The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If tcyof the readers of the
Jourca.1 knor of ny social
event or Item of interest In
this vtciniiy. and win mail
etzie to this office, it will ap
pear uoder this beading. We
wact all news lie ansrEnTOn
Tlie Mystery of the
Coolcs Pet Parrot
THURSDAY. MAY 12. 1921
t!.- v -.:
i f or ; :
t i . v.
I 'r.
afet First!
All Deposits in Our Bank Are Pro
tected by the State Guar
antee Law!
We 3
olicit i our
HSurray State
iviLIR.r.AY -'. - - -
-I.- is M built on th--.!.
:. Karris reside.
i; '-':-:r. bull calf; four
- . : t.-::-:o e. --AI-
; very poorly far son e time past is
con fin f J to her hone northwest of
; Murray. Her condition remains
about the same and :t is feared that
she wi'il have to undergo an operation
before she can expee? relief from the
5i! hea!h which has fallen to her
Mr. a Mrs. Nelson, of Indiana,
were guests of Mrs. Walker and Miss
Margie Walker last ive.k. The Walk
t rs met tkir quests in Texas, from
her- the;.' wore enroute to their
home in the Iioosier stare, after an
extc-ndd iit in t south, making
the trip iiy automob: le.
Mrs. Kioyd Fauvtr of Magnet,
which fs in the nor' hern portion cf
the state, arrived a few .lays a;.) and
is stayinsr at tLe hone of her grand
parents. W. ! i. Hendricks and wife,
here and is earing for the grand
mother, who is not feeling very well.
Mr. W. II. I!, ndrickv is also not fee.
in;r the best, hut kteps on the move.
Wliile not yet completed, it is ap
parent to : 1 1 1 that tae repainting of
the Preshy terian church will greatly
improve its Work on
the. steeple is being i!t.:' by Will Ho
mar. and France Conk, while'the re
mainder cf the 1 ii 1 1 t i r it is being
puint-d ly Philip Lambert, who is
'ii:.:bie to do the histh climbing on
account of his recent injury.
A rt prvst-ntat ive of the Journal
' visit d tk" Vo mi; st.ek farm not
; loni: .-ine-'. wktre l e found seventy
head of sprinir Dune Jersey pigs all
, in p Mul condition and evidencing
j pro.-poc of luakinp f rt class iridi
'uriiu: the prst few days has been vi duals for local and n ail order sales
this summer and fall. Mr. Young is
were etabl:.-hir.g an etiviab!" record as a
ii sin ess
Gets a Valuable Present.
James E. Gruber a short time ago
received from his aunt in Portland.
Oregon, a rug made from the skin
r-.f - KtirO- Ki-sr vh?-'; i n h o K I t 1,
.i. . . iiiuvn ........ luiiauii I - v
mountains, of the west. The animal!
was shot by Mr. Hiram Adams while
himself and Wm. Wolfe, formerly of
Union, were hunting. The rkin
was dressed and lined which makes
a very handsome present. The rug
was the pre.-ent of the aunt of Mrs.
timber. Mrs. Hiram Adam?, and a
sister of Simon Gruber uf near Union.
Will Serve Supper.
The woman's missionary sreiety
cf the Presl yterian church will
serve supper at the ckuroh on Sat
urday evening. The usual admis
sion of 5c will be charged. to wt.rk at i 11.
Mr and .Mrs. tfearl Havis
bw:i t, the Albert Young farm one ))rt...ier and shipper of t hormmhbred
eay .a-t '.u-u; ciuuparmg notes on ' stock
n- v .: j a mK; at the , tli.. re t Hog situation. tt h men be- i Mrs. diaries Tu.'ker. of Custer
'.: '.ih-er. Mrs. r...h.-rt bn -eb rs of tin popular Iuroc j cu'ity his accepted an invitation to
..'. ; i. List v.-1 ek. i Jerseys. j -jve a :-.ri-'- for th" Library sab".
- Charles. M;:rf y and' !"ring r!ie tin.e when it lias t ei j ;; ;ci; jo pe nivvi so..n and h?:s
r.i :!i v were; rainirg o badly th?.t the roads woubt rii paeka-e to Mrs. iirendel.
: .! v.
w h- g.-i:
work tl'C carp
to fie
.unt! y
rs have built j an i frie:uN
trresteii in ti
is very tiiiH h appreciated
Murray are in-
ucetss of the Library
as::."ct.iti!.ti ran consider this a like
i:i vita: ion. We hope to have this
isi-or- T'i
Pot. if-
. ;:. -a Sat ir-i.:)" tor . a ( oh-wa .-h-c j;i 1 hcuse for 'heir :;
iv v-ii at the farm. p'.oyer. J. A. Scot ten
' -Ai-rd. n ho lias l.'-oi : M" - Margart? Maxwel'. ".:;.) i i
, :. : -r .-:..e .i:r. . :s . ! . :i v;s.- ai.-: .r her heme town :t f-j r-adv in Jur
a.: r-. .';- proved. ;F:-.-mnT for the pas: few days the Mr. :id Mrs. J jt- Iiei.nison. of
.- a pa.-s-.-rgiT to ! uue-t a the home of her p.treiit. i j n. p,... ,:. have been
'.. :.ior:;ir.s.-, going up ; returned last Tuesday morning t' i sp-r.d:ng the winter at Long IP ach.
r r : re-tar-ling hi take up her sea- d work again. jdiifornn. wer cal.ers in an'! ab;ur
Homer H. brad-r is mTirrar.g , Mi:rr lty l...-t week, being gue.-ts of
X. N. K. ladies Meet.
The ladies of the K. X K ju:lted '
ar the Ivewistcm chure:; all day j
Thursday of last week. The house
was called to order at and tlie,
following business was transacted : j
Mr. George Parks was sele-ted pres
ident and Mrs. Perry Xickels. vice j
1 resident, to fill vacancies. The
nombers decided to cliange the name i
rf the society trim the Kenosha;
Xeedle Kraft to the Lewiston Aid ;
society, which will meet the second ;
and fourth Thursdays in each i
People having work f: r the so-;
cb ty may cdl Mrs. G'irge Parks or;
Mrs. Perry Xickle;. X vv names ad-!
ded to the roll were Mesdames. J
Perry Xick'es. Glen Thompson. Al-;
b rt Yr.ung. Frank Lilli and George'
Kay. !
The st cb ty extends cordial in-;
vitation o everyone ty;at is int-r- '
o in the church r itiiie-cry to
cotp.. to ;-o chureli 'I'hurs.l ay. Mav;
2 ':".. holies to quilt and help serve '
di-.iur and men ir a '!p organise a ;
cemetery association. Di-.uitr at;
1 1 : :S0, business r.feeting at 1 2 : -', 0 . '.
Aff -r tV cemetery association is or-
ganized the f-ciety and association t
will share a!! funds fifiy-riffy. j
Mrs. John Hendricks. See. !
20 for 20 cents
in air-tight packages.
A!fo obtainable in ro'jn J
tin s of 5 O.vacu urn-sea led.
j ...
I SLIPPED KtL n zccl liua.
! ...
WITH A v.'hcc r.L'o'it.
A rA".iOiJ3 x'oat..
AND WHY ha had suit.
. .
IT SAID h.- di-coverei.
HE COULD make more jack.
SO WHEN I go: home.
I PASSED th- joke.
TO CUR Ci-ok, 'vfco owns.
BOTH A ?pve;h,c--s parrot.
AND A . K-zio cf huni'jr.
S'JT HS mi: Ted it.
3ECAUSE SHE didn't hnoT.-.
WHAT A veniriloaui.--: wao.
SO I had to e'-ahi it.
AND ON the way oat.
I ELEW just a -hoT
AT HER c.ntusir.g- old.
FOOL CF a parrot.
AND I sail, "Pell.
HOW D'YOU like it?"
AND TO this iay.
IT'S GOT me pixosr
WHETHER IT was cook.
OR THE blamed bird.
CTEsTnririELPs" r"--k fl-r
A thorr.selve-s. They I- : knov
vo.i're nukinjr. They -s;ii; iy" tnJ
they're t-ill. An irr.;-o-i!,'.e c rr.
r; y.-i ; nv'.' Sure -. v-.-ryvvb-ro
out. in '! Th td-'i i c je
it an j tr.e LlenJ can't be copied!
M m mm r H r9 I AX mmm jmr r. mtSTh. rvm r-r rr-n smaA
Ligc:ett 8c Myers Tobacco Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Harm n
-1 ..
a i! 'l
::.t;red wifh tbtir gue-t-
S Trt v.-s a visitor at the. the !o?s f a v. ry f'ne ecu?, v.-
. . ! ro'her. J. A. Pi'z and I i':o l ir r.i a rtip'--tre, proinhiv ear.-.i .Mrs. p, (
I 'he tit h last Tu-sday j fro::: running in ?h"- pa.-ture. Th-to Omaha Tuesday, whre they left
j colt vv;,, an fxc-ertionally tine ar-.imal ; f,,r their home i.i i he east. George
. . 007 ia Mirray.an1. ha-: promise o: r.uik.G-' an excel- . Kdison. fr.Mier of Mrs. Iennison. ac-
: :-..kIng a:"'r s. me : .en: horse. I com panied them home for an extend-
: ; n v:s;ti;:g - f t i 1 chest r Sli radr who has been iu'0,1 visit.
jotuaha for some time attending bui-j ' Last "sund.iv. Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
II. Yo.i-g -ai.e d..wn from - college, has completed his course McCarthv and da uglier, accompanied
v - at '!'::-... af'vnuHT. to-' an! l'mihed with b.-nors. He expects ..y,;;,,-, it- of Mr. and Mrs. J!c-
1 1 .-s b-,.k ir
1 ; 1 )-..-
alter s
..... 1
to areept a position wit 11 ine express j (vrthy. a-riv. d via ':. Mis.-ouri Pa
in the metropoiis in t l:e ; th-ir hone in Omaha and
:nnt 'lie i!iv a- t 1.' home of h ir
Wh!b- pa-ia-: tl;r..uah a gate a j .lauhur. Mrs. I. mis H.lbs. and hiH
feu d tys a-"- T. .1. Pr-ndel caught j ..nj- yir.g the i-ir trt- ttly. Mr.
his Lg on a lioit p'oi rmiir g from the! MfCar-':v and paren's. Mr. and Mrs.
j-- j ii-ar future
gate with, such fore- as to render jj-.c;. McCarthy re-urr 5p.g 1:
is h
f r a number rf .lavs and
writing he is -till at his horn-
w a 1 ; e
mie in
T. K. Mc-
I dar.ght-r re maized for a ! wr'
i. era: i ug.
c-i .--r I.lovd
t vi.-
nd Frank Good have ;lere.
( f another dr-y with the folks I
Farry G. Todd has let the con- Maido Puis. Marv Die'l and J .-e-
trart to J. A. Scot ten for the con- )r.jno anri Geraldine Ma k v ere v:s- .
struct irin of a mo.!, rn bungalow of itors at the home of Margaret Dietl .
si: rooms and bath on Mr. Todd's Sundav.
farm three miles southeast of Mur- " ' Lester Gansenter. Jean Xi. kles and
ray. Lumber for the new home is Mt'i caret and Carl Diet! w. re vis- .
befr.g furnished by learning & Xick- iters at the home of Sophia and Al
lels and Mr. Scotten and his force of ttrt Waene-. Friday.
workmen will Deg.n work at once.: The high scho d treated t he eighth
When completed, the new home will rade Wednesday afternoon '.. ice
be occupied by Glen Todd and wife, cream and good advice, so they would
j be well prepared fo rthe examina-
Church Supper and Social ' ti n.
Members of the Chri-.-tiau church T h-. pupils cf the Intermediate
. 1 : 1 001 ; a s 1 1 j-. jier a :m si -e i.s 1 a i i i; t 1 1 vi i n ... i . . .... .1 . ,j ... t... . . . . 1 ...
Hinreh building on Friday evening their teachers. Miss Vi!on and Mi
of t Jm's we-k at o'c'ock to whi'b G:ge. nj.yed a picnL: in the woo is
it'vifa'ions are issued to all member ! Thursday evening,
and friend- of the church. These A wi-ni;- roast was given in Min-
get-together metings are productive ford's pasture Friday eventng. All
of much good an 1 make for better who w-.r-- there declared they ha. I
in the cdwireh. a gol t:n:e and ai?. wisneit tney
wcu'd have another wun:e roast
. r : v ; : . g
-' -w (
:. o i retm ved th-ir saw out tit to 'die home
V i :.-f liu'b'dph Hart, mar Weeping Wat
j t-r wls-rc th-y h.ave prosp -ctsof a
: r 1 - 1 ho-ir.e-.s it: :!: !'!.r ef sawii.g
!ie rcs-
The Last Library Supper
Th- Liiirrry .--ir.p.-r a week ago
S iturday uigiit pm.-d .prt" success
ful d-'spit :!:- raii.v we.'h' r anl the
L-gi.-n at Pla'sMirait h at
;raeting o,uite a few pe,pU from
vi':ai.- lor-r.-- i: n:n.or tor
; 1 : ". i.-.- of hat vie: nit y.
J ii irb - X't ki .- and -a who h iv-
o- 11 v:-; ing tr. 'a.r n rao . . , ,. ; . vkinitv Vanv toun and ! u-
;i.e;:or tli p.-i f.-.v ue-.-ks and t. j.-.yir g ; r,,;! r,.,;ntrv p,..p!, wer- pre-oit
i .jan xc !l-?it time. d. par'-.i Ia-t j.,,, , j,,, (lJ evening will
.'.;! Tn si ay :oori:itig for t.neir liojm- at , ,., t , . .-(1o; ,-,
1 i in . e anl.' to get m
i vith the -'Vivisj. r.s kev w. re to fur-
a !!i-'-!l!!i:.--.. I iu'i -v.. v.. Te,ljno Jf.-erv- Tin.rec
I .i.s. ; lanK II '- ie. . ao .n- n. e.i
W-,r-. Ark., wliere Mr. Xi. kl
m .-! ! by tiie Missouri Pac-f'.-
How Bs Yoiif Ford?
If in Trcrble -.vxU make it vork to perfection Ail
work G
irsnteed and prices reasonable.
ii "A B
Al Khco'ers Earn
Murray, Nebraska
ii:p Kei:. Chis. ikriy. Albert
n;g. M lijel . w. s. Smith..
Wn . rvfarch. Searl 'k:is. Wm. Troop.
Attend State Convention
Ir. P. F. Prendel was recently
-1 .'-ted a-- ? delegaf frro the local
lodge t.f Loyal Hig"nland?rs te th.e
star- convention held in Omaha this
week, and went r.p Wednesday to
repr'scnt the lodge here. John Far
ris was t looted alt. mate at the same
time Mr. Iirendel was chosen delegate.
Will Mi-ford having p 1 th-j
e:g;:th grade examinations, is row
inking a glimpse into the future by
cutting a small star: in a'.gobro. H?
attend one-half of ea.-h day iti ; I
high school ro. m.
Planche Sco'ten got very busy
with her bonk review- during
Monov for Your Produce!
V.'c aie handling a!l country produce, Eggs, Poul
try, Cream, L..ler and Hidcj, for which we will pay
the highest market price in cash.
We carry in stock the best brands of Hour at the
lowest prices. Also iced of all kinds. .
Call on our re-p' -c-nlati e, George W. Ol?on. in
the Ar.heuscr-L3u.sch block, -4tli and Main, Plattsmouth.
inn. r'TU1'
Lost, a Straw Hat
1 ost. a boy's brown straw ha', be
1 w . n Murr.iv and Chilson school.
CaU Dr. J. F. Prerdcd. Murray.
Ada F rris a;.d Crank P.-d.
oi 'oe comnr.t-e w.-r.
.villiii.g but on ; .
His. Tucker Improving
Mrs. P.en Dill and little grandson.
Yernile Pullen. went to Omaha Tues
day to visit with her daughter. Mrs. :
; I? ;-t of Silr Laph.. ni." read
VUohert Hi r-ly'r. Seven !.;o,'. Th.-c
leaves her cnl yrr.e book r. vh-w t i
Haz-1 Davis and Mahel Howard
j have fini-li-d all their b. - ic reviews,
i They gave them the sam- dav. but
! Mabel can fay .-he was th'-" lirst of
1 ihe Murray high school pnpds to
hare all cf 'he;
she gave "ners tirst.
o.;k reviews i:i. a.:
Kit of the roads and weather c 'f. Tucker who'is making "satis ! , J.hf e!tth ,rai5(? 'l?' V
ceiio not pre.-e
fac'ory improvement at an Omaha
,his was the closing Library sup-jho ,yal folIow5ni; her recent opera-'
per f.f the season, but tne oilierent ; tjnn j take t
-cieti-s of the churclns e.xpcf to
continue them at least throughout I
th.e month of May. j
TI- Librarv ladi-s are ail verv
Will Drive Track Home
Orvill- Todd left Tuesday a tier
grateful to the pub'.ie f,,r Die asis- i H''-n for A ins worth and will drive took part of them over, although he4
a n"- and jatroriaa- t bey hav re- 'heir Patriot truck honm from there, ra-.-od. i
held last Thursday and Friday. Ten
came in from the country to
he "exams" at our school.
The Murrav eighth grade pupils
vent to Plattsmouth to iak- the ex
aminations. Will likes to take the
"exams" so well he wen: back and
; '-civ. d in i. inking
:;.pb toi:d success ti;
be this year.
tne s'
v have proven to ,
1 t
sing under wear i
Th is name of underwear is familiar lo the lady
who wants and requires the best in quality, fit and
This stors is headquarters for this famous brand.
In stock union suits, either lace or tight knee
$1.35 and $1.50
Hiatt 1 Ttsti
MURRAY, : : :
ip'.-rs the as they i.ave need of it bore. :
. i s;ri
' Hello: Here is spring.
We surely love it.
For it's just the thing.
tV T.ln- lei 11 -.nO fin. I '1,--:.T-
t-rian church were compelled to" . ho mfrnln Jf.,..
hours. !
Put hip! Hooray: School will soon i
be out. !
Postponed Their Supper
On account of the bad weather last
j Saturday, the ladies of the Presby-
Murray Christian Church
Pihle school at 1" a. m.
7 lorn ing worship a' 3 1. abandon their supper for that nigh'.
Subject. "What is the ttalfer with Th'-y are hopeful of being able to
the World?"
A cc rdia! invitation is r-
to tho pultiir- to at' end th"-e '
Noed Any This Spring?
Paints, Gib and Varnishes
We are cerrying a full and complete line of the
best paints made the celebrated SherwinAVilliams
covering your every want in the paint line. See us.
We also handle all kindj of farm machinery the
best money can buy, and at prices sure to suit you.
Why not a new oil stove for the warm weather
which is sure to be with us soon. You wouldn't want
to work over a hot cook stove; why, then, make friend
wife do it. We have some very attractive patterns in
oil stoves at prices that arc most satisfactory.
tftf. K. PUI-S,
-A. G. Hollo well. Minister.
Earr. Taking Good Head- ay.
Tiie Li -hur Brothers are pushing
their work on the new barn forward
er fa-t as possible, and wi'Ji the ro-lp
I the rusib-r Frark Mra-ck. the edi
fic is assuming the shape of i very
respf ctr.ble and permanent struct;.! ?.
Wht-r. ccmple'ed this building will
make for the ilishter Hrorhers just
what t h y i."Ve been n-eding f 'r
t'atir .-.lock an 1 machinc.-v.
ilr.v-iO- if t l.rt ..-..l.n. ir. .,.V.T
" 1 "er.-o., TI, ,,,-rU -t!l rim n,l 4: S - mt
;,r;,:!!1'1 filirc t'!t yurt ;hedf.le " rilpvorh 'for c; mothers
w, a.-, o i'..-uin. 01 ..-.iiisj done
i i;uvm o tne laui-.s ior s-pjer.
We can have pecks and bushels of
fun. !
j Returns Fion: the Hospital.
Mrs. K. M. S"eine-. who has been
;.t the hcspin1 at On: -ha for some
two -v-eks. where he ha? been con
valescing since she underwent an
r.pern'ion for the restoration of her
health, returned lie me last Sundav
night on the midnight train. Mr. J.
H. I'rov. n had exreced to drie ove.
, to Omaha for Mis. S:einer. bur cn
account c.f the cjntirud rain r.nd
bad roads, went up on the eveiaog
train o: that d iy and ac.-t:r.ipin lied
Mrs. S'ciner to Murray, where tho is
s'aying at the heme of her "in
J n-. Berger anc. -ife Mrs Ste'.n-
r ' is get!2? alcr g is well a? could
; teasciibly he expected from the ser
i ious nature cf her ccmplain:.
Sii-th Grade
Murray School Notes
Karl Mrasek a visitor at the'
home 01 Curtis barns, Sunday.
Ralph Davis visited the Interme
diate room last Wednesday after
Mabel Howard returned to school! W" have just receive. f,fty nov
Mond after an absence of two rugs which will lie dd at specially
we.ks. 1 low prices during our reduction ale.
The Wohela .-sewing club are plan- All entirely new and fine patterns,
ring fo meet at the home of Planche I GHKIST & GHltlST. J
Scon n next Saturday. j 4th and Main Pla'muou'k .;
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Lincoln. Neb.. May r. Governor;
McKe'vie stated today that he is not j
ready to announce his candidacy for J
United States senator at the present .
time. 1
"There, is too much work to be j
'done in my office now to permit. me i
i to cet dabbling in a senatorial cam-:
BATES REASONABLE p?.ign that is two years ahead." the
SATISFACTION OE NO PAY! i Ec-vercor said. j
3EVERSE ALL CAULS j ChiIdrers dressM 65c to 5125ti
Telephone 42S Flattsmovitli Exchange at the Ladies Toggery.
Here Is Something to Think Of!
We are making very attractive prices' in all our
lines, and you will do well to consider them in this per
iod of getting back to "ncrmajcy." We are offering:
220 weight overalls at $1.75
Jacket to match at the same low price. . 1.75
Tlie Oak brand with stripes at 1.50
Jackets to match also going at 1.50
The best of workshirts selling at 90. . . .
F. 7.
i i --o-