The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Nehawka Department!
Pff pred io the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
' Pay your bills with checks and al
ways have a receipt. The Nehawka
Frank Resnik was looking after
some business matters in Union last
H. H. Becker of Union, was look
ing after some business matters in
Nehawka last Tuesday.
Safe and sound and always ready
for the best of service for the sli
ent. The Nehawka Bank.
John McNurlin and wife of Platts
mouth. were in attendance at the
funeral of the mother of Mr. McNur
lin last Saturday morlnng.
J. A. Doughty and wif6 wefe look
ing after some business matters in
the county seat last Tuesday, mak
ing the trip in their car.
Uncle Geo. W. Shradei, a veteran
Mason, was a visitor in Nehawka.
and the guest of his brother Z. V.
Shradr for a few days last week.
Stand up for your town, have a
bank account, and have your funds
safe and convenient for your use.
Tht Nehawka Bank as your depos
itory. A. B. Rutledge. the printer of Ne
hawka, has Just completed a stock
room on his printing plant for the
Meat Market
JOHN OPP, Propr.
Nehawka, : : Nebraska
Dusy? Yos, You Bel
We can get to your job,
though in a short time. ' Re
member our work and ma
terials are the best.
Also, the 25 discount is
still in force.
Don't delay.
Nehawka -:- Nebraska
Farm Machinery!
We can supply your wants in the line of imple
ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later
in season, as there is a considerable price advance on
stock purchased this spring, which we can save you
through having the goods in stock. Repairs, also.
Surplus Stock For Sale
We offr a limited quantity of 2x6 Douglas Fir in lengths
ranging from 2 feet to 22 feet at greatly reduced prices.
In our manufacturing we use only the best, select lumber,
so in our sorting operations accumulate, a considerable quantity
of lumber each season that while not satisfactory for our pur
poses is still very serviceable for farm and general use.
It is this surplus stock we have to offer. You will find it
very satisfactory for general repair work about the farm, such as
mending or building barnyard fences, stable flooring, partitions,
hog-house flooring or hog fence, heavy yard gates, bracing, well
curbs, platforms, farm bridges, corn cribs, etc., and for use in
part in the construction of durable sheds, barns and many other
Sidewalks Built To Order
As this lumber makes exceptionally good stock for board
side-walks we are prepared to supply it cut to any lengths de
sired, from 2 to 4 feet. We will also assemble and build in com
plete sections side-walks of this stock to meet your special re
quirements at small extra cost.
Slock Going Fast See Us Hon
We are not in the regular retail lumber business and have
only the one dimension (except length) and the one kind namely.
2x6 Douglas Fir lumber to offer. As stated, this lumber is not
the best, select grade, but is stock not satisfactory for our use.
though still very serviceable for general use and the low prices
quoted should move our accumulated stock very quickly.
Come in and inspect it to your own satisfaction. Take it
home with you in any quantities you desire, from a few sticks to
a truck load. Act quickly if you want any for our stock will
move fast at these prttes.
$25 (0 $35 Per M
These prices are F. O. B. our factory, but we will de
liver by Special arrangement. '
storing of the stocks necessary in
his business.
James Kuykendall of, the Nebraska
Gas and Electric company, was down
last Friday from Plattsmouth. look
ing after some business matters for
a few hours.
Mrs. Nick Klaurens, who is in a
hospital at Omaha, is reported as get
ting along nicely now and hopes that
she may be able to return home in a
short time.
The Rev. V. A. Taylor and wife
and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynn of Un
ion, were in attendance at the meet
ing of the Masons in Nehawka last
Friday evening.
Frank McNurlin of South of Cedar
Creek, was in attendance at the fun
eral of his mother in Nehawka last
Saturday and was accomapnied by
hir wife and daughter.
Mrs. A. F. Sturm, who is taking
treatment at a Fairbury hospital, is
reported as getting along nicely at
this time. It is hoped that the good
lady may be able to return home in a
few weeks.
Henry F. Kropp. who has been on
the sick list for some time, was able
to walk down town last Thursday
and says he is feeling much, stronger
and hopes to be able to get back to
business again in the near future.
Joe L. Thompson, who is the man
who looks after the traffic over the
Platte river at the Pollock bridge,
was a visiotr in and near Nehawka
last Friday, being the guest at the
home of C. L. Creamer and D. C.
Messrs. Ernest Kropp, Lester
Wunderlich and Vernon Lumber?,
made a brief trip to Plattsmouth
last Friday afternoon, going in the
car of Mr. Kropp to secure some nec
essary parts for the racing car which
Mr. Kropp is making.
Yes. we all have our problems and
they boh up every day. Financial
ones which we sometimes think we
cannot solve. But when in doubt, go
to the Bank of NehawlA. they can
find a solution for your money trou
bles. It is their business.
Among those who were in attend
ance at the annual get-together meet
ing of the Masons in Nehawka last
Friday were Jog Banning and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keedy and Messrs.
and Mesdames. F. H. McCarthy and
W. D. Banning, all of Union.
Nelson Pollard, who ha" been, an
electrician at Elizabeth. N. J., for
the past fouitoen years, having some
rusuivss at Chicago, came on home
to Nehawka and has been visiting for
some time at the heme of his broth
J. J. Pollard and other friends in this
locality. , ,
Miss Geneva Rough, who has been
attending school at Crete for the past
year, returning home last week and
is staying at the home of her parents
during the summer vacation. Miss
Geneva has been elected to the David
City schools and will teach there the
coming year.
Miss Ethel Rough, who has for
the past four years been an instruc
tor in the state normal school at.
White Water, Wis., arrived home
Sunday for a week's visit with her
parents. J. S. Rough and wife, after
which she will return to Wisconsin
to assist in a summer school.
E. C. I'ollard and D. C. West were
looking after seme business matters
in Omaha last Thursday, they driv
ing as far as Plattsmouth. where they
encountered very muddy roads, on ac
count of heavy rains, and leaving
their car there, they took the train
for Omaha. Mr. Pollard getting the
car on his return. Mr. West who
also had business in Lincoln, came
heme that way.
David and Vincent Straub of near
Otoe, were in Nehawka for a short
time last Friday afternoon, looking
after some business matters at the
office of A. F. Sturm and other plac
es in town. David returned home
whilo Vincent departed for Lincoln,
where he was lovking after some
business matters for a short time.
Vincent will, in a short time, depart
for the west and will spend some
time in California.
The Degree of Honor Lodge of
Nehawka held a good meeting on
the 9th and can report a good pros
pect for a number new members
by the 23. These members 'of the
organization who fail to attend are
missing seme goud things. There
were present at this meeting, twenty-four
members. A nice lunch was
served consisting of ice cream and
cake. If you are a member, be out
on the 23, and if you are not a mem
ber, you should be.
Fred A. Woolsey. who has made
his home in Phoenix. Ariz., for the
past few years, erturned a short time
ago and is now living at Nebraska
City, drove up last Friday and was
looking after seme business here,
making preparations for the repair
ing of some of the houses on the
farms which he has near Nehawka
and Union. Mr. Woolsey. who was
oorn two miles south of Murray,
says he will again make Cass county
hi? home and will build and change
the improvements already on t ho
farm just osuth of Union, for a
home. '
It is Service Needed.
When one does a banking business
it is service which is desired and the
safety of the funds intrusted in a
banking institution, is an element
which cannot bo overlooked. The
Nehawka Hank is a place where ser
vice is always given, and safety of
deposits is secured. s
Woman Attacked by Swine.
Last Wednesday while passing
through a lot where eight large sows
were enclosed, Mrs. Duke Frans of
Auburn, and who is an aunt of John
Frans of Nehawka. the vicious hogs
attacked the lady, and getting her
down, lacerated and tor her arms
and limbs in a most frightful man
ner, leaving in many places gapping
wounds measuring from two and a
half to three inches and exposing the
bones in some instances. She was
able to escape and the hog? leaving,
and as she was making for the fence
to escape their ravages, one hog most
particularly fierce again attacked her,
throwing her down and making a vi
cious snap at her face, tore the glas
ses off which she was wearing and
lacerating the cheek very severaly.
After this Mrs. Frans was able to
gainthe fence of the enclosure and
get out of the lot. Mrs. Frans. who
had the wounds dressed and and cau
terized, is feeling very badly and
with the nature of the wounds and
the nervous tension, makes her case
one of extreme seriousness.
Masons Have Execellent Time
As has teen the practice of the Ma
sonic order in Nehawka for a num
t r of years, they had a get-together
meeting last Friday evening at their
h: 11 in the auditorium, where the
ir embers of the order, their wives
and friends, had a very sociable hour.
light and very refreshing luncheon
v as served and enjoyed. The com
mittee who had charge of the eve
rr'ngn entertainment, had a surprise
f. the crowd in the many novel
s' ints which they pulled off for the
amusement of all.
Will Spend Summer in West.
R. C. Pollard and family will soon,
d'part for the west copst where they
w ill spend some time during the sum
mer. They will make the trip via
Minneapolis, and the north, seeing
the sights that way and also the
coast country and travel down the
coast to Ijos Angeles and on their
return will come via the Santa Fe,
! seeing both the northern and south
ern country in the same trip.
Selected Treasurer Again.
Mr .D. D. Adams, the Nehawka
druggist, who has been treasurer of
the Nebraska Druggist association
for the past fourteen years, was at
their convention at Columbus last
t week, and was selected for another
year to look after the funds of the
! association. Mr. Adams returned
home last Friday afternoon and re-
nA-rci r I4 10-a ffT VfiTl tirtT n n A 0 Vrx
considering of many important mat
ters to the interest of the profession 1
and the public, at large.
Mrs. Nancy McNurlin Euried.
The remains of Mrs. Nancy McNur-
i lin, widow of Mr. James McNurlin.
! deceased, of Holton. Kansas, arrived
! in Nehawka last Friday evening, the
i funeral being held at the United
! Erethren church, the services being
i held hv the minister. Jlev. A. Jacob-
son, and the interment being made
at Mount Pleasant cemetery, north
east of Nehawka on Friday morning.
Mrs. McNurlin. whose maiden name
was Miss Nancy Hartsell, was born
in Indiana some SS years ago ami
was- united in marriage with James
McNurlin on December 14, 1S51, the
husband proceeding the wife, tu the
other world in ID 06.
New York. June 9. Election of a
successor to Cel. Frederick W. Gal
braith. jr.. national commander of
the American Legion will be accom
plished by the national executive
committee, v. as announced fnua state
headquarters today.
The state committee is allowed to
elect officers to any vacancy (.-curing
between national conventions.
The last offic-ialstatement from Col.
rsnel Galbraith containr. an i.tta'-k
on the nation-wide campaign advo
cating disarmament. The .-tateir.eru
was made public today.
In it. Colonel Galbraith d. Glared the
American Letrion was "un.-hukably
opposed" to any pl?.n for disarma
ment by the United States which
should net be accompanied by sim
ultaneous disarmament of the other
world powers.
"World peace and world disarma
ment attained by international a
agreement are one thing." lie wrote,
"and the precipitous and voluntary
disarmament of a nation i-- another.
Anything else would be f;: and
dangerous. For the United States
to disarm now or at any other time
before other nations likewise simul
taneously (l-arm is a project to
which tiie American Legion ;l un
slmkably opposed."
Indianapolis. Ind.. Jure U. Ac
companied by national and state o'li
cialr. of the American Legion the
body cf Frederick W. Galbraith. jr..
was removed tonight to hir home in
Cincinnati, O.. where funeral services
will be held Saturday. Colonel Gal
braith was killed in an au'omabile
accident early today. Milton J.
Foreman, the legion's national com
mitteeman from Illinois, and Henry
J. Rryan. chairman of the Ameri
canism commission of the legion,
were injured. but both will re cover.
The body was escorted to the Un
ion station by scores of legionaires.
Heading the escort was Major Gen
eral G. W. Read, commander of the
Fifth army corps area, and his staff.
Military services were held at the sta
tior. .Many telegram", expressing sorrow
and condolence were received today
at national headquarters of the le
trirn. One was from President Hard
InjV Following the- funeral members of
the national executive committee
will return here to elect one of the
national vice commanders to serve
until the annual convention at Kan
sa ; Citv.
Cincinnati. O.. June f). Colonel
Fred W. Galbraith was one of the
,N"st known citizens of Cincinnati of
recent years. He engaged in the
paper specialty business in Cincin
atti up to the time of the entrance
of the United States into the world,
wr V
lie was chosen a colonel oT Old
First regiment. Ohio mitionla guard,
and when the war broke out lie re
cruited that regiment to war
strength and it w.t: mustered intr
federal service as the One Hundred
and Forty-seventh regiment, thirty
seventh divi.-ion of the United
States army. At its head he went
overseas and took a prominent part
in the battles of St. Mihiel. the Ar
gon nn and later in Uelgium.
"For personal bravery on the field
of battle he was decorated by the
French and Tlelsrian governments
and was honored by the United States
government. Colonel Galbraith was
about fifty years old. He leaves a
widow and two children.
Cincinnati, O.. June 9. The body
of Col. F. W. Galbraith. jr., on ar
rival tonight will be met by a full
company of regular soldiers from
Fort Thomas. Kentucky, and hund
reds of Colonel Galhraith's business
and military associates'.
The funeral services Saturday will
be in charge of the American legion.
Rev. John J. Herget. former chap
plain of the twenty-seventh division,
The military procession will in
clude the- command of Colonel Peter
K. Traub at Fort Thomas. Kentucky,
and tho 147th infantry of the feder
alized national guard, which Iwnrs
the designation of the regiment
which he- commanded overseas.
The County Hoard of Equalization
will meet dor the purpose of equal
izing the-assessment of Cass county
for the year 1921 in the Commis
sioners' Chamber at the Court House
in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, commenc
ing on Tuesday, June 14th. 1921, at
9 o'clock a. m., and continuing in
session from day to day until NOON
on Friday, June 17th. 1921.
All claims for equalization to be
filed on or before Thursday, June
ICthr 1921.
Clerk of County Board
of Equalization.
One 7-foot Deering binder, good'
as new. Cut about a hundred acres'
of grain. A bargain. Price $125.00.
Call phone No. 2732.
Csw. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Too Many County Supervisors are
Mixing Up in It, Declares
Kearney Road Head.
"Politics should be left out of th
good roads movements," said O. G. ;
Smith, of Kearney, president of the
Nebraska Good Roads association, in
a speech before the convention of
the O. L. I), highway delegates in
Lincoln Wednesday evening. 1
"Too. many county supervisors and'
county commissioners are dabbling in'
political combinations and are cost-!
ing the taxpayers millions of dollars,
a year over the United States." Mr.
Smith declared. He spoke on the'
work of keeping up the roads. He'
told of President Harding's policy ofi
maintenance and said that this word;
should be the keynote of all good j
roads movements.
Thiriy-five delegates attended the.
annual banquet held i.t the Lincoln;
hotel Wednesday night. A larger J
number would have been present but j
for the floods and hard rains in Col-j
orado and western Nebraska, which j
halted them on their way to the
convention. Many letters and tele
grams were received by President C.
H. Roper during the afternoon from
members on their way to the con
vention telling him that they were
rained in at various points along the
Secretary Trev Gillespie of the Lin
coln automobile club was toastmast
er at tiie banquet. The first speaker
on the list was Lute Morse who
told a number of stories, many of
them referring to roads in the south
ern states. A remarkable coincidence
of the occasion was the verification
of Mr. Morse's stories by ex-Mayor
Mills of McCook. who claimed that
he had visited Alabama of late and
had found the roads in no favorable
;-ondit ion.
Bert George, formerly president of
the O. L. D.. and of the Lincoln
automobile club, followed with a
his'ory of the marking of the O. L.
I), and with the history also of the
means by which Nebraska acquired
i highway commissioner.
Speaking of George Johnson, the
present highway commissioner. Mr.
George said that he "is one of the
best In the United States." to which
the delegates agreed unanimously.
O. G. Smith, of Kearney, president of
Hie Nebraska Good Roads association
then spoke on the work of keeping
up the roads.
George Johnson, state highway
commissioner, spoke on the legisla
tive side of the good roads move
ment. He told of the meeting in
Washington a short time ago at
which President Harding told high
way commissioners in session there,
that he wouifl veto any bill for road
building unless it carried with it a
policy for adequate maintainence.
The present bill before congress for
road appropriations, said Mr. John
sen, will conform with the Nebraska
laws almost identically and will
necessitate but little readjustment in
the state laws.
Following the speaking the entire
delegation attended a theatre party.
Has Much to Do with Sending July
Wheat Up 7 Cents at Chicago
Crop Report Assists.
Chicago. June Possibility of
widespread labor tie-ups on the rail
roads July 1 had a good deal "To do
with a rapid advance today in the
price of wheat.
The market in some cases ran up
more than 7 cents a bushel for July
delivery, which commanded as high
as $1.:!!)U against $1.32 at yester
day's finish.
A big falling off in production of
wheat this season as shown by the
government crop report had made
he trade anxious, and then talk of
general strike possibilities sent the
market soaring.
Uefore the rise in values, due to
buying chiefly by speculators, was
ended. July delivery touched $1.40
an overnight jump of S cents per
bushel. The level thus attained was
within 1 cent of the topmost point
this season.
Profit taking by holders led to a
reaction at the last. July closing at
$1.34 (ft 1.35.
Lack of Business and Curtailment of
Refinery Operations, Says a
Bulletin from There
A flood of unemployed streaming
into Casper. Wyoming, seeking work
in the oil fields, together with a
large number of inquiries concern
ing employment has caused that
labor filled district much distress.
The chamber of commerce at Cas
per is sending out a letter. to all in
quiries for work and to those whom
thev find are intending to move to!
Casper soon in search of employ
ment. It says
"Work is not plentiful in Casper
at this time, due to the general de
pression, and also to the fact that
the refineries have curtailed opera
tions to some extent, making it'
necessary to absorb some refinery
employes into other lines. A great;
number cf men have come in here
during the last two or three months
as a result of the publicity which
Casper h.s received as an indus
trial center. The cost of living is
high here owing to our congested
housing situation, high rents and the
abnormal growth, due to the activi
ties of the oil companies."
The Bank of Cass County
Capital, Surplus and Profits
All deposits in this Bank are Guaranteed by the
Nebraska State Banking Guarantee Law
President Vice resident - Cashier
From Monday's rjutlv.
E. H. Schulbol, piano tuner.
Phone 389-J. d&w.
Reed & Wicker porch furniture,
just arrived at Uhrist !i Christ Fur
nitures Store.
Ern Carroll and John Eecker. re
siding near Union, were in tiie city
for a few hours, this morning, having
motored up from their homo to look
after some matters of business.
Miss Edith Reese of Wabash. Neb.,
is attending the summer school at
Nebraska Wesleyan University, where
she is registered for work in music,
education, hygiene and geography.
Refrigeraturs are here. Twelve
of them, priced from $14.:0 to
$i7.r0. Christ & Christ Furniture
Mrs. A. F. Seybert returned this
morning from Madrid. Neb., where
she has been enjoying a short visit
at th-e home of her daughter. Mrs.
IHm Seiver. having accompanied the
Seiver family back homo in their
Miles Standish of Holton, Kan
sas, was here for a short time yes
terday visiting at the home of Judge
and Mrs. li. S. Ramsey. Mr. Stand
ish was called here to attend the
funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs.
Nancy McNurlin.
Come in and see the new parlor
suite among the many other g -oils. j
Just arrived yesterday at the Christ)
Christ Furniture Stole. j
We are selling tires at a very low price, that are of
the highest quality and guaranteed to give the best of
service. Our stock of electrical fixtures and supplies
is well filled with attractive goods at right prices.
Do not forget that wre"recharge batteries, and that
our service department is the best. Ve are keeping
two excellent mechanics for auto repair work.
The Lumbers Garage,
You Like to Know
that the remains of the loved one
are resting safe from interruption.
While living the downy bed was not too good a place
for them to repose. Now the CONCRETE VAULT
will keep their remains secure. We have them all over
the county for sale. You'll find the satisfaction alone
worth more than the cost. Most approved vault made.
See Us for All Kinds of Cement Work
Miller & Gruber,
Why Pay Excessive Freights?
Ask the Nehawka Mills how to avoid it. They
have the solution. You will get more out of the ground
feeds which are perfectly rationed. Prices in ton lots
for the following at the mill
Shorts $32.00
Shoemaker Feed 45.00
Chopped Corn 30.00
The Nehawka Mills,
C. D. St. John, Propr.
SALE OF $210,000 EONDS
Ohkcwh. Neb.. June S. S. P. Del-
i at.ur of I.ewelh 11 has filed suit to re
j ft rain the county commissioner of
' Garden county from selling to Den
I vei parties tin- $21.J0O issue of
! county court house and bridge ibonds
I lecenily authorized. A temporary re
I straining order was issued and the
! hearing will be June 22.
Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.,
for the school children, may be had
at the Journal office.
Ice Cream!
Half gallon $1.10
i Quart 55c
iPint 30c
j Plain dish 10c
j Sundaes 15c
i Sodas 17c
j Cones . . 5c
1 Lincoln pop 10c
1 Near beer, '2 for 25c
Frans' Cafe,