The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1921
(hand Army and Woman's" Relief
Corps Join in Veiy Pleasant Ficnic
at Geo. Wall Home Yesterday
The members of t lie (Jrand Army of
the Republic and the Woman's Relief
corps of this city spent a very d
lighttul time vesterdav atternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Jenrgt
ri5 cry
the Lowest
Now SeHiiug at
Price Level m Tire Mistory
- - $24.50
- - 46.30
- - 54.90
(And Other Sizes in Proportion)
Tire repair men, -who judge values best, class these tires as
having the 1turdi?st rarcars made. Forty-seven high
jrrade car manufacturer?; use thsm a a standard equipment.
They are the quality choice of cord users.
This new low price is made pop-;Me by strictest economies
and spec i 4;i: c d production.
Plant No. 2 wa errct'-d for the sole purpose of making
30x3' j-inch Non-Skid fabric tires. With a daily capacity
of 16.000 tires and 20.000 tubes, this plant permits refined
production on a quantity basis.
All materials utcl are the best obtainable. The quality 13
uniform. It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car
owner at any price.
even greater number
Forty Merchants of City Unite in
Unusual Value-Giving; Event
Genuine Bargains.
Plat tsrnoiit li's Mist bin Hargain
Wednesday is scheduled for next
week June as will be noted
from t)i" larue two-page advertise
nient appearing elsewhere in this
i ;v i i f ib Journal.
The centralized idea of Kama in
Wednesday is genuine bargains
values that will stand favorable
comparison with any market in the
world, ami uive the buyer a chance
to in.-pfct tin- goods before he pur
chases, which he cannot lo when
send in ir his money away for the so
calbd mail onler bargains. On this
basis. It.iruain Wednesday Is tn be
made a eommtiniiy event in Platts
mouth on the third Wednesday of
each month. Forty of the live-wire
merchants join in this initial offer-
! inn and an
expected to participate in the next.
I Ami Mich bargains as they are of
; fcring. New staple merchandise -I
the goods yon buy and use in every
day life going at bed-rock prices,
j The offerings on the bill are almost
; unbelievable, yet these same forty
! merchants of Plattsmouth stand
j ready to hack them up for this one
day only Wednesday, June 1.1th.
Another appealing feature is the
fact that each merchant advertises
he has endeavored to secure enough
i of the merchandise he offers to sup
j ply all comers. In the language of
jthe bi',1. "This is not a catch sale
'with bargains for only the early
; birds." Plattsmouth stores will be
1 open until 1 o'clock p. m. on this
eventful day in merchandising an
; nals ami the late comer may be as
;sured of getting the same bargain
las he who comes while the dew is
I yet upon the greensward.
Taken as a whole this is the most
: representative ottering of merchan
idise made in Plattsmouth in years,
and the fine co-operat ion between
;the merchants comes large as a re
sult of the efforts of the Plattsmouth
; Ad club, which is always on the
are! alert to advance the best interests
of the town.
A committee of 'hambr of t'oni
nnxcc members, consisting of II. A.
Schneider. I. ('. .Morgan and A. O.
I'oie. h.iS voile over the invoices of
the ditterent goods advertised and
issued a public statement that they
find the bargains both genuine and
exceptional. Without this state
ment, however, anyone could readily
recognize this fact, as the values
speak for themselves.
From Friday's Ially.
The reports received here today
from the St. Catherine's hospital in
Omaha state that Father M. A. Shine
i:.- now doing very nicely and his
condition has greatly em ouraged the
friends and the attending physician
that the patient may .soon be on the
highway to recovery, although he is
still in serious condition, but the
indications ar fcr the best,
the building trades unions.
Blank boos! Yes you can get
of all kinds. The Journal.
-for Bargain Wednesday!
Wednesday, June 15th, Plattsmouth is to be one big Catalogue house.
Just take the day off and go from store to store and pick the items you need most
and which are especially low priced for this day only.
Our page in this catalogue to you is
Every working man. laborer, shop man. farmer, mechanic in fact any man who wears
overalls, knows that the Carhartt. overall is a big full cut. union made garment, made for 100
crvicp. They are from our regular stock which sold not long ago for $3.50 and they carry the
cam0 broad guarantee of satisfaction or a new pair for nothing.
Carhartt's TIII3 DAY ONLY Suspender back -Very speciil price
HiRh Back 2T.c Higher
Pips CrH's. new shapes. 2 ami $?. values.
Silk M'rkr-. ?1 vjihies
!.c Men's and boys' bathing fmits If,'". Oil
:10 c. Men's dress shirt p. 14 to !;, .';."; viilm-s-J 1 !'S
Wall at IaPIatte and the occasion
was one that will long be pleasantly
remembered by those participating.
Mr. Wall has been confined to iiis
home since last winter when he suf
fereil the -amputation of one of the
lower limbs and Mrs. Wall invited
the associates of the tl rami Army
and W. R. C. of this cityj in which
Air. wan nas men active 'or vears
past, to join in a gathering' at tli
home in Lat'Iatte and tne event prov
ed even more pleasant than had been
The time was spent on the beau
tiful lawn at the Wall home and hen
a dainty picnic luncheon was served.
the members of the party havin
brought with them iee cream while
Mrs. Wall provided the other dain
ties to make up the least that proed
most, enjoyable.
, .i. ii. i
hint' in i lie alteration me mem nets
of the party returned home express
ing tlu wish that Mr. Wall might
seen he able to be around and enjoy
the association with his old com
t aile'.
Adolph Geise of This City Notified
That Eody of His Son. Has Been
Started 'From Far Off France
Yesterday. Ad lph Ceist of this
c;ty. received a message announcing
that the 1-odv of his son. Ernest
C ie. had been shipped lroni I-'ianee
:':d would in all probability arrive ,i!
Hi-hokeii on or aboui the 1.1th of
the month antl at once be shipped t"
i .Min il 1 '.luffs, i.i. . the former hin-'.
This young man wa-. a member t-t
C;m:auy 1.. : the lc.sth infantry.
e.-mpo-M d of Council Pluff.s lads and
with hi- organization was called in
to s rvice at once after the opening
of the war with Cerinany and hi-;
iegi'iM':i: made a part of the famous
Rainbow- division, i-ompo-ed of the
i: :i " i i n a 1 Li'i:rd units fr-im many
.-'ales of the union. This division
i! tue us-.-:; i,) nit overseas
(lie 1st and "Jnd in sailing
:i active service for a year
ari'Ui.-: front-; in which
s 1 1 e
d was
American troop.: were ued.
Erms; (It ise was killed during the
St. Mihi-d ofleiisive on Setember 1.1.
1!!S. and has been at lest in one of
the Ameri an cemeteries in France
-::.ce that ttime. It was the desire
t the father and other relatives that
the body be returned :o the 1'nited
State.-, and laid to final rest beside
that of his mother in the cemetery
a? Council Khiffs and the govern
ment has complied with the reuest.
MetT1 Tr;ule Wotkers Stage Warm
Crssicr Featuiinj,- Debate Over
Question ct' "One Eia Union."
Denver. Juio
;ve. no tiiat ter how pi;.
navoi to purs
l the end:"
With till-; p!
pt-rpetulty of
mtivemetit. Pit
r of t iie Anieri
I ' r closed his
As long as I
ceil I shall n
ife's v. oik n n -
d'e of service to the
the An '.rican ".abor
ddent Sal'Mlel Gotiip-
an tea- rat ion oi i;:
! lic-s to(l:v before
& s
the annual convention of tl;o f-.'di ra
titm'ii metal trades dep't r t tr.ent.
"When the end comes." added the
veteran labor leader, "I hope I n;a-lit-
conscious o as to 'Xpr-j.-s to my
lelhiws past and here ihe j'.istice and
the confidence that I havu il' tl-em
and the rep'-i-t that I lrve for them
ami tin- hepo f'i- tin- p(-rpetuiiy of th
great America;! labor movement."
President !ofiipcrs urged t!ic metal
M a!es unions to be opt i mis: ic as to
the future, asserting that the present
i taction would not be lasting.
Organized labor, lie declared, j; go
ing to 'Hold that it has gained, and
has made a successful fight against
.jp enemies.
"Thii American i,i).- movement is
-afe." said the labor chief. "It is pro
gr: sive. It is less fa lit is it aJ. but it
i ; tii'ire. practical."
A resolution wa.-; presented to thr
convention urging the department
ailing upon civil st-rvico commis
sion, secretary of the navy and secre-
arc of war to imiu diattdy discharge
.'til aliens in the goveniinen'. employ
wh- do not imnie,ji,,tely tiualify for
it izensliip.
f-ing to the failure of the com
mittees to report the convention of
the buildings trades department was
adjourned until tomorrow.
Ask-: Boycott of British
Reforc adjourning tho convention
icceivtd a resolution from Amalga
mated rheet metal workers demand
ing that st ens be e-.l.eM to have the
oigani.ed workers of the country boy
cott irriti.-h tnatiul'aetured e.ooti.s and
materials until deal Kritain slops
its "war of reprisals, killing of peo
ple and destruction of property in
Another resolution urged the ex
ecutive council of the department to
invt stigate (he possibility of esta
llishitcr a national building supply
ennuiany. This is declaretl necessary
as it is alleged building material sup
ply dealers have allied themselve.;
with the diffcront ele'.nentr. nnd as
scciatiriRa ir, trying to destroy
Representatives of tho internation
al association of machinists, who in
trndured The resolution, were vigor
ously scored as advocating and at-
I " nil1 ''fmn r
Ive tried tnem alW i
a il
ive J11C a Camel
I'm through experimenting. No more switching.
No more trying this and that. It's Camels for me
every time.
They're so refreshing! So smooth! So mellow mild!
Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert
blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos.
There's nothing like it.
No other cigarette you can buy gives you the real
sure-enough, all-day satisfaction that comes from the
Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette.
Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your
information first hand. You'll tie to Camels, too.
ivkkkh fr- rtouxsnrri'
R. J. REYNOl DS Toacca Co.
Winston-Salem, N. C.
tempting to revive t ho one bis un
ion" idea in this country. The debate
was Ions; anil bitter, representatives
of the pattern-makers league of North
America, the international brother
hood of boiler-makers and interna-
tit nal brotherhood of electrical work
ers, vigorously opposing tne propos
A roll call showed that resolution
was defeated by a vole of 3,210 to
17 1. The international association
t l machinists was the onlv union to
'; solidly for the resolution. The
metal polishers international union
delegation was split, while the metal
trades council of Chicago voted in
the affirmative.
The resolution presented by the
machinists asserted that the amalga
mation of the metal trades organiza
tion into "one compact efficient union
is of necessit ythe practical means of
meeting and solving the present great
problem and a guarantee that will
provide for the organized workers the
ability to protect their interests and
secure improved economic conditions
for the future."
The department was urged to call
a conference of international presi
dents of affiliated organizations with
one delegate from each trade from
eich state and province of North
America for the purpose of discussing
antl determining the question of clos
er affiliation and if advisable, amal
gamation of all metal trades. Rec
ommendations of the conference were
to be submitted by the various un
ions to a referendum of their membership:
Autos For Sale.
One Berg and one Metz auto for
sale cheap, or will , trade. What
have you to offer. Also one spring
"Fump" wagon. James P. Latta
Murray phone. 4w.
No. i:
leave at
10867. Nebr. Finder please
Journal off ice.
If it's in the stationery line, call
at the Journal office.
A Cause and a Remedy
for High Battery Costs
How gasoline quality affects the
Spinning a motor repeatedly to
get it started puts a big strain
on the battery. It is due largely
to the gasoline to gasoline
that does not vaporize properly.
It is not a matter of high or low
specific gravity, but of chemi
cal composition.
Straight distilled gasoline has a
natural chain of boiling point
(vaporizing) fractions which
insures quick ignition and com
plete combustion of every par
ticle of the gasoline puts a
minimum strain on the battery.
Why you should use
Red Cron n Gasoline
Red Crown Gasoline
is straight distilled. It
meets every require
ment of the United
States Navy specifica
tions for motor gaso
line. It not only
ignites instantly and
develops maximum
power, but it also
leaves a minimum of carbon.
It is as UNIFORM as the
most modern refining methods
can make it.
Importance of uniformity
Economical operation depends
largely on the accurate adjust
ment of the motor to the fuel.
If your fuel varies, your engine
efficiency varies with it. If, on
the other hand, you adopt Red
Crown Gasoline as your stand
ard and stick to it you can
regulate and adjust your motor
so that you never have difficulty
in starting. You will also get
maximum mileage per gallon.
Authorized Red Crown Dealers
Wherever you go you can
always get Red Crown Gaso
line from reliable, competent
and obliging dealers. The gas
oline and motor oils they sell
make motor operation more
economical and more depend
able. They are glad to render
the little courtesies which make
motoring pleasanter. Diive in
where you see the Red Crown
Write or ask for a Red Croivn Road Map