II. J. Chandler, same I). K. Kbersole, driving fire t ruck Ir. O. Sandin. salary, fire chief K. J. Wcyrich, chemical man Claude Smith, sec'v fire dept. Kd Kalasek, work at cemetery K. A. Stanfield. journal record clerk A. II. IUixbury. clerk, stamps :i.:jr 7.1 r. i.yo j.-.i', 04 1 1 .so .:s7 ir.oo 2.".. 00 r..oo ;.2r, r.:.o r,o oo 1.60 LOCAL NEWS From Monday's I tally. Attorney J. A. Capwell of Klm wnod was among those visiting in the city today being called here to look after some legal matters. C. A. Gauer. of near Cedar Creek, was in the citv for a short time to day looking after some matters of business and visiting with friends. W. II. Puis, accompanied by his father, William Puis, motored up from Murray Saturday afternoon ami visited for a few hours with old friends here. James Gilniour of Sioux City, who is here visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. I,. 'G lmour departed this afternoon for Omaha to spend a few hours. W. (J. I'.rooks. wife and little one came tilt friuii Nebraska City Satur day afternoon to spend a short time with Mr. and Mrs. J. Crabill and family and yesterday with the Cra bill family motored to Omaha. From Tuesday's iauy. County Commissioner C. V. Harris of 1'nion. was in the citv todav lor a few hours looking after some mat ters at the court In use. Webb IIusmII. of Weeping Water, was in the city today for a few hours, coming over to witness the installation of the chapter of the Order of le Molav. Autos For Sale. One I'.erg and one Metz auto for .sale cheap, or will trade. What have you to offer. Also one spring "Pump" wagon. James P. Katta Murray phone. "4v Minn: in ki iii i oks Tl.e Slate i.f . liraska, Cass coun ty, ss. Ill I lie ( ' I II 11 1 y t 'oil It. In tlie matter if the estate of Cet.rge P. Mti -itiU'l . e i a:;-,l. T the creditors of said estate: Vio .He i,e..y notified. Thai I will sit ,il the t'ouiity ("o ut room in 1'latts nioiiili in s;ijd eoimiv, mi the i'tli day of .Inly. .V. I . I'J-M.'iUid oti the lolli day of (Ictol.ei, A. I'. 1!:M. at ten oVIoi !i in the- forenoon of e.t h d;ty. to ieieie and examine all claims against said estate Willi a view to their ad justment and a I low si nee. The time lim ited for the presentation of c-laims again.-! said estate is three months from the tli day of .Inly, A. I . lOl'l. and the time limited for t.awnent of dehis is one scar from said 1'th day of .lulv. A. I. r.Ul. Witness my hand ami the seal of said t'oiintv ('oiirt. this -Itli day of June, A. H. l'.e-t. ' Al.MJN J. PKKSON. (Seal) County Judge. oi(iii:it oi' iii:ui(; till I'ttitimi for A ppoill t mc-llt vf il mi iilfl rit r. The Stale of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. Iu the County I'lnii t. Ill the matter of the estate of Kliza hetli lom;hty, deceased. Mi reading and tiling the petition of Nellie Tucker praying that admin istration of said estale may he grant ed to John A. ltoughty as administra tor: (Md-M-ed. That July Sth. A. It. 1321. at 'i:00 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said pot i t on. when all per sons interested in aiil matter mav at pear at a County Court to he held in and lor said county, and. show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not gi anted: an! that notice of the pendency of sa id -pt t it ion and the hear ing thereof he gik-ea to all persons i-iterested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county, for three :-uccc.-sive weeks, prior to said day of liea ring. italed June 21. 1921. ALLEN' .1. BEKSON. j23-3w. County Judge. oiidi.h or iu:nif; oil Petition for ntmiit of Idmiiiiatrntor The Stat-? of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the nintter of the etste of Thomas .1. McCnlloeh, deceased. On reading and tiling, the petition of E. O. MoCulloch praving that adminis tration of said estate may be granted to himself as Administrator: Ordered. That July 12th. A. V. 1921. at 10 o'clock a. m . is assigned lor hearing said petition when all persons interested in said matter may. appear at a Countv Court -to be held in and for said countv, and show cause whv the- praver of ti;t petitioner thou!a not be granted: and that notice cf the pendency o 5aid petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing: a copy of this order in the JPlatts- C &oia omy c- o give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history 30x3 SISoOO NON-SKID Reduction in all styles and sizes A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product mouth Journal, a setn i-weekl y news paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hen ring. Hated this lxth day of June, A. It. i:'2l. AI.I.EX .1. P.EESO.V Countv Judge. CI I AS. E. MA I IT I N. j2'i-"w. Attorney. oititKic in- m:itiMi i no 'ik i; or ritoiivu: oi- wim. In the County Court of Cass coun- t v. Nebraska. Stale of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. To all persons interested in the es tale of John Sch ia ppacasse, deceased: in reading the petition of Jennie Sch ia ppacasse praying that the Instru ment tiled iii this court on the 9th day of June, l:21, and purporting to be tin" last will and testament of the said deceased, mav be proved and al lowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of John Sch ia ppacasse, deceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and the administra tion of said estate be granted to Jen nie Schiappacnss-p as execntrix; It is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, may, anil do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on rlio 9th day of July, A. Lt. 1321, at 1 o'clock a. in., to snow cause, if anv there be, why the prayer of th petitioner should, not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the bearing there of be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said countv for three successive weeks pi ior to said da y of Witness mv hand said court, this Otli It. 1921. hea ri ng. and the seal day of June, of A. ALLEN J BEESON. (Seal) Countv Judge. C1IAS. E. MARTIN. ji;-3w. Attorney, NOTIf'K In tbo County Nebraska. ok m:iiix; Court of Cass county. In the matter of the estate of Jacob Mason, deceased. To all persons interested in said es tate, both creditors and heirs at law: You are hereby notified that on this 11th day of June. 1921, Jacob E. Mason tiled a petition in this court allepine: that Jacob Mason, while a resident of the City of Plattsmouth. in said coun ty, departed this life intestate on or about the day of May, 1915, the owner in fee simple of the following" described real estate, to wit: All that part of the South half of Lot 13 in the northwest quarter of Section 13, Town 12. N., Hang" Li. East, lying east of the nmahu. Southern Railway right of way, situate in the City of. Platts iiionth. Cass county. Nebraska, and that said deceased left surviving as his sne and only heirs at law, the following named persons: Nancv J. Mason, his widow; Jacob E Mason, a son: Bessie M. Koke, (nee Mason a daughter: Elizabeth F. Fitch, (nee Mason) a daughter; William II. Mason, a son, and Clarence Mason, a son, who are now all of legal age, to whom the title and ownership of said real estate descended, on the death of said Jacob Mason, subject to the home stead right of the widow of said de ceased. Nancy J. Mason, and that the petitioner is the owner of an interest in said premises, and prayin? for a judicial determination of the time of the death of the said Jacob Mason, and of his heirs at law, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the rea 1 property belonging: to said decedent in the State of Nebraska, and foj- such other and further orders and decrees as may be necessary for a correct determination of said matter. Said matter has been set down for hearing for the 14th day of.July, 1921, Drs. IVJach & RrlachThe Dentists Fk'iT, WM crate Prices. ments carefully sterilized after using. THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA j 0 y() Chloroform. Ether or other gecerai aa3tteii used. A cure roarai 1 e-rory case accepted for treatment, and i raoatr f Sid tiU! cured. Write for booi oa Rectal Diaeasea. witu names and testimonial of more tnn 1 " prominent people Zj-r,T'n Vrm8!r 7 Jin. HTKM. DB. S. B. by dealers at nine o'clock in XUo forenoon, in the County Court room in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, at which time and place all persons interested may appear and contest said pet it ion. Hate: June 11th. 1021. ALLEN J. I5EKSON, County Judge. J. M. LEVItA, jl :!-:;". Atty. for Petitioner. MK K i; Whereas, Henry Burrows, convicted in Cass count y, on I lie :t h dav of l-'ehruaiv, 1 t I 2. of the crime of mur der, first degree, has made :i pp I i ea t ion to the P.oard of Pardoos for a commu tation, and the Board of Pardons, pur suant to -law have set the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. on the IlMii day of July, 1M2I. for hearing on said application, all persons interesteil mi- hereby noti lied that they may appear at the State Pen i t en t ia i y, at Lincoln, Nebraska, on said day and hour ami show caue. if any there be, why said application should or should not be granted. i. M. AMSBEBKV. Sc. v. Board of Pardons. N. T. HAU.MoN. i2::-2w Chief St. Plob. Officer. Mi nn; to Mi.m roits The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. I n the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jus t'.is Lillie, deceased. To the it-editors of said estate: You are hereby tiotiljed. 'II. at I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said countv, on July l. 1921, and October 1 s. p.ejl, at o o'clock a. m. on each day, to receive and ex amine all claims against said cstte, with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims a fa in t said estate is three month-- from the 1Mb day of July, A. I . 1921. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said Lxth day of July. 1921. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, this Hth day of June, 1921. ALLEN J. BEESON. I Seal) jlC-4w. County Judge. oitm:it oe iii:hi. on Petition for ito m men t of it nil rn tor The State of Ncbiaska, Cass coun tv. ss. In the County Coin t. In the matter of the estate of Ellen J. Smith, deceased. On reading ami filing the petition of The Plattsmouth State Hank praying that administration of said estate may be granted to Frank Chndt, as admin is t ra t or ; Ordered, That July 19th, A. I . 1921. at la o'clock a. m.. is assign"'! tor heaiing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in an I for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof he j;iven to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the 1'latts moutli Journal, a sc-mi-we.klv news paper printed in said county for thic-e successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Hated June 2".. r21. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) j27-3w County Judtfe. v -H-H-H ? W. A. ROBERTSON Coates Block Second Floor EAST OF RILEY HOTEL, J. :m'K-w The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod- Porcelain fallings just like tooth. Instru Fistula Pay When Cured A mild system f treatment that enre P1l Furtnla and other Recud Pleea In a abort Hm without a Mtsrt eursrtral Deration. N J A