FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921 ' ELM WOOD f Cbe plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postofflce, Plattsmouth. Neb.. as econd-cla8 mall matter Leader-Echo R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE What has become of Jack the peeperi -:o:- Looks like the Europeans arp rath er a quarrelsome family. :o: Father Time is so gallant; he al ways tells on a woman. . -:o: Clothes are certainly no m.irk of distinction at bathing piaces. :o: Bathing suits reveal almost as many secrets as divorce suits. :o: In these days of rouge, women folks "kiss and make up." Yes. some do. to: It is becoming to be a familiar sisrht to see Cotton wielding his brush. : :o: John D. Rockefeller has developed a habit of giving away nickels. Plugged? :o: Women are shaving eyebrows. There seems to be nothing left that can't take off. :o:- Sugar has gone down to pre-war prices, but candy is holding out for p. seperato peace. :o: When a girl has both a good voice and a good figure, she !m I as soon be seen as heard. :o: The house and senate are prepared to fight each other to a frazzel over the form of peace. ;o: Uncle Sam probably spends mon ey freely because he feels it isn't his. It Isn't. It's ours. o:o Some people are st busy talking about hard .times that they can find no time to do hard work. . :o: With a patience worthy of the occasion, we await the arrival of the home-grown watermelon crop. o:o George M. Cohan announces his permanent retirement from the stage. There are some things too good to be true. " " ' " :o:- In trying to end a technical state of war with a technical peace. Con gress has itself all balled up on technicalities. -:o:- An anti-prohibition parade is to h fctaged in New York. No doubt it would take it a long time to pass a given point. :o: The Leavenworth Times calls at tention to the fact that a lot of per sons went to hell even before the movies were invented. :o- What are the American people thinking about when they refuse to celebrate the glorious Fourth of July? It is enough to make George Wash ington and his comrades turn over in their graves. "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes on to explain that the man who is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, either. Goods Called for and Delivered phone Kmopposn e 166 JJUURNAL Of FICE The Cleveland housekeeper who is suing for the $25,000 estate of her former employer evidently believes in a summer cleaning. o : i) A Cleveland minister says jazz is "the profanity of music." Maybe that's because dancers swear by it and others swear. at it. :o: That Oklahoma desparado who was killed by Toledo police had the sat isfaction of knowing that it took i machine gun to do the job. :o: After all. who cares whether or not that hobo comet does hit this weary old earth? It will only be an other interesting experience. :o: Billy Barclay should be proud of his election to the state presidency by acclamation, well. Billy is an Eagle in the fullest sense of the term :o: There is no way of assessing taxes without having the burden fall on the ultimate consumer, but it takes congress a long time to realize the fact. :o: If any man wants to start a money drive during this hot weather, re gardless of how worthy may be the cause, he will have to foot the bill himself. :o: The ex-kaiser is said to be suf fering with extreme melancliolis. Well, we never did regard him as a ray of sunshine, even in his pros perous days. -:o: A minister threatens to invade golf courses to warn Sunday players of the error of their ways. They'd more likely welcome advice on the error of their plays. :o: The most charitable thing we can think about George Harvey and Ad miral Sims is that it was the relapse from prohibition after reaching Ixn don that made them talk foolish. -:o:- In designing himsetf as the chief defender, of the no-nothing Harding administration, Ed McLean, of the Washington Post, has certainly pick ed out a thankless job for himself. o:o One splendid recommendation for present styles is that no boy can hide behind his mother's skirts and no girl can tug at her mother's skirts, either, unless she is about five feet tall. -:o: Another Fourth of July will pass into history without t'i" least sign of celebration. It would seem the great natal day. so long established by our forefathers war. dwindling into nothingness. Shame! :o: Our merchants certainly displayed energy and enterprise in entertain ing the Eagle delegates that will be carried home by those in attendance with great pleasure. When Platts mouth undertakes anything they do it whole-souled and heartily. :o: Plattsmouth has as good a ball team as any city of its size in the state. They have a manager that is a manager in the person of Billy Barclay. A spirit of civic pride ought to prompt our people to turn out to see every game, and in this manner give cheer to our boys. :o: The Eagles have come and gone, and they take with them a most plea sant remembrance of Plattsmouth. Two delegates from the west part of the state remarked to this editor that the Eagles were awful proud of the manner in which they were en tertained and received by our people, and we hope they will come again. :o: Cautious bettors who think the Carpentier-Dempsey fight ha3 too many uncertainties might take a look at the enterprise of General Ba ron von Ungern-Sternberg, who is starting an anti-Bolshevist move ment In Siberia, with the object of restoring the Romanoffs in the per son of the Grand Duke Michael Al-exandrovitch. -:o: Parisian women thrust red aside and adopt black as the fashion color. But a black costume Is not correct without a lilac hat. This Is sad news for the Plattsmouth woman who's stocked up on red garments. Red is the expression of violent emo tion. Does the switch to black in Paris indicate a calming of Eu rope's state of mind? :o: If it's is the card line, call at the Journal ofice. Ship and sail under the Stars and Stripes to all parts of the world THERE was a long period when it was not tiuc, but today it Is , proudly true once more trade and passenger routes are o established that you can ship your goods, or you can sail, to any part of the world under the Stars and Stripes. The program of routes is being carried out with an eye to the future as well as present needs of American exporters and Im porters and all American pros perity. See that the ships you use are owned and operated by American citizens or by the U.S. Shipping Board. Operators of Passenger Services Admiral Line. 17 Stale Street. New York. N. Y. Mataon Navigation Company, 26 So. Cay Street, Baltimore, Md. Munon Steam Ship Line, 82 Bearer Street, New York, N. Y. New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co. 1 1 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pacific Mail S. S. Co., 41 Broadway. New Kork.N. Y. U. S. Mail S. S. Co., 4J Broadway. New York, N. Y. Ward Line, (New York and CuSa Mall S. S. Co) Foot of Wall Street. New York, N. Y. Free use of Shipping Board films IKe of Shipping Board motion picture film, four reels, free on request of any mayor, pastor, postmaster, or organi zation. A great educational picture cf ships and the sea. Write for inform ation to H. Laue. Director Information Bureau. Room 911, 1319 :'" Street. N. W Washington, D. C SHIPS FOR SALE (To Amtrican citism euly) Steel steamer, both eil aed coal tinrnertt. Aim wood (teamen, wood hull and ocean-going' togs. Farther inforsaatioo obtained by requeit. For sailings of passenger and freight ships to all parts of the world and all other information, write any of the above lines or USSHIPPING BOARD ;ton.d.c washd OLD RESIDENT HERE During the last few days J. V. K- enberper of Salt Lake City, has been here visiting with his relatives and also to attend the funeral of Kdward Kgenberger. a son of the cousin of Mr. Kgenberger. The older residents will recall the genial and pleasant gentleman as one of the well known residents here some twenty-five years ago as Mr. Egenherger was for a num ber of years engaged in the bakery business in the building on lower Main street that is now occupied by the Monroe store. Mr. Kgenberger is one of the best bakers in the west and enjoyed a great success in this city and which was repeated at Salt Lake, where ho maintained one of the largest retail bakeries in that city for a number of years and employed some four bakers as well as lve as sistants in the retail store. Of the late years he has retired from busi ness and has been enjoying the days in the rest that he has so well earned. Mr. Kgenberger states that Salt ,ake is an ideal place to live and in the heated summer season all one has to do is to take a ride of a half hour and they are in the cool recesses of the mountain canyons where the cool breezes brings them comfort and re lief. , If you have anything to sell, or want to buy, don't overlook a want- ad in the Daily Journal. Acetylene Welding! I am prepared to do all kinds of Acetylene Welding. Charges reasonable and work the best JOlin SHELDON, Located at John Iverson's Blaksmith Shop, Plattsmouth. Nebraska HOGS on the Installment Plan! Ray and Cliff Fenterman finished harvesting their cron of 70 acres of wheat yesterday. We call this nrottv god record hs this is about ss early as wheat has been harvested in this section any time the 22nd day of June. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cerbeling. his mot her, Mrs. tlerbeling and a sister, Miss Emma tlerbeling of liurlingtoii. Iowa, who are visit ins the ('has. (lerbeling family, went to Bethany to attend the (.olden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 1. Kch roeder. About eight v were in atten dance and xi fine time was enjoyed with Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder on their 50th anniversary. Iliey are aunt and uncle of ("has. Gerbelmg We learn that on last Thursday our professional bee man, .Air. 11. 1 Hinds, while hiving a large swarm of hees which were settled in the top most part of an apple tree, while watching them and figuring just how he could manage to get 1 lie swarm, he noticed thev were holding on to two small limbs anil all of a sudden. to his surprise, the and down they came of the hive which he so they could enter home. G. W. Hylton, one of our oldest and most respected citizens, was up town on his wheeled chair for a short time on Monday afternoon. Mr. Ilyl ton is very cheerful and we were glad to have a short conversation with him. He seemed interested in crops and asked about t lie corn and wheat ami spoke of the phasant afternoon and that he was enjoying it greatly. It is indeed a pleasure to talk with him for he has a brightness for good things of life. We hope to see him up town many times. Mrs. Green and daughter, Gertrude Deles Dernier and two children, Wil liam and Hutliie. drove in from Palmer, Nebraska, in Merrick coun ty and visited over Sunday with At torney Deles Dernier and family. Grandpa and Grandma Deles Dernier were very happy to have t heir little grandchildren with them and they had a jolly good visit and a fine time. Mrs. Green returned home Monday and Mrs. Deles Dernier and child ren went to Murray to visit the Iiert McN'amee family and will return to Elm wood to make a longer visit here. limbs gave way directly in front quickly opened. into their new aSeaSeei8aiSii8'?i V?iSif y a?8eefn8ai LOUISVILLE Courier 4 Weg-prop- lleine Schoenian ;;iid Henry nrr have leased i tie usseniiop erty on the east side ol .Main street and have opened a soft drink and hort order shop. The two "Hanks" ire popular among the noys aim are certain to recene gnod patronage. We are pleased to report that Mrs. eorge Schoenian is now on i tie roan to recovery after a serious illness during which time tier life was do- paired of, hut with t he best of in!- ical care and excellent nursing slu pulled through and is now receiving the congratulations of her friend upon her recovery. Five vears ago Herman Stohlinan received a fine birthday present when his wife presented him with a sweet little daughter and that happy ate is never forgotten in their hom so last rrniay, June li. anoiner larty was staged at their home in honor of the two birthdays. A large number of friends and relatives wen present and a most enjoyable tune is reported. Refreshments were served and the evening passed in music and ivelv conversation. Mr. and Mrs. John Heil were able o onng tneir lime son into pome from the hospital in Omaha last week and they now have great hope of his ultimate recovery, which will most pleasing news to their rel atives and many friends who have heard of his condition which at one imc seemed almosj hopeless. He bad uttered from pneumonia and also the flu and his lungs were affected, but he has pulled through and the worst is now over and it needs only imc and good care for him to re gain his lormer good health. Charles Kraft received word last week of the death of his brother. John Kraft, at bis home in Orange. lifornia, on Saturday, June 11th, !21. He leaves a wife and seven hildren. Deceased formerly lived in iss county, but moved to Orange a number of years ago and later to Mc Earland. At the time of his death, he had moved back to Orange. His funeral was attended by a number of former Cass county friends now liv ing in California and among them were Mr. and Mrs. eGorge Berger and Mr. and Mrs. William Slander. An indirect cost y on should figure W-BL MOTOR OILS innwo u cok'tmr or isbfsu ti u 1' n b h gml Lubricating oil is one of the smallest items of cost, when you balance it against fuel or tires. But its indirect cost may easily be higher than either. Engine wear-and-tear, frequent overhauling, repairs and ths replacement of broken parts practically all this expense should be charged against the cost of lubricating oil. So lubricating oil of highest quality and proper body is a big money-saver. It protects engag ing parts against we;irr prevents bearings burning out, keeps compression tight and as sures maximum power and mileage from every gallon of gasoline. Polarine makes these economies not only possible but certain. Its stability under high engine heat insures a fuel-tight and gas-tight seal in the cylinders, and a film on bearings and moving parts that prevents wear. Polarine is made in four grades light, medi um heavy, heavy and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade for your car next time you buy clean-burning Red Crown Gasoline and you will start cutting down motoring costs. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA i i .vt rai iii, ti re Ti nTll SI ;i ' ot TO i: i:niiinis a ka. Oa.s mal ti ingi-r. FOR SALE Six registered Chester White Gilts bred for fall farrow bleeding. The best in the U. S. A. Write or phone No. 1303. Geo. Stall, Weeping Wa ter, Nebraska. E. II. Schulhof, piano tuner. Phone 389-J. d&w. ok nr. m; u Petition for t nixiinlincul Arimiiiiol rnlur State of Nebraska, Cu:- Three pure bred Duroc pigs for $75. A boar and two gilts, not re- ated. with pedigrees. $10 down and $10 a month. Older gilts on the same plan, lor particulars write,! phone or call on Albert Young, MURRAY -:- NEBRASKA TI-.p State ot Nebraska, Cass coun ty. KS. In the County Cmnt. In the matter of the estate of Klleil J. Smith, lu remiin and tiling the pttitiou of The IMottsnfouth State Dank prayinc; that administration f paid estate may be uranted to Krunk Cloidt, as admin istrator: Ordered. That July l.'th, A. P. 1 1 2 1 . at in O'clork a. m., is a.--sisnied tor hearing naid petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to bo- held inj and, for said county, and show' cause why the prayer of petitioner should not he jrranted: and that notice of the pen dency of naid petition and the hear ilnRT thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weeklv news paper printed in said county for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Datecj June 25. 1921. ALLEN J. BEESOX, (Seal) J27-3w County Judge. In tl In II Mi i. T. Hi.- u ;n il al t: ion III in .-: I .In Iv, .. lav ..f Oit ''!... k in t ! . . -i a ml aid i-slal-- i.-l Ml. -lit for a i ii. t : from the and the . I. 1.1s is of .In! v. llli. - .-a id .1.111. it v r "Milt. the .-stall of 1'i.r: 'mi n I v A. I all iitois of said estate; el-el. y noti'ie.l. That I will ii lily Court room in IM.ilts i.l on i, t on tin- :u h day I'. I'.'JI. and on I h- lm!i A. I . 1 - I . at tell .- forenoon .f i;.. :i !.i-p. to i -v. mime al! elaim- against with a n v. to t i i . 1 1- . i - and allownm-e. Th-- time the presentation of laims aid estate js thi.e months I'th day of July, A. 1'. I'.'JI. time iitiiit'd for payment of one vear from s.u.l 1'lh dav A. I". l!ejl. my land and 11-" seal of Coin-1, this (tli day of 1 :!. ALLIEN J P.KKSi (X. Cm n t y J i:d A' '- in said matter by puhli.-hincr a. eopy of this order in the 1 'hit tsm-ml Ii Journal, a sem i-week I y ne wspa per printed in -aid for three sueeessive Wet ks i i no- to said day of hearing. Willi. : s my hand and the se;il of said eoiirt, this 'Jth day of June, -. 1. I'ill. -i.hi;. j. i;i:i:so.v. Seal) County Judo. C1IA.-S. K. MACTIN. jl"-"w. Attorney. t! ao in i: County or ii Court i: Ki; of Cass county. ty. Th In I ii . t h Pi oitii:i( or iii.t(i: on l'eliliou for piiil mi lit oft' il mi ni.-. t rn tor. State of Nebraska, Cass eoiin- -tate of Klia- I he Con n t y I'mirt. the mailer of he .- I o.mhTy, de,-, d. read i iil:' and lilint: the petition of C. Tinker pravinu that a.iinin-ti.-n of said .Mate may ! p:rant- John A. lou-4l.ty as ad m i n i -1 ra - Nell it i . nl t tor: oidie.l. That July Mh. A. I . l!'t. at '.Imk a. Mi., is assign. -. I ("l le-ai iim said p. titom. wln-n all per-Miii-i interested in s;ii. I maimer mav ap-ni-ar at a County Court to be held in and for said eountv, and show e.iuse nil'- the p rave i- of the p. titiom-r should not be trained: and that untie,- of the peinlene of .-aid p.-litiori and the hear ing thereof l. i;ien t" all persons interested ill said matter In- publish in;; a eopy f this order in I he I'latts niotith Journal, a s. in i - u ..-k 1 y m s paper printed in said county, for tht.e sueeessive weeks, prior to said day of l ea I i n u . I i.i ted June -1. 1!iL" 1. J. hi:i:six. .i'.:-:!w. County Jud4i VL. il Ca li to the ta t ion . ii.-. mi oYloe! I I. all pel Iie, th Cet. it-s-iid d anv I! should mitk i: I.I V 1 1 1 1 1 . I '. I . hi v .-, of i ;..;ii'. . III. I till . iaw n. in.. f Tar. rd in.!. s 1'. f I t h. r he i ii r il t! L 1 I for I. !'.-. II s at th i i ! i.i i 1 1 mi s a id 1 are pp.-ai T t v. ti To Vol sit at moil t of eon u - state of se.l. i t i t i o n of al m i i is - granted or m:itit; on IVlifion for :iiiiiinirii( A il in i n i -1 ra ! or The State of .Nebraska. Cass ty, ss. In the County Court. In i ho matter of (be Th-'inas .1. .MvCulloeh. d.-eea !i reading and tiliiiLr the p 1. ti. MeCuMoeh praxin-i that t rat ion of said estate may b. to himself as Administrator: lli-ili red. That July lL'lh. A. I . at 1 "t o'elo, k a. in., is a -signed for hearini; said petition when all persons iiitere-led in said matter mav appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show eauie whv the praver of the petitioner should not be -ranted: ami that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be siven to all persons in terested in said matter by ptiblishins: a cony of this cider ill the I'latts- mnuth" Journal, a s.-mi -w. ekl v news-l paper printed in said county, for three sueeessive weeks, prior to said day of hea i-i njr. Hated this 1 S t Ii day of June, A. D. 1DJ1. . ALLEX J. BKKSOX, Countv Jiiflge. CIIAS. K. MARTIN'. j.o-:: w. . noi ne. . in braska In the matter of the estate of Jacob Mason, dec ased. To a 1 1 persons interested in taid es tate, both eiedilors and heirs at law: Von ate hereby notified that on this: tlth day of June, lal'l. Jacob C Mason niod a petition jTl this court alleuiuff that Jacob Mason, while a resident of the City of I 'la 1 1 .--mouth, in said eoun tv. dep.-irtcd this life intestate on or about the day of May, 1!M."., the owner in fee simple of the following .1. scribed real estate, to wit: All that part of the South half of l.ot 1:: in the i.orthwoM uuarter of Section l;:. Town 1 -'. X., Kan.ere l::, Kast, lyinET east of the Omaha. Southern Kailway riht of way. situate in the City of 1'latts moiith. Cass county. Nebraska, and that s;.id deoeased left surviving as his sole and only heirs at law, the following named persons: Nancy J. Ala-on, his widow; Jacob !'. Mas. .ii. a son: 11,-ssie M. Knke, (nee Mason a daughter; K!i;:.iheth I-'. Fitch, nee Mason a daughter; William II. Mason, a son, and Clarence Mason, a son. who are now all of lepral acre, to whom the title and ownership of said real estate descended, on the death of said Jai iiii Ma-on, subject to (he home stead riuht of the widow of said de-eea-ed. Xaney ,J . Mason, and that (he pel il inner is the owner of an interest in said premises, and prnyinir for ji judicial determination of the tinie of (he death of the said Jacob Mason, and of his heirs at law, the d.-sree of J kill-hill mill tin. t-p'l.t n I jl.i:cit rkf the real properly belontrine; to .-aid Vail decedent in tin- Slate of Nebraska, and for such other and further order and decrees as may be necessary for H correct term inn t ion of said matter. Said matter has been set down for hearing for the nth day of July. 1 0 IT 1 . at nine o'clock in the forenoon, in the County Court room in (lie City of I "la 1 1 smoii t h, Cass county, Nehraska, at which lime and place all persons interested may appear and contest said, pet it ion. J 'ate: June 11th. 1021. ALLEX J. I'.KKSON', County Judge. J. m. lt:yia, jl'!-"w. Atty. for Petitioner. I. rc-t lua y at I a ,. ..: n. hour and w 1 1 v sa it not be M. A MS I h day " ppil her. In at th. I -1 1 1 i - a I i.n, m i ii ii -, pni of 1 a Jul V. N. ' ! ' ' U J. not i - Stat. I -. : i . on c I W ca II.-e. if 1 application -"i ;i nl ol. i-:i:i:v. J 'anions. e. . Hoard of T. HAK.Mi'X. Chiif St. 1 'rob. Ml iccr. o i it i: Stale TO X I KI'.IM I OltS braska, C'ass t he I he I. ill!' the U ill t in in I'l.'inly matter . d.-eea ,1 .-,!!.. 1 1 li and i ii li.i in. on ca. a m ; n all Willi allow pre--- 1 1 .-1 y i limit. d con 1 1 day, I "oiirt. f the c- d. : of mil not in, ,1, .nu t t it.-, on . : 1 . at l'l lee, a u a i list ;.-i r a d i taU i f Jus- I ' tat. Thai I in in I '! I ulv 1-. in .!.,. i ye- WlU 1 1 1 -I l. 1 it- a view Mice. Tile I I III.' 1 1111 i : a ! i o 1 of claims is t h ree mouths f r I' July. A. I'. 1 :.!, : 1 1 for payment of . yen r from .-a id 1 -t h da v Witness lav hand and . Cm n t v Court, this 11th day 1 t' J 1 . ai.i.i;.- j. r.i:i: (Seal .il;-lw. I'ounty t I said c-t l -t f ' l -1 1 1 it.-d 1 : a i n -1 ;.i'i m th.- 1 -1 ! i i:d t',.- time ,1.1- j- one f .llllv. li.Jl. -. al of -aid a v of June, S' i.V. J mil,'. FOE SALE i hinder, liiitnlreil Trice ?i: (",ood acres .1.00. One 7-foot Deeriiu as new. Cut about a of rrain. A bargain. iilione .'o. I JOHN' I'ARKKNI.N'C. i 5sw. rial tsmout li, Xt l. i SHOMIfArlDf! : i n g ii KPING M A N II BOOKKt: IELLGRAPHY Positions are plentiful for thosp who are trained! Studfnt may work for board. Tuition low. Ask for catalog C. BOYLE.S BUSINESS COI..LEGE, Omaha, Nebraska. oitm:i or Tit K lir.AltlMJ AMI MI IIF I'lioiiATi: or WILL. In the County Court of Cass coun ty. N'ebtaska. .State of Nebraska, County of, Cass. s.. To all persons interested in the es tate of John SchiappsicasKC, deceased: n rcadins th" petition of Jennie. S. praying that the instru-i meet tiled in this court on the 9tti riav of June, and purporting tot b the last will and testament of the said deceased, may he proved and al lowed, and recorded as the last will and testament of John Schiappacasse, deceased: that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and thc.administ ra tion of said. estate he granted ta Jen nie Schla ppacasse as executrix: It is hereby ordered that you. and all persons interested in said matter, may. and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on th 9th day of July. A. D. 19J1. at 10 o'clock a. m., to snow cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the pet:tlonr should not be granted, and that notice of the pe-r.dency of said petition and that the hearing there of be given to all persons interested argain Day! ffUcCormick Binders, EVIowers, Rakes and Binder Twine! Genuine Repairs! Mot "the made to order kind," but the real goods! We don't have just one bargain day a week cither but every day in the week. Come again, thank you! 9 Nebraska x i n ! r; Cedar Creek,